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Ain : (Salam). Today, our presentation is about paragliding.

By the way, my name is….

Dayana : and my name is ….. So, in this slide we will share what is actually paragliding is, the history
of paragliding, the rules, it’s equipment and lastly conclusion for this topic.

Ain : So, Firstly, of course it’s the introduction. What is paragliding ? (baca dkt screen). Next, we
move on to the history of paragliding.

• Paragliding got t’s start in the 1980’s, when

• Later in 1961
• After 1980’s
• In the year 1987
• In 1989

Dayana : Then, we have the paragliding rules. (baca dkt screen)

Ain : There are safety rules and regulations that all paragliders shoud take seriously, such as knowing
the right of way and how to launch and land properly. The rules of where you can and cannot
paraglide is essential before you set out gliding. Overall you shpuld always check your equi

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