Satan's Fear - J. Solomon Kostelnik

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How Submission to God

& the Freedom of Self-Control
Terrify the Evil One

by J. Solomon Kostelnik
Be subject therefore to God.
But resist the devil,
and he will flee from you.
(James 4:7)

Satan's Fear
How Submission to God &
the Freedom of Self-Control
Terrify the Evil One

Copyright ©2018-2023 by J. Solomon Kostelnik

All Rights Reserved

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Prophetic Voice Publications

Gospel Truth Ministries

P.O. Box 1885
Cincinnati, OH 45201-1885

Scripture quotations from The World English Bible

Table of Contents
Preface 6
Introduction 7
Help & Justice for the Lost & Hurting...................................................7
The Text of James 4:7..............................................................................10
Submission to God.................................................................................10
Freedom in Christ...................................................................................11
Outgrowths, Substitutes & More..........................................................13
Satan's Fear 15
Our Warring Pleasures...........................................................................17
An Enemy of God...................................................................................18
Be Subjected to God................................................................................23
Resist the Devil........................................................................................24
Running in Terror...................................................................................27
The Great Example of Jesus..................................................................31
Submission to God:
The True One 35
Why and Who is Yahweh?.....................................................................38
Yahweh is Creator...................................................................................45
Yahweh is God........................................................................................46
Yahweh is Lord.......................................................................................54
Faith & Obedience..................................................................................58
The Fear of Yahweh................................................................................63
Beyond Reasonable Service: Love........................................................65
Freedom in Christ:
Power to Resist the Devil 67
Resisting the Devil..................................................................................69
No Judgment...........................................................................................72
Satan is the Source of Sin.......................................................................74
The New “I” & the New Freedom.......................................................76
The Fruit of the Spirit.............................................................................83
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit.............................................................84
Jesus is Our Example..............................................................................88
Proof of the Power..................................................................................93
With a Divine Purpose 101
Self-Control in Scripture: “Enmastered”...........................................101
All Things Are Lawful for Me.............................................................104
All Things Are Not Expedient............................................................113
Not Being Mastered by Any................................................................118
All Things Do Not Build Up...............................................................123
The Antidote to Licentiousness..........................................................127
Self-Control = Holiness........................................................................141
My Dreams About God's Holy People..............................................146
Grace for a Life of Moments................................................................153
You Can Enjoy Yourself!......................................................................160
“Yes” Before All 169
“Not My Will But Yours Be Done”.....................................................173
The “Yes” is in God's Son....................................................................174
Yes to and through Jesus, the Word of God......................................176
Satan's Mockery of “Yes”.....................................................................178
The Man, Job..........................................................................................180
But Why?................................................................................................182
Suffering in Christ 187
“Feeling Strongly”................................................................................189
An Antidote to Addictions..................................................................190
Patient Endurance.................................................................................192
Born to Suffer?.......................................................................................197
Reproved by God for Sin.....................................................................198
Rejoice in Suffering...............................................................................205
Sacrificial Offerings..............................................................................208
The Cross of Christ...............................................................................210
Consecration as Warfare......................................................................214
Suffering Together with the Assembly..............................................220
The Lord's Supper................................................................................223
Martyrdom for Jesus 229
Martyr = Witness...................................................................................230
Submission to God on Display...........................................................232
Freedom on Display.............................................................................233
Self-Control on Display.......................................................................235
Proof of Faith & Love...........................................................................236
Satan's Final Push.................................................................................240
Satan's Perverted Substitutes 245
Submit to Another “god”....................................................................246
Don't Submit to Anyone......................................................................252
Reject God's Gifts..................................................................................258
Accept Satan's Substitutes...................................................................262
Self-Control without God....................................................................269
Satan's Corruption of Martyrdom......................................................271
Various Combinations..........................................................................272
Satan's Facade: Inclusivity...................................................................279
Satan's Occasions..................................................................................284
Why Does Satan Fear? 289
He Suffers Spiritual Pain?....................................................................289
He's Reminded of Being Replaced and Judged by Us?..................292
He Knows We Will Continue Destroying His Kingdom?..............295
He Sees God's People Multiply the More He Persecutes Them?...296
We Frustrate His Acts of Frustration.................................................298
Satan's End & Our Beginning 303
His Purposes are His Own End..........................................................303
Dividing Satan's House.......................................................................306
Lion Among Sheep & Sheep Among Wolves...................................309
Satan's Imprisonment...........................................................................314
His End is our Beginning.....................................................................315
The Day is Always Near......................................................................316
Quiet & Humble Lives.........................................................................318
My Hope for You 323
The Foundational Experiences............................................................323
Beginning & Ending with James........................................................325
A Time of Stewardship.........................................................................327
Hold Firm unto the End.......................................................................329
About the Author 333
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik


Turning Satan's tactics on his own head. That's what

God does. And we can become a part of it!
I'm publishing this book on Halloween, 2022. For those
unfamiliar, it is celebrated as a “spooky season” here in
the USA. It's a time to become aware of spirits both
“good” and bad, that we can't see all that is real.
Originally, some believers in the 9 th century A.D. began
to celebrate November 1st as a remembrance of Christians
whose lives were extraordinary (“saints”). A vigil
(watching) the night before (October 31 ) has devolved
into not only a secular holiday, but one glorifying evil,
demons, and all things repulsive and ungodly. A time to
“trick or treat”—and Satan's tricks and treats kill!
What better time to learn how to strike fear into Satan
himself! Maybe you don't believe in him, maybe you do.
But regardless, he is at work, behind the scenes. Yet we
need not fear him and his works, nor do his bidding.
Rather, we can resist him, making him scared!
Even so, my mother gave her heart to the Lord on
Halloween, 1974. Rejecting Satan on such a day, yes!
This is the glory of Yahweh: frustrating Satan through
his own frustrating works; and we're invited!
Halloween: a time to celebrate or fear evil? Well, in this
book it's now a time to scare evil!



Satan exists. He is a real and ancient being, with a dark

past about which we know little. He is feared, respected,
worshiped, and despised by various cultures and
religions. And although he is thought by many people to
be imaginary or only symbolic, he has knowledge and
power far beyond what our human minds can
But, Satan fears. He has fears. He becomes afraid.
And you—yes you—are able to instill fear in him. Both
you as a person and what you do can actually make Satan
run in terror for a place of refuge.
Do you ever wish like you could have some payback
for what he's done?
Would you like to give him “a taste of his own
If you're familiar with how he works and the kinds of
things he likes to do, wouldn't you like to “turn the
tables” on him?

Help & Justice for the Lost &

Do you find yourself feeling like you're a candle that's
burned so long you're about to go out? That you're
bruised from being bent in so many wrong directions

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

from others, for so long, that you're nearly broken? That's

what Satan causes, through this current world and its
Do you wish to be freed from the parts of yourself that
sabotage your success and happiness? Do you want
rescued from your own stupidity and repeated mistakes?
Satan loves to tell us we'll never change.
But Jesus is looking for you, to help you, not to hurt.
Jesus came to free us from all the works of the Devil,
both physical and spiritual.1

Y ou will know the truth, and the truth will

make you free... If therefore the Son makes
you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:32, 36)
Isaiah the prophet wrote this thousands of years ago
about God's Son, Who was sent to rescue you from Satan
and all his works:

B ehold, my servant, whom I uphold; my

chosen, in whom my soul delights—I have
put my Spirit on him. He will bring justice to the
nations. He will not shout, nor raise his voice, nor
cause it to be heard in the street. He won’t break
a bruised reed. He won’t quench a dimly burning
wick. He will faithfully bring justice. (Isaiah 42:1-
Isaiah prophesied again in chapter 61 about what this
same Servant of Yahweh (Jesus) would do.

1. Luke 13:10-16; Romans 6:1-11; Hebrews 2:14; 1 John 3:8


T he book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to

[Jesus]. He opened the book, and found the
place where it was written, “The Spirit of the
Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to
preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to
heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim release to the
captives, recovering of sight to the blind, to
deliver those who are crushed, and to proclaim
the acceptable year of the Lord." He closed the
book, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down.
The eyes of all in the synagogue were fastened on
him. He began to tell them, "Today, this Scripture
has been fulfilled in your hearing.” (Luke 4:17-21)
Jesus revealed that He was the fulfillment of this
prophecy of old, and He speaks it directly to you too.
And if you have a heart that wants to help others, the
blessing is that after your rescue you can become a
rescuer yourself!
So, even if you're one who is unsure about God's
existence or identity (not to mention Satan's), but are of an
honest and curious heart, I encourage you to read to the
end. I believe you will end up with a lot to consider and
experience, in a good way for a good future!
This book is written for people who:
• Recognize they aren't in control of their life
• Long for rescue from their continual error
• Don't want to be victims, and want justice
• Root for the underdog
• Have self-respect and want real validation

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

• Desire maturity in all areas of life

• Want to please their Creator
I've laid out this book to be read in order, as each
section depends and builds upon the previous. I know
it's in our nature to jump around to what seems most
interesting at the time, but I hope you'll do your best to
read through the book page by page.
The risk of jumping around is missing important
prerequisites to certain ideas and truths, which won't
make sense or could give one a false idea (touched on in
the study of licentiousness, grace, and and self-control). I
do hope you'll hear my heart and proceed in order.
Following will be the main sections of how we'll look at
this biblical concept of Satan's Fear!

The Text of James 4:7

First I will break down the context and grammar of the
main study verse of this book:

B e subject therefore to God. But resist the

devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)
Understanding James' audience, and what he had been
writing about before giving that nugget of truth, will give
us a greater understanding of what it means.
Then we'll move on to what I believe are the three core
truths contained in that verse, teachings which are spread
throughout the rest of scripture!


Submission to God
This is the primary source of Satan's fear. We can also
call it surrender to God, or being subjected under God.
It goes back far beyond the creation of Adam and Eve,
although we do have a great look at Satan's mindset and
methods in that story too.
What is submission to God, and to which God? How
does a person get to that point? What are its signs? What
does it produce, and what are its effects?
We'll study not only the ideal, the purpose of our lives
—submission to the true God, Yahweh—but also look at
how there are other ways and things unto which we could
submit. Such things and beings won't bring the results
we're desiring, nor will they make Satan run in terror. We
must see the difference!

Freedom in Christ
This is the connection point between submission to
God and its resulting lifestyle.
As Yahweh often works, he frustrates Satan by doing
what seems illogical by unregenerate minds (those who
have followed the lead of Satan) and grants us freedom
when we submit to Him.
This newfound freedom that we obtain in and through
God's Son, Christ Jesus, allows us to live a different way.
The new nature we receive when first submitting to
God through Christ gives us a new default as we live the
rest of our days in this fallen flesh: free.

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Therefore, now free in Jesus, we have both the desire

and the learned understanding to live with self-control,
for a divine purpose. And it's also for our own benefit!
In addition to this, God the Father holds out a Promise
to all those children He calls through His Son: the Holy
Spirit. Receiving the infilling of the Spirit, also called
being baptized into the Holy Spirit, is the key to living in
the freedom given through Christ.
This new Holy Spirit power that comes with Him upon
us, fully saturating our being (like a person immersed into
water), is what empowers our freedom to lead to the next
step. And scripture even refers to receiving Him as a
dowry, proof that we are promised to the Lord Jesus!2
And as we'll see, this freedom is not a launchpad or a
cloak for sin, as which many claiming to be God's people
will try to portray it... but rather it is an ability to do what
we could not do before: live for God and do what is right,
from a new heart, out of love.

This is “the other side of the coin,” if submission to
God is the first side. Indeed, they go together and are
intertwined by freedom, but I feel that looking at them
separately will give us better insight into exactly what
Satan fears.
Self-control, with a divine purpose, is seen throughout

2. 2 Corinthians 11:21-22; “earnest, proof, down-payment” of the

Spirit is a Greek word used in Bible days for earnest money for a wife
(dowry), perhaps today's engagement ring!

scripture and is a sign of a mature believer in the Lord. It

has such a wide scope, not only in our personal lives, but
in creation itself, that it truly sets apart the real from the
fake when it comes to pleasing God.
At the same time, it is both the answer to, and the
down-fall of, both Satan and his followers.
We will see how ultimately it is the thing Satan never
would allow of himself, and thus is the thing that he so
despises, mocks, and yes, fears.
The fruit of this is seen in all attitudes and mindsets
that flow from him as a source—anything that derives
from a rejection of Yahweh as rightful Lord of all will
naturally flow into this poisoned river of no self-control
for God's purpose.
But very importantly, it isn't just “self-control” without
any qualifiers, but rather for His purpose.
As we'll see, there are many reasons to control one's
self that aren't God's will, nor do they accomplish His
eternal plan.

Outgrowths, Substitutes &

Beyond the three main, core teachings, I'll also look at
them from different angles and how it's lived out.
And why would we do such things? We'll see it all
comes back to our love for God and what He's done for
us. We innately wish to please Him, to be with Him, to
watch, listen, and learn how to be like Him.
Setting our eyes on the hope of Christ's return, we no
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

longer live vain lives for vain things that are passing
But what about when that new life leads to suffering?
Why would we continue living for the Lord when it's so
hard and really hurts sometimes?
Can we really get to a place of saying “yes” to God
before we even know what the question is?
And what about the ultimate end: dying for Christ?
We'll finish with how Satan tries to twist and obscure
these truths, as well as make fun of them, and what it will
lead to in the end.
Initially, I had also included in-depth material about
Satan's identity and traits, along with his wiles and
tactics; but I've split it into two books.
So, if you want to find out much more about who and
what Satan is, and how he works, keep an eye out for my
other upcoming book: Satan's Wiles!
And in the meantime, also consider reading my father's
book about his encounter with Satan in a dream—wow,
what an experience he had through an entire night!3
The more we know about this evil one, and the more
we know about God, the less we will fear Satan. Indeed,
he will fear and run from us! Let's get started.

3. Joseph Kostelnik, I Saw Satan! (Prophetic Voice Publications, 2020),
Satan's Fear

Satan's Fear

B e subject therefore to God. But resist the

devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)
Here it is, the core of this book.
“Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.”
What a surprising revelation to many people!
As we detail Satan's fear, we'll see it is two-fold:
1. He feared to do the thing that we must do.
2. He fears to see us do the thing he wouldn't do.
This same Satan—the adversary—who is also called
the Devil (slanderer)4—is constantly vaulting himself
against God and creation.
He is the initiator of battles, the beginner of deception,
the cause of discord, and a murderer.5
He was once the greatest of Yahweh's creations, was he
He had power over even death, 7 and now has power
over this current age and world system, does he not?8
Is not he the one who causes others to flee in terror
from his great presence and power?9
4. Revelation 12:9, 20:2
5. John 8:44; Ephesians 6:11
6. Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-19
7. Hebrews 2:14
8. Matthew 4:8-10; 2 Corinthians 4:4
9. Job 40-41; likely symbolism of Satan; a study for another book!
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Should not he instill fear in those whom he opposes,

being greater in might and power than they?10
But yet, scripture is clear, from the Holy Spirit through
the writing of James the apostle, the brother of the Lord
Jesus: the Devil will run in terror to a place of safety... from
But how? Why? When? Who exactly is “you”?
Let's begin to break down this verse and extract all the
beauty and power of God's truth!
“But resist the Devil, and...”
And what comes before the “but”?
“Be subject therefore to God.”
So then we must ask, what is the “therefore”
there for?
The preceding verses of the chapter make it clear.

W here do wars and fightings among you

come from? Don’t they come from your
pleasures that war in your members? You lust,
and don’t have. You kill, covet, and can’t obtain.
You fight and make war. You don’t have, because
you don’t ask. You ask, and don’t receive,
because you ask with wrong motives, so that you
may spend it for your pleasures. You adulterers
and adulteresses, don’t you know that friendship
with the world is hostility toward God? Whoever
therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes
himself an enemy of God. Or do you think that

10. 2 Peter 2:11

Satan's Fear

the Scripture says in vain, “The Spirit who lives in

us yearns jealously” (James 4:1-5)?
And then the Holy Spirit grants relief to us, reminding
us that God is merciful to our continual waywardness of
heart, by having James quote from the book of Proverbs:11

B ut he gives more grace. Therefore it says,

“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the
humble.” (James 4:6)
Follow with me and get the context and point that
James is making.

Our Warring Pleasures

From where does the lack of peace in these Jewish
believers' lives come? It comes out of the “hedonon”
(plural) warring in their members.
Does that word sound familiar? It's the Greek word
from which we get words like hedonism, hedonist, and
even hedon itself. It means pleasure, specifically sensual
pleasure; what is enjoyable to the natural senses.
James is telling these people that the wars and fightings
they were experiencing came out of those pleasures
warring in their members. I believe he is being figurative
of them as individuals as well as a group of believers.
We know the truth of scripture that believers are
considered to be members of Christ's Body, and thus

11. Proverbs 3:34

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

members of one another as well.12

We also know that we are told to present our own,
individual bodily members (the parts of our body) to God
as instruments of righteousness.13
James can easily be speaking to both truths here. Both
as a body of believers, and individually as persons, these
pleasures war in their members and cause the state of no
peace (i.e., wars and fightings).
They are doing physical things to increase physical
pleasures. Their prayer lives, what little they had,
revolved around those things, and thus they were not
receiving anything.
What then does James say, which summarizes what
they are doing? It is a matter of friendship with the
world. The behavior of being occupied with sensual
pleasure (which is temporal and fleeting), to the exclusion
of the things of the spirit (which are eternal and weighty)
is what the world prizes. To live like that is to be friends
with the world.

An Enemy of God
Not surprisingly, he immediately states that such
friendship is hostility toward God. Bold! To be friends
with the world is to become an enemy of God.14
Those two words translated “hostility” and “enemy”
are from the same root, and it has the simple meaning of

12. Romans 12:4-5; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; Ephesians 3:6, 5:30

13. Romans 6:13, 19
14. James 4:4
Satan's Fear

hatred toward something, with the intent to inflict harm.

James couples this truth with calling people engaged in
such behavior “adulterers.” One cannot commit adultery
unless they are engaged15 or married (in outward
relationship with God): these are luke-warm “believers”
(perhaps in name only?) who are dipping their toes into
the tainted waters of the world.
Such boldness from James! Why?
Simply put, the way of the world, which elevates being
a slave to pleasure, is a hatred for God and His purpose
for us. Sensual pleasures are ordained by God to be
rewards for living rightly, but the world (through the
leading of Satan) has “put the cart before the horse” and
made it its own goal, to the exclusion of living from the
right place and motive (God's love).
Seen from a different angle, it is to what Jesus referred
when He spoke about mankind's devotion to
“Mammon”16 as their way of life:

N o one can serve two masters, for either he

will hate the one and love the other; or else
he will be devoted to one and despise the other.
You can’t serve both God and Mammon.
(Matthew 6:24)

15. Matthew 1:18-19; Joseph was pledged (engaged) to Mary, but

planned to send her away (divorce) secretly when he found her
pregnant (assuming adultery), to keep her from public display.
16. An Aramaic word, mammon came from a root word meaning “to
trust,” and thus was used as “the treasure a person trusts in.” See
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

As these carnal believers fight and covet and try to get

things and do things to give them a temporary pleasure to
their fleshly bodies and senses, they are forsaking the God
Who called them in holiness for a greater purpose. They
are appointing themselves to be God's enemy.
You may be asking now: what does all of this have to
do with causing the Devil to run in terror?
What is James' thought process to get from one
revelation to the other?
God is constantly calling His people back. He is
looking for those who, when they recognize how they
have fallen off, will humbly turn back to Him and forsake
the fruitless way they had been heading.
God calls to those who gave lip-service to following
Him but instead wandered off to do their own thing; they
may still change their mind and do what He said. Think
of Jesus' short parable concerning this.17
God gives grace to those people, the humble, to those
who, yes, have gone astray, but (as James hopes) will turn
back when confronted with the stark truth.
Yet at the same time, God is righteous, and He thus
“resists” the proud. God will not forsake His
righteousness, He will not agree with the one who walks
in carnal-mindedness and breaks the marriage covenant
of the spirit (James calling them “adulterers”).
However, His love for us as His own, because He has
purchased us with His own blood,18 causes Him to yearn

17. Matthew 21:28-32

18. Acts 20:28
Satan's Fear

after us jealously from within.

Paul elsewhere asks us not to grieve the Holy Spirit of
God with which we were sealed, in the context of
exhorting us not to sin against one another (just as James
does throughout his letter).19 The Spirit yearns within us
even as we stray, because He owns us and cannot stand to
see us wander from the one to Whom we've been
“But.” But what? But to a greater degree, He gives
more grace.
As much as the Spirit he placed in us yearns with
spiteful envy (against the things that draw us away,
against the things we do), to an even greater degree than
that strong jealousy does God give grace. Yet, only to the
Here is the warning: to the proud, God squares off.
Yes, that is the thrust of the meaning of that Greek word
translated “resists.” God resists the proud. He squares
off against them. It comes from two words meaning “to
arrange, to order,” and “against.” It was an old military
term used of placing a solider in a specific platoon with a
specific function; and was also used to mean “an
organized resistance,” like an entire army forming up in a
specific battle array to resist the enemy in full alignment.
This is a scary position that no one should ever want to
occupy. Who would want to have God Himself do the
above against them? Yet, it is what He promises to do

19. Ephesians 4:17-32, note verse 30

20. 2 Corinthians 11:2
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

toward the proud. Those who live as though they are

independent of the One Who created them will find
themselves in a position of eventually being taken down.
Elsewhere, scripture says that God (often via life
circumstances) will bring down the proud, and exalt the
God sets Himself in a position to eventually humiliate
the person (for their good) who continually resists the
truth that they are not their own.
James is quoting directly from the Septuagint, the
common Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures in
Jesus' day, from the book of Proverbs.
The original Hebrew scriptures are slightly different,
and read:

S urely he mocks the mockers, but he gives

grace to the humble. (Proverbs 3:34)
This is all simple truth, repeated throughout scripture.
God is Creator. He made all things for His own pleasure.
He has a plan and is executing it. God is love and will go
to great lengths to preserve those He has chosen for His
Son. He will resist to the uttermost those who interfere
with His plan and who boast of their own power (which
comes from Him).
Yet, even toward the proud, He shows patience, in the
hopes they will repent. And thus, to the humble, He gives
grace. This patience is a sign of His divine nature, which
is inherently merciful and loving.

21. Proverbs 16:18, 29:23; Isaiah 13:11

Satan's Fear

He does not follow through with what He could have

done to bring them low. When they willingly humble
themselves, He approves of their right behavior by
showing grace. He does not punish for the sins
beforehand. He meets them in their new position of self-
submission to Him.

B ut he gives more grace. Therefore it says,

“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the
humble” (James 4:6).

Be Subjected to God
And so, James summarizes this recounting of where
these Jewish believers had missed the mark with the
study verse of this chapter, and really, this entire book:

B e subject therefore to God. But resist the

devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)
In light of all that I've told you, James writes, be
subjected to God. It is passive. Let yourselves be
submitted to God.
Therefore, accept reality. God is. You exist because He
does. Submit to His purpose, agree to the truth that what
He says is, because He made all things.
Imitate Him. Love Him. Return to Him. Remember
the covenant you made with Him, remember the vow you
vowed to Him.
If you have been a “make-believer” and never truly
received Christ Jesus (but only held the faith via “make

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

believe”), now is your time. Receive the grace He shows

toward the humble, and be set in order under God.
Did you “marry” Him out of peer-pressure? To escape
something in your old life without truly loving Him
most? Have you committed adultery with the world by
forsaking your devotion to Him first? Now is your
chance to be reconciled, and surrender to Him.
Not ironically, that word “be subjected” is a compound
of two words: “under” and that same word described
above “to arrange in order.”
Whereas God promises to arrange Himself in battle
array “against” the proud, so James tells us to let
ourselves be arranged in order “under” God.
How brilliant! How lovely are the Writings of God!
They flow and are intertwined in such a divine way,
always ready to yield truth and wisdom to those looking.
It's a never-ending journey in life to draw out what the
Lord has placed in His revealed Word.
If, therefore, we let ourselves be arrayed under God (by
being humble and obedient), then He won't array Himself
against us. What a beautiful truth! And now we move to
the second part of James' teaching.

Resist the Devil

“But, resist the Devil.”22
Now, the first thing I thought when I studied this
portion of scripture was, “I bet this word 'resist' here is

22. James 4:7

Satan's Fear

the same as used in the previous verse.” Well, guess

what? It's not!
It's a much simpler word, meaning “to stand against:”
the basic Greek word for “to stand” with the Greek prefix
“against.” It gives the imagery of standing 180 degrees
opposite something/someone.
Why does James use this different word? Why not tell
us to arrange ourselves in battle array against the Devil,
just as God does toward the proud?
I believe it's simply because we don't have to go to such
lengths! This won't require such in-depth planning and
forethought and design. We simply stand against him! 23
We don't budge!
Doesn't this give you a sense of delight? Making the
Devil flee in terror doesn't require some kind of intricate
ritual; we don't need a map of his routes, and so on. He's
already come to face to face with us in battle. We simply
stand, against him. When he shows himself in our face,
breathing threats and roaring as he does, we, having
already been subjected to God, stand against him.
This word was also used in classical Greek (predating
New Testament Greek) as a military term to mean “to
strongly resist an opponent.” God had (and has) already
done the work of placing us where we need to be, under
Himself. His wisdom will put us exactly where we
should be in relation to Him. Yahweh did all of the
intricate military work for us, when we allowed ourselves
to be submitted to Him! God and our relationship to Him

23. Ephesians 6:11

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

is primary. All flows from that.

After that has been done, then we must simply resist
the incoming advance of the Devil. How much of a relief
is this?
All of the “hard work” will have been done already.
What was that hard work?
It was realizing that our wars in life come out of the
many sensual pleasures warring in our members. It was
resigning our allegiance from them and returning in
humility to Yahweh as Lord.
The freedom that comes from being released from
Satan's authority, by the blood of Jesus, allows us to see
the Devil's lies for what they are.
Because of belonging to God, we are spiritually
equipped with God's full armor and are able to withstand
and stand.24
God then gives grace, and we are put in order under
Him. Things are proper again. Therefore, the Devil has
no inroad to us.
We simply stand against him. But, we must resist.

Don't ignore, don't negotiate

There is a component of recognizing his advances in
your direction and facing him head-on.
I think James' appeal to us reminds us:
• We don't run from him.
• We don't ignore him or pretend he's not there.
• We don't try to negotiate with him (i.e., “well if I'm not

24. Ephesians 6:10-18

Satan's Fear

as much of a witness of the Lord, will you leave me

Rather, we resist. We defy his attempts. We stand fast
(think of Paul's exhortation to the Ephesians referenced
What happens then?

Running in Terror
“He will flee from you!”25
This vaunted, terrible one; this unholy, feared one; this
great boaster; this never-ending sower of doubting God...
he will run in terror from you!
He shall have no means of advance.
What temptation does candy have to the one who has
just eaten a large, delicious, nutritious meal?
What temptation is the prostitute to the one in a happy
marriage who has just had sex with their spouse?
Oh, perhaps there is such temptation to the truly
unregenerate, who receive good things from God but
never produce good fruit—they are the grumblers who
are never satisfied with God's provision and instead keep
choosing idols.26
But to those of us who love God, surrendering to Him
and doing what pleases Him will fill us to overflowing
from His very Spirit!27
There is nothing left that Satan can do, because you

25. James 4:7

26. Hebrews 6:4-9; Matthew 13:1-9; 1 Corinthians 10:1-14
27. 2 Corinthians 7:4; 1 Peter 1:8
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

have been placed in battle array under God. You do not

go along with his temptations, his slanders, his fanciful
lies, but you stand against him.
You are standing in Christ, the One Who already
defeated Him and constantly crushes him.28
You stand under the Father, Who has ordained the
place of torment for him in the future.29
You stand justified, no condemnation ordained for you,
because you are in the Lord Jesus Christ by means of your
new birth.30
The Blood of the Covenant is upon you. The grace of
the Son of God clothes you. The Spirit of God permeates
you. You shine with the Light of Yahweh.
The Devil will run in terror to a place of safety, away
from you.

Cities of Refuge
This word for “run” or “flee” is used in an interesting
place in the Septuagint—that's the popular Greek
translation of the Hebrew scriptures that was used by the
common people in Jesus' day in Israel.

S peak to the children of Israel, and tell them,

‘When you pass over the Jordan into the land
of Canaan, then you shall appoint for yourselves
cities to be cities of refuge for you, that the man

28. Romans 16:20; Hebrews 2:14-15

29. Revelation 20:10
30. Romans 8:1
Satan's Fear

slayer who kills any person unwittingly may flee

there. (Numbers 35:10-11)
How about that? Yahweh told Moses to have the
people of Israel set up cities spaced throughout their
lands where people could flee to after they had innocently
killed someone. Once there, they'd be protected from the
families of the one killed, who often would be looking for
vengeance. But after the killer had fled there, then
congregations would judge the motive of that killer,
whether the manslaughter truly was done by mistake or
whether it was murder.31
Think of how that person felt, set upon by a family
looking for revenge—the person in fear for their lives,
now running to a place of safety and protection!
That word used for flee is the same one James uses of
what the Devil does when we resist him after submitting
to God. Halleluyah!
Satan will flee. He will shut up. He will depart.
He will be scared enough to look for a hiding place
until he gathers up some courage to try again with
someone else.
And praise God, just like the wicked murderers (not
accidental manslayers) in Israel's day, we know that one
day he will indeed face judgment for the murders he has
committed (destroying the lives of people that God
created)—he may hide for a time in relative safety, but his
future is sealed: eternal punishment in the lake of fire! 32
31. Numbers 35
32. Revelation 20:10
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

We'll study that more towards the end.

This Greek word (to flee) is also used elsewhere in the
New Testament several times, the same thing we are to
told to do:
• From the voice of strangers (in relationship to
following Christ as Shepherd)33
• From sexual immorality
• From idolatry
• From the things accompanying love of money
• From youthful lusts
We run away from those things because they can do
damage to us and keep us from the goal.
Paul, speaking of the love of money, says that many
have “pierced themselves through with many sorrows”
because of it. They get caught up in things that do not
profit but rather destroy and cause pain.
That is why he counseled Timothy to flee free from
such things. Get away from them, quickly!

A prudent man sees danger, and hides

himself; but the simple pass on, and suffer
for it. (Proverbs 22:3; and see 27:12)
Meditate upon this. The Devil runs away from us when
we are subjected to God and stand against him.

33. John 10:5

34. 1 Corinthians 6:18
35. 1 Corinthians 10:14
36. 1 Timothy 6:10-11
37. 2 Timothy 2:22
Satan's Fear

The Great Example of Jesus

A gain, the devil took him to an exceedingly

high mountain, and showed him all the
kingdoms of the world, and their glory. He said
to him, "I will give you all of these things, if you
will fall down and worship me." Then Jesus said
to him, “Get behind me, Satan! For it is written,
'You shall worship the Lord your God, and him
only shall you serve.'” Then the devil left him,
and behold, angels came and ministered to him.
(Matthew 4:8-11)
This might be one of the best examples of seeing Satan
afraid and leaving the situation he started. Remember
that this encounter started by means of the Holy Spirit
driving the Lord into the wilderness in order to be
tempted by the Devil.38
In much the same way as Job (as we'll see in later
chapters), God likely wanted to shame Satan by showing
one of His own was truly His.
Jesus' final response to Satan was the reminder that
only Yahweh was worthy to be served. Submission to
God makes Satan get out quick!
That word for “leave” is interesting in that it's used in
several ways in the Bible. It can mean to send away, to
release, to permit, to leave behind, to abandon, to depart;
it's even used of “forgiving” someone! Satan actively left

38. Mark 1:12

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

off his temptation of Jesus once the Lord reminded him of

how ridiculous his offer was.
But note that the Devil never permanently gives up.

W hen the devil had completed every

temptation, he departed from him until
another time. (Luke 4:13)
In Greek, it's “he withdraw from him for a season.”
You may have heard of a Christian retreat called “Kairos,”
which is named for that Greek word translated “season”
or “a time.” It indeed denotes a season of time, rather
than chronological, counted time (which is “chronos” in
This is definitely Satan's operating procedure: he
launches a sudden and violent attack, which at the time
seems endless, but will most definitely end after he is
repeatedly resisted in the faith. He leaves, but only for a
season. He comes back to try again later (as the fool who
repeats his folly), so don't be surprised!
Yet God always provides for our recovery from the
persecutions and temptations in His own way, just as He
did for Jesus here by sending angels to serve Him. We
come out stronger!
Remember this: even if the Devil has authority over
this current wicked age,39 he does so only by Yahweh's
permission.40 To serve Yahweh is to evade the middle-
man whose purpose is to rebel.

39. Jesus did not affirm or deny Satan's claim in Luke 4:6.
40. See Job, later discussed.
Satan's Fear

Satan can't stand being around someone who doesn't

believe his lies and sides with God instead, so he dashes
away like an angry child!
Satan suffers pain—he is damaged—he runs away
because of the danger he faces in such a situation.
Again, remember: he would not do this! He resisted
God's authority and tried to be his own god. 41 He feared
submission to Yahweh. He was proud.
He thus also fears when people do that which he feared
to do; when humans submit to Yahweh, he runs in terror!
The boaster becomes the silenced and shamed!
The attacker becomes the defender!
The strong becomes the weak!
You can make Satan afraid! You can make Satan flee!
But it all flows through Yahweh!
Our very act of resisting the Devil, and doing what
God has said, nullifies the work of the enemy.
So much of what Satan does is about dividing,
destroying (a word in Greek which means to unloose),
diverting, and despairing.
You can see him at work in the world where people
groups fight against each other, where families destroy
each other (including their own babies), where every
work of the flesh leads to evil results.42
God builds up, Satan tears down (destroys).43

41. Ezekiel 28
42. James 3:15-16
43. John 10:10
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

God brings peace to His people, Satan brings discord.44

God gives a clear path to victory, Satan gives many
“options” that all lead to death.45
When a believer begins to live the truths of this book,
Satan has no more ability to disrupt. Rather, we disrupt
his plans because of living the truth.46
And as we'll see, our resisting Satan ultimately reminds
him of his future, eternal judgment (studied later).
Now, imagine what would happen if multiple people
all did the same thing—rejected Satan's lies and
surrendered to God's will—life would be amazing!
The problems of this world all distill down into that
initial sin of Adam and Eve, prompted by Satan, that has
spread throughout both humanity and all of creation,
where things and people do not obey Yahweh.
But we can be the change, one by one, to see God's
Kingdom manifested in our very midst—spreading to
entire streets, cities, and even nations! Halleluyah!
So let's begin the process of diving into each part of this
multi-faceted truth of James' message.
We'll now look in-depth at what it means to submit to
God, and exactly why we should.

44. 1 John 3:8

45. Proverbs 14:12
46. Matthew 10:34-42
Submission to God: The True One

Submission to God:
The True One

The above is a taste of how Satan views the idea of
submitting to God or anyone who does so. And therefore,
those that follow in Satan's footsteps have the same
mentality toward those who submit to Yahweh.
Eternal life.
The will of God.
God's calling.
The work of the Holy Spirit.
A requirement to see the Lord.
The above is a brief summary of how the New
Testament refers to “sanctification” or holiness and its
purpose and effects, which comes after we submit.47
However, before we can even speak of the beautiful
and multi-faceted truth of sanctification, we must first

47. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; Romans 6:22; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7;

Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 1:2
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

look at the prerequisite: salvation.

What is salvation? We hear this word so much, in both
secular and religious circles, and its meaning has ebbed
and flowed over the millennia and throughout the world's
Biblically speaking, salvation means deliverance. Both
the Hebrew and Greek words that are translated as the
various forms of “salvation” (or “to save” or be “saved”)
have the idea of rescue.48
This is what all of us human beings need, first and
Most of us have lived our lives without a clear
understanding of this need; we may have had a nagging
feeling, or a continual and underlying fear of death 49
(because we don't know what happens after, or we do
know but don't know the way of escape).
Some of us have lived our lives knowing we were in
need, yet keep denying the answer to that need.
The mercy and grace of Yahweh is that such a salvation
is offered to any and all who hear the invitation and come
and receive.
In the introduction, I offered that Jesus is looking for
those who are broken, whose light is about to go out. He
looks to help those people, not snuff them out! And yes,

48. &
49. Hebrews 2:14-15
Submission to God: The True One

that includes you!50

What does this have to do with submission to God?
Everything! Ultimately, our salvation springs out of
our submitting to God—specifically, to Jesus as God.51
You may have heard the phrase “Jesus is LORD” or
“Lord Jesus”; but because of our distance in time from
when “lord” had a common and present-day use, you
don't understand what it really means; or why it's so
The life and ministry of Jesus was intimately tied with
His relationship to His Father, and to the promise before
and during the Old Testament that Yahweh had given to
send Him.
Disobedience to God goes back to the Garden of Eden
(for humanity) and likely much further back for spiritual
beings such as the angels and Satan himself.
All of God's dealings with mankind had to do with
getting him (man) to admit his sin, pay for it (in various
ways) and return to Yahweh with a changed mind.
None of the ways Yahweh provided were lasting, until
the New Testament. His promise was to change the heart
of His people and to write His laws on that new heart.
Sin wouldn't be temporarily covered, but would be once
for all permanently removed. They would intimately
know Him because His Word (which later was revealed to
be His Son) would dwell in them.52
All of this goes together to explain why submission to

50. Matthew 12; Isaiah 42:3

51. John 1:1-3, 17:3; 1 John 5:20
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

God is one and the same with confession of “Jesus is

LORD.” Not only is He master of everything, because of
His Divinity and authority given by the Father, but He is
also Yahweh just as the Father is.
“Jesus is LORD” = “Jesus is Yahweh” = Just as Israel
was called to obey Yahweh, so everyone is now called to
do the same. Jesus is Yahweh, come in the flesh, telling us
and affirming His Will, as one of our own (mankind).
The very belief that we put into Jesus as Yahweh is also
the vehicle for receiving the salvation that is in Him.
If Jesus is God's salvation (and He is), then simply
receiving Him (by believing He is) accomplishes the
salvation God has promised.

