Paper Production From Mauritian Hemp Fibers

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Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802


Paper Production from Mauritian Hemp Fibres

Noushra Shamreen Amode1 · Pratima Jeetah1 

Received: 31 October 2019 / Accepted: 13 June 2020 / Published online: 18 June 2020
© Springer Nature B.V. 2020

Purpose  The study examines the potential of Mauritian hemp (Furcraea foetida L.), a lignocellulosic non-wood biomass,
as a more environmental friendly substitute to virgin wood for printing paper production.
Methods  The best pulping method for Mauritian hemp was first investigated. A4 sized papers were then produced using 100%
Mauritian hemp fibres and mixtures of Mauritian hemp fibres with Elephant grass fibres and wastepaper. Using Standard
tests, the physical (thickness, grammage, apparent density, water absorbency) and mechanical (tensile strength, burst strength,
crease recovery, abrasion resistance) properties of the papers produced were evaluated and compared with those of an 80
gsm A4 commercial printing paper used as control. Lastly, internal sizing was done by adding different proportions of starch
to the paper whose properties were closest to the control (judged most printable) to investigate any property enhancement.
Results  Soda cooking with 12% Wt/V NaOH solution at a temperature of 90 °C for 90 min was found best for pulping Mau-
ritian hemp. The 100% Mauritian hemp paper had characteristics closest to the control, with apparent density 141.54 kg/m3,
water absorbency time 1.436 s, burst strength 0.323 kPa m ­ 2/g, tensile strength 10.97 Nm/g, abrasion resistance 37.5 cycles
before rupture and crease recovery angle 34.8°. Increasing the starch content from 10 to 40% caused the 100% Mauritian
hemp paper’s characteristics to increasingly approach those of the control, thus showing printability improvement.
Conclusion  The methodologies adopted for papermaking and testing demonstrated that Mauritian hemp is a suitable alterna-
tive to wood to produce good quality printing paper.
Graphic Abstract

Keywords  Mauritian hemp fibre · Printing paper production · Non-wood biomass · Mechanical properties · Physical
properties · Starch internal sizing

Statement of Novelty
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this Environmental concerns and increasing scarcity of wood
article (https​://​9-020-01125​-y) contains
engenders the need to shift from wood to non-wood biomass
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
for papermaking to meet the surging demand for printing
* Pratima Jeetah paper. Presently, no study has been undertaken to investigate using non-wood Mauritian hemp fibres as a substitute to
1 wood for producing printing paper. Mauritian hemp satisfies
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,
University of Mauritius, Réduit, Mauritius the vital characteristics of raw materials for papermaking


1782 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802

which are high cellulose and low lignin contents. Positive deforestation. It has been estimated that worldwide, around
outcomes of the study would imply reduced dependency on 1.3 × ­1011 ­m2 of forests are razed annually and about 40% of
rainforests for wood and hence curbing of associated envi- these are solely employed for paper manufacture [12]. The
ronmental impacts. Also, Mauritian hemp thrives particu- main impacts of deforestation comprise of ecosystem disrup-
larly well in tropical climates prevailing in most developing tion, loss in natural habitat which can lead to species extinc-
countries, thus, exploiting this non-wood biomass for paper- tion and global warming arising from the fact that around
making could bring important socio-economic benefits. 15% of greenhouse gas emission is due to the destruction of
forests [13]. Besides, NGOs are pressurizing governments to
limit the number of trees fell as a means of safeguarding the
Introduction environment and this is bound to impact on the availability
and cost of wood for the pulp and paper industry [4].
Paper is a composite material comprising of a meshwork of Despite being an alternative to felling of trees for paper
cellulosic fibres [1] that are extracted from vegetative bio- production, paper recycling causes degradation of the paper
mass by either chemical or mechanical means. Non-fibrous quality due to hornification [14], which indicates that paper
materials like fillers are also added during the paper pro- cannot be indefinitely recycled. Nonetheless, addition of
duction process to improve the end-use properties of paper. virgin pulp to wastepaper can counteract the reduced paper
Thus, the randomly arranged network of fibres and additives strength/quality during the recycling process [15].
gives rise to a porous structure [2] with characteristics that Due to the aforementioned reasons and the increasing
make it useful for various purposes in the modern world, scarcity of wood materials, there is a need to shift from
hence causing it to be one of the most abundantly utilized wood to non-wood vegetal raw materials as an alternative
materials. for pulp and paper production in order to meet the rising
In fact, the annual global paper consumption is fac- demand on paper, particularly printing paper, whose demand
ing a constant rise and has been estimated to be a colos- is estimated to surge by 180% in the years to come [6].
sal amount of around 400 million tonnes in the year 2018 Matter-of-factly, a plethora of non-wood plant biomass,
[3]. The steady rise in global paper consumption has been which comprise of all vegetative biomass except those com-
attributed to demographic growth, industrialisation and edu- ing from trees (excluding leaves), roots and bark [16], can
cational progress, especially in developing countries [4]. In be employed for the purpose of paper production as a means
response to the growing demand of paper, paper production to curb the negative effects of using wood as raw material.
also soared and a constant annual growth of 1.1% in paper In addition to taking less time to grow and mature, non-
production is projected until the year 2030 [3]. wood biomass offer the possibility of using less fertilizers
The different types of papers currently being produced and water for irrigation as compared to wood [1]. Also, the
globally include mainly printing and writing paper, wrap- lignin content in non-wood biomass is lower than that of
ping and packaging paper, tissue paper and newsprint [5], wood, which implies that less harsh conditions in terms of
amongst which printing and writing paper is the second temperature and concentrations of chemicals, can be used for
most utilized category, amounting to 26% of the total global the pulping of non-wood biomass, hence resulting in lower
consumption [3]. According to Elias and Boucher [6], an energy and resource consumption while utilizing non-wood
upsurge of 180% is projected to occur in the use of print- biomass as raw material for papermaking in contrast to using
ing and writing paper from the year 2010 to the year 2060, wood [17].
which suggests that there is a dire need to meet the increas- Mauritian hemp, with scientific name Furcraea foetida
ing demand for this type of paper. L. (also known as Agave foetida L. Agave gigantea D. Dietr.
The raw materials used for paper production are required or Furcraea gigantea Vent.), is a Central American native
to have high cellulose amounts, which is a criteria satis- non-wood biomass whose leaves have been used as a source
fied by lignocellulosic biomass that comprise of three major of fibre for centuries [18]. Traditionally, Mauritian hemp
components, namely, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin [7]. fibres, commonly known as ‘Aloes’ in Republic of Mauri-
In effect, the higher the cellulose content and the lower the tius, have been extracted using the water retting technique
lignin content in the biomass, the higher will be the paper and scotching machines and subsequently used to make
strength [8, 9] and hence the better will be its serviceability ropes and bags [19]. However, currently, the plant’s use in
[10]. Mauritius is majorly for ornamental purposes.
At present, to fulfil the requirements of the pulp and paper A study conducted by Manimaran et al. [20], has shown
market, virgin wood is the predominantly used lignocellu- that the cellulosic fibre content of Mauritian hemp is
losic raw material. In fact, according to FAO [11], the largest 68.35%, which is higher than that of wood having values
use for virgin wood is for pulp and paper production, which ranging from 40–50% [21]. In the same study, it was also
is associated with several environmental concerns, mainly demonstrated that the lignin content of Mauritian hemp is

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802 1783

12.32% [20], which is lower than that of wood (18–35% surface rougher, thus plausibly contributing to enhanced
[21]). There are few studies which have been conducted bonding, which is an important fibre property to ensure
using the Hemp which is scientifically known as Canna- strength in paper. Also, tensile properties of Mauritian hemp
bis sativa L. and belongs to the Cannabaceae family [18], fibres were found to be comparable with synthetic ones [20],
however, it is completely different from the family of Mau- which means that they have high tensile strength, which also
ritian hemp as the latter belongs to the Agavaceae family contributes to paper strength. High crystallinity Index of the
and Asparagaceae family [18]. The advantages of employing Mauritian hemp fibres (52.6%) [20], also indicates that Mau-
Mauritian hemp (Furcraea foetida) over the traditional hemp ritian hemp has more crystalline than amorphous regions,
(Cannabis sativa L.) are summarized in Table 1. hence implying that its water absorbency will be fairly low.
The most recent study on the characterisation of Mau- These findings indicate that Mauritian hemp can prove
ritian hemp has been conducted by Manimaran et al. [20] to be a promising source of raw material for pulp and paper
which revealed that the Mauritian hemp fibres comprised making as substitute for wood. Besides, Mauritian hemp is a
of shallow pores that are responsible for making the fibre drought resistant crop that does not require any special care

Table 1  Comparison between Mauritian hemp and Cannabis Sativa for pulp and paper production. (Color table online)
Characteristic Biomass Significance/deduction
Mauritian hemp Cannabis sativa

