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J Secret Teachings of the ONA

, Volume II

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T 11 trorlur t; nr,

. ONA - OrganiZitiO n ~ Structur~


1·)111 S.:l.cri~ic~

Aeonics & Manipulation

AeoniC5 ~ Manipulation II

Esoteric Tradition - Synistrv

Esoteric Tradition VI - 8aphomet, Opfer & Related Matters

Th~ Rite of the Nine Angl~s

He 11

The Sini<:ter- Calling


Conquer, De~tr-oy, Cr~ate

Magick & Pol itic<:

tn<:.ight Pol~,: 0"1<: nol<l deleted)

In-::ight Role<: II

The Publication of E-::,oteric Tradition o~ the Left Hand hth

Satanism, Sacrifice & Crime - The Satanic Truth

The Hard Real itv of Satanism

Letter to ~1-:: 1,.Ie>ra from Stephe>n Brol.'Jn

Letter to M<:. I.)er:l from Stephen Br Ol<ln I I

Le>tter to ~1 Aquir,o from Stephen BrOI.'.Jn

Letter to Stephen 8rOl..,ln from t'1 Aqu inc'

Letter to t1 Aquino from <:;tephen 8r 01.<111 II

Ot\JA Stnteg~l ,~ Tactics

Concerning the Temple of Set




o copyright 1992 eh c.N.A. All Rights Reserved

Printed & Published by
• Thormynd Press
PO Box 700



.. !


-J Limited Edition: Of 63 copies this is number

. I


Introduction to Volume II

This volume contains a selection of 'restricted' esoteric manuscripts

] circulated among those members of the ONA who were (and are) of the Grade
of External Adept and above and who were in good standing.
As such, while complimenting the MSS contained in Volume I, they
represent part of the 'inner core' of esoteric teachings. Some of the
] MS in the present volume are concerned with sinister strategy, some

with practical techniques to achieve and implement that strategy, and

some with what can be described as the essence of real evil.



ONA - Organizational Structure

~ The ONA is organized on the basis of cells, basically for two

J reasons: (1) Security and (2) Effpctiveness.
The structure means that each new Initiate/member has one (at most
two) Order contacts who channel information/teachings and so on, and who
offer guidance/instruction. When this member reaches the stage of External
J Adept, they usually form their own Temple for ceremonial magick and for
teaching, recruiting their own members, whose Order contact thus is that
External Adept. Each Temple thus formed exists independantly. Hence, if
j it or any of its members are 'compromised', the chain cannot lead very far,
enabling other members in other Temples to remain secret and so continue
with their own work, both personal (following the path to Adeptship) and
aeonic (aiding the sinister dialectic) .
Further, such a structure is effective, because: it enables each member
to progress at theiL own pace; it enshrines a fundamental principle of
genuine Satan ism [individuality,and freedom from subserviance to authority]
and it enables practical experience of a character-building type [e.g.
by organizing and running a Temple at an early stage].

Essentially, the Order is secret - and intends to remain so as far as most of
its members and activities are concerned. However, its teachings and
traditions have been and will continue to be made progressively more 'public',

that is, available - thus enabling any individuals who may be interested to
follow (if only in part) the way of genuine Satanism, for those
individuals by so doing (however slightly) wi~l aid the sinister dialectic,

increasing the dark forces presenced on Earth. Some of these may progress
to the Order.
This 'working secrecy' is necessary because Satan ism cannot now be
anything other than selective - it is elitist, being a hard and dangerous
path, and part of its effectiveness lies in work of an 'underground',
clandestine nature [e.g. some essential work is done by those involved in
'respectable' positions, which positions would no longer be available if
the Satanic beliefs/practices of those involved in such work was generally
known: i.e. they were discovered to be Satanists]. This secrecy will not
change in the immediate future [for c. 20-30 years, that is] due to the
nature of the societies in which we are forced to work.
Satanism can never become (until the 'New Aeon' arrives at least) respectable:
for to become so would destroy its numen, its viability as a way to genuine
Adeptship. It is dark, evil - for the few who genuinely dare. This daring,
as mentioned in other MSS, is practical, in real-life situations, involving
danger, requiring courage, and defiance of both one's own limits and those
of others, including the society of the moment. While society and other
structures restrict and deny the promise of Satan, this dark defiance is
required - and, moreover, required as a working system which achieves
results, both personally and aeonically. What will change, is the number
of individuals who can try this way to liberation - and while this will
increase, it will do so only slowly over a period of decades. This will
be a cumulative process which will aid (and indeed create) the next Aeon,
the Satanic one when what is regarded now as dark and sinister will hold sway.
Thus, it has been necessary to disseminate the teachings and traditions of
the Order, and this dissemination will continue and increase, as part of
sinister strategy. This part of sinister strategy was begun a decade ago
by the Grand Master representing traditional groups. It was carefully
planned and (so far) has been carefully executed.
The initial stage involved circulating some details about traditional
Satanism (the Septenary system; dark gods mythos) among some sections of the
Occult fraternity. Thus, a few articles were published, and the existence
J of the Order itself made known, for the first time outside traditionalist
groupings, thus confirming certain rumours about such a group existing,

] such rumours having beep in circulation for some time. Over a number
of years, more information was made available - although still within the

'sub-culture' of the Occult underground. This attracted some interest

(and a few Initiates - incidental to the main intent) and was followed by

] the establishment of , at first, a newsletter, and then a "zine", both

of these being of an 'underground' nature, both in terms of quality and

the manner of distribution (i.e. selective, advertised in similar

] underground publications). Furthermore, the number of copies distributed

was kept low. The aim was two-fold - to create a sense of exclusivity

(thus making the Order at first difficult to locate/find) and to pose no

direct threat, that is, the zine and those associated with it would be seen

] as totally on the fringe, without rescources and probably without any

support. Thus, the activities of its members, always secret, would pose no

threat and no investigation of any kind would be contemplated. Thus, both

J of the aims mentioned above could be achieved - dissemination of the

tradition, and preserving the secrecy necessary for valuable work to continue.
After a few more years, the next step was taken - the distribution, again

] on a small scale, of works containing in detail the whole tradition. The

format of these works would be the same - of a kind to intimate only a small­
scale enterprise. Thus were 'The Black Book of Satan', 'Naos', 'The Deofel
Quartet' and other works made more accessable for the first time. Furthermore,
] the scarcity of these works would create an 'aura' about them - an aura
which hinted at the darkness of the tradition. This would be re-inforced
by making available the most sinister aspects of the tradition - aspects which
] would also contradict the meanderings of the armchair 'Satanists' who
prattled on about Satan ism being mis-understood and not really being evil,
and who had increasingly come to notice as the decade came toward its end.

] Naturally, this would provoke a reaction - both from those within the
Occult and those without. The reaction from those within the Occult (and
particuarly those who said they adhered to the Left Hand Path) would establish
their own position, and thus their total mis-understanding and lack of real
] insight. In brief, they would continue their word-games and fantasy-roles
when confronted by the reality of genuine Satanism. But, equally as important,
some would assimilate the tradition, or parts of it (perhaps unconsciously,
] perhaps consciously by plagiarizing it) and thus not only be influenced by it
but also aid the sinister energies it re-presented because of that influence.

[Thus, some of the meaning of the term 'sinister dialectic' can be

] glimpsed.]

The next stage was to give form and substance to certain aspects of the
sinister energies that the Order and thus its tradition represented - among
such forms being Satanic images (e.g. in the form of Tarot images) and music.
] These, by their very creation, would presence such energies (unconsciously
influencing others·- particuarly 'the susceptable ones'). They also would
be distributed in the manner used hitherto, spreading that sinister influence,

] partly (as the other earlier dissemination had done) via the process of
psychic contagion.
Following this, there would be a gradual increase in both the quality and
the number of items distributed - without however the genuine darkness of the
] forms and tradition being diluted. In addition, more subtle approaches would
be used - gradually contaminating psychic energies with strands of the sinister
and thus overtly/covertly influencing/persuading others outside and within the
] Occult, and draWing them into that ever expanding circle of those
tOUched by the powers of Darkness. [This paragraph explicates the current
stage of play.]

] Thus, secrecy is preserved as and when necessary, while the tradition and thus
the sinister is effectively spread.



] Synistry

] The following extracts are taken from "Synistry - The Way of Satan",
the autobiography of a member of the ONA
] The work is explicit in stating not only what Satan ism is and involves,
but also in detailing the often sinister (and sometimes illegal)
experiences of the author. It is a challenge to the meek imitation

] 'Satanists' who merely dabble and play at Black Magick and who are
afraid of real evil - those who espouse 'Satanism' as some sort of

"moral" religion.




VIII Sacrifice

J Although it was over seven years away, I believed the time was right
to begin the planning for my performance of the Ceremony of Recalling ­
a sinister ritual of sacrifice where the victim or opfer was offered
to Baphomet, the dark Goddess of Satanic tradition, regarded as the Bride
J of Lucifer. According to the tradition I was heir to, the ritual was
performed every seventeen years by the Grand Master or Grand Mistress
who represented that tradition - the opfer being a Priest of the tradition.

J In the ceremony, the Mistress of Earth identified with the role of

The sacrifice could, of course, be purely symbolic. It had been a long time

since a voluntary sacrifice had occurred, the opfer, in the recent past,

being carefully chosen. I believed I should continue this recent trend.

I would need to plan the rite carefully - carefully choosing those who would

take part. They would be sworn to secrecy, and would have to have no doubts

J of any kind. I, like a few others, understood the meaning of the rite

itself - it would continue a tradition, creating a link with past deeds

and thus magickal energies, and it would also create or draw down its own

sinister energies. These could be directed to achieve a specific goal,

or they could be directed into a chosen individual or individual who would

have an important sinister Destiny to fulfil, or they could be stored

to await further use. Whatever, it was an extremely powerful and sinister


Such a sacrifice would thus be for a specific Satanic goal, and in

accordance with Satanic honour the opfer [for this would have to be

an involuntary sacrificelwould choose him/her self by their deeds. That is,

their removal would benefit evolution, and consequently aid the sinister.

They would not be chosen at random, as they would not be - despite the

claims by those who knew nothing about genuine Satan ism - virgins or children.

They would be those whose removal would actively benefit our long-term

aeonic goals. Let me express this plainly so that it will be understood.

The victim or victims would be the type of person or persons whose death

J by whatever means would not be mourned - someone or many would say:

'He/she deserved it ... ' The sacrifice would be akin to an act of natural

justice. Naturally, it would be myself, in consultation with a few others,

who would decide, and this decision would be based on sinister strategy ­
or aeonics.
Such an opfer could be chosen by such means at other times and the
appropriate rite of sacrifice performed, but the Ceremony was more specific:
J its aims, intent, were for a definite purpose. Accordingly, 'I began to
plan for the ritu~l - I already had a few vague ideas concerning suitable
candidates, and asked a trusted Guardian of one of the Temples to begin

J research into their backgrounds. I also visited a few possible sites for
the ritual, researched others, and began to consider those who might
participate with me.
, Of course, I had undertaken sacrifices before - in the approved manner.
And even before those, I had tried a ritual of sacrifice. This was in my
early days, before I assumed my role as heir. I, with some others involved
in politics and vaguely involved with the sinister, planned to sacrifice someone

I to commemorate the founding our our new political movement. We chose the victim,
and gathered on a crag in Yorkshire one night. Our plan was to will the victim
to fall over the cliff to his death. So invokations were done. energies

j directed. The victim became possessed, stumbled and fell. Unfortunately, he fell
only a short distance, and was mostly uninjured. So in that sense the ritual
failed. I knew why - of those gathered, only myself and one other really
wanted to cause someone's death. The others were not committed to the sinister.

] My other attempts were successful. The victims fell by assassination,

or were victims of 'accidents' - all achieved by my "underground"

] political work, and what followed thereafter, as related in an ~arlier

chapter. I simply - before the act of execution - dedicated their death
to my sinister cause. It was quite simple, and very effective, even in
battle. I was merely continuing a long-standing pagan tradition - dedicating
] enemies beforehand, and then killing them, for a cause, of course. Being
enemies, they deserved to perish, their death aiding the sinister dialectic.
Such was the "approved" Satanic manner. Thus did the victims choose
] themselves.
Naturally, those who have no understanding of Satanism, as well as
those who oppose that philosophy of living, portray sacrifice

] differently. According to them, it is always the 'innocent' who are victims,

who are opfers. They seldom, if ever,define what is meant by 'innocent' - and

cannot, however they try, define on a satisfactory basis, what 'evil' is.

Hopefully, my revelations will destroy such myths - as they will destroy

] the attempts by the feeble, mostly urbanized, people who call themselves
'Satanists' and who deny sacrifice exists or ever has existed as a Satanic
practice. These people know nothing about real, primal, Satan ism - they

] like the glamour of the sinister but are weak individuals, lacking in character,
who play at "roles" in a fantasy world. They do not have the passion, the
spirit, the desire, the pride or the creative genius of genuine Satanists.
Such people, in fact, would make good opfers ••.
] Finally, what I have written before bears repeating - wars are the
ultimate sacrificial rites, and it no coincidence that sometimes the
sinister dialectic has aided these, and occassionally brought them about.
] *••


] Aeonics and Manipulation I

J Aeonic magick is essentially the use of magickal energies to effect

large-scale changes in the causal. This involves manipulation of forms,
as well as a rational understanding of aeonic changes [civilizations, their

J ethos, etc.]. The forms involve transfering magickal energy - via the
desire/aim - from the acausal to individuals. That is, manipulation of
individuals on a large scale, both numerically and over time. The type of the
manipulation varies, according to the formes) used and the desire/aim. For
J example, there can be psychic manipulation via archetypal forms, direct
manipulation via words/images/personality; indirect by psychological
pressure ...
] Twa forms often used are religion and politics.
Essentially, the sinister Adept takes a practical view of individuals
insofar as Aeonics is concerned - understanding that the majority

] in whatever time and place, are by their nature, subjects: that is, raw
material to be used according to sinister strategy. This assessment is a-moral.
What this means in reality is that a goal is set (via a knowledge of
Aeonics and sinister strategy - the 'sinister dialectic') and suitable means
J of achieving it are considered and a decision made. The decision is then
made real, presenced in the causal, by magickal and other acts - regardless
of consequences, be they moral, magickal or otherwise.

J Sinister Adepts - because they are Adepts - only consider Aeonic type goals,
having as Initiates and External Adepts gained practical experience in
"external" manipulation, that is, manipulation of a few individuals for
personal reasons. This aids self-understanding and magickal abilities.
J The goals of Adepts relate to wyrd and thus Aeonics - they are: 1) the
creation of a new wyrd, and thus a new Aeon; 2) disruption of existing wyrd
(with either an alternate or no specific goal); 3) altering the wyrd in a
] specific way; 4) fulfilling the wyrd of the Aeon. [It should be understood
that Internal Adepts - not having attained full Mastery - are still
part of the Aeonic wyrd pertaining during their causal life -time.]

J An example will explicate this.

Present Aeon: Western (or 'Faustian'/Promethean). Present phase:
what should be 'Imperium' (the final phase of an Aeon), lasting c. 390 years.
J During this last phase the energies of the next Aeon are manifest/created
by Adepts, via a physical nexion (or 'centre'). The practical forms of
this new Aeon arise toward the end of Imperium - although some will exist/

J be created before then, on a small scale: i.e. they will not seem to
significantly affect 'history'.
This present Aeon has however been distorted - its ethos undermined
and its forms changed. This distortion is basically Nazarene/Magian [see
J 'Crowley, Satan and the Sinister Way' and other Aeonics MSS]. It also
changes the possibility of Imperium - from an almost certainty to only a
minimum possibility.
J Sinister strategy, at the present time, is to create a new Aeon of
sinister import - and to achieve this, it is considered necessary to
(a) undermine the distortion of the Faustian ethos, and (b) fulfil the

J wyrd of the Faustian Aeon, that is, Imperium. Both of these will aid, by
their nature, the creation of a new Aeon that is essentially Satanic.
Thus, sinister Adepts will work, on both the practical and the magickal
level, toward the achievement of these aims. This sinister strategy is
j part of their vow - their wyrd - as Initiates of the sinister tradition:
that is, they are pledged to fulfil it~ if possible, and certainly aid its
fulfilment. Other Adepts will have other aims - if a sinister Adept decides

J on another strategy, they cease to be Adepts of a certain Satanic tradition,

becoming something else instead. Only when - and if - they reach the stage
of Grand Master/Mistress will they have the knowledge, ability and understanding
to change sinister strategy.

* Whether or not they are aware of this, at the time.


] To aid the creation of a new, Satanic, Aeon, the following are necessary:

1) the presencing of sinister energies in particular ways at this

present time - i.e. the creation of specific archetypal forms/images/

] systems/ideas which affect individuals.

2) the opening of a physical nexion to draw acausal energies in a significant

way and enable their presencing.
3) the performance of certain Aeonic rites (e.g. Nine Angles) to create
] sinister 'psychic pressure', altering individuals. [Note: this is more

general than (1) and involves letting the energies presence according to

their nature, this nature being formed via the rites used.]

] 4) the creation of particular and specific practical forms and the

channelling of magickal energies into these.

5) the emergence of more Adepts of the sinister tradition - i.e. individuals

] possessed of self-understanding, Occult insight and abilities, who are

imbued with the ethos of the new Aeon.

6) the creation of the ethos of the new Aeon in a way enabling its apprehension
(both unconsciously and consciously) by those who are not Adepts and who
] are not involved in esoteric Arts.

In addition, and as mentioned above, there is (a) undermining Nazarene/

Magian forms/effects; and (b) aiding the fulfilment of a Faustian Imperium.

] (a) involves performing rites such as The Black Mass and others from
The Black Book of Satan; spreading the tenets/forms of traditional Satan ism

-l enabling others to follow the Way (or at least utilize in some form its
energies, to the detriment of others); undermining/distorting the distortion
itself, both magickally and otherwise[magickally - e.g. Mass of Heresy].
(b) involves assisting in both a magickal and a practical way, those
] individuals/groups/forms who/which have as their aim a practical expressing
of Faustian ideals, and who/which thus assist or contribute to the Faustian
ethos. In political terms, this means National-Socialism and similar
] expressions of the Faustian ethos. This assistance will be practical,
financial, magickal and personal.
(1) involves the creation and dissemination of new and traditional forms

] such as images, music, rituals, The Black Book of Satan.

(2) involves the finding of the physical nexion and undertaking the
appropriate rites [one of which is the Ceremony of Recalling, the other of
which is a Nine Angles rite].
] (3) involves not only general rites [such Nine Angles, Ceremony etc.] but
also targetting specific individuals and infecting them with sinister
energies. [Rituals from Black Book perform part of this.]

] (4) involves forms such as religion, politics, Art, philosophy and

practical expressions of these - groups, organizations, "Art-objects" and
so on: all imbued with the sinister nature of the new Aeon. [Note: this
is more general than (1) and may be considered as involving "exoteric"
] forms/ideas etc. as against the "esoteric" (i.e. directly Satanic) of (1) .]*
(5) involves di~semination of the sinister way as explicated in "Naos"
etc. - the gUidance of suitable Initiates, via ordeals and practical experience
] in the 'real' world.
(6) involves the creation/aiding of a "world-view", and practical
expressions of this, which enshrines the new ethos - a sense of Destiny,
l a setting of goals, for the founders of what will be new higher civilization

- c. 2400 eh.