Why and Who is Yahweh?

Although this book is primarily written for Christians
who already know God, I'd still like to briefly look at why
we should specifically submit to this God, Yahweh.
Books upon books could and have been written related
to this,53 but let's consider just a few things.
The God revealed in the Bible described Himself as
Yahweh;54 this is a Hebrew word (‫ )יהוה‬with an actual
meaning: “He Who Is,” or even possibly, “He Who Causes

52. Deuteronomy 18:17-19; Isaiah 53; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ezekiel 36:22-

38; Hebrews 10
53. Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh & Sean McDowell is a
classic, broad, and in-depth apologetic of the Christian faith.
54. Isaiah 42:8
Submission to God: The True One

to Be.”55
God Himself, when asked what His Name was,
responded, “I AM WHO I AM” (Ehyeh 'asher Ehyeh).
When He gave His Name to be used as His eternal
memorial, He put it into the third person: “HE IS” or
“THE EXISTING ONE” (Yahweh).56
Thus, He rightly takes credit for everything related to
existence. He is its cause and underlying reality (nothing
exists without Him, and all things are because He is).
No one else decided that Yahweh would be God.
Indeed, there was nothing before Yahweh. Yahweh
always was. Meditating upon this concept is a good way
to break unfruitful mental cycles.
Nothing could or would exist if not for Yahweh, Who
has always been and always will be. Our very
understanding of what creation is and means comes by
seeing and experiencing His creation. Therefore, He
alone has rightful say and authority over everything in
existence, since everything ultimately relies upon Him for
its very existence.
This may sound very philosophical, but it gets to the
heart of the matter. This is not a tribal god claiming
authority over a particular city; not an earthly god with
power over one element (such as fire, etc.); not a heavenly
god with the nature of one particular trait (fertility,
wisdom, etc.). He is not one of many, such as the various

55. Hebrew scholars differ on whether the Name could be from the
imperfect causative active (hiphil) stem of hawah (to be).
56. Exodus 3:14-15
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

civilizations of the world have drummed up.

“I am Yahweh, and there is no one else.

Besides me, there is no God. I will
strengthen you, though you have not known me,
that they may know from the rising of the sun,
and from the west, that there is no one besides
me. I am Yahweh, and there is no one else. I form
the light and create darkness. I make peace and
create calamity. I am Yahweh, who does all these
things.” (Isaiah 45:5-7)
He. Is.

“I am Yahweh. That is my name. I will not

give my glory to another, nor my praise to
engraved images. Behold, the former things have
happened and I declare new things. I tell you
about them before they come up.” (Isaiah 42:8-9)
He has confirmed this claim by His repeated
fulfillment of things that He said He would do; over the
millenia, He has said what would happen, and it

“R emember the former things of old; for I

am God, and there is no other. I am God,
and there is none like me. I declare the end from
the beginning, and from ancient times things that
are not yet done. I say: My counsel will stand, and
I will do all that I please.” (Isaiah 46:9-10)
57. Isaiah 14:24
Submission to God: The True One

One man gave us a wonderful view of this stark

contrast and how to approach it as he faced pagans:

P aul stood in the middle of the Areopagus,

and said, “You men of Athens, I perceive that
you are very religious in all things. For as I
passed along, and observed the objects of your
worship, I found also an altar with this
inscription: ‘TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.’ What
therefore you worship in ignorance, this I
announce to you.” (Acts 17:22-23)
Notice he did not say that one of their named gods was
Yahweh in disguise. It was the God Who was unknown
to them. They had no personal dealings with Him. They
tried to include a “god” they hadn't yet even imagined,
but worshiped without knowledge of Him.
The word for “unknown” and “ignorance” both come
from the same root made of two words: “knowledge” and
the negative prefix (no). Does this sound like something
else familiar? Agnostic.
So, perhaps the most important truth in one's quest to
know God is to understand that He is indeed knowable.

H e made from one blood every nation of

men to dwell on all the surface of the earth,
having determined appointed seasons, and the
boundaries of their dwellings, that they should
seek the Lord, if perhaps they might reach out for
him and find him, though he is not far from each
one of us. (Acts 17:26-27)

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Now, what's even more telling is that Paul lets us know

this possibility of any people reaching back out for Him
and finding Him on their own was unlikely.58
Perhaps this is why God chose to use preaching to
bring knowledge of Him back to humanity.59

F or seeing that in the wisdom of God, the

world through its wisdom didn’t know God,
it was God’s good pleasure through the
foolishness of the preaching to save those who
believe. (1 Corinthians 1:21)
But God's patience is not forever. Humanity, who
strayed from Yahweh beginning with the fall of Adam
and Eve, has put much in place of God since then.

T he times of ignorance therefore God

overlooked. But now he commands that all
people everywhere should repent, because he has
appointed a day in which he will judge the world
in righteousness by the man whom he has
ordained; of which he has given assurance to all
men, in that he has raised him from the dead.
(Acts 17:30-31)
We might even literally translate verse 30: “The God
therefore took no notice of the times of agnosticism.”

58. Robertson's Word Pictures, by A.T. Robertson, reveals the rare,

fourth class conditional is used in verse 27 (“if perhaps they might
reach out for him and find him”), meaning it is “undetermined, but
with vague hope of being determined.”
59. Romans 10:12-15
Submission to God: The True One

Those generations had somewhat of an excuse because

they had no one to show them the way. It was unlikely
for anyone to search so diligently that they would find
Him, because their hearts were all so darkened by sin.
However, those times (not seasons, but counted times)
were now over. No longer will he accept someone saying
“I don't know about God” for their entire life. Why?
Because He had sent His Son, the answer to everything,
just as planned, and that Son's Body will be preaching
Him to everyone!60
Because this one God (Yahweh) is not just a force,
power or concept, but a Person with a Personality, we can
come to know Him (as we hear the Gospel and believe)
just as we know fellow human beings.

T his is eternal life, that they should know you,

the only true God, and him whom you sent,
Jesus Christ. (John 17:3)

The One Behind the Universe

Today's buzz-word to replace God has been “the
“Be open to what the Universe sends you.”

“Trust what the Universe is doing for you.”

“Put your requests in to the Universe.”

This is not new thinking, as pantheism has been a

60. 1 Corinthians 2; Ephesians 3:1-12; Colossians 1:21-28

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

substitute for Yahweh since early days, being part of

various philosophies (Stoicism, Daoism, etc.) and
religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Bahai, etc.), which we'll
reference later.
Isn't is sad how so many continue to rebel against the
concept of a knowable God Who loves them and wants
fellowship with them?
Why settle for submitting to a lifeless, mindless,
impersonal, and loveless Nature, when the God Who
created it is waiting for us with open arms and heart?
Let's look now at scripture's description of Yahweh as
Creator, God, and Lord: three traits that require us to
submit to Him alone!
I encourage you to look up all of the scripture
references, especially in an interlinear reference Bible, as I
list the places where these word forms are connected to
Yahweh. If possible, use a translation that retains God's
Name “Yahweh” and its shortened form “Yah” (such as
the World English Bible), instead of most that use glosses
like LORD or GOD.
This gives a better sense of how integral God's Name
was to His people and how it was combined with other
common Hebrew words to emphasize how awesome and
powerful He was!
When you see “Yahweh” remember: HE IS and thus
everything else is able to be! Submit to Him!
We'll now see how Yahweh is revealed to us as Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit: three distinct Persons yet one
Creator, God, and Lord. And how believing such and

Submission to God: The True One

living accordingly makes Satan run in terror.

Yahweh is Creator

I n the beginning God created the heavens and

the earth. (Genesis 1:1)
Yahweh is Creator. He has created the heavens, the
earth and all living in them.
What does it mean to create? In Hebrew, the word ‫ברא‬
("bara`") is a primitive root word meaning to create or
shape out of nothing. It is the forming of something out
of what is not.
It is different than the Hebrew word, ‫`"( עשה‬asah"),
meaning to make, do or produce. That word means more
of a forming of existing material into something else (and
Yahweh does that as well).
Yahweh commanded and creation became.61
This really gets to the crux of why we should have any
desire or responsibility to submit to Him—He made us.
We would not be or continue to exist without His having
created us.
Our own ability to think and choose ultimately comes
from Him—how foolish is it to even think we are able to
exist on our own, without Him? We wouldn't even be
able to consider such a possibility if He hadn't given us a
brain and consciousness.
But because we have those, we might assent to true
wisdom and recognize that all we possess has been given
61. Psalms 148:4-6; Isaiah 40:28, 43:15; Ecclesiastes 12:1
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

to us; all the created things we yearn for will pass away.
But He is eternal!
Indeed, our decision of whether to recognize Him as
Creator is the crux of humanity's downfall:

F or the invisible things of him since the

creation of the world are clearly seen, being
perceived through the things that are made, even
his everlasting power and divinity; that they may
be without excuse. Because, knowing God, they
didn’t glorify him as God, neither gave thanks,
but became vain in their reasoning, and their
senseless heart was darkened. (Romans 1:20-21)
As we'll see later, our continual decision to obey God
and live for His will instead of our own, flows from the
same faith that initiated our new birth. It's a continual
choosing of His thing over our thing, even if it means

T herefore let them also who suffer according

to the will of God in doing good entrust their
souls to him, as to a faithful Creator. (1 Peter 4:20)

Yahweh is God
Because Yahweh is Creator, it's obvious how we also
refer to Him as God. There are several Hebrew words
used for "God" in His revelation to mankind.
The two most common are found in both plural and
singular forms and mean "Mighty/Strong One" or "First

Submission to God: The True One

One" (‫ אל‬singular, “El”) and "One worthy of praise" (

‫ אלוה‬singular, “Eloah”; ‫ אלהים‬plural, “Elohim”).
The Greek words used for "God" in the Bible mimic the
Hebrew: meaning a deity, one worthy of praise.

Yahweh as ‫( אל‬El)
When Yahweh speaks of Himself as ‫( אל‬El), He is
inviting us to see Him as the sole One with power over
the universe. This word is often connected with the word
"Almighty," reinforcing its meaning.
Because He created and sustains the entire universe,
He alone has authority and power over it, knows all
things that happen in it, and therefore rightly judges its
inhabitants' actions.62

D on't we all have one father? Hasn't one God

created us? Why do we deal treacherously
every man against his brother, profaning the
covenant of our fathers? (Malachi 2:10)
Seen above is another aspect of Yahweh being ‫( אל‬El):
He is the God of one's fathers, because He was before all
other “gods.”
He is revealed as a God of covenants, One Who is able
to perform what He has promised because of His power
and might.
Because He is the Strong and First One, He is able to do
what He is bound to do by His covenants with mankind.

62. Genesis 14:18, 17:1, 21:33; Exodus 15:2; Psalms 150:1, Isaiah 5:16,
42:5,8, 43:10, 45:21
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

He then expects those in covenant to cling to Him to

the exclusion of any other pretending gods, because of the
truth that He alone is God.63
Because Yahweh is El, the God of covenants, He is able
to forbear punishment under said covenants. He has the
power to do justice and punish as promised under the
covenant, and He has the power to forgive and bless
He truly is the Mighty One, and we see from His
revelation His merciful nature; although His people
continued to disobey and forsake Him, He did not leave
them. They can be confident to run unto Him in times of
distress, knowing that He is Almighty and loves them
enough to save them.64

Yahweh as ‫( אלוה‬Eloah)
Yahweh is also known as Eloah, or One worthy of
praise. This is the singular form, and is not used often in
reference to Yahweh. However, when it is used, we can
gather more insight into Who He is.
Just as El is often used to reveal Yahweh as the Strong
One Who is able to perform what He has promised, so
Eloah shows Him to be the same, with an emphasis on the
duty of people to worship Him.
Because He is able to do all things, He is truly worthy

63. Deuteronomy 3:24, 4:24, 5:9, 10:17, 32:15,18,21; 1 Samuel 2:3,

Psalms 7:11, 29:3, 57:2; Nehemiah 9:17; Jeremiah 51:56
64. Exodus 34:6, 14; Deuteronomy 33:26; Psalms 68:20,24, 78:35, 86:15,
106:21, 136:26; Isaiah 12:2; Micah 7:18
Submission to God: The True One

of honor and praise. He is to be respected for His

uniqueness, and all others that claim to be gods should be
Even pagan kings would recognize that the gods of the
nations were unable to save their people. One king went
so far as to put Yahweh into the same category of dead
gods, but soon found out that He alone was the Living
Again, like El, Eloah is used to describe Yahweh as the
covenant maker, the One Who forgives the shortcomings
and deliberate disobedience of His people.67
And also, as with El, Eloah is used to show Yahweh as
the righteous Judge—because He is all powerful and the
Creator, He is truly worthy of worship.68

Yahweh as ‫( אלהים‬Elohim)
More often Yahweh is referred to as ‫( אלהים‬Elohim),
revealing Himself as the worshipful One. This flows from
the truth of Him being the Strong One, for His glory is
connected to the fact that He alone has power over His

I n the beginning God created the heavens and

the earth. (Genesis 1:1)
The fact that this word is plural in Hebrew can denote
65. Deuteronomy 32:15, 17; Psalms 18:31, 32
66. 2 Chronicles 32:15
67. Nehemiah 9:17
68. Job 4:17, 5:17; Psalms 114:7; Proverbs 30:5; Habakkuk 3:3; Isaiah
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

majesty (such as the "royal We") and/or the plurality

within Yahweh which we see as Father, Son/Word, and
Holy Spirit later in His revelation. The plural form is
most often used with singular form verbs, showing that
God's unity is important, as well as revealing that the
word Elohim can be used of a single deity.
This word is often connected with God's eternal Name,
Yahweh. This reveals that Yahweh is to be intimately
known as one worthy of praise. He is worthy to be
honored because He is the everlasting One, the One Who
causes existence. He commands the heavens and they
This too is seen by the word Elohim being connected to
the word for "hosts" or "armies." Yahweh is often called
either "Yahweh of Armies" or "Elohim of Armies,"
denoting His majesty as the commanders of His angels.
Because of this, His people can rely upon Him when
facing the natural rulers of this world, as well as the
spiritual rulers.69
Yahweh alone is Elohim, therefore He alone should be
praised. He alone is able to save.70

T hey fell on their faces, and said, God, the

God of the spirits of all flesh, shall one man
sin, and will you be angry with all the
congregation? (Numbers 16:22)
Here we see the words El and Elohim used together

69. 1 Samuel 17:45, 46; Psalms 66:19, 20

70. 1 Kings 18:37-39; Psalms 63:1,11, 65:5, 68:3-8
Submission to God: The True One

when referring to Yahweh—"Elohim, the El of the spirits

of all flesh"—showing that He being worthy of praise is
directly connected to the truth that He is the Mighty One
over all the spirits of His creatures.71

The Father as God

As expected, there are several verses where words for
Father are connected to Yahweh; even throughout the Old
Testament scriptures, in addition to the New Testament's
revelation of Yahweh as our personal Father.72

F or you are our Father, though Abraham

doesn't know us, and Israel does not
acknowledge us: you, Yahweh, are our Father; our
Redeemer from everlasting is your name. (Isaiah

B ut now, Yahweh, you are our Father; we are

the clay, and you our potter; and we all are
the work of your hand. (Isaiah 64:8)

D on't we all have one father? Hasn't one God

created us? Why do we deal treacherously
every man against his brother, profaning the
covenant of our fathers? (Malachi 2:10)

71. Psalms 77:1, 13, 14, 16

72. John 20:17; 2 Corinthians 1:3; Ephesians 1:17, 4:6
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

The Son as God

Yahweh the Son, Jesus Christ, appears many times
throughout the Old Covenant in different forms and
under different titles—the Word of Yahweh, the
Angel/Messenger of Yahweh, Yahweh of hosts, the captain
of Yahweh's armies, etc.

T he angel of Yahweh came up from Gilgal to

Bochim. He said, “I made you to go up out of
Egypt, and have brought you to the land which I
swore to your fathers; and I said, I will never
break my covenant with you.” (Judges 2:1)

B ut the angel of Yahweh did no more appear

to Manoah or to his wife. Then Manoah
knew that he was the angel of Yahweh. Manoah
said to his wife, “We shall surely die, because we
have seen God.” (Judges 13:21-22)

H e answered, “Look, I see four men loose,

walking in the midst of the fire, and they
have no hurt; and the aspect of the fourth is like a
son of the gods.” (Daniel 3:25)
One can see how this Being (Jesus before His
incarnation) was equated with Yahweh, and called God,
which is why His arrival on earth as a Man should not

Submission to God: The True One

have been a surprise (and wasn't to some).73

I n the beginning was the Word, and the Word

was with God, and the Word was God. The
same was in the beginning with God. All things
were made through him. Without him was not
anything made that has been made. (John 1:1-3)

T ake heed, therefore, to yourselves, and to all

the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made
you overseers, to shepherd the assembly of the
Lord and God which he purchased with his own
blood. (Acts 20:28)

S imon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus

Christ, to those who have obtained a like
precious faith with us in the righteousness of our
God and Savior, Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 1:1)

T herefore, holy brothers, partakers of a

heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and
High Priest of our confession, Jesus; who was
faithful to him who appointed him, as also was
Moses in all his house. For he has been counted
worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he
who built the house has more honor than the

73. Genesis 15:1-2; Exodus 23:20-22; Joshua 5:13-15; Judges 6:11-24; 1

Samuel 3:21; Isaiah 9:6; John 10:33, 20:28-29; Romans 9:5, Titus 2:13-
14; Acts 20:28; 1 John 5:20
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

house. For every house is built by someone; but

he who built all things is God. (Hebrews 3:1-4)

The Holy Spirit as God

The Holy Spirit is rarely but specifically called God and
equated with Yahweh, while being seen as distinct from
Father and Son. Here are several references as well as this

B ut Peter said, "Ananias, why has Satan filled

your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit, and to
keep back part of the price of the land? While
you kept it, didn't it remain your own? After it
was sold, wasn't it in your power? How is it that
you have conceived this thing in your heart? You
haven't lied to men, but to God." (Acts 5:3-4)

Yahweh is Lord
When coming to know Yahweh, it is very important to
understand what it means when it is said that He is
The word "Lord" is an English word which originally
meant “loaf [bread] keeper” in Old English. 75 He guarded
that which was vital to the life of the people.
As it has come down through the ages, this English
word now has a meaning of one in charge.

74. 2 Samuel 23:2-3; Psalms 139:7-8; Matthew 28:19

Submission to God: The True One

This meaning is very close to that of the original

Hebrew. "Lord" in Hebrew is from the same root from
which their word for "foundation" comes. It carries with
it the idea of stability.
God, indeed, is stable—He holds the universe together.
He works all things after his own will. He has power over
life and its source. He truly is Lord.76

F or Yahweh your God, he is God of gods, and

Lord of lords, the great God, the mighty, and
the awesome, who doesn't regard persons, nor
takes reward. (Deuteronomy 10:17)

The Father as Lord

Yahweh the Father is referred to as the Lord. Being the
fount of the Deity, from Whom the Son is begotten and
from Whom the Holy Spirit emanates, He is the source of
all the attributes of Deity.
His Son specifically refers to the Father as "Lord of
heaven and earth."77
God the Father is protector and ruler of both heaven
and earth. Being the Creator of all things, He rightly has
rule over them.

T he God who made the world and all things

in it, he, being Lord of heaven and earth,
doesn't dwell in temples made with hands,

76. Daniel 9:19; Lamentations 2:19; Psalms 2:4, 35:23, 37:12-13, 38:15,
39:7, 51:15; Isaiah 6:8
77. Matthew 11:25; Luke 10:21
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

neither is he served by men's hands, as though he

needed anything, seeing he himself gives to all
life and breath, and all things. (Acts 17:24-25)

The Son as Lord

Being the perfect representation of the Father, the Son
likewise holds the title of Lord. Jesus, both as the Son of
God, and the risen and glorified Son of Man, rules over all
the affairs of creation, both in heaven and in earth.78
Repeatedly throughout the writings of the New
Covenant, Christ is called "Lord." He is the Master of
heaven and earth, and the Master of all those who trust in
One day every knee will bow and every tongue will
confess this truth,79 but until then those who confess Him
as Lord in this life will reap the harvest of a new and
glorified body at His Return from heaven. Indeed, this
experience is the core of this book!
Very often in the New Testament, Jesus being called
“Lord” is also an allusion to God's Name, Yahweh. As
mentioned, it began to be the practice of the Jews not to
speak “Yahweh” for fear of blaspheming the Name.
Several hundred years before Christ's birth, scribes
began to indicate by incorrect vowel points that
“Yahweh” should be read aloud as Adonai or Elohim.
This tradition was continued with the Septuagint (the

78. Matthew 28:18; Acts 2:36

79. Philippians 2:8-11
Submission to God: The True One

common Greek translation of Christ's day) as Greek

words for Lord and God were used in place of the Name
“Yahweh.” There is some evidence that a few early Greek
translations retained a form of the Divine Name, but it is
But as far as extant manuscripts show, this practice also
continued with the New Testaments writings (originally
written in Greek), where “Lord” and “God” are used in
quotations of the Old Testament where “Yahweh” was in
the text, mostly without the definite article, indicating
“Lord” was a proper name.
Indeed, John the Baptizer's mission was the fulfillment
of Isaiah's prophecy, crying in the wilderness to prepare
the way of “the Lord” (Yahweh).80
Whose way was John calling us to prepare and make
straight? “Yahweh.” “The Lord.” And Who specifically
was that? Jesus!
Jesus both taught of and was “the Way of the Lord” as
well as being “the Lord” (Yahweh) Himself.81
All this to say, calling Jesus “Lord” is also about
recognizing He is Yahweh too!

The Holy Spirit as Lord

The Spirit of Yahweh is called Lord, just as are the
Father and Son.

N ow the Lord is the Spirit and where the

Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we
80. Isaiah 40:1-3; Matthew 3:1-3; Mark 1:1-4; John 1:18-34
81. John 14:5-6; Acts 19:9, 23, 24:14, 22
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror

the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the
same image from glory to glory, even as from the
Lord, the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:17, 18)
Again, it is possible that Paul originally had "Yahweh"
in mind here, where "Lord" stands in our copies of the
Greek manuscripts (i.e., "now Yahweh is the Spirit and
where the Spirit of Yahweh is...").
But it is also possible it specifically refers to Christ, as
He is the One Who stands between us and the Father. So
when an unbelieving Jew turns to Christ Jesus, the veil
that has been covering his eyes will be removed. He will
be able to see Him for Who He is.
Or, this could simply refer to the sovereignty of the
Holy Spirit; wherever He is, there is freedom. He is all-
powerful and has control over the hearts of men. He is
the One Who transforms the children of God into the
image they see in the mirror, that of Love incarnate: the
Lord Jesus Christ.
Regardless, the underlying meaning is the same.
The Holy Spirit, being Yahweh, is Lord.

Faith & Obedience

Y ou believe that God is one. You do well. The

demons also believe, and shudder. But do
you want to know, vain man, that faith apart from
works is dead? (James 2:19)

Submission to God: The True One

We looked at the grammar of James' exhortation to us

earlier in this book: it is passive, indicating we let it be
done to us (“be submitted”). As with biblical humility, it's
a matter of accepting reality, as I said before.
We walk and drive on ground to get to our destinations
because the ground is solid and we can count on it to
support our weight. Of course, the other truth is that we
know the physical world is subject to change. Even the
seemingly most stable things can and will be upset at
some time (earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, nuclear
bombs, etc.).
For believers, it's actually the up-ending of the world in
God's judgment upon which we should be setting our
sights, because of what follows right after.82
However, in the meantime, the natural world does give
us some insight into the idea of faith: we're able to live
our daily lives because we learn by experience what is
generally stable.
The joy of living for God is that we serve the One Who
never changes. He's not just generally stable; He is always
stable. Because He is Yahweh—eternal, Creator,
Sustainer, Finisher—and because He exists outside of this
temporal and physical age, He is unable to change.
Again, refer to Moses' encounter with Him to see this as
He revealed His Name.83
I plan to publish a book looking at how God's Name,
Yahweh, and His repeated calls to know it and the

82. 2 Peter 3:10-13

83. Exodus 3:13-15
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

prophecies of people one day knowing it, form the basis

of our faith in Him. We get a glimpse of that above.

T hough he was a Son, yet he learned

obedience by the things which he suffered.
Having been made perfect, he became to all of
those who obey him the author of eternal
salvation. (Hebrews 5:8-9)
If salvation is a matter of recognizing the identity of
God (that He is Creator, that Jesus is of Him, and that He
is Lord), then obedience is intimately part of this reality,
flowing out of it.
We'll look more deeply at the role of works (what we
do) in a Christian's life in later chapters, but I want to
show how plain scripture makes this truth.
As seen in Hebrews above, the proof of our belief in
Him is that we do what He says. He is Lord. We are His
servants. If a servant does not obey his master, is he really
a servant? A servant is as a servant does, and judgment
happens accordingly.84
Thus, we can see why submission to God begins with
salvation, and why salvation is inherently a matter of
believing and receiving Jesus as Yahweh in the flesh.
Now, think back again to James' command to the
believers scattered abroad: “be submitted to God
Because Yahweh is the stable One, Who cannot change,

84. Matthew 25
85. James 4:7
Submission to God: The True One

Who always is what He is, He is obviously the perfect and

only One to lead us.
Jesus' message was that people should come to and
believe in Him and His words: to do so would be like
building your house on a solid foundation stone. 86
As we saw, that word “submit” has the idea of a
military ordering: “under” and “to appoint, determine,
assign, arrange.” So much of life is filled with
opportunities to imitate this or repudiate that; indeed,
many of our daily and lifelong choices have to do with it.
Will we do exactly what our boss says in the way he
wants us to do it, or do it our own way? That goes for
soldiers obeying commanding officers. It goes for
children obeying parents. And so on. How much of life,
including our literature and entertainment, is full of this
I once taught about how David's respect of authority
had much to teach us even in today's New Covenant. 87
How he viewed the interplay of God's stated will and
ordination88 can help us better discern the Holy Spirit's
leading in all our similar situations. Even though he
knew God had called him to be king, he would not touch
the current king—he left it to Yahweh to usher him in,
because he respected authority as a shadow of our respect
of Yahweh.
Ultimately, the most important choice we make—both

86. Luke 6:46-49

88. 1 Samuel 26:8-11
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

the once for all beginning and all subsequent ones after—
is whether we'll be submitted to God.
He is the One for Whom we were made; as we submit
to Him, and therefore His will and ways, it is the vital
precursor to seeing Satan flee from us.
Note that I am qualifying this “be submitted” with “to
Yahweh.” Why? As Paul says,

T herefore concerning the eating of things

sacrificed to idols, we know that no idol is
anything in the world, and that there is no other
God but one. For though there are things that are
called “gods”, whether in the heavens or on earth;
as there are many “gods” and many “lords”; yet
to us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all
things, and we for him; and one Lord, Jesus
Christ, through whom are all things, and we live
through him. However, that knowledge isn’t in
all men. (1 Corinthians 8:4-7a)
As we'll see later in this book, Satan has invented or
put forward many substitutes for this spiritual truth of
being submitted to God (Yahweh):
• Another “god”
• An inanimate object
• A belief or principle
• An animal
• Another human person
• Oneself
You can probably even think of other things to which

Submission to God: The True One

people submit themselves and allow themselves to be

None of those things deserve our submission in terms
of life purpose and direction. We may have shadows of
these, ordained by God (seen in His scriptures) that last
for a time in certain areas of life: parenthood and child-
raising, marriage, schools, jobs, etc. But none of those can
(nor should) rule our entire lives, thoughts, and futures.
It is God Who put us on earth for His own purpose,
and thus submitting to Him alone for life purpose makes
logical and spiritual sense.
This ultimately leads to the final step and lifestyle of
holiness (sanctification or consecration) in our spiritual
lives, studied in the chapter after the next:

T herefore I urge you, brothers, by the mercies

of God, to present your bodies a living
sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your
spiritual service. (Romans 12:1)

The Fear of Yahweh

He is the First, the Strong and Mighty One. He stands
both together and individually as Father, Son and Holy
Spirit, as the only God that is—Yahweh, or He Who Ever
Is, the One Who Causes Existence!
Thus, He is truly the only One worthy of worship, and
ultimately, of our submission. In this sense, He is also the
One we should fear and respect, because nothing happens
apart from Him.

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

T he fear of Yahweh is the beginning of

wisdom. All those who do his work have a
good understanding. His praise endures forever!
(Psalm 111:10)
Just last night, in this Summer of 2022, I had a dream
about this! I was speaking in front of a group of people in
an informal setting; almost like I was at a party or a
friend's house. But there were at least a dozen people
sitting around listening intently.
For some reason, I began to explain how it made sense
to fear only Yahweh, and not any person or situation.
Why? Because He was the One causing existence, the
One behind all of creation, allowing it to both continue
existing and with a limit on its purpose, nothing else
deserved our ultimate fear.
But this was not a fear like we think of with that of
scary animals, monsters, or even humans. Why? Because
He is love, and He loves us.89
The people looked shocked and excited, and I could tell
that many of them would open their hearts to the Lord
because of this revelation to them.
How amazing that we can experience both the fear of
Yahweh and the total surrender in love toward Him
because of this fundamental truth: He is responsible for
our being and staying alive and He has a good future
planned for us.90
Thus, this underlying fear of Yahweh is clean and pure
89. 1 John 4:8, 16
90. Ephesians 2:10; Revelation 4:11
Submission to God: The True One

and the source of life,91 distilling all of our lives and life
situations into one thing: we are in His hands, and His
hands are good. Halleluyah!

Beyond Reasonable Service:


B ut God commends his own love toward us,

in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died
for us. (Romans 5:8)
Apart from it simply being reasonable to submit to,
fear, and serve God, once you understand what He's like
and the lengths to which He went to save you... you will
have a love for Him like no other person or thing.
He rescues us, relighting our dying light. He sees
we're on our last leg, and scoops us up to safety. He
knows about all of the abuse we've endured, and has
healing in His arms for every wound. He doesn't shy
away from the grossness of our mess, but has come down
into it and pulled us out, for eternity!92
How could we not overflow with devotion to the One
Who knows and accepts us like no one else can?93
Our faults, our failings, our inability to be the person
He and other people deserve; none of it is held against us.
Rather, shown through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross,
our failings draw Yahweh to us.

91. Psalm 19:9; Proverbs 9:10, 14:26-27, 19:23, 22:4

92. Isaiah 57:15, 66:1-2; Malachi 4:2
93. Hebrews 4:12-16; 1 John 4:19
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Yes, before we called upon Him or even before we

erred, He was putting things together to save us. When
we finally do choose Him, we enter into the joy waiting all
along. We'll see that repeatedly!
Now is your chance to take this step. In your own
words, commit yourself to God. Tell Him that you accept
the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross that washed away your
sins. Decide to turn away from your old way of life and
turn toward Yahweh, seeing your old, rebellious self
dying with Jesus on that same Cross.
Let Jesus do what He came to do—rescue you. Open
your heart, your innermost person, and invite Him in to
heal you and make you a new you. Confess that He is
your Lord, Yahweh in the flesh, and that you'll live for
Him all the rest of your days.
You'll experience an actual new birth, starting afresh, in
God! Then the fun can begin, of adventuring with Him
through the rest of your life; preparing a treasure in
heaven for yourself that no one else can steal or destroy.94
Let's continue now with what this experience of
salvation—submitting to Jesus as Yahweh—leads to:
freedom and the power to live it!

94. John 3; Matthew 6:19-21; Luke 16:10-13

Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

Freedom in Christ:
Power to Resist the Devil

F or you, brothers, were called for freedom.

Only don’t use your freedom for gain to the
flesh, but through love be servants to one another.
For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, in this:
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
(Galatians 5:13-14)

Don't use your freedom as a launchpad for

the flesh!95
Up until this point, Paul had been spending his entire
letter trying to get the Galatians to remember where they
stood with God, and why.
Will you use your freedom for the plans of the Holy
Spirit, to build you and others up in preparation for
eternity? Or will you waste them on sin that doesn't
benefit, but instead slows the work of God?
“Don't deceive yourself,” as you certainly aren't
deceiving God;96 use that freedom to love and serve!
So, now that we've understood what it means to
submit to God, we can move on to what it ultimately
produces: freedom. Foolishness to the world's ears, but

96. Galatians 6:1-10
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

truth indeed!
If we, as human beings, have the ability to “control”
ourselves, does that not imply some level of personal
autonomy? How much more so do we as Christians have
freedom? True Christians are bought back from sin,
washed in the Blood of God's Son, born-again from God
I see true freedom (as God defines it as part of the New
Testament) as being the beautiful nexus between
submission to Yahweh and self-control for His purpose.
We are bought out of slavery, and out from under the
authority of the Devil, in order to be joined with our
Spirit-mate (Jesus). Freedom to choose and live for Him.
This is the second part of James' message to believers.

B e subject therefore to God. But resist the devil,

and he will flee from you (James 4:7).
It's not, as some might say, that we are forced into our
actions by some outside force. Rather, we, as regenerated
creations of God, now have true freedom like we did not
before. After submitting to God, and receiving new life,
there comes a new realm of freedom straight from the
hand of God.
This was one of the reasons for Saul's arrest by Jesus on
the road to Damascus, for the nations' sake:

T o open their eyes, that they may turn from

darkness to light and from the power of Satan to
God, that they may receive remission of sins and

Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

an inheritance among those who are sanctified by

faith in me. (Acts 26:18)
We can all relate to the experience of being torn
between our inner will and outer desire. While yet
unregenerate, we remain under the authority and power
of the Devil, in darkness, with no way to change our
willpower. It is the Lord Who grants a new nature that
enables a new kind of living, where we have the ability to
make right choices from a new spirit aligned with God.
Now free in Christ, we have the desire and ability to
resist Satan! We have no more reason to fear this evil one.
Jesus promised this to those who are His:

T he seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord,

even the demons are subject to us in your
name!” He said to them, “I saw Satan having
fallen like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give
you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing
will in any way hurt you. Nevertheless, don’t
rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you,
but rejoice that your names are written in
heaven.” (Luke 10:17-20)

Resisting the Devil

So, what exactly does this phrase mean? Why did
James put it after “submit yourselves, therefore, to God.”
And why the word “but”?

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

As mentioned earlier in the book, this word “resist” is

very simple: “stand against.” It implies an opposite
facing standing: 180 degrees to the direction the other
person is facing.
The Devil comes toward us with roars, boasting great
things, full of lies and deception, expecting us to be
overwhelmed and back down. He expects us to be run
over, to cower and be swallowed up, to give in to what
appears to be the fiercest display we've seen.
James, Peter, and Paul, all remind us of our simple
option as regenerated children of God: resist him.

B e subject therefore to God. But resist the

devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

B e sober and self-controlled. Be watchful. Your

adversary, the devil, walks around like a
roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
Withstand (resist) him steadfast in your faith,
knowing that your brothers who are in the world
are undergoing the same sufferings. (1 Peter 5:8-9)

T herefore put on the whole armor of God, that

you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and, having done all, to stand. (Ephesians 6:13)

Servants of Sin: Will vs Flesh

The same Paul who was tasked to bring the Gentles
from darkness to light and the authority of Satan to God,

Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

spent an entire portion of his letter to the Romans to

describe this battle (having freedom versus being a slave),
and what and whence is our victory.
In chapter seven, he describes the state of desiring one
thing yet doing another. The flesh, still dwelling in the
fallen world of sin, waiting to be redeemed when Christ
returns in glory (when we receive our new bodies), still
yearns wrongly.

F or I don’t know what I am doing. For I don’t

practice what I desire to do; but what I hate,
that I do. But if what I don’t desire, that I do, I
consent to the law that it is good. So now it is no
more I that do it, but sin which dwells in me. For
I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, dwells no
good thing. For desire is present with me, but I
don’t find it doing that which is good. For the
good which I desire, I don’t do; but the evil which
I don’t desire, that I practice. But if what I don’t
desire, that I do, it is no more I that do it, but sin
which dwells in me. (Romans 7:15-20)
Take some moments to read that until you understand
what he's saying.
We, believers in Jesus, with a born-again spirit
disposed toward righteousness just as Christ was, still yet
retain sinful flesh. It won't be redeemed until Christ
returns from heaven.97
Thus, in a way unlike the world (we no longer reject

97. 1 Corinthians 15:51-55; Philippians 3:20-21

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

and resist God in our heart), we now inwardly desire

what is right, rejoice in what is right, hope toward what is
right—but find an enemy of that desire: the fallen flesh
still surrounding us.
Paul's blessed answer?

