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Stem sentences

Finish these sentences.

My favourite animals are

I like people who

I could not live without

I have never

If I had £ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 I would

I am frightened of

make(s) me feel good.

Everybody should

The last time I laughed a lot was

I'd like to have © Cambridge University Press 1984
Question gome


What kind of animal ) 0 Where would you like What gives you
would you like to be? to be right now? pleasure?
Why? Why?
. _ __ _„
What would you give If somebody gave you What kind of weather
me as a birthday S50 what would you do you like best?
present? do with it?

What is the most What would you like to

important thing in the achieve within the
upbringing of children? coming year?

What would you like to Which human quality

change in your life? do you consider the
most important?

© Cambridge University Press 1984 157

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