It is the primary aim of sinister Adepts to involve themselves in the

] creation of the new Aeon by means of all the above - for only such means
make possible the fulfilment of individual wyrd [for the next three centuries
at least]. Anything else is not sinister - but game-playing.
~ * All such forms presence the future in the present: i.e. they capture/
re-present aspects of the new Aeon, practically, magickally and psychically.


] Aeonics and Manipulation II

Part I considered means; here, we are concerned with what terms like

'new sinister Aeon' mean.

First, it should be understood that the present civilization [which

re-presents the energies of the Aeon now existing) was, in its ethos,
essentially what is termed 'Faustian'. That is, dynamic, questing for
knowledge and understanding. The exoteric expression of this ethos is
science - or, more correctly, a reasoned approach to the 'world'; a conscious
evaluation based on experience/ evidence. Aspects of this ethos
are expressed in the Renaissance - and in National-Socialist Germany. This
latter is most important, and so often mis-understood. NS Germany represented
the quintessence of 'Western' civilization: an exhuberance, a balance
between 'Man' and 'Nature', a spiritual force heir to the ancient Greeks and
Romans. Civilization means a way of living - and of dying - more than it
means Art and artifacts. It certainly does not mean material comforts, or
even a certain type of politics (like 'democracy'). The greatest example of
and model for a civilization, is the warrior: someone who enshrines honour,
loyalty and natural justice (or 'fiir-play'). That this is so seldom
understood, today, is evident of how few really understand: of how precious
wisdom still is. Further, the fact that the above statements regarding
National-Socialist Germany are heresy (in the literal sense) today,
explicates the distortion that has occured in the Faustian civilization far
better than dozens of words.
This ethos, exoterically, is Satanic. That is, the true ethos of the
West enshrines a Satanic view of the world - a pagan joy in conquest,
experience, living, in seeking and going beyond limits, physically and
intellectually. The morbidity of the Nazarene has undermined all this ­
distorted it. In essence, therefore, a Faustian Imperium would have been
a type of Satanic State on Earth: a fulfilment of the first part of the
sinister dialectic of history, and would have made possible the next part or
stage, that of a Galactic Empire. It would be during this later stage that
another goal would have been achieved - a genuine evolution in consciousness,
a higher type of individual, on a massive scale. That is, Adepthood with
its self-understanding and knowledge would be commonplace rather than (as
now) the preserve of a few.
However, Satan ism - in both exoteric and esoteric forms - became and is
a heresy. Except for a brief and glorious period when an exoteric form
achieved power - i.e. NS Germany.
l Here, exoteric means an outward form or ~ : a physical presencing
which achieves change in the causal. Esoteric means 'the essence'.
An example - an Initiate of the sinister tradition becomes through
Initiation an outward expression of Satanic spirit, consciously. The sinister
becomes presenced, in the causal, by the actions/magick/life of the
Initiate. In a sense, the causal persona/psyche of the Initiate is a
"Temple of Satan". As the Sinister Way is followed, according to tradition,
the Initiate accesses more and more of the sinister - presences more
of it in the causal, causing/provoking change both internal and external.
As knowledge and understanding increase, there is more awareness of the
sinister as it is - i.e. without forms: the sinister ceases to be
hidden or occult. At first, the essence of the sinister is hidden or
obscured. An exoteric form implies a form, a channel - which is not
necessarily consciously understood as a form or channel. A form can be
either 'positive' or 'negative' with respect to the morals pertaining at the
time - the sinister is beyond opposites but can only be presenced through
them at particular times. That is, it becomes 'earthed' through a positive
or negative form and thus provokes change and evolution. However, 'morals' ­
as mentioned above - does not mean ethical: rather, it implies the prevalling
'spirit' or orientation, the orthodoxy of the moment.
• A civilization is itself a form for sinister energy:a form possessed of
its own 'life-cycle' (first mentioned by Spengler although not really
1 understood by him). Thus, a civilizat-ion through its metamorphosis fulfills
or can fulfil the sinister dialectic - i.e. it aids evolution toward
• new forms, presences the sinister and enables the acausal to be accessed
(sometimes directly by a few individuals per Aeon).

The Western civilization is a link - the fifth stage of the seven that
can lead to new forms of existence. The next Aeon, beginning on the
practical level c. 2400 eh, is the 'Galactic' and should be the realization

of the sinister on a large-scale. Part of this will be the development
of latent Occult faculties, part will be development of new ways of
thinking (such a use of symbolic languages rather than words), and part will
be discovery external to the Earth: the conquest of planets in other
J steller systems. There will thus be a freeing of spirit both internally
and externally. Our-species - at present mostly undeveloped children,
intellectually, psychically and personally - will mature, and become adult,
] achieving wisdom and thus fulfilling the promise of magick.
However, this will not just 'happen' - or arise from a desire to make it
so. It will involve struggle: war, conquest, attrition, exploration; the

-l decimation of the worthless and the conscious breeding of a new elite.

It will arise because of ethos - because there is a sense of Destiny,
a vision to be great. It will involve manipulation by sinister Adepts
of vast energies over centuries of time - for without this direction,

-l this sinister manipulation, inertia will return, entropy increase, and

the petty ones, the visionless ones, the Nazarene-type ones will spawn
in their worthless majority until they overwhelm .•. As has been written

J elsewhere, civilization is a struggle and requires the triumph of a noble

minority who impose their vision on those that they conquer.

Thus, the term 'new sinister Aeon' means the triumph of a creative
l minority imbued with a specific elan and a sense of Destiny who create
I - and maintain a civilization, this particular civilization extending well
beyond the confines of the Solar System. It means the presencing of
sinister energies in particular ways, and certain ways of living - ways
IJ which are essentially Satanic. What these ways are, has been prefigured
by NS Germany [and particuarly by aspects within that form, such as the
Waffen-55) .

I J The means to achieve this - such as aiding Imperium, presencing sinister

energies, opening a nexion [and drawing forth 'The Dark Gods') - have
already been outlined. What it is important to remember is that the means,
] such as political forms, their support/manipulation etc., are part of
sinister strategy to achieve a specific goal. That is, they are purely means:

IJ not the goal itself, and as such cannot be judged causally or by the
standards pertaining at anyone time. They have been chosen to achieve
something, and those who cannot comprehend this do not understand Aeonic
I magick. People, in their majority and their indiViduality, are a means ­
IJ to be manipulated via forms. The goal is a new Aeon, Satanically inspired;
the means, many and varied - often 'heretical'. The magick of the genuine
Adept is, in its power and effects, of centuries: anything else is for
IJ beginners and children.

I ~ ***

- Esoteric Tradition - Synistry

l Dark Gods:
These are 'living' entities which exist in an acausal space-time.
They may be likened to "anti-matter" as against the "matter" which exists

l in our causal space-time - thus, their intrusion into the causal, disrupts.
This disruption is primarily psychic because the psyche of an individual
by its nature intrudes or is a part of the acausal. The entities can assume

l physical forms, but only briefly - and then only when a nexion is fully
opened. And where the causal and acausal intersect on Earth.*
The Dark Gods do not have 'forms' as understood causally - because
a physical form is a causal thing, and they are beyond the causal. Neither

l do they possesses 'feelings' etc. as we understand the terms. They are
on the edge of even an Adept's comprehension [in terms of understanding
them] . .

] They can act [i.e. have effects in the causal) via individuals who

can access them - or 'presence' them.

It should be understood that the Dark Gods are not 'the acausal'

l itself. They exist in a part [or one realm) of the acausal - that is,

they exist, have life or being according to the nature of the acausal.

The acausal is 'beyond causal time' and does not have a spatial 3D

geometry. Other beings probably exist in other acausal dimenions - but of
them their is no knowledge.
When an Initiate accesses the acausal - increases the acausal aspect

J of their consciousness - they are extending the range of their being:

i.e. evolving, creating new aspects of consciousness. This is one of the aims
of the seven-fold Way - and of all real magick. A part of this, may
involve confrontation with some of the 'Dark Gods'.
In conventional terms, the Dark Gods are evil, sinister.

The Western Aeon:

As far as Adepts of the sinister tradition are concerned,

there are only two realistic options: the creation of Imperium [the
fulfilment of Western wyrd via a practical form], or disruption of
] existing forms with the aim of undermining and destroying Nazarene/
Magian influence, leading to chaos from which a New Aeon will emerge,
this Aeon being Satanic. The latter involves the 'pruning' of unnecessary
] elements on a large scale - the creation of an elite capable of making
the Aeon a reality.
The first involves the creation/aiding of a practical form - and

] presencing magickal energy into it. It also involves creating the right
psychic conditions - within and external to individuals. Some of this is
directly magickal, involving magickal energy accessed via rituals etc.;
some of it is providing/creating/making available the information and forms
] of the sinister. The practical form is either directly political, or
'religious' .
Both involve a more widespread dissemination of the sinister tradition and

J creation of new forms for its energies.

*Such as 'magickal centres' associated with an Aeon - or the finding of such

places. It is possible to create such a place - and this is one meaning of
J such rituals as the Ceremony of Recalling with Sacrificial Conclusion.

] Traditions and New Forms:
As mentioned elsewhere, maintaing the tradition
(as explicated in such works as The Black Book of Satan, Naos, The
] Deofel Quartet and Hostia) and ~aking it more widely available, is
important - and indeed essential. This is because the use of the tradition, in
whole or in part [e.g. rituals from the Black Book] by others outside of

] of being drawn into the tradition, makes those others 'channels' for the
sinister energy the tradition represents. That is, they 'presence'
sinister energies in a precise and particular way and thus fulfil
sinister strategy. The tradition has been given its present form [as
] explicated in the various books and MSS] to achieve just this (as well as

other things).

However, the creation of new forms is important and indeed vital - there

] must be a continuing evolution. These forms will further access the

sinister, and presence it.The tradition itself serves as a Way - both

for individuals, and.aeonically: it enables the achievement of individual

] Adeptship, as well as the fulfilment of the sinister dialectic of history.

This will be so for the next few centuries - until the New Aeon becomes a
reality. That is, its methods and techniques should not be changed (at
least not intentionally by those of the tradition for the next few decades)
] or 'superseded' - as a way of creating Adepts etc. This is not a question
of 'dogma' but rather strategy, as mentioned above. It is vital that this
and the reasons for and beyond it are understood by those of the tradition.

] The external forms [such as arise prior to and during the Aeon] will only
arise from an initial coherence of magickal energies and intent - and it
is and will be the unchanging form of the 'Way' [techniques, rituals etc.]
which will enable this. The new forms created/evolved will add to rather
] than undermine what already is. Anything else is simply individuals
playing at magick (and particuarly playing at Aeonics) without achieving
anything and indeed without understanding what they are doing.
Initiation and Beyond:

] The quest of an individual can only and ever be

individual, that is, unique. The quest, made possible and aided by the
tradition,developes the individual, enabling individual wyrd to be
understood, and lived. It is also makes possible Immortality (qv.
] Acausal Existence - The Secret Revealed).
Beyond a certain level, Initiates gUide themselves - learning from their
own real-life experiences. That is, they have acquired sufficient self-insight
] and honesty to enable them to do this. When this stage is reached [toward
the end of External Adept for some; during and beyond Internal Adept for
others] there should be still a following of the ultimate goal - a striving

] for the Abyss and beyond, although this 'striving' will be more balanced
than hitherto. This does not mean the individuals become or develope their
own ways of achieveing that goal - that is, not undergoing the Grade Rituals
of Internal Adept and beyond according to tradition because they believe they
] are not necessary or that they have/can create (d) other means. Should they
do this, they will not achieve the specific goal of the sinister way - but
rather something else entirely, or else nothing. The reasons should be

] obvious from the above (Traditions ... ).

The Aim:
Wisdom. And its living, enabling the last stage (into the acausal ... ).
] This means self-understanding and supra-personal understanding. An apprehension
of the world and its forms as they are - a rational knowing: and what is
necessary for change, aeonic and otherwise. This knowledge is sometimes sad,

J and often born from ordeals and having lived the Abyss. It never confers wealth
nor privelege, and seldom imbues one with 'happiness'. It is beyond words, but
can sometimes be transmuted into a form enabling some others to apprehend if only

] in part its essence. This aim takes causal time - usually c. 20 years from
Initiation (if the Way is followed) - and lies beyond the Abyss. It is balance,
beyond opposites, a new way of being.

Esoteric Tradition VI

-l Baphomet, Opfer and Related Matters:

The word 'opfer' generally
refers to the sacrifice that occurs - symbolic or otherwise
J during certain rituals. There are, generally, two types of
opfer: (t)associated with rites to open a nexion, between
Aeons - when such an opfer(s) are considered necessary in
J terms of the 'energy' required; (2) those associated with
traditional beliefs regarding the 'working of the cosmos.
('Opfers' associated with 'death ritual.s' form a third type.)
The second type, according to tradition, was chosen once
J every 17 years and this sacrifice was regarded as necessary
to retain 'the cosmic bal.ance' - in modern terms, keep a nexion
open (and thus preserve the associated higher civil.ization etc.).
] The chosen one was made an honoury Priest (this type of opfer
was al.ways mal.e -.see bel.ow) and there was a joining between
him and one or more women, as Priestesses. This joining was
J a simpl.e type of 'hierosgamos', and the offspring of the
union(s) were given great honour. At the ceremony itself.
the head of the opfer was severed and displayed - usuall.y for
a night and a day (although this period may have been longer
l in the very distant past). The rite was conducted outdoors
in a 'Sacred' pl.ace - often a circl.e of stones 0 ' hil.l-top.
The chosen one was abl.e, because of the sacrifice, to

-l partake of an acausal. existence - becoming thus an Immortal.

Thus was ' sacrifice' possibl.e, al.though it is easy to

imagine that in later times, the opfer was not al.ways
J Traditionally, this type goes back to Albion and while
originally the ritual. was probably a community affair, it
became more and more secretive. What survives to the present
day (The Ceremony of with 'opfer' ending) probabl.y
-1 reflects the essence of this earl.ier tradition rather than
the detail (the words, chants etc.). This essence may be
apprehended in the rol.e of the ~fistress of Earth - representative
J of Baphomet, the dark goddess. It was to Baphomet that the
sacrifice was made - hence a mal.e opfer. Indeed, the whole
ceremony (of Recalling) can be seen as a celebration of the
J dark goddess - the Earth Mistress/goddess in her darker/
violent/sinister aspect. The 'severed head' was associated

with the 'worship' of Baphomet - hence the traditional.

representation of Baphomet.

] This 'cult of Baphomet' derives from Albion (see bel.ow).

The significance of the 17 year cycl.e is unclear - if there

was an oral tradition, it has been lost. In the past few decades,

] some theories to explain this 17 year cycle have been advanced,

but they are unconvincing.

The identification of Daphomet as the Bride of Lucifer/Satan

probabl.y dates from around the 10th or 11th century ev, as
does the use of the name 'Satan'/Satanas as the Earth-bound
representative of the Dark Gods.
It is important to remember that in earlier times (eg. in
Albion during the Hyperborian aeon) there was no cl.ear
and/or 'moral' distinction between the 'light' and the 'sinister':
the two were seen as different aspects of the same thing. Thus,
J what we know as the Mistress of Earth (the 'goddess') was
both what we now cal.l. 'Baphomet' (the dark aspect) and Gaia

(the Earth mother). Likewise with the 'mal.e' aspect - Satan

and Lucifer - or Dionysus/Kabeiroi and Apol.l.o. We now understand

J all such symbol.s as unconscious/conscious projections onto

"realityl' (where "reality" = the region of causal./acausal. mergence) -



- i

as 'gates'/nexions to the acausal itself, with the seven spheres

J of the Tree of Wyrd being a 'map' of these gates understanddble
by 'non-Adept' consciousness. Thus, the sphere of lolercury

re-presents Lucifer/Satan - lolercury, Mars and Sun being the

] "male" spheres, and Hoon, Venus, Jupiter the "female" ones

(Saturn being beyond such opposites - 'Chaos' itself).

The 'cult of Baphomet' was the worship of the dark aspect
of the "female" energies - where in this context, worship
] means a striving toward understanding/conscious integration.

Traces of the worship of the 'light' aspect survive in the

septenary tradition in the name "Aktlal maka" (qv notes on

] Names and Symbols) and the natural form of the Nine Angles

rite. The darker aspect survives, in essence, in the Ceremony of

Recalling and the traditions associated with the 'Nistress of

Earth' and 'Baphomet'. As to the original name of the goddess

] in both her aspects, there is a tradition which gives 'Darkat'

as the name used before 'ilaphomet' became the common usage.

However, 'Azanigin' has also been suggested - as has 'Aktlal

-l Maka' for the 'light'/Gaia aspect, although both these are

merely 20th century (ev) suggestions, not based on any oral
tradition. Some aspects of the cult of the (dark) goddess

-l are said to have survived into Greek times in the 'Mystery

cults' (qv Kabeiroi - and also 'Eleusis' for the 'light'
aspect), this being an 'indirect' survival', the 'modern'
septenary tradition being a direct one, rrom Albion.
] The use of the name 'Baphomet' probably derives from the
10th or 11th century (ev) although the traditional pictorial
representation of 'Baphomet' is undoubtedly much older. As

-l elsewhere, if there was an oral tradition connected with the

origin of the name Daphomet, it has been lost.
Thus, there are no indications as to the 'original' names
..l of the 'light' and 'sinister' elements on the "male" side
known to us as 'Lucifer' and 'Satan'. These latter names
probably also derive from around the 10th or 11th century (ev)
although 'Karu Samsu' (or something very similiar) has been
J suggested for the 'Lucifer' aspect and 'Sapanur' as the

'sinister' aspect.

J The rites associated with the first type of opfer ­

such as 'The Sinister Calling - cannot be either dated with
certainty or seen to be derived from an earlier tradition. In
- all probability, they derive from the 12th or 13th century (ev),
although it is quite possible that earlier versions/forms existed.
Some have even considered The Sinister Calling as a later
version of the Ceremony of Recalling. Again, if there was an
oral tradition, it has been lost - all that remains are the
rituals themselves.
The 'Black Mass' itself (and indeed most of the ceremonial
rituals in 'The Black Book') probably orginated around the same
time as The Sinister Calling. The original ~Iass was said in
Latin, although by the middle of the 20th century (ev) a
translated version had found its way into the 'Black Book'
of necessity, although some Latin chants remained.

... c.N.A .

J The Rite of the Nine Angles

J The rite may be undertaken on either the autumnal equinox (for

the Dabih gate) or the winter solstice (for Algol). The Naos rite
J is suitable for southern climes and will not be given here ­
although in form it is the same as the version given.
Ideally, the rite should be undertaken either:
J a) on a hill-top of pre-Cambrian rock which lies between a line
of volcanic intrusion and another rock - in Britain this other
rock is 'Buxton'

J b) in an underground cavern where water flows [this applies only

to the 'chthonic' form]
c) in a glade consecrated beforehand within a circle of nine
stones (the first stone being set on a night of the new moon
J with Saturn rising, the second at the full moon and so on: the
first stone marking the point on the horizon where Saturn rises)
[Note: this applies only to the 'natural' form of the Rite]
] Further, the time is right when, for Dabih, Venus sets
after the sun, and the moon itself occults Dabih or is near
to it; and, for Algol, when Jupiter and Saturn are both near

J the moon which is becoming new, the time being before dawn.
These conditions mean that energies are available to enhance
the working.

