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What is your attitude towards international marriage? Take turn

starting your points of view.
-So talk about marriage with a foreign. I think people shouldn’t
do it because it have a lot bad effect.
--> The marriage procedure is very complicated.
Example: If the Japanese are married to each other, then just go
to the administrative office to announce that it can be considered
as complete, but not married to foreigners.To register the
marriage, you need to go to the administrative office of Japan
and the Embassy of the country of the person you are about to
get married.So it is quite hard.

--> Moreover, getting married to foreigner, at least One of

person is always living far, far away from their family and
friends. There will never be a time when they are closed to his
family as well as hers. After that, their children will never be
able to have both sets of grandparents living nearby.  This can
be extremely heartbreaking at times.
--> Some people think that getting married to foreigner, you can
have more understanding about another culture. However, now
we can know many cultures through travelling, learning on the
internet which are very easy.
--> Differences in language and culture.
Example :Couples will restrict each other's language. Sometimes
there will be conflicts at times because of the minor differences
in the culture of each country. A lot of downsides can be
happened while having an  international marriage.

=>These are a few reasons of me for why is international

marriage is difficult. But these are not necessarily reasons not to
marry with a foreigner, this just is my opinion. In some ways,
relationship with foreign may be the most wonderful experience
in life.
-Spread to the world.
-Get many types of blessing from everyone.
-Receive many differences.

Topic 2: what do you think about the statement ‘Money can buy
every thing ‘?
- No, we can not buy everything with money. Money can
prove to be useless sometimes. Money does make us
happier – but only up to a certain point.
- Money can buy few things but cannot buy anything.

For example you are rich man and you have the world's most
intelligent assistant to assist u. Your assistant left you for no
reason, now tell me can you buy your assistant’s intelligence
and knowledge now. In same way self conscience, happiness,
peace. like things you wont be able to buy.

- And i think money make us happy too you know, I think it’s
fair to say that money makes us all feel happy to some degree,
because you can do so much with it, like buy new clothes or go
on holiday or whatever. But saying that, I’d say it’s only a kind
of short-term happiness that we get from money, because the
feeling soon fades, as I’m sure you’ll agree! So I think if we
want to enjoy long-term happiness, then it’s really other things
that bring about it, like appreciating what we already have in

- Life , Health, knowledge are the things which are still can't
be purchased by Money. And they are most important
ingredients for us.
=>The point is, you can’t never buy anything and everything
with money. There are some things that cannot be brought. They
are not even sold. They come naturally.
Topic 3:some people think that health is a basic human
right.Therefore, medical treatment should be free for everyone.
What are your point of view?
+My opinion.. Why.
 As you know, not everyone can afford medical/insurance.
Think about all of the children out there who are sick, and the
parents can’t afford to take them to the hospital, they are buying
them over the counter medicine, which isn’t working, that child
is getting deathly ill. Now the parent is forced to take their child
to the hospital and now they have more stress added to their
plate, what’s wrong with their child and how are they going to
pay for all of the treatments. What if someone has cancer, the
treatments are very costly, and I didn’t know money was more
valuable than someone’s life

+We should have free health care

 Some people in this world may be really sick but at the same
time they might not have enough money to pay for their medical

+Health care is mandatory! Free for all, with some

Health care is something everybody needs. A price should not
be put on someone's life, the 2 do not compare. It is a terrible
thing that we should pay such large quantities of money to
things that may not even help! 
For example :  COVID-19 nowaday have spread out the world
and hunrend people died of it.The goverment should free health
care for people who got covid-19 or people who live in poor
condition they might got covid -19 but they will scrare to go to
the hospital because the treatment is very costly.
Topic 4 : some people think that teacher should let students
learn by themselve
So you know that learning is a dynamic process and indeed
endless. Today, with the development of technology, there are a
lot of substitutions to the ordinary classroom lecture method.
But, i believe that learning by a teacher is always beneficial and
far better.
--> On the one hand, we can see that teachers can modify their
styles of teaching to particular situations which help students
acquire knowledge easier and faster. For example, there are
some inferior students who can not understand lesson in the
class time but their teacher would guide them according to their
mental capacity.
--> On the other hand, some people in favor of self-learning
that when people learn by themselves, it becomes more flexible
and the brain catches it more efficiently. They can attend online
classes by using Internet and learning anywhere as long as that
place can connect Internet. However,self-study requires
persistence and high self-awareness. In addition, the students
have also struggled to find the right knowledge in hundreds of
turbulent information online.
-->The teacher provides students with detailed explanations and
simple view of the lesson so that students gain a better
understanding each part. Besides, the teachers would create
conditions for excellent students learning better such as giving
them in-depth research papers and high-level lessons. Through
this method, good students can unleash potential and enhance
their skills.
=> In conclusion, I would like to say that teachers’ role is
mandatory in learning. The teachers with their good knowledge,
experience and education would help students acquire
knowledge and enhance skills more quickly than self-learning.
Topic 5 : do you think death penalty is necessary?
Revenge is not the answer. The answer lies in reducing violence,
not causing more death. So, i think goverment using death
penalty nowaday is not necessary, they could use others laws
without kill them.
it’s a bad idea

Sometimes people are innocent

Sometimes the courts and the judges get it wrong and condemn
an innocent person to death. A recent US study showed that at
least 4.1% of all people sentenced to death in the US in the
modern era are innocent - that’s one person in every 25 people!

