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Important thing is to strike on the common ground after exposing to the same stimulus
Reasons they trigger these things are similar, maybe because of our background, our

1. Processess (tracing thoughts) are common to people

2. These thought products are accessible.
3. Activitaoin of mental association, certain association tend to be stronger. Not just for
one person, for many people.
Eg apple and orange, banana, pineapple. (similar associations, tend to be stronger)
Colour example, if this was Christmas season, red and green would be more salient to us.
National day, red and white might be more stronger association ( but white is not a salient
colour itself) even though it should be a salient notion.
Not only for immediate responses, it can lead to consequences beyond this classroom.

Eg: if you are interested to buy u might be more likely to buy after being exposed to it. So its
marketing ( you see and you will want to buy)

The slight changes (near exposure effect :when you are expose to it, you are more likely to
like it) when people expose to advertisement, the repeated they are exposed to it, the
evalution of the product will slightly increase, but there is a threshold, if repeat too many
times, then it doesn’t work anymore.

Fluency effect  our brain finds it easier to process things that we have processed before
alr. Because we have limited enegy and mental capacity, we prioiritse things. Anything that
is easier to process tends to be prioritse by the brain.

Only a small proportion of our behaviour actually explains our

Not all psychological processes are accessible. Able to trace and recall are accessible, butu
beyond those, you cant. You wont be able to tell me how your brain works.

Another commonality to note :

Limitations of case study: not everything is generalisiable in every context.

Intuition Puzzles (will be discussed in week 5)

Key is how do you explain your thoughts processes.

If you only give 8/10 then you charge $3, then 7/5 can charge $3 because it seemed more
worth it
If I see

In universe A, more people will choose option A because with the print addition it is
almost 50% more ex and is it actually not necessary.
In universe B, since getting print only is 125, and getting printed and online is the same
amount, so people will think they are paying for one but getting two ( more worth it)
Donation puzzle
People will give the most for identifiable victim with statistics (they are able to relate and
Able to see for themselves how bad the situation is

Second for identifiable victim

And least for statistical victim ( too general)

Exposure might not lead to attention, might be too arrogant for marketers to assume that
one leads to another.

*concentration of awareness* we direct our attention. We exclude other things from our
attention. Without attention no other cognitive processes will follow.
Not all our attention are under our control. Eg loud noise. Attention will go to attention
grabing objects eg a cat on a book. (salient attention) we pay attention to visually pleasure
things. Natural selection process. Attention is limited in the sense that you cannot see
anything in one go. We don pay attention to the entire mark.

Attention is selective  Salient to our perceptions. Eg babies pay attention to stimuli.

When you are hungy you go to supermarket, you pay attention to food.

Directed attention  we effortfully screened out things that are irrelevant.

Working memory is like short term memory. It is our bottleneck.

Inhibitory functions  inhibiting distractions

Self control dilemma 

Stroop test  mismatch/dissociation between word and meanings of word

Limited attention and some people tend to pick up content/ pheriporal

Struggle because there is a priority in interpreting msg . we ve been trained to pay attention
to the words but not the colour. Font and size. When we see word we directly interpret.
We need extra effort to override the first reaction with the second reaction.

It differs from people to people. If we are all illerate these two will be the same.

Cognitive load manipulation

There is a load to our cognitive resources, reduce our working memory.

Habit : repeated rewarded activities

Reduce multitasking : cognitive cost involved in task switching. You will waste mental
Reduce stress: under stress we underperform.

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