J The rite exists in three versions - the natural form, the

chthonic, and the solo. The chthonic form may be combined with
the Ceremony of Recalling and the Sacrificial Conclusion undertaken
] according to tradition. It must be noted however that this
combination is exceedingly dangerous - if done correctly with
(a) above and with the conditions for Algol as above, it brings

J back to Earth the Dark Gods themselves by opening the Star Gate
between the causal and the acausal.
However, the chthonic form may be successful in bringing to
presence the Dark Gods without the Sacrificial aspect if the
J chants are done correctly, the crystal is sufficient in size,
and cosmic tides aligned aright [note: this usually occurs when
an Aeon is (magickally) ending, the energies being more pronounced
J in the last three decades. At other times the rite can be used
to bring about such changes]

J The natural form involves a Priest and Priestess [ideally these

should have undertaken the ritual of Internal Adept - or at the
very least External Adept] and is basically a drawing to the
Earth of acausal energies - these are left to disperse naturally:
J i.e. without any magickal intent.
The chthonic form involves a Priest and a Priestess as well
as at least one Cantor trained in sinister Esoteric Chant
together with a congregation of male and female. This form is
either an invokation to the Dark Gods - the energies being
dispersed naturally - or a chanelling of those energies into a
specific event or events or individual. This chanelling however
requires the skill of at least a Master of Temple/Mistress of
The solo form involves one individual and the aim is usually
the alteration of the consciousness of that individual: this
however is very dangerous.
] Note: all the above forms require a crystal tetrahedron made of
I Natural Form

] If possible, the conditions above should be met - if not,

conduct the rite on an isolated hill-top at sunset. Both Priest
and Priestess should be naked. The rite begins with the Priest
] vibrating seven times "Nythra kthunae Atazoth" while the Priestess
holds the crystal in her hands, palms upward. The vibration
should consist of three projected vibrations followed by four
resonant ones - all aimed at the crystal which should be at
] a distance of not less than two feet and not more than three.
After the vibrations, the Priest places his hands on the
crystal and both vibrate "Binan ath ga wath am" as a projected
] vibration.
The Priestess, still holding the crystal, then lies with her
head North while the Priest arouses her with his to~e, locis
] muliebribus. The sexual union begins after, and both visualize
the Star Gate opening and energy flowing through it down to them.
If desired (ie. sinister intent) this energy may be symbolized
by Atazoth - a dark and nebulous chaos issuing forth from a
] star strewn Space which changes into a 'Dagon' like entity before
becoming chaos again. This visualization continues until the
sexual climax of the Priestess after which the Priest reaches his
] own climax. The Priestess then rises and buries the crystal
in the earth of the hill [as deep as possible - this may be
prepared beforehand - and leaving few traces]. When complete, she
] vibrates over the place "Aperiatur terra, et germinet Chaos".
They then depart from the hill.
[ Note: further rituals may take place over the burial, but they
] must have the same intent and follow the form as above except
the vibrations are aimed toward the buried crystal - no further
crystal being required]

J II Chthonic Form

J If the special conditions cannot be met [(a) and Algol are most
effective; (b) and Dabih are generally for chanelling into
specific events/individuals] then a hill-top containing volcanic
quartz is suitable.
J The crystal should be placed on an oak stand with a sheet of mica
between it and the wood [this enhances still further the effect of
the crystal and is a recent modification]. The Priest, Priestess
J and Cantors stand near the crystal, while the congregation (of
at least six - three male and three female) form a circle around
them. The congregation dance moonwise and according to their
desire chanting "Atazoth" as they do while the Cantor(s) vibrate
in E minor "Nythra kthunae Atazoth".
After this vibration the cantor and Priest (or two Cantors if
there are two) vibrate in fourths the "Diabolus" chant [see set
texts] while the Priestess places her hands on the crystal,
visualizing the Star Gate opening (as in I above).
After the Diabolus, the Priest signals to the congregation
who begin an orgiastic rite according to their desires. The Priest
and Priestess then vibrate "Binan ath ga wath am" a fifth apart
, (or an octave and a fifth) while the Cantor(s) vibrate "Atazoth".
If two Cantors are present, this Atazoth vibration begins in
1 parallel: the next "Atazoth" is a fifth apart as is the third.
After this, they then chant, in fifths, the 'Atazoth chant'
according to tradition [see set texts]. While the Cantors are
j chanting the Priest and Priestess co~inue with their visualization.

• If only one Cantor is present, the "Atazoth" vibration
is continued nine times and then the 'Atazoth chant' undertaken
by the Cantor and the Priest, in fifths.
The Dark Gods will then be manifest.
[If for some reason(eg. inexperience of the participants) the
manifestations do not occur, the Priestess should chant in
C major "Nythra kthunae Atazoth" after which the Priest also
places his hands on the crystal and he and the Priestess vibrate
Binan ath ga wath am, the Cantor(s) chanting the Diabolus as before
after which the Priest visualizes the energies arising from the
orgiastic rite as cohering and then entering the crystal to be
then drawn forth into both himself and the Priestess before
being sent forth to render asunder the Star Gate ]

Notes of this form:~the rite may be enhanced by the use of tabors/

drums during the dance and the orgiastic rite, individuals being
appointed for this task.*The maximum number of partipants should
not exceed twenty one in total.* Provided rigorous training
is undertaken beforehand, the dance and the orgiastic rite
l• can be replaced with the congregation chanting from the start
of the rite the "Diabolus" in fifths - they continue with this
until the Priest signals them to stop (after the Cantors Diabolus
chant) after which they chant the 'Atazoth chant' in fifths
• repeatedly until the end of the rite. If this form is done, it
is important for the congregation to visualize the Star Gate
opening while they chant - and this visualization should be
agreed beforehand and be the same as that of the Priestess and
Priest. This form of the chthonic rite is however only effective
if the congregation has been trained to chant in the correct
manner. A suitable cavern/resonant building/Temple may be used
• in this instance. [Further note: providing the chanting is
accurate, the crystal large enough, this form is among the most

III Solo Form

This form should be undertaken on either a hill-top or in a

Temple/resonant building. It begins at sunset on a night of
the new moon with Saturn rising.
The individual should face Saturn and vibrate "Nythra kthunae
Atazoth" seven times while holding the crystal. Then "Binan ath
ga wath am" is vibrated followed by the Diabolus chant after
which the visualization is begun (as above) [Note: this form
involves the 'Saturnian' gate and thus the Gate may be visualized
near the planet Saturn]. The energy is then visualized as flowing
down into the individual, this visualization lasting for at least
one quarter of one hour. After, the individual chants the
'Atazoth chant', places the crystal on the ground and sits near it,
to visualize its interior becoming black and this blackness
spreading out to engulf the individual.
[Note: This ritual should not be undertaken lightly. There must
be a preparedness to exult in the energies. After the rite (the
individual will know when it is complete) the crystal should be
wrapped in black cloth and stored until required again. Before
attempting this form, individuals are advised to seek the guidance
of a Master of Temple/Mistress of Earth]


I shall be honest - Satanism has been hijacked. By posers,

by pseudo-intellectuals and by gutless weaklings who like
the glamour and danger associated with it in the public
mind but who do not have the guts to be evil - to do dark
] These modern days so-called 'satanists' are really
Nazarene scum in disguise - worms in dead snake-skin.
They prattle on about 'morality', puff themselves up with
titles and perform verbal and intellectual gymnastics.
] They think being Satanic invloves calling yourself a Satanist
and dressing up like Dracula or t-1ephistopheles or a vamp.
Well, I am sick of these imposters. Those who get a
] thrill from playing the role but who never actually do
anything evil, who never go to extremes, who never stand
on the edge - or"climb down to the darkness of the pit of
] lIell. Those who have never experienced the limits of
themselves in love, in war, in living - these weaklings
trying so hard to impress.
What, then, is real Satanism all about? First, it is
] about rebellion - against the conformity of the present.
And I mean a real rebel, a real outlaw - someone who cuts
a dash, who has charisma, whose very presence makes others
uneasy ( and who does not have to wear some stupid 'costume'
to do this). Second, it is about testing your own Destiny •
So - you believe you are special, do you? Well, prove it!
Try something dangerous - try something to see if you get
away with it. If not - tough, you failed. There are plenty
of others ••• If you succeed, try again, until you know
your limits. Choose a good cause, or a bad one or no cause
at all, and really live, intoxicating yourself with life,
danger, achievement. Do not rest and never be afraid to
face the possibility of death. But in all that you do
be honourable - to yourself. Carry this honour with you
everywhere like a favourate concealed weapon.
Third, learn from your experiences - like you would learn
from a 'bad' woman (or man) in your youth when sex was still
something of a mystery. A real Satanist does not often
do magick - they are magick by the very nature of their
dynamic, zestful existence. It is experience which
teaches, from which you learn - you cannot learn Satanism
from books (although some may guide you aright to begin
with), it cannot be taught by 'Masters' and never involves
cosy little discussions with 'friends' or others.
Anyone who accepts a 'Master' and grovels before them ­
however slight that grovelling may be - is not a Satanist,
just a sucker who sucks. Accepting some 'authority' is a
sign you are weak: a sign you need emotional crutches:
a sign you are a whimp.
So, get off your arse, you suckers, and make Satan
proud. Learn to do evil.
What is evil? All that restricts life - all that tries
to constrain the possibilities. Doing evil means breaking
these restrictions and constaints - and taking the
consequences of your own actions. Just do - just discover,
just smash the chains that hold most others in thrall, and
never bow down to anyone about anything: smash them first,
or die rather than submit. That way, you will learn how
to live - and laugh at the weak.
Of course this is dangerous - for others, and yourself!
Satanism was never easy - or for whimps.
See you in Hell!
The Sinister Calling
J The aim of the following ceremonial ritual can be
either (a) returning to Earth those 'negative, chaotic, sinister'
forms/energies dark legend knows as 'The Dark Gods'; (b)
J drawing forth from the acausal dimensions, chaotic energies,
directed toward a specific goal/aim/intent or channelled into
a particular individual(s)/group/temporal form. The main
difference between the two is that in (a) the forms/energies
J are left to disperse/create conditions according to their nature.
If insufficient preparation/desire is present within those
performing this Calling, (b) can become (a) - sometimes to the
] detriment of those Calling.
The rite below ass~mes willing sacrifice. (For unwilling
sacrifice, qv. 'A Gift to the Prince' - of historical interest
J only. )
The rite of Sinister Calling is a traditional ritual
(perhaps the most sinister ritual that exists).

J Setting:
An isolated hill-top, sunset, with Saturn rising - or
J a sinister Temple/cave.

J Master of the Temple - Purple robes
Mistress of Earth - Purple robes
Priestess - naked, upon altar
J Priest - black robe, tied' with white cord/girdle
Congregation - black robes
Guardian of the Temple - black robes, with face mask

J Preparation:
1) Seven days before the rite, the congregation
assemble in the dwelling of the Master or Mistress. Here they
stay until the rite is complete. During the seven days they are
J forbidden to speak, wear only ceremonial robes, will abstain
from intoxicating drinks and sexual pleasures and eat no meat.
(This is a 'Black Fast'.) During the hours of darkness no lights
] except black candles are to be lit and at sunset on each day
they gather in the Temple to chant the Dies Ira: nine times.
During the seven days no contact with outsiders is allowed,
] and no music or intrusive sound, save for the Dies Irae and the
Atazoth chant, is to be heard. Both the dwelling and the Temple
should be incensed with Saturnian incense. According to tradition,
the robes worn will contain a hood/cowl which is to be worn
during the daylight hours, these hours being taken up with
walking within the dwelling grounds (or a suitable, isolated
location nearby) for at least three hours together with such
diversions as the r-Iaster and r-astress will arrange. (Note: These
diversions - which in recent times include playing the Star Game ­
are so chosen so as not to destroy the black tranquillity of the
fast. In the past they have included study of alchemical MSS,
silent Tarot readings (using sign language/drawn symbols for the
reader to express meanings) and practice in performing esoteric
chant (Dies Irae/Atazoth chant - fourth/fifths and so on), this
latter in the Temple if the Calling is to be performed there.
2) The Temple is prepared seven days before the
rite (this applies to the site chosen - which should thereafter

l be guarded by appropriate energy). This consists of the

Master and Mistress incensing the area with Saturnian incense

J . while chanting seven times the 'Sanctus Satanas'. T~~y then

unite in sexual union, the Mistress visualizing the nexion

to the Dark Gods as being gradually opened, though remaining
J partly closed.
One planetary hour before the Calling begins on the seventh
day, the Temple/outdoor area is made ready by an Initiate
chosen for this task. A black cloth is laid on the altar and
seven black candles placed upon it and lit. Chalices of strong
wine are prepared ready near the altar. A large quartz crystal
is placed in the centre of the Temple, on an oak (or wooden)
l stand. (Note: It enhances the energies if this crystal is shaped
as a tetrahedron. Whatever the shape, the crystal should be as
large as possible.) The l-1aster brings the Sacrificial Knife. An
image of Baphomet, according to sinister tradition, may be present
in the Temple, but no other artifacts, furnishings, signs or
The congregation et al gather outside the Temple, robed as
l above, and are led into the Temple by the (naked) Priestess at
the beginning of the rite.
3)As the congregation assemble on the seventh day
l before the rite (they will have been informed some time before
by the Master or Mistress of the date of the Calling, its
purpose and intent being explained) lots are drawn to decide which man
among them shall be chosen. The one chosen by the drawing of
l lots (the 'opfer') is free to then accept or decline the honour.
If this honour is declined, another lot is held, and the one so
chosen may also decline. After this, a further lot is held, the
l result of which is binding. The opfer so chosen by lot is then
led by the Guardian(s) to a secure, secluded place and resides
there until the rite of Calling begins. Each night and in this
l place the opfer receives the Priestess for the length of one
planetary hour, the Priestess being chosen from among the Temple
to be at this period capable of conception. If the Master or
~1istress so desire, another lady in addition to the Priestess
may be chosen and received by the opfer at the dawn of each day.
It is duty of the Guardian(s) to watch over and care for the
opfer during the days before the rite, and lead him to the Temple
l for the Calling.

The Rite:

The congregation precess into the Temple, led by the Priestess

who is assisted onto the altar by the Mistress. The congregation
gather in a semi-circle before the altar, the Guardian{s)
holding the opfer by the entrance. The Mistress greets the
Master with a kiss, saying: 'To you is it fitting, Master, to
speak to our gods for these many. With your own eyes see how
we seekers of darkness await this calling forth of our gods!'
The Mistress gestures with her hands, and the congregation
remove their hoods/cowls. She says: 'So shall we rejoicing, dancel'
The congregation begin to dance, counter- sunwise around
the altar chanting "Binan ath ga wath am".
The Master lays the S. Knife on the womb of the Priestess
while the Mistress places her hands on the crystal and joins
the Master in chanting the Diabolus in fourths while visualizing
the nexion opening. This chant is repeated seven times, the
congregation continuing their dance and chant.

After the seventh chant, the Master claps his hands nine times
as a signal for the congregation +0 gather round. The Guardian
brings the opfer forward.
The Master gives the opfer a chalice of wine, which he drinks.
After this, the Master says to him: 'We greet our honoured guest
with a kiss.' He kisses the opfer, followed by the Mistress and
the congregation who kiss the opfer in turn.
The ~Jistress then removes the robe of the opfer and begins
to raise his secret fire with her lips while the Master gestures
to the congregation as a sign for them to remove their robes.
They then begin to dance again - chanting 'Atazoth', Satanas
and/or shouting/laughing/screaming as they whirl faster and faster
in ecstasy and frenzy.
As they dance, the Guardian lifts the Priest upon the altar
while the Master takes up the S. Knife. The Priestess holds
the opfer in sexual union and visualizes the nexion opening as
she draws by movement the secret fire from the opfer. She then
releases him and on this sign the Mistress signals to the
congregation who begin an orgiastic rite according their desires.
The Mistress then touches the crystal with her hands
visua1izing/intoning the aim/intent of the ca11ing, ad libitum
according to the frenzy/energy generated in the Temp1e. As she
touches the crystal, the Guardian(s) assist the opfer from
the a1tar and with the Haster (who takes the S. Knife and the
empty cha1ice used by the opfer) 1eave the Temp1e to a secluded
place (which may be the p1ace used by the opfer during the
preparation period).
In this secluded place, the Master vibrates 'Nythra kthunae
Atazoth' whi1e the Guardian(s) hold the opfer. After the
vibration, the Master uses the S. Knife, collecting some of
the Red Elixir in the chalice. He then returns to the Temple
and the ~Jistress symb01ical1y washes her hands in the Red
Elixir before herself chanting 'Nythra kthunae Atazotht'.
F01lowing this, she and the Master chant the Diab01us in
fourths, directing the chant toward the crystal.
The rite is conc1uded by the Master assisting the Priestess
down from the altar. She departs from the Temple, returning
with trays of food and wine which she offers to the congregation ­
their revelry continues until desires are fu1fil1ed. The Priestess
herself withdraws after offering the food and drink, as the
Master and Mistress do.

Note: After the final Diab01us chant by the ~taster and Mistress,
if an aim/intent is intended, this is visualized/voiced by
them according to magickal principles before they depart from
the Temple. Shou1d they wish, they may combine this with their
own sexual union. Shou1d no aim/intent be desired, the
dark forms/energies are left to gather/disperse according to
their nature. The Guardian(s) are sworn to secrecy, and after
the Red Elixir is produced secrete/bury the empty vessel
in a 10cation prepared beforehand •
Diabolus: Dies irae, dies il1a Sanctus:
Solvet saec1um in favil1a Sanctus, Satanas, Sanctus
Teste Satan cum sibylla. Dominus Diabolus Sabaoth~
Quantus tremor est futurus Sanctus Satanas Sanctusl
Quando Vindex est venturus Satanas - venire;
Cuncta stricte discussurus. Satanas - venire!
Dies irae, dies il1al Ave Satanas, ave Satanaso
Tui aunt cae1i,
Tua est terra
Ave Satanas.
] Central to any civilization and society which is civilized,
is the notion of revenge - and central to revenge is the
] blood fued. \"lhen the "State" - of whatever political hue ­
or any large oragnized governmental structure, reserves for
itself the means and control and dispensation of "Justice"
then true freedom does not exist: the individual has become
] controlled and enslaved, if not physically, then mentally.

Any healthy flourishing society not only allows revenge,

but encourages it, and any society which does not is already

] a form of tyranny, however much clever, vapid, intellectual

and political words may be used to try and obscure this

reality. A healthy' society is one that tends to respect

1 the individual right to justice and thus revenge: the two are

linked and cannot be seperated without destroying both,

leaving an empty shell. A healthy society seeks to respect

the individual, and extend their responsibilities and duties,

] and one of the most important responsibilities and duties of

any individual is to avenge.