It’s cruel

Every form of execution causes the prisoner suffering - whether

it’s the electric chair, or hanging, or chopping their heads off.
And it causes huge mental and emotional suffering too - imagine
knowing that you were going to die tomorrow morning at 8 am?
Pretty horrible. And no matter what someone has done they
shouldn’t be forced to suffer something so inhumane.

It’s not fair to the criminal’s family

Imagine how you’d feel if someone in your family committed

murder and was sentenced to death. You’d be incredibly sad and
upset and why should you be punished? You didn’t do anything
wrong. At least if they were just in prison you could still visit
them. But that’s a little harder if they’re dead.

Topic 6 : some people say that rich people make the enviroment
polluted?what your point of view?
So i agree with this statement about rich people make the
enviroment polluted.
--> Because of some environmental problems that have been
caused by people, especially rich countries such as
US,china ,....I think They need to take responsible action to
reduce the damage that they are doing to the Earth.
--> Two of the threats to the environment are air pollution and
waste. Global warming, which is well-known as a global issue
because of its devastating effect on the environment, is a result
of gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from
vehicles. In addition, the increase in human population in rich
countries comes along with a huge quantity of waste, which
contaminates the Earth and pollutes rivers and oceans.
--> On one hand, governments could reduce air pollution in
many ways. First, they could introduce laws to put a limit on
factories’ gas emissions or force companies to use renewable
energy in production. Second, they could also innovate the
public transport system to become more convenient and greener.

--> On the other hand, individuals should also be responsible to

lower down pollution level in their surroundings. They can take
buses and subways or other means of public transportation
rather than driving, which could reduce the amount of exhaust
fumes from vehicles. Also, people should purchase reusable
products and recycle as much as possible to avoid releasing too
much waste. For example, Vietnamese people are recommended
to use resuable or paper bags when going shopping instead of
plastic bags to cut down on plastic bags consumption.
=>In conclusion, both national governments and individuals in
rich or poor country must understand the harmful impact they
have on the environment and be responsible to ease damage.
Topic7 : Which historical figure do you admire most?why?
-->I’m going to talk about Ho Chi Minh, one of the greatest
leaders that Vietnam has ever produced over the course of more
than 1000 years of building and defending our country, the
person who is not only venerable to me but also to millions of
Vietnamese people and other people all over the world.
-->He was born on May, 19th 1890 in Sen Village, Nam Dan
district, Nghe An province, a province located in the middle part
of Vietnam. He had many different names during the course of
his life; his birth name was Nguyen Sinh Cung; he was also
known as Nguyen Tat Thanh and Nguyen Ai Quoc. He used to
be a Vietnamese Communist revolutionary leader who was the
prime minister and president of the Democratic Republic of
-->He led the Viet Minh independence movement from 1941
onward, establishing the Communist-ruled Democratic Republic
of Vietnam in 1945 and defeating the French Union in 1954 at
the battle of Dien Bien Phu. He officially stepped down from
power in 1965 due to health problems. After the war, Saigon,
the former capital of the Republic of Vietnam, was renamed Ho
Chi Minh.
-->I really admire him not only because he is a great leader who
sacrificed all his life for gaining back the independence for
Vietnamese people but also because he was such a great writer,
journalist, poet and polyglot. He could speak fluently, as well as
read and write professionally, in French, English, Russian,
Cantonese and Mandarin in addition to his mother tongue
Vietnamese. He also played a very crucial role in promoting
Chu Quoc Ngu.
=>So I think he’s such a good role model for me to learn from.
Topic 8 : Married women with children should not to go work.
What are your opinion?
-->I disagree with the idea that: "Married women should not go
to work."
--> Firstly, it is a disrespectful and insulting opinion about
women. Because, Nowadays, equal rights of men and women
have been declared so anyone can go to work.

-->Secondly, in general, people doubt the intellectual ability of

women. They think that women are not as clever as men. But the
reality has shown us a number of transcendent women who have
made a big change in the past such as Marie Curie, Hillary
Clinton,.....Their work helped people all over the world have a
better life with less worries and more happiness.

