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Who says smoking cigarettes is so bad ...

well, aside from the World

Health Organization, Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, and every medical board and association
on the face of the Earth? But you should know that smoking can have
some advantages, they can enough to dodge all that cancer, heart disease,
and the like, they will be uniquely protected.

+Smoking lowers risk of obesity:

Smoking — and, in particular, the nicotine in tobacco smoke — is an
appetite suppressant. This has been known for centuries, dating back to
indigenous cultures . And I have read on the internet that Tobacco
companies caught on by the 1920s and began targeting women with the
lure that smoking would make them thinner. 
The relationship between smoking and weight control is complex:
Nicotine itself acts as both a stimulant and appetite suppressant; and the
act of smoking triggers behavior modification that prompts smokers to
snack less. Smoking also might make food less tasty for some smokers,
further curbing appetite.
+Smoking lowers risk of death after some heart attacks
Compared with non-smokers, smokers who have had heart attacks seem
to have lower mortality rates and more favorable responses
There are several documented benefits to smoking cigarettes. One of
which, is that smokers tend to fare better than their non-smoking
counterparts after suffering from a heart attack. In fact, according to Live
Science, smokers have a lower mortality rate and respond better
+Focus on work and low stress on people mind
As I know , The nicotine in cigarettes enhances memory and learning by
increasing the brain chemical acetylcholine that helps you focus.
Smoking research has shown that smoking actually reduces anxiety and
stress.  Nicotine provides smokers with instant relaxation and it makes
smokers feel comfortable and helps them focus more on work

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