This view is not upheld by many today - and eertainly by

] none who form those cliques of legal and social 'professionalism'

which infest society today. Instead, the present System
seeks to convince us all, from childhood, that only the
State has the "right" to deal with "Justice" - and that only
] this is "civilised". But if' you believe that, you really

are ill - one of those pale specimens inebriated by the clever

words and ideas of the half-men (and half-women) who

] unf'ortunately proliferate today in our comfortable and monied

Revenge is natural and necessary. An illustration here
J might be instructive. A young motorist, high on drink and
drugs, deliberately runs down and kills someone: the
classic 'innocent passerby'. After some trouble, the ~olice
find this driver and he is charged. When his case comes to
] court, he manages to wriggle out of the murder charge('lack of
suf'ficient evidence'/some legal problem) and is instead
convicted of manslaughter. He shows no remorse. He is sentenced
] to 3 years in prison. After a little over ~ years he is

released, and some months later is arrested for drink driving

and driving while disqualified. A few more months in prison.

Then he is free. Now, in this instance (and many like it) the

relatives of the victim have a duty to kill this piece of

scum - and should be ashamed of themselves if' they did not.
Naturally, they would give all sorts of reasons as to why
J they would do nothing - but basically they are, if they do
nothing, (a) spineless cowards; (b) degenerate bastards who
do not care; (c) so ground down by the System, by the lies
] and propaganda, that their natural instincts have been destroyed.
They - one or some of them - should have killed the offender.
Naturally, in the feeble societies of the Western tyrannies,
J had they done so they '''ould - if caught - have faced "Justice"
and the legal system themselves: and probably spent longer
in prison than the bastard who deserved to die (such is the
sickness of the "West"). But, until this whole rotten System is
] destroyed, they should have used the rules of the System against
itself - why not, for instance, run the bastard himself down?
You would, if caught, only get a few years. But at least
J you would be able to live with yourself _ still have your honour.
Of' course, an impartial assessment (like a Judge) is still
necessary - but once judged, relatives are honour bound to act.
'_.P"l-,,": __ , .: .... +., _
Conquer, Destroy, Create

J Host people are sick - in the head. \ihy1 LSecause they

lack vision - because they lack the desire to translate
J that vision into reality and because they lack the character
to break the psychic chains of the modern world forged
from ideas.
And I am not writing about mediocre vision, either ­
J but about grandiose vision: vision which makes one aspire to

greatness, to make real what others may sometimes dream

about perhaps once in their puny, pathetic lives. I am

J writing about that inner vision which drives some individuals

and which makes them great: makes them aspire to fulfil at

least part of their god-like potential. That inner demon

J which compels, which makes one strive again and again and

never admit defeat, even when faced with death.

Conquerors hav~ vision: so do Artists and ExPlorers and
~arriors. Today, there is an excess of petty individuals
J trying to make real their petty and cowardly concerns; an

excess of petty officials and petty rules and petty

governments trying to restrain the individual spirit and

J psyche; an excess of petty ideas trying to level down

all individuals to the lowest level and so breed a plastic

bastard race equal in all things who no longer aspire to

J real greatness.

~ihat is needed are individuals who dream large - who strive

to make those dreams real, regardless of the consequences.
J In short, a return of the conquering attitude. All that is
great and worthwhile is built from the blueprint of inner

vision, and the greatest vision is conquest - of ourselves,

of others, of what is still unknown. There are no limits

J unless we in l~eakness set our limits. We, today, need to

rediscover the delight of discovery and conquest: of going

where no one has been before, of being masters of our own

] Destiny by following our visions and instincts.

This is not easy. Let the weak, the scum, the majority
huddle together in their quest for happiness and material
well-being. Let them seek comfort in each other and 1deas.
J Individuals are born from hardship - from the hardship of
questing after a dream. Conquest and exploration bring a
joy, and create a uniqueness, like no other - the joy and
] individuality of a god.
Seek to be like a god - that is the answer to the misery
that is bred from morbid self-pity and smallness and a wallowing
] in abstract ideas - from the seeking after illusions like
happiness and comfort and stupid ideas like 'freedom' and
'justice'. The only freedom is the freedom to dream and the
freedom to make that dream real, just as the only justice is
J that which is within each individual: what they feel. Of course,
the weak and the cowardly feel a different sense~justice
than the strong - they call this 'law' and enshrine it within
] a church to their gods of 'democracy' and 'equality', whereas
the strong call their justice vengeance and honour, words which
the majority fear Or do not understand.
So what dreams are, today, fit enough for those who aspire
to be like gods? There are only two, as this century ends.
And they are connected.
The first is to destroy those edifices which the cowards,
J the weak, the huddling majority have erected to defend
themselves from the natural elite - those few who dare, who
defy, who despise and are fearless and conquering in their
J defiance. To destroy those governments, forms, Institutions
or whatever as a prelude to renewed creation: as prelude to

to the conquest of the supine massess and their world. To

] destroy all that has and does enervate - all that makes
individuals slaves and seeks to stop their dreams. For the
world a~d its peoples exist for the benefit of the natural
] elite - to be subjects, to aid them, to use the rescources ­
so that in time there is an evolution upwards, rather than
downwards: an evolution toward still higher forms. Uut this
] has been and only can be achieved by the majority aspiring
to emulate the deeds and daring of the few, of the natural
elite - by the morality and vision of the few becoming the
morality and vision of the many, not the other t(ay round.
] This, naturally, means suffering - perhaps wars, perhaps
great sorrows. 3ut all that is great arises from suffering
not softness. Once the vision of the few is defeated by the
many, once their energies are redirected - once the dreaming
stops and the aspiring ceases - then there is decline
and sicl:ness, of the spirit and the psyche. This can be put
I very simply: war and conquest and exploration are needed;
- I
when they stop, decay sets in, the scum come to the surface.
Thus, goals of destruction, re-construction and creation
must be set - and strived for. This requires a new breed, a
j ne\( elite nurtured by naturalness and instinct and visions.
An elite which others see, and are afraid of. Such an elite
may not be political - but if it was, so what? So what if
I it became labelled as extreme, if the vision behind it

became to be called by some name or other~ Labels, names ­

and indeed analysis of the political, social and intellectual

kind - are games played by the weak, the cowandly, the sick

and the scum. What matters is action, the desire to achieve,

to become again fierce, tough, forbiding and thus real

individuals who have broken the psychic chains of-rhe majority.
What is important is inner resolve.
These goals would naturally lead to that second dream, fit

for a god:- the exploration of Space - to break away from
! the smallness of this world and find new ones: to explore, to
conquer, to challenge us to even greater heights of
being, to reach the limits of our potential and thus become
god-like in our unique indiViduality - a new species that
spreads ever onwards and upwards, toward even more, for
evolution is never done. The planets, the stars, the galaxies ­
with their visions, their ricbness, their splendours, await us:
and it is up to us, each and every ODe of us, whether we reach
them. We can begin that quest - or we can remain trapped in
our Otin pettiness with our petty, pathetic concerns and outlook,
on this small insignificant planet. Or we can take up the
challenge of ourselves and our future and seek to be like
gods, and thus fulfil the potential latent within us.
The first step is to change ourselves - within, where it
matters, and become strong in spirit and psyche: a warrior
in outlook and intent. The second is to spread that change
outward - to others and external forms, destroying and then
creating. The third is to strive further - toward the fulfilment
of our inner vision, on this world and on others.
Those who choose not to act have condemned themselves as

(Transcribed from a talk given by AL at ONA Sunedrion yf 99)
J Magick and Politics

What is occuring more and more within society, is adherence
by individuals to ephemeral causes and 'opinions' as a result
] of the subjection to individuals to propaganda both overt

and more 'covert' (ie. 'subliminal'). That is, society

is developing so as to make practical experience of the

] traumas of life more and more distant - the individual

becoming shielded not only by the 'State' and its Institutions

by also by ideas. Thus, the world is seen via the distorting

] lenses of these ideas. In the past, wisdom arose usually

painfully over a period of time by diverse and often

traumatic personal experience - that is, a very individual

'view of the world' was formed as a result of these varied

] experiences. Of course, few arrived at even this stage of

conscious devlopment.

Magick, properly understood, was an attempt to 'short­

] circuit' this process - hence, for example, the tasks and

proceedures of the Grade Rituals in the seven-fold Way. Thus,

magick bUilt, from within and without the individual, a
] genuine foundation - an 'inner core' which enabled the
individual to not only survive in an often hostile world, but
also enhance their life quite significantly. Magick restores
the individual in a very important way to the 'roots of their
] being' allowing thus a personal growth.
However, society in general does the opposite. Its
'education', its Institutions, its Laws all act together to
] produce an individual lacking in spirit: that is, devoid
of a personal world-view. Moreover, this occurs whatever the
outward political allegiance of the society - ego socialist or

] capitalist or shades inbetween. - and occurs whether or not

a particular society is 'democratic' or overty 'repressive.
The only difference between the two is the method: the latter
is more objectified and direct, often involving force and
] suppression, while the latter is more devious (and all the more
dangerous because of this).
Essentially, there is growing within nearly all the societies
] of the world a concensus and an adherence to a certain set
of ideas and values. That is, there is a 'levelling down' of

differences together with a real loss of individual freedom
not only in terms of the ability of an individual to transit
freely, unencumbered by whatever 'past' he or she may have,
but equally importantly in terms of inner outlook. There is
less and less 'realness' about individuals because the dramatic,
foramtive experiences which shape and mould character and which
give spirit are either becoming 'illegal'/frowned upon or
made impossible by State control and/or indoctrination of
] the individual into a certain pattern of living/ideas about life.
In the practical sense, one could say not only are the
legal restraints on an individual and their actions increasing,
] but also the direct power which States have over individuals
(and this includes information about individuals) are ever
growing. This, coupled with cooperation between States in the
distribution/exchange of information and the desire for even more
] and larger 'federations' of States (eg. like a 'European State')
both national and international, means more and more direct
personal restrictions and less and less 'inner freedom'. There
J is in short, much more superficial ways of living: ways
encouraged by States and by those who adhere to what is fast
becoming the accepted world 'idea-system'.

This 'idea-system', it will surprise few here, is based to
a great extent on the 'Nazarene view of the world'. Already

- in one of its many political forms it is established within

the States of the West where its watchwords include 'democracy'

and 'equality' and 'freedom'. Of course, these words enshrine

clever ideas - but they are not real simply because they

] belong to something beyond one or at least a few individuals.

This is really the crux of the matter. What is real is that

which exists for each one of us, and this is and must be

] discovered anew by every individual as part of the process

of life itself: when it is not, there is no real life - only

the appearance of it. There is thus no ~inner essence, only

] outward form. What this means is that all goverments, States,

Institutions or power-groupings negate this essence

because our conscious life is a personal process of development

pivital upon our understanding of ourselves, the world, the

] cosmos and those few others with whom we inter-act in a very

personal way: it should not be extrapolated beyond this, and

all politics, all religion and all social pressures of whatever

] hue contradict this. They are, essentially, counter-evolutionary

because they make the individual reliant on that which is

not born from within. Thus there can be no such thing as
] genuine 'democracy/freedom/equality' and all attempts to
create what are only abstract ideas destroy individuality.
Such abstract ideas, however, continue to flourish, and
they continue to make the individual sterile. There will be, in
] the near future, more and reliance upon such ideas, more and
more attempts to make them a 'reality' in State/governmental
forms - ego in Eastern Europe and beyond.
] Of course, this analysis forms the core of 'genuine anarchism':
but even this is a label, an 'ism' which has evolved into
an 'idea' with all the dissent appropriate to an idea. Magick
is a means away from all this - it is a practical system,
l devoid of dogma, and makes possible the next stage of our
- evolution as individuals. As such, it is direct opposition
to all power-forms - governmental, religious or social ­
] although this opposition is silent and will remain silent.
Magick is individual and will remain individual and while
current conditions remain not unfavourable as regards the
] spread of information relating to its techniques, this will
probably change: simply because inner liberation is and will
continue to be so for some time the province of a small
number of ind~viduals while the devotees of abstract political
and social ideas continue to flourish and expand.
This, naturally, is only a brief resume of the problem
and what perhaps it is essential to remember is that

- we as artists of the magickal possess the ability to bring

about change: both within ourselves and, should we wish it,
within the society within which we live. The essence of the
former is the seven-fold way, that of the latter - aeonic magick.


J ONA Insight Roles

Insight roles is the name given to a dangerous technique
aimed at developing personal unders+anding. The technique
I itself is simple:- it involves the individual living
for a specific period of time - between six months to
two years - a certain role or 'way of life'.
] What makes this difficult and dangerous is that the role
chosen must be at odds with the individuals' own feelings
and view of the world. This brings the individual into
conflict with themselves - and sometimes friends and society
as well. This forces the individual to rely on themselves
and discard in a practical way all the illusions that must
be discarded if Adeptship is to be achieved.
The technique is not to be undertaken lightly, but once
begun ~ be.continued for the allotted time.
] ~
~ The technique is normally begun after the Grade Ritual
of External Adept and after the individual has successfully
~ run their own magickal group for at least three months. It
] ~
~ is imnortant that the individual strive to identify
with the chosen role, and not see it merely as an unpleasant
task. This identification must begin with a conscious
decision to act the role as convincingly as possible. The
J 0
role itself, for the period of time chosen, should be the
main interest and occupation of the individual.

-J ~
In an important way, Insight Roles are magickal rituals
extending over a period of time and for the majority of
individuals following the seven-fold way (the sinister
path) are necessary as a prelude to the Grade Ritual of
~ Internal Adept. It is the experiences undergone (both
] ~ external and internal) during an Insight Role that give the
individual the impetus necessary to undertake and
~ complete the period of isolation required during the Grade
] , Ritual. For it is this period of isolation which is often
~ necessary for the individual to understand and ~ntegrate
those experiences. From these, the genuine Adept is born.
] ~
All Insight Roles, of necessity, seem 'bizarre' to
non-Adepts. The individual who decides to undertake the
technique should choose a role (from those listed) which
] ~ is the opposite of what they themselves consider their own
personality to be.

] General Guidelines:
When a role is undertaken, you are
forbidden to explain to anyone the reasons for this sudden
-J change in your behaviour/attitudes. This will isolate you,
and begin the process of self-reliance and belief in your own
Destiny. Observe the reaction of 'friends'.
You should initially think of the role as a means of
enhancing your life - an opportunityo The role is part of
the process of self-discovery - which is often painful.
To succeed, you must let go of all your previous opinions,
beliefs and ideas. Forget everything assumed about people
Who naturally adopt the role you have chosen - just accept
them, as they are. This will be very difficul~. The role
is ah ordeal - a kind of second Initiation, and you can only
I become free, and ready for Adeptship, by losing your pasto
The role chosen should be seen as part of your Destiny - and

(Insight Roles - 2.)


you should learn to revel in the role. If possible, keep a
J record of your thoughts, experiences and observations.
You should not, during the time of the role, undertake
any magickal workings of whatever kind - simply because
these are not necessary, considering the Insight Role is
J itself a pO\ierful (and highly dangerous) magickal ritual
of 'internal' (or alchemical) magick.
Be determined to continue in the role for the length
J of time you have chosen. Should you succeed in this, you will
discover many important things about yourself and the
world. Wisdom will be gradually gained through the trials
J of experience. There is no substitute for this kind of
practical learning.
Always remember during the role, that you have chosen
to follow the'path toward self-divinity - the role is but
] a stage on that path, and one that has to be undertaken
if your goal is to be achieved.

] The roles are listed in order of difficulty/psychological

danger with brief notes on the type of individual who might
undertake them bearing in mind that the role chosen should
be the opposite of what you consider your 'personality type'/
] view of the world to be. From the viewpoint of the present
the most challenging (and dangerous) role undertaken by
members in the past two decades has been the one listed first.
J Insight Roles, quite simply, are for those who dare
to defy.


(Secret) Insight Roles II

The roles are listed in order of danger(both practical and
psychological) - t~~ most dangerous first.

1) Join an organization of the extreme 'Right' and undertake
the life of a political activist - attending meetings,
demonstrations and so on. You should see yourself as a
• 'revolutionary' who seeks to create a new type of society.
You must forget all your assumptions about this type of

politics - and the people in it - and live out, in a practical
way, this role. *
Contact address: British National Party, P.O. Box 446,
] London SE 23 2LS.
Send for literature and ask about

2) Enter a Buddhist religious order. Read about Buddhism, then

] apply to one of the addresses below to stay for a 'retreat'
and ask then to enter the order.
Throssel Hole Priory, Carr Shield, Hexham, Northumberland

1 (Zen Buddhism).
Nanjushri Institute, Cinishead ~riory, Ulverston,
Cumbria (Tibetan Buddhism).
3) Join the French Foreign Legion. Contact address:
La Chef du Poste d'Information de la Legion Etranger,
Bas Fort St. Nicolas, 2 Boulevard Charles Livon, 13007
Marseille, France.
Sell and forget everything - and simply go.
4) Open and run a brothel. First, find premises; second,
find individuals willing to offer ".:... their services.
Honesty in dealings with clients, and good friendly treatment
of those employed to offer services to clients is the key
to success, and must be done.
5) Join the Police. Assuming you are tall enough and have
the right qualifications - ask at a Police Station or
employment centre and apply. Be determined to succeed if
interviewed - find plausible reasons, when asked, why you
wish to join.
6) Vagrant. Sell everything you possess, give up job etc. auy
rucksack., small tent etc. and wander around, trying to
earn living by doing small jobs, begging sometimes for food.
7) Form a Wiccan group. This role means you assume the
.' identity of a '~hite' Priest/Priestess. Create a believable
past for yo~rself (re Initiation and so on into ~icca) and
then recruit members. Aim is to form a 'teaching coven'.
8) Set specific physical goals and train to achieve these.
These goals must be achieved within eight months of
beginning training. They are:
a) Run a marathon in less than 2hrs 50 min (men) or 3hrs
10 min (women)
b) Compete in a (cycling) 12hr Time Trial achieving a
distance of at least 230 miles. Intermediate aims are:
25 miles in 1hr or less. (Note: 12 hr Time Trials are usually
held during the summer months - so begin role at time to
co-incide with eight month training build-up, eg. December.
Join local cycling club - find details at nearest good bike shop
(a) and (b) may be combined - and should be if you are
fairly fit.
*Editorial Note: These contact addresses are now out of date. The
MS was last revised 1985 eh.
(Secret: Insight Roles - 2.)

Some guidelines to assess viability of each role:

1) Best suited for those of 'left-winge/liberal sentiments,

including anarchists

2) Suited to those who enjoy the pleasures of the flesh ­

women, wine and food

3) Suited to those who lack a sense of adventure and

consider themselves 'non-violent'

4) Suited to those who are introverted and find organizing

things difficult

5) Suited to those
the Police

who dislike authority - particuarly

6) Suited to those who like comfort and need security of

home/job etc

7) Suited to those who lack imagination and flair for


8) Suited to those who dislike sport



-l The Publication of Esoteric Traditions on the Left Hand Path


For a long time, genuine esoteric tradition was handed on on an
.J individual basis, from Master/Mistress to novice. There were many reasons
for this, most of them practical: the tradition was esoteric, liable to
mis-interpretation, and many of its tenets and rituals involved what would

J have been regarded as 'heretical', anti-social and/or illegal acts. Furthermore,

the methods used to train novices often made those novices into 'outlaws'
and set them against conventional society. Also, for a long time,the
teaching and teachings of the tradition was heretical in Law - a criminal
] offense against Church and State. Secrecy was essential and necessary.