-->Thirdly, women are normaly considered to be better suited

for childbearing and housework. That is the reason why they
have to take all the responsibility of doing chores and taking
care of children. Therefore, they don't have much time left to do
other tasks which leads to a decrease in the quality of their
=>To sum up, I think men must help women by rescuing their
loved ones from a miserable life of being misunderstood and
Topic 9: Happines is having a lot of money? what your point of
-->No. We all need money to survive and fulfill our goals or
wishes to be honest. But a lot of money can't provide you a lot
of happiness because Happiness is a feeling and money can only
provide you material things.Happiness is a very bigger feeling
than we think and its not at all related to having too much
money. Money is very important but having a lots of money to
be happy is surely not true .
-->I believe we should try our best to do something big and
should be happy with where we are and what we have and
should always have a smile on our face because its the most
important thing in our life.
-->I think People nowadays are made to be greedy. So even if
you have the money you would constantly want more. This will
make you feel more miserable than your search to find
happiness.So even if you have the money you might not be truly
happy you might feel even more miserable than you are now.

=>And always remember that a happy person can earn a lots of

money but money cant buy happiness .
Topic 10: Happiness means you are satisfied with what you are
having ? do you agree or disagree ?
Yeah i agree with this idea that happiness means you are
satisfied with what you are having. For me, nothing gives me
more pleasure than getting a lot done in a day.
--> And talk about happiness, In my humble opinion, happiness
isn’t achieving certain goals. Surely it’s important to accomplish
what you yearn for but that’s not eternal happiness for me.
Happiness to me is what I have and it like a journey that I
undertake in the pursuit of my goals.
-->yeah and when i happy I’d like to share my success and
feeling with my family or friends when I’m happy. I believe that
my happiness can’t go without them. There are some things that
make me happy. Well, first of all, what always makes me happy
is seeing my friends and family happy, which I suppose is
probably the same for everyone. And as well as that, I’d say
just doing the things I enjoy always puts me in a happy mood,
you know, like playing the piano, and going to coffe with my
-->And i think money make us happy too you know, I think it’s
fair to say that money makes us all feel happy to some degree,
because you can do so much with it, like buy new clothes or go
on holiday or whatever. But saying that, I’d say it’s only a kind
of short-term happiness that we get from money, because the
feeling soon fades, as I’m sure you’ll agree! So I think if we
want to enjoy long-term happiness, then it’s really other things
that bring about it, like appreciating what we already have in
=> So to sum up, i would say that we should be happy with
where we are and what we have and should always have a smile
on our face because its the most important thing in our life.

Topic 11 : violent sports such as boxing and wrestling should be

banned? what your point of view ?
Even though violent sports appear as a dangerous sport, there
are several reasons not to ban. Some people would consider
sports as a violent; as you can see that a lot of sportsmen are
retired due to their injuries. However, due to this reason, should
we ban such a sport? I completely disagree with this statement.

-->Every sport has levels. For example, boxing or wrestling is

considered as a heavy sport. Also, there is an extreme sport
classification, which is a bungee jumping, sky-diving or car
rally racings. If you are looking at boxing and sky-diving, which
one you will be thinking as a dangerous sport? Most people
would say sky-diving as a dangerous sport, but, for violent
issues, people would choose for boxing. People believe that by
just look at the action of the sport think as a violent. However,
any sports can be seen as a violent.

-->Like the i one mentioned before, the violent sports which

endanger lives are completely different. Boxing or others sports
might only results in some fatal injuries to the sportsmen
whereas sky-diving or car rally racings might kill people. Even
though the boxers have critical injuries, is this as bad as
someone get crashed by car? In my point of view, all the
sportsmen are all aware of the circumstances. Even if they aware
of the risks of the sports, but they still play it.

-->Overall, the sports that are violent are different from the
sports that are fatal to the lives of the sportsmen. Some people
claimed that such sports should be banned for the sake of the
sportsmen, however, I claim as should not. All these sports are
the choice made by the sportsmen who are aware of
Topic 12 : Globalization

+ talk about friends you have had from other countries

My friend’s name is An. We’ve known each other most of our

lives. We met in preschool when we were around four or five
years old, and we’ve been friends ever since. We like to do a lot
of things together. When we were little kids, we played a lot of
different kinds of games together. In high school. We used to
study together, but we don’t do that anymore because An isn’t
studying enlish language like I am. He’s studying law. We’re
both busy with school and work, but we still get together often.

+talk about other countries you have visited

A couple of years ago I went on a holiday to Paris with my

parents… it is a very popular tourist destination, since it has
various places of interest, such as ancient museums and
monuments… That's why there are always hordes of tourists...
So we decided to go out of season in the autumn… Fortunately,
the weather was great, and we did not waste any days watching
TV at the hotel... it was a memorable holiday … we enjoyed
breathtaking views from the top of the Eiffel tower and dined in
cozy little restaurants. I would certainly recommend visiting
Paris, it is a picturesque city.

+can you easily forget that somebody you are talking with is
from a different country or of a different race?

Absolutely is no. Because when someone talk to me, i will

remember them especially when i have a problem and someone
help me, i will definetly remember them and not forget

+what do you think your answer tell you about yourself?

Well i am a college student and i am studying enlish language in

HUFLIT. Right now, i do not have a job because i have to go to
school to study and did not have a time to work part-time. But in
the future, i think i will get a job to earn money to pay my
tuition and other things.

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