W hat a wretched man I am! Who will

deliver me out of the body of this death? I
thank God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! So
then with the mind, I myself serve God’s law, but
with the flesh, the sin’s law. (Romans 7:24-25)
I encourage you to continue reading through chapter
eight. You will see for yourself how it all flows together.
The final answer is God the Father, Who through Christ
Jesus will one day deliver us out of the body of this death
—and in the meantime, the present answer is the Holy
Spirit Who allows us to walk free of sin's hold, whenever
we yield to Him.98

No Judgment
How blessed we are to live under this New Covenant,
where daily and continual blood sacrifices are no longer
needed to cover our sins—instead, the once for all
sacrifice of Christ upon the Cross was the final answer
that removed all sin!

T here is therefore now no condemnation to

those who are in Christ Jesus, who don’t

98. Galatians 5:16

Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

walk according to the flesh, but according to the

Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ
Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of
death. For what the law couldn’t do, in that it
was weak through the flesh, God did, sending his
own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin,
he condemned sin in the flesh; that the ordinance
of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not
after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (Romans 8:1-4)
We don't have to worry about punishment for sin!
We have been freed from its penalty, and now walk in
freedom with the One to Whom we've been pledged:
Jesus the Anointed One, the Son of the Living God!
Jesus Himself revealed this on earth:

“M ost certainly I tell you, he who hears

my word, and believes him who sent
me, has eternal life, and doesn’t come into
judgment, but has passed out of death into life.”
(John 5:24)
This statement of the Lord will be looked at more in-
depth in a later chapter, but suffice it to say the grammar
indicates: this is a permanent passing out of death into
life, and an assured “absolutely will not“ enter into
After the new birth, we have the ability to deny what
the flesh “commands”—and this life has now become a
series of opportunities to learn how to yield to that Spirit

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

How often can we stay in step with Him, believing

Him, obeying Him, instead of listening to the endless
cries of our fallen flesh that has no spiritual wisdom?
How can we use such freedom for God's purpose?

Satan is the Source of Sin

Satan is both the master of and ultimate slave to sin, in
that he constantly does it (and inspires others to do it),
since the beginning. Consider what “sin” is: missing the
mark, or stepping over a line.
This reveals why those who continue in sin are under
his authority and are following his example:

L ittle children, let no one lead you astray. He

who does righteousness is righteous, even as
he is righteous. He who sins is of the devil, for
the devil has been sinning from the beginning. To
this end the Son of God was revealed, that he
might destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:7-
But praise God, we see that Jesus came specifically to
unloose those works of Satan! They've met their match!
John tells us a few verses later that to hate our brother
makes us a murderer, and murderers have no eternal life
remaining in them.99
And as we all know, lying is another of the most
fundamental sins, and we all fall into it from time to time

99. 1 John 3:15

Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

(although we should not).100

Is it a surprise then that Satan is the father of both,
since the beginning?

W hy don’t you understand my speech?

Because you can’t hear my word. You are
of your father, the devil, and you want to do the
desires of your father. He was a murderer from
the beginning, and doesn’t stand in the truth,
because there is no truth in him. When he speaks
a lie, he speaks on his own; for he is a liar, and its
father. (John 8:43-44)

Free from Righteousness vs Free

from Sin
Released from the bondage of Satan and sin over our
spirit and will, we are now free to choose. What was our
state of freedom like before the new birth?

D on’t you know that to whom you present

yourselves as servants to obedience, his
servants you are whom you obey; whether of sin
to death, or of obedience to righteousness? But
thanks be to God, that, whereas you were
bondservants of sin, you became obedient from
the heart to that form of teaching to which you
were delivered. Being made free from sin, you

100. Exodus 20:16; Romans 3:7; Colossians 3:9

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

became bondservants of righteousness. (Romans

Now we have a new kind of freedom. We were slaves
to sin before, but yet free in a way. For indeed, we had a
different kind of freedom before we were born-again.
Paul breaks it down for those who had become
spiritually dull:

I speak in human terms because of the

weakness of your flesh, for as you presented
your members as servants to uncleanness and to
wickedness upon wickedness, even so now
present your members as servants to
righteousness for sanctification. For when you
were servants of sin, you were free in regard to
righteousness. (Romans 6:19-20)
Thus, we see the relationship between Satan and sin,
and why our freedom from Satan also means our freedom
from sin. Sin is his domain. Righteousness is God's
It's very basic but vital to know! Much of John's letters
are about this concept, so I encourage you to read all of
them thoroughly!

The New “I” & the New Freedom

Now we no longer serve sin from our identity—that “I”
is now alive in Christ, with Him being the very Life

Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

itself.101 When we, as believers, still sin, it is the flesh

carrying out its desire, rather than our own will as we did
while still alienated from God.
Remember how Paul defined it for us toward the end
of Romans 7:

S o now it is no more I that do it, but sin which

dwells in me. (Romans 7:17).
I hope the weight of that statement hits you, with the
help of the Holy Spirit.
Now that we have returned to the Father, through the
Cross of Christ, and have partaken of His Life through
faith in Him, the real “us” no longer desires sin. We're no
longer the ones sinning. We've been set free from that old
bondage! This is the proof of the new birth—now we hate
the sinful thing that our flesh does!
John describes the same truth in another way:

W hoever is born of God doesn’t commit sin,

because his seed remains in him; and he
can’t sin, because he is born of God. (1 John 3:9)
Read this wonderful explanation of the meaning and
significance of this verse, from studied Greek scholar, A.T.
And he cannot sin (κα ου δυνατα
αμαρτανειν). This is a wrong translation, for
this English naturally means "and he cannot
commit sin" as if it were κα ου δυνατα

101. Galatians 2:20

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

αμαρτειν or αμαρτησα (second aorist or first

aorist active infinitive). The present active
infinitive αμαρτανειν can only mean "and he
cannot go on sinning," as is true of αμαρτανε in
verse 8 and αμαρτανων in verse 6. For the
aorist subjunctive to commit a sin see αμαρτητε
and αμαρτη in 2:1. A great deal of false
theology has grown out of a misunderstanding
of the tense of αμαρτανειν here. Paul has
precisely John's idea in Ro 6:1 επιμενωμεν τη
αμαρτια (shall we continue in sin, present
active linear subjunctive) in contrast with
αμαρτησωμεν in Ro 6:15 (shall we commit a
sin, first aorist active subjunctive).102
John reiterates this same idea a couple of chapters later.

W e know that whoever is born of God

doesn’t sin, but he who was born of God
keeps himself, and the evil one doesn’t touch him.
(1 John 5:18)
Robertson again exposes the writer's grammatical
intent in this verse as well:
Sinneth not (ουχ αμαρτανε). Lineal present
active indicative, "does not keep on sinning," as
he has already shown in 3:4-10.103
In both verses here, the conjugation of “sin” is present

102. A.T. Robertson, Robertson's Word Pictures, 1 John 3:9.

103. Ibid. 1 John 5:18.
Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

That recognition allows us to see two natures at war:
the new “I” and the old man (the fallen fleshly body
which yet remains until Christ's return).
I repeat this truth in various ways in the hopes you will
see how this is a new kind of freedom.
We now have both the ability and desire to reject sin as
evil. It no longer appeals to the real us, our spirit man,
but now we can see sin from a new vantage point.
Indeed, “and the evil one doesn't touch him.”
We no longer continue in sin, as we are unable to
because of our new birth. That very new nature cannot
desire to sin, just as God cannot desire to sin. Therefore,
any time we perceive the “desire” to sin, it comes not
from the real us but from the dead body of sin that still
remains around us.
As we lose our focus, and withdraw from walking in
the Spirit, we may fall asleep to this new life, as it were.
Thus, we can also “wake up” again, as scripture also
refers to it,104 because we're permanently no longer
internally desiring what is clearly error (sin). We just
sometimes let it (sin, through the outward flesh) take over
like a dream would.
Not surprisingly, Paul's context of “waking up to
righteousness” is immediately followed by a reminder of
our new bodies waiting for us.105

104. 1 Corinthians 15:34

105. 1 Corinthians 15:35-57
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

F or I know that in me, that is, in my flesh,

dwells no good thing. For desire is present
with me, but I don’t find it doing that which is
good. For the good which I desire, I don’t do; but
the evil which I don’t desire, that I practice. But if
what I don’t desire, that I do, it is no more I that
do it, but sin which dwells in me. I find then the
law, that, to me, while I desire to do good, evil is
present. For I delight in God’s law after the
inward man, but I see a different law in my
members, warring against the law of my mind,
and bringing me into captivity under the law of
sin which is in my members. (Romans 7:18-23).

Relationship vs. Law

Christ had bought their liberty through His death, by
the blood of the Cross. They were no longer servants,
held under the tutor of the Law; now they were adult
children, ready to partake in the inheritance.
Paul had to strip away all the arguments of those
believers in Jesus (in name) who committed spiritual
adultery with the Law (for we died to sin and the Law in
order to be wed to another: Christ Jesus 106), in order for
the Galatians to remember their freedom from living
according to something written.

F or the whole law is fulfilled in one word, in

this: “You shall love your neighbor as

106. Romans 6:11, 7:4; Galatians 2:18-21

Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

yourself.” But if you bite and devour one

another, be careful that you don’t consume one
another. But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you
won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh
lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the
flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that
you may not do the things that you desire.
(Galatians 5:14-17)
Their daily life was to spring out of their relationship
with their fiance: Jesus the Son of God. He (by means of
His promised Spirit107) would be the One Who told them
where to go, how to live, what to do, as well as give them
the ability to do it. Their relationship was now with a
living Word (Jesus, through the Spirit) rather than dead
letters (of a written law).

B ut if you are led by the Spirit, you are not

under the law. (Galatians 5:18)
Over four chapters (according to the historical
numbering of the Church) are dedicated to exposition of
our freedom!
And to end, Paul spends the last two chapters, 5 and 6,
explaining afresh what the alternative is, and what its
scope truly is.

F or this is the will of God, that by well-doing

you should put to silence the ignorance of
foolish men: as free, and not using your freedom

107. John chapter 14

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

for a cloak of wickedness, but as bondservants of

God. (1 Peter 2:16)
Peter uses a word here that should give us a novel way
to look at such behavior. “Cloak” comes from a Greek
root made of “up” or “upon” and “to cover.”108
Another common Greek word comes from that same
root of “to cover”: Apocalypse! Revelation! That Greek
word has the prefix “apo” meaning “from”, indicating
taking a cover from something. Uncover. Reveal.109
We know from the Book of the Revelation, that both the
prophecy within it as well as the Coming of the Lord
Jesus Himself are termed that “revelation.” Christ shall
be unveiled. Truths about what was to come (in John's
day as well as the far future) were uncovered in the
Peter tells us that we should not use our freedom in the
opposite way: as a covering up of wickedness. Whereas
Jesus shall be revealed and exposed for Who He really is
(God in bodily form)...
We should not conceal our wickedness with freedom,
as such:
• “I'm allowed to have sex with whomever I want,
because I'm dead to the law.”
• “I can lie to and steal from others because everything
belongs to God and I'm His.”
Can you believe there were enough people living in
such a way, with such confessions, that the apostles had
Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

to write and teach specifically against that mentality? 110

How sad! Such is the reach of sin and the fallenness of
human nature. Not much has changed in over 2,000
years. Satan keeps deceiving.
This teaching concerning our freedom in Christ will
expose the make-believer as well as give us faith to
remain steadfast when we err.
Those who attempt to use the idea of “freedom” as an
excuse to live however they want, including in various
acts of sin, are clearly rebuffed by God's revelation in
scripture: the purpose of our freedom is not to indulge in
sin but to choose God.
Those who live a life of anxiety and continual self-
doubt, because of focusing upon their failures of letting
the flesh have its way sometimes, can refresh their spirits
with this: Christ already paid the price for every sin we
have and will ever commit, so that we might focus instead
on living from the new life within, Who is Christ

The Fruit of the Spirit

Once we've surrendered ourselves to God and been
born-again, receiving this new freedom in Christ, that
new divine nature desires and produces new things.
Understanding what God is like, especially the Holy
Spirit, will help you recognize when you are yielding to
the right thing. Jesus told us we would be born of the
110. Romans 6; 1 John 2-3
111. Galatians 2:20-21
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Spirit when we believed in Him 112 and so we will share

the nature of that same Spirit:

B ut the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,

patience, kindness, goodness, faith,
gentleness, and self-control. Against such things
there is no law. Those who belong to Christ have
crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts. If
we live by the Spirit, let’s also walk by the Spirit.
Let’s not become conceited, provoking one
another, and envying one another. (Galatians
Study these facets of the Spirit's fruit and understand
the difference between your flesh's desires and the
Spirit's. All believers share in it!
That which the Spirit desires will bring life and peace.
Yield to the Spirit, and walk according to His leading,
since He is your life and ability to exist.

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Beyond the new nature we enjoy when receiving Jesus
as Lord (the new birth), and the freedom in Christ it
holds, remains the Promise of the Father to all His
redeemed children. After the Resurrection of Jesus, this

B eing assembled together with them, [Jesus]

charged them, "Don't depart from Jerusalem,

112. John 3
Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

but wait for the promise of the Father, which you

heard from me. For John indeed baptized in
water, but you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit
not many days from now." Therefore, when they
had come together, they asked him, "Lord, are
you now restoring the kingdom to Israel?" He
said to them, "It isn't for you to know times or
seasons which the Father has set within his own
authority. But you will receive power when the
Holy Spirit has come upon you. You will be
witnesses to me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth."
(Acts 1:4-8)
Father Yahweh has promised His children such a
wonderful gift. This Promise is so important to Him that
He first spoke it almost 700 years before its fulfillment.
The Promise of the Father was to pour out His Spirit
upon all flesh—this Gift, the Holy Spirit, was to belong to
every single person called by Yahweh.

Y ou will know that I am in the midst of Israel,

and that I am Yahweh, your God, and there is
no one else; and my people will never again be
disappointed. "It will happen afterward, that I
will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; and your sons
and your daughters will prophesy. Your old men
will dream dreams. Your young men will see
visions. (Joel 2:27-28)
The Holy Spirit: He is the Other Counselor, just like

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Jesus. He is our power to do as Christ has commissioned

us, and the way we're able to fully walk in His freedom.
All of God's children need the Holy Spirit to do the work
of their Father. Jesus commanded the first disciples to
wait until they received it, for then they would become
witnesses to the ends of the earth.
This Power is not simply a force or extension of God,
but He has a personality, and is Someone to be honored as
Yahweh (as we saw in an earlier chapter).
The apostle Paul knew that not only did the Gospel of
Christ provide forgiveness of sin to everyone who
believes, but that the Gospel also included that the
Promise of the Holy Spirit was available to everyone who
believes in the Lord Jesus (following His glorification as
the risen Son of Man).113

N ow on the last and greatest day of the feast,

Jesus stood and cried out, "If anyone is
thirsty, let him come to me and drink! He who
believes in me, as the Scripture has said, from
within him will flow rivers of living water." But
he said this about the Spirit, which those
believing in him were to receive. For the Holy
Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus wasn't yet
glorified. (John 7:37-39)
This Promise was received through repentance unto
faith, not through doing the works of the law.

113. Romans 1:16, 15:13

Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

P eter said to them, "Repent, and be baptized,

every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ
for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive
the gift of the Holy Spirit. For to you is the
promise, and to your children, and to all who are
far off, even as many as the Lord our God will call
to himself." (Acts 2:38-39)

H e therefore who supplies the Spirit to you,

and works miracles among you, does he do
it by the works of the law, or by hearing of faith?
(Galatians 3:5)
Through this Promise of the Holy Spirit, the whole
Gospel of Christ could be fully preached, with signs and
wonders following to confirm it.

F or I will not dare to speak of any things

except those which Christ worked through
me, for the obedience of the Gentiles, by word
and deed, in the power of signs and wonders, in
the power of God's Spirit; so that from Jerusalem,
and around as far as to Illyricum, I have fully
preached the Good Message of Christ. (Romans

M y speech and my preaching were not in

persuasive words of human wisdom, but
in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

your faith wouldn't stand in the wisdom of men,

but in the power of God. (1 Corinthians 2:4-5)
As previously seen, we must come to the Father
through His Son, Jesus, before we may receive what He
has promised. This gift is to all those whom Yahweh has
called, even to the furthest parts of the world. But those
whom He has called are those who will say "yes" to His
Son. For, “Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is
born of God. Whoever loves the father also loves the
child who is born of him.”114
Thus, if you have received God's Son, you may receive
God's Spirit. This is done like everything else in one's
walk with the Yahweh—through faith; through hearing
His Word and choosing to believe it; and thus, by acting
upon it. If we believe He has given us His Spirit, we must
reach out to receive Him, and thank Him for Him!

Jesus is Our Example

Looking again to Jesus as the Archetype allows us to
understand how vital this experience is.
The Son of God, as a man, did not operate in the
miraculous nor enter His ministry on earth, until He
received the Spirit in fullness.

T hen Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to

John, to be baptized by him. But John would
have hindered him, saying, "I need to be baptized
by you, and you come to me?" But Jesus,
114. 1 John 5:1
Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

answering, said to him, "Allow it now, for this is

the fitting way for us to fulfill all righteousness."
Then he allowed him. Jesus, when he was
baptized, went up directly from the water: and
behold, the heavens were opened to him. He saw
the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and
coming on him. (Matthew 3:13-16)

T he word which he sent to the children of

Israel, preaching good news of peace by
Jesus Christ—he is Lord of all—that spoken word
you yourselves know, which was proclaimed
throughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee,
after the baptism which John preached; even
Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed him with
the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about
doing good and healing all who were oppressed
by the devil, for God was with him. (Acts 10:36-

F or he was crucified through weakness, yet he

lives through the power of God. For we also
are weak in him, but we will live with him
through the power of God toward you. (2
Corinthians 13:4)
The Christ was born as the Son of Man. In this we can
see the life that the Father has planned for mankind. It is
one of complete obedience to and reliance upon Him. As
humans live in this way, having been transferred from the

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

darkness of Satan's authority to the light of Yahweh's

authority,115 they enter a realm where all things are
possible.116 Including their own self-control, which we'll
study in the next chapter.
We see this example perfectly lived by the Lord Jesus.

T hey didn't understand that he spoke to them

about the Father. Jesus therefore said to
them, "When you have lifted up the Son of Man,
then you will know that I am he, and I do nothing
of myself, but as my Father taught me, I say these
things. He who sent me is with me. The Father
hasn't left me alone, for I always do the things
that are pleasing to him." (John 8:27-29)
When we live a life pleasing to the Father, He is always
with us—and with Him all things are possible. And
because He is always with us, we're able to do the things
that please Him.
This great feat is accomplished through the Holy Spirit
of Yahweh.

A nd the Holy Spirit descended in a bodily

form as a dove on him; and a voice came
out of the sky, saying "You are my beloved Son. In
you I am well pleased." (Luke 3:22)

115. Acts 26:15-18

116. Matthew 19:26
Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

The Prophesied Spirit-Bearer

As we saw in the introduction, centuries before the
Lord Jesus walked the earth as the Son of Man, holy
prophets of Yahweh spoke of His coming and anointing
by the Holy Spirit.117
Christ, knowing His calling from His Father, one day
read that very passage of Isaiah.

H e came to Nazareth, where he had been

brought up. He entered, as was his custom,
into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood
up to read. The book of the prophet Isaiah was
handed to him. He opened the book, and found
the place where it was written, “The Spirit of the
Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to
preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to
heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim release to the
captives, recovering of sight to the blind, to
deliver those who are crushed, and to proclaim
the acceptable year of the Lord." He closed the
book, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down.
The eyes of all in the synagogue were fastened on
him. He began to tell them, "Today, this Scripture
has been fulfilled in your hearing." (Luke 4:16-21)
His listeners, fellow Jews in a synagogue, heard His
words with gladness and wondered how this could be of
one they knew to be born of a carpenter.118
117. Isaiah 61:1-3
118. Luke 4:22
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

At that moment, the work of that prophesied Spirit of

Yahweh began, as He exposed their hearts as being full of
hatred and unrepentance.119
Although this Man, the Son of the Living God, was
ordained to heal their hearts and grant them freedom
through His death and resurrection, their hearts would
reject Him and the Spirit upon Him. Even then, their
actions immediately changed to expose what was in their
But it was not yet His time.121
The Holy Spirit, long the friend of Yahweh's Son, now
worked with Him as His anointing while living as the Son
of Man. He was there on Christ, doing the will of the

A shoot will come out of the stock of Jesse,

and a branch out of his roots will bear fruit.
The Spirit of Yahweh will rest on him: the spirit of
wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel
and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear
of Yahweh. (Isaiah 11:1-2)
Christ was the Promised One Who was to come into
the world. He, as the Son of Man, would be the branch
coming out of David's father, Jesse.
His power would come by means of the Spirit of
Yahweh that would rest upon Him.

119. Luke 4:23-27

120. Luke 4:28-29
121. Luke 4:30
Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

The Spirit enabled Him to live fully for the Father,

rejecting all temptation to veer from His path, and
repeatedly sent Satan running after his failed attempts of
Indeed, Yahweh prepared His Son for those
temptations that would follow immediately after His
receiving the Spirit.122 God always preempts Satan.
The Holy Spirit upon Jesus empowered Him in the
same way He's been promised to empower us. What an
incredible Gift awaits all of God's people!
And just like Jesus, the Spirit will help us when we
suffer for doing God's will. Many will also reject us when
we're empowered by God and start doing new things for
His purpose and glory. But the same Holy Spirit will be
with us, our Comforter and Friend.
Won't you ask the Father and receive, that you might
walk in the fullness of the freedom Christ bought for you?

Proof of the Power

So how do we know if we have received this beautiful
Person, the Holy Spirit?
Scripture shows the primary evidence of receiving the
Promise of the Holy Spirit is that of speaking in a new
language by the inspiration of the Spirit.
Christ Jesus prophesied of this experience of speaking
in new languages in His name and that it would follow
His believers:

122. Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:9-13; Luke 4:1-14

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

T hese signs will accompany those who

believe: in my name they will cast out
demons; they will speak with new languages;
(Mark 16:17)
This ability is not something natural, or the mere
learning of a new language through education. It is the
supernatural ability that the Holy Spirit supplies to the
child of God who has been baptized into Him. The Spirit
gives the believer the new words of the language of His
choosing, which speak the perfect will of the Father.

N ow when the day of Pentecost had come,

they were all with one accord in one place.
Suddenly there came from the sky a sound like
the rushing of a mighty wind, and it filled all the
house where they were sitting. Tongues like fire
appeared and were distributed to them, and one
sat on each of them. They were all filled with the
Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other
languages, as the Spirit gave them the ability to
speak. (Acts 2:1-4)
In this first recording of the Promise being received by
God's people, we see its fruit was to confirm the work of
the Father in His Son.123 This testimony given through the
languages spoken by the Spirit through the disciples led
to the apostle Peter leading over 3,000 people into the
Kingdom of Yahweh through trust in His Son.
Peter connected this experience of speaking in
123. Acts 2:11
Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

languages to the prophecy of Joel made numerous

centuries before, through the inspiration of the Holy
This same fruit of praise of God in a new language
continued to be Yahweh's proof to His people of the
infilling of the Holy Spirit. Not many years later, the first
time that newly believing, non-proselyte Gentiles (i.e.,
those who had not previously converted to Judaism,
observing the Law of Moses) received the Holy Spirit, the
same evidence followed:

T hey of the circumcision who believed were

amazed, as many as came with Peter,
because the gift of the Holy Spirit was also
poured out on the nations. For they heard them
speaking in other languages and magnifying God.
Then Peter answered, "Can any man forbid the
water, that these who have received the Holy
Spirit as well as we should not be baptized?"
(Acts 10:45-47)
The Jewish believers had come to recognize this as the
proof that the Spirit had fallen upon a believer.125

The Progression of Belief to Infilling

The apostle Paul used this evidence when preaching
the Gospel to non-Jews. The Promise of the Father was
the Holy Spirit given to those who trusted in God's Christ,

124. Acts 2:12-18, 32-33

125. Acts 15:8-9
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik


I t happened that, while Apollos was at Corinth,

Paul, having passed through the upper
country, came to Ephesus, and found certain
disciples. He said to them, "Did you receive the
Holy Spirit when you believed?" They said to
him, "No, we haven't even heard that there is a
Holy Spirit." (Acts 19:1-2)
It is necessary to be sure that a person has entered
covenant with Yahweh through His Son, and does not
remain under the Old Covenant, or remain yet in total
ignorance of God. The answer of these disciples was very
telling. They had only had the message of John the
Baptizer preached to them: to expect the coming of Christ,
the Son of God. But they had yet to realize Who He was
and that He had already come.

H e said, "Into what then were you baptized?"

They said, "Into John's baptism." (Acts 19:3)
Paul then explains the point of John's preparation
ministry, to clear a path for Yahweh in the flesh, the Lord
Jesus Christ.

P aul said, "John indeed baptized with the

baptism of repentance, saying to the people
that they should believe in the one who would
come after him, that is, in Jesus." (Acts 19:4)
They had been prepared by the ministry of God's final

Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

prophet of the Old Covenant, John, who had operated by

the spirit of Elijah. Now they were ready to receive God's
gift of eternal life through trusting in His only Son:

W hen they heard this, they were baptized in

the name of the Lord Jesus. (Acts 19:5)
Following this, the apostle did not leave them
unconfirmed in their new faith, but immediately led them
into the Promise of the Father to His called people. Now
that they had come to be new creations in Christ they
were eligible to receive the Promise of their Father:

W hen Paul had laid his hands on them, the

Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke
with other languages and prophesied. (Acts 19:6)
Again, Yahweh gave proof of their experience by His
Spirit giving them words of a new language with which
to praise and worship Him, as well as leading them to
prophesy of His greatness in their native language too.

Fulfillment of Prophecy
In his first letter to the Corinthian Assembly, Paul sums
it all up, connecting this experience of speaking in other
languages after having the Holy Spirit fall, to the "sign"
spoken of by Isaiah.
It accompanies being filled with the Holy Spirit, and is
promised to all people, both small and great, everywhere,
and forever. Halleluyah! It is the refreshing, and the
mean to rest ourselves, which God promised but many

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

will reject.

B ut he will speak to this nation with

stammering lips and in another language; to
whom he said, "This is the resting place. Give rest
to weary;" and "This is the refreshing;" yet they
would not hear. (Isaiah 28:11-12)

T herefore other languages are for a sign, not

to those who believe, but to the unbelieving;
but prophesying is for a sign, not to the
unbelieving, but to those who believe. (1
Corinthians 14:22)
This experience of speaking in a new language, as the
Holy Spirit is giving you the ability, is a sign to those who
will reject it. So we don't need to put it on display in
church, but it sure helps us in private!126
But it's also the biblical sign to ourselves of both our
belief in Christ, and our redemption from believing; that
we have received the promise of the Father, the gift of the
Holy Spirit!
So, ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking,
and knock and keep on knocking, until your mouth is
opened in spiritual utterance!127
When you do, begin to make that praying in the Spirit
integral to your walk with God—it's a multi-faceted gift
126. 1 Corinthians 14
127. Luke 11:9-13; thanks to my father (and pastor) for making this
connection of “the mouth opening” as we receive the Holy Spirit from
the Father!
Freedom in Christ: Power to Resist the Devil

from the Lord to empower you in many ways.

Prayer in another language, which is equated with
praying in the spirit by Paul, 128 is such a blessing! It gives
us access to perfect prayer of God's will (which we cannot
understand), assuring us that our spiritual labor is
It builds us up (like a house-builder constructing an
edifice) on our holy faith, keeping us in God's love. It's
how we wield the sword of the Spirit!130 For an in-depth
study of that, read The Perfect Weapon.131
And I highly recommend Prayer in the Spirit: The
Missing Link132 for a scholarly and wide-reaching study
concerning this new and blessed way to pray.
Now we continue to the other side of this nexus of
freedom and power to live it: self-control, for God.

128. 1 Corinthians 14:14-15

129. Romans 8:26-28
130. 1 Corinthians 14:4; Jude 20-21; Ephesians 6:17-18
131. Joseph Kostelnik, The Perfect Weapon (Prophetic Voice
Publications, 2020),
132. Ibid., Prayer in the Spirit: The Missing Link (Prophetic Voice
Publications, 2021),
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

With a Divine Purpose

Having control over yourself for God's purpose makes

Satan afraid.
Really? Really.
I qualify the phrase “self-control” because self-control
alone doesn't necessarily equate to something good. And
truly, without God in the picture, self-control is just Satan-
control, which we'll see later.
When self-control is confined to the area of being for a
divine purpose, then its true power begins to unfold.
This is the out-growth of “resist the Devil” from James
4:7: Satan tempts us to do what he says, and our self-
control for God is how we resist.

Self-Control in Scripture:
Before I move on to the core of this chapter, let's look at
how much a part of scripture this concept of self-control
really is. As you'll see below, think of it as being
The Greek word itself translated “self-control” in many
English versions ultimately comes from two words: “in”

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

or “with” (ἐν) and “force, strength, dominion”

If you don't recognize the Greek letters for the second
part, does the word “Kratos” look familiar? It was
personified in Greek religion as the god of strength, with
siblings such as Nike (“victory”, another concept in the
New Testament).
“Kratos” as a noun is used throughout the Bible to
describe God's strength and dominion, 134 as well as to
Satan holding the “power” (dominion) of death (until
Jesus destroyed him in that regard through His own
I mention all these to give you an idea of how the
words were used in Greek culture.
Self-control is inner dominion. In-power. Strength
from within. Enmastering.
This word is used in many ways in scripture:
• A requirement for bishops (pastors or elders)
• A core teaching of the faith of Jesus Christ as Paul
shared with Felix and his wife137
• One facet of the fruit of the Spirit
• What we should add to knowledge, as a chorus-leader

133. Strong's Concordance,

134. Luke 1:51; Ephesians 1:19; Colossians 1:11; 1 Timothy 6:16; 1
Peter 4:11, 5:11; Jude 25; Revelation 1:6, 5:13
135. Hebrews 2:14
136. Titus 1:8
137. Acts 24:24-25
138. Galatians 5:23
Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

adds many parts to a final production139

In that last example, I love how Peter was led by the
Spirit to write the order of adding things to another, like a
chorus-master; because, when we have the knowledge of
what and who we are in Christ, we must then add self-
control in order for it to play its best part. It lets the music
of our life be beautiful!
For the one living for God in Christ, such self-control
comes from a source other than their flesh. It comes from
the Holy Spirit Who indwells the temple of their body;
from the new nature all believers have who have been
born again from God through His only-begotten Son.
The Seed of God—the Life of God—the Word of God—
the Son of God—is the One within that new creation,
doing the mastering from within. Our soul (the nexus
between our spirit and body), which is constantly being
saved (until Christ's return),140 is continually learning how
to resist the Devil by obeying God's word in our body by
the power of the Spirit.
Now let's study a succinct and beautiful summary of
this idea of self-control for a divine purpose, from one of
God's most famous servants: Paul.
He perfectly mirrored Peter's revelation, that we
should add [like a chorusmaster] knowledge to self-
Paul had divinely received knowledge concerning
what a mature child of God does with self-control.

139. 2 Peter 1:5-6;

140. James 1:21
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

All Things Are Lawful for Me

“A ll things are lawful for me,” but not all

things are expedient. “All things are
lawful for me,” but I will not be brought under
the power of anything.” (1 Corinthians 6:12)

“A ll things are lawful for me,” but not all

things are profitable. “All things are
lawful for me,” but not all things build up. (1
Corinthians 10:23)
I consider this phrase to be one of the pinnacles of
Paul's teachings from Jesus.
It is found four times in two verses of his first letter to
the Corinthian church, and some scholars believe it to
have been an existing phrase known to the pagan Greeks
of Paul's day.
Paul's teaching regarding this truth contains God's
perfect principle that effectively refutes the damnable lie
of Satan and his followers that sounds so similar (“do
whatever you will”).
If we hear and truly understand the truth of what it
means to be able to do things, and the ramifications that
flow from that concept, we'll be prepared for a life of
peace in God that Satan can never steal!
As usual, the context of where he wrote this helps
define his meaning.

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

Context: Actions vs. Nature

Paul had been addressing the deficiency of the
Corinthian believers to manage themselves as a
community. Some of them had issues with each other.
Instead of resolving it one on one, or if that seemed
impossible then bringing it before other believers, many
were taking each other to court before unbelievers. They
were resorting to the ways of the world, like they lived
before their new birth.141
First, the very act of bringing a fellow believer to court
betrays the charge that Jesus gave to His disciples
concerning what to do if sinned against. Paul appeals to
this, upbraiding them for not simply being defrauded
(and praying for the defrauder).142
Second, underlying that desire to bring each other
before unbelieving court systems, was the fact that they
were acting as sinners. Some of them were continuing to
behave in ways that mimicked the world system (their old
way of life) and Paul listed some of those actions using
nouns indicating it wasn't a one-time thing here and
Third, he reminded them that indeed some of them
used to be those kinds of people by nature, who practiced
those things from their fallen heart that was in hostility
toward God. How? By living unrepentant and without
receiving the gift of forgiveness through Christ.
141. 1 Corinthians 6:1-6
142. 1 Corinthians 6:7-8
143. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

They were acting as those same kinds of people from

the past. But, they were not those same people any
longer, because, also in the past, a change occurred at a
specific moment.144 Look at how he wrote it:
• Such “were being” (imperfect, continual past
existence) some of them.
• But, they “were washed, were sanctified, were
justified” (three separate verbs, all aorist, point in
This is why Paul can go on to say what he says. He is
talking both about two ways of life and two kinds of
For those who were indeed born-again, having gone
through those point-in-time experiences of being washed,
sanctified and justified by the Name of the Lord Jesus
Christ and in the Spirit of their God, they could truly say
what some were boasting.
We, who have reoriented our life in this way, can say
with Paul:
“All Things Are Lawful for Me”
What is the truth Paul continues to speak here? It is no
longer a matter of wondering if this or that is lawful.
There is no longer any law to use to live in that respect.
We have died to the law, and the law speaks only to
those who are living. There is no sin charged apart from
law,145 and the true believer cannot continue in sin any

144. 1 Corinthians 6:11

145. I Corinthians 15:56; Romans 5:13
Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

longer.146 What we do “wrong” is no longer a matter of

incurring judgment, but of keeping us from growing into
the perfect image of God's Son.147
That way of life is true freedom.
Let's look at each phrase of this statement in detail!

“All Things”
The first phrase gives the scope of exactly what Paul is
trying to address. As mentioned above, he seems to
appeal to this phrase they knew, and some of which were
probably using as they engaged in sinful actions, and
encompasses them with this plural word for “all.”
Because it is neuter it likely refers to actions and not
people, especially given the context. He contrasts being a
sinner by nature (adulterer, exhortioner, drunkard, etc.),
as some Corinthians evidently still were (masculine
words used), with this idea. “All things” that may be
lawful, in contrast to being a person who does them out of
their fallen, unregenerate nature.

First, let's understand the basic idea that Paul presents:
that of things being “lawful,” as translated in most of our
English versions. What does that mean?
You may be surprised to find that the word itself is not
from the same root from which the word “law” comes.
That other, more common word for law (“nomos”) is not

146. I John 3:9

147. Romans 6:14-23
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

directly related to this word used by Paul.

However, if you study scripture, you will find that this
word “lawful” is used in ways that refer to the
commandments of the Law of Moses; things like what
was “lawful” on the Sabbath,148 who could eat the show-
bread in the Temple,149 prescriptions of marriage,150 giving
money to Caesar as a tax,151 etc.
The word itself comes from two words meaning “out
of, from,” and “to be, to exist.” Thus, one could see how
it came to hold the idea of something being “allowed” or
“permitted.” The thing could “happen” or “be from” a
source. It could spring into being.

“For Me”
Second, I want to point out the last part of this phrase,
“for me.” This statement is not true for everybody. To
those who are still living for their unregenerate
themselves (and thus Satan), the law very much applies
because they are still under the law.152
However, for those who have died with Christ on the
cross, that law no longer applies. The law does not and
cannot speak to a dead person. It has already done the
worst it can do: kill them.
But toward the one who has believed in Jesus, the same

148. Luke 6:9

149. Mark 2:26
150. Matthew 19:3; Mark 10:2
151. Luke 20:22
152. 1 Timothy 1:8-12
Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

Jesus Who rose again by the Spirit of God, the same Jesus
Who raises us together with him, the law is silent. There
is a new creation!153
The enlightened believer who is actively living for his
Lord should seek for this experiential revelation: the “old
man” is dead, but the new man lives only because of
Christ's life. Therefore, to that new man, “all things are

Religion vs. Relationship

Does this not rail against the teachings of all
“religions”? Is not our concept of “religion” to be a
matter of “do's and don'ts” and a continual mindset of
judging whether something is good or evil so we can
either partake or not?
But what if we were to vomit up that fruit which Adam
and Eve ate—that of the knowledge of good and evil—
and instead focus upon the fruit from the Tree of Life?
What if our mindset was about union with God in His
Son, and whether our thoughts and actions contributed
toward increasing or decreasing said union?
What if our thought process was not about “am I
allowed to do this” but rather, “will this accomplish my
purpose in God, please my Lord, and show how much I
care for Him?”