Cellulose content Minimum value reported: 63% [98] Range: 73–77% (bast fibres) [100] Mauritian Hemp has higher cellulose content
Maximum value reported: 80% [99] 48% (shives) [100] than Cannabis sativa in most reported
Value reported for plant grown in cases, thus, the yield of cellulose upon fibre
Mauritius: 79.8% [98] extraction should theoretically be higher
than that Cannabis sativa, hence it is suit-
able for paper production. Also, cellulose is
the desired component for paper production
and the higher its content, the better it is
[8]. Besides, it can be noted that the crop
from Mauritius contained one of the high-
est cellulose contents, thus demonstrating
that Mauritian hemp grown in Mauritius is
highly appropriate to be used for pulp and
Lignin content Minimum value reported: 4.8% [98] Range: 2–5% (fibres) [100] Higher lignin content of Mauritian Hemp as
Maximum value reported: 12.32% [20] Range: 17–19% (Shives) [100] compared to Cannabis sativa fibres indi-
cates that more resources in terms of energy
and chemical concentrations have to be
employed for delignification during pulping
of Mauritian Hemp as compared to Canna-
bis sativa fibres. Also, lower lignin implies
better paper quality in terms of strength and
resistance to discoloration. Therefore, it can
be inferred that this might be a disadvantage
of Mauritian hemp over Cannabis sativa
fibres for paper production. However,if
Cannabis sativa shives are considered, then,
Mauritian Hemp is found to be better for
paper production since its lignin content is
lower than Cannabis sativa shives
Crystallinity index 52.6% [20] 39% [65] Mauritian hemp has higher crystallinity index
than Cannabis sativa. High crystallinity
index implies higher fibre tensile strength
and more resistance to water absorbance
[65]. High strength of fibres is related to
high paper strength and resistance to water
absorbency is related to good ink holdout
and thus good quality image during printing.
In this view, it can be deduced that Mauri-
tian hemp will be an appropriate choice for
producing good quality paper


1784 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802

for growth and it can also thrive well in eroded soils [22]. (1) Investigation of various pulping methods (Soda, Kraft,
These aforementioned properties of Mauritian hemp gives water retting) to determine the most suitable one for
it a competitive edge over other types of non-wood biomass fibre extraction from Mauritian hemp.
like bagasse which is derived from sugarcane, a crop that (2) Extraction of fibres using the best pulping technique
demands a certain level of care for adequate growth. Moreo- determined for Mauritian hemp and generation of A4
ver, Mauritian hemp can be cultivated in various tropical and sized papers (1) with 100% Mauritian hemp fibres, (2)
warm regions around the world since it can withstand a quite by mixing different proportions of Elephant grass fibres
wide range of temperatures (16 to 34 °C) [18]. with Mauritian hemp fibres and (3) by mixing different
However, while the use of non-wood biomass presents ratios of wastepaper with Mauritian hemp fibres.
several advantages, there are some drawbacks associated (3) Elephant grass fibre has been chosen to be added to
with it, mainly in the form of high hemicellulose content, Mauritian hemp fibre for the production of a paper
which negatively impacts the ability of processing cellulose composite as it is a non-wood biomass with high cel-
[23] and causes paper strength, brightness and opacity to lulosic fibre content that has a short growth cycle and
be reduced [24]. Another prominent disadvantage of non- that can be an inexpensive and environmental friendly
wood biomass for pulp and papermaking includes the high substitute for wood for papermaking [31]. In effect,
inorganic contents of such biomass which causes pulp yield its use for pulp and paper production has already been
to be lowered upon fibre extraction [25]. High inorganics investigated wherein it was concluded that elephant
(present mainly as silicates, oxalates, carbonates, calcium, grass is highly suitable for pulp production [28, 31]
magnesium, manganese, iron, and potassium phosphate [26] and for making writing and printing paper as well [32].
also contribute to high ash content of non-wood biomass, (4) The use of wastepaper together with Mauritian hemp
which might result in lower strength and stiffness of papers fibres to yield a paper composite investigates whether
[27] due to high mineral residues in extracted fibres from Mauritian hemp fibres can be a suitable additive during
such biomass. the recycling process of wastepaper.
Nonetheless, various studies have sought to investi- (5) Evaluation of the physical and mechanical properties
gate the pulp and paper making ability of non-wood bio- of the papers produced through standard tests and com-
mass primarily because of the several advantages it offers parison of the test results with a control (commercial
as opposed to wood in terms of cost, high yielding ability A4 80 gsm printing paper) made from virgin woods so
and high adaptability to existing climatic conditions [26]. as to determine which paper produced had characteris-
Table 2 below summarizes some of such studies conducted, tics closest to the control, hence implying that it is most
their overriding aim, main findings and some criticisms of suitable for printing.
each study. (6) Addition of starch to the paper whose properties
As demonstrated in Table 2, previous studies focused approaches the commercial control the most and per-
mainly on demonstrating the fact that it is technically fea- forming standard tests to gauge whether there has been
sible to generate papers from non-wood biomass, but most any amelioration in the end-use properties of the starch-
of them failed to show to which extent the papers generated containing paper produced.
from these non-wood biomasses comply with the standard
physical and mechanical attributes of commercially pro-
duced papers. Also, [–30] chose non-wood biomasses with
comparable or lower cellulose contents than wood. Non- Materials and Methods
28wood biomass with higher cellulose contents, like Mau-
ritian hemp, might be a better alternative to wood or other Biomass Preparation
non-wood biomass with lower cellulose contents in terms
of the amount of chemicals and energy required for pulping The Mauritian hemp leaves were first cut and de-thorned
[28]. to avoid wounding of the hands, following which they
Presently, no study has yet been carried out to investigate were thoroughly washed for dirt and impurity removal.
the use of Mauritian hemp fibres as a more environmental The washed leaves were then drained and naturally dried
friendly substitute to wood for paper manufacture. Thus, the to allow evaporation of water used in washing process,
overriding aim of this study is therefore to assess whether after which they were cut into pieces of around 2  cm
it is technically feasible to generate a good quality printing long and 1 cm wide. The cut leaves were then dried in an
paper from Mauritian hemp fibres in an attempt to shift from oven at a temperature of 60 °C until they were completely
virgin wood for paper production. devoid of moisture. The moisture-free leaves were sub-
To attain the aforementioned aim, the following objec- sequently stored in a polyethylene bag to avoid moisture
tives were set: re-absorption.

Table 2  Studies conducted, their overriding aim, main findings
Study Non-wood biomass used Overriding aim Main findings Criticisms/Gaps

Chutrtong and Chutrtong [101] Coconut pulp Investigation of coconut pulp as a Testing showed that the paper could be The study used coconut pulp, which
source of cellulosic fibre to replace used as stationary phase for chroma- requires additional chemical treatment
wood as raw material for chromatog- tography however future works are with hexane for fat extraction before
raphy paper needed to improve its efficiency for pulping as opposed to other non-wood
use in sophisticated apparatus like biomass that require only pulping for
HPLC fibre extraction. This implies additional
costs and increased environmental
burden if coconut pulp is to be used for
paper-making on industrial scale
Jaffur and Jeetah [36] Pandanus Utilis (Vacoas Leaves) Assessing the use of fibres from Vacoas Low cost, printable and writing paper While the outcomes of the study seem
leaves as substitute for wood for can be produced from Vacoas leaves promising with respect to paper pro-
producing recyclable paper since the test results demonstrated duction, it did not demonstrate how far
that laboratory produced Vacoas the test results obtained are comparable
Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802

handsheets met standards for paper to industrially produced papers made

from wood. The study claims that the
papers produced from Vacoas leaves
meet the Standards for paper, but no
benchmarking was done to show how
far the standards for paper are met
Tripathi et al. [102] Bamboo (Melocanna Baccifera) Investigation of the pulp and papermak- The Bamboo species tested had very While the Cellulose content of Bamboo
ing properties of Bamboo similar cellulose and lignin contents (52.78 ± 0.8) [102] reported in the
and bleachability as hardwood. The study is higher than wood (40 to 50%
handsheets produced from Bamboo [20], it is much lower as compared to
pulp had good strength properties other non-wood biomass like Mauritian
hemp (68.35% [20]; Pandanus Utilis
(70% [103]; Coconut pulp (59% [101])
The study did not provide a conclusive
remark on whether Bamboo was suit-
able for papermaking and for which
type of paper Bamboo will be most
suitable as raw material
Sibaly and Jeetah [35] Pineapple leaves Assessing the suitability of using Papers made from 100% Pineapple The study only demonstrated the paper
pineapple leaves to reduce reliance on leaves demonstrated the best physical making ability of pineapple leaves
woody material for papermaking and mechanical properties and it without stipulating for which type of
was concluded that even though no paper pineapple leaves will be better
additives were used in the papers, the suited to be used as raw materials. No
results were satisfactory and can be a comparative analysis was made with
good substitute for wood industrially produced papers to show-
case to which extent the claim made in
the conclusion is true


Table 2  (continued)

