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1. High School Could Sharpen Students Mindset

 Through various programs in schools, at least we are invited to be more open-
minded and accept many different points of view from everyone.
 They teach students to solve basic life problems.
2. High school education provides a person with the knowledge and fundamental
 Without a high school education, a person lacks the necessary skills to be
successful as an adult.
 A High School Diploma could help a person to get a decent job to sustain their
 Basic skills such as public speaking, basic math, and even general knowledge
really helps when it comes to finding a job.
3. A foundation in one's life
 When someone graduates from high school, they have achieve knowledge and
intellegence to support their life on the future.
 Due to their educational foundation, they are capable to overcome any
problem they faced on the future because of the experiences they had when
learning at high school.

 Many teens can not afford to go to high school. As long as it has high tuition, high
school should not be obligatory.
 The promiscuity in high school is very bad. Students could get bad influence because
of it.
 High school could guarantee a better future.
 It could give you a wide range of relation.

Argument analysis
High School has more upside than downside that’s why it should be mandatory
Reason 1
High School Could Sharpen Students Mindset
Support 1:
1. When a person finishes high school, they can do just about anything an adult person
needs to do to survive and live a good life – read road maps and plan a trip;
understand contracts and agreements, as well as read directions on how to assemble
something; balance a checkbook, research how to solve a problem.
2. A high school education is imperative for everyone looking to survive adulthood.

Reason 2

High school education provides a person with the knowledge and fundamental skills.
Support 2:
1. High school education provides a person with the knowledge and fundamental skills
needed to get a job as an adult
2. Without a high school education, a person lacks the necessary skills to be successful
as an adult.
3. A high school education is necessary for anyone required to work for a living.

Reason 3
A foundation in one's life
Support 3:
1. The entire point of education is to establish the intellectual foundations needed to be
2. …, because a solid high school education lays a solid foundation for the rest of a
person’s life.

Opposing Argument:
Even though high school promised good future, we could agree that many people that just a
high school diploma graduate has a less great life compared to great bussinessman who did
not graduate high school.
Counter Argument:
The purpose of enrolling in high school is seeking for the futures supplies. To learn basics
skills and construct a wide range of relation network. That way we could plan to establish a
good future.
Summary Response Essay

In the article “Should High School Be Mandatory?” by Lee Williams states a few Pros about
High School shoul be mandatory. The pros that he mentioned in his article is about the High
School Could Sharpen Students Mindset, High school education provides a person with the
knowledge and fundamental skills and A foundation in one's life. Rather than leaving it up to
the near-sighted adolescent to decide, a law should be enacted mandating that all American
residents and citizens complete a high school education. He stated in his article that there
should be a law that makes high school mandatory for all people besides the money needed
for high school education.
It's difficult enough to plan for the next week in high school, let alone the next 10, 15, or 25
years. However, if a high school student could see that far into the future, and even further
down the road, they would undoubtedly recognize the value of a high school education.
Rather than leaving it up to the near-sighted adolescent, a law mandating that all American
residents and citizens complete a high school education should be enacted. After all,
kindergarten through 12th grade are free to the public (or are paid for with taxes) and it's
likely that the majority of people who drop out before graduating from high school live lives
of struggle and financial hardship.
To begin with, the writer pointed out that a high school diploma should be the standard in
America, because a solid high school education lays a solid foundation for the rest of a
person’s life. A student learns the fundamentals of reading, writing, and arithmetic in high
school, as well as many other skills that will serve them well as working adults, in addition to
the basics. The author explains real life values that high school teaches such as The school
prepares a person to be a responsible, resourceful adult. In school, whether a student realizes
it at the time, they are developing quite valuable skills and learning important information.
The main purpose when you enroll in high school is that you could do things that help you
survive and have a decent life. Lee thinks that high school education should be a mandatory
We can all agree with the writer's point of view that a high school education provides a
person with the knowledge and fundamental skills required to get a job as an adult, and thus it
should be made mandatory. The majority of the public believes that in order to survive, we
must have a decent-paying job, and in order to get a job that pays even the minimum wage, a
person typically needs a high school diploma. A minimum-wage job, such as a gas station
attendant, requires them to work with money most of the day, so they must have a strong
foundation in math. Even gas station attendants are expected to have a basic understanding of
technology in order to operate the money machines. Not only math that is needed in the
working world, basic soft skills such as communication is also needed. Communication skills
are created and developed through one’s schooling, through writing papers, engaging in
discussions, reading, researching and conversing. Moreover, lee’s opinion is sequantial and I
personally agree with him.
Next, based from the text a high school education should be required for all Americans for
another important reason: the entire purpose of education is to lay the intellectual foundation
for self-education. In other words, when a person graduates from high school, they have the
intellectual groundwork and informational resources necessary to teach themselves almost
anything. However, because of their educational foundation, they are self-learners capable of
mastering any task or challenge they face as adults. Since high school is a basic education it
should be concluded that high school is a foundation of people’s life. Many of futures trouble
is an complex high school problems.
Finally, a law should be enacted that makes a high school education mandatory for all
Americans; that is, a person should be penalized for failing to complete high school and
obtain a diploma. Individuals are hampered by a lack of education, which harms the economy
in the long run, preventing a country from progressing and flourishing. It falls by the
wayside. One could argue that Americans should be legally required to have some sort of
post-secondary education, whether a college degree or, at the very least, some sort of
specialty education, such as an apprenticeship, if one prefers the less-academic route. In
either case, a high school diploma is required for anyone who needs to work for a living.

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