Outlaw of God vs In-law of Christ

Listen to this claim of Paul the apostle:
153. 2 Corinthians 5:14-17
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

T o the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain

Jews; to those who are under the law, as
under the law, that I might gain those who are
under the law; to those who are without law, as
without law (not being without law toward God, but
under law toward Christ), that I might win those
who are without law (1 Corinthians 9:20-21).
Let me quote from the commentary of A.T. Robertson,
a well-respected Greek scholar, as he brings out the fuller
meaning of verse 21:
"Not being an outlaw of God, but an inlaw of
Christ" (Evans, Estius has it exlex, inlex, μη ων
ανομος θεου, αλλ' εννομος Χριστου). The
genitive case of θεου and Χριστου (specifying
case) comes out better thus, for it seems
unusual with ανομος and εννομος, both old
and regular adjectives.
Think about this concept! An in-law of Christ! This is
literally how Paul wrote it; as Robertson points out, using
the genitive case here was unusual for these common
We, even in today's modern world, can understand the
concept of being an “in-law.” In our world, it means you
are part of someone's family even though you are not
directly related.
We can apply that area of truth to our spiritual
condition because indeed we, as Gentile believers, are
described as being “adopted” by God into the family of

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

Israel. Of course, we know we've also been born into

God's family too—the blessed new birth, born of God by
faith in His Son!
The other side of it is seeing it as a description of how
God (in scripture) reveals marriage. It is a matter of law
to be married to another. Paul refers to this concept in 1
Corinthians 7 and Romans 7. He speaks of “the law of the
husband” or the idea of being bound to the husband by
Thus (like Paul), as a believer we are not without law
toward God but rather are in-lawed to Christ: through our
being promised to Him as a bride through our declaration
of faith in and allegiance to Him.154

Law vs Love
What if we terrified Satan by not playing his game and
rather showed him up by doing what he refuses to do?
Namely, we recognize that not all actions produce
something worthwhile.
What if we did the opposite of Satan—when we see
ourselves full of power and beauty, given from our
Creator through His Son, we do not use it to further some
goal that has no good end for us.
What if we instead use it to glorify God and prove our
dependence upon, thanksgiving to, and love of Him?
Such fulfills all the Law at once.155
Yes, true freedom is a method used by God to build us

154. Revelation 21-22

155. Galatians 5:13-14
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

into the perfect Mate for His Son. Would we as human

persons ever truly be satisfied being married to someone
who was bound by law to serve someone else? Or who
was not considered his or her own person? Do we not
want an equal, one like us, free to choose us out of love?
This is the very thing to which God has called us:
freedom. Freedom from sin and serving Satan and the
lusts of the flesh, and freedom to willingly choose
Another: Jesus.
Everything else is ancillary, and for the mature believer,
there is no more a consciousness of right and wrong, of
“do this but don't do that,” but only of, “what will build
me up into the image of God for His Son's pleasure? How
can I make my Lover happy?”
We have died to the law, and the law speaks only to
those who are living. There is no sin charged apart from
law,156 and the true believer cannot continue in sin any
What we do wrong is no longer a matter of incurring
judgment, but of keeping us from growing into the
perfect image of God's Son and deepening our union with
and dependence upon Him.158
That way of life is true freedom.
We who have reoriented our life in this way can say
what Paul said, and it'll be true. 159 So, what are the other

156. I Corinthians 15:56; Romans 5:13

157. I John 3:9
158. Romans 6:14-23
159. 1 Corinthians 6:12, 10:23
Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

sides of this amazing revelation? Let's see!

All Things Are Not Expedient

“A ll things are lawful for me,” but not all

things are expedient. (I Corinthians
6:12a, 10:23a)
This phrase used by Paul is so precious. It can apply to
so much of our life and help us discover why sometimes
certain things don't feel “right.”
Again, as Paul has stated, “all things are lawful for me,
but.” It may be true that the law no longer speaks to us
because we have died to it, but does that mean that
everything that is possible to be done should be done? If
not, why not?
Because, not all things “contribute, collect, conduce,
advantage.” This is an old Greek word meaning “to bear
together for good, and so [be] worthwhile.”160
What had Paul just been discussing before this truth in
chapter six? Sin, especially those sins which preclude
someone from inheriting the Kingdom of God. More so,
sins from which these Corinthian believers had been
washed, made holy, and made righteous in the Name of
Jesus and in the Spirit of God.
Isn't this a startling truth? Paul just reveals that people
who engage in such sinful behavior will not inherit God's
Kingdom, and then he further reveals that all things are
160. Robertson, Robertson's Word Pictures, 1 Corinthians 6:12.
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

In other words, living in and eventually ruling in God's

Kingdom is not about law, what is allowed or not. It is
about what is “expedient.”
In 10:23a, where he repeats the same truth, he had been
writing about some people making others stumble by
eating food known to be sacrificed to idols.
He explains that although the idol itself is nothing, the
action causes some to upset their conscience both by
seeing it and by possibly trying it themselves. That act of
eating the food may be lawful, but that act making
another believer stumble by letting them see your actions
that you know cause them to think of evil is not
Knowingly eating things sacrificed to idols (and thus
demons) while also partaking of the table and cup of the
Lord in Communion (as though the freedom to do
anything meant that we should do it), does not profit the
Body of Christ!
If we understood the blessed fellowship we have with
God through the Lord's Supper, how could we believe
that also having fellowship with demons could be
profitable to us?
Freedom, in this fallen world, shows itself not to be its
own end, but rather an opportunity for us to decide what
best accomplishes the purposes of God and evidences our
love for Him.
How this same exact word in verb form is used
elsewhere in scripture is very helpful to see:
• It is “profitable” for us to lose one of our bodily

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

members if it means not being cast into Hell.161

• It is “better” that a person be cast into the sea with a
heavy stone tied to his neck rather than cause one of
God's children to stumble.162
• The disciples thought it was “better” not to marry if
it's true that divorce is not an option.163
• Caiphas, one of the rulers of the Jews, unwittingly
prophesied that it was “expedient” that one man
should die for the people rather than the entire nation
being lost.164
• Jesus said it was “expedient” for his disciples that he
go, since it meant that the other Counselor would
Other forms of the word are used in much the same
way, and perhaps the most enlightening example is the
final time it is used in Hebrews:

F urthermore, we had the fathers of our flesh to

chasten us, and we paid them respect. Shall
we not much rather be in subjection to the Father
of spirits, and live? For they indeed, for a few
days, punished us as seemed good to them; but
he for our profit, that we may be partakers of his
holiness. All chastening seems for the present to
be not joyous but grievous; yet afterward it yields

161. Matthew 5:29-30

162. Matthew 18:6
163. Matthew 19:10
164. John 11:50, 18:14
165. John 16:7
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who

have been exercised thereby (Hebrews 12:9-11).
That word “profit” above is actually in the verb form,
just as “punish” is. And the word translated “punish”
more accurately means child-training: disciplining or
So, the writer says that our earthly fathers, for what is a
relatively few days (compared to both our entire life on
earth as well as eternity), were disciplining us according
to what was seeming good to them.
Was it objectively good discipline or not? It is probably
different in all of our experiences; and surely even the
best parents did not always make the right decisions,
simply because they did not have all the information they
needed and sometimes sin as well (indeed, they are not
But, in contrast to that, He (God) is doing the same, for
our “benefiting” (the verb form of “expedient”), in order
that we might share in the holiness of Himself. God truly
knows what discipline is perfect to accomplish His
It is no coincidence that He disciplines us to share in
His holiness. Holiness is being set apart, separate, special.
We looked at that earlier!
The Lord does not do everything simply because He
can. Indeed, that was the temptation of Satan to Jesus on
earth: do random things for their own point just to prove
a point; no real benefit, doing things for their own sake or
to puff up oneself as more important than they are. That
Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

is Satan's agenda!
Rather, God knows what is good and He can teach us
the same. Then we have the blessed choice to do what is
worthwhile with the freedom He's given us, rather than
all manner of random things that either are fruitless or
actively destroy what is good.
Yahweh knows what is good, all the time. Thus, we
can rest assured that His disciplining of us is “profiting”
us, it is being advantageous to us. God knows that
although all things may be lawful, not all things profit.
His discipline is perfect in that it will always accomplish
His purpose, which is good and ultimately is the reason
we are here.
So, we can also recognize this awesome truth and live
in its light!
What causes us as individuals to leave behind the old
man of the flesh and build up our new creation? What
reveals the depths of our love and thanksgiving to God
for creating, saving, and sustaining us? What edifies the
rest of the Body of Christ? What leads to us believers
coming together in a way that we simultaneously bear
each other? Is it about law? Or is it about how to build
this Body of believers?
Is it lawful to give an offering to God for a specific
need? Of course.
Is it expedient to leave and give that offering in a
church while someone is dying in front of you on the
street? Is it not rather more expedient to rescue them?
Can a dead person be judged by the law? Of course

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

not. Therefore, all things are lawful, legal, because no law

applies to one who has died.
But do all things bear up with one another? Obviously
not! We may be free in regards to the law to lie to one
another, but will lying to a brother bring you closer to
him? Will it be a symbiotic bearing of the Body when you
deceive your sister in the Lord? No!
And such is the simple yet profound revelation of Paul
in regards to freedom. There is nothing unlawful to us
who have died with Christ; but we are not concerned with
that. We do not seek justification from God by what we
do or not do.
Rather, we are concerned with the task given to us who
have been raised again with Christ—developing into His
perfect image, to be presented to Him as the Bride after
His return to earth! Imitating Him by living in God's love
toward all, springing from that same Life is us all!
Hearing Him inside, and obeying!

Not Being Mastered by Any

“A ll things are lawful for me,” but I will not

be brought under the power of
anything” (1 Corinthians 6:12b).
What a startling statement! Paul says again, “all things
are lawful for me.”
“But, I will not be placed under authority by a thing.”
Or, “I will not be brought under the power of anything.”
Halleluyah! Again, this is true freedom. It is not a

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

matter of what is lawful, as all things are lawful for one

who has died and been raised again. True freedom is to
be not mastered by any thing in creation.

Ideas, Actions & Things

We had been slaves to sin, serving the flesh and its
desires, through the lie of Satan. We were under its

I speak in human terms because of the

weakness of your flesh, for as you presented
your members as servants to uncleanness and to
wickedness upon wickedness, even so now
present your members as servants to
righteousness for sanctification (Romans 6:19).
Do you see Paul's shaming of those who profess to be
wise? The people of the world stake freedom upon being
able to do anything they want; and very often, something
sinful. Yes, does not even Peter agree?

F or, uttering great swelling words of

emptiness, they entice in the lusts of the flesh,
by licentiousness, those who are indeed escaping
from those who live in error; promising them
liberty, while they themselves are bondservants of
corruption; for a man is brought into bondage by
whoever overcomes him (2 Peter 2:18-19).
What does Paul say further about this?

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

F or when you were servants of sin, you were

free in regard to righteousness (Romans 6:20).
Righteousness had no authority over them. Rather,
they (and we) were slaves to sin, the thing they were
serving. Did they believe they were doing what they
wished, being free? Of course. Were they truly free? No.
But now, we have been freed by Another (Jesus),
stronger than both sin and its father (Satan), and released
to serve that Other (Jesus) Who promises us joint-heirship
with Him throughout eternity.

B ut thanks be to God, that, whereas you were

bondservants of sin, you became obedient
from the heart to that form of teaching whereunto
you were delivered. Being made free from sin,
you became bondservants of righteousness
(Romans 6:17).

H e who overcomes, and he who keeps my

works to the end, to him I will give
authority over the nations. He will rule them
with a rod of iron, shattering them like clay pots;
as I also have received of my Father: and I will
give him the morning star (Revelation 2:26-28).

The Old Testament & Its Law

It is Satan's joy to use the same tactics to distract God's
people from living for God alone. In Paul's day, one of the
main sources of bondage was the Law of the Old

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

Testament, which some Jewish believers (and make-

believers) had falsely laid upon both Jew and Gentile.
Paul devoted much of an entire letter (to the Galatians)
to rebuff this dead way of living.

S o you are no longer a bondservant, but a son;

and if a son, then an heir of God through
Christ. However at that time, not knowing God,
you were in bondage to those who by nature are
not gods. But now that you have come to know
God, or rather to be known by God, why do you
turn back again to the weak and miserable
elemental principles, to which you desire to be in
bondage all over again? You observe days,
months, seasons, and years. I am afraid for you,
that I might have wasted my labor for you.
(Galatians 4:7-11)
Be reminded by Paul what this is all about. Freedom is
not about what is lawful, it is about not being mastered by
anything. It is about yielding your body to Who is right.
And for what purpose?

“F oods for the belly, and the belly for

foods,” but God will bring to nothing
both it and them. But the body is not for sexual
immorality, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the
body (1 Corinthians 6:13).
We, especially our bodies, are for the Lord. And He is
for us, especially our bodies. Anything else that clamors

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

for our body's ownership is an impostor, and has an

expiration date. The Lord Jesus is our perfect mate and
will always be there. We obey Him.
Satan, and the lie he has propagated throughout God's
creation, is about living in the delusion that there is total
independence from anything except ourselves. But when
we reject that lie, he runs away!

People & Spirits

Sadly, there is another area in life which people may
choose to let themselves be mastered: people.
How frustrating it must be to God when He has called
His children to freedom in Him, yet they choose to be
enslaved to each other!
Usually, when people enslave themselves to some ideas
of ways of living, it is because another person has told
them to live that way. In my experience at least, I rarely
see a person come up with their own ideas of self-
subjugation. It most often happens because they have
chosen to do whatever another person has told them.
This was the primary way the Galatian church had
become caught up in slavery to the Law of the Old
Testament that had been fulfilled in Christ: teachers of
that Law told them to do it, and so the Galatians obeyed.
Very often, those enslaving people are inspired by evil
spirits—Satan uses people to do his works!166
We can become slaves to our parents, our siblings or
extended family, our lovers, our work bosses, etc. Any of

166. Galatians 5:7-8; 1 Timothy 3:6-7, 4:1; 2 Timothy 2:24-26

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

those, when they wrongly take control of your inner life,

will lead to many hurtful problems.
I am sure you can think of many examples too!

All Things Do Not Build Up

“A ll things are lawful for me,” but not all

things build up (1 Corinthians 10:23b).
This is Paul's final revealed counterpart to the truth
that all things are lawful.
What was his context? As mentioned earlier, he was
warning believers not to cause others to stumble by being
seen eating in an idol's temple. We may know that an idol
is nothing and has no power compared to God, but others
may not.
What is our desire as believers? To become closer to
and more like the Lord. He is our Goal. We should be
feasting at His Table, drinking His Cup. It may be lawful
to eat in an idol's temple, but does it “build up?”
This phrase, “build up,” is often used in the New
Covenant, especially in respect to the Church as a whole
and believers individually. It is a verb with the imagery
of building a house stone by stone, brick by brick. 167 It's
used throughout Paul's first letter to the Corinthians in
many ways relating to Christ's Body.
It is also the same Greek verb used to translate the
Hebrew word used of God “building” Eve from Adam's

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

We also have the English word “edifice,” which means
some type of building. It is not something natural, or
something that happened by accident. It is a structure
that was put together by someone.
In the same way, God's Church is being built. The
Body of Christ will be completed, made of individual
members like you!
Does it build the Church when you are leading others
to believe that you as a Christian are worshiping a
demon? Will it bring believers closer together in the spirit
when one causes another to believe they have left the
faith? No!
And so, again, true freedom is not about what is
lawful. True freedom is about running in the direction of
the goal. The Goal is Jesus, and to be transformed into
His image; not just as an individual, but together as the
Church. Anything that works against this is not part of
spiritual freedom.

Self-Control is True Strength

O ne who is slow to anger is better than the

mighty; one who rules his spirit, than he
who takes a city. (Proverbs 16:32)
Proverbs, one of my favorite books of the Bible, is full
of so much truth from God for our daily lives.

168. Genesis 2:22 in the Septuagint, the common Greek translation of

the Hebrew scriptures in Jesus' day.
Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

Here we have a nugget that gets to the core of self-

control. It's more valuable than being “strong.”
Someone who could take over a city by himself is less
than someone who does not let his flesh (anger) rule him,
but rather rules himself (in order not to sin).
Halleluyah! This is true spiritual strength. And while
Satan boasts so much of his own, yet he has none. For all
that he does is obey himself and his own destructive
desires. According to the wisdom of Yahweh, he is
weaker and worse than any human warrior!

Living in True Freedom

Having just looked at what it means to have all things
be lawful, and yet still live as God intended, I want to
delve more into what it means for us practically.
How does the idea of living for God equate to true
freedom? How does that lifestyle terrify Satan? What
does it look like on a daily basis?
Ultimately, it is a life led by the Holy Spirit.

T here is therefore now no condemnation to

those who are in Christ Jesus, who don’t
walk according to the flesh, but according to the
Spirit. (Romans 8:1)
Notice how Paul connects the idea of not being
condemned to walking according to the Spirit and not the
Walking according to the flesh means the various “do's
and don'ts” we have learned, trying by our own power to

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

keep ourselves in a certain position.

Example: you are talking to someone and they say
something that you'd normally reply to in a certain way.
On the surface, it seems like a normal conversation, and
for one living by the flesh you might decide that there is
only valid response.
However, if you are walking by the Spirit, being
sensitive to His voice and leading, you may hear Him say
(or feel in your spirit) that you should say something in
particular to this person that you wouldn't normally say.
Maybe it wouldn't even connect to the conversation.
Maybe, on the surface, it would seem like you are not
communicating properly with the person.
Maybe, by most people's standards, you shouldn't need
to reply any way other than what seems “natural.”
But, this voice within (God) leads you in a different
direction. This is the moment of true freedom. We have
the choice of living by our own senses—our own learned
understanding of how to act in certain situations—or of
living by God's Spirit Who knows all things and has a
Plan being worked out behind the seen.
This moment, this choice, may last mere seconds. Its
ramifications could be life-long. We don't often know the
fullness of the effects of our choices. But it is this kind of
moment that makes up the totality of our lives with God.
In these moments is often where Satan launches his
attacks, usually via words.
“Don't be dumb, why would you say that?”
“You're gonna look so weird if you don't just reply how

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

they're expecting!”
“Don't make it hard on yourself, just get out of this
situation easily like normal.”
Whatever his threats or arrows of anxiety may be for
you, you will begin to sense their source.

The Antidote to Licentiousness

But what about those who use their freedom as an
excuse to sin more?

F or there are certain men who crept in secretly,

even those who were long ago written about
for this condemnation: ungodly men, turning the
grace of our God into indecency [licentiousness],
and denying our only Master, God, and Lord,
Jesus Christ. (Jude 4)
This word, licentiousness, isn't used in English
speaking cultures much anymore. It's more of a hold-
over from the King James Version days. Modern
translations (such as the WEB) use words like
“lustfulness, sensuality, indecency” or other older words
like “wantonness, lasciviousness.”
One other synonym is “incontinence,” which also
wonderfully describes it: lacking self-restraint, not being
under control.169 Picture someone whose bladder or
bowels are incontinent: it's not pleasant.
This section will look at every scripture where this

169. Merriam Websters, Accessed 5 Sept., 2022, https://www.merriam-
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

word is used (in bold).

H e [Jesus] said, “That which proceeds out of

the man, that defiles the man. For from
within, out of the hearts of men, proceed evil
thoughts, adulteries, sexual sins, murders, thefts,
covetings, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, an
evil eye, blasphemy, pride, and foolishness. All
these evil things come from within, and defile the
man.” (Mark 7:21-22)

T he night is far gone, and the day is near. Let’s

therefore throw off the works of darkness,
and let’s put on the armor of light. Let us walk
properly, as in the day; not in reveling and
drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and
lustful acts, and not in strife and jealousy. But
put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no
provision for the flesh, for its lusts. (Romans
But I think licentiousness perfectly describes the Greek
word, if you think about what it sounds like.
License. Acting as if you have the right (license) to do
what you're doing, and without regard to the
Here's how Merriam-Webster describes its lingual
history and relationship to “license:”
License and licentious come ultimately from
the same word in Latin, licentia, whose

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

meanings ranged from "freedom to act" to

"unruly behavior, wantonness." The Latin noun
was itself derived from the verb licere "to be
permitted." Though we are likely to associate
license with the card that grants freedom or
permission to operate a motor vehicle and
licentious with sexual wantonness, in actuality,
there is considerable semantic overlap between
the two words. Poetic license refers to deviation
from a (usually) literary norm for some
purposeful effect. A person who takes license
with something (or someone) engages in
"abusive disregard for rules of personal
conduct." Hence, the semantic range of license
in English mirrors that of its Latin antecedent,
suggesting either permission or transgression,
depending upon the context. Licentious, on the
other hand, always implies excessive,
transgressive freedom, as is true of its
immediate Latin source, licentiosus
"unrestrained, wanton" (literally, "full of
The Greek word from which it's translated is
ἀσέλγεια. Here's what Thayer's Greek Lexicon has to
say about its meaning:
The conduct and character of one who is
ἀσελγής (a word which some suppose to be
compounded of the alpha privative and

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Σελγη, the name of a city in Pisidia whose

citizens excelled in strictness of morals (so
Etym. Magn. 152, 38; per contra cf. Suidas
603 d.): others of ἆ intens. and σαλάγειν, to
disturb, raise a din; others, and now the
majority, of alpha privative and σέλγω
equivalent to θέλγω, not affecting
pleasantly, exciting disgust), "unbridled lust,
excess, licentiousness, lasciviousness,
wantonness, outrageousness, shamelessness,
Isn't that first definition amazing?

A City of Morality
There was a city of ancient days (Selge) so well
known for their strictness of moral behavior, that
putting the negative prefix before the city name could
describe immoral behavior.
Because I think this city is a possible source of this
word licentiousness (acting the opposite of its
character and people), let me quote briefly from
Wikipedia concerning the ancient town of Selge:
The district in which the town was situated
was extremely fertile, producing abundance of
oil and wine, but the town itself was difficult of
access, being surrounded by precipices and

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

beds of torrents flowing towards the

Eurymedon and Cestrus (today Aksu), and
requiring bridges to make them passable. In
consequence of its excellent laws and political
constitution, Selge rose to the rank of the most
powerful and populous city of Pisidia, and at
one time was able to send an army of 20,000
men into the field. Owing to these
circumstances, and the valour of its inhabitants,
for which they were regarded as worthy
kinsmen of the Spartans, the Selgians were
never subject to any foreign power, but
remained in the enjoyment of their own
freedom and independence.171
At the risk of stretching the connection too much, let
me summarize this ancient town:
Remote and naturally protected by cliffs and
water, full of fertile soil producing life and
health-giving oil and wine, while producing
valorous inhabitants living under an excellent
constitution and laws. This provided them
freedom and independence of any foreign
Wow. Doesn't this sound similar to God's Kingdom
and people? Those redeemed by Christ? Free from sin
and Satan, inaccessible for invasion, able to live under a

171. Wikipedia, Accessed 5 Sept. 2022, Emphases mine.
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

constitution (the Holy Spirit's leadership) and laws (His

words) that effectuate an honorable character? Using and
drinking the oil and wine of Jesus and His Spirit for our
spiritual health!

Cities of Immorality
Now consider the opposite of such a place and people.
What would that be like? I see it like this:
A city of barren land incapable of sustaining
life (the mind of the flesh is death 172), its people
living in servitude to foreign powers (Satan, sin,
other people), easily accessed by such invaders
(false teachings invented by demons because of
no defense from truth), so that they gain a
name for themselves as doing whatever they
please with disregard for decency, which
disgusts others and marks them as outcasts.
And that is a splendid translation of this word,
licentiousness. It's a picture of Satan's kingdom.
Do you see why Jude warns his readers to beware of
those who crept into their midst and “turn” 173 grace into
licentiousness? Notice how he also said it was the grace
“of the God of us?” He clearly points out that their god
(the ones who exchange grace for licentiousness) is not
our God. Two different masters!

172. Romans 8:6

173. Transfer, establish nearby, exchange. See
Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

Satan has no new tactics, he's been doing the same

thing since the Garden.
But at first some may think this is what those in the so-
called “grace movement” are advocating: unrestrained
acts born out of some license.
If we truly have freedom in Christ, and “all things are
lawful” then can't we do whatever we choose? Do we not
have license for all things?
Not in the sense of what this Greek word means, in the
context of how the scripture writers use it. So let's briefly
analyze it and how it's used, and see how self-control for
a purpose (God's) is the antidote to this sin and work of
the flesh, licentiousness.
The sad thing is that if a believer does not live by
the Spirit, and allows their flesh to lead them, they can
and will fall into such sinful acts as this.

F or I am afraid that by any means, when I

come, I might find you not the way I want to,
and that I might be found by you as you don’t
desire; that by any means there would be strife,
jealousy, outbursts of anger, factions, slander,
whisperings, proud thoughts, riots; that again
when I come my God would humble me before
you, and I would mourn for many of those who
have sinned before now, and not repented of the
uncleanness and sexual immorality and
lustfulness which they committed. (2 Corinthians

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

But as we'll see later, trying to use grace as a license to

live in sin (by continually practicing the acts of which you
know God disapproves) proves you are not regenerate
and won't inherit God's Kingdom:

B ut I say, walk by the Spirit, and you won’t

fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts
against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh;
and these are contrary to one another, that you
may not do the things that you desire. But if you
are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
Now the works of the flesh are obvious, which
are: adultery, sexual immorality, uncleanness,
lustfulness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife,
jealousies, outbursts of anger, rivalries, divisions,
heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, orgies,
and things like these; of which I forewarn you,
even as I also forewarned you, that those who
practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom
of God. (Galatians 5:16-21)
As we saw in the initial verse from Jude, those who try
to turn grace into this corrupt outflow of lust are also
“denying our only Master, God, and Lord, Jesus
Christ.”174 Again, these people have another ruler: Satan!
This is the state of the unregenerate nations, and
therefore as Christians we should put off such behavior:

T his I say therefore, and testify in the Lord,

that you no longer walk as the rest of the
174. Jude 4
Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind,

being darkened in their understanding, alienated
from the life of God, because of the ignorance that
is in them, because of the hardening of their
hearts; who having become callous gave
themselves up to lust, to work all uncleanness
with greediness. (Ephesians 4:17-19)
The repeated rejection of God's authority (through our
conscience among other things175) eventually causes
hardening and callousness to form in our hearts. They
(and we in the past) no longer are sensitive to realizing
when they are going so far into excess of sin. Paul then
affirms that we as believers didn't learn Christ in such a
way, we can “walk” that way, but we're able to put off that
“old man” in exchange for the “new man.” 176 Those who
don't, who seem to be “in the faith,” are actually
unregenerate who crept in with demonic teachings,
whose consciences are seared as with a hot iron.177
We've already looked at Peter's contrast of the new-
birth Gentile believers and their old comrades, but it's
worth repeating:

T hat you no longer should live the rest of your

time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for
the will of God. For we have spent enough of our
past time doing the desire of the Gentiles, and

175. Romans 2:15

176. Ephesians 4:20-24
177. 1 Timothy 4:1-2
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

having walked in lewdness, lusts, drunken

binges, orgies, carousings, and abominable
idolatries. They think it is strange that you don’t
run with them into the same excess of riot,
blaspheming. (1 Peter 4:2-4)
In his second letter, Peter refers once again to how the
unregenerate and reprobate will enter into the midst of
God's people, as though part of them, with a call to such
behavior. The result is a marring of the image of the
Assembly (one of Satan's prime goals).

B ut false prophets also arose among the

people, as false teachers will also be among
you, who will secretly bring in destructive
heresies, denying even the Master who bought
them, bringing on themselves swift destruction.
Many will follow their immoral ways, and as a
result, the way of the truth will be maligned. (2
Peter 2:1-2)

F or, uttering great swelling words of

emptiness, they entice in the lusts of the flesh,
by licentiousness, those who are indeed escaping
from those who live in error. (2 Peter 2:18)

Opposite of Charming
Another view of the source of this word
“licentiousness” is that it's the privative (negative form) of
the Greek word θέλγω, meaning “to charm, to enchant, to

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

What's the opposite of acting in a way that would
charm or spell-bind someone, or be enchanting? Being
repulsive, disgusting, off-putting, flamboyant in a bad
I think this is intriguing, in that normally sin works in a
subtle and enticing way, to deceive by making something
truly bad (as sin leads to death) look good or attractive. 179
However, this word (and sin) is about being so overtly
sinful in one's behavior that you become repulsive to the
We may imagine some parades or displays where
people gather together and act out in shameful, grotesque
ways; where we think of cliches like “cover the children's
eyes” or “get a room” and so on. Licentious behavior is
so grotesque to normal standards of decency that it is
clearly out of order.
The sad state of society in some areas is that this kind
of behavior is becoming more acceptable. Even if the
majority would never act in the same way, we are being
taught by group-think peer pressure not to be offended
when we see it. We're expected to accept it as “people
living their truth” rather than there being basic moral
standards of right and wrong behavior (ultimately
coming from God, not us).
Licentiousness is not simply doing something that's
acceptable in private, but in a public manner instead.

179. Genesis 3:1-6; Romans 7:11; Hebrews 3:13
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Such as, there's nothing inherently wrong with urinating,

showering, or marital sex, but doing it in public in view of
people or strangers is unacceptable.
Rather, it's doing something that should never be done,
and instead of hiding it out of shame it is done in full
view of others, with no regard for its immorality and
I'm spending time on pulling the meaning out of this
word because I feel that it's a very present and potent
tactic of Satan, and the mindset he shares with those
motivated by him (whomever has not been born-again in
We will see more of this sin (licentiousness) as society's
collective conscience is repeatedly seared, as we're
coerced to accept it as “okay” and are shunned for calling
it what it is: sin.

Grace + Self-Control Wins

To try to twist God's grace into a wicked license to live
like a sinner is to deny the very Lord Who had graciously
paid the price to see you free from such behavior. If you
live like that, you “deny” (refuse, contradict, disown,
repudiate) the only true One: Jesus Christ, God in the
Thus, we can see how self-control is the antidote to this
work of the flesh. Remember from the beginning of this
chapter, how Peter said to add self-control to knowledge,

180. Jude 4
Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

like a chorus-master?181
We know we have been freed and remain free: in
Now, to that knowledge, we add self-control,
enmastering. We do not let our body do whatever it
pleases, because it is yet to be redeemed (oh how we wait
for Christ's return!) and its mind cannot please God. 182
Rather, we are led by God's Spirit, doing what is good for
ourselves and others, especially God's people.183
Instead, those who are licentious act without thought
or care for others (or themselves, ultimately), as their
lustful acts often lead to arrest, ostracism, punishment,
and many other undesirable things.
But oh, how lamentable it is when a society both
accepts and even lauds this behavior. What does such a
place look like, where people are proud of their

A nd turning the cities of Sodom and

Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to
destruction, having made them an example to
those who would live ungodly; and delivered
righteous Lot, who was very distressed by the
lustful life of the wicked (for that righteous man
dwelling among them, was tormented in his
righteous soul from day to day with seeing and
hearing lawless deeds). (2 Peter 2:6-8)

181. 2 Peter 1:6

182. Romans 8:6-8
183. Galatians 6:10; Titus 3:8
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Indeed, Sodom and Gomorrah! Places whose people

lived for nothing but the gratification of their flesh; often
seen in sexual sin and error. Again, such behavior and
mindset is nothing new (sadly), as Paul described it as the
genesis of ungodliness and the reason we all need a

W ho, knowing the ordinance of God, that

those who practice such things are worthy
of death, not only do the same, but also approve
of those who practice them. (Romans 1:32)
Read Romans 1:18-31 to get the description of the
“who” to which Paul refers here. Those same people not
only practice all sorts of wickedness, but also “approve”
of those who do the same. They do not hide it. That is
the definition of licentiousness: unbridled outbursts of
desire with no shame. Pride.
They got into that endless cycle by their initial rejection
of Yahweh as God; they were given up to everything that
comes not from Him (anti-truth).
Again, as Peter said, as we come to the Lord after
having been in the midst of people living like this, they'll
think it's bizarre how we no longer live or accept such a
lifestyle.184 We'll be shunned by those who wish to
continue in licentiousness, and ironically will be shamed
for thinking such behavior to be sinful.
The antidote to such behavior is self-control. Those
who have been born again (freed from sin) and

184. 1 Peter 4:3-4

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

empowered by God to live in it (filled with the Spirit)

now have the ability to resist with purpose any whim of
the flesh. They no longer have to give in to their fleshly
master (their fallen body), but can instead master
themselves by the Master within and the Master without
(the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit).
Halleluyah! So, how can we summarize this?

Self-Control = Holiness
All of this talk about self-control has at its core one of
the primary teachings and requirements of the faith:
holiness, also translated as sanctification, consecration,
being separated or separate.

F ollow after peace with all men, and the

sanctification without which no man will see
the Lord. (Hebrews 12:14)
This doctrine of holiness is the combination of the two
main teachings of this book about what causes Satan to
flee: both submission to the true God, and self-control
with a divine purpose, are the core of what it means to be
consecrated to Yahweh.
Paul gives us two natural ways of viewing our being
separated to God's service and His individual callings
upon our lives. Thinking about these allegories can
break-through the modern idea of “holiness” and get to
the core of its meaning: being devoted to a purpose, and
in this case, to a Person: Yahweh.

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Running a Race

D on’t you know that those who run in a race

all run, but one receives the prize? Run like
that, that you may win. Every man who strives in
the games exercises self-control in all things.
Now they do it to receive a corruptible crown, but
we an incorruptible. I therefore run like that, as
not uncertainly. I fight like that, as not beating the
air, but I beat my body and bring it into
submission, lest by any means, after I have
preached to others, I myself should be rejected. (1
Corinthians 9:24-27)
Paul's subject had been how he was determined to
preach the Good News and not take any pay for it. Even
though he was entitled to physical “wages” (“reward”) as
a minister of the Gospel, he willingly forwent it.
As he later reiterates to Timothy, just as an ox deserves
to eat as it works, so a [ministry] worker is worth of his
wages; and the especially diligent are worthy of double.185
Paul then strove in this self-imposed service for God:
although he was called to preach Jesus (and woe to him if
he did not, for it was his life's purpose from His maker!),
he would not take anything in return from those to whom
he preached. He would work with his own hands to
provide his physical, bodily needs.
He gives us a word-play in that his “reward” would be

185. 1 Timothy 5:17-18

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

to forgo the “reward” to which he was entitled (fleshly

provisions from his listeners). He later reminded
Timothy of the same concept:

A lso, if anyone competes in athletics, he isn’t

crowned unless he has competed by the
rules. (2 Timothy 2:5)
Like running a race where only one person can run, he
made it his aim to run that way in this regard so that no
one else would take his boasting from him. And at times
it required harshness to his body, for the sake of his
service to the Lord, to ensure he didn't fail in this race and
be disqualified. He likely sometimes went without eating,
or proper clothing or lodging, in order not to take
payment from those to whom he ministered.
Let us so run the races we have willingly entered for
the Lord! Not only those that we've chosen, but also the
main event of our life's purpose being Jesus Himself.

Serving as a Soldier

N o soldier on duty entangles himself in the

affairs of life, that he may please him who
enrolled him as a soldier. (2 Timothy 2:4)
Imagine if a soldier deployed overseas suddenly left
his post because he wanted to see his wife? Or if a soldier
left her fellow soldiers in the midst of a firefight because
she really wanted to hear her children's voices on the

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Extreme examples, but even lesser ones can be

imagined: if a young recruit in basic training decides they
really want to catch up on social media and forgoes a
proper bedtime or showing up on time to a test... what
would their commander say or do?
These days we can see how much complication can
arise from those who serve in the military while being
married and part of a family. It often causes such strain
and many times this concept has appeared in TV shows,
movies and books.
Paul appeals to Timothy, who is serving as a minister,
to forgo the otherwise “normal” affairs of life in order to
please the one who “enrolled” him: God.
This is holiness, being separated unto Yahweh for His
purpose. Whether it's His own calling that we cannot
deny, or one we've willingly chosen to receive a greater
reward, the attitude should be the same: total abandon to
Jesus and whatever He says and whatever we've
promised to do.