This state of affairs pertained until quite recently. With the burgeoning

of interest in 'the Occult' in general, the LHP became somewhat less secret

] and certain aspects of the tradition were discreetly circulated. What were

mistakenly taken to be 'esoteric' traditions and, given the new openess

toward the Occult and the repeal of anti-Occult laws, freely distributed

and/or published, were (a) the useless Grimoire/Qabalistic tradition, or

·J (b) a mis-interpreted crowleyism, or (c) of a showman/ghoulish/self-professed

type with bits cobbled together from (a) and (b) with archaic myths and
unenlightened egoism thrown in. The real tradition - with its darkness
-J and danger - remained hidden.
To (c) belonged the Church of Satan, which made Satan ism akin to a
fantasy role-playing game or games with some sorcery added to impress. The
·J later schism which gave birth to the Temple of Set (born not with a bang but
with a whimper) was not unexpected given the structure and orientation of
this 'Church' - and neither was the fact that the leader of this schism
based his Temple and authority on what was termed an 'Infernal Mandate',
·J and declared Satan ism as a religion , much mis-understood.
Meanwhile, the old traditions continued, in Europe and elsewhere, in their
traditional way - secretly, accepting but few novices and these only after severe
· J tests and ordeals. The traditions, writings, rituals, methods, ordeals and
techniques remained unavailable except to those few. After lengthy deliberations
and consultations, the individual representing traditional groups, decided
to gradually make the esoteric tradition which he and others represented
J available on a selective basis, to reveal, for once and for all, what

the LHP and Satanism were really about. The real impetus for this decision

came from Aeonic strategy - making the tradition available would enable an

j increase in the number of genuine Adepts, thus hastening the presencing of

the darker forces on Earth, and so fulfilling the sinister dialectic of history.
This increase, however, would be gradual - over centuries.
With this dissemination, the purpose, intent and methods of Satan ism and the
LHP could no longer be mis-interpreted and the posers and charlatans who
professed to be 'Satanists' would be exposed - at least to those with any
sagacity. With the secrets accessable to those who saught to find them, the
real esoteric work could continue, as it always had, in secret - the training,
via direct experience, of those few strong and gifted enough to undertake
the difficult and dangerous journey along the Left Band Path.

ONA 1991 eh

] In this example, the burglary was a 'crime', in Law - but, in fact, the
illegal nature of the act was irrelevant. The act, and its planning etc.,
aided the self-excellence of the novice, and thus his magickal development,
because it was a Satanic act, not because it was 'criminal' - that is,
] it involved danger, required skill, judgement, ~dring, and it was real.

It was, in a sense, a practical ordeal and its Satanic character m~ that

its victims were victims of themselves: the act was akin to an act of

] 'natural justice'. To some, it may seem a game - and so it was, but one

played in earnest, in which losing meant capture and probable imprisonment

(factors which made it interesting and worthwhile). And it was only a few

incidents in a life crammed with such incidents - at different levels.

] Furthermore, this 'realness' is important - genuine Satanists involve

themselves with the real world, in real situations with real people and real

danger. The imitation Satanists play mental and intellectual and 'safe'

] games. The difference is that a real Satanist will actually be an assassin,

for example, while the imitation Satanist will dream of being one and will

probably obtain a moronic pleasure from watching some fictional story

J and 'identifying' with a fictionalized assassin - or, more likely, will

'act out' such a role in some pathetic psuedo-magickal ceremony and believe
he/she has attained something.
Naturally, in the real world things can and do go wrong. But as always,
J the real Satanists survive and prosper, while the others go under, get
caught, give up or are killed. Also, sometimes even the best get things

a little wrong - but they learn from their mistakes, they grow in character,

in insight, in skill. Genuine Satanists are survivors: they learn and prosper,

and die at the right time.

This growth means that a Satanist moves on - there are always new challenges,

] new delights, new tests of skill, daring, endurence,courage; new insights.

A 'role' is only a role - played, then discarded, transcended. Thus, even
crime, sacrifice, tests of others, become left behind, given time - they have
served the purpose for which they were intended - and a new being is given
] birth, one more joins the elect. This is simply another way of saying that
a Satanist is never trapped by the act, the desires for and against that act,
its consequences, or indeed anything to do with that act, whatever the nature
] of the act. An act, such as a sacrifice or a crime, is a means - to something
beyond. Allacts are experience. A Satanist is above and beyond acts - a
master or mistress of them, rather than a slave to them.

] So it is, so it has been and so it will be - for genuine Satanists. Meanwhile,

the imitation Satanists will play their word-games, feast on self-delusions,
and continue to claim that 'Satanism' never involves sacrifice, or criminal
acts but is a rather pleasing philosophy which has had a rather 'bad press'.
] But, henceforward, anyone who is taken in by these gutless, posturing
charlatans will deserve the epithet 'stupid'.





The Hard Reality of Satan ism

! -.

The hare. reality of Satanism is that it is very different" from both the

-. media image and the more recent image pedalled by imitation Satanists

in both Europe and America.

... I I What Satan ism Is:

a) Satan ism is a quest for self-excellence, involving real danger, real

-.l challenges and requiring real courage.

It involves taking your body to and beyond its physical limits of
endurence. It involves real action, alone: without the support of friends,

J comrades, lovers, relations or anyone.

It involves accepting challenges - physical, psychic, intellectual ­

and triumphing soley by one's own efforts.

It involves the triumph of pure, individual will and desire.

1 b) Satan ism is, in part, an inner quest, an exploration of the 'hidden'

(and overt) aspects of consciousness: a dis-covery of the darkness within
] and beyond the individual psyche. This involves 'magickal acts' - such as
rituals. This magick, however, is a means, not an end.

c) Satanism involves ordeals, both physical and magickal. Those who are

l• suitable triumph; the others fail. [One such ordeal is the Grade Ritual of

Internal Adept - where the candidate lives alone and isolated, bereft of
everything except the bare necessities for physical survival, for a period of
three months.]

d) Satan ism requires the practical experiencing of all moral limits, and then
l• a mastery of the feelings, desires, pleasures, terrors, pains and so on that
these imply .

e) Satanism involves the individual defiance of all subserviance: a Satanist

accepts guidance only, and refuses to be dominated or intimidated by anyone.
This gUidance is toward practical experience, and it by this experience that
the novice learns and developes a genuine Satanic character.

f) Satan ism involves sacrifice - this is a necessary test of character

[qv. the MSS "Satanism, Sacrifice and Crime - The Satanic Truth", and

J "Satan ism - The Sinister Shadow, Revealed" for more details.].

g) Satan ism is a means - a method, or way, and the purpose of this means, method
or way is to produce a specific type of individual: the next stage of our
... evolution as a species. Satan ism is thus an expression of evolutionary
change - on both the individual level and in respect of 'societies' and
'history' .
The individuals so created often inspire in the supine majority a certain
... terror/awe/admiration/fear/jealousy .

h) Satanism is elitist. It does not compromise - its tests, ordeals, methods

... and character-building experiences are severe and will never be made easier
to make them acceptable to more people or easier to undertake.

i) Satan ism is esoteric by nature and intent: it is both a 'secret' way,

... by virtue of its methods etc., and it is not nor probably will be
suitable for the majority for many, many centuries.

l II What Satan ism Is Not:

a) Satan ism is not, nor _an ever be, a religion, nor just a 'philosophy'.
-.. I A religion means acceptance of authority, the rigid structure of a
'Church' or a 'Temple', and a unified dogma (with the consequent schisms
and claims to "authenticity"). The religious attitude is the antithesis
of what Satan ism really is - for Satan ism is a way of living, a way
of experiencing, in the raw, whereas religion abstracts, limits endevour,
behaviour and moralizes. In short, a Satanist plunges into reality, without
any supports (moral, psychic or human) whereas a religious person has
] that reality prescribed by dogma, authority and such like, and is supported

by a 'Church', its members and their attitudes.

Satan ism is an ecstatic affirmation of existence - a taking of existence

] into new and higher realms, as well as a plunge into existing darkness and

the creation of new-darkness.

] b) Satanism cannot have anyone impose upon it any structure, authority,

or institution of any kind by claiming a 'dark mandate' or some kind
of 'revelation'. There can be no such thing as an 'infernal mandate' of
whatever kind because the only thing that really matters to Satan ism is
I- experience, its accumulation and the highly individualized learning that

results from such experience. A genuine Satanist, for example, confronted

by an entity which exhibited all the powers attributed to Satan would

J not even accept what that 'entity' said and would most certainly not show

any submission - instead, they would a defiance, a reasoned assessment of

what was said, and then a judgement made from experience. A Satanist

l never surrenders to anything - and would rather die, proud and defiant, than
sUbmit. This applies even to 'Satan'.
If and when a Satanist accepts guidance, it is from someone of experience
who has explicated Satan ism by their life and thus who can offer advice
I ~
based on that experience. The aim of Satan ism is to create willful, characterful,
defiant, unique individuals who have or can fulfil their potential as gods ­
it is not to create followers or sycophants. An 'infernal mandate' implies
l sycophancy.
c) Satan ism does not involve discussions, meetings, talks. Rather, it involves
action, deeds. Words - written or spoken - sometimes follow, but not
I necessarily. The ideal candidate for Satan ism is the individual of action
j rather than the 'intellectual'.

By the nature of most Satanic actions, they can seldom be mentioned

I and thus remain esoteric. The essence that Satan ism leads the individual
I towards, via action, is only ever revealed by that participation which

action is. Words, whether written or spoken, can never describe that essence ­

they can only hint at it, point toward it, and often serve to obscure the


Satan ism strips away the appearence of 'things' - living, Occult and otherwise
by this insistence on experience, unaided. What is thus apprehended by such
experience, is unique to each individual and thus is creative and evolutionary.
Discussions, meetings, talks, even books and such like, de-vitalize: they
are excuses for not acting.
A Satanist will sometimes use such forms as he/she may use the form of
a Temple - to enhance and/or provoke experiences. But they are then actively
manipulating, actively creating experiences - the others involved are being
used by that person. That is, there is only one Satanist at such gatherings

(usually) - the others may believe they are 'Satanists', but they are deluded.


d) Satan ism does not apply moral absolutes to real-life situations and

forms. This may best be explicated by two examples. First, politics.

Satan ism does not affirm or deny any pulitical forms or type of politics ­
it does not, for example, announce that 'fascism and Satan ism are incompatable'.

Such announcements/pronouncements arise from a moral bias and a lack of

insight into both Satan ism and 'society' and thus Aeonics.

A Satanist, concerned with experience, may use a political form for a

specific purpose - the nature of that form in terms of conventional politics
and morality (such as 'extreme Right-wing') is irrelevant. What is important
is whether it can be used to (a) provide experience of living and the
limits of experience, and/or (b) aid the sinister dialectic of history.
Thus a Satanist may become involved in, or set up, an organization of the

extreme Right - this is dangerous, exciting, vitalizes, provides experiences
'on the edge' and should thus aid the development of the character and insight
of that Satanist*. What is important, is that this involvement is done for
an ulterior, Satanic, motive: what others think and believe about such actions
is totally irrelevant. Anyone purporting to be a Satanist who criticizes
such an action, whatever the political hue of the group/organization, reveals
by that criticism that they are not Satanists - but rather, moralizing
nurds lacking in insight and real Satanic understanding.
The second example concerns the formation and use of Satanic 'Temples' and
groups by a Satanist. A Satanic novice, in order to gain experience of magickal
rituals and people manipulation, usually forms a group to perform Satanic rituals.
The people recruited are for the most part used - and the novice often assumes
a specific Satanic 'role' for this: the role of sorcerer/sorceress. He/she may
dress in a certain way and so on, as he/she may use fables to impress and/or
manipulate. This, however, for a genuine Satanist, is only a stage - and one
which lasts a year or two. After that, experience and mastery of ceremonial and
hermetic magick gained, they move on to new challenges and experiences, as all
good Satanists should. Further, the individuals of this 'Temple' or group are
not Satanists, although they may believe themselves to be - they are simply being
used to afford the novice pleasure/excitement/experience and so on. Bad any of ther
any Satanic character or potential, they would rebel to undertake their own quest
by forming such a group/'Temple' and experience the limits of themselves.
Sometimes, the group has another aim - an Aeonic or suprapersonal one, in which
case its life may be extended. But whatever, genuine Satanic guidance by an
Adept or Master/Mistress to a novice always occurs on an individualized basis,
never within the rigid and constraining form of a 'Temple'.
Thus, there is not nor can be any constraining rules applied to the conduct
of such 'Temples' and groups - there is no 'moral code', no bounds which cannot
be overstepped. The rules, such as they are, are made by the Satanic novice
according to their desire and goals. That is, they can do with that group and
its individuals whatever they desire to do and no one - not even the Adept/
Master/Mistress who may be guiding them - can set limits or prescribe their
behaviour. They must learn for themselves - and from their mistakes, should they
make some.
This naturally leads to the obvious Satanic deduction that a group like
the Temple of Set may contain one, perhaps two, Satanists - who are using the
'members' for their own Satanic goals. This person (or persons) would of course
deny this, and if that denial was sincere, they could not be Satanists. What is
certain, is that that group cannot contain more than perhaps two Satanists - for
the members accept the constraints imposed upon them from above, and are servile,
in both theory and practice. They are also not being led into real experiences,
but accept a sterile, sanitized and safe 'Satanism' as pedalled by their leader.

* It can also aid the sinister dialectic - here, an understanding of Aeonics is

import ani.

e) Satan ism does not seek any form of official recognition as it does not
seek ~o become respectable or the prerogative of a majority.

Rather, Satan ism operates, and must operate, for the most part in a clandestine
or • underground , manner.
'Official' recognition mean someone or some organization is granted some
sort of "status" and thus assumes both in theory and in fact an 'authority'
and an organizational structure to support it. This authority and this structure
mean followers, sycophants - and contradict the essence of satanism.
'Respectability' means a moral stance broadly in line with that pertaining
at the time - that is, it means a restricting morality, ethics, as well
a limiting of action to what is deemed broadly 'acceptable' by the 'society'
of the time.
Both of these - official recognition and respectability - also mean
that the self-appoint~d authority which is recognized and becomes or seeks to
be respectable, sets its own limits: there is 'proscription' of other
groups, a peer hierarchy and all the many trappings of herd conformity; the
triumph of illusive forms over essence. In brief, the deluding of others,
rather than their liberation.
Since the experience of the essence that Satan ism brings is unique, this
uniqueness is totally contradictory to all forms that seek to constrain, define
and restrict - two of these forms being 'official recognition' and

Some other hard facts about Satan ism are in order - to be placed on

Satanism is hard and very dangerous. This danger is much more than just
a 'mental' or a psychic one of the kind sometimes experienced in magickal
workings. It is a personal danger of the 'life or death' kind. If it is
not, then it is not tough enough, it is not Satanic. For far too long the
pathetic imitation Satanists, such as those in the Temple of Set and the
1 Church of Satan, have had no one to contradict their sickly, wimpish versions
of Satan ism - they have tried to deny the darkness and evil which are
essential to Satan ism because the frauds in those organizations are fundamentally
weak: they have never gone to their limits, never experienced the realness
of evil. They have tried to make 'Satanism' safe and 'respectable': they
have intellectualized it because they are typical products of this present
intellectualized, peace-loving, "we need to be safe" society.
A Satanist is like a beast of prey - in real life, not in fantasy.
A Satanist may be and often is an assassin, a warrior, an outlaw - in real life.
The imitation Satanists, however, pretend to be these things - their
fantasy-life is greater than their real experiences of such things. A Satanist
seeks and makes real his/her fantasies and then masters the real-life situations
and all those desires/feelings which give birth to those fantasies - they
live them and then transcend them, creating from those experiences something
beyond them: a new individual. Often, things go wrong - but as always in
life, the strong survive and the weak perish, are written off. The Satanist
creates the dreams, standards of excellence and spirit which others often
later aspire to emulate. This creation is in real life, by deeds and deeds alone.
Because of this, few indeed are the genuine Satanists. Sometimes their lives
(or aspects of them) become public - but often they are hidden, working their
darkness in secret, for the benefit of evolution.

ONA 1991 eh


I 27th May 1992 eh


Dear Ms Vera,
~ Thank you for your very interesting letter, and the questionnaire.

- 1 This l~ter I have replied to and sent by seperate post.

Regarding publications which present the teachings of the aNA, the following
are available (from the above address):
l °Naos - A Practical Guide to Becoming an Adept. 121 pages. $30 including Air

Mail postage .

°The Black Book of Satan - A Guide to Sinister Ceremonial Magick. 56 pages.$ 20

J °Hostia - Secret Teachings of the aNA, Volume I. 130 pages. $35

°Hostia, Vol. II. 56 pages. $20

°The Deofel Quartet, Volume I. (Falcifer, Lord of Darkness; Temple of Satan).

I 211 pages. $50
°The Deofel Quartet, Vol II. (The Giving; The Greyling Owl.) 221 pages. $52
The prices are rather high due to the cost of Air Mail postage - for instance,
Naos would be just Ell without the postage costs. All the above are copies
of the original MSS as circulated among membe~s. Most of the articles which
appeared in 'Fenrir' are in either 'Hostia' or the Black Book. The Deofel
Quartet are instructional texts written in fictional form. [Cheques payable to
1 Thormynd Press.]

In replying to your detailed and reasoned comments, perhaps I should start

by saying that in attacking the 'intellectualism' of the Temple of Set, I am
1 attacking the mostly non-practical (in terms of living) approach of that and
other groups. They have made satanism seem mostly cerebral - a subject to be
studied, discussed, argued about, analyzed, rather than being a practical guide
to living on the edge. Their practice, such as it is, is again cerebral - magickal
workings which are mostly devoid of a primal exultation, ecstasy. In short, their
approach revolves essentially around abstract ideas. I am not critical of
intellectualism per se - I am regarded by some as 'an intellectual', having been

- trained both as a scientist and a classical scholar [I have several translations

of Greek Drama to my credit]. Rather, I have tried to make clear (sometimes
by exaggerating the point) that I regard Satan ism first and foremost as a practical

- way which involves garnishing experiences of the limits of living, and learning
from those experiences - transmuting the experiences into self-insight, the
development of consciousness and so on. I also believe that these experiences

- must be tough - must take each individual to and beyond their own limits - and
that they must be done without relying on anything other than a pure defiance,
a pure strength of character. To me, it seems that both the Temple of Set
and the Church of Satan provide 'props' for their members - there is dogma,
an organizational structure, a sense of belonging, and the belief that
Satan ism is somehow a 'fantasy game' or playing at socerers.
Basically, intellectualism should follow action - not prejudge it nor limit it.
All the members of the ToS and the CoS I have met over the years were full of
'Satanic theory' but had little (sometimes no) experience of going to and beyond
their own limits. Basically, they played at Satan ism - the occassional (boring)
ritual, the odd working with a magickal intent. But nowehere was there a proud,
defiant, exultation in living; nowhere was there real Satanic character born
from character-building experiences. There was, and is, an awful lot of discusslons,
of meetings, of articles, of letters, of 'organizing' things. But try and get
one of them to actually do something really Satanic in the real world - to divest
themselves of the props (psychic, human and Occult) which supported them, and so
return them to their primal nature - was impossible: they were too lazy or weak;

J too comfortable with playing their Satanic fantasy roles and games.