Study Non-wood biomass used Overriding aim Main findings Criticisms/Gaps

Ramdhonee and Jeetah [29] Banana fibres Investigation of the use of Banana fibre It was shown that banana produced In this case as well, the authors did not
as an eco-friendly raw material for papers with satisfactory attributes provide a benchmark for comparison to
wrapping paper production even without the use of additives show to which extent the banana papers
normally employed in papermaking met the requirements of a typical indus-
industrially trially produced wrapping paper
Sinha [30] Khar grass Investigation of the feasibility to pro- Khar Grass demonstrated high holocel- The study showed very promising out-
duce pulp and paper from Khar grass lulose and low lignin contents, which comes for printing and writing paper
due to increased scarcity of wood are desirable properties for papermak- manufacture from Khar grass, however,
ing for this study also, no benchmarking
High tensile and burst strengths and was done, that is, the results of standard
good fold endurance of papers made tests were not compared with those
from Khar grass showed its suitability of industrially produced papers made
to be used for making writing and usually made from wood to support its
printing paper of average grades concluding claims
Also, even though the grammage used
(100 gsm) fell in the normal range for
printing papers (60 gsm to 120 gsm),
it is quite high and implies larger
quantities of pulp will be required per
tonne of paper manufacture, which can
impact on the cost
Madakadze et al. 28 Elephant grass and Switchgrass Evaluating the potential of Elephant The study demonstrated high The study conducted only characterisa-
grass and Switch grass as replacement α-cellulose content, low Klasson tion of the non-wood biomasses investi-
for conventional raw materials for lignin content, high Kraft pulp yield, gated to conclude that these biomasses
pulp and paper making short fibres and high amounts of might be suitable for printing paper
fines for both Elephant grass and production. The study mentioned
Switchgrass, which implies that these only strength properties of handsheets
biomass could be a suitable alterna- generated from these biomasses but did
tive for printing paper production not showcase other important physi-
cal and mechanical properties of the
handsheets that are relevant for printing
paper. Apart from strength tests, no
other standard tests relevant to paper
properties were carried out to actually
demonstrate the printability of papers
from these biomasses
Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802
Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802 1787

Physico‑Chemical Characterisation of the Biomass the alkali concentration was varied from 15 to 12% Wt/V
with decrements of 1% Wt/V to investigate the effect on
For the characterisation procedure, in order to obtain a rep- the yield and it was found that the 12% Wt/V concentration
resentative sample, the coning and quartering technique was gave the highest yield. This study however did not proceed
applied. This was done by arranging the biomass into a coni- to further decrease the alkali concentration to investigate
cal shape after thorough mixing, followed by flattening of the effect on the pulp yield since the yield changed very
the cone into a circular pile. Then, the pile was divided into insignificantly upon decreasing the alkali concentration. The
four equal parts and the sample to be used for the characteri- 12% Wt/V NaOH concentration, inspite of being lower than
sation process was obtained by choosing a single quarter at in some studies on pulping of non-wood biomass [35, 36],
random from the divided pile. represents a high alkali charge due to the high biomass to
liquor ratio used. This method, while giving a good quality
Moisture Content Determination pulp for paper production, might not be suitable for chemi-
cal pulping on large scale due to the high alkali concentra-
The moisture content was determined using the oven-dry tion, which will impact on the cost. This implies that further
method as per the ASTM: D 4442–92 [33] method (Method investigations are required to evaluate the optimum NaOH
B). A previously weighed amount of the Mauritian hemp concentration for obtaining higher and best quality pulp
was allowed to dry to constant mass at a constant tempera- from Mauritian Hemp at lower alkali charges using the soda
ture of 103 ± 2 °C in an oven. pulping method.
To 100  g of the moisture-free oven-dried Mauritian
Ash Content Determination Hemp, 1000 mL of a 12% weight by volume aqueous sodium
hydroxide solution was added and the pulping was done at a
Ash content of the biomass was determined according to the constant temperature of 90 °C for 90 min under atmospheric
ISO Standard 1762:2015 [34]. pressure. The traditional solid to liquid ratio is maintained
The moisture-free, prepared biomass was shredded to a between values of 1/4 to1/6, otherwise it causes the cost of
particle size of 0.5 mm and sieved to remove any over-sized alkali recovery to be high. However, it is to be noted that
particles and about 3 to 4 g of the shredded biomass was this solid to biomass ratio is usually used for conventional
placed in a crucible and allowed to incinerate in a muffle biomass since it provides a satisfactory degree of delignifi-
furnace at a temperature of 525 °C for a period of 3 h, after cation for such biomass. For this study, such a high biomass
which the crucible and the ash were allowed to cool before to liquor ratio (1/10) has been employed since it was not
being weighed. possible to achieve the required delignification and cook-
ing with lower ratios. In fact, the amount of biomass would
Cellulose, Hemicellulose and Lignin Content Determination not get impregnated properly at lower ratios. In effect, if
homogeneous impregnation does not occur at the right stage,
The cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin contents were delignification would take place only at the surface of the
determined using the Acid Detergent Fibre method, which biomass while the center would be in shortage of chemicals
comprises of 3 broad steps namely, NDF determination, for proper delignification [41]. Subsequently, more liquor
ADF determination and ADL determination as per the ISO had to be added to ensure adequate pulping. Therefore, even
13,906:2008. if on a large scale the cost of alkali recovery might be high, it
should be noted that the prime focus of the pulping process
Pulping is delignification to recover fibres, which is to be optimized
through an adequate biomass to liquor ratio for a particu-
The pulping process is done to extract fibres from the bio- lar biomass, which was found to be 1/10 for this particular
mass which are then used for the paper-making process. study. Generally, high biomass to liquor ratios achieve better
As previously mentioned, the Mauritian Hemp was pulped delignification as it renders the cooking process more homo-
using 3 techniques, namely soda pulping, Kraft puling and geneous and enhances the diffusion of ions which are then
(sea)water retting to determine which pulping technique able to work against concentration gradients [42], however
works best for this particular biomass. it entails high cost for the pulping process.
After the cooking time of 90 min, the beaker and its
Soda Pulping contents were allowed to cool at room temperature and the
pulped Mauritian Hemp was then separated from the black
The alkali concentration used in this study was based upon liquor by filtration using cheesecloth as the filtering medium.
previous studies that used between 4 to 15% Wt/V alkali The residue, which is the Mauritian Hemp fibre, was then
concentrations [35–40]. An investigation was made whereby washed abundantly with distilled water until all the alkaline


1788 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802

solution used for cooking was neutralised. A pH meter was Laboratory Paper‑Making Process
used to ensure that the pH of the water being drained from
the washing process is neutral and once the reading of the The paper-making process was carried out as per the TAPPI
pH meter stabilised at 7, the washing process was stopped. T 205 sp-02 [45] standard using a conventional sheet maker
The pulp obtained was then manually screened by removing without water re-circulation, whereby laboratory handsheets
uncooked fibres and the screened pulp was mechanically of 80 gsm were formed for subsequent testing.
beated in a blender using enough water to sustain the pro- To produce the papers, an adequate mass of the oven-
cess. Finally, the beated Mauritian Hemp fibres were allowed dried, moisture-free pulp was weighed and soaked for around
to dry to constant mass at a constant temperature of 60 °C 15 min in water. The softened pulp was then mechanically
in an oven. beated in a grinder to induce fibrillation so as to enhance
bonding during paper-making. The conventional laboratory
Kraft Pulping paper-making apparatus, which was fitted with a mould of
specific mesh size (125 μm [46]), was half-filled with water
The conditions used for Kraft pulping were the same as and the previously prepared stock (mechanically beated
those proposed by Arsène et al. [43] for the Sisal plant, pulp) was poured into the apparatus. Then, water was filled
which belongs to the Asparagaceae family like the Mauri- again until a height of 35 cm above the mould was reached
tian Hemp. 1000 mL of a solution comprising of 25% weight [45]. Using a stirrer with perforations, the pulp and water
by volume of sodium sulphite and 9% weight by volume were mixed in an up-and-down motion for a period of around
of sodium hydroxide was added to 100 g of moisture-free, 6 s to ensure uniform pulp distribution, after which the pulp
oven-dried Mauritian hemp leaves and the pulping was car- was allowed to settle on the forming wire (mould) [45]. Once
ried out at 170 °C for 2 h after which the remaining steps for the settling was complete, the water was drained using a
cooling, filtration, washing, manual screening, mechanical valve. The mould containing the formed sheet was then
beating and drying were the same as those of the soda pulp- removed from the apparatus and placed on a felt material to
ing process. promote dewatering. Additional water removal was carried
out using sponges until the sheet could be unmoulded, fol-
lowing which the sheet was allowed to dry under ambient
Retting conditions [29] for around 48 h.