Flows from Godly Fear

So much of the New Testament is about this very
concept, with Paul devoting entire chapters to the
teaching. After summarizing it in 2 Corinthians 6, in
terms of our earthly relationships and activities, with the
promise of God being our Father and we His children, he
writes this at the beginning of chapter 7:

H aving therefore these promises, beloved, let

us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of
Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of

God. (2 Corinthians 7:1)
When we, as a born-again believer in God through
Christ, commit ourselves into God's service with no
reservations, it's inherent that we have submitted to His
will above ours. Therefore our actions (what we allow or
disallow) will flow from Him alone.
Notice its connection to the fear of God, touched upon
in an early chapter? Understanding the power and
authority of Yahweh should instill a pure fear in us that
He alone has full control over our lives. Whether we're
temporarily going through some situations where others
(people, Satan, our own will and bodily desires) “take
over” in the fleshly realm, God is still the ultimate
determiner of our lives.
This kind of godly fear (not fear of anything else in
creation) naturally leads to holiness—we become set apart
from the rulership of all except Him. We recognize not
only mentally but bodily (with our actions) that we live
for His purpose and pleasure. Whatever He has called us
to do, we do with total abandon to everything else that
would hinder us: like a runner in a race or a solder in an
army. Nothing should distract us.
Such holiness allows us to escape the vanity of living
for the flesh and its desires 186 into the freedom of the
knowledge of the truth187—Jesus is Lord, He is God in the
flesh both having come to save us from our old self as
186. Romans 7:18; Galatians 5:17; Ephesians 2:3; Colossians 1:21-23
187. John 8:32; 1 Timothy 2:4; Hebrews 10:26
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

well as show us how to live: both by His earthly life and

day to day through His Spirit.
We leave behind the old ways of our carnal life, such as
having sex with people that aren't our spouse; cheating
and clawing for earthly riches that pass away; lying to
boost our image to other people who are here today and
gone tomorrow (like us); and whatever else exists that
God has revealed to be error.188
And as seen above, sometimes we give up good things
to which we are entitled, in order to continue our task
from God: food (whether willingly fasting or not), houses,
money, family including spouses and children.189
We consider the parts of our bodies to be instruments
of righteousness, given without reservation to the use of
our loving Father in heaven—He is good, very good!190

My Dreams About God's Holy

I've had several spiritual dreams over the years where I
had a glimpse of God's people as He sees them: as they
truly are.
In each of these dreams, the people seemed unearthly.
They appeared human, but they did not seem like they
were part of this normal “world.”
• They were dressed in white robes
• They were individuals; they did not all look the same

188. 1 Timothy 1:8-11; 1 Peter 1:13-17, 4:1-8

189. Mark 10:28-31
190. Romans 6:12-14
Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

(different facial features, body sizes and shapes, skin

• They had an aura of beauty, power, nobility, kindness,
wisdom, and faith
• They seemed unconcerned with, and even unaware of,
earthly things happening around them; they were at
• They were united in a common goal or purpose

Gathered to Seek the Holy Spirit

The first dream I remember that was about this
“people” was in early 2006, and began with a man and
woman discussing “revival.”
The lady was exclaiming in the form of a question,
“isn't it great how it's happening all over the world?” as
though it was spontaneous, without any regard for
people's actions; she was thinking that “revival” was
something God was choosing to do wherever He chose.
The man simply disagreed by saying, "No, it's simply a
common experience shared by a group of people in a
single location."
In other words, it's not just spontaneous everywhere,
but it's the reality of a group of people all experiencing
the same thing in one particular place.
I knew in the dream that the man's words were right,
and this led directly to the second part of the dream:
I had an overview of a grassy area, where many people
clothed in white were seated around a tall, silver pole in
the middle of the group. Next to the pole was an older

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

man also dressed in white, who was seating the pole

securely in the ground.
There was the aura of a Utopia, that this was the
pinnacle of life: these people were experiencing all of
what life was supposed to be.
Immediately in the dream, I sort of both heard and
knew the following about the group of people: that it
represented God's people and came about from them
understanding and experiencing the following.
1. The Father had given them authority and power, along
with everything else they needed.
2. The Son was their new identity, and in Him there was
no condemnation, or lack of anything necessary.
3. Those two truths, personally experienced by the
people, enabled them to do one thing together: wait
upon the Holy Spirit in prayer, which led to God
moving unrestricted in their lives, not only
individually, but together as His Assembly.
That was the vehicle through which so-called "revival"
came: experiencing the truth of the first two points, which
allowed them to focus upon the third point.
The next chapter will look more at what allows that to
happen: receiving the Holy Spirit and His power, in order
to live out our freedom in Christ.
This dream had such an anointing upon it, which
carried over when I preached the message to the
assembly where I minister. It was so simple, yet so
powerful and liberating.
It showed that "revival" was not some arbitrary thing

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

that God chose to do randomly across the world in

different ages, but was a simple result of His people living
out the truth of His revelation in scripture.
Praise God!
My father (and pastor) and I have talked about the
concept of “revival” several times over the years. We've
both come up with the same basic idea, that it truly is
what the word itself means: a bringing again of life.
Where “revival” has happened, people are being saved;
oftentimes, it's those very “church members” that had
been in the church for many years. They were suddenly
waking up to the reality that they had not personally
known the Lord in saving faith; and many (most?) of the
other actual believers had not been baptized into the Holy
Spirit after salvation.191
The other common sign of “revival” is healing and
miracles, like was being seen in the ministries of both
Jesus on earth, and the apostles and Spirit-filled believers
in Acts. That kind of thing, that result and flow of
ministry, was the norm—it is what Jesus said should be a
part of preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Thus, the “revivals” of the ages have inherently been
about a coming back to what God had planned for His
people from the beginning. Truly, a bringing back to life.
Once God's “people” are truly born-again and filled
with His Spirit, and begin to live in the knowledge and
power of those realities, then what Jesus promised to
happen will happen!

191. Acts 19:1-6

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

The consecrated believer is a powerhouse that God

designed! Yahweh's holy people can and do and shall
accomplish much good! And it makes Satan run!
“Holiness” is not a worthless caricature of some
misguided people trying to abstain from a list of “bad
things” in fear of being damned by God if they slip up.
God's holiness, which He shares with His people, is
entering a life of single-mindedness where we—together
—seek His will in every instance of our individual lives,
as well as corporately, gathered together in a group. And
then do what He says!
You may also read the rest of my interpretation of this
dream as I meditated upon it by visiting my personal
ministry website.192

Boating Through Troubled Waters

My other spiritual dream (sometime in the 2010s)
specifically about God's holy people involved them being
on a large boat.
The scene was dark and stormy; everything had a gray
cast to it, except for the people. Again, they were clothed
in white.
The boat itself looked like what we might envision of
Noah's ark: large and wooden, but also with a deck area
on top.
Spectacularly, the people were walking around the boat
doing their duties, while this massive and violent storm
raged around them.

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

It looked as though the boat was being thrown around

in the waves, but you would have never guessed it by
looking at the people. They were walking around the
boat quite normally, without being jostled or anything of
the sort.
Indeed, it was as though the people didn't even realize
(or care) that there was such a massive and “dangerous”
storm around them.
I'd say a “normal” person would have gone into the
bottom of the boat for safety, hiding from the storm and
trying to stay dry. However, these people continued to do
whatever it was they knew they were supposed to be
They all had the look of such confidence and peace.
It did not matter one bit what was happening around
and to the boat—they were focused upon working
together to do what it was they were tasked to do.
The boat was going somewhere, and so they did what
needed to be done as they traveled.
As in the earlier dream, these people had such an
overwhelming look of nobility, of other-worldliness, of
steadfastness and inability to be shaken (both mentally
and physically).
I had a knowing that their attitude, which was due to
their nature and knowing who they were, was what was
keeping them secure as they walked around and did their
After I woke up, and even now, I immediately think of
the story of Peter coming to Jesus on the water. When he

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

heard the Lord (“Come”) and simply obeyed, he walked

on water with no disruption. It was only as he took his
eyes off of Jesus and focused upon everything else going
on that he began to sink.
These people, knowing and living who they were in
Christ, did not give even the slightest bit of awareness to
what would seem like obstructions to doing what they
were supposed to do.
“How will/can I get to that shoreline with this
storm that could sink the boat?”
Instead of asking such questions, they simply obeyed
what God had told them (they knew where they were
going and what needed to be done to get there) and paid
no attention to anything else that would contradict God's
will and command to them.
Don't these two dreams sound like a good way to live?
Wouldn't you and most (all?) people like to live a life
without anxiety?
Doesn't living in a Utopia sound wonderful?
Isn't it desirable to be at peace and to be respected?
All of those things flow from a place of holiness.
Holy living for God is not boring—it is exciting!
Over the years, I've also had many other prophetic
visions and dreams relating to how God's people are
protected by living and walking in faith (in Christ):
• Stepping in muddy water or being splashed with junk
from the world, but which doesn't stain them or their

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

• Walking in the heavenlies where each step is toward

nothing, but a heavenly stone pillar rises up to meet
their foot with each step
• Recognition that our fleshly bodies are temporary
tents, and their current condition and color are
irrelevant to our eternal home
Holiness is not a bad thing. Of course it is Satan who
has twisted how people view it. That is what he does.
But also of course, it never changes the fundamental
truths that God has created and revealed.
Being set apart to God produces everything that we
want. Satan hates it. Satan fears it.
He has no power over someone who is separated to
God from the world.
Satan has authority over this current, fallen, world
system. When we identify with and live for it, rather than
staying holy to Yahweh, we begin to experience Satan's
fruit: fear, anxiety, remorse, sadness, and so on.
God has authority over Satan. When we return to a
consciousness of our union with God through Christ, we
resume the life of peace that comes through being His and
none other's.

Grace for a Life of Moments

H owever when he, the Spirit of truth, has

come, he will guide you into all truth, for
he will not speak from himself; but whatever he

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

hears, he will speak. He will declare to you things

that are coming. (John 16:13)
As you grow day by day, learning to hear and obey the
voice of God, you will also begin to hear and disobey the
voice of Satan. The voices will become more and more
distinct. And your freedom from fear of judgment will
allow you to fully live for God.
When you choose to listen to the voice of the Holy
Spirit, even when it may not make logical sense or
possibly even put you in situations you don't desire, you
are frustrating the work of Satan so wonderfully.

F or as many as are led by the Spirit of God,

these are children of God. (Romans 8:14)
Think of how he reacts and how his people behave.
“How stupid are you?! Why wouldn't you just choose
the easy way out? You idiot... listening to God, instead of
just living your own life.”

S tand firm therefore in the liberty by which

Christ has made us free, and don’t be
entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
(Galatians 5:1)
The above verse speaks to those who think they are
disobeying Satan by living according to a set of laws and
rules that God does not require of us.
I cover this general idea in my other book about how
Adam and Eve foreshadowed Christ and the Church:
once we understand our individual and collective

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

purpose, then we enter a new kind of life.

Many of the mental and emotional trains we used to
ride will no longer offer us any allure or service. We'll
have stepped off into the freedom of movement that
comes from living in the Son of God.
But of course, knowing we're still each surrounded by
a fallen, sinful body of flesh, what about when we miss it?
When we do the wrong thing? Listen to the wrong voice?
Don't do what we should have?

Limitless Grace from God

Endless grace! The Blood of Jesus has bought it!

F or all have sinned, and fall short of the glory

of God; being justified freely by his grace
through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus;
whom God sent to be an atoning sacrifice,
through faith in his blood, for a demonstration of
his righteousness through the passing over of
prior sins, in God’s forbearance; to demonstrate
his righteousness at this present time; that he
might himself be just, and the justifier of him who
has faith in Jesus. (Romans 3:23-26)
Praise be to God for this New Testament under which
we live. We no longer are required to bring ceremonially
clean animals to a physical altar in a single location to be
sacrificed unto God.
We no longer live nor are judged by the dead letter.
As Paul says, God is constantly justifying us because of

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

the work of Christ on the Cross. His once for all death
forever paid the cost of all of our sins: past, present,

N ow to him who works, the reward is not

counted as grace, but as something owed.
But to him who doesn’t work, but believes in him
who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted
for righteousness. (Romans 4:4-5)
As born-again believers in Christ Jesus, nothing we can
do will ever force God to forgive us, nor prevent Him
from doing so. We are a new creation, saved by God for
His own purpose. All of our steps have been cleansed, so
that when we misstep it has already been forgiven.
There are so many wonderful letters, articles, books
and more written and recorded about this incredible gift
of grace God offers—for us to receive by faith—that I
won't spend more time here.
Suffice it to say: if you are of God (by being born again
through submission to Jesus as Lord) then you've
permanently passed out of death into life, and will
absolutely never come into judgment.194

No More Fear of Death

This soft landing of grace gives us the space to learn
God's voice without the constant “sword of Damacles”
hanging over our heads. Unlike the world, we no longer

193. Hebrews 7:22-28

194. John 5:24; expounded upon in other chapters, please read!
Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

need live lives of fearing death, because of knowing there

is a judgment waiting.

S ince then the children have shared in flesh

and blood, [Jesus] also himself in the same
way partook of the same, that through death he
might bring to nothing him who had the power of
death, that is, the devil, and might deliver all of
them who through fear of death were all their
lifetime subject to bondage. (Hebrews 2:14-15)
As I've said elsewhere, I don't think this truth can be
stressed enough to a child of God. You are saved by
grace. Your wrong acts—sins, mistakes, dereliction, and
however else you want to describe them—no longer damn
you to hell and separation from God. Indeed, now we
may freely give up our lives for this same God, knowing
He will never let a hair of our head perish (eternally). 195
We'll study this in a later chapter about martyrdom.

No More Fear of Punishment

In the same way, knowing the love God has for us,
shown by grace, should free us from fear. My father (and
pastor) just taught about this subject again in our church.

W e know and have believed the love which

God has for us. God is love, and he who
remains in love remains in God, and God remains
in him. In this love has been made perfect among

195. Luke 21:7-19

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

us, that we may have boldness in the day of

judgment, because as he is, even so are we in this
world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love
casts out fear, because fear has punishment. He
who fears is not made perfect in love. We love
him, because he first loved us. (1 John 4:16-19)
Our complete love, experienced in God, casts out all
fear. Why? Because fear has “punishment.” This Greek
word is used only one other place in the New Testament,
and that use should tell us a lot!

“T hese will go away into eternal

punishment, but the righteous into
eternal life.” (Matthew 25:46)
What is the context of Jesus' words in this section? He
speaks this immediately after the parable of the talents,
where those who claim (appear) to be servants of the Lord
actually do nothing with what they are given. The ones
who hide their “talent” are cast out as unprofitable. They
never bore fruit. They were not truly born again. Just as
the “foolish virgins” who did not prepare for His coming.
These parables begin as describing what “the Kingdom of
Heaven” will be like. Not all mankind, but those who
appear to be within the realm of God's people.196
Who then are the “these” in the verse above? They are
the “goats” who are separated from the “sheep” after the
Lord returns. They are the ones who appeared to be part
of the Lord's Fold, but who clearly were not of the same
196. Matthew 25:1-30
Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

nature as His sheep (they are goats). Those who did not
live in love as Jesus commanded, belying their true nature
(not having been born of God) will be sent into eternal
But John the apostle tells us that God's Love has no fear
in it, because fear has punishment. Fear believes that
there will be a coming judgment for the things that you
do. Grace, known by God's love once we are born-again,
allows to be complete in knowing we are free from ever
coming into judgment. Halleluyah!
Now, having a new nature straight from God's hand
(through the new birth), you may live for His will and not
stress about when you do miss it. And you will. We
know we will. Many times.
Yes, sometimes:
• We will misunderstand His leading and go the wrong
• We will let ourselves be persuaded by a lust of the
flesh and do something we regret
• We will fear ridicule and not speak out when He's told
us to, and others will be affected
• We will mistake our or the enemy's voice for God's
and blunder something
• We will stumble, yes, many times
But, there is endless grace for all of it, each and every
time we fail. Encouraging us to refocus. Giving us hope
to get back up and continue walking with the Lord. And

197. Matthew 25:31-45

198. James 3:2
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

the more we choose to live in the Spirit, the more times

we're assured by God that we most definitely will not
carry out the flesh's desire.199
Now we have a new way to live, a new predisposition,
and a new freedom. Count upon God's grace when you
miss the mark, cross the line, and soon get back onto the
path you were walking. His grace very much teaches us
to forsake those mistaken ways, and to do works that are

You Can Enjoy Yourself!

I'm compelled to add this section because of how Satan
has used the opposite to twist the truth and keep people
from God. Yes, you can have “fun!”
I've met so many people who have been raised by
legalistic parents, which ends up turning them off to the
real Gospel, the real Jesus, and the real Spirit-filled life.
They grow up believing that God is a killjoy constantly
looking to smite us for every small mistake, always
keeping us from “true happiness.”
A life lived in submission to God, where we're freed
from the old sinful nature to live by God's indwelling
Spirit, does not imply we are unable to enjoy the things of
creation; rather, it invites us to enjoy them as they should
be, by the Lord's leading!
Paul explains in several places that the freedom we
receive from Christ should keep us free from people,
199. Romans 8; Galatians 5:16
200. Titus 2:11-14; Ephesians 2:10
Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

we're not forced into serving their desires.201

When we are walking in the Spirit, we should not feel
compelled to live according to someone else's conscience.
We each live the life God's given to us, to our own Lord
we each stand or fall.202
Let me give you some examples of this from my own
life, that you might get an idea of how scripture is lived
out even in today's world and cultures.
These are only a few random things that stand out as a
way to explain how life in the Spirit is not only about
spiritual things but natural things as well.
• I've been led about which car to get or not get; the
biggest case being my first purchase. That car led to
me having a continual source of income in my life (a
hobby business on the side), making up what was
lacking in my salary for ministry. It was a life-
impacting, very big deal, because of one particular
leading about a car purchase that I followed.
• I've been led to avoid romantically pursuing certain
women whom I found attractive in different ways;
ignoring my natural senses and trusting the Spirit
allowed me to side-step a lot of grief and heartache
(seeing how we each changed in the future), as God
knows all hearts. He knows what we want, He knows
what other people want. He knows who would be a
good match and who would not. The times when I've
pushed through and ignored these gentle warnings

201. 1 Corinthians 7:23

202. Romans 14
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

have always led to regret. The times when I didn't, or

corrected my course before I'd gone very far, always
led to peace and thanksgiving (and not wasting their
or my time).
• I've been led to certain new foods or restaurants,
which I would normally not have ever tried, which
ended up becoming new favorites! Some of them
turned out to be perfect matches for my particular
health needs. One of my most memorable dreams was
about a certain diet (what to eat, etc.) that turned out
to be protective of my health in many ways unknown
to me at the time. That may sound like a little thing,
but if we consider how much of our time is spent upon
eating (to survive), how blessed we are when God
leads us to things that make that more enjoyable, and
give us a longer and better quality life!
• I've had senses from the Spirit about certain video
games He knew would not be a good fit for me;
sometimes I pushed through them and bought one
anyway, and was always disappointed at wasting
money on something I played once and quit. On the
other side, I've felt led toward certain games, which
after the fact I realize gave me experiences that
illustrated some spiritual truth (one of which you'll see
in the next chapter), or allowed me to connect with
other people that God wanted me to meet.
These very few examples played out in different ways,
but ultimately were possible because of the main
teachings of this book: I was given over wholly to God by

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

faith in Jesus. I sought first His Kingdom and His

definition of right and wrong, and I expected Him to
provide everything I needed, as well as bless me as a
loving father would his beloved child.203
Yes, He feels the same way about you! Yes, you can
experience the same kind of so-called “mundane”
interventions of the Holy Spirit into your natural life, big
and small. If you've already been a believer for awhile,
I'm sure you have many, many stories of your own like
these. Think about them, and thank God anew!
Living for Him and praying with His help (in other
languages) will keep you in His will, and you'll rejoice at
how the big things and small things alike all work
together for good204—it's not only about the eternal plan,
but the goodness of our God is that He cares about our
temporal life here too! Halleluyah!
Satan tries to corrupt this concept by deceiving people
(including many Christians) into thinking God is a
humorless “party-pooper” at heart; that Jesus is a stern
taskmaster Who wants us to constantly suffer.

Even Parties?!
I remember the teaching of one sister in the Lord from
many years ago, as she brought out how we're free to be
out among unbelievers; and how very often God can use
that for their benefit (as we witness).
She taught from this verse and it's stayed with me as an

203. Matthew 6:31-34, 7:7-11; James 1:17

204. Romans 8:26-28
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

explanation of how our freedom can allow us to enjoy

ourselves, while we also remain free from sin:

B ut if one of those who don’t believe invites

you to a meal, and you are inclined to go, eat
whatever is set before you, asking no questions
for the sake of conscience. (1 Corinthians 10:27)
The idea behind that phrase “invites you to a meal” is
very similar to our modern-day idea of a dinner party!
And yes, as Paul states: if we are “inclined to go” then we
may go!
Of course, this doesn't mean the kind of riotous living
that is called “partying” in today's world—such things are
specifically termed sin and error, where a person is
becoming intoxicated, speaking perversely, fighting,
getting naked and even having sexual relations, and
engaging in all the other works of the flesh. 205 That
doesn't profit although it may seem “fun” in the moment.
Rather, we may enjoy ourselves in the presence of
unbelievers and hold back only from what would clearly
be seen as sinful, for their sake. Otherwise, we'd enjoy
their company and good food, knowing Yahweh alone is
By rejecting food only when it's declared to have been
offered to idols (which are worthless anyway), that
believer would have an opportunity to share the truth of
God's ultimate power, and our needful devotion to Him
alone. While at a dinner party! Halleluyah! And in a

205. Luke 15:13; Galatians 5:21; 1 Peter 4:1-5

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

later chapter we'll study more about how God can use this
kind of thing for glory!
You see how crafty Satan is, as he mixes some truth
(that we all must suffer as believers) with error (that any
pleasure in the flesh is to be shunned as sin).
We don't have to err on either side: we need not
deprive ourselves of all the gifts God has provided
throughout the continual progress of mankind living
upon the earth that God created; and we also need not
become zombies that seek nothing but fleshly pleasure to
the exclusion of the Goal of life (to know and be known
by God).
Meditate upon this wonderful, extended portion of
scripture, a beautiful summary of this truth:

T he Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that

we are children of God; and if children, then
heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; if
indeed we suffer with him, that we may also be
glorified with him. For I consider that the
sufferings of this present time are not worthy to
be compared with the glory which will be
revealed toward us. For the creation waits with
eager expectation for the children of God to be
revealed. For the creation was subjected to vanity,
not of its own will, but because of him who
subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also
will be delivered from the bondage of decay into
the liberty of the glory of the children of God. For
we know that the whole creation groans and
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

travails in pain together until now. Not only so,

but ourselves also, who have the first fruits of the
Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves,
waiting for adoption, the redemption of our body.
For we were saved in hope, but hope that is seen
is not hope. For who hopes for that which he
sees? But if we hope for that which we don’t see,
we wait for it with patience. In the same way, the
Spirit also helps our weaknesses, for we don’t
know how to pray as we ought. But the Spirit
himself makes intercession for us with groanings
which can’t be uttered. He who searches the
hearts knows what is on the Spirit’s mind,
because he makes intercession for the saints
according to God. We know that all things work
together for good for those who love God, to
those who are called according to his purpose.
For whom he foreknew, he also predestined to be
conformed to the image of his Son, that he might
be the firstborn among many brothers. Whom he
predestined, those he also called. Whom he
called, those he also justified. Whom he justified,
those he also glorified. What then shall we say
about these things? If God is for us, who can be
against us? He who didn’t spare his own Son, but
delivered him up for us all, how would he not
also with him freely give us all things? Who
could bring a charge against God’s chosen ones?
It is God who justifies. Who is he who

Self-Control: With a Divine Purpose

condemns? It is Christ who died, yes rather, who

was raised from the dead, who is at the right
hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
Could oppression, or anguish, or persecution, or
famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Even as
it is written, “For your sake we are killed all day
long. We were accounted as sheep for the
slaughter.” No, in all these things, we are more
than conquerors through him who loved us. For I
am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor
angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor
things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor
depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to
separate us from the love of God, which is in
Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:16-39)
When you submit unto God in true faith, with no
pretense or ulterior motive, it has such purity so that
Satan runs in terror.
Remind yourself of both his personal ambition and
what he has since tried to foist upon the rest of creation—
rebellion toward God, pride in oneself, and the
overturning, obfuscation, and twisting of what is true, in
exchange for lies.
Submit to God! Resist the Devil! Watch the glory of
the Lord be revealed, from big to small! Halleluyah!

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

“Yes” Before All

“Yes” Before All

Lord, before I even hear a question from You,

before You ever ask me to do anything, my
answer is “Yes.”
This was the prayer I found myself praying on an
evening in late August of 2016. I remember it clearly, as
God had put that night together in an unusual way.
I was in the final stages of fully letting go of someone
who had been very important to me, whom I realized,
through continued leading from God, was not good for
me (nor I for them).
I ended up seeing a new, independently-produced
Christian movie last minute that I hadn't heard of before
that night—it was about persecution for the faith and
what it produces.
I took a walk outside in a place for which I greatly
thank God.
As I had been learning over the course of my life, the
power of consecration unto God was something to be
experienced repeatedly—although beginning with the
first time we fully give ourselves to God after our new
birth through faith in His Son, we repeatedly affirm our
whole-hearted commitment to Him.
Both of my parents have been amazing examples of it,
and as I grew up they each taught me (both by actions

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

and words) the importance of putting God's will first.

The person with whom I had ended a relationship
would not take this step—they refused to put God's will
ahead of certain specific things they wanted in life (if for
some reason God asked them to give it up for His sake in
the future, they would say no). That was one of the major
reasons I could not continue our relationship. I was
choosing to say yes to God first.
As the previous chapter detailed, consecration can
truly be an act of spiritual warfare—indeed, as the main
teaching of this book describes, it is Satan's fear.
So, quite naturally, I told God out loud that I was still
100% His alone. That, even though I found what I was
going through very difficult, as well as perplexing, I still
wanted His will and nothing else.
As I felt the peace begin to flow from this affirmation of
my life being dedicated to Him, I found myself putting it
into a single word, a single thought.
I realized how often I (and we all) tend to think of
“yes” as being a response to a question.
We are asked if we think a certain way.
We are asked to do something.
Basically, we are asked if we agree. Our answer can be
“yes,” “no,” or even “I don't know.”
But my experience, which I believe was a holy time
directed by the Holy Spirit, was finding the desire to say
“yes” before anything else had even been said.
I wanted my entire being to be a “yes” to Yahweh.

“Yes” Before All

Before I knew what He wanted; before I knew

what He would ask me to do; before I knew

Simply, “yes.”
Both the concept, as well as physically saying it,
seemed to release a spiritual power. It felt like God's
glory was all around me, warming me. I cried as I said it,
as I spoke out loud my commitment to Him without
To our earthly, natural minds, it may not make
immediate logical sense to think of committing to
someone else—not only your actions and allegiance, but
your whole and entire life—as being freeing, or causing a
feeling of freedom.
However, I believe this is a clear instance of what Paul
described as the wisdom of God being foolishness in the
eyes of the world.
Because, as a whole, the world has by both belief and
action separated itself from God—which in reality is
impossible, but is still stubbornly done with the will—we
think of giving up our “will” as a sign of weakness or a
rejection of our individuality.
Indeed, to give up one's will is the basis of both
authority and even slavery/servitude. Someone else
directs our lives in some way. They tell us what to do,
where to go, whom to be around, what to say, what to
think, etc.
Hasn't our (fallen) natural mind been drawn to think in

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

such ways, and even now presents an immediate

resistance to the idea of not being “our own”? I imagine
that, no matter how spiritual, you still feel that slight
twinge in your fleshly brain when you read or hear these
words—”You're not in charge of your life. You should
obey another instead of doing what you want.”
That resistance (of the flesh) is the remnant of that first
sin by our human parents, Adam and Eve. They didn't
think of it first, or even on their own, either. They were
tempted to do so by another: the one who fears the
opposite, Satan.
I want you to think back to the earlier chapters where I
encouraged that God cares about all parts of our lives.
He's not a killjoy. He's not trying to make us hurt. He
wants us to be free in Him. And He is always willing to
lead us when we need help.
He works all things together for good, if we're called by
His purpose. When we are living for Him by His Spirit,
nothing is without redemption by His sovereign hand.
That relationship that I had given up, mostly because
of being faithful to God, had taught me afresh the power
and importance of consecration. So, even a relationship
that fell apart was not without being used by God to bring
something good! This entire chapter is a redemption of
Jesus of that situation. Several years were not wasted.

“Yes” Before All

“Not My Will But Yours Be

Did you think of these words and this story during the
earlier part of this chapter?
It certainly came to my mind during the experience, as
well as now as I reminisce about it.
It is fitting that God's own Beloved Son would have
given us the perfect example of how to live this. If
submission unto God is so primordial, and powerful, is it
surprising that those times in Lord Jesus' life as a man on
earth were when He triumphed over Satan?

H e was withdrawn from them about a

stone’s throw, and he knelt down and
prayed, saying, “Father, if you are willing,
remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my
will, but yours, be done.” (Luke 22:41-42)
Indeed, it was before Christ even had the outward
experience and prayer in the Garden that He revealed His
independence from Satan.
Following His Last Supper with His disciples, after
Judas had left to begin the final process of betraying Him,
the Lord prepared them for what was to come before they
journeyed to the Garden of Gethsemane:

I will no more speak much with you, for the

prince of the world comes, and he has nothing
in me. But that the world may know that I love
the Father, and as the Father commanded me,
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

even so I do. Arise, let us go from here.” (John

This was the core of Christ's life on earth: to do not His
own fleshly will, but the will of the One Who sent Him,
the Father. He repeated this throughout His ministry,
giving us an example to follow.206
And ultimately, our imitation of Him by faith is what
saves us:

“N ot everyone who says to me, ‘Lord,

Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of
Heaven; but he who does the will of my Father
who is in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21)

The “Yes” is in God's Son

Here is the other instance in scripture where the Holy
Spirit reminded me that this experience I had was from

W hen I therefore was thus determined, did I

show fickleness? Or the things that I
purpose, do I purpose according to the flesh, that
with me there should be the “Yes, yes” and the
“No, no?” But as God is faithful, our word toward
you was not “Yes and no.” For the Son of God,
Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us,
by me, Silvanus, and Timothy, was not “Yes and
no,” but in him is “Yes.” For however many are
206. Luke 10:16; John 4:34, 5:30
“Yes” Before All

the promises of God, in him is the “Yes.”

Therefore also through him is the “Amen”, to the
glory of God through us. (2 Corinthians 1:17-20)
The very ability to say yes or “so be it” (what “amen”
means) to anything God has promised comes from being
in Christ and living through Him!
Indeed, Paul tells us that the resounding “Amen” in
Him is “to the glory of God through us,” as the World
English Bible translates it.
In Greek, the word for “toward” or “facing” is used
Therefore, even in Him the Amen to God [is]
toward glory through us.
Thank God for how He teaches us in life! Step by step,
line upon line, day by day, He will reveal more and more
of the interconnectedness of His astounding Truth.
My experience had me identifying with and imitating
Christ by saying “yes”—this was possible only because I
was and am in Him! Submission to God had led to
freedom in Christ which had led to this self-control with a
divine purpose.
Later, as He reminded me of those verses in 2
Corinthians 1 written above, the other side is seen—we
agree and say “amen” to Christ being our “yes” to all that
God has promised.
So, even as I found myself giving myself wholly to God
in a new way—by saying “yes” before anything specific
was asked of me—I can also complete that revelation by

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

now saying “amen” through that same Christ! And you

can too!

Yes to and through Jesus, the

Word of God
Because our new identity is in and with Christ, we
inherently imitate Him, sharing His nature. Our “new
birth” happens through “the Word of God”—that Word is
not a lifeless, written word upon stone or paper, but a
living Being: Jesus Himself.207
We long for the pure milk of the Word, having tasted
that the Lord (the Word) is gracious. If we are disciples of
Christ, God's Word, born-again through and in Him, we
will be and act like Him: we are a royal priesthood and a
holy nation, God's own possession.208
Therefore, obedience or disobedience to that Word is
intimately connected to whether or not we truly belong to
God. As seen elsewhere in this book, a servant is as a
servant does. A child of God is as a child of God does.
Like Peter, the writer to the Hebrews reveals the
identity of God's Word as Jesus when he reveals the true
Sabbath rest that is reserved for God's people as beyond a
physical day: it's for those who rest from their own works
(of sin) and instead obey Yahweh.

207. John 1:1-3; 1 Peter 1:22-25; James 1:16-18; Revelation 19:13

208. 1 Peter 2:1-10
“Yes” Before All

L et us therefore give diligence to enter into

that rest, lest anyone fall after the same
example of disobedience. For the word of God is
living, and active, and sharper than any two-
edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of
soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is
able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the
heart. (Hebrews 4:11-12)
Many people read this, and because of our modern
mindset of equating “word of God” with “written
scripture, the Bible,” read right over the next verse which
defines that “Word of God”:

T here is no creature that is hidden from his

sight, but all things are naked and laid open
before the eyes of him to whom we must give an
account. Having then a great high priest, who
has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of
God, let us hold tightly to our confession.
Just as John the Beloved revealed from the Holy Spirit:
Jesus is the Word of God, and God (Divine) was the Word.
Everything in creation is for and through Him.209
Do you see why this has to do with our saying “yes”?
Jesus, the Word of God, is the purpose of all creation; thus
anything we could ever face in life that requires a decision
ultimately is resolved by saying “yes” to God in, through,
and to Jesus.
We constantly reject anything not of God and
209. John 1:1-3
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

constantly say “yes” to Him! Halleluyah!

Satan's Mockery of “Yes”

If you've read this far, you may have already thought
of many instances where both this concept and even
literal word (“yes”) has been used in satirical ways.
Much of worldly literature and media likes to paint the
idea of total submission to God as being silly and the
domain of unhinged and ignorant cults and the like.
Indeed, I was shocked to see almost the exact concept
portrayed in a video game a couple of years after my
experience,210 in which a cult leader's spokesman (with a
theistic or even “Christian” overtone) used the word
“yes” as a call to his followers.
One of his notable quotes from the game was,
“I spent my entire life looking for more things
to say yes to.”
Of course, as expected, his intention was to have
people say “yes” to becoming dependent upon a mind-
altering & euphoria-inducing drug (“Bliss”), which would
make it easier for them to choose to do the leader's own
bidding: killing others for his own purposes, and many
other things that reveal his disconnection from the Lord
Jesus. And get this, what did his followers call their
leader? “Father.”
At the same time, does this not mimic the error of the
early church in Galatia? Becoming enslaved to things

210. Far Cry 5, see

“Yes” Before All

beside God; saying “yes” to people, to things, to ideas,

rather than a single source... Yahweh, in Three Persons:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Regardless of the ultimate intention or message of the
game story's author, the plot itself reveals that this idea is
something known in the world.
Satan truly twists it in many ways, both in such real-
life doomsday cults as portrayed in that game, as well as
in some “churches” where the leader is looking for their
own disciples rather than shepherding God's flock under
God's direction.
This, sadly, has been happening since the beginning of
God's Assembly, and was common in Israel as well.
Satan's tactics continue in every age.211
And in addition, even well-meaning believers can
sometimes put their teachers upon a pedestal they should
not have.212
This divergence from and corruption of God's pure
plan was prophesied and happened even in the very early
days of the Assembly. Paul said the following in Ephesus
to the leaders of the assembly:

“T ake heed, therefore, to yourselves, and to

all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has
made you overseers, to shepherd the assembly of
the Lord and God which he purchased with his
own blood. For I know that after my departure,
vicious wolves will enter in among you, not
211. Matthew 7:15, 24:1-25; Galatians 4:17; 1 Thessalonians 2:6
212. 1 Corinthians 1:11-17, 3:1-15
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

sparing the flock. Men will arise from among your

own selves, speaking perverse things, to draw
away the disciples after them. Therefore watch,
remembering that for a period of three years I
didn’t cease to admonish everyone night and day
with tears.” (Acts 20:28-31)
In most of the cases where Satan mocks saying “yes,” it
is fairly clear that the people are actually following
something other than God. Whether it be a cult leader, a
“minister,” etc., Satan usually dances around the deeper
subject with straw men.
However, when pressed and confronted with the
underlying truth he is mocking, he (and those following
in his ways) will ultimately mock “yes” to God too.

The Man, Job

Did you think of this Bible character as well? Regarded
by scholars as the oldest book of the Bible, the Book of Job
details the life of a man who worshiped Yahweh and
endured many hardships because of it.
There are many truths and teachings contained within
the Book, but the one I want to point out in the context of
this book is that of how Job responds to what happens to
We, as the readers, see that it is Satan bringing evil
upon Job after receiving permission from God to do so.
Indeed, it was Yahweh Himself Who brought Job to

“Yes” Before All

Satan's attention.213
We know from the ending that Yahweh knew what was
in Job, and wanted to show Satan that he didn't have
knowledge of or power over all people's hearts, let alone
control over their lives. And in the end, Yahweh blessed
Job with double what he had before the trials that God
Job is a great example for us, because he lived a godly
life without the new birth. He knew Yahweh only from
afar—but yet he had the faith to endure the loss of so
much because he trusted that Yahweh would deliver him
in the end.
Beyond this, Job's attitude has a lot for us to imitate in
light of this book's focus. He recognized that everything
he had was ultimately from God; it was therefore
Yahweh's prerogative as to what and when to give and
take those things to and from Job.
This truly is the distilled form of submission to God
and self-control. Job knew that, as good as his life was, it
was ultimately existing according to the good pleasure of
his God.
Consider Job's first experience of loss from Satan, done
by God's permission. A parade of reports came to Job
letting him know that all of his possessions, and even his
children, were wiped away in an instant.

T hen Job arose, and tore his robe, and shaved

his head, and fell down on the ground, and
213. Job 1:8-12
214. Job 42:10-17
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

worshiped. He said, “Naked I came out of my

mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there.
Yahweh gave, and Yahweh has taken away.
Blessed be Yahweh’s name.” In all this, Job did
not sin, nor charge God with wrongdoing. (Job
Even when Satan was given permission to touch Job's
body with sickness and pain, and Job's wife encouraged
him to curse God and give up, he remembered that
Yahweh was in charge.

B ut he said to her, “You speak as one of the

foolish women would speak. What? Shall we
receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not
receive evil?” In all this Job didn’t sin with his
lips. (Job 2:10)
Many books and sermons have been written and
preached about Job—there's much more to learn from
God's testimony in that inspired book of scripture! I
encourage you to read it and study it, and ask the Holy
Spirit for insight as you do.
This will soon lead us to a deeper look at the
underlying experience Job had—suffering for God, in

But Why?
First, taking a step back, we may ask again: why?
Indeed, this might have been our initial response to

“Yes” Before All

being asked to do something: “but why?”