Regarding my own tradition, and the question of what is and what is

not 'Satanism'.

I make no claim that the ONA repr~sents the only 'true form of Satanism' - it
• is simply one tradition among many, although it does pre-date the formation
of the CoS. What I express and have expressed, is that organizations like the

CoS and the ToS by their very nature actually hinder the development of those
qualities which I and some others believe to be central to Satanism.By this I
mean that any organization which prescribes a dogma for its members to believe, which
restrains them by 'ethical conditions' and which implicitly or explicitly require
those members to submit to an organizational authority/Master/leader, is not
• Satanic. The ToS in particular believes in Satan ism as some kind of 'religion'.
I, and the Mistress who Initiated me into the ONA tradition, have always seen
Satan ism as being individualized - concerned with building a unique character,
a truely free being. An organizational structure such as possessed by the ToS
contradicts this in essence, however many clever words may be used to try and
hide this fact. Such organizations breed sychophancy, dependence - one has to
'conform', to a certain degree at least. Of course. I understand some of the
tactical reasons which explain why the ToS, for instance, claims 'religious
-, status' - but even these reasons, on examination, show that the adoption of these
tactics are unnecessary and actually counter-productive, in terms of producing
real Satanic Adepts: i.e. individualsof Satanic character who truely represent
an evolutionary development.
In my own tradition, for instance, it was the custom to train one, at most

two, novices on an individualized basis. That is, a Satanic Master/Mistress

gUided one or two novices in the way of Satanism - there was and is no

organizational structure, no limiting the behaviour of those novices, only an

imparting of tradition and advice born from personal experience of having

oneself undergone ordeals and formative experiences in the real world.

Sometimes, in undertaking an Adversarial role against the CoS and the ToS,

I have been rather strident - but to provoke, to try and get others to think

• constructively about those organizations and the type of Satan ism I believe they


I describe the ONA as being a 'traditional Satanist' grouping by which I

• mean it adheres to certain traditions - chief among these being a guiding of

novices on an individualized basis, it undertakes certain rites/practices on

a basis established in earlier times, and it accepts that Satan ism is dark,

evil in a very real sense (one of which is that there are certain powers/ dark

• energies which are beyond the psyche of the individual and which can overwhelm

it - which are primal). The traditions I inharited were really a mixture ­

some ceremonial rituals (such as the Ceremony of Recalling), some legends regarding

Albion, some beliefs concerning Baphomet as a dark goddess who was propitiated

in former times by sacrifice, some methods (such as 'Insight Roles') used to

develope Satanic character, and some ordeals, both practical and magickal,

designed to test, to create skill, to provoke self-insight. All these I have

made accessable, mostly without comment. I make no claims as to their validity,

historically or otherwise. It is for others to judge them, and use them if they

consider them to be useful.

What I have done. is to refine what I have inherited and add to it, making
·what I believe to be a purely practical system which enables any individual prepared
for the hardships and struggles, to reach Satanic Adeptship and beyond. There
is no mystery or mystique about achieving Adeptship and Satanic mastery: all it
takes is years of self-effort, years of experiences, years of refining abilities
and learning new ones. Furthermore, there is no need for me to set myself up as some
'all-knowing' Master empowered by an Infernal Mandate or whatever. What I have
done I have done because I followed the traditional way of seeking experiences
and because I possessed a Satanic pride which made me survive and learn from those
Many of my experiences - as befits a traditionalSatanist - were dark; an awful lot

were dangerous in the 'life or death' sense. I gambled my life, everything, many

times. and won.


There is nothing very remarkable about this - or there should not be.

I Everyone has potential (or at least most do) - but they seldom if ever

realize a fraction of that potential for various reasons: they are constrained,

by 'society', by their own fears and weaknesses, they are lazy, they prefer

'easy' solutions (such as sitting at the feet of some 'Master') ... To me,

I and some others, Satan ism is a means to realize that potential, to go even

beyond that. To do this, radical measures are required - and these are always

testing as they are mostly in the real world.

..., By the nature of quite a lot of my experiences, they are 'secret' - they

were beyond the bounds of conventional morality and law. Thus have Satanists
-- operated for a long time - in secret, by the very nature of their existence,
by the very nature of some of the experiences that are required to transcend
l the conformity of the herd and the inertia of one's own psyche, and which
thus are a 'Yes!' to peing. Naturally, this is dangerous - as you say, it
can be an excuse for just plain foolhardiness. But a Satanist is someone

l who achieves a mastery - who experiences, and then, learning from that
experience , transcends it. It is the failures who become trapped (in their
own desires and their limited perceptions, for instance). So some fail ­
they obviously were not possessed of enough Satanic qualities. That is the
nature of our existence - the tough win through, the weak perish. It is not
for me or anyone to limit, to prescribe, to forbid - the selection occurs by
itself, by 'trial and error'. Each individual must learn for themselves - this
is the crux. No one can do it for them. The essence, born via experiences, cannot
be learnt from books, it caanot even be taught - it must be experienced. All I
and any genuine Master can/~~ give advice, perhaps suggest some experiences
which may be interesting and suitable - but the novice must undertake the
experiences. If they learn from them, fine. There are more experiences and
adventures waiting. If they fail, for whatever reason, or do not learn from
the experience - tough!

In respect of politics. You mention that if a Satanist used politics,

he or she never could achieve political success because Satan ism is so
unpopular. Naturally, if that Satanist was known as a Satanist - but if he/she
kept this secret, as many do and have done, there is no problem. Of course there
might be a danger of being 'exposed' as a Satanist - but that in itself is a
challenge: to work under "deep cover". It requires a special person, certain
skills - a Satanic character, in fact. I know of one particular person, many
years ago, who did just that, until his aims were achieved.
However, my general point concerned a novice who might get involved with
politics as a learning experience - for perhaps a year or so. This experience
is quite different from that resulting from announcing, publicly, that one is
a Satanist (this in itself is an experience which some Satanic novices choose
to learn from). To become involved in extreme politics provides many opportunities
for manipulating others (speaking in public; writing propaganda); for testing
one's courage (participating in a rally/march where one's opponents are in the
majority and threaten violence); for learning about comradeship and betrayal.
And so on.
Further, although fascism as a creed had some links with the Nazarene Church,
National-Socialism was, in essence, contradictory to Nazarene philosophy and
ways of living. Most modern and authentic National-Socialist groups are
anti-Nazarene (as witness Matt Koehl's 'New Order' in the US). But, essentially,
the question is not about a particular type of political world-view, be it
fascism or whatever, being contradictory or not to Satanism. The question is
about all political forms being forms - structures which can be used, for a
Satanic purpose, to achieve Satanic goals. 'The question of what might happen
to individuals within a certain type of State is only a short-term question,
and its asking implies a lack of what I have called 'Aeonic insight'.
Basically, Aeonics is a study of those processes which mould individuals and
socieities over long periods of time - how people, alone and in groupings, have
been and can be manipulated, changed, controlled. It is study of those enerq~es
which affect and infect the psyche and which produce and change archetypal forms.

- and which thus mould character - and thus make 'history'.
Aeonics has nothing to do with Crowley. It is a rational analysis of the
causes underlying historical change, and Aeonic Magick is the use of magickal
energies to effect aeonic change - i.e. change on a large scale over significant
periods of time. Basically, Satanic strategy (or 'the sinister dialectic of
- history' as it is sometimes called) is about using such energies to bring
changes broadly in line with Satanic aims - i.e. enable individuals to

- I
fulfil their potential, evolve to become like gods and so on.This strategy
is based on reality - both in terms of the energies used, and 'human nature'.
Therefore, the goals are seen as long term - of centuries of more. The aim has been
and is to increase the number of genuine Satanic Adepts, and to provide
changes which enable this.
Thus, it will be seen that Satanism, when understood correctly, is not soley
about self-advancement ~ it is also about using magickal and non-magickal
forms/energies to produce changes within societies which incline toward

the fulfilment of Satanic aims. This does not mean a kind of 'altruism' - it means
a calculating, reasoned assessment and then a striving and working toward certain
long-term goals, this assessment and this striving actually enhancing our existence
in a positive, Satanic way. In the simple sense, it may be considered as
Satanic manipulation on a large scale. The assessment itself, and the reasoned
understanding behind it, requires the development of special abilities - one
of which may be said to be 'Thought'. This is a development of our consciousness,
and leads beyond language. It is a special kind of 'thinking' - a thinking with
symbols, although the symbols are not abstract, as in mathematics, but rather

'numinous', archetypal. Essentially, it extends the range of our being. This
type of thinking is pre-figured, and made possible by, 'The Star Game' - a
collocation of symbols which extends both our intuitive and our reasoning
faculties. The mastery of this 'game', and thus the use of a new way of
reasoning/being, is a sign that one has taken evolution further - has become
almost a new type of 'human', one so far above the majority that it is difficult

to conceive one ever belonged to or related to that majority.
This rational analysis of Aeonics leads to certain judgements, a lot of which
are mis-coJtrued by those who call themselves Satanists because they understand
those judgements on a personal basis - usually castigating the individual
or group which presents them from what is essentially a 'moral' position. That is,
there is a 'projection', by those Satanists (and Occultists in general), onto
the forms/judgements that they cannot really understand because their perspective
is so limited - so caught up in the constraints of their time and society.
This is what I meant by 'cosy, intellectual and basically moral abstractions'.

Most who profess to be Satanists cannot see very far - they cannot reason, coldly
and unemotionally and deeply. They accept other people's abstractions and ideas
and 'reasons' and have not thought the matter out for themselves because
it is either too difficult for them or they (once again) are too lazy, too smug,
too self-satisfied, too comfortable in their little 'Satanic' world with their
'Satanic' friends.
This judgement is part of genuine Satanic character, and arises from the
self-insight born via hard, testing experiences and ordeals. A Satanist has to
strip everything away - all props, go right back to the primal. This means
he/she relies only their instinct, their character, their spirit - their inner
resolve. This process takes years - and then, and only then, can the person
acquire the other aspects a Satanist needs and must have: the 'intellectual'
super-structure, the new ways of being, one of which I mentioned above (vide

'The Star Game'), the skills in magickal and people arts.
What has happened is that this foundation, this hard foundation, is lacking in
nearly all modern 'Satanists' - they are too soft, have not been toughened, they
rely too much on the comforts of society, on what others (like Aquino et all have

glven them in terms of principles, beliefs, dogma and so on.
Hence, when I say that National-Socialist Germany aided the sinister dialectic, it
is mls-understood: as me being a 'National-Socialist' or something of the kind. I am
simply stating a fact of Aeonics - as I do when I say that a future State or
] 5.

Empire which was inspired by National-Socialism would also aid the achievement
of Satanic aims, over centuries. Others, who perhaps have not reasoned
deeply about such things, express naive views like a new Satanic age is just
around the corner and that politics hinders the coming of this age. I know
the reality of human nature and the times in which we live, and I know most
people todaY are little different from what they were thousands of years ago
(in some ways, we have lost something - as I am aware when I read Homer or

- I
Sophocles). They have hardly evolved at all - there is more illusion about
'inner progress' and conscious evolution than there is reality. In fact, the
Occult in general fosters this illusion. Thus I understand that real change
arises slowly - most people still delude themselves, are still in thrall to
unconscious influences, still swayed by appearence. Our whole modern world
] conspires to make this so - magick, and particularly the Left Hand Path, is
a means to the essence behind appearence: or rather, it was. Its awe, primal
nature, its inspiration, its dark numinosity can really liberate and change.
] Thus my castigation of those who I see as pedalling a 'safe Satanism', an easy
path to liberation - they destroy the one thing capable of liberating those

in thrall. And they do it (a) to glorify they own ego, and (b) because they
have not understood the way itself.

I trust this willig! interest and perhaps thought-provoking, and look

forward to your comments.


28th May 1992 eh

Dear Ms Vera,
Further to my recent letter, perhaps a few more comments might
clarify the position of the DNA, and be of interest to you.
. By making certain material available - on s~crifice, for example - and
by writing c~rtain MSS dealing with that and other 'dark' topics, I and others
have done two things. First, made it clear that such material is part of
my tradition and that it recounts what was/is done. Second, returned to
Satan ism that darkness and evil which really belongs to it (at least in the
novice stage) .
I have no desire to give Satan ism a 'good name' - on the contrary. I wish
it to be seen as I understand it to be - really dangerous and difficult.
Naturally, many others believe the publication of certain material is
mistaken, just as those who oppose Satan ism have and can use that material
to confirm their views on Satan ism. The decision to make such material
available was made only after considerable thought with full knowledge of the
Of course, I may be mistaken - I make no claim to be 'infernally infallible'.
:w I welcome positive discussion - the dialectic of learning. My thesis re the
nature of certain practices which I inherited is open to discussion, an
'antithesis', from which a new synthesis and understanding may emerge. But
all those in other Satanic organizations have done is 'proscribe' the
DNA, or attack me personally or mount campaigns of dis-information against
the DNA. The whole attitude of such groups, as befits their nature, is

patronising - vide Aquino, in his letter to me of October 7 XXV: he, the
Master or teacher, and I a student (of potential!) under his guidance and
submitting to the rules of the TOS. He, and others, have stated that human
sacrifice is not and never has been a part of Satanism. Well, it probably
is not and never has been a part of~ traditions - but it was/is a part

of my own tradition, according to principles laid down a long time ago
regarding the victim or opfer choosing themselves, the act then being akin
to an act of 'natural justice'. [qv. the MSS 'Satanism, Sacrifice and Crime';
'Satanism - The Sinister Shadow, Revealed'; A Gift for the Prince' etc. I shall
send you copies of some of these, since they may be of interest.]

As with many things, sacrifice can be miscontrued. The affirmation that
it has occurred as part of one Satanic tradtion at least can be taken up
by those weaklings (in terms of character) who circulate around the fringes
of the Left Hand Path, and give them an excuse to indulge in criminal
acts. That is, such people fail to understand the reasons for such acts
(the correct choice of opfer, for instance) as they can never rise above
their own weaknesses. Are these consequences my responsibility, or not? Or

.­ am I acting like a Satanist (my kind, anyway) and standing back, perhaps
with laughter, when a probable consequence becomes a fact? Does this unsettle
you? Horrify you? Does this provoke a challenge and make you question the
nature of Satanism?
The same applies to the use of politics. Is it worth the death of x number
of others (in a war, say) to give birth to one, perhaps two, genuine Satanic
Adepts?I would answer in the affirmative. Does that make me cruel? Or Satanlc?


Also, I do not believe it to be necesary nor desirable for Satan ism to

try and become respectable - or even improve its image. Nor even to try
and count~r the propaganda of the Nazarene fundamentalists. Such things
are irrelevant. What matters is presenting the essence ot Satan ism so
enabling individuals to work at their own self-development in a Satanic way.
As I mentioned before, Satan ism fundamentally means individuals striving
togo beyond what they are. This is hard, and means that not many will
attempt it: even fewer will be successful. The means cannot be made easier ­
for that would destroy the essence.
Thus, the ONA is in conflict with groups like the ToS who really want
to make Satanism easy and safe and thus become rather more widespread than
it is now. It is personal, direct experience, ordeals and so on, which are
important. For instance, to achieve Adeptship the ONA believes each
individual must undergo certain formative experiences. One of these involves
living alone, in an ~solated location, for three months with only the bare
necessities required for physical survival. These conditions are necessary,
for by so living in such a way the individual strips away all self-illusions,
j exposes all their inner weaknesses, and makes them reliant only on themselves .
There are no distractions, no friends to give comfort, no material comforts
to soften the hardship. This [which is the Grade Ritual of Internal Adeptl is
tough. But it is the key to Adeptship. There is no short cut, no easy way.
To succeed in this ordeal, the individual must have or develope an infernal
strength, a certain character. Naturally, many fail - some renounce their
Satanism, some find excuses for giving up. But one either stays the
distance, observing the conditions of harshness, or one does not. Many are
they who have said that this ordeal is not necessary - they believe there
are other ways (all easier, of course), or they are afraid of confronting
themselves without the supports normally around them: friends, lovers,
organizations, dogma, material comforts. They and others like them can
believe what they wish - but that particular ordeal works: it produces
a strong, insightful character ready for the new challenges which can inspire
an Adept. Or it destroys.
I understand Adeptship not as a reward given by someone else (such as
Aquino) for what they perceive as 'progress' or 'ability', nor even as
the undertaking of any kind of ritual at the end of which one congratulates
oneself and appoints oneself as 'Adept'. Rather, it is the achievement
of a certain self-insight and knowledge, allied to an understanding and judgement
born of experience. It is also mastery of certain skills (some magickal, some
not-magickal) and a developed awareness stemming from a synthesis of
rational understanding (or 'intellectualism') and intuition. It is a stage
in the Satanic way of living - a stage reached by self-effort and struggle.
A Master (or Mistress) is a stage beyond this - there is no gift, infernal
or otherwise, which confers the attributes of this stage of individual
evolution. It is achieved, by the individual, not a reward and certainly
not a self-appointed title assumed after a few years playing at Satan ism
and safe magick.
However, it is true that present conditions are more favourable toward
the propagation of Satan ism than was the case decades ago. But even were
direct 'persecution' and anti-Satanic laws to return, Satan ism would continue:
it would re-adopt the practices of those decades. The cell system: the oral
transmission: 'deep cover'. Novices would still be trained: goals would still be
aChieved. So 'favourable' conditions are not necessary - indeed, some see them
as detrimental: they make organizations like the CoS possible!
These present conditions provide some opportunities - of increasing the
number of genuine practioners of the Black Arts and of making available for
present and future generations the methods and techniques of those Arts.
The real aims of Satan ism will be achieved whatever the external forms our
socleties may take - Satanists, like the shape-changers they are, will adapt
and prosper. These aims are essentially two-fold: continuing the tradition
(i.e. training Adepts; providing opportunities for seeding Satanism), and
gradually changing evolution.
] 3.