Two retting processes, namely, the freshwater and seawa- Standard Tests used to Evaluate Printability
ter retting, were investigated. For the retting process, the of Papers Produced
biomass is simply soaked in water at room temperature and
pressure (ambient conditions) until the fibres are separated The pulps used for handsheet generation are highly hydro-
from other constituents of the biomass due to natural deg- philic. This implies that the moisture content does not
radation. In this study, the volume of water was added in remain constant in the handsheets. Therefore, the sheets
the same proportion as in the study conducted on seawater were conditioned as per ISO 187 [47] at 23 ± 3 °C and 50 ±
retting of hemp by Zhang et al. [44], which was equivalent 2% relative humidity prior to testing [29].
to a ratio of biomass to water of 1:25. The Standard physical tests carried out comprised of
After around 12 weeks, the retting process reached com- Grammage (T 410 om-08 (2013) [48]), Thickness (T 551
pletion and the Mauritian hemp fibres could be recuperated. om-98 (1998) [49]), Apparent density (T 220 sp-01(2001)
The fibres were then separated from the water through filtra- [50]) and Water absorbency (ASTM D824-94 (2002) [51]).
tion using a cheesecloth, following which they were washed The Standard mechanical tests carried out consisted of
with distilled water and filtered again to drain any wash- Crease Recovery Test (AATCC test method 66–2008 (2008)
ing water. The fibres were then oven-dried to constant mass [52]), Burst Strength Test (T 403 om-97 (1997) [53]), Ten-
similar to the soda pulping process. sile Strength Test (T 494 om-01 (2006) [54]) and Abrasion
Resistance Test (T476 om-16 (2016) [55]).
Pulping of Fibres to Generate Paper Composites
Investigation of Change in Properties Through
Once the best pulping method for Mauritian hemp was deter- Addition of Starch
mined, it was used to pulp different ratios of elephant grass
and Mauritian hemp as well as waste paper and Mauritian After carrying out the Standard tests mentioned in
Hemp. The ratios used were 80:20, 60:40, 40:60 and 20:80 Sect.  Standard Tests used to Evaluate Printability of
for Mauritian hemp to Waste paper and Mauritian Hemp to Papers Produced, starch was added to the handsheet whose
Elephant grass as well. characteristics approached that of the control the most so

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802 1789

as to test whether it further enhances its properties and Moisture Content

improves its printability.
Varying proportions of Tapioca starch as percentage of The experimental investigation demonstrated that Mauri-
dry mass of pulp used was added to the handsheet so as tian hemp had 88.69% moisture, which is very high when
to establish which proportion gave the highest degree of compared with wood, usually having a moisture content of
characteristic improvement. around 34% [57]. It can hence be noted that the moisture
The methodology used for starch preparation was content in Mauritian hemp is very high when compared with
adapted from Ali et al. [56]. Thus, for preparing the starch wood fibres. This implies that the yield of biomass that will
additive whereby the dry mass of the starch made up 40% be obtained on a dry basis for pulping and further process-
of the mass of pulp used on dry basis for 1 handsheet ing will be lower for Mauritian hemp as compared to wood.
(~ 5.00 g), 2.00 g of tapioca starch was added to 100 mL For instance, for 100 kg of Mauritian hemp, only around
of distilled water. Similarly, for other starch additives with 11.31 kg of dry biomass will be obtained for pulping, while
different percentages of starch as a fraction of the dry mass for 100 kg of wood, 66 kg of dry biomass will be available
of pulp, different masses of starch were measured while for pulping. This might be a drawback in terms of dry bio-
ensuring that the concentration of the starch produced did mass productivity, since when considered on a large scale, a
not exceed 2% Wt/V, as shown in Table 3. larger amount of Mauritian hemp will have to be harvested
The starch suspension was continuously stirred for as compared to wood for the production of the same amount
15  min before heating it at a constant temperature of of dry biomass for the pulping process and subsequently
90 °C for 30 min. During the heating also, continuous for paper production. This result implies that the yield of
stirring was pursued and constant temperature monitoring biomass that will be obtained on a dry basis for pulping
was carried out. Before the cooked starch cooled, it was and further processing will be lower for Mauritian hemp as
quickly added to the pre-weighed pulp and the mixture was compared to wood.
blended in an electric blender. The blended mixture was
then immediately transferred to the paper-making appara- Ash Content
tus for generating the handsheets as per the methodology
laid out in Sect. Laboratory Paper-Making Process. The ash content of Mauritian hemp has been found to be
9.08% which is much higher than that of wood, having a
typical ash content of around 2.31% [58]. The ash content
generally indicates the amount of mineral residues that stay
Results and Discussions in the fibres used for papermaking. Thus, the ash content of
the fibres used to produce the pulp and paper will directly
Physico‑Chemical Characteristics of Mauritian Hemp impact on the ash content of the final paper produced [59].
In general, papers with low ash content are considered to be
The physico-chemical characteristics of the Mauritian of better quality than those of high ash content [25] since
hemp was analysed in an attempt to determine the extent of papers with high ash content usually have lower strength
its suitability for pulp and paper production. In effect, the and stiffness as compared to those having lower ash contents
physico-chemical properties, especially the cellulose and [27]. It can thus be inferred that the high ash content of the
lignin contents, are good indicators for gauging whether a Mauritian hemp fibres might have a negative impact on the
biomass is worth being exploited for papermaking. quality of paper produced from them.

Cellulose, Hemicellulose and Lignin Contents

Mauritian hemp leaves were found to have cellulose, hemi-

Table 3  Percentage by dry mass of starch added to Mauritian hemp
pulp cellulose and lignin contents of 68.60%, 11.37% and 14.67%
respectively. With respect to elephant grass, the cellulose,
Proportion of starch Mass of Volume of Concentration of hemicellulose and lignin contents were 42.95, 34.15%, and
as percentage of starch water used/ starch produced (%
dry mass of pulp used/g mL Wt/V) 20.49% respectively [60]. The cellulose content of Mauri-
used (%) tian hemp is much higher than that of wood (40 to 50%
[21]), which indicates that it is highly suitable for paper
40 2.00 100 2
production as the higher the cellulose content, the higher
30 1.50 75 2
will be the mechanical strength of the paper produced [8].
20 1.00 50 2
The low lignin content of Mauritian hemp (lower than wood
10 0.50 25 2
whose lignin content lies in the range of 18 to 35% [21])


1790 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802

also shows that it is a worthy biomass to exploit for paper for Kraft pulping as compared to the other pulping methods
production, which requires low lignin content since lignin investigated might have contributed to fibre degradation,
is the chemical that causes paper to lose strength, undergo hence higher loss of fibres were incurred using this pulping
rapid photo-discoloration and become brittle with time [9]. technique. In effect, Berggren et al. [61] reported that par-
High lignin content is also often synonymous to requiring tial degradation of hemicellulose occurring during the Kraft
extensive use of chemicals and energy for the pulping pro- process is the main cause of the lower yield noted. The low
cess. The hemicellulose content of Mauritian hemp is also pulp yield can be explained mainly in terms of high rate of
low, which is a desired property for papermaking since high delignification and dissolution of hemicellulose in the pulp-
hemicellulose contents cause reduced strength, opacity and ing liquor [20]. It should be noted that while high pulp yield
brightness in paper [24], which all engender deterioration in might be very desirable as far as the cost is concerned, very
printing paper quality. often high pulp yield is obtained at the cost of pulp quality,
whereby the residual lignin in the pulp might be too high
Pulp Yields Obtained for the Different Pulping for the production of good quality paper. In this case, large
Methods used for Fibre Extraction from Mauritian amounts of lignin and hemicellulose were removed, which
Hemp implies that the pulp obtained is of good quality for paper
manufacture as lignin and hemicellulose are detrimental to
Table 4 shows the results obtained for the pulp yields of paper quality. If large amounts of lignin are removed prior
Mauritian hemp for each of the pulping techniques adopted. to bleaching, it might imply that less extent of bleaching is
It should be noted that the pulp yields were determined on a required, which might thus save on bleaching costs.
dry basis, after screening to remove rejects. The yield obtained in this study using soda pulping and
From Table 5, it can be observed that the Kraft pulping after washing and screening is 20%, which is low as com-
gave the lowest yield thus, this method was deduced to be pared to wood biomass but comparable to the yields of non-
unsuitable for fibre extraction from Mauritian hemp. The wood biomass obtained in previous studies. For instance,
higher concentrations of chemicals and temperature used Khan et al. [62], obtained yields ranging from 19 to 41%
for soda pulping of Banana Pseudo stem, depending on the
cooking conditions; Wutisatwongkul et al. [37] obtained an
Table 4  Pulp yield variation with pulping method for Mauritian hemp optimum pulp yield of 21.29% using soda pulping of pine-
Pulping technique Pulp yield, (%) apple leaves and Alagbe et al. [63]obtained a pulp yield of
25.7% for the chemical pulping of rice husk. Nonetheless,
Kraft pulping 17.80
since usually cooking conditions, and in particular alkali
Soda pulping 20.00
charge, affect the pulp yield [62] further investigations are
Freshwater retting 21.80
required to determine the optimum soda pulping conditions
Seawater retting 20.40
for Mauritian Hemp as this study only investigated the best