Instead, we've learned to say yes before why.
So, why say yes without knowledge or reservation?
Why would I modify my behavior for someone else?
Why choose to submit to their will? And before even
knowing what all it might entail?!
Again, isn't this the core of love?
Isn't it the pinnacle of what Jesus told us was the way to

“T herefore whatever you desire for men to

do to you, you shall also do to them; for
this is the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 7:12)
Jesus' immediate context in Matthew 6-7 had been how
no one can serve two masters. We must put God first.
And then we may love one another as we desire to be
loved (and be treated).
This overflows into our attitude not only toward men
—modifying our behavior so that we do good and don't
return evil for evil—but also initially toward Yahweh.

“I f you love me, keep my commandments.”

(Jesus, John 14:15)
When we understand just how much God loves us,
how much He planned for us to enjoy in His presence, 215
and how long ago He planned it, 216 and the lengths to
215. Ruling in glory, judging angels, etc.: Revelation 2:26-27, chapters
21-22; 1 Corinthians 6:3
216. Before creation: Matthew 25:34; Ephesians 1:4; 2 Timothy 1:9;
Revelation 17:8
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

which He went to show that love and redeem us from our

wandering...217 wow.
What is left for us but a love for Him that cannot be
contained? We want to please Him in all things.
Jesus is our Goal, our Soulmate and Spiritmate, our
Remember from the introduction, I said that Jesus was
looking for those whose candle was about to be snuffed
out; for those who were like a reed about to break.
Jesus comes in search of people like that, not to push
them over the edge into destruction (which is the work of
Satan218), but to deliver and heal.
Once you've rejected the lie that Satan continues to
perpetrate (that he's the good one and God is evil), you'll
gladly open your whole life to the work of Yahweh.

D on’t be deceived, my beloved brothers.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is
from above, coming down from the Father of
lights, with whom can be no variation, nor
turning shadow. (James 1:16-17)
James' context here was understanding that it's never
God that tempts us, but rather our own unique lusts and
desires.219 Of course, it's Satan who takes advantage of
those, giving opportunities for us to stumble over our
217. Being born a Man, rejected by His own people, willingly
humiliated through His torture and death on the Cross: Hebrews
2:14, 5:7, 12:2; John 1:11; Romans 5:8; 1 Peter 2:21-25
218. John 8:44, 10:10; and of course the story of Job.
219. James 1:12-15
“Yes” Before All

But it is Yahweh, our Father in heaven, Who sends
down the good and complete gift into our life: He never
changes, He's always doing good on our behalf!
When you finally understand how the Lord loves you
beyond your wildest dreams, and created you for a
purpose lasting far beyond this earthly life, you'll find
yourself saying “yes” more and more.
The more you say “yes” to God the more you'll say
“no” to Satan. Not because of outside pressure, but
because you know the truth of Who is good: Jesus.
He deserves more than we could ever give, but God's
grace lets us be exactly what He's looking for.
Until you receive the Lord, allowing Him to grant you
life to your spirit, and that new creation comes into being
—it is impossible to begin to understand the love for God
you could have.
It is much like how parents say they never knew “love”
until they had their first child. There are things we cannot
imagine even when people describe them. We must
experience it for ourselves.
Love of God—love of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—
cannot be done justice with human words. Only when
you meet Him one on one, and begin to understand in the
spirit how much He loves you, will this “why” be
answered. Then comes the “yes.”
If you've yet to invite Him in and obey, don't delay.
It is for your own benefit that you meet Him as soon as
you can. Don't waste any more time!

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Suffering in Christ

Suffering in Christ

Once we've truly understood and experienced the three

main things we've studied so far,220 we'll find ourselves
inevitably going through times of suffering, as we're set
apart to God.
We no longer fear death (knowing our home is
heaven), and we no longer fear judgment for sin
(knowing we are saved by grace, one with Christ), but
clearly we will still suffer here on earth in these bodies.
Although we need not fear it either!
This subject deserves its own book to fully study it like
many others, but let's briefly look at it here now.
As with all we've observed so far, Satan can take a
word or concept and twist it for his own means. That's
why I qualify suffering with “in Christ.” As a matter of
our being set apart, consecrated to God in Christ, we will
invariably go through times when our flesh suffers. Just
as Christ, the Son of Man, experienced.
This is why not everyone resists the Devil; it very often
isn't pleasant in the moment, and maybe doesn't make
“sense” to our carnal mind. Using our freedom to control
ourselves and do God's will instead of our own can have

220. Salvation by submitting unto God, release into freedom through

our new nature and power from God, and the desire and ability to
control our self for Yahweh's purpose; all summed up in our “yes” to
Jesus without any conditions.
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

hard consequences on the flesh.

Peter summarizes the two sides of this wonderfully
from the Holy Spirit:

S ervants, be in subjection to your masters with

all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but
also to the wicked. For it is commendable if
someone endures pain, suffering unjustly,
because of conscience toward God. For what
glory is it if, when you sin, you patiently endure
beating? But if, when you do well, you patiently
endure suffering, this is commendable with God.
For to this you were called, because Christ also
suffered for us, leaving you an example, that you
should follow his steps. (1 Peter 2:18-20)
We'll look at each type of suffering—for our own sin,
and for doing good.
But, what exactly is suffering?
Its root form is πάσχω, which means “to feel heavy
emotion, especially suffering; experiencing the feeling of
the mind, emotion, passing.” This is the root of other
Greek words such as “passions,” “one destined for
suffering,” and “strong feeling.”221 Other definitions
emphasize it as “to be acted upon” which gives the sense
of having something happen to you which causes some
feelings or emotions to arise.

221. HELPS Word-studies,

Suffering in Christ

“Feeling Strongly”
Isn't that a great summary of life in this world? We are
constantly experiencing things that make us feel certain
ways: good, bad, a combination of both, or even in an
unspeakable way (i.e., “I can't even put into words how I
People have come up with various ways to classify our
personality differences and similarities, the way we see
and respond to the world. Some people seem more
focused upon strict sensual input and processing,
whereas others live more by inner, non-verbal feeling.
If you're at all like me, you may even find yourself
subconsciously living as though you're chasing certain
and avoiding other “feelings.” If we don't willingly
master our body and its emotions and feelings, they can
easily lead us wherever they may. They can become ends
unto themselves. I've found this true of myself, and its
not a pleasant place to stay.
Of course, it's where and why a lot of addictions start
and remain so strong! Feelings are powerful!
The glory of God is that we're not forced to stay in such
a situation. Remember, if you've submitted to God
through Christ in saving faith, you've received a new
nature; one that can both desire and do good!
For those of you that are similar to me, where certain
feelings may seem like the pinnacle of life in the flesh
(many times they are unable to verbalized, but you know
them when you feel them), the answer is simple: first

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

finding and then constantly returning to the reality of

living for God.
Feelings are not our master. They change like the
weather. They have no end-goal. They do not care for
our well-being and eternity.
Feelings can serve a good purpose, but they
do not make a good master.
The goodness of God is that living for Him leads to
good “feelings” beyond anything we've known: a peace
and joy that can't be compared to anything on earth. And
it lasts, with no bad side effects!222

An Antidote to Addictions
This understanding of life is really the core of this
book. If we belong to God, and recognize we're here for
His purpose, then all that we do is ultimately about
pleasing Him. When bodily feelings contradict what we
know we're supposed to do (or have done), then we side
with Him and not the feelings.
Addictions are usually about trying to get some kind of
legitimate feeling but in the wrong way. Illicit drugs or
sex, overeating or any obsessive-diet, excessive gambling,
and so on, are about experiencing some kind of feeling or
situation that's divorced from the proper way to feel or
experience it.
Whereas sex is meant to increase union between the
man and woman who were joined in marriage (as well as

222. Acts 13:52; Romans 14:17, 15:13; Galatians 5:22

Suffering in Christ

produce their godly children), people abuse it outside of

that realm; they try to get the good thing but in the wrong
way, and so wrong things result.
Feeling good about finishing a beneficial project or
completing some godly goal is God's way of showing us
what is good. Taking a drug that instantly creates a “I feel
super accomplished and on top of the world,” when
you've done nothing, is the wrong way. It mars the plan
God put into place in the natural order. It rewards wrong
behavior and the ultimate result is not only a lack of good,
but an addition of new evil.
Constantly throwing money away toward a “chance”
of getting a huge return, or desiring a large sum of money
with no forethought of how to spend it, are things even
King Solomon warned against.223
And on the flip side, we know that being addicted to
staying rich is quite common and never ends well unless
there is repentance toward God!224
Suffering is about the opposite: enduring bad feelings
we shouldn't be feeling (due to the unrighteousness of
this current age) because of our conscience toward God.
Not trying to escape them.
When we willingly suffer for the Lord, we prove our
allegiance to Him; we are living out a rejection of idolatry.
Nothing, including our own feelings or bodily integrity, is
more important than His will!

223. Proverbs 20:20-21, 28:20-22; Luke 15:11-32

224. Luke 12:13-40
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Patient Endurance
Let's look more intently that this word suffer and its
linguistic connection to “patiently enduring.”
I mentioned in an early chapter how obedience is
intimately a part of salvation; that, because salvation is a
matter of believing in Jesus as Yahweh (God, the Creator)
and confessing Him as Lord (Master), that thus you
cannot have a master without obeying that master.
As I said, a servant is as a servant does.
Let's look again at the context of the verse I quoted
back then, because it's a wonderful, concentrated capsule
of the salvation message:

H e, in the days of his flesh, having offered

up prayers and petitions with strong crying
and tears to him who was able to save him from
death, and having been heard for his godly fear,
though he was a Son, yet learned obedience by
the things which he suffered. Having been made
perfect, he became to all of those who obey him
the author of eternal salvation. (Hebrews 5:7-9)
The writer to the Hebrews had earlier described this in
a similar way:

B ut we see him who has been made a little

lower than the angels, Jesus, because of the
suffering of death crowned with glory and honor,
that by the grace of God he should taste of death
for everyone. For it became him, for whom are all

Suffering in Christ

things, and through whom are all things, in

bringing many children to glory, to make the
author of their salvation perfect through
sufferings. (Hebrews 2:9-10)
Suffer. Suffering. Sufferings.
Even the words sound like what they mean.
Our modern minds tend to think of these words as
having an inherently bad connotation.
But its various forms, when used in scripture, can also
carry the meaning “to endure” or “to be patient” while
one is “feeling” or “being acted upon;” thus it be rightly
translated an “undergoing.”225
So, strictly speaking, suffering does not always mean
going through something bad. It simply means to wait, to
continue existing and not give up or quit while things
happen and you have resulting feelings.
This is one of the main things that is intimately
connected with Satan's fear: when we submit to God and
do what He says, even if that means we must suffer for it.
We may endure ridicule when waiting for a word from
God to come to pass in our life, when others think we
should do something our own way or give up.
We may be ostracized at our job as “a Jesus freak”
because we don't run toward the same overflow of fleshly
gratification at any cost or believe it's good to do so.
We may watch others “get rich quick” by cheating, and
instead we endure what is often a slow increase of wealth

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

from hard work.

We may get called “a faith-nut” when we have a word
from God about our healing that hasn't come to pass in
the natural realm... yet.
Satan hates when we suffer patiently according to
God's will and don't retaliate in the flesh.
He cannot understand it, nor tolerate it. Think back to
his past and you'll realize why: he wasn't satisfied with
his station in creation; he tried to take higher ground
without God's blessing.226
Now think back to the root concept of this Greek word
translated “suffering”: patience, endurance. Allowing
time to pass without changing what you are doing or
believing. Isn't this really another way to speak of faith?
If we believe Yahweh, then we will live as though what
He says is. If we do not see it before our eyes, we trust
that it will become apparent at some point; or more so, we
don't care what our senses tell us and simply believe.
Suffering is intimately tied up with submission to God
and self-control.
If we lived by our own desires, we would try to
accomplish what we want all the time. We would
constantly be working, doing, striving, in order to make
what we desire happen or become ours.
The opposite of this, living for Yahweh in His Son,
involves laying down our own fleshly desires and
acknowledging the Plan being carried out.
If you want to see Satan flee from you in anger and

226. Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28

Suffering in Christ

terror, be patient and suffer according to God's will.

F or to this you were called, because Christ also

suffered for us, leaving you an example, that
you should follow his steps. (1 Peter 2:21)
What is the “to this” that they were called? Enduring
pain for doing good, because of conscience toward God. 227
Just as our holy Savior, Jesus, lived His entire life on earth.
Satan hates and fears this behavior! He cannot stand it!
It goes against everything that he is—a selfish, arrogant,
fool. He does not tolerate when someone does what he
would not do—endure what they do not like because of
God's will.
His mindset is, “I am strong and capable and can easily
avoid this situation and do what I want instead, so
therefore I will.” That is the voice of our fallen flesh as
well. It is the opposite of self-control for God's purpose
where we realize our own immediate “benefit” does not
outweigh the larger picture of Yahweh's plan. Satan
tempts us to avoid suffering simply because we can, with
no regard to whether doing so would pull us from God's
footsteps for us.228
But believers in Jesus know better. And because he now
has no authority over those who live in such a way
(because they have been bought back into God's Kingdom
by the Blood of the Lamb, the Son of God), Satan's only
option is to flee. He'll probably yell and scream on his

227. 1 Peter 2:20

228. As he did with Jesus on earth in Luke chapter 4
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

way out, but he will leave!

Sometimes when I am going through a difficult time in
life—one where I know I have a stark choice of my way or
God's way—I can almost hear a sizzling sound in the
spirit. Like acid on the toes of Satan. When he comes to
taunt me for living for my Lord, I remind him of my
whole-hearted willingness to lay down even my life for
my God. It must be like fire, like lava, like the purest
light, pouring over me and onto him if he gets close
Suffering is a gift because it refines our faith; it works
to show forth what's inside. A person can talk loud and
long about how much they love God and would do
anything He asks; but when the time comes, will they? If
they do, then indeed that faith was pure and true, born
out by their works. It cannot be shown to the world by
any other means than by works of obedience we do with
our fleshly bodies.
As Jesus said, by their fruit you'll know them. A good
tree cannot produce bad fruit, and likewise a bad tree
cannot produce good fruit. Rather, they produce from
what they inherently are.229
Patience, endurance, often involving distress to the
body or mind, is such a wonderful weapon against the

F or I consider that the sufferings of this

present time are not worthy to be compared

229. Matthew 7:16-20

Suffering in Christ

with the glory which will be revealed toward us.

(Romans 8:18)

Born to Suffer?
Would you be offended if I ventured this idea: we are
here on earth, in fleshly bodies, in order to suffer?
Isn't this the end-knowledge of some major
philosophies and religions? Isn't suffering integral to our
understanding of what it means to be human? Of course
it is! Even Job knew so. But how and why?
Listen to these God-revealers explain the role of

T herefore, since Christ suffered for us in the

flesh, arm yourselves also with the same
mind; for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased
from sin; that you no longer should live the rest of
your time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for
the will of God. (1 Peter 4:1-2)

B e sober and self-controlled. Be watchful. Your

adversary, the devil, walks around like a
roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
Withstand him steadfast in your faith, knowing
that your brothers who are in the world are
undergoing the same sufferings. But may the
God of all grace, who called you to his eternal
glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle

you. (1 Peter 5:8-10)

B ecause it has been granted to you on behalf

of Christ, not only to believe in him, but also
to suffer on his behalf. (Philippians 1:29)
I've said this several times to people over the years:

God could have easily created us

directly in heaven if He so wished;
but He did not!
And so, the things we go through “down here” of
necessity have a purpose in His mind and grand plan.
It would not be enough for us to go without this time
of temporary suffering on earth, for a season; but it
indeed serves a great and eternal purpose!

Reproved by God for Sin

The Christian will also find that a lot of our suffering
comes from when we miss the mark and venture into
actions of sin. As we've seen, we're no longer born of that
nature (sin) but rather of God,230 yet we still live in fallen
houses of clay that are predisposed to sin and doing their
own thing. Do zombies sound familiar? 231 Sometimes we
“walk” astray, shambling back into one or more steps of

230. 1 John 3:9, 5:18

231. Romans 6-7; Galatians 5:15
Suffering in Christ

As new creations, we should lay aside the things that

weigh us down in our race to finish as faithful servants at
our deaths. We have so many people of God who have
gone before us who are cheering us on! And our eyes are
set on Jesus, our holy Author & Finisher Who enables us
to keep running!

T herefore let us also, seeing we are

surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,
lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily
entangles us, and let us run with patience the race
that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the author
and perfecter of faith, who for the joy that was set
before him endured the cross, despising its
shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the
throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1-2)
That perfect One, Jesus, never sinned as He ran His
earthly race; thus He shows us how to live by His same
Spirit. We know that we often fail (unlike Him), but He
again is our answer as the giver of grace that both forgives
and empowers us to live rightly.232
The writer to the Hebrews then reminds us not to faint
when we are brought to face our error by God, because
He does it as a father would his own son. The fact that He
personally corrects us reveals our nature as His children.
A (sane) man does not go around disciplining other
people's children; rather he focuses his time and energy
on his own kids.

232. 1 Corinthians 15:10

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

King Solomon knew this!233 And Hebrews quotes it

and explains by way of the perfect example of Jesus.
The Lord Jesus, perfect Son of God, suffered—but not
because of His own sin. If He did not faint when having to
endure such hardship (which was not His fault), how
much more should we not faint when we suffer because of
our own sin?

F or consider [Jesus] who has endured such

contradiction of sinners against himself, that
you don’t grow weary, fainting in your souls. You
have not yet resisted to blood, striving against sin;
and you have forgotten the exhortation which
reasons with you as with children, “My son, don’t
take lightly the chastening of the Lord, nor faint
when you are reproved by him; For whom the
Lord loves, he chastens, and scourges every son
whom he receives.” It is for discipline that you
endure. God deals with you as with children, for
what son is there whom his father doesn’t
discipline? But if you are without discipline, of
which all have been made partakers, then are you
illegitimate, and not children. (Hebrews 12:3-8)
That Greek word translated “faint” perfectly describes
what we're often tempted to do: “To let loose out from”!
Wow! Doesn't this sound like just “giving up”? We get so
overwhelmed that we simply let it all go. We plop down.
And even more so, it's in the participle form with either a

233. Proverbs 3:11-12

Suffering in Christ

middle or passive voice. So in some way, this is

happening to or by us.234
The writer warns us not to grow so weary in our souls
that we get to the point of being enfeebled, tired out or
How do we not become so weary? By considering
Jesus, Who endured much worse than we.
And before this, we “lay aside every weight.” Instead
of giving up in ourselves (“fainting”), we keep running
the path in front of us, but rather “give up” the things that
hold us back: “the sin that so easily entangles us.” We run
—lightweight, free, and unhindered!235 Halleluyah!
Isn't the Holy Spirit amazing in His revelation?
You may remember looking at the next three verses
back in an earlier chapter; it related to Paul's teaching
about self-control re: how not all things are advantageous.
Even if all things are lawful for us who are new
creations in Christ Jesus, not all things have a benefit.
Thus, we don't do those things out of conscious choice, to
please our soon-coming King and to be transformed more
and more by His glory, proving our election by His
Therefore, when we do those things that don't benefit
us (what would often be called “sin” under the Law), our
loving Father lets us know! He has many ways of doing
it. And it may often hurt our hearts when we're
confronted by it, because we'll realize how we could have

235. 1 Corinthians 9:24-26; Galatians 5:7
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

said “no” to sin and “yes” to the Spirit.

And some times, there are earthly consequences of that
sin which we have to confront (with His help,
But the blessing to remember is that, because of the
Cross of Christ, we are no longer destined for punishment
for those times of “missing it” (i.e., sin). The price has
been paid, and we're no longer subject to the Law that
condemns. Halleluyah!
Oh yes, but indeed in the moment of being “brought
up short” by our heavenly Father, it can make us want to
faint. When we realize where we still miss the mark, our
new heart feels pain and we may be tempted just to give
up. That's where the writer to the Hebrew reminds us: do
not faint!
If Jesus made it all the way to willingly die for our sins
and not His own, suffering all things along the way, we
can surely suffer the consequences of our occasional sin
along the way.237
If He “resisted unto blood” (as we see in the Gospels
where He sweat blood as He was tempted not to go
through with the Cross238), why can we not do the same?
Resist the Devil!

236. James 5:14-15; “and even if he has committed sin,” indicating

that sometimes a sickness could be related to sin; but God heals
through the prayer of faith, and has already forgiven!
237. Hebrews 12:3-5
238. Luke 22:44
Suffering in Christ

B lessed is the man who endures temptation,

for when he has been approved, he will
receive the crown of life, which the Lord
promised to those who love him. Let no man say
when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God,” for
God can’t be tempted by evil, and he himself
tempts no one. But each one is tempted, when he
is drawn away by his own lust, and enticed. Then
the lust, when it has conceived, bears sin; and the
sin, when it is full grown, produces death. (James
James reveals that we each have our own particular
lusts, things unique to us that others may not battle. It's
when we listen to that fallen flesh, often encouraged by
Satan's tactics, that we get enticed.
But, we are blessed when we resist, not letting that sin
continue all the way unto death, as we had before our
new birth.
God the Father is the giver of good and perfect gifts; we
don't need to be lured away by Satan's fakes!239
When Yahweh as Father corrects us, it is for our
benefit! It is heavenly “child-training.” When we suffer
because of sin (and our repentance from it), it is only
temporary—it's no longer a foretaste of that eternal
punishment awaiting all those who reject the Lordship of
Jesus. Rather, it's but a fleeting moment of discipline to
remind us of the better and right way to live as God's

239. James 1:16-21

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

child; of how to yield to His nature.

And think about it; as Peter reminds us, it's no
admirable trait to patiently endure our own sin.240 Even
sinners can do that, getting released early from prison
“for good behavior.” So what?
Thus, when we are corrected, and sometimes suffer
hardship because of our sinful errors, we shouldn't faint
and give up. Even sinners can continue on, hoping to be
given another chance. How much more should we—the
people of God promised eternal life—be able to quickly
change our direction and start walking according to the
voice of God again?
Every time we endure, whether it's for being
admonished by Yahweh for our own fleshly sin
(hopefully not a common occurrence) or for doing good
(again, not very common according to Peter 241, and looked
at later this chapter), we prove to ourselves and everyone
that we belong to Jesus!

240. 1 Peter 2:20

241. My pastor (and father) has taught about this wonderful nugget of
scriptural truth; Peter uses a fourth class conditional statement when
he says “But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake” in 1
Peter 3:14. Such a conditional statement means “if such and such, but
it's not very likely to be or happen.” Halleluyah! Our times of
suffering for doing good will be relatively rare within our entire life
as a believer.
Suffering in Christ

Rejoice in Suffering

N ot only this, but we also rejoice in our

sufferings, knowing that suffering works
perseverance; and perseverance, proven
character; and proven character, hope: and hope
doesn’t disappoint us, because God’s love has
been poured out into our hearts through the Holy
Spirit who was given to us. (Romans 5:3-5)
How is this possible? Glory and exult in suffering?
No, I don't mean we intentionally cause our own
suffering, like a mental illness such as masochism does.
But, when we do find ourselves in times of temptation,
persecution, and suffering, we can remember this:
Yahweh is Lord! This life is not all there is. It is serving a
purpose, God's purpose.
As we continually submit to and say yes to Him, we
can trust that anything that comes is filtered through Him
and His will. Nothing surprises Him.
Anything and everything can be used by Him for our
benefit in the end. And because of that, we might rejoice!
“Rejoice” as used in these following scriptural contexts
is the same word translated “boast.”
One commentary (HELPS Word-studies) sees it coming
from the root word meaning “neck” and implying an
uplifted head; one from which we see from a certain
vantage point.
Another (Strong's Concordance) sees it as coming from

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

an obsolete root related to “boast” and “pray/wish”,

meaning to vaunt whether in a good or bad way.242
Both give us a good way to view this idea of “rejoicing”
in our suffering—we may do so because we already know
the end is assured (heaven) and that the sufferings
actually help us (perfecting our faith).
Paul says “not only this”243 referring to how we rejoice
in hope of the glory of God. We look forward to a body of
glory awaiting us when Jesus returns. But Paul reminds
us, we can also rejoice (exult, boast) in our sufferings
because of what it accomplishes now.
Paul said he rejoiced in his sufferings for those to
whom he preached and ministered: the Assembly of God.
He, as a member of Christ's Body, suffered as Christ did
in order to see God's will accomplished.244
And Peter gives us one of my favorite portions of
scripture, as it seems to speak directly to us at points in
our lives, no matter in which generation we live.

B eloved, don’t be astonished at the fiery trial

which has come upon you, to test you, as
though a strange thing happened to you. But
because you are partakers of Christ’s sufferings,
rejoice; that at the revelation of his glory you also
may rejoice with exceeding joy. (1 Peter 4:12-13)
Listen to Peter, who endured many hardships in order

243. Romans 5:3
244. Colossians 1:24-29
Suffering in Christ

to live for and preach Jesus (culminating in his death by

crucifixion while hanging upside down, according to
church history).
That same Peter, who had previously denied Christ in
order to avoid the suffering of being excluded or derided
by his people,245 had received a new nature and a new
mind; he now knew that suffering ultimately led to our

Being “Happy” is Not Life's Purpose,

But is often the Result of our Life's
While we understand that being happy is not the goal
of life, we might find happiness even in the midst of the
most difficult and horrible times!
And wow, Satan hates this! Every moment of it! And
isn't this yet more evidence of his insanity?
Worldly wisdom = demonic = foolishness to God.246
The lie that Satan tells is that we should seek and do
whatever “feels good” to our flesh in the moment, with
no regard for anything else. This is the core teaching of
many humanistic philosophies and one of the worst sins
described in the Bible: licentiousness (studied earlier).
You've likely seen this concept repeated on social
media: “if it doesn't make me happy, it's not for me.”
Or you've likely heard the song lyrics, “if it makes you
happy, it can't be that bad.” And then the fitting follow-
245. Matthew 26:69-75; Mark 14:66-72; Luke 22:54-62
246. James 3:14-15; 1 Corinthians 1:20
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

up, “if it makes you happy, then why the hell are you so
sad?” We know why! They're not living for God:
superficial happiness (often via sin) is vanity!
The Christian lives on a higher plane for a higher
purpose. He is willing to endure suffering for God's
purposes. He is willing to forgo temporary fleshly
pleasure that produces no eternal fruit, especially when it
contradicts some fundamental truth and commandment
of God. And this attitude is caustic to Satan and everyone
that follows him.
Satan's purposes seem to cause us to suffer247 by means
of the various temptations and trials he brings our way;
but what do they ultimately produce?
When we respond to him and them in Christ, with our
divinely generated self-control by the Spirit, we do what
Satan would never do. We don't do our own thing, and we
do God's thing.
And even when we sometimes yield to the flesh and do
our own thing, but then repent and change our way when
corrected by the Lord, Satan simply cannot tolerate it and
runs in terror.
Therefore, even though we don't actively seek
happiness, it's the natural result of seeking God's will!

Sacrificial Offerings
You may remember from earlier in the book, when
looking at the concept of “All things are lawful for me”

247. 1 Peter 5:8-10

Suffering in Christ

that one of the contexts was not doing things that cause
other believers to stumble. One of those things was eating
food sacrificed to idols.
Paul compared the bread and cup of the Lord's Supper
to Israel's sacrifices under the Old Covenant. He asks
rhetorically, “Don’t those who eat the sacrifices participate
in the altar?”248
When people of Israel came to offer slain animals or
grain foods upon the Altar in the Tabernacle or Temple,
they were being “sharers in the altar.” Satan mimics this
when he inspires people to fashion idols that represent
demons or other evil spirits.
Some Christians were eating food that was known to
have been previously sacrificed to some idol, and that was
causing other Christians to be offended. Those Christians
who ate may have not participated in the sacrifice with
the pagans, but they still ate the sacrifices and thus had
some form of sharing with those demons.
The food itself may not be contaminated, in truth. But
the idea of participating by proxy in eating what was
presented to a demon spirit through an idol was not what
Paul (or Christ) wanted for God's people.
All this to say, the act of sacrifice has ramifications. It is
rooted in honoring the one being sacrificed unto, whether
God or demons.
We, both at points-in-time and continually as a way of
life, set apart our bodies to be sacrificed to God.249

248. 1 Corinthians 10:18

249. Romans 12:1
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

That act brings about the real and eternal fellowship

(communion) we have with Yahweh. That fellowship
inherently causes Satan to run in terror. He is unable, of
his own authority and power, to come against one who is
aligned with God.

The Cross of Christ

As we think about the idea of sacrificing our bodies to
God on an altar, and its inherent result of spiritual power
and communion with Yahweh, where does your mind
likely end up?
Have you not thought of the Cross itself? The ultimate
Think of the myriad ways that Satan tempted the Lord
while He was on earth as the Son of Man. All of it
revolved around foregoing God's plan for His life:
somehow taking advantage of His position or power for
personal “gain” rather than focusing upon why He was
placed on earth by the Father.
What was it that Jesus was called to do by His Father?
Offer Himself upon the Cross for our sin! 250 The Father
knew His Son would lay aside His own desires as man
and do His Father's will instead.

F or he received from God the Father honor

and glory, when the voice came to him from
the Majestic Glory, “This is my beloved Son, in
whom I am well pleased.” (2 Peter 1:17)

250. Matthew 20:28

Suffering in Christ

How glorious is God's Son!

He is the pinnacle of creation and especially the model
for all humanity. I will delve much more into that in my
other book about Adam and Eve reflecting Christ and the
We, both as individuals and together as Christ's Body,
find our purpose of being in Christ Himself: therefore we
imitate how He lived on earth as well as obeying what He
told us to do.
In fact, the three synoptic Gospels all record the Father
ending His endorsement of Jesus with this line:
“Listen to Him.”
One of my most memorable spiritual dreams involved
me meeting each Person of the Trinity. It began with the
Holy Spirit; and after we each said that we loved the
other, His simple statement to me was:
“Listen to Me.”
Now, combine that with what the Lord Jesus told us
the ministry of the Spirit would be about, and it's easy to
see how the Holy Spirit is so crucial to our daily life:

“I have yet many things to tell you, but you

can’t bear them now. However when he,
the Spirit of truth, has come, he will guide you
into all truth, for he will not speak from himself;
but whatever he hears, he will speak. He will
declare to you things that are coming. He will
glorify me, for he will take from what is mine,

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

and will declare it to you. All things whatever the

Father has are mine; therefore I said that he takes
of mine, and will declare it to you.” (John 16:12-
The following word from the Lord culminated his
explaining Who He was, His identity related to the Father,
and how His disciples would relate to them both.

“I will no more speak much with you, for the

prince of the world comes, and he has
nothing in me.” (John 14:30)
Now, let me bring this concept back to a wonderful
statement the Lord made to some Jews, which scripture
says was the cause of them believing in Him. I mentioned
this verse earlier, but look at this.

“H e who sent me is with me. The Father

hasn’t left me alone, for I always do the
things that are pleasing to him.” (John 8:29)
As you read this verse in the original Greek, we can see
another possible meaning that is rarely (never?) brought
out in English translations.
The connecting word between the phrases “the Father
hasn't left me alone” and “I always do the things that are
pleasing to him” is ὅτι in Greek; it can mean both “that”
and “because.” It connects phrases that are dependent
upon one another.
Another way to translate this could be:
“The Father hasn't left me alone, that I am
Suffering in Christ

always doing the things that please him.”

It's not only that Christ's continual obedience to His
Father was the cause of the Father's continual presence
with His Son; it's also because the Father is continually
with Him that Christ is able to continually do what the
Father wants.
Think of this in our concepts of relationship.
If a knowledgeable person is “with you” in the context
of your job, they can constantly tell you what to do next.
“You're doing that wrong. No, focus on that part now.
Okay but wait, before you do that, do this first.” And so
Also within a romantic relationship, we yearn to please
our spouse. What better way to know what pleases them
but to be in their presence as much as possible? We see
their reactions to things, they tell us what they're
thinking, they let us know if something is offensive to
them or is appreciated. The more time we're with them,
the better we understand how to do what pleases them.
Is this not the core of the Lord Jesus' example to us as
He walked the earth? As Man, he revealed how we can
and should live with respect to God. Study His lifestyle
and you'll see the pattern. And this powerful statement
that He shared with the Jews was what led them to begin
to believe in Him.

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Consecration as Warfare

T herefore I urge you, brothers, by the mercies

of God, to present your bodies a living
sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your
spiritual service. (Romans 12:1)
In 2018, I received an insight from the Holy Spirit as I
faced attacks in my life: consecration unto the Lord could
itself be viewed as warfare.
What kind of warfare? Spiritual warfare!
Consecration, a form of self bodily sacrifice, is a way to
combat the attacks we face in our life, both spiritual and
Humankind has a history of knowing that sacrifice is
required to atone for our sins; but also has used it as a
means to get what it wants.
Man has corrupted this in so many ways, with all of the
instances of human and animal sacrifice to false gods
taking place across the world in every generation.
But the fact remains that this concept of sacrifice and
ritual remains ingrained in our hearts.
The ungodly sacrifice to not-God to get what
they want; Christians sacrifice ourselves to God
to get what He wants
Consider these examples from scripture and we'll see
how they all fit together in this idea:
• King Solomon, and others, sacrificed to Yahweh to win

Suffering in Christ

His favor as they served Him251

• Offering sacrifices to dedicate the Temple (symbol of
Jesus & us) caused Yahweh's glory to fall252
• Paul references Gentiles sacrificing animals to demons,
not God; we don't want fellowship with demons253
• Jesus says if anyone desires to come after Him, he
must take up the cross every day and accompany
• Trusting in Christ's offering on the Cross leads to our
own sanctification and preservation, affirming our
The Holy Spirit enlightened me to this new perspective
concerning what we believers in Jesus know as
consecration, sanctification, or holiness.
It's the act of setting oneself apart wholly unto Yahweh,
by means of and virtue of what the Son of God
accomplished on the Cross. We are offering our bodies as
living sacrifices, upon the altar of Christ Jesus Himself.256
Do you see why Satan fears this? It's a powerful,
spiritual sacrifice that nullifies his power!
In Hebrews chapter 10, we read a succinct teaching
concerning how all of the sacrifices of the Law of Moses
were types of, and fulfilled by, the one and final Sacrifice
of Christ Jesus upon the Cross. And, as we cling to Him

251. 2 Chronicles 1; Jonah 1:16

252. 1 Kings 8
253. 1 Corinthians 10:20
254. Luke 9:23; Matthew 16:24
255. Hebrews 10
256. Romans 12:1-2
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

in faith until the end, our salvation is assured!

As in all things of the Spirit, we imitate Christ in His
offering of Himself by doing the same.
Lord Jesus spoke of this on earth in several ways that
call us to deny ourselves, accept the scorn of unbelievers,
and imitate Him in accepting our own particular cross
from God, daily.257
I believe that the Lord there alluded to this idea of
consecration as something to be experienced after our
salvation received from Him, beginning with one first
choice and then repeated continually unto our death.
Elsewhere in the New Testament, our death to self that
leads to new life is referred to as dying with Christ. 258 It
affirms that we are not our own and have died with
Christ; that Jesus is our Lord, that we exist and live for the
pleasure of God; this salvation, our death to self with and
through Christ, releases God's glory.
This, mystically, happened once for all when the Son of
God died on the Cross at a moment in time. At the same
time, we look to that event when we identify with Him
through our own spiritual death and we are subsequently
born again in the spirit, just as He was raised again. Even
though, temporally in this current creation/age, we
were/are not present with Christ on the cross... in God's
Mind (Who exists outside of time) we died with and in
And now, we wait with patient hope for the final

257. Mark 8:34-35; John 15:18-20; Matthew 5:10-12

258. Romans 6:8; 2 Corinthians 5:14; Colossians 2:20, 3:3
Suffering in Christ

redemption of our bodies to match Him in both spirit and

That is what baptism in water symbolizes, our death
with Him on the Cross.
Part of that dying to self involves the suffering of
things we don't want in order to fulfill the will of God.
We looked at the obvious example of God's own Son,
born as the Son of Man, to give us the prototype for how
to live the same way.
Jesus' life was headed toward that final, real Cross. But
before that, He constantly chose God's will above His own
natural, fleshly will.
How many times could He have welcomed the
accolades of His listeners and let them forcibly make Him
King before His time.259
In the desert, He resisted each of Satan's temptations.260
And we especially see this as in the Garden of
Gethsemane He resisted the temptation to reject suffering
for the sin of the world, until He sweat blood.261
In the same way, our life is a continual opportunity to
say yes to the “cross” God calls us to take up. This is
done through consecration, at a single first time and then
over and over again in every day, situation, and moment.
We don't try to change the situation by our own hands;
we simply affirm our existence being for God; it's not
witchcraft, not magical thinking, not chances for us to

259. John 6:1-15

260. Luke 4:1-14
261. Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-46; Hebrews 12:1-4
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

think we can do things apart from God (all the forms of

pagan sacrifice). Rather, it's a repeated giving up of
ourselves into God's hands, accepting His will and not
ours. This action is one way we might war!
Think back to the morning and evening sacrifices in the
Torah; give yourself anew to God every morning before
out of bed.
Think of the things that are already or soon facing you;
offer yourself to God and release His power into those
And do it after you're done working, and preparing to
go to bed to meet the next day.
Do it in times of peace simply to honor God and be
prepared for memorable experiences!
Think of the manifold areas of life and distinct
situations we can face every day. Here are some areas
where our renewed consecration to God can accomplish
God's purposes.
• Ministry: The opener to discovering your spiritual
callings; to find direction when wisdom is needed
• Occupation: Problem customers, losing your job or
missing a promotion, finding a job
• Health: Sickness that won't go away; illness that
restricts your calling or responsibilities
• Family & Relationship: Being left or mistreated by
those who should be there; responsible for someone
but without resource
• Temptation: Desiring something in the flesh that you
know isn't good or right for you; being suddenly faced

Suffering in Christ

with opportunity to sin

• Evil Spirits: Facing demons and demonic attack,
whether in people or disembodied
• The Unknown: Sensing something is wrong (whether
it's only from anxiety or not) but having no
information about it or answers of what to do

A Daily Death

H e said to all, “If anyone desires to come

after me, let him deny himself, take up his
cross [daily], and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)
So, this is the ultimate rebuke to Satan.
It is what James says we should do that will cause the
Devil to run from us in terror.
It is foolishness to the world and unbelievers.
As seen above, we do this a first time when we come
back to God through the forgiveness offered by His Son
through His death on the cross. We identify with Jesus,
dying to our old self with Him on the cross, and trust Him
for new life: the new birth.
If we do that once, and the Greek language used of it
testifies it is a single action done at a moment in time with
ongoing results, how can Jesus speak of taking up our
own cross every day? Does this imply that we are born
again over and over, every day?
No, rather, our continual affirmation of that first
identification with Christ is the proof of His enduring
work in us. At the same time, it is how we grow in the

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

spirit and learn to live like Christ more and more every
This sacrificial offering of our body to God terrifies
Satan. This repeated act itself as well as the power it
releases both repulse the Devil!