The second of these will actually arise from the first - the changes will
occur because of the increasing number of Adepts. These may be likened to
a new species which at first is small in number but which, over decades and
] centuries, increases. In time, it will dominate. The first arises because

it is one of the obligations of each new Adept to find someone suitable and

gUide them toward Adeptship. These changes will, as I explained in my last

J letter, take time - centuries, in fact. There is no way the process can be

speeded up - each individual must acquire the knowledge, the character, the
experiences, for themselves, and this takes time. It takes less time now than

J it did - because we understand more, we are more conscious of what we are

actually doing (or at least some of us are). It is possible and indeed probable
that over the next century or so the time taken to reach Adeptship and the
stages beyond will be reduced. But the situation at the moment is as it is.
A century ago it took perhaps twenty or thirty years of one's life to achieve
real Adeptship. Now, it. can take as little as five to ten years. What has not
changed (at least yet) is the number who reach that stage. AsI wrote many years
ago, most people want easy solutions, they want someone to do the work for them,
to confer titles on them - or they are so comfortable with their illusions and
delusions (regarding their magickal abilities and their self-insight, for
instance) that they see no reason to change, to really struggle; to reach
1 toward Adeptship. All I can do is point the way - offer some guidance. It is
up to each individual whether they begin the quest, and having begun, whether
they succeed.

l The fundamental questions which should be asked are: what, fundamentally,

is Satan ism? What does it mean in terms of the life of the individual? What

l does it mean in terms of society? The ONA offers some answers. Organizations like
the ToS give other answers, some of which contradict the ONA ones. Each
individual must arrive at their own assessment. The ONA offers a practical
system which I and others know from experience works - at least in producing
1 our kind of Satanist! The ONA is critical and controversial: it is
provoking, Adversarial, occassionally irreverent. This in itself is creative.
It engenders response.

l Once again, I would welcome your response to the matters raised in this
letter and the various MSS.

With best wishes,
1 ~/

i ~/
. j

J Shropshire
] 7th September 1990 ev

] Dear Dr. Aquino,

It was with interest that I read your
letter in a recent issue of 'Brimstone' after my attention
J was drawn to that magazine by a friend. An open (rather
friendly) reply to some of the points you raised has
been sent to the Editor - I am sure he would send you a
J copy should you be interested.
However, tQere are some points which perhaps are best
raised in a private letter. First - and perhaps

J inconsequential out of its context - no one has ever

claimed to be 'Head' of the ONA: no such position exists.
Your statement on this was somewhat surprising because
I felt you would be above using 'Kennel' type tactics
J re mis-information about other LHP individuals and groups.
Am I mistaken? Or perhaps the information was supplied
by a not altogether too reliable scource here in the U.K.?
J Second - and most important - your mention of the
MSS concerning sacrifice. These were published basically
because they form part of an esoteric tradition, which
tradition was being made accessable to those who might
J be interested following a decision to publish Order methods,
teachings and traditions. Essentially, such publication
lets others decide what is or is not worthwhile or valuable
J or interesting from an esoteric point of view - there is
not, within the ONA, any control of esoteric information
as a result of one or more individuals deciding what is
J 'right' or 'true teaching' - simply because individuality
is the foundation 9f the "ONA way!'. This way is the
development of self-insight and magickal mastery via
individuals following the seven-fold way.
] But this background aside, you raise an interesting
point in your use of the term 'ethical'. Does Satanism
have ethics? And if so, what are they and who formulates
] them? By the nature of the Temple of Set I am led to
assume the answer would be affirmative and that it is
the ToS which formulates these. Is this assumption incorrect?
l If it is not, then I and some others would offer dissent ­
based not only on the principle of individuality mentioned
above but also on the reality of there existing divergent
LHP and Satanic traditions (some of which existed before
l the foundation of the Church of Satan). Speaking for
myself, I consider debate about ethics futile in a LHP
context - except to express the obvious Satanic assertion
(qv 'The Dark Forces' in "Fenrir" 4) that one essential
personal quality is honour born from the quest for
self-excellance and self-understanding. One either has
this personal quality (or the potential to possess it) or
one does not: intellectual debate about it is irrelevant.
This quality is expressed by the way of living an individual
follows and as far as the ONA is concerned this quality
1 is one of those that marks the genuine Satanic elite from
the imitation. Yet we accept that others may disagree
S1nce we feel there can be no religious dogma about Satanism
1 or the LIIP: no subserviance to someone else I s ideas or \"ays

of living. Each individual developes their own unique
perspective and insight as a consequence of striving to
achieve Adeptship - a perspective and insight which
derives mainly from practical experie~lce, both ma~ickal
and personal. Thus we uphold anarchism.
Hence the publication of the many and various Order
MSS. Yet, all this notwithstanding, I do understand
that some may believe that tactically the time was
not right to publish some of these }ISS. However, is the
time ever right? Once again, some interesting questions
arise. For example, for the benefit of those groups
(like the ToS) which do adopt a high media profile, is it
necessary and indeed desirable for other ~roups and
individuals on the LHP to restrict what they say and teach
and publish in case such things are mis-interpreted and/or
distorted and used against the L~~ in general? This
would imply some sort of concensus among those individuals
and groups on the LHP - a concenus which it seems both
J the ToS and the Church of Satan wish to achieve by
·claiming a religious 'authority'. To this end there seems
to be developing an almost Church-like mentality - with
schisms and prohibitions and proscribing of other groups
and individuals. Rather 'Old Aeon' values. If such a
concensus is indeed necessary (and I and some others
have doubts whether it is) then it would seem better
achieved on a mutual basis by recognition of diversity
and traditions and then the duvelopment of mutual
understanding rather than one 6rouP trying to impose its
dogma by a religious type belief: such dogma and such
belief being entirely contrary to the basic principles of
Satanism and the LHP - self-development via self-experience.
I and others like me respect your right to promulgate
the ~etian philosophy just as I trust you have the sagacity
to understand that what La Vey codified and what the
early Church of Satan represented is not the only form
Satanism can take. Satanism existed in many forms long
before La Vey, and the ONA simply represents one such
form: a form that has changed and is still changing ­
develooed as it is and has been by creative individuals
within it. As I mentioned to you in a pr~vious letter
some time ago, this does not mean we claim to be a 'peer'
or~ani~ation with a claim to some kind of 'authority'. je
are simply a small ~roup following our own way - a \'iay
some,.,hat different from that developed by the Church of
Satan and the ToS. Our tradition, such as it is, is not
static - indeed in many ways the most significant
developments (e.g. the Star Game, Grade Ritual codification,
Oeofil Quartet) have occurred quite recently. Doubtless
these developments will continue.
When in the past we and others like us have said
... things that others interpret as being 'against' the ToS
or La Vey, ,.,e were simply assuming the role of Adversary ­
challenging what seemed to be becoming accepted dogma
that the only 'real' Satanists are either in the ToS or
the Church of Satan. Such a dogma is an historical absurdity
and its acceptance an affront to the Satanic desire to
know and understand and not meekly believe.
If you have any comments about these matters I would be
interested to read them.

Cordially yours,

~~' tn~~~

l' emple of Set:
j post: OFFIce Box 470307, SaN }::raNCISCo, CaliForNia 94147
mCl-COall: 278-4041 * 'T elex: 65027840~1

j COlchael ~. ~qUINO, ph.b.

h'Sh priest::: OF Set:::
October 7, XXV

Mr. Stephen Brown
• Post Office Box 4

Church Stretton, Shropshire

• England
Dear Mr. Brown:

Thank you for your letter of September 7th.

Under your several aliases every single letter and publication of the O.N.A. is
authorized over your personal signature, whether as "pp" or otherwise. Personal
• contacts by our former Priest Martin confirmed that you are the leader, if not
indeed the sole member of this institution.

The old Church of Satan used to play games with mythical officials and
executive bodies behind the scenes. As a senior official of the Church I helped to keep
this particular hot-air balloon inflated, initially assuming that it did no harm and
made [he Church a bit more colorful to the membership. Ultimately I became
uncomfortable with it, however, because in the last analysis it involved deceiving the
very persons - the membership of the Church - who had come to it in good faith
depending upon it to not deceive them, even in so "playful" a fashion.

It was also responsible for a more serious kind of damage. It enabled Anton
LaVey to announce policies in the name of a fictitious "Council of Nine", or in the
name of a fictitious official, and thus to escape personal responsibility for his actions.
Nor was there any executive body or other official to whom he was accountable. Had
there been, the catastrophe of 1975 might have been averted without the entire
Church of Satan organization having to be scrapped. [Even if it had evolved into a
Set ian mode, as in many Lesser Magical ways it was indeed doing prior to the c~sis,
it still might have continued as an unbroken organization - and Anton LaVey mIght
be its High Priest today.]

- 2 ­
l -
When the Temple of Set was founded, therefore, the old occult game of
"Ascended [or in this case 'Descended'] Masters behind the scenes" was ashcanned
] along with the other practices of the old Church with which we were ethically
uncomfortable. From the moment of its founding, the Temple has made all of its
officials and executive bodies a matter of record, known to all Setians [and to non­
] Setians with a legitimate interest]. And neither the High Priest of Set nor any other
official has the sort of dictatorial power that Anton LaVey had in the Church.
Given the present cljmate of witch-hunting hysteria in England, publication of a
"Satanic ritual" by an avowedly "Satanic" institution which includes human sacrifice
is thoroughly irresponsible. In fact it would be irresponsible even in a normal social
climate, as the Satanic religion is not and has never been based upon the principle of
human sacrifice. [It is Christianity which espouses that principle, sacrificing its god
in human form every Easter.]

If you were presenting that ritual text as an example of Christian hate­

propaganda against the Satanic tradition, making clear that it has no basis in fact, that
­ ,
would be one thing. But the ritual which you have published makes no such
distinctions, and is thus a dangerous "loaded weapon" to be used by any child (of any
age) who picks it up. And of course it plays right into the hands of any anti-Satanic
maniac who is looking for "evidence" of "Satanic ritual murder". Your argument
I- that the C.N.A. does not consider itself responsible for such uses may satisfy you, but
it certainly doesn't satisfy the Temple of Set as guardian of this religion.

-l Indeed Satanism is an ethical religion, and yes, I do consider the Temple of Set
the institution consecrated by Set to establish and maintain such an ethical
] environment - which is carefully developed in the Crystal Tablet ofSet.

As a non-Initiate of the Temple, you are of course at liberty to dissent from this
J ethical standard. But neither, by your non-Initiatory status, does the Temple consider
you a member of the SetianfSatanic religion. You are, in our eyes, simply one more
individual affecting "Satanism" as a personal hobby. In this you may be more or less
skilled, more or less articulate, more or less artistic: these we do not judge.

But what we do judge is that in all of this you have not been Recognized by the
Temple which exclusively is consecrated by Set. We consider the Temple a sacred
- institution, not just one of a number of "Satanic clubs" around the world. From 1966
to 1975 CE we held precisely this view concerning the Church of Satan, which
welcomed the interest and enthusiasm of amateur "Satanists" and "Satanic" groups
such as the C.N.A. but considered only its own membership and Priesthood formally
deserving of the religious titles they held.

This last point deserves further elaboration and emphasis. Just because we
regard the Temple as seriously and exclusively as we do does not mean that we hold
... non-Temple "Satanic" groups in blanket contempt. Some of them are indeed

... - 3 ­

amateurish and embarrassing to the Satanic tradition, and the sooner they disintegrate
the better. But others are quite serious and sophisticated, and deserve our respect and
admiration - which are quite freely given where due. Some, upon encountering the
Temple of Set, have voluntarily dissolved and commended their membership to it.
Some have retained their independent structure and interests while at the same time
encouraging/allowing their members to affiliate with the Temple as a formal
religion. Some have simply gone their own way, maintaining a polite non-acceptance
of the Temple's avowed Infernal Mandate.

The distinction we draw in all cases is dictated simply by our sacred regard for
the Priesthood of Set, and the Temple under its care, as established by Set in the
Book o/Coming Forth by Night. If we did not draw that distinction, then we would
.. be, at our heart, an insincere and fraudulent religion.

Therefore the exclusiveness of the Temple of Set is not born of either arrogance
.. or competitiveness, but simply of the utter seriousness with which we regard
ourselves. It is this same attitude which makes the Temple of Set reject any "council
. of churches", occult or conventional, for the simple reason that we consider our
religion correct and theirs incorrect. As is stated in our informational letter, "they
may serve a useful social function as purveyors of soothing myths and fantasies to
• humans unable to attain Setian levels of self-consciousness".

I have re-read the comments I made concerning the O.N.A. and yourself in
• Brimstone, and I see nothing in them that I think should be amended - including the
compliment to you at the conclusion of those comments. You are, from what I have
• seen of your writings, an intelligent and creative individual who could become an
influential and respected philosopher of the Left-Hand Path if you can bring yourself
to cast aside all of the fictitious "lumber and wreckage" with which you are
• unnecessarily crippling yourself. If I didn't see Setian qualities in you, I wouldn't
even bother to say such things. But just as in my university classes I speak most
bluntly to the students who do have the intelligence to master the curriculum and
• aren't doing so, so I speak thus to you.

cc- Adept John D. Allee, Editor, Brimstone




20th October 1990 ev

Dear Dr. Aquino,

Thank you for your letter of October the
I appreciate your comments and before passing on to
specific points raised, would like to make some general
What I sense (and I use the word advisedly) is that
you and I, despite our differing methods, are fundamentally
trying to achieve the same thing. I here mean in terms of
'esoteric' magick and not in terms of outward terms or
We are both aware of the potential inherent within
individuals and how certain forms, magickal or otherwise,
can be used to explicate that potential, bringing thus
an evolution of consciousness both individual and
beyond the individual. Thus are individuals, and 'society',
changed over varying periods of time. You have established
and maintained an organization and imbued it with certain
forms, which forms via their various transformations,
j create and establish conditions for changes in tune with
certain energies. Because of the nature of this organization,
and the energies, there is a need to maintain a coherence,
J a magickal continuity and thus the establishment of a system
which protects the viability of all aspects.
As to myself, I deal with similar forms but make them
j manifest in a different way - building in to some of those
manifestations a random or 'chaotic' element and into
others a 'numinous' aspect. Thus, further forms are
developed, in both causal and acausal time, and achieve
j certain goals, some of which are quite long-term (beyond
my own temporal lifetime at the earliest).
All these energies are 'sinister' (or Left Hand Path, if
you prefer) - at the most simple level this means they
enhance our creative evolution; at another, it means they
'disrupt' already existing forms which may hinder such
evolution and explication of individual potential.
\ihere we might (and seem to) differ is in our respective
time-scale for fundamental change and in making some
elements more manifest than others, to achieve specific
Of course, I accept that my understanding may not be
complete (and might possibly be incorrect on some points)
as I assume that you, claiming the title 'Ipssisimus',
understand the preceeding four paragraphs without me
having to elaborate at lengtho
i You have accepted a "role" ,'Ii thin the Temple of Set
with all the duties and obligations implied, and there
is much to admire in this. This of necessity means
• adhering to the principles of what you describe as the
'sacred trust' placed in you vis-a-vis the 'Infernal
~landate'. Thus there is a religious attitude and acceptance.
All this I myself regard as natural and necessary, given

the vehicle chosen - that is, the Temple o~ Set. The way
of the ONA is, however, quite di~~erent - we see our way
] as guiding a ~ew individuals to sel~-awareness, to Adeptship
and beyond, via various practical and magickal techniques.
The emphasis is on guide, on sel~-devlopment, on sel~­
discovery. There is no religious attitude, no acceptance
J of someone else's authority, and no mystique: the methods,

as divulged in the recently published book 'Naos', are

essentially practical.

All this arises ~rom the understanding that changes such

as I mentioned earlier (regarding individual potential)
will occur slowly and ~or the most part on a small scale
~or some time to come: bringing changes to 'society' (a
J generalization here, ~or brevity) - and thus to larger

numbers o~ individuals - on the timescale o~ a century or


J The present aim o~ the ONA is to make these techniques ­

which give all individuals the means to achieve the next

stage o~ individual evolution should they so wish ­

more generally availableo These techniques (the Grade

Rituals ~or example, and the Star Game) will probably

and indeed should be re~ined and extended in the ~uture,

as they have been refined in their creation over the past

1 decade or so. Older techniques, inherited by me, have served

their purpose - and to an extent have made possible the
present advances, including preparing the way, on the
1 level o~ mystique, ~or a dissemination o~ the 'new'. To be
more explicit - an 'aura' was created around the ONA (quite
deliberately) by using certain methods, magickal ~orms,
1 and by publishing certain material. This aura, existing,
becomes trans~ormed - and serves a very use~ul purpose on
the acausal level. (In simple terms and on an elementary
level, it provides a certain impetus to seek out and try
1 the 'new' techniques, the 'new' way - on the level o~
Thus, as the new techniques (and hence the new ~orms
] deriving ~rom them)become more widely distributed, via
books such as Naos, the Deo~il Quartet and the Black
Book o~ Satan (these last two due ~or publication this
1 Winter Solstice) then the methods used hitherto are no
longer needed, and are abandoned - they have served their
purpose. It is the same with the ONA: once the techniques
and the essence are more widely available then 'membership'
l as such is irrelevant, since everything is available
and accessable (and this includes past methods and teachings) ­
the individual taking responsibility ~or their own
l development, their own experiences (both magickal and
personal). This is the ~undamental point: the responsibility
for development ultimately rests with individual desire,
just as each individual must make their own assessment o~
l what is valuable and what is 'ethical/just' ~rom their
own experience, it being the aim o~ the techniques o~ the
seven-~old sinister '~ay to provide the character-building,
1 evolutionary, experiences. There is no pre-judgement by
me or anyone, no set o~ rules. The ~unction of the ONA
is now to guide, simply because its members have undergone
l the experiences of the way and can speak ~rom a position
of experience - an experience which mayor may not be of
value to others.
Thus the ~undamental di~~erence in our approach. It was

made quite clear to the former Temple of Set Priest you

mentioned that each individual is expected to work on
the practical level to achieve his or her own magickal
development - to actually practice magick, to use magickal
and other techniques, rather than just talk about them.
This takes quite a number of years, and is a personal
effort. Most people cannot be bothered - they want easy
solutions - and most people who enquired in the past
about the ONA were not prepared to work toward their
own self-development. They either wanted someone else
to do it for them (be such a someone a 'Master' or an
Infernal ~1anifestation) or would not/could not undertake
the life-style change necessary for achieving genuine
Adeptship (such as spending three months alone under
special conditions). Ultimately, their loss.
I, for one, do not believe th.reis a 'religious'
solution to Adeptship and beyond - a gift, Infernal or
otherwise. There is only self-experiencing, in the real
and the magickal worlds, and that is it. Wisdom is acquired
by the alchemical process of internal change over a period
of time: the techniques developed by the ONA may shorten
that time from several decades to perhaps a decade or
just under, but they do not do away with it, just as those
techniques make the possibility of such change available
to all.
For this reason, the ONA does not attempt to define
what is or is not of the Left Hand Path and what is or
is not Satanism (or even what Satan is) - each individual
arrives at their own understanding via experience.
Occassionally, as I have mentioned, there may be the
adoption of an adversarial role in order to attack accepted
(or even unconscious) dogmas within the broad spectrum of
the LHP movement - but that is as it should be, for
individuals questing after knowledge lfho refuse to meekly
believe. Once again, a 'role' is only a role, played out
in the quest for understanding.
On the specific point of membership - yes, there is
more than one (not that it really matters anymore now that
dissemination is being achieved). Not many, it is true,
but enough - some only beginning their quests, some more
advanced along the way: in this country, in Scandinavia,
in the countries of Europe and elsewhere.
Of course, all this may confirm your opinion that the
ONA is not 'Satanic' (or 'Setian' - this latter I would
agree with). Do you therefore understand 'Satanism' as
now the exclusive preserve of. the Temple of Set because
of the 'Infernal ~!andate' you mentioned? If so, this
raises rather interesting questions regarding 'Infernal'
authority, revelation and such like - questions partly
answered by your use of the term .religion. l{hat then of
Satanic organizations which existed before the revelation:
such as (to take an odd example) the Order of Satanic
Templars here in England which existed (and was undertaking
Initiations) before the establishment of the Church of
Satan?(It later became known as the Orthodox Temple of the
Prince.) Personally, I see Satanism more as a way of living
than as a religion: an attitude to life, and one which is
ultimately personal, striving to ever more.
However, as mentioned above, I believe our ultimate goals
are the same even though our methods may differ. Of course
in this, as in many things, I may be mistaken: I claim
no authority, and my creations, profuse as they are, will
in the end be accepted or rejected on the basis of whether
they work (Satan forbid they should ever become 'dogma'
or a matter of 'faith'). I also expect to see them become
transformed, by' their own metamorphosis and that due
-' to other individuals: changed, extended and probably
utlimately transcended, may be even forgotten. They - like
the individual I am at the moment - are only a stage, toward
something else.
In the interests of sinister fellowship I could arrange
for a copy of 'Naos' (and other works as and when they
become available) to be sent to you, should you be
Enclosed please find a copy of an article due to appear
shortly in the journal 'Balder'. It may make you smile.