Table 5  Paper properties of papers produced from 100% Mauritian hemp fibres extracted using different pulping methods and comparison with
paper properties of a control
Properties (mean Paper types
100% Mauritian 100% Mauritian 100% Mauritian Hemp 100% Mauritian Control (Commercial
Hemp fibres extracted Hemp fibres extracted fibres extracted using Hemp fibres extracted 80 gsm A4 printing
using soda pulping using Kraft pulping freshwater retting (100 using seawater retting paper)
(100 HS) (100 HK) HFW) (100 HSW)

Apparent density (kg/ 141.54 108.87 69.27 104.71 800

m 3)
Water absorbency 1.436 1.253 2.377 3.039 1441.2
time (s)
Crease recovery (o) 34.8 68.2 70 45 23
Burst strength (kPa 0.277 0.155 0.0771 0.0578 0.409
Tensile strength 10.97 1.58 0.292 No value obtained 59.28
Abrasion resistance 37.5 17.5 10 5 122.5
(no. of cycles before

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802 1791

pulping method for Mauritian hemp amongst soda, kraft and due to lower loss in crystallinity during the retting process
(sea) water retting and the conditions used for concentra- since no harsh chemicals or conditions of temperature were
tion of chemicals, pulping temperature and pulping time used, thus making the fibres more hydrophobic than those
used, were based on previous studies [35, 36, 43, 44]. There extracted using soda pulping and Kraft pulping, whereby
was also a large amount of cellulose degradation that has the chemical degradation of cellulose might have led to loss
occurred which might have been due to the soda pulping in crystal structure, thus causing high fibre permeability to
conditions not being optimum for this particular biomass. water, leading to lower water absorbency times. It should
Even though the water retting processes gave the highest be noted that the retting process was found unsuitable for
yields, it was observed that the fibres generated by both the printing paper made from Mauritian hemp despite the low
freshwater and seawater retting techniques were more rigid absorbency rates, which are closer to the Control than that of
and lacked flexibility and when used for handsheet forma- the 100 HS paper, since the texture of the handsheet formed
tion, the pulp does not settle well in the apparatus and the was highly non-uniform and fibrous. However, the 100 HS
sheets formed had rough and uneven surfaces whose textures paper has a higher water absorbency time as compared to
did not match those of a printing paper at all. Therefore, this the 100 HK paper. This can once again be attributed to bet-
method was deemed unfit for pulping of Mauritian hemp for ter preservation of the crystal structure of cellulose during
making printing paper, even if the yield obtained was higher. soda pulping as compared to Kraft pulping since less harsh
Hence, the soda pulping technique has been found to be most conditions are used for the former, thus leading to increased
suitable for fibre extraction from Mauritian hemp and this hydrophobicity of the 100 HS paper. Therefore, it can be
method has been adopted to pulp the mixtures of Elephant inferred that the 100 HS paper will be better suited for print-
grass-Mauritian hemp and Mauritian hemp-wastepaper as ing purposes as far as the water absorbency test results are
well. concerned. It should also be noted that the Control has a
very high water absorbency time as it contains additives and
Mechanical and Physical Tests of Papers Made From coatings that make it water resistant, unlike the papers gener-
100% Mauritian Hemp Fibres Using the Various ated in the study.
Pulping Processes The 100 HFW had the highest crease resistance since
its crease angle recovery was the highest with a value of
Table 5 below shows the results obtained for the Standard 70° while the 100 HS had the lowest crease crease recovery
mechanical and Physical tests conducted on papers made angle. The 100 HK and the 100 HSW papers also have very
from 100% Mauritian hemp fibres using the soda pulping, high crease resistances as compared to the 100 HS paper.
Kraft pulping and fresh and seawater retting processes. The deviation of the crease recovery angle of the 100 HS
It can be noted that the 100 HS paper has the high- paper from the Control is in fact only 33.9%, which is much
est apparent density amongst the papers generated which lower than the crease recovery angle deviations of the 100
implies that the fibre bonding was better when only Mau- HSW, 100 HK and 100 HFW papers from the Control. These
ritian hemp fibres pulped using soda cooking were used to results suggest that the 100 HK, the 100 HFW and the 100
make the papers as compared the other pulping methods. For HSW papers will not be suitable to be used as printing paper
the 100 HFW and 100 HSW, the low apparent density can as their crease recovery angles departed highly from that of
be explained in terms of poor bonding ability of the stiffer the Control.
fibres, which means that they have low conformance, hence It can also be deduced that the 100 HS paper has the
leading to poor formation [64] and low apparent density highest Burst Index, and hence has better strength and bond-
[65]. Low density implies low bonding area [65], thus it can ing ability as compared to the other 100% Mauritian hemp
be hypothesized that the fibres of the 100 HK paper did not papers. A plausible explanation is the less harsh chemical
bond adequately. This might be attributed to poor mechani- pulping used for soda cooking as compared to Kraft pulping
cal beating of the Kraft pulp which led to poor fibrillation, since the extreme conditions of temperature and high chemi-
hence the stiffness of the Kraft fibres remained too high for cal concentrations used during Kraft pulping might entail
adequate bonding. Therefore, it can be deduced that the 100 high rate of carbohydrate dissolution, disruption in cellulose
HS paper will be better suited for printing as compared to crystal structure as well as depolymerisation of cellulose,
all the papers generated from the other pulping methods which might all lead to lesser extent of fibre bonding, and
which is indicative of good tensile properties and can thus hence low paper strength [67]. For the fresh and seawater
be inferred to be the most resistant to breaking of page webs retting processes, the fibres generated were long and rigid
as earlier mentioned [66]. and even after size reduction, the pulp would not settle well
The 100 HSW paper had the highest water absorbency in the papermaking apparatus hence leading to the forma-
time, which implies low water absorbency rate as compared tion of a paper with highly rough surface that in fact shows
to the 100 HS and 100 HK papers. This might have been the inability of the fibres to bond properly [67], which is


1792 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802

directly related to the low strengths of 100 HFW and 100 the target grammage of 80 gsm is mainly because the appa-
HSW. These results once again confirm that the best pulping ratus used was not a precise one, rather it was a manual
technique for Mauritian hemp fibres for the purpose of paper apparatus which comprised of several leaks that engendered
production is soda cooking. non-uniform losses each time pulp was fed to it to produce
The 100 HS paper has the best Tensile Index, indicating the handsheets. In effect, even though excess pulp was fed
that it has the highest tensile strength and hence the ability to in the apparatus to account for losses, since the losses were
withstand a higher tensile force as compared to 100 HK and non-uniform, the exact amount of pulp that should be fed in
100 HFW before rupture. The Tensile Index of the 100 HS excess to counteract the losses to attain the exact grammage
paper is also the closest to that of the Control. Soda pulping of 80 gsm could not be precisely determined. Nonetheless,
generates a pulp with lesser extent of chemical degradation, all of the handsheets formed were within the range of accept-
thus higher cellulose content, than Kraft pulping (for the able grammage for printable paper as per the Tappi Stand-
Mauritian hemp fibres). It can also be said that high degree ard, which is from 60 to 120 gsm [35]. It can therefore be
of depolymerisation of cellulose [68] occurred during Kraft deduced that the handsheets formed were suitable to be used
pulping as compared to soda cooking process, thus leading for printing purposes and for subsequent testing.
to lower tensile strength since cellulose content is directly
proportional to tensile strength [17]. These observations also
lead to the inference that the delignification efficiency was
better in the soda cooking process as compared to the Kraft
Thickness test is done to gauge the suitability of the papers
method for Mauritian hemp since the tensile strength usu-
produced for printing purposes as papers of inadequate
ally decreases with an increase in the lignin content [35].
thickness can lead to jamming in printers [69]. Ideally, the
As far as the 100 HFW paper is concerned, even though
thickness of the papers produced should approach that of the
no harsh chemical conditions were used for pulping, it was
control for good printability.
observed that its Tensile Index is the lowest amongst the
In this case, the papers generated had a mean thickness
three. The plausible explanation for this occurrence might
of 0.64 ± 0.09 mm, which deviated largely from the con-
be due to insufficient mechanical beating due to the rigid-
trol having a thickness of 0.10 mm. This can once again be
ity of the fibres generated from the retting technique, thus
explained by the fact that the apparatus was not adapted to
leading to lower extent of fibrillation and hence lower fibre
generate handsheets of 80 gsm having a thickness as low as
bonding, which in turn contributed to lower tensile strength.
0.10 mm like the automated machines present in industries
It should also be noted that the tensile strength test could not
since this apparatus was manually operated and had many
be conducted for the 100 HSW paper since the structure was
limitations which included non-uniform settling of pulp,
so fragile that it ruptured upon clamping in the apparatus,
hence leading to non-uniform thicknesses. Moreover, the
before any elongation force could be applied. This leads to
process of calendaring which contributes to thickness reduc-
the deduction that water retting (both fresh and seawater)
tion of papers produced industrially, has not been carried out
is not suitable for fibre extraction from Mauritian hemp for
for the handsheets produced in the laboratory, thus explain-
paper making purposes.
ing the large deviation from the control.
It was also found that the 100 HS paper required the high-
est number of cycles to induce rupture as compared to the
other papers. This observation shows that the 100 HS paper Apparent Density
will be better suited for printing. Thus, it can be inferred
that the 100 HS paper also approaches the Control the most Apparent density also impacts paper printability to a large
in terms of number of cycles required for rupture (highest extent whereby high apparent densities indicate good ten-
amongst the 4), whereby the 100 HS paper demonstrated sile properties which implies higher ability to withstand
better abrasion resistance. web breaks during printing [67]. Good printability is also
achieved with papers of high apparent density due to low
Physical Properties of Papers Generated moisture permeability [70], which means high ink holdout
before Starch Addition and hence good image quality [71].
Figure 1 shows that the apparent densities of Mauritian
Grammage hemp-Elephant grass papers were higher than those of Mau-
ritian hemp-wastepaper handsheets. It can hence be inferred
Grammage test was done to evaluate whether the handsheets that there was better fibre-bonding [67] in Mauritian hemp-
generated had grammages within the acceptable range for Elephant grass papers than Mauritian hemp-Wastepaper
printing paper. The mean grammage of the handsheets gen- handsheets. It was however noted that the paper made
erated were found to be 78.7 ± 4.1 gsm. The deviation from from 100% Mauritian hemp fibres had the highest apparent