Greater Union with God

As consecration is inherently a matter of devoting our
entire selves to God, you can often expect the Lord to give
you thing to do, say, etc., in response to your offering
yourself anew to Him and His service.
Often, the consecration alone will change or resolve a
situation. And often, God may lead you to do or say
something – OBEY! Satan will flee from you!
But, beyond consecration to God bringing the
resolution of individual situations we face, it's inherently
how we grow closer to Yahweh.
We are literally devoting ourselves entirely to Him
afresh; how can our relationship not grow thereby?

Suffering Together with the


W hen one member suffers, all the members

suffer with it. Or when one member is
honored, all the members rejoice with it. (1
Corinthians 12:26)

262. 1 Corinthians 15:31

Suffering in Christ

One more wonderful gift from our Father in heaven is

that we do not always have to suffer alone! Of course,
God is always with us. Yet, in the flesh, we also have our
countless brothers and sisters in the Lord throughout the
world, who are going through the same kinds of things
from Satan as we are.

B e sober and self-controlled. Be watchful. Your

adversary, the devil, walks around like a
roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
Withstand him steadfast in your faith, knowing
that your brothers who are in the world are
undergoing the same sufferings. But may the God of
all grace, who called you to his eternal glory by
Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little while,
perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. (1
Peter 5:8-10)
We may take advantage of this union with them in
Christ's Body, by both caring to each other's fleshly needs
as well as ministering in the Spirit as God leads.
This is one of many reasons God ordained this
Assembly (Church, Called-Out People, etc.) under the
New Testament. We are not called to go it alone, but we
are part of a greater company of people who have also
said yes to Jesus.
When we fall, they can help raise us. When they fall,
we lift them up again. When we lack, they can provide.263
Sometimes, simply knowing we're not alone—that we

263. 2 Corinthians 8:1-15, 9:12-13; Titus 3:14; 1 Timothy 6:17-19

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

aren't the only ones suffering—will give us a feeling of

hope and shared experience. Other times, we'll physically
be with another believer or more, when we or they are
suffering, and can share sympathy that way. And of
course, in all these situations of suffering, we may pray
for each other!264

C onfess your offenses to one another, and

pray for one another, that you may be
healed. The insistent prayer of a righteous person
is powerfully effective. (James 5:16)
Imagine how Satan's fear is multiplied when we stand
together against him; it's enough to make him run from us
individually as we submit to God.
But when we join hands (literally and figuratively)
with fellow believers to resist his temptations and attacks,
oh how the Devil runs in terror!265

L et us consider how to provoke one another to

love and good works, not forsaking our own
assembling together, as the custom of some is, but
exhorting one another; and so much the more, as
you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Passover & Suffering

Next I want to briefly look at something that jumped

264. 2 Corinthians 13:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:25; 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2;

Hebrews 13:18
265. Read Acts 4
Suffering in Christ

out at me from scripture, and which I discovered was also

noticed by those in the early Church. It further reveals
our collective suffering.
The Greek word for “Passover” is πάσχα.
The Greek word for “to suffer” is πάσχω.
Even if you don't know Greek, you can physically see
how similar they look.
Now, many (most?) recent scholars believe that they
have no linguistic connection; that it's a simple
coincidence that they are so similar in spelling. But some
early church leaders, and even Jewish scholars before the
time of Christ, have seen a deeper connection.
What was the Passover? It was the sign Yahweh gave
Israel (and Egypt) concerning who His people were, and
His ability to save them from slavery. It involved the
sacrifice of a clean animal (a lamb) and the applying of its
blood upon the entrance to the house, and the eating of
the cooked meat. Because of that ritual, Yahweh's angel
passed over anyone who did so, but struck dead everyone
else. Yes, even the Egyptians who heard the Prophetic
Promise could have partaken (and some did, evidenced
by a “mixed multitude” that went out with Israel).266
The Passover Lamb suffered, for a divine purpose.

The Lord's Supper

The Lord Jesus chose the end of the Passover meal to
institute His own Supper, as part of the New Testament.
266. Exodus 12:38; Numbers 11:4; and well after the exodus, again in
Nehemiah 13:3
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

This new Supper was not an addition but rather a

fulfillment and thus replacement. Why?
God Himself was provided as the Lamb, 267 and
suffered for a good purpose until the very end of His
natural life (on the Cross). Jesus was the Passover.

F or I received from the Lord that which also I

delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the
night in which he was betrayed took bread.
When he had given thanks, he broke it, and said,
“Take, eat. This is my body, which is broken for
you. Do this in memory of me.” In the same way
he also took the cup, after supper, saying, “This
cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as
often as you drink, in memory of me.” For as
often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you
proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. (1
Corinthians 11:23-26)
Here is what we can view as a pinnacle of this spiritual
truth of consecration as warfare: proclaiming the death of
the Lord by means of partaking in His Supper. As it says
there, we do it until He comes. Of course, His return is
our hope and when He will put all things right.
Until then, the Lord's Supper is a wonderful
combination of the truth and experiences of suffering, His
Cross, our cross, and a daily death, all wrapped up in full
consecration to Yahweh.
Holy Communion, when understood from scripture

267. Genesis 22:8

Suffering in Christ

and experienced as God intended, is a moment where the

Son of God is present in our midst unlike any other
Both the Lord Jesus and Paul tell us that Christ's body
is in the bread of the Supper, and Christ's blood is in the
cup of the Supper, a reminder of His suffering as that
perfect, final Paschal Lamb.268
Eating and drinking them as believers proclaims His
death, as it holds up both the imagery of His suffering
and crucifixion, as well as His very Body and Blood.
The Lord's Supper therefore combines many truths of
this book into one experience: it's no surprise why it was
so loved and often celebrated from the inception of the
New Covenant.

Jesus' Bodily Presence: Satan's Fear

Take only a little amount of time to research how God's
people have viewed this supernatural intervention of
Yahweh into our lives; from the very beginning, the
Church knew that Jesus was present in the Supper in a
way unlike anything else in this New Testament.
This scriptural concept of “Real Presence” or
“Sacramental Union” has allowed Christians to
understand how the Lord Jesus intervenes in our
mundane lives with His literal presence.
Just as “the angel of Yahweh” was “in the bush” when
He appeared to Moses “in a flame of fire,” but was not the

268. Matthew 26:26-28; Luke 22:13-20; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

bush, nor the fire, nor consumed the bush, 269 so we're
blessed by the inspired words of Scripture: we can look at
the bread and also know His Body is in it; we can look at
the cup and know His Blood is in it.
Scripture says He took “the bread” and said “this” was
“His Body;” He took “the cup” and said “this” was “His
Blood, that of the New Covenant.”270
Scripture also says that after the consecration through
blessing and saying what Jesus said, a man should
examine himself (if he is a true disciple, born-again in
Christ) and then “so let him eat of the bread, and drink of
the cup.”
It is still bread indeed, but indeed Christ's Body is there
too; still a cup of juice or wine indeed, but indeed Christ's
Blood is there too. So much so, that to eat and drink it
“unworthily” is to be guilty of the Lord's Body and
His presence in the supper does not “consume” or
change the literal food any more than Yahweh's
appearance as fire did not consume the bush. They are
both present at once, halleluyah!
So what does this have to do with suffering, and
making the Devil run in terror?
• Satan's power was and is nullified by the Cross of
Christ; the Cross and Jesus' death is on display by
269. Exodus 3:1-6; Acts 7:35; looking at “the angel/messenger” was
looking at “God;” remember how we saw how Jesus (the messenger
of Yahweh) appeared before His incarnation.
270. Matthew 26:26-27
271. 1 Corinthians 11:27-30
Suffering in Christ

means of partaking of the Lord's Supper.272

• Satan fears a believer who resists him after submitting
to God; the Lord's Supper is for any believer in Jesus
who has approved himself.273
• The Cross is our nexus for dying to our old life and
way of thinking (which Satan ruled) and the new life;
the Lord's Supper is a proclaiming of the death of the
Lord, which happened upon the Cross.274
• End-time believers overcome “the accuser” (Satan)
because of the Lamb's blood and the word of their
testimony; the Lamb's blood is present in the Lord's
This blessed gift of God deserves much more study to
reveal its glory, and I plan to in other books.
Read my father's scholarly book in the meantime,
which will inspire you to draw deep from this treasure of
the Lord!276

272. Hebrews 2:14; 1 Corinthians 11:26; Galatians 3:1

273. 1 Corinthians 11:28; Hebrews 13:10
274. Luke 9:23; 1 Corinthians 11:26
275. Revelation 12:10-11; 1 Corinthians 10:16
276. Joseph Kostelnik, The Lord's Supper: The Mystery, Miracle, and
Majesty of “Sacramental Union” (Prophetic Voice Publications: 2020),
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Martyrdom for Jesus

Martyrdom for Jesus

I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the

saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of
Jesus. When I saw her, I wondered with great
amazement. (Revelation 17:6)
Martyrdom for Jesus even unto death is perhaps the
most extreme example of how God can use sin (and
Satan) in order to ultimately complete His purpose. And,
at the same time, it is the most graphic way that we,
especially as the Church as a whole, can strike Satan with
Notice again I qualify martyrdom with “for Jesus” as
you'll soon see explained that martyr simply means
“witness.” In our own unique ways, we're each called to
be a witness to what God does. However, in this chapter,
I want to look at the concept of how this sometimes leads
all the way unto the witness' death.
If you look at scripture as a whole, you'll see the
concept of being killed for serving God at both the
beginning and end—and throughout the rest as well.
The first instance, maybe not surprisingly, involves the
first murder, in the first book: Cain killing Abel.
When reading this story, we see that Cain committed
murder because Abel was pleasing to God and Cain was

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

not: jealousy and hatred.277

One of the last instances, in the last book, involves both
two specific people as well as God's people as a whole:
the killing of “the two witnesses (martyrs)” in Revelation
11, the overcoming of saints by the Beast in chapter 13,
and the martyrdom of saints by the Prostitute in chapter
17. Why? Jealousy and hatred.
Leaders within God's church over the last two
thousand years have referred to martyrdom (unto death)
as an essential part of the Church—indeed, Tertullian, in
the year 197 A.D., wrote:
“The blood [of martyrs] is the seed of
Let's first look at what that word “martyr” means and
why it's an integral part of the faith of Jesus and the fear
and downfall of Satan.

Martyr = Witness
Our word “martyr” ultimately comes from the Greek
word best translated “witness.”
Over time it has become synonymous with death for
religious belief, and even twisted to mean killing oneself
for religious belief. But the word itself simply means
witness, and that is how it is used in scripture.
Here are some examples of where this word “martyr”
is used in scripture, clearly to describe a witness (not
necessarily causing or leading to one's own death):

277. Genesis 4:1-8

Martyrdom for Jesus

• Jesus teaching that every word of accusation against a

believer who doesn't repent of their sinful actions
should be confirmed by two or three witnesses, 278
which was reiterated by Paul concerning accusing
• Needing no more witnesses of Jesus' claim of Deity280
• The Resurrected Jesus telling His disciples they were
witnesses of the things concerning His fulfillment of
prophecy, including being raised from the dead281
• The born-again disciples should wait in Jerusalem for
the Promise of the Father (baptism in the Holy
Spirit),282 and then they would be witnesses in the
whole world283
• False witnesses who lied about Stephen speaking
against the temple, which led to his stoning; 284 he was
also later termed, by Paul, a witness of Jesus285
• God being a witness to the truthfulness of Paul's
statements, and believers' righteous works286
• Christ being the faithful and true Witness287

278. Matthew 18:16

279. 1 Timothy 5:19
280. Matthew 26:65; Mark 14:63
281. Luke 24:48-49
282. Mark 1:8
283. Acts 1:8
284. Acts 6:13
285. Acts 22:20
286. Romans 1:9; 2 Corinthians 1:23; Philippians 1:8; 1 Thessalonians
2:5, 10
287. Revelation 1:5, 3:14
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Submission to God on Display

One of the passages of scripture that has been the most
moving to me is found in the letter to the Hebrews.
Indeed, it is at the end of the recounting of “faith” of
God's people, which lists many great examples of
believers' feats of faith.
Consider for a moment what the writer kept for last, in
his list of the “greats” of faith:

O thers were tortured, not accepting their

deliverance, that they might obtain a better
resurrection. Others were tried by mocking and
scourging, yes, moreover by bonds and
imprisonment. They were stoned. They were
sawn apart. They were tempted. They were slain
with the sword. They went around in sheep skins
and in goat skins; being destitute, afflicted, ill-
treated (of whom the world was not worthy),
wandering in deserts, mountains, caves, and the
holes of the earth. These all, having had
testimony given to them through their faith,
didn’t receive the promise, God having provided
some better thing concerning us, so that apart
from us they should not be made perfect.
(Hebrews 11:35b-40)
The ultimate example of faith without which it
impossible to be well-pleasing to God (vs. 6) is that of

Martyrdom for Jesus

persecution for that faith unto physical death.

The world is not worthy of such people!
Do you see how, at the same time, this also serves as
the ultimate use of evil for good?
As the Lord Jesus said, should we fear those who can
kill only the body? And not rather, He Who can cast that
killer into hell after only our body is killed?
Those who die for their faith prove to Satan that his
temptations have no power over them—the faith that
comes from God provides the vehicle for their victory
over him.
Now, consider the greatness of the Covenant under
which we now live (the New & Everlasting Covenant of
Christ)—the writer above reveals that, even though great
people of God revealed such great faith (before and under
the Old Covenant), they were never to be complete
without us!
We, who know and believe in the revealed Word and
Son of God—Christ Jesus the Lord—are provided this
better covenant under which to grow and please God.
And without us, those former saints of God could not be
complete (“made perfect”)!
Thus, even in the smallest of situations and choices, our
submission to God in Christ is bringing to completion
what was never possible before Jesus was revealed.
How blessed we are to live under this New Testament!

Freedom on Display
In so many of the situations leading to martyrdom for a

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Christian, there is a way out for them.

They could fight back.
They could pretend they are the same “religion” as
their attempted murderer.
They could deny Christ.
Oh yes, they have the freedom to do anything—but
what effect would doing those things above have on their
relationship with Jesus?
They have freedom to resist death for Him; but is it for
their benefit?
Isn't this the greatest freedom of all, to be able to
choose whether to die or not, and to choose death?
Of course, we again look back to our Master, Who is
the Prototype of such behavior:

P ilate therefore said to him, “Aren’t you

speaking to me? Don’t you know that I have
power to release you, and have power to crucify
you?” Jesus answered, “You would have no
power at all against me, unless it were given to
you from above. Therefore he who delivered me
to you has greater sin.” (John 19:10-11)

“T herefore the Father loves me, because I

lay down my life, that I may take it
again. No one takes it away from me, but I lay it
down by myself. I have power to lay it down, and
I have power to take it again. I received this
commandment from my Father.” (John 10:17-18)

Martyrdom for Jesus

Halleluyah! And by God's grace, when and because we

belong to God in Christ, we too are promised our life is
secure in Yahweh!288
We are truly free to die for the Lord!

Self-Control on Display
If we think about the aforementioned verses in
Hebrews,289 we can see how they succinctly describe the
farthest one can go while living in the flesh, in terms of
the focus of this book.
Not only death itself, but oftentimes torture, was how
some believers in Yahweh met their end in the flesh.
How much more self-control can one show but
enduring intense pain with the knowledge it is leading to
Also, remember the constraint of self-control as studied
in this book: ”for a divine purpose.” It isn't for no reason,
but rather as ultimate proof of our faith.
Indeed, to Satan, it may look like we are surrendering
to him; like we are giving up.
Picture the imagery in your head. We submit to God.
That evokes an image of bowing, deferring, recognizing
He is above. When we do that, and then resist the Devil,
it might look to others like we're giving in. Especially if
it's a matter of our death.
But Who else did the same? Jesus. The Cross.
The ultimate surrender to Yahweh, not resisting the
288. Colossians 3:1-4
289. Hebrews 11:35-40
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

will of the Father. Did it look like he was not resisting

Satan who used people to put Him to death?
But of course we know that this seeming “giving in” to
His “enemies” (those trying to kill Him) was actually His
victory over sin and death!
And God promises the same victory to all of His
children who are put to death for their life in Christ!

Proof of Faith & Love

Now think about that word “proof” too!
In English, we use it to mean evidence of something:
“Where's your proof?” “Is this really gold? Let's put it in
the fire and find out.”
If it is gold, its purity will be shown as it melts. If it
isn't gold, it will be immediately known. If it's gold but
has impurities in it too, they will be separated and usually
float to the top for easy removal. Either way, the end is
The proof reveals what the thing is, and also makes it
more of what it “is” and less of what it “isn't.”
Now consider this word is used in relationship to our
faith! In scripture, the Greek word translated “proof” has
to do with the trying of metals to “prove” they are what
the person believes (hopes?) they are.

W herein you greatly rejoice, though now for

a little while, if need be, you have been
put to grief in various trials, that the proof of your
faith, which is more precious than gold that

Martyrdom for Jesus

perishes even though it is tested by fire, may be

found to result in praise, glory, and honor at the
revelation of Jesus Christ. (I Peter 1:6-7)
As good and valuable as gold is, it is part of creation is
in the process of perishing along with everything else,
until Yahweh creates a new heaven and earth. But even
our faith will remain only until God's purpose has been
fully effected!290 However, the “proving” of our faith is
called more precious than gold!
Indeed, the farthest that this “proving” of faith can go
is death. Until that point, enduring the proving only
serves to perfect us as God's children.
The brother of the Lord Jesus (who would only call
himself a servant of Him) gave us this teaching so
succinctly from the Holy Spirit:

J ames, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus

Christ, to the twelve tribes which are in the
Dispersion: Greetings. Count it all joy, my
brothers, when you fall into various temptations,
knowing that the testing of your faith produces
endurance. Let endurance have its perfect work,
that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in
nothing. (James 1:1-3)
How frustrated Satan must be! Without fail, God's
elect stay committed to their Lord until the very end.
Even when Satan pushes them (through his work in
humans) to be killed for being God's people, they yet
290. 1 Corinthians 13:13
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

remain steadfast.
Jesus revealed that our love for Him must eclipse that
of anything else (and how rightly it should!).

“H e who loves father or mother more than

me is not worthy of me; and he who
loves son or daughter more than me isn’t worthy
of me. He who doesn’t take his cross and follow
after me isn’t worthy of me. He who seeks his life
will lose it; and he who loses his life for my sake
will find it.” (Matthew 10:37-39)
Peter wrestled with this idea of whether he truly loved
Jesus or had only friendly affection for Him.291 Jesus knew
it and let him know how far Peter would go to prove his
love in the end (unto death, studied in a later chapter).
Read this story and let it move you.

S o when they had eaten their breakfast, Jesus

said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah, do
you love me more than these?” He said to him,
“Yes, Lord; you know that I have affection for
you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.” He said
to him again a second time, “Simon, son of Jonah,
do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you
know that I have affection for you.” He said to
him, “Tend my sheep.” He said to him the third
time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you have affection

291. In Greek, Jesus first used the verb “agape” (divine, selfless love)
in His questions, and Peter affirmed but with the verb “philo”
(friendship love) instead of “agape.”
Martyrdom for Jesus

for me?” Peter was grieved because he asked him

the third time, “Do you have affection for me?”
He said to him, “Lord, you know everything. You
know that I have affection for you.” Jesus said to
him, “Feed my sheep. Most certainly I tell you,
when you were young, you dressed yourself, and
walked where you wanted to. But when you are
old, you will stretch out your hands, and another
will dress you, and carry you where you don’t
want to go.” Now he said this, signifying by
what kind of death he would glorify God. When
he had said this, he said to him, “Follow me.”
Then Peter, turning around, saw a disciple
following. This was the disciple whom Jesus
sincerely loved, the one who had also leaned on
Jesus’ breast at the supper and asked, “Lord, who
is going to betray You?” Peter seeing him, said to
Jesus, “Lord, what about this man?” Jesus said to
him, “If I desire that he stay until I come, what is
that to you? You follow me.” (John 21:15-22)
How Satan must fear those who cannot be persuaded
away from their Savior. He, who left his gifted abode in
the heavens with Yahweh in order to vaunt himself, rails
in anger against the faithful.
He calls them stupid, not understanding why they
would give up their very lives in order to remain true to
the God Who gave them that life—is it not he that is
stupid? Of course, as believers indwelt by the Holy Spirit,
we know he is. We know his end.
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

And thus, we are happy and blessed if we are chosen to

be one of those few who reveal “the proven genuineness”
of their faith and love, by losing their precious earthly life.
It is the ultimate use of evil for good—and only
Yahweh could orchestrate it to happen in such a way!

Satan's Final Push

“T hese things have I spoken to you, so that

you wouldn’t be caused to stumble.
They will put you out of the synagogues. Yes, the
time comes that whoever kills you will think that
he offers service to God. They will do these
things because they have not known the Father,
nor me.” (Jesus, John 16:1-3)
I have been getting the sense more and more that the
killing of believers for their faith will become even more
popular and widespread in the coming days.
Indeed, many in some nations already pray for an end
to the killing of their brothers and sisters that has been
happening for tens, hundreds, and even thousands of
As Jesus warned His disciples, some will think they do
“God” a service by killing those who believe in the Son of
God; especially when they're confronted with their actual
unbelief in Him.

“Y ou stiff-necked and uncircumcised in

heart and ears, you always resist the

Martyrdom for Jesus

Holy Spirit! As your fathers did, so you do.

Which of the prophets didn’t your fathers
persecute? They killed those who foretold the
coming of the Righteous One, of whom you have
now become betrayers and murderers. You
received the law as it was ordained by angels, and
didn’t keep it!” Now when they heard these
things, they were cut to the heart, and they
gnashed at him with their teeth. But he, being full
of the Holy Spirit, looked up steadfastly into
heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus
standing on the right hand of God, and said,
“Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of
Man standing at the right hand of God!” But they
cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their
ears, and rushed at him with one accord. They
threw him out of the city, and stoned him. The
witnesses placed their garments at the feet of a
young man named Saul. They stoned Stephen as
he called out, saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my
spirit!” He kneeled down, and cried with a loud
voice, “Lord, don’t hold this sin against them!”
When he had said this, he fell asleep. (Acts 7:51-
And many others will seek to persecute and kill
believers in Jesus because they hate God and anything
related to Him.292

292. John 15:17-21

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

But even as we see above, the seed was sown: that Saul
later became the Paul who would bring the Gospel far
and wide, leaving us inspired letters to discover the
revelations of that same Lord Jesus.
Therefore, I include this chapter to prepare you for
what will come—that death in this life for a Christian is
no great loss in the end—but rather, it serves as the
ultimate sword and repulsion against Satan.

F or whatever is born of God overcomes the

world. This is the victory that has overcome
the world: your faith. Who is he who overcomes
the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the
Son of God? (1 John 5:4-5)
Although Satan may kill us in the flesh, yet we remain
faithful. God's elect will never deny Him, and this is the
greatest proof of Satan's demise.
The second death (eternal spiritual death) has no
power over those who belong to Christ.293

“H e who has an ear, let him hear what the

Spirit says to the assemblies. He who
overcomes won’t be harmed by the second
death.” (Revelation 2:11)
This second death is the Lake of Fire, burning with fire
and sulfur. Satan, antichrist and his prophet, and all those
who reject Yahweh and His Messiah, will be cast into it

293. Revelation 20:4-6

Martyrdom for Jesus

after the second resurrection.294

Jesus Himself on earth connected these two ideas, that
of the persecution of His people unto their death (for
speaking His Word to the world), and the final judgment
of the soul that their killers should fear.295
Remember: Satan could not keep the Lord Jesus from
being obedient to the Father unto his own death on the
Cross—and so he will not keep Jesus' people from their
obedience to the Good Shepherd, even unto the end!
Indeed, a Christian's martyrdom to death very often
leads to new believers coming to faith in Jesus: how
spectacular is that!
This ultimate victory of the believer who is put to death
for their faith in Christ should scare Satan, without
Praise be to Yahweh: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

294. Revelation 20:7-15, 21:5-8

295. Matthew 10
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Satan's Perverted Substitutes

Satan's Perverted

I am compelled to address head-on the fact that Satan

has both perversions of, and substitutes for, this book's
overall spiritual truth and message.
Seeing how the Devil works, this should come as no
surprise—if your existence was all about destroying and
corrupting, wouldn't you seek to distract, sully, and block
access to the things that could defeat you?
If you had a specific purpose, would it not be “smart”
to try to make any and all threats to that purpose's
fulfillment become unknown or even laughed at?
This is the ultimate and final work of Satan, to distract
God's people from how to resist him as they live out their
purpose in the Lord (think again of the term “antichrist”
as proof of Satan's final attempt).
The beauty of truth is that it inherently and effectively
combats any errors concerning it.
Much of our natural life is based on such a premise—
math theorems, and so on, which form a basis for
knowing if future ventures are on solid ground, so to
If you understand and believe the underlying truths of
scripture about which this book is focused, then you'll be
in a high position to recognize and reject the many errors

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Satan has invented. It will also allow you to help others

who have strayed, who are looking for the truth.
Let's look at some areas of life where the Devil has
seized upon some truth of God and twisted it such that it
seems to give God or His people a bad name; but yet
where the core, unadulterated truth will make clear any
Seeing how Satan attempts to both hide and mar the
teachings of scripture outlined in this book will keep us
all one step ahead of his wiles!

Submit to Another “god”

As creatures of Yahweh—Who is Existence itself and
the Ground of Being (as His revealed Name in Hebrew
means)—we have the innate drive to recognize and
submit to God (as is our purpose). What a quick defeat of
that purpose Satan can have when he gets us to submit to
one that is not god.
If there is but one God, think of all the possibilities
there are to submit to things that are not God.
Satan has invented many of them, as well as tried to get
us to treat other creations as “gods.”

False Religions
Simply look at the multitude of religions across the
earth that have sprung up since God created Adam (and
probably many before then too, if you subscribe to the
“gap theory” of Genesis 1:1-2). There are so many ways
that humanity has invented (often with the “help” of
Satan's Perverted Substitutes

Satan) to stray from the true God.

One of the currently largest religions in the world has a
name that means “submission” in its native language
Is this coincidence? I think not.
What is one of the primary teachings of that religion,
which must be accepted for “salvation”? That God is
solitary and has no son.
We know from God's revelation that He indeed has a
Son, One Who has been begotten from Him from
eternity296—One for Whom He is building a perfect Bride,
out of humans born anew through Him.
Satan often creates a quick detour where our innate
desires for God are displaced with substitutes.
People may “submit” to “god” but not to the God that
created them.
Of course, Islam is not the only substitute. You can
look across world history to see all of the substitutes man
has held to over the millenia.
Multiple gods, each with their own domains, gods of
other names that do not share the nature of Yahweh, and
even perversions of the true God with add-on
“revelations” that contradict the previously revealed truth
of Yahweh (much as Islam does), such as Mormonism, the
Watchtower, etc.

T herefore concerning the eating of things

sacrificed to idols, we know that no idol is

296. John 1:1-3; 1 John 1:1-7

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

anything in the world, and that there is no other

God but one. For though there are things that are
called “gods”, whether in the heavens or on earth;
as there are many “gods” and many “lords”; yet
to us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all
things, and we for him; and one Lord, Jesus
Christ, through whom are all things, and we live
through him. (1 Corinthians 8:4-6)

I f we receive the witness of men, the witness of

God is greater; for this is God’s testimony
which he has testified concerning his Son. He
who believes in the Son of God has the testimony
in himself. He who doesn’t believe God has made
him a liar, because he has not believed in the
testimony that God has given concerning his Son.
The testimony is this, that God gave to us eternal
life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the
Son has the life. He who doesn’t have God’s Son
doesn’t have the life. (1 John 5:9-12)

B ut I am afraid that somehow, as the serpent

deceived Eve in his craftiness, so your minds
might be corrupted from the simplicity that is in
Christ. For if he who comes preaches another
Jesus, whom we did not preach, or if you receive
a different spirit, which you did not receive, or a
different “good news”, which you did not accept,

Satan's Perverted Substitutes

you put up with that well enough. (2 Corinthians


I marvel that you are so quickly deserting him

who called you in the grace of Christ to a
different “good news”; and there isn’t another
“good news.” Only there are some who trouble
you, and want to pervert the Good News of
Christ. But even though we, or an angel from
heaven, should preach to you any “good news”
other than that which we preached to you, let him
be cursed. (Galatians 1:6-8)
You'll find similar appeals in other religions, especially
paganism. Many times they will try to picture the God of
the Bible as a tribal god, whereas their own “god” is
actually the real one.
One quote that has stayed with me for awhile comes
from a 90's movie called “The Craft.” It's about a group of
teenage witches who experiment with witchcraft magic to
get what they want. They call upon “Manon” whom they
believe to be “the One.” Trying to describe this being to
the newcomer, one character says:
If God and the Devil were playing football,
Manon would be the stadium that they played
in, he would be the sun that shined down on
Sadly, this kind of mentality could partly come from
the cartoonized way Christianity is often presented in

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

America: a kind of theatrical life option that anyone can

slip on and off at will—one of many flavors of a
primordial religious soup (seen later!).
A lot of people's idea of Christianity comes from seeing
a dead display of the flesh and not the glory of the Lord
on display by the power of the Holy Spirit. And so, they
go elsewhere in search of the true without realizing it was
there in front of them the whole time. Yahweh is the
underlying Reality.

Cults & Masters

Cults have arisen over the history of mankind as a
substitute for what God has planned for people when
they are part of His elect (chosen people who trust and
obey Him).
A cult or its leader will (or claim to) offer many of the
things that God or His Church should provide: sense of
belonging & family, purpose in life, protection from evil,
ability to provide for oneself, hidden and powerful
knowledge that only a select few have, access to
supernatural powers and experiences.
In my early 20's, I went through a time of looking
online into some of the more well-known ones of the day,
praying against the spirits motivating and deceiving them
and their followers. That's the blessing of relationship
with God, He gives His children the Power (the Holy
Spirit Himself) to interfere and turn back Satan's work in
Today, in my 40's, I see much of the recent social

Satan's Perverted Substitutes

movements being backed by evil spirits as well. If you

listen to how their proponents talk, it is all very cultic in
its terminology and treatment: cancel culture, redefinition
of words, shunning and shaming of those who reject its
beliefs, forced conversion via social pressure and political
activism (changed laws or control of corporations).
If it seems strange to you, don't think that you are the
strange one; realize it is yet another way that Satan uses
his substitutes to try to frustrate God's truth and
purposes. And that is why it feels evil!

As I wrote in a previous chapter, many times Satan will
use people as false christs, drawing people to themselves
as Christ did, without having what Christ had (not to
mention, not being Christ either!). They may direct their
people to do things, say things, give up things, in order to
gain what they say is spiritual good, but they all are
Satan will do this one final time as well.
John, disciple of the Lord Jesus, told us that the spirit of
this antichrist is already in the world; it's already
working, setting up trial runs, etc. This was true even in
the 1st century A.D., amazingly!
We see examples of this across history with despots
who tried to rule the world with no regard for the true
God, even His Son.

L ittle children, these are the end times, and as

you heard that the Antichrist is coming, even
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

now many antichrists have arisen. By this we

know that it is the final hour. (1 John 2:18)

B y this you know the Spirit of God: every

spirit who confesses that Jesus Christ has
come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit who
doesn’t confess that Jesus Christ has come in the
flesh is not of God, and this is the spirit of the
Antichrist, of whom you have heard that it comes.
Now it is in the world already. (1 John 4:2)
I plan to devote a lot of space to this concept
(antichrist) in the companion book to this one (Satan's
Wiles), as it holds a lot of truth in exposing Satan as well
as revealing Jesus even more as the True Christ.

Don't Submit to Anyone

This is the other side of the coin of Satan's perversion of
the spiritual truth of submission to God.
If he cannot get a person to clearly submit to something
other than the true God, Yahweh, he will peddle the lie
that the person can simply not submit to anyone or
anything at all.
This, at its outset, is clearly a sham: if you do not
submit to something outside of yourself, you inherently
are submitting to yourself. Your own brain, your feelings,
your whims, etc., will lead you. Or, anything posing as
yourself (as we'll see).
For, if you tell yourself, “I'm never going to submit to

Satan's Perverted Substitutes

anyone else,” then who or what else is guiding your

actions except yourself?
Some may reach and say it is possible to get to a place
where you do not even follow your own desires (such as
the Buddhist seeks to experience in Nirvana), but that
cannot be done for long on earth. One would soon die of
thirst, hunger, exposure, etc.
And of course, it clearly is a waste of life as our inner
conscience instructs us, as well as God's revelation in
scripture. We are here for a purpose, not simply to exist
in a void of inaction until we die!

The World's False Freedom

Oh, the world indeed has its own sense of what
“freedom” is! You'll find many and varied definitions,
with different amounts of truth sprinkled in; but none of
them mirror how God defines freedom as it appertains to
His redeemed children.
Let's look deeper at that lie of “don't submit to anyone
at all” and see what it really is: the submitting to oneself,
which as an unregenerate human being, includes being
guided unconsciously by Satan.

Y ou were made alive when you were dead in

transgressions and sins, in which you once
walked according to the course of this world,
according to the prince of the power of the air, the
spirit who now works in the children of disobedience;
among whom we also all once lived in the lust of
our flesh, doing the desires of the flesh and of the
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as

the rest. (Ephesians 2:1-3)
Yes, to submit to oneself, and do whatever you want
(when an unbeliever), is equal to obeying Satan!
He is constantly working in all those who have been
“born” into his kingdom through both their being born by
human parents with fallen flesh, and their own primary
sin when they first disobeyed God (our first sin as a child
who knows right from wrong): in a way, through an act of
the will, being “born-again” into Satan's kingdom.
Thus, is it surprising even in the least that such a
mentality (self-submission) is explicitly part of Satanism?

Modern-Day Satanism & Antichrist

If you do any study of the modern movement/ belief
system/“religion” of Satanism, you will see it summed up
as thus: “do what thou wilt is the whole of the law.”
This phrase comes from Aleister Crowley, commonly
seen as an originator of modern-day Satanism. He often
used the word “Thelema” to describe the power behind
what Satanism meant to him; that word is Greek for
When he and others such as Anton LaVey were asked
about the obvious fact that they chose a character known
to be inferior to God (and his enemy), their response was
that they and their followers don't really believe in or
worship a literal Satan, but rather:
Satan symbolizes what they stand for:

Satan's Perverted Substitutes

rejection of authority or outside influence of

Because, according to them, the ultimate liberating
truth is that we can and should do whatever we want.
Any desire that we have, we can and should fulfill, and
we should let nothing keep us from doing whatever we'd
like to do.
Doesn't this perfectly describe what Satan is all about?
And they truly believe and live it.
Indeed, the final antichrist will be the ultimate form of
this, as the human representative of Satan:

L et no one deceive you in any way. For it will

not be, unless the departure comes first, and
the man of sin is revealed, the son of destruction,
he who opposes and exalts himself against all that
is called God or that is worshiped; so that he sits
as God in the temple of God, setting himself up as
God. (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
Isn't this the exact counterpart to the revealed truth of
Can you see why Satan hates and fears the opposite
(submission to Yahweh & self-control)?
Do you see how this teaching appeals to our desire for
“freedom” yet falls far short?

F or, uttering great swelling words of

emptiness, they entice in the lusts of the flesh,
by licentiousness, those who are indeed escaping

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

from those who live in error; promising them

liberty, while they themselves are bondservants of
corruption; for a man is brought into bondage by
whoever overcomes him. (2 Peter 2:18-19)
How quickly Peter dissolves the allure of what
Satanism exults! As we studied earlier, that word
translated “licentiousness” even sounds like what it
means: license. With no self-control, freedom is wasted
on the flesh.