Cordially yours,


J ••••••••••••••••

J [Editorial Note: In view of the controversy in Occult circles about

using 'pseudonyms' and the desire of certain groups to operate 'underground'
J without media scrutiny - a subject mentioned by Dr. Aquino in his letters
and since taken up by a number of others both within and without the LHP ­
the following observations are in order:

l ·It has been for many centuries an established principle among LHP Adepts
to work in a reclusive manner in 'secret'. The reason for this is basically
two-fold: the magickal work is mis-understood by 'outsiders' [ and often
by such people catagorized from their own social/political/religious perspectives]
and to try and explain it to non-Initiates was seen as a waste of time; and,
secondly, it enabled that work to be undertaken without hindrance from
interfering indiViduals and officials. Without this secrecy, the LHP would not
have survived. Today, conditions have changed somewhat, but still not enough in
some areas.
• A labyrinth was created to confuse the merely curious and those seeking to
disrupt the magickal work and tradition.
• Quite often, LBP Adepts have a 'seperate professional' life (which in some
cases is part of their long-term magickal goals) and the 'stigma' of involvement
with magick would be detrimental to that. Quite often this seperate life is
beneficial to the evolution of the 'Occult' in general as it provides opportunities
for dissemination (mostly clandestine).
That Some individuals have gone 'public' is fair enough - that is their
decision. But those who prefer or need to work 'underground' in order to
continue their own reclusive and secret traditions should not be castigated
for in many cases they are guardians who can never have a 'public' Occult role.

Societies, and the individuals within them, are still structured on the basis
of categories and generalizations.]

ONA Strategy and Tactics

J The fundamental strategic aim, expressed exoterically, is to aid evolution

of the human species by increasing the dark, creative, forces which
presence on Earth. Expressed esoterically, the aim is to aid the creation
J of a 'New Aeon' wherein what is now known as Adept-type consciousness and
abilities are the preserve of the majority. This aim is long-term: c.3-S
centuries .
.J This aim involves keeping opening already existing nexions, and opening
new nexions, these nexions effectively drawing forth acausal (or sinister)
energies. The energy is then directed to achieve specific goals, or left
.J to disperse and disrupt according to its nature. Exoterically, this aim
is 'The Return of the Dark Gods' and the creation of a Satanic Age and
a Satanic Empire on Earth.
To achieve this aim, various tactics, or means, are required. Some are:
J *Existing power structures and thus societies need to be disrupted and
re-shaped, enabling some of them to be used to create a Satanically inspired
society or societies.
J *The means and techniques of achieving Adeptship, and thus real individual
freedom, need to be made known, thus enabling an upturn in genuine Adepts.
These Adepts will form an elite, and from this elite influence will be
J gained and the sinister implemented. Some of this elite may well take or
hold or influence various forms of political power in the future when
disruption/destabilization occurs on a large scale.

J Each of these involves certain specific things. For instance, a Satanically

inspired society could well be of a fascist/National Socialist type - i.e.
this type of society would achieve or could achieve certain Satanic goals
either directly or via the dialectic of change, and thus aid the ultimate
goal: a New, Satanic, Aeon. Accordingly, such views and the organizations
upholding them would be aided, mostly secretly. Esoterically, the creation
of an Imperium by a charismatic individual (Vindex) would be aided both by
J magickal means and more directly. Vindex would be a nexion for the dark forces.
Essentially, NS type politics is considered as, at this moment of aeonic time,
aiding the sinister dialectic, and an NS society as one of the first stages in
changing evolution toward the sinister on a large scale. One of the primary
J goals of Imperium must be the conquest of Space. [This assessment arises from


The disruption of existing forms is necessary, whatever tactics (such as

] politics) are used to aid the sinister Aeon. Disruption means the destablization

of societies - particuarly Western ones, where global power at present resides.

On the practical level, this means that the societies must be made the breeding

ground for the tactical forms chosen. The peoples must yearn for someth~ - and

J what they yearn for must be given to them. That is, their instinctive

yearning will be controlled, psychically, via sinister Adepts. They will be

made ready, psychically and practically, for what power-structures are required.

J To achieve this, various archetypal energies must be used and directed, and

some implanted in the 'collective unconscious' (e.g. by using archetypes ­

manipulating them - and creating new archetypal forms).

J Further, societies must be destabilized on the practical level. This will be

achieved in two ways - via using sinister magickal energies, and by aiding
practical disruption. The first means an increase in chaotic type energies:
] sinister random energies which infect susceptible individuals and drive them to
do certain things, to disrupt, cause chaos, spread evil and so on. The second
means aiding those things which will undermine societies - e.g. drugs, pornography,
crime, political unrest, economic misfortune, racial and other social tensions
1 (including religious ones).
Of paramount importance is disrupting those large, influential power
structures, the United States of America and the Soviet Union! Without these

* See Addendum at end of MS


-, I

structures (both of which are forms of Nazarene/Magian control and influence) the
natural, disruptive forces within those States and within the States which are
covertly controlled/influenced by them, would re-emerge, making it easier for
~) the strategic goal to be achieved. That is, without these two power structures,
contending rival States would emerge both within Europe and world-wide. There
would be many wars as long-suppressed conflicts were fought out, just as

] the naturally strong and aggressive would re-assert themselves by using force.
In short, natural forces would take over.
In the case of the Soviet Union, the tactics are to use magickal forces to
disrupt - and to encourage those elements which seek the destruction of the
J Soviet bloc. The former involves directing magickal energies at the power structures
and seeding susceptible minds with certain disruptive/chaotic/directed
forms: e.g. the performance of rites, both ceremonial and hermetic, with
] specific aims. [Exoterically, the Dark Gods would be invoked, via Nine Angles type
rites, and sent to disrupt/provoke change.] The latter is more restricted, at the
time of writing, due to lack of practical influence in that sphere - but three
I areas to encourage are: 1) The dissemination of Satanic ideas in the countries
under Soviet control/influence and in countries where influence can be spread
into those countries (e.g. Eastern Europe); 2) The spread of heretical views
-1 (e.g. with regard to National Socialism, the Holocaust etc.); 3) Aiding the
emergence/influence of Islam to undermine Communist ideology/Nazarene ideals
in certain areas.
In the case of America, the tactics are similar - to use magickal forces,
1 and to encourage overt disruption. The former involves directing energies
both chaotic and sinister to infect others; spreading Satanic ideas and methods
(e.g. by making available rituals and the ideas of Satanism); and undertaking
1 rites appropriate to destabilizing both individuals and the power structures in
general. The latter involves supporting various organizations and groups ­
on both sides of the political spectrum (to enhance disruption/breakdown);

spreading subversive and heretical ideas (e.g. National Socialism); and

1 generally trying to break down the society from within - this involves encouraging

drugs, crime, and such like (which will provoke not only breakdown, but which

will also provoke a reaction, which reaction will become more extreme as the

J breakdown becomes more extreme, this reaction aiding the emergence of natural

forces and instincts). Whatever means are necessary can and should be used - the
aim is to cause the American State structure to collapse, creating chaos, from
J which a reaction will emerge, this reaction being of a certain type - i.e.
tending toward authoritarianism, anti-Nazarene in essence. This collapse of

American power will free the world, and enable at present suppressed forces to

emerge and take control, which forces will be beneficial to the long-term goals.

l Nowhere will this be more evident than in the 'Middle-East'. A tide of Islamic
fundamentalism would bring great changes, enabling a beneficial alliance
between the new power structure which should emerge in America.

What applies to both America and the Soviet Union applies to Europe - but
America and the Soviet Union have priority at present, at least in terms of
magickal energies. That is, the attack occurs on all levels, in Europe, America,
the Soviet Union and world-wide (particuarly in the Middle-East)*- but if rescources
are or become stretched for whatever reason or reasons, America and the Soviet
Union have priority.

Adepts will immediately understand that even if the strategic aim is not

achieved, the disruption/chaos caused in trying to achieve it by some of the

1 tactics mentioned, will be Satanic. All such tactics pay homage to Satan!

DNA 1988 ev

1 • Note: It should be obvious that the aim in the Middle East is to encourage Islam ­
this undermines both America and the Soviet Union in the short-term and prepares the
ways for future alliances.
Slnce the MS was written, Sov~et power has, in fact collapsed. It would be
unW1se. at thlS juncture, to attr~bute this to magickal and other means - i.e.
to see the mag~ckal campa~gn as be~ng soley responsible. What ~s clear, however,

] 15 that such means played a part - perhaps began the process via a psychic
Th~s fall now makes the United States of America the prime magickal target
lnsofar as such work~ngs are concerned. Here, there are 'Adepts' of the Nazarene!
] Mag1an trad~t~ons to contend with.
The means of magickal disruption will continue to be:
a) spread~ng already exist~ng rites (such as in the Black Book) enabling others

J ln that country to invoke/open nexions and so spread the energies those

rltes re-present (one of the aims of those energies being disruption).
b) Performlng N~ne Agles. rites and directing the energies toward disrupting
power structures and directing it toward targetted individuals.
c) Perform~ng Death rites with the aim of eliminating or harming certain
1nfluent~al ~ndlv~duals.

d) Spreadlng exist~ng forms (and creating new ones) which infect the psyche of

J 1ndlvlduals.

e) Cont~nueto perform traditional ceremonies and direct their energies toward

ach1ev~ng disruption or aiding those causes/individuals who will ass~st or aid

J perhaps w~thout their knowledge the sinister dialetcic.

f) D~rect energ~es into already existing nexions (and create new nexions) to aid/
create those tactical forms which aid the emergence of Imperium-like forces.
g) Loosing undirective/chaotic energies of sinister import.

- .-
Concerning the Temple of Set

The Temple of Set, as both its High Priest and its members admit, understands
what they regard as Satan ism as a religion. Further, the fundamental basis
J on which the Temple was founded is the 'Infernal Mandate' • This mandate, it is
claimed, was given to Aquino by the Prince of Darkness Himself (in his manifestation
as Set) and, it is said, makes the priesthood of that Temple the only one
] consecrated by the Prince of Darkness - that is, only the Temple of Set is a

true representation of Satanism. The Temple sees itself as a sacred guardian - it

has a 'sacred duty' because its High Priest has been chosen by the Prince of

] Darkness.

However, these two things - which so define the Temple of Set - show that

it cannot be a genuine Satanic organization. To prove this, we will consider

each of these things in turn - first, the question of an· 'Infernal Mandate', and

J then the question of Satan ism as a Religion.

Aquino maintains he has a 'sacred duty' because of the mandate, and that
] this mandate gives him authority to consecrate his Priesthood. Further, he

claims that only this Priesthood is truely consecrated to the Prince of Darkness.

What this means in practice, is that the Temple of Set has set itself up to

] be the unique representative of Satanism.

In reality, Aquino claims to have received a Mandate during some magickal

working and thereby claims authority. A genuine Satanist, on the contrary, has

authority by virtue of his or her Wisdom - and has achieved Wisdom by virtue of

] practical experience. There is no need to claim a 'spiritual' authority given

by some 'entity' real or imagined be that entity Satan or Set or whatever.

Indeed, to so claim such authority via an entity external to oneself exposes

] the person who so makes the claim as needing this spiritual crutch because they

lack real Wisdom - that is, they rely on sa.ething external to themselves,
something external to their own achievements. Such an individual has to rely on
something external because what really matters is missing - what is missing
] is that which is created by the following of the Black Arts to the ultimate

ending. That is, direct practical experience and the mastery and wisdom which

are thereby won.

] A genuine Satanic Master (or Mistress) does not need to pose - they do not

need to claim they have a mandate. The authority of a real Master or Mistress

arises from their experience - it is rooted in them by virtue of their character

1 and is eVident in their eyes, their attitude and their knowledge. They have a

unique, individual character - they do not playa 'role' or claim to be in touch

or have been in touch with some supra-personal entity. What they say and teach
is based on their own experiences, on their own learning - they have struggled
l along the Path for many years, and learnt the hard way, via direct experience.
They know because they have done.
Accordingly, anyone who claims and need to rely on a mandate given to them - eithe~
l by some entity or someone who instructed them - reveals themselves to be a
To make this even clearer, I shall be personal for a few sentances. I represent
a certain Satanic Order - and in a sense I therfore have some 'authority'. But
1 I have this authority because, in this Order, I have gone further than anyone ­
I have experienced more, and so learned some things. Perhaps I have gained some
Wisdom - I certainly have esoteric knowledge and skills beyond that of most others.
1 What I say and do arises from my experience - it results from years of effort
along the Left Hand Path. My authority is because of my character - a character
forged via experience. Ev~n though I had been Initiated by a Satanic Mistress
1 who instructed me for a while, my authority does not derive from her - or from
Satan. It derives from my own character. Others can learn from me if they wish ­
they are free to judge what I sayar write or create, and learn from it and use it


=J should they wish. They must assess its worth for themselves. I do not make out
what I say or write or do to be anything other than mine - except where it
~ ] concerns some traditions: learned from my Mistress. But even these are to be
judged on their own merits - there is nothing special about them, nothing
'Infernal' in the sense of a mandate attached to them. They have not been
'sanctified' by the Prince of Darkness Himself - they are not 'sacred' truths.
In brief, there is nothing of a religious nature attached to me, the authority
I have or those teachings I have inherited and substantially added to. I stand
on my own merits, and my creations likewise.
The same is true for any genuine Satanist. Why? Because it is in the nature
of Satanism. This leads us to the second question: Satan ism as a religion.

The whole of Satanism is a defiance against the religious attitude. Satanism

] is a rebellion against all those forms which hold or try to hold our eXistence,
our being, in thrall - and the most potent form of thralldom has been and still
is, religion. Religion emasculates us - whether it be overtly, via a religion, or
] covertly by a religious attitude such as is evident in political or social

zealousness, in conformity to a dogma and an authority.

Satanism, in essence, is an individual defiance - an individual pride, an

] individual striving, an individual quest for excellence. It is about fulfilling

the potential inherent in our eXistence - and this means finding and fulfilling
our unique Destinies. Satanism means self-effort, self- learning, self-experience:
it means each individual striving to become like a god; striving to be like
] the Prince of Darkness Himself. The Prince of Darkness does not seek weak, docile
followers: He desires Comrades, individuals of strength, of Character, full of
pride and defiance, overflowing With eXistence itself (which is expressed in deeds,
J in creation, in changing, in altering evolution). Of course, He (and all genuine
Satanists) use others for Satanic ends - they manipulate. He, as Satanists of

character do, has followers - have those who obey. But these are not Satanists ­

they are tools, used to achieve something, perhaps broken, but mostly discarded

] when what they have been used for has been achieved. They are the dominated, the

slave-majority, While the Satanists are the elite, the masters.

Satanists are never constrained - they learn for themselves, via experience,

J and so progress toward greater understanding, toward a new eXistence. It is

the aim of Satanism to produce unique indiViduals possessed of character.

Accordingly, a genuine Satanic Master or Mistress or group merely guides others ­
J merely offers adVice, based on experience. There are no restrictions, no religious
zeal. There is not and cannot be any dogma - any authority which the indiVidual
must be sUbserviant to. There cannot be any form of conformity. If there is ­
it is not Satanic.
j The Temple of Set constrains its members by dogma, by ethiCS, by making them
subserviant to the authority of the priesthood, and to the High Priest himself.
It fosters a religious attitude - 'believe! because I/we are empowered by Setl
1 the Prince of Darkness and so possess his authority'. It restrains - 'do not
associate With that person/organization,for they are proscribed'. It breeds
a sycophancy, stifling genuine experience and creatiVity.
j Naturally, there any many fine-sounding words and phrases, a great deal of
intellectualism, which obscures these brutal truths. The Temple of Set
. encourages verbiage at the expense of real, dark, sinister experiences. Its
members wallow in the illusory world created by words and ideas when they should
be alone undergoing formative ordeals. They play at magic(k) and enjoy the glamour
of pretending to be 'Satanists' - but they do not go to and beyond the limits of
their lives, they do not live life as a succession of ecstasies, they do not go
to 'the edge' again and again. Instead, they correspond With one another, meet and
talk, meet and talk, do little rituals together or alone, read, and talk and read
and write '" And they know they are safe - the Prince of Darkness has been tamed:
he is not really 'evil' (as we are ~ot, they say to themselves and mean it). Ar.d
• •
• • they have their 'progress' mapped out for them - awarded to them by the
Priesthood in whom they trust and by Aquino, their High Priest. If they please
this priesthood, and Aquino, they are rewarded - exalted to the higher
grade and can give themselves and call themselves an exalted name: priest,
perhaps, or Aaept, or maybe even Magister Templi if they have truely been
sycophantic enough for long enough .•.
Meanwhile, the few genuine Satanists get on with their hard tasks - With
• following the path of Black Magick by their own efforts, by learning for themselves
the hard way. The~work to achieve a real mastery, of themselves, of magick ­

making errors, perhaps, but learning, and so growing, so changing and so
becoming a changer of evolution itself. For them, there are no restraints, no
dogma, no authority. There is only success - or failure. They achieve their
own Grades, 1n their own time, and have the self-honesty and the insight to know
] if they have really achieved.
One illustration to end With. Consider the path of Satanism as a marathon race.
There is a start, and a finish, which we will consider to be Adeptship in this
] instance. Satanists and would-be Satanists line up at the start. The race
begins. The Satanist runs the race, and finishes, by his or her own effort - there
is no help, only the will to finish, the hardship of the race itself. It is
] an individual achievement. But the Temple of Set members are those who run some
of the distance, and then find someone running alonside (or perhaps driving
along would be more apt) saying "The rules have been changed! By a decree [read
by an 'Infernal Mandate'].The marathon is now only 10 miles - so stop and I
] will award you your certificates [read 'confer Grades']." TheTemple of Set

members of course believe this person, they do not doubt the Decree - or if they

do, they accept it. They stop, and receive their 'rewards' - and believe they

] have succeeded: they have run a marathon. But in r~ality, they have deluded only


To conclude: The Temple of Set is the epitome of what Satanism is not.

] 000

Anton Long ONA



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