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802 1793

Apparent density (kg/m3) 160 1.6


Absorbency Time (s)

60 0.8
40 0.6
20 0.4
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Percentage by mass of Mauritian hemp fibres in paper
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Apparent density (kg/m3) of Mauritian Hemp and Elephant
Grass Composite
Percentage by Mass of Mauritian Hemp fibre
Absorbency Time for Mauritian Hemp-Elephant Grass
Apparent density (kg/m3) of Mauritian Hemp and Wastepaper
Composite (s)
Absorbency Time for Mauritian Hemp-Wastepaper
Apparent density of 100% Mauritian hemp paper Composite (s)

Fig. 1  Bar chart showing variation in apparent density with percent- Fig. 2  Variation of absorbency time with percentage by mass of Mau-
age by mass of Mauritian hemp fibres in the paper mixtures produced ritian hemp fibre in paper composites

density, which implies that fibre bonding was better when increased from 20 to 100%, the water absorbency time
only Mauritian hemp fibres were used for papermaking. increased, hence showing that the water absorbency of the
The control used had an apparent density of 800  kg/ papers decreased. The papers made from 100% Mauritian
m3 and the paper made from 100% Mauritian hemp fibres hemp fibres thus had the lowest water absorbency (absor-
approached this value the most, hence demonstrating that it bency time of 1.436 s), which makes it the one closest to the
is more suitable for printing as compared to all other paper control (absorbency time of 1442 s) and hence most suitable
mixtures generated in the study. However, the much larger for printing purposes as compared to the paper mixtures.
differences between the densities of the handsheets gener- A plausible explanation for these observations is that dur-
ated and the control is because the thickness of the control ing the soda cooking process, there was higher extent of
is much lower than those of the handsheets formed in the lignin and hemicellulose removal for the 100% Mauritian
laboratory, so even though their grammages were compara- hemp fibres as compared to all the other Mauritian hemp-
ble to the control, their much larger thicknesses as compared Elephant grass composites since hemicellulose has the
to that of the control led to a much smaller apparent density highest water absorbency capacity as compared to cellulose
since apparent density is inversely proportional to thickness. and lignin [72] and also, removal of lignin reduces a fibre’s
This effect can also be attributed to the calendaring process affinity for water, hence reducing its water absorbency rate
done on industrial scale where the papers are compressed [73, 74]. The Mauritian hemp-Elephant grass papers were
for a smoother finish, which then leads to lower thicknesses. effectively more yellowish in appearance as compared to
In the lab, the handsheets have not been compressed to high the 100% Mauritian hemp paper, which demonstrates higher
pressures, thus explaining their higher thicknesses and lower lignin content, thus explaining the higher water absorbency
apparent densities for grammages comparable to the control. rate observed experimentally.
For the Mauritian hemp-Wastepaper composites, the
Water Absorbency higher absorbency rates with increasing wastepaper com-
position can be explained in terms of the porosity of the
The water absorbency test is governed by principles of paper generated, whereby the higher the porosity of a paper,
gravimetry [35]. The test determines the time taken for the the higher is its water absorbency rate [75]. Therefore, it can
handsheets to absorb 10 μL of water in view of evaluating be said that the porosity of the Mauritian hemp-Wastepaper
their performance characteristics for printing. High water composites increases when the percentage of wastepaper in
absorbency is not desired for printing since it would imply them increases due to lower fibre content, which implies
poor quality image due to low ink holdout even though the lower density and hence higher porosity [72]. Also, it can
ink drying time might be faster with higher absorbency rates be inferred that there was poorer bonding in the papers with
[71]. increasing wastepaper proportions, thus leading to increased
Figure 2 demonstrates that for both paper composites void formation, which means higher porosity and hence
produced, as the percentage of Mauritian hemp fibres is higher water absorbency rates [74].


1794 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802

It can also be said that there was higher loss of crystal 80

structure for the composites as compared to when 100% 70

Crease Recovery
Angle (degrees)
Mauritian hemp fibres were used for papermaking, thus
leading to lower water absorbency of the 100% Mauritian 40
hemp paper. In fact, higher degree of crystallinity implies 30
lower water absorbency rates since fibres become more rigid 20
and more impermeable to water [76]. 10
The difference between the absorbency time of the 100%
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Mauritian hemp paper and the control produced industri-
Percentage by mass of Mauritian Hemp in Paper
ally is nonetheless extremely large since usually, when pro-
ducing papers on an industrial scale, sizing is done (both Crease recovery angle for Mauritian Hemp and Elephant Grass
internal and external), which is the addition of chemicals Crease Recovery Angle for Mauritian Hemp and Wastepaper
and application of coatings which aim at reducing the water composite
permeability of the paper. However, in the case of the papers
generated in the laboratory, no sizing has been done. Fig. 3  Graph showing variation in crease recovery angle with per-
centage of Mauritian Hemp fibres in each paper composite
Mechanical Properties of Papers Generated Before
Starch Addition
low capability to return to its original state after having been
Crease Recovery deformed under a compressive load.

In the case of printing papers, a crease recovery angle of Burst Strength

23° as that determined for the control can be considered
fair since usually, if the paper needs to be folded after being The burst strength test is done to give an indication on the
printed, deliberate creasing might need to be done to reduce ability of the samples to resist rupture. The higher the burst
the fold resistance of the paper so as to prevent fold cracking strength, the better it is since it shows that the samples
which might cause the printed material to seem unaesthetic. will have good serviceability as printing paper. The Burst
The graph in Fig. 3 shows that for both the Mauritian Strength test is done as per the T 403 om-97 [53] TAPPI
hemp-Elephant grass and Mauritian hemp-Wastepaper com- Standard using an Eureka Bursting Tester.
posites, the crease recovery angle increases when the per- Figure 4 demonstrates that for both the Mauritian hemp-
centage of Mauritian hemp increases from 20 to 60%. At Elephant grass and Mauritian hemp-Wastepaper composites,
60% Mauritian hemp fibre composition, both paper mixtures the Burst Index increases with an increase in the percent-
experience the maximum crease recovery angle. The crease age by mass of Mauritian hemp fibres in the papers gener-
recovery angle then decreases till it reaches a minimum at ated. It can thus be inferred that the higher the percentage
the 100% Mauritian hemp composition, with the paper made of Mauritian hemp, the stronger will the paper generated
from 100% Mauritian hemp fibre having the lowest crease be since more hydraulic pressure will have to be applied to
recovery angle (34.8°), hence making its crease recovery cause rupture of the paper. Furthermore, the burst strength
ability being closest to the control, which implies that it test is an amalgamation of the influence of both the tensile
is most suitable for printing, especially if the paper needs strength and elongation [78] and this indicates that papers
to be folded after the printing process as low resistance to with higher compositions of Mauritian hemp fibres will tend
creasing implies better ability to be folded, and hence lesser to demonstrate higher tensile strength and low deformation
probability of the occurrence of fold cracking [77] which can (elongation). The fact that increasing Mauritian hemp pro-
render the printed paper unaesthetic. portion in the paper composites increases the Burst Index
The behaviour of the handsheets generated for crease suggests that the Mauritian hemp fibres have higher bonding
resistance can be explained in terms of elasticity of fibres. ability and good fibrillation during the pulping and mechani-
In effect, the higher the modulus of elasticity of a material, cal beating processes had occurred for the Mauritian hemp
the stiffer it is, and the lower will be its ability to return back fibres, which consequently engendered increased surface
to its original state after a deforming force has been applied area for bonding and hence resulted in better bonding char-
to it. The same analogy can be applied to the network of acteristics, thus leading to improved paper strength [65].
fibres in paper, whereby, the stiffer the paper, the lower will A second observation that can be made from Fig. 4 is that
its crease recovery be. Hence, it can be inferred that the when the percentage by mass of Mauritian hemp is increased
100% Mauritian hemp paper had high stiffness since it had from 20 to 60%, the handsheets comprising of a mix of
the lowest crease recovery angle, which shows that it has Mauritian hemp and wastepaper had higher Burst Index as