Grace Abusers (Licentious)

If you've been within Christianity for any length of
time, you'll likely have heard this argument from some
sections within “the Church:”
“If you preach grace so much and tell people
they can't lose their salvation, they'll just live in
sin and give real Christians a bad name.”
Sadly, this concept already existed in the very early
Church, such that Paul addressed it several times in his

B ut if our unrighteousness commends the

righteousness of God, what will we say? Is
God unrighteous who inflicts wrath? I speak like
men do. May it never be! For then how will God
judge the world? For if the truth of God through
my lie abounded to his glory, why am I also still
judged as a sinner? Why not (as we are

Satan's Perverted Substitutes

slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we

say), “Let us do evil, that good may come?” Those
who say so are justly condemned. (Romans 3:5-8)

W hat shall we say then? Shall we continue

in sin, that grace may abound? May it
never be! We who died to sin, how could we live
in it any longer? (Romans 6:1-2)
I've covered the above and the following portion
already, but here it is again:

W hat then? Shall we sin, because we are not

under law, but under grace? May it never
be! Don’t you know that to whom you present
yourselves as servants to obedience, his servants
you are whom you obey; whether of sin to death,
or of obedience to righteousness? But thanks be
to God, that, whereas you were bondservants of
sin, you became obedient from the heart to that
form of teaching to which you were delivered.
Being made free from sin, you became
bondservants of righteousness. (Romans 6:15-18)
The truths of scripture that this book expounds
inherently combat such a mentality. As we've seen,
submission to God, and the resulting freedom in Christ
we receive, combine to give us a new nature and mind.
We no longer desire to sin. We're no longer able to
continue in sin. Therefore, those who continually live in
sin as before, but say they're under grace, are clearly liars.

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Jesus and His apostles (including Paul) tell us to

separate ourselves from those claiming to be believers
who live like sinners, and to treat them as such
(unbelievers).297 We believers who truly live with Jesus as
our Lord simply will not and cannot live in—practice as a
way of life—sin.
No doubt, many will continue to say, “Lord, Lord” in
respect to Jesus, but will have never been known by Him;
they will claim to have done many works in His name, yet
in fact, will have been actually practicing lawlessness.298
This began not even with Jesus' arrival on earth, but
has been happening since the earliest times of human's
dealings with Yahweh.299

Reject God's Gifts

The other way that Satan perverts and attempts to
obfuscate the truths of this book pertain to preventing
access to what God has granted.
When a person cannot reach or experience the vital
things God prepared them to have, they will surely go in
search of substitutes. Therefore, Satan does his best firstly
to make it difficult to see or receive God's gifts.

Grace Robbers
The other side of the coin of “grace abusers” is those
who do not understand grace itself. Such a large error
297. Matthew 18:15-17; 1 Corinthians 5:9-13; 2 Thessalonians 3:14
298. Matthew 7:21-23
299. 2 Timothy 2:19; Numbers 16:5
Satan's Perverted Substitutes

exists in much of today's Church that leads to the kind of

dead works and spiritual desolation that existed in the
Old Covenant: many claim that our behavior as believers
affects or earns whether God's grace covers us.
As seen throughout this book, Jesus clearly taught this
three-fold truth:
1. The Father has chosen a certain group of people
especially for His Son, known as His sheep and the
2. All those whom the Father has chosen will come to
Jesus; no one who hasn't been drawn by the Father can
come to Jesus.301
3. Not one part of that elect group will ever be cast off or
lost by Him.302
Those who combat the teaching of grace and security of
the believer in God's hands simply do not understand the
Divine plan revealed in God's Word.
We are able to live as new creations because of that
grace: truly, it's impossible to overemphasize grace to a
real believer because it will only serve to free them from
dead works unto the fullness of the Christ-life.303
Knowing that we are secure in the care of Jesus as our
Good Shepherd enables us to lay aside the weight of
fearing possible condemnation.304
Going even further, Paul tells us that trying to be
300. John 10:25-30; Matthew 22:14, 24:24, 31
301. John 6:37, 44
302. John 6:37-40
303. Hebrews 6:1, 9:14
304. Romans 8:1
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

justified by law causes us to be “idled down” 305 from

Christ, to “fall out” of grace.306
As seen earlier in this book, the freedom we have in
Christ is by reason of this grace that abounds; there is no
more possibility of entering into judgment once we have
believed in the Son of God and thus received His life:

“M ost certainly I tell you, he who hears

my word, and believes him who sent
me, has eternal life, and doesn’t come into
judgment, but has passed out of death into life.”
(John 5:24)
My pastor has taught upon this verse numerous times,
bringing out the meaning of the Greek grammar
underneath (thank God for educated and godly teachers
of the Word!).
• “The one hearing Jesus' Word and believing the One
that sent him” (the Father; namely that He sent His
Son for our salvation); both words are present
participle: real believers are continuous hearers and
• “Has eternal life”; simply, they have it (present tense)
• “And does not come into judgment”; also present
tense, in middle or passive voice: they are not drawn
into judgment
• “But they have passed out of death, into life”; perfect
tense, they have permanently passed out of the death,

305. HELPS Word-studies,

306. Robertson, Robertson's Word Pictures, Galatians 5:4.
Satan's Perverted Substitutes

into the life: there is no ability for them to fall back into
the (second) death (the final judgment at the Great
White Throne).
Halleluyah! Our submission to God through Christ,
and resulting freedom in Him, grants us both the desire
and the ability to control ourselves for His and our own
purpose and glory.
That submitting of ourselves before Him (through the
Cross) permanently jettisons us from the realm of death
(over which Satan rules) into the realm of life.
Grace is never-ending for those who truly have been
born-again by God's Word: Christ Jesus! And no matter
how many attempt to be “grace robbers,” nothing will
ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is
in Christ Jesus our Lord!307
Child of God, go free in the grace of Yahweh!

Spirit Blasphemers
The great sin which Jesus said could never be forgiven
was this: blaspheming the Holy Spirit.308
So much has been made of this over the years, with
many people living in fear that they might commit such a
sin, even without realizing it.
But, sadly, the sin itself (which in context was what had
just happened to Jesus) is being practiced by many within
the Church.
There are entire “ministries” dedicated to rejecting the

307. Romans 8:35-39

308. Mark 3:28-30
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

teachings of the Bible concerning God giving the Spirit to

His people, and them living in the gifts and
manifestations that same Spirit operates as He wills.
Some of them say Spirit-filled manifestations are evil and
call such believers demon-possessed.
This is the damnable work of Satan, to accuse God's
purpose and actions of being evil. What a skilled Devil he
is, assigning evil (which most people in the world claim to
reject) to God, while the Devil himself is the embodiment
of evil.
But, as we studied in an earlier chapter, the Gift of the
Father—the Holy Spirit—is promised to all of God's
people: don't let anyone keep you from Him!

Accept Satan's Substitutes

If and when Satan cannot get people to specifically
ignore or reject what God has promised, he will instead
get them to go after his own promises of gifts.
• Witchcraft
• Magic
• Worship of demons and spirits (even “angels”)
• Blood sacrifices of animals and even people
All of these things which seem “cool” to so much of
humanity, largely because they have been forbidden (with
good reason) or exposed as a lie by God, are the sad
substitutes which do not satisfy.
Yet, sometimes because of the true things being
maligned or forbidden by some, many flock to these
because the desire for spiritual power is still there.
Satan's Perverted Substitutes

This is how Satan works! Understand his tactics!

I don't think I need to give specific examples; just take
a moment to think of all of the books, TV and streaming
series, movies, video games, and even social movements,
which depict “evil” as “good.”
Just as in the Garden, Satan's argument
remains today: “God knows these things will
make you like him, which is why he keeps you
from them. Just take hold of them and you'll be
like him! You won't need him if you're your own
god! Satan knows best!”

A Dream about Amen-Ra

In my teenage years, I developed a keen interest in
ancient Egypt. It was around the time when I had seen
Exodus 3:15 jump out at me in a momentous way—
deeply understanding that God had a personal Name; and
then realizing that Name was especially revealed as part
of God delivering His people from that nation. That
experience of Moses was an integral part of his leading
Israel out of slavery in Egypt into the land Yahweh had
promised them hundreds of years before.
My sudden interest in Egypt may have also started by
watching the movie Stargate, or if not, it was definitely
spurred on by the movie (I've always loved sci-fi and even
write it myself).
I, as a Spirit-filled believer in Jesus since before I was
four years old, obviously knew of ancient Egypt from the

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Bible, and how it had been a continual thorn in the side of

God's people, Israel.
I found myself craving knowledge about their history
and religion, and what they believed. How did they get
to the point of having so many different gods? How did
they not know Who Yahweh was? Or if they did, why
would they reject him and choose false gods?
Were their “gods” real, evil spiritual beings that
someone in their past had contacted? Were they simply
mental inventions of a people who had wandered so far
from Yahweh, yet who still yearned to worship?
As I read about the religion, I began to see some
parallels to the Bible. I could see how in many ways they
had corrupted attributes of Yahweh and tried to split
them into separate gods to be distinctly worshiped.
Was it even possible that the future coming of Jesus as
the Son of Man (briefly seen in Daniel, as well as the
writings of Enoch) was somehow known by early
Egyptians and perverted into their god, Osiris?
One of their earliest and highest gods was Ra, typically
represented by the Sun. Another of their later famous
gods was “Amen” (interesting to note as it sounds very
similar to the Hebrew and Greek words for “so be it” and
also called a name of the Son of God in Revelation). Over
time those two began to be connected to one another for
various political reasons: Amen-Ra.
The more I read about Egypt, the more I wondered:
could any of their “gods” somehow be Yahweh in
disguise? Perhaps, had the Egyptians at one time knew

Satan's Perverted Substitutes

the true God, and let their knowledge of Him devolve into
a far-removed “god” that had only a few remaining
characteristics of Yahweh?
For me, the closest thing I saw to that possibility was
this Ra, or Amen-Ra. Indeed, I felt a spiritual “presence”
the more that I read about or thought about that being. I
asked myself, “could it really be Yahweh under a different
Around that time, as I sought God about it all, I had an
intense dream.
I was in the desert around evening time, and close to a
temple. I knew it was supposed to be a temple of Ra in
Egypt. The place had the same feeling as what I sensed
when reading about him.
I went into the temple, which seemed abandoned and
in ruins, and toward the entrance was what looked like a
treasure chest.
On the outside it had jewels and looked ornate, and
gave off a glowing appearance: to any normal person, it
would have begged to be opened!
I really thought about it—and somehow I knew that
opening it was “a line in the sand,” an important choice.
As though, if I did open it, it would somehow release or
invite this “Amen-Ra” into my life, and everything else
(unknown) that event would entail.
Keep in mind once again, at that time I was considering
the possibility that this “Amen-Ra” could be “Yahweh”
after many years of flawed remembrance by a people that

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

originally knew him.

But somehow I could tell that wasn't reality. Ra was
not Yahweh under another name, lost long ago. I felt like
the Holy Spirit let me discern it clearly.
I decided against opening it, and then I suddenly was
given a supernatural vision or knowledge by Yahweh: I
knew that there was nothing inside of the treasure chest.
This experience in the dream was unmistakable.
With sudden resoluteness, it let me know that this “Ra”
was a sham. It was all a show. Even if this was a real
“being,” it had nothing to offer. It was not Yahweh. It
was empty.
Imagine if I had decided to open it, and in some way
had assented to wanting this “Ra” in my life—I can't even
imagine what that choice would have caused to happen:
inviting a false god into one's life that had nothing to offer
in return! Thank God, I don't know!
When I woke up from that dream, it was such a simple
yet profound answer to that question I had been
wondering—could it be that some “gods” out there are
truly Yahweh but just corrupted to some degree?
At least in this instance, the answer was a resounding
NO! Paul revealed this in another way when he said that
the Athenians' “unknown god” was Yahweh—he was not
any of their other deities, but rather truly was unknown to
Yahweh Himself, Who I already knew by faith in
Christ, let me know what was in that “treasure” chest.

309. Acts 17:23

Satan's Perverted Substitutes

It certainly was not treasure! It wasn't even any kind of

substitute. It was empty. Worthless. A lie. A bait and
switch. A temple in ruins with a snare made to look like
treasure—which is vanity.
By giving me that supernatural knowledge in the
dream, He also clearly separated Himself from the one
who owned that chest. So it was a double-answer I had
from God: no, Ra was not Yahweh in disguise.
Now, if an evil being like “Ra” can try to woo a believer
in Yahweh—how much more will other evil spirits do so
much more with those who don't already know God?
How many people will be led off as sheep to slaughter
by seeing spiritual “treasure chests” that give nothing
good in return for service to those “gods”?
At the very least, I hope it encourages you to seek
Yahweh where He may be found—in His revealed Word
(the Bible) and through personal union with Him through
the Son of God, just as He desires.
The glory of God is that for anyone who has formed a
connection with an evil spirit—whether on purpose or not
—there is a promised deliverance!
The Son of God shed His blood on the Cross, not only
to forgive our sins, but to deliver us from all the power of
the evil one! That includes any and all evil spirits, as
we've covered earlier.
So, do not give up hope if you or others are ever in that
position! The Lord Jesus has already paid the price for
your release—it only remains for you to believe and
receive it, and be set free!

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

The other disappointing side of this perversion by

Satan is that it sometimes tempts the flesh of the God's
Think back to the beginning of this section, when I
mentioned magic and witchcraft. Anyone with even a
passing knowledge of the Bible will know these are both
forbidden by Yahweh. Why? They play exactly to the lie
of Satan that God's life and purposes can be gotten in a
way that He hasn't ordained.
Magic and witchcraft inherently put the person in the
place of God. The mindset is, if I do certain things in a
certain way, I can get what I want; I can be what I want.
And other people will do what I want.
Some believers may slip into such a mindset when they
allow their fallen flesh, which cannot please God, have
right of way for a span of time.
They may ask Jesus for permission to call down fire on
the heads of unbelievers who reject them.310
They may get sad at the thought of their enemies being
delivered from judgment.311
They may even try to prevent Jesus from doing God's
All such things and attitudes are part of that old man
we crucified with Christ, but which continues to zombify
and try to lead us (when we, as the head of our body,
should lead it).

310. Luke 9:51-56

311. Jonah 4:1-3
312. Matthew 16:21-27
Satan's Perverted Substitutes

If we have submitted to God, realized we're free in

Him, and have controlled our behavior for our own good,
then our new nature will call for mercy for our enemies.
Our new man will desire God's will in our lives, without
trampling on the rights and lives of others. Our born-
again spirit won't want to wrest things that aren't ours
into our coffers.

Self-Control without God

Here is one of the greatest “rabbit trails” that Satan has
created and dispersed throughout the world in various
Why not restrict your actions, for various purposes, but
not as an outgrowth of freedom through your submission
to God?
Again, simply take a moment to consider all of the
religions and philosophies of the world. What do they all
have in common? Written do's and don'ts. All with the
purpose of getting to some kind of desirable end-goal
(heaven, annihilation, a better reincarnation, riches and
worldly promotion, etc.).

Modern Humanism
This is not restricted to formal religions—far from it!
You've likely heard a version of this thinking:
“Why do we even need religion? Humanity
knows how to live best, and we have modern
science now too. We don't need religion

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

anymore to tell us what's right and wrong.”

The above is the core mindset of humanism (and
Deism), and it is spread throughout the world in various
forms. It's easily refuted by the First and Great
Commandment which is now written in our hearts: “You
shall love Yahweh your God with all of your heart, soul
and mind.”313
Our purpose is God; there is no “right living” without
Him and His revelation.
But if you keep up with the societal trends seen across
social media, you will observe all the new and varied
forms of this mindset. The “woke” movement system
perfectly portrays this: they have a very specific set of
beliefs you must hold to “or else.” No matter that those
beliefs are constantly multiplying and morphing without
any clear source or authority!
Think this way. Don't think this way. Do this. Don't
do that. Let go. Take hold. Sell that. Buy this. Be
yourself. Change yourself. Put yourself first. Put
yourself last. Eat no meat. Eat only meat.
Whatever it may be, it is about controlling oneself (in
the fleshly body and soul) for the purpose of some kind of
growth or benefit. However, it is always divorced from
the initial acceptance of the reality of the true God and
that we are His creation and thus dependent upon Him.
You will always see these teachings as ways to achieve
personal “liberty,” “enlightenment,” “transcendence,” or

313. Deuteronomy 6:5; Matthew 22:36-38

Satan's Perverted Substitutes

anything else that elevates the self as being independent

of anyone or anything else.
Do you see how Satan works so craftily?
Do you recognize the similarity to the truth of the
Gospel, that we can be free from serving others or our
own fleshly desires, in order to be free to serve the Lord?
Do you see how Satan offers the secondary part of
pseudo-life in the Spirit (self-control for a purpose)
without the vital first part (submission to the true God)?
For those able to recognize the obvious deception of
Satan in plain Satanism (i.e., imitate Satan and do
whatever you want, because that's all there is), Satan
plays to the other innate, godly desires we have to do
“good things” (from being made in the image of God) in
the hopes of getting something good in return.
Satan says, “okay, you don't want to imitate me directly
in doing whatever you feel like at all times? Then instead,
do these things and restrict yourself from some things, to
feel important and like a god yourself.”

I f you do good to those who do good to you,

what credit is that to you? For even sinners do
the same. (Luke 6:33)
The end is the same as with anything else that isn't
God: death.

Satan's Corruption of
After reading this far, would you be surprised that
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Satan tries to mock the concept of martyrdom? Probably

not. It's his nature to mock and sully.
As we saw in the previous chapter, martyrdom for God
is the ultimate form of self-control for a divine purpose.
But Satan has caused this word to be viewed by many
as killing oneself during murder to gain a place in heaven
(Islamic and other forms of terrorism and suicide
Satan has led people within Christianity astray into
heresies, cults, and new age movements where murder is
seen as a path to salvation (killing one's child because it's
“possessed”, drinking poison with a group to catch a ride
on a comet to heaven, etc.).
Outside the realm of Christianity, self-inflicted death
(suicide) is also used for various natural purposes: to
make a political point, to prove one's devotion to some
belief or ideal, and even often as a pitiful culmination of
mental or physical illness.
But, none of these things affect the truth of what God
has instituted for His people; some of them will be
witnesses of Him even to their own deaths! And those
deaths are precious in His sight!314

Various Combinations
Now, knowing what we know of how Satan works
(and this will be more fully studied in a separate book), is
it surprising he combines these in multiple ways?

314. Psalm 116:15

Satan's Perverted Substitutes

It's not only that we'll find a single truth of God turned
around or imitated, but often several truths will be
upended and then combined into a single false or
misleading teaching or religion.

Stoicism is a prime example of this, and truly deserves
its own book relating it to the truths found within
Christianity. It has many proponents and facets, but one
major theme is that of living as though this could be your
last day, as death can come anytime (“memento mori”, a
concept and phrase also later espoused by Christians as
Stoics believed that ordering one's life according to
your particular goals was of primary importance. You
shouldn't be side-tracked by other people or other
influences. Do your own thing, do your duty.
Many stoics believed in “the gods” and that humans
were doing something good “in the gods' eyes” when
they did what was right. Even famous stoic-inspired
philosophers like Marcus Aurelius seemed to differentiate
between “the gods” and “God”;315 but of course, we know
they specifically rejected the true God and His Son Jesus,
as they did not submit to Him or His Gospel.
However and amazingly, one of their other main beliefs
was that everything was ordered by “the Logos.” Like
many religions do, they stripped the truth of Jesus being

315. Meditations: A New Translation (Modern Library). Translated by

Gregory Hays.
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

the Word (Logos316) into a non-personal but all-

encompassing intelligence.
This way, there was never any kind of personal
responsibility of God personally telling you what to do. It
was always a matter of doing what “seemed right” rather
than obeying the Lord as a servant would a master. They
thought of this “logos” as being both universal as well as
present within people (a kind of pantheism).
In one quick cut, they sever their followers from
reaching the true Logos (Christ Jesus) by defining it as an
impersonal, universal shared wisdom, rather than a
Divine Person with Whom we are to be in relationship.

Most people know that one of the defining
characteristics of Hinduism is its plethora of gods and
goddesses: depending on which texts you reference, there
are 33, 33 million, or even 330 million of them! Clearly
this errs from the truth of Yahweh being the only God.
However, you will find this same concept of “duty” to
be fulfilled, much like is found in Stoicism and Deism—
that our lives are a matter of doing what we're supposed
to do. Therefore, self-control is necessary to choose to do
what is right.
But again, what is the difference? It is a self-control
that is without the true God.
One of the memories that stands out from my high
school time was a day in religion class (in a Catholic high

316. John 1:1-3; “Logos” is a Greek word.

Satan's Perverted Substitutes

school) where we were learning about Hinduism. We

were watching a movie where in one scene Krishna shows
up to talk to someone needing guidance (I believe a
military official). The gist of the scene was Krishna
reminding the person that “duty” was all that mattered.
They had a duty and to do it was all that was required of
them, no matter if they didn't understand it or even died
in the process.
Do you see how Satan has twisted God's plan for Man
over time? The remnants of truth remain in many of the
world religions—but they all wander in some great and
major way from the truth of living for Yahweh. Krishna is
not Yahweh, he is not Jesus. Such statements of fact
cannot be over-emphasized.

Buddhism is another belief system that mimics this
understanding, that of following one's own definitions of
right and wrong, that of choosing our own path.
Siddhartha Gautama, a Hindu, recognized that our
carnal desires lead us to dead-ends. What was his
It was not submission to God (or even “the gods”) for a
new birth to receive a new nature to live as intended. It
wasn't union with Yahweh in love.
Rather, it was: do not give in to those desires. Take the
middle path of having no great goal of doing good or evil.
Resist one's desires and the seeking of any pleasures.
But of course, this is without the primary step of

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

realizing we are here for God's will and purpose. Thus, it

leads its followers into a lifeless dead-end of both missing
the blessings God has given us in the flesh as well as the
ultimate goal of finding life in His Son.
Siddhartha himself, having come from being raised in
Hinduism with its pantheon, concluded that even if there
was a God or gods, it didn't matter to us.
In many ways, it was a half-conclusion of King
Solomon, who did not have the revelation yet to be given
after the coming of the Messiah. Solomon had only the
wisdom pertaining to life in the flesh and realized that
everything in the world was vanity if lived for as its own
purpose. This was still a spiritual wisdom, direct from
God—but you see that without the full revelation Yahweh
had promised, it went only so far.
Read the entire book of Ecclesiastes and see for
yourself. He even suggested us not to be overly righteous
or overly wicked, much like Buddha advocated—but still
recognized that the one who feared God would always
come out on top in the end.317

Deism & Others

Beyond the specific teachings and beliefs of Stoicism,
Buddhism, and Hinduism, you'll likely find similar veins
of thought in other belief systems around the world.
Deism is one that was held to by many of the founding
fathers of the United States of America. This kind of
neutered version of Christianity held on to some of the

317. Ecclesiastes 7:15-18

Satan's Perverted Substitutes

moral teachings while putting the idea of “God” far

beyond any kind of human knowledge.
The deist held that there was a God, Who created
everything, but then left that creation to fend for itself
(much like the Gnostics believed). We have some in-born
ideas of right and wrong, gathered by the experience of
living, but none of it comes from revelation of that distant
God Who cannot be known.
Like both Stoicism and Buddhism, we're left with this
idea of self-control with no (truly) divine purpose. The
concept of God may be touched upon, but it never enters
the person's life as the Guide of the person in their every
Indeed, as with forms of humanism, the truth of
conscience is accepted, as the Bible teaches, 318 but it is
elevated to the status of “God” as each person or current
society as a whole determines right and wrong. Any
outside revelation (such as Yahweh gives through His
scriptures, or directly inside) is rejected.
Thus, one is left to their fallen mind, wandering around
blind until their death. Or maybe to some set of rules that
man has invented and compiled over the years. As we
know, the fallen human conscience is not perfect and is
fundamentally flawed because of its rejection of its
There is never a regeneration of the spirit that died
when it first sinned, and never an ability to live out of that

318. Romans 2:15

319. 2 Timothy 3:5
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

new life that is actually Christ within.

How sad, but how happy Satan must be with it!
As mentioned above, King Solomon, with all of his
wisdom from Yahweh, had the glimmer of hope at the
end of this collection of writings: that living for God and
what He wanted was all that really mattered, but he did
not really know why or what it would lead to.320
We are so blessed to be alive during this New
Testament, where the mystery has been revealed that
Christ is the point!321
If only Solomon could have seen what was later
revealed through God's own Son appearing in the flesh!
But I believe that he knows now and is waiting in heaven
with the rest of God's people!

C oncerning this salvation, the prophets

sought and searched diligently, who
prophesied of the grace that would come to you,
searching for who or what kind of time the Spirit
of Christ, which was in them, pointed to, when he
predicted the sufferings of Christ, and the glories
that would follow them. To them it was revealed,
that not to themselves, but to you, they
ministered these things, which now have been
announced to you through those who preached
the Good News to you by the Holy Spirit sent out
from heaven; which things angels desire to look
into. (1 Peter 1:10-12)
320. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
321. 1 Corinthians 2:7; Colossians 1:26; Ephesians 3:9
Satan's Perverted Substitutes

Satan's Facade: Inclusivity

Let me share a spiritual dream I had back in 2008 that I
think speaks directly to Satan's substitutes; it wonderfully
summarizes all of these things.
In this dream, I was watching something, almost like a
play in a theatre, seated next to someone I knew from
grade school.
On the stage, there was a building facade, two stories
high like an apartment or school building.
On its front were all different religious symbols.
Prominent were a cross with an inverted cross connected
directly to its top. I recognized that the one on the bottom
stood for Christianity while the one on the top stood for
As my eyes scanned to the right, I saw a sign on the
building, which I knew to be its focal point or motto, like
a summary of what was being displayed.
Unfortunately, I can't for certain remember what it
said, but I know it was three words.
I believe it said:
"Father - Child - Membership."
Just as I saw it and it began to sink in, my friend
bumped me and said to me,
"So what do you think this is all about?"
I answer,

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

He then says,
"Yeah, but who do you think is behind it?"
I then point down, indicating Satan, and he nods in
agreement, smiling, happy that I recognize what's going
What is interesting to note is that in real life this friend
was actually a proponent of this kind of message of
When I woke up and thought about the dream, I
realized its full meaning.
The first thing I noticed was that the building was a
facade. It was a prop on a stage for a make-believe play of
some sort. In other words, the idea of all those religions
being grouped together as equal is only a front, it's not
real; it doesn't house anything or anyone and is only part
of a story.
At the same time, it reminds us that this current age is
temporary; none of these things will last.322
Second, I understood the sign's message.
It is saying that the message of "universalism" is that
“God” is a “Father,” that we are all His “children,” and
that as long as we are members of some religion we are
alright. Such membership in any belief system or religion
is all that matters, no matter which one it is.
In the dream, my friend made me think about this. The
one who in real life pushed this kind of belief now
accepted it for what it was: a sham, a make-believe play, a

322. Matthew 13:18-23; 2 Peter 3:10-12; 1 John 2:17

Satan's Perverted Substitutes

He had grown up believing Satan's lies, but now as an
adult he had grown out of fleshly mindset and into a new
mind that could see the truth.
He made me think not just about the teaching itself but
who was behind the facade: Satan and all his.
Satan tries to put lies on the same footing as the Cross,
indicated by the satanic symbol of the upside-down Cross
being directly attached to the real Cross.
He tells people that it's just fine to believe in Christ as
long as you accept that people who follow him (Satan) are
also accepted by "Father." But which “father?”
And of course, the Satanic cross was on top, indicating
it was “better” or “higher” than the real Cross according
to the facade builder (Satan).
It's nothing but a big “show” that Satan puts on
display! He's still such a proud child in action.

“All Roads Lead to God”

This message of the Devil continues to be preached
across the world, such as in one major religion from the
19th century, Baha'i: which teaches “the essential worth of
all religions and the unity of all people,” and that
“religion is revealed in an orderly and progressive way by
a single God through Manifestations of God, who are the
founders of major world religions throughout history;
Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad are noted as the most

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

recent of these.”323
Notice how, like my dream, it tries to put other “gods”
or “teachers” on the same plane as Jesus.
Sadly, you'll even see this taught in many "churches"
that have Christian names on their signs, or even quote
Jesus as they teach this lie of Satan that all roads lead to
God and everyone is automatically “saved” (such as
They reject Jesus' own testimony about this idea:324

“E nter in by the narrow gate; for wide is the

gate and broad is the way that leads to
destruction, and many are those who enter in by
it. How narrow is the gate, and restricted is the
way that leads to life! Few are those who find it.
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in
sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening
wolves. (Matthew 7:13-15)
They will call Bible-believing Christian churches and
pastors things like "dominionists," or other derogatory
terms, because we believe the testimony that God has

I f we receive the witness of men, the witness of

God is greater; for this is God's testimony
which he has testified concerning his Son. He
who believes in the Son of God has the testimony

%C3%AD_Faith, accessed 1/6/23.
324. John 14:6
Satan's Perverted Substitutes

in himself. He who doesn't believe God has made

him a liar, because he has not believed in the
testimony that God has given concerning his Son.
The testimony is this, that God gave to us eternal
life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the
Son has the life. He who doesn't have God's Son
doesn't have the life. (1 John 5:9-12)
They thus call God a liar by rejecting His testimony,
and instead repeat the lie that Satan has been telling
humanity since he first deceived Eve: "Has God said...?
He does know..." Namely, he portrays God as the
deceiver, and in the process leads Man away from the Life
at the center of the Garden.
No matter how much Satan tries to cover over the truth
with theatrical facades that will one day be fully
dismantled, the truth can be known, even now.
What a powerful message in this dream, and yet such a
fundamental truth.
My mother also wrote a little book about how this
same “old lie” that Satan continues to tell is seen in the
“New Age” movement—it was written in the 1990's but
has never had more relevance than today!325
We are creatures, created by One greater than
ourselves. We can only bow to His testimony, as what
will the clay say to the potter? He has revealed there is
none but Him, and that no one will come to Him except

325. Barbara Kostelnik, The New Age & the Old Lie (Prophetic Voice
Publications, 2006),
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

through His Son, the Lord Jesus, the Christ. 326 Jesus is the
Word of God, Who is God, Who has always been facing
God.327 There is no life or purpose apart from finding and
being in Him, and He in us. That is our destiny.328
Let's wake up and realize we've been watching a play
put on by a myth-teller, and live a real life.
We rejoice that God has counted us worthy of
redemption, by sending that same Son to die in our place,
enabling us to return to the glory which He destined us to
attain before the creation of the world. Halleluyah!

F or who is God, except Yahweh? Who is a

rock, besides our God? (Psalms 18:31)

Satan's Occasions
This is possibly the most used and most damaging
tactic of Satan: making the Truth looked ridiculous, by
making Truth believers and walkers look ridiculous.
How? Through various “occasions.”
It's why so much of scripture emphasizes the truths
underlying this book, that of living for God and rejecting
the desires of the “old man” that is our fallen flesh. Why?
Not only just because it's right, but because of our witness
to people! Our lives are seen by others; if we claim to be
God's, what are the resulting effects? Do we show forth a

326. John 14:6

327. John 1:1-3
328. John 17
Satan's Perverted Substitutes

new nature?329
The word “occasion” was studied elsewhere;
remember Paul's warning “not to use our freedom as a
launchpad for the flesh?”330 As I translated it back there,
“launchpad” is that same Greek word often rendered
“occasion” in many translations. It comes from two
Greek words, “away from” and “a violent rush”: hence, a
starting or launching point.331
Satan, the author of lies, will bring many occasions that
could make God or living for Him look badly, by
tempting God's people to stray or stumble: to sin.332
Satan also sows his own wicked people into the midst
of real believers to make it look like believers live
wickedly,333 as well as to tempt God's people to cause their
own siblings in Christ do the same!334
All of these are moments and opportunities, which
Satan lays before people. Just as he tempted Jesus, so he
tempts us. In each case, it's a presentation of such a
“launchpad” that will jettison us back into sin.
As we've studied, in each situation we see his lies and
we're now free and able to choose what is right. We want
to, we love to. We're now living for someone else, One

329. Romans 2:21-24; 1 Timothy 6:1; Titus 2:5

330. Galatians 5:13
332. Matthew 18:7, 26:41; Romans 7:8-11, 14:13, 16:17; 1 Corinthians
7:5, 10:32; 2 Corinthians 6:3; 1 Timothy 5:14; Hebrews 3:13; James
333. Matthew 7:15-23; 13:24-40; Luke 6:46-49
334. 2 Corinthians 11:12-13; 1 Thessalonians 3:5
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Whom we love more than our own selves: Jesus.

But sadly, we'll continue to see Satan set out his
“occasions” until the very end, as Jesus Himself told us it
would be so. Learn to recognize them—both the wicked
people as well as the wicked opportunities!
As I mentioned in the beginning of this book, I've
already started writing a companion called Satan's Wiles
—it will look in-depth at the nature and traits of the Devil,
as well as his tactics, methods, and wiles.
Satan and his intents and actions truly deserves its own
study, especially when we realize how often Jesus talked
about him when He was on earth. As we're seeing in this
study, he has a big role to play right now.
It's not until the Lord returns that the fake will be
separated from the real,335 and not until His return that we
receive a body no longer tempted by sin.336
Thankfully, Yahweh has already offered and given us
provision for rejecting Satan's wiles while we wait for that
Day: true freedom and the Holy Spirit.
We may pray at all times in the Spirit, building up
ourselves on our holy faith, not being drunken with wine,
but filled with the Spirit. We have what's needed to resist
And, thank God, scripture also boldly proclaims that
Satan has an end: he will not continue his deception and
destruction forever—praise be to the living God! Let's

335. Matthew 25
336. Romans 7:24; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58
337. 1 Corinthians 14:1-18; Ephesians 5:15-21, 6:17-18; Jude 20-21
Satan's Perverted Substitutes

glorify Yahweh as we finish studying the cause of Satan's

fear and his demise!

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Why Does Satan Fear?

Why Does Satan Fear?

Interspersed throughout each section of this book have

been different angles of Satan's reaction to: our
submission to God; our freedom from him and sin, and
our enjoyment of the Spirit's power; our ultimate self-
control in resisting him.
But let's consider a few possibilities of why Satan
actually fears these things by looking at what we see
throughout scripture.

He Suffers Spiritual Pain?

Living in fleshly bodies, we really have very little
understanding of what life as a spirit-body is like. We
don't know much about what similarities there are
between each realm.
One thing that jumps out to me is what some demons
once said to Jesus:

W hen he came to the other side, into the

country of the Gergesenes, two people
possessed by demons met him there, coming out
of the tombs, exceedingly fierce, so that nobody
could pass that way. Behold, they cried out,
saying, “What do we have to do with you, Jesus,
Son of God? Have you come here to torment us
before the time?” (Matthew 8:28-29)

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

In some way, spirits can suffer pain. We obviously see

this in Revelation after Satan makes his final push after
Christ's one thousand year reign (covered later in this
book), likely to what the demons alluded:

T he devil who deceived them was thrown into

the lake of fire and sulfur, where the beast
and the false prophet are also. They will be
tormented day and night forever and ever.
(Revelation 20:10)
This Greek word for “torment”338 can readily be
translated “torture,” with a sense of buffeting.
Its root word meant “a touchstone,” 339 which was a
black, silicon-based stone used to test the purity of gold
and silver. Pure gold rubbed on it would leave a peculiar
mark. Later on the same word was used for “examination
by torture.”340
Doesn't this sound like what Satan does to people?
And very often with words? He buffets us about the
mind with words (from others), inner thoughts (via our
spirit), not to mention he can cause pain and other
maladies.341 He grinds us against things, and grinds
himself against us, in order to see what's in us.
However, notice that in the two scriptures listed above,
it was God that would be the source of that torment.
338. Strong's Concordance #928
339. Strong's Concordance #931
340. and
341. Think of Job, and people in the Gospels that Jesus healed.
Why Does Satan Fear?

Indeed, also in both Luke and Mark,342 demon-possessed

people recognized Jesus as the Son of the Most High God,
and begged Him not to torment them.
Could this be two-fold?
That the demons themselves knew their rightful and
ultimate fate, being tormented forever for their
wickedness that they continually did to mankind?
But also, that the people themselves, having been
possessed by demons and their minds taken over by
them, would be expecting punishment for their
corruption by evil spirits? Perhaps they assumed God in
the flesh would treat them in the same way as the demons
had, tormenting them.
What was Jesus' response? Deliverance of the people,
and banishment of the demons! He did not punish or
torment the people; far from it, He rescued them back into
their sane minds!
But indeed, Jesus has the power to fight, war, and
torment, if He so desired. At His return to earth, He will
kill the Lawless One with the Spirit of His mouth. And
yet more, He said would come to war against those
joining in with sexual immorality and communion with
idols,343 and even would kill the (spiritual) children of
those following the false prophetess Jezebel who was
teaching the same things (which He also recognized as
being called “the deep things of Satan”).344

342. Luke 8:28; Mark 5:7

343. Revelation 2:12-16
344. Revelation 2:18-24
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Without getting too much into separate studies, my

point is that the idea of both physical and spiritual pain
exists; and ultimately God is the One Who can rightly
inflict it. Hell and the Lake of Fire await those who follow
Satan in his and their rebellion, and it is a place of
spiritual torment and anguish.345 Sometimes, the wicked
(including Satan) get tastes of it now.
We, as children of God acting in His authority, also
may inflict such pain on Satan and any evil spirits doing
his bidding, when we resist them and submit to Yahweh.
In a way, they are tormented before that appointed time!
Praise the Lord for spiritual justice!

He's Reminded of Being

Replaced and Judged by Us?
I once preached a message about how the seduction of
the serpent in the Garden of Eden relates to God's
ultimate desire and plan for us.