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802 1795

Burst Index (kPa m2/g) 0.4 14

0.35 12

Tensile Index (Nm/g)

0.3 10

0.25 8
0.05 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
0 Percentage by mass of Mauritian Hemp in paper
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Percentage by mass of Mauritian hemp fibre
Tensile Index for Mauritian hemp-Elephant grass composite
Burst Index for Mauritian hemp-Elephant grass (Nm/g)
composite Tensile Index for Mauritian hemp-Wastepaper composite (Nm/g)
Burst Index for Mauritian hemp-Wastepaper composite

Fig. 5  Variation of tensile index with mauritian hemp fibre composi-

Fig. 4  Variation of burst index with percentage by mass of mauritian tion in the papers generated
hemp fibres in paper composites produced

compared to those made from Mauritian hemp and Elephant Universal Testometric Testing Machine as per the T 494
grass, however, at a compositions of 80% Mauritian hemp, om-01 [54] TAPPI Standard.
the Mauritian hemp-Elephant grass paper displayed better From Fig. 5, an increase in Tensile Index is noted with an
burst strength. A plausible explanation for this observation increase in percentage by mass of Mauritian hemp fibres for
is that the extent of mechanical beating was higher for the all the Mauritian hemp-Elephant grass and Mauritian hemp-
Mauritian hemp-wastepaper composites up to a percentage Wastepaper composites. For the Mauritian hemp-Elephant
of 60% Mauritian hemp fibres while for the 80% composi- grass composites, this can be explained in terms of the cel-
tion of Mauritian hemp fibres, the Mauritian hemp-Elephant lulose content, whereby generally, the higher the cellulose
grass mix experienced better mechanical beating. Higher content of a biomass, the higher the tensile strength of the
extent of mechanical beating is often correlated with better paper generated from it [17]. Since the cellulose content of
fibrillation and hence higher bonding ability of the fibres the Mauritian hemp fibre is higher than that of the Elephant
which is synonymous to higher paper strength, subsequently grass fibre, the trend shown by the graph in Fig. 5 when
leading to enhanced Burst Index. the compositions of Mauritian Hemp increased from 20 to
The paper with the highest Burst Index, having a value 100% in the mix is justified. As far as the Mauritian hemp-
of 0.323 kPa m ­ 2/g, is noted to be the one made from 100% Wastepaper composite is concerned, it can be deduced that
Mauritian hemp fibres which can also be explained by the there was better bonding when the percentage of Mauritian
fact that the fibres constituting the 100% Mauritian hemp hemp increased in the composite, hence leading to higher
paper had better bonding ability as compared to when mix- Tensile Index. This is because when wastepaper is repulped
tures of Mauritian hemp fibres and Elephant grass/wastepa- during the soda cooking process, there is some extent of
per was used. degradation which causes the tensile strength to be lowered.
The burst strengths of all the handsheets generated In effect, Minor and Attala [79] have reported that there is
were lower than that of the control having a Burst Index of a major loss in the ability for fibre bonding for papers being
0.449 kPa ­m2/g. However, the 100% Mauritian hemp paper’s recycled since during the initial papermaking process on an
Burst Index deviated the least from the control as compared industrial scale, the drying phase induces the caving-in of
to all the other composites, hence making it the most suitable polysacharrides present in the paper onto one another, hence
for printing since the higher the paper strength, the better its making the fibres stiffer which then causes them to withstand
quality and serviceability. fibrillation when they are repulped, hence leading to lower
tensile strengths.
On comparing the trends in Fig. 5, it can be inferred
Tensile Strength that better bonding was present between Elephant grass
and Mauritian hemp fibres than Wastepaper and Mauritian
Tensile strength is useful for determining the ability of hemp fibres since higher Tensile Indexes were obtained for
papers to endure the different pressures during the printing the Mauritian hemp-Elephant grass mix. Nonetheless, the
process and their capacity to withstand rupturing of paper paper with the highest Tensile Index was found to be the
webs [67]. The tensile strength test is carried out using the one made from 100% Mauritian hemp fibres, with a value


1796 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802

of 10.97 Nm/g. This implies that the 100% Mauritian hemp 45

paper is capable of enduring a larger tensile deformation 40

Number of Turns Required

prior to failure as compared to all the other paper composites 35
generated. A plausible explanation for this observation is 30

for Rupture
that the 100% Mauritian hemp paper had the highest cel- 25
lulose content, thus leading to high tensile strength of the
handsheet. Other possible reasons for this observation might
include lower microfibrillar angle [80], good mechanical
beating leading to high extent of fibrillation and thus high 0
fibre bonding, low degree of fibre deformation in terms of 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
curls and kinks [65], low cellulose degradation during pulp- Percentage by Mass of Mauritian Hemp Fibres
ing and high fibre length [81].
All the handsheets generated had lower Tensile Indexes Mean Number of Turns Required for Rupture for the Mauritian
as compared to the control having a Tensile Index of 59.28 Hemp-Elephant Grass Composite
Nm/g. The Tensile Index of the 100% Mauritian hemp paper Mean Number of Turns Required for Rupture for the Mauritian
Hemp-Wastepaper Composite
approached that of the control the most, hence making it
the most suitable for printing purposes as compared to the
Fig. 6  Variation of mean number of cycles/turns required to rupture
paper mixtures produced. However, the percentage deviation test specimen with percentage by mass of Mauritian hemp fibres in
of the 100% Mauritian hemp paper from the control is still specimen tested
very high, which can be explained by the fact that sizing
agents are used during industrial manufacturing of paper
which aims at increasing paper strength [82], which was not The 100% Mauritian hemp paper, however, is the most
the case for the papers made in the laboratory. abrasion resistant since it required the highest number of
turns before rupture as compared to the other paper com-
Abrasion Resistance posites. This implies that 100% Mauritian hemp paper is
better suited for printing purposes since it has better fibre
The abrasion resistance test assesses the quality and lifes- bonding, longer lifespan and lower probability of printed
pan of printing paper by indicating the extent to which information being erased due to abrasion as compared to
the paper material can withstand wear [35]. In this test, a the other papers produced [35]. Its mean number of turns
standard sample size of the papers produced is subjected required for failure is also the closest to that of the con-
to continuous rubbing using an abradant (grade zero emery trol (which requires a mean of 122.5 turns before rupture).
paper) until the fibres constituting the material are physically Nonetheless, the deviation is very large between the 100%
destroyed [83] and the paper gets ruptured. Mauritian hemp paper and the control as many additives are
With respect to the Mauritian hemp-Elephant grass com- incorporated into papers produced industrially like the con-
posites, it is observed from Fig. 6 that the most abrasion- trol, which contributes to increased hardness of the papers
resistant paper is the one containing 40% Mauritian hemp and hence increased abrasion resistance since hardness is
fibres, which required 35 cycles before being ruptured, hence inversely proportional to mass loss upon abrasion as stipu-
indicating that this composite will have the highest lifespan lated by the Archard equation [84].
as compared to the other ones. However, the pattern dis-
played by the Mauritian hemp-Wastepaper mix shows that Physical and Mechanical Properties After Starch
there is an increase in abrasion resistance with an increase Addition
in the percentage by mass of Mauritian hemp fibres in the
paper composites, with the paper containing 80% Mauritian The first set of the Standard tests conducted on the papers
hemp fibres being the most wear resistant. Thus, it can be produced led to the deduction that the paper made from
said that the serviceability of the papers will increase with 100% Mauritian hemp fibres displayed characteristics that
increasing Mauritian hemp fibres for the Mauritian hemp- approached the control the most, hence implying it would be
Wastepaper composites. most suitable for printing purposes as compared to the paper
When comparing the trends of the Mauritian hemp-Ele- mixtures generated. Therefore, the results in this section will
phant grass and Mauritian hemp-Wastepaper composites in be those of the Standard tests carried out on the papers gen-
Fig. 6, it can be noted that the former had higher abrasion erated from 100% Mauritian hemp fibres after the addition
resistance than the latter, except when the composition of of varying percentages of starch (10%, 20%, 30% and 40%
Mauritian hemp fibres was increased to 80%. starch) in the papers so as to determine whether the physical

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802 1797

and mechanical properties experienced improvement and the causing a reduction in interfacial free energy which then
extent to which improvement occurred. enhances the hydrophobicity of the paper [87].
Considering the results of the physical tests, it can be
deduced that starch addition enhances the printability of
Physical Properties of Papers After Starch Addition the paper made from 100% Mauritian hemp fibres since it
increases its apparent density and reduces its water absor-
The mean grammage of the papers produced from 100% bency, both of which contribute to enhanced quality of
Mauritian hemp fibres was 77.0 ±10.4 gsm. Similar to the printed images.
case of papers generated without starch, the starch-contain-
ing papers also deviated from the 80 gsm grammage desired Mechanical Properties of Papers After Starch Addition
due to pulp losses in the paper-making apparatus. These
results also demonstrate that the addition of starch has no From Table 7 it can be noted that upon addition of starch, the
effect on pulp loss in the paper-making apparatus. crease angle recovery decreases, which implies the lowering
The mean thickness of the starch-containing papers in the ability of the paper to regain its original state after
amounted to 0.5 mm±0.1 , which is smaller as compared to having been creased/bent/folded. It can also be observed
the papers generated without starch addition. Nonetheless, that the crease recovery angle becomes closer to that of the
the percentage difference with the control is still very high control when starch is added to the papers, with the paper
since the papers are not generated using the same techniques containing 40% starch having the closest crease angle recov-
as those employed on an industrial scale. ery to that of the control. This implies that the creasing/
From Table  6, it can be noted that both the apparent folding properties and stiffness of the papers generated from
density and water absorbency of the 100% Mauritian hemp 100% Mauritian hemp fibres become closer to that of the
paper increased as the percentage of starch increased. Thus, control upon starch addition. In this case as well, the obser-
the paper containing 40% starch has these two properties vations can be explained by the fact that starch functions as
closest to the control. an internal sizing agent which increases the stiffness of the
Increase in apparent density upon starch addition might papers formed and hence improves fold endurance [88]. In
be related to the fact that the starch used acts as an inter- effect, the paper stiffness is directly proportional to its elastic
nal sizing agent, which acts as a pore filling material [85], modulus [89]. When starch is added to the paper, it improves
thereby inducing a loss in porosity [86], thus increasing the bonding in the paper structure by increasing the number of
bulk density. hydrogen bonds in the material, which then enhances paper
As far as the reduction in water absorbency is concerned, strength [88]. Enhancement of strength implies an increase
it can be inferred that the starch added functions as an inter- in elastic modulus [90] thus improving the stiffness, which
nal polymeric sizing agent whereby the positioning of the means that the paper becomes more resistant to distortions
hydrophobic groups in starch is directed towards the sur- like bending and creasing [91] and after being creased or
face of the paper near the end of the drying process, hence bent, it resists being returned to its original state.

Table 6  Results for apparent density and water absorbency test after addition of varying proportions of starch to 100% Mauritian hemp papers
Physical properties Percentage of starch added Control
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Apparent density (kg/m3) 141.54 ± 0.23 147.70 ± 0.30 154.06 ± 0.51 157.63 ± 1.65 158.81 ± 2.15 800.00

Water absorbency time (s) 1.436 ± 0.21 2.055 ± 0.32 2.063 ± 0.25 2.220 ± 0.30 2.265 ± 0.09 1442 ± 7.76

Table 7  Summary of mechanical properties of 100% Mauritian hemp paper with varying percentages of starch
Mechanical properties Percentage of starch added Control
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Crease recovery angle (o) 34.8 ± 3.56 30.5 ± 1.02 30.2 ± 0.63 27.8 ± 0.60 25.6 ± 0.94 23.0 ± 3.71
Burst strength (kPa ­m2/g) 0.323 ± 0.065 0.332 ± 0.00 0.347 ± 0.00 0.363 ± 0.07 0.412 ± 0.00 0.449 ± 0.058
Tensile strength (Nm/g) 10.97 ± 0.14 13.12 ± 0.0018 13.44 ± 0.046 14.88 ± 0.041 17.58 ± 0.0091 59.28 ± 1.57
Abrasion resistance (no. of 37.5 ± 2.5 140 ± 5.0 145 ± 0.0 130 ± 5.0 145 ± 0.0 122.5 ± 2.5
cycles before rupture)


1798 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802

Table 7 also shows that the strength properties of the These observations mean that starch addition make papers
papers improve with increasing starch amounts, with the better suited for printing since it increases wear resistance
paper containing 40% starch having the highest burst and which implies that the starch-containing papers will have
tensile strengths, hence making it the paper having the higher durability and hence retain the printed information for
closest strength properties to the control used. Here also, a long period of time as there will be lower tendency for the
the starch added acts as an internal sizing agent and binder printed information to get erased due to abrasive wear [97].
which increases the paper strength. The paper strength is It should be noted that the large deviations of the physi-
in fact a function of the extent of fibre bonding as well as cal and mechanical properties of papers generated on lab-
the amount of bonds in the material [88]. The starch thus scale in the study from papers produced industrially like
increases the strength by increasing the number of bonds in the control are mainly due to the methodology used in the
the paper since it is able to form hydrogen bonds with the laboratory and the fact that industrially produced papers con-
cellulose as it possesses hydroxyl groups, which are the enti- tain many additives like waxes, sizing agents and binders
ties causing the formation of such bonds in paper [88]. Also, amongst others, that enhance their properties. The papers
the starch improves bonding between adjoining fibres when produced in the laboratory for testing purposes did not con-
it makes contact with the fibres at the same instant [88]. tain the additives used in the making of commercial papers.
Better fibre bonding is synonymous to reduced probability
of fibre shedding which is known to have adverse effects on
the quality of printing paper [92], thus, the addition of starch Conclusions
will produce better quality printing paper.
For abrasion resistance, the trend in Table 7 shows that In an attempt to analyse the feasibility of printing paper pro-
the number of turns required for rupture increases consider- duction from Mauritian hemp fibres, it has been found that
ably when starch is added to the papers made from Mauritian the best fibre extraction technique for Mauritian hemp is the
hemp fibres as compared to when no starch is added at all, soda cooking process at a concentration of 12% Wt/V, a tem-
hence showing increase in abrasion resistance when starch is perature of 90 °C, a cooking time of 90 min and a biomass
added to the papers. The number if turns required for rupture to liquor ratio of 1:10.
is seen to increase when the percentage by mass of starch is Standard tests carried out on papers made from 100%
increased from 0 to 20%, however, for the 30% starch com- Mauritian hemp fibres, a mixture of Mauritian hemp and
position, a decrease in the number of turns required for rup- Elephant grass fibres and a mixture of Mauritian hemp
ture is observed, which increases again for 40% starch in the fibres and wastepaper showed that the 100% Mauritian hemp
paper. This trend suggests a discrepancy in the results for the papers had physical as well as mechanical properties closest
30% starch composition, which might have been due to more to an industrially produced A4 80 gsm printing paper used
roughness or unevenness on the surface of the 30% starch- as control, hence leading to the deduction that papers made
containing paper than for the 20% starch-containing paper, from 100% Mauritian hemp fibres are better suited for print-
hence making the 30% starch-containing paper less resist- ing purposes as compared to paper mixtures of Mauritian
ant to wear since the cause of abrasion is surface non-uni- hemp-Elephant grass and Mauritian hemp-wastepaper. This
formities [93]. The trend also demonstrates that the papers finding was mainly attributed to the poor bonding ability of
requiring the most number of turns for rupture are the ones Mauritian hemp fibres with Elephant grass and wastepaper.
containing 20% and 40% starch, whereby each experienced Upon addition of tapioca starch to papers made from
rupture at 145 cycles. 100% Mauritian hemp fibres, major enhancement of
In effect, starch addition is expected to increase the mechanical and physical properties could be noted. In fact,
abrasion resistance of the papers [94] as it acts as a binder increasing the starch content of the handsheets from 10 to
which together with causing an increase in paper strength by 40% (on dry mass of pulp per handsheet) showed a general
increasing the extent of fibre bonding, also makes the paper increase in tensile strength, burst strength, abrasion resist-
stiffer and enhances its hardness [95]. Hardness is in fact a ance, apparent density and resistance to water absorption,
measure of the abrasive wear resistance [96], whereby the hence demonstrating that the properties of papers made
Archard model suggests that the resistance to wear increases from 100% Mauritian hemp fibres increasingly approached
with increasing hardness [84], thus, when starch is added, those of the control. These results lead to the conclusion
hardness increases and abrasive wear resistance increases. that starch addition has a positive impact on papers made
This explanation validates the observations for all the starch from Mauritian hemp fibres and increases their suitability for
compositions in the papers made from Mauritian hemp printing purposes. The main explanation provided for these
fibres since a large enhancement in abrasion resistance was findings is that starch acts as an internal sizing and bonding
observed upon addition of starch. agent which improves fibre-to-fibre bonding of the papers.

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1781–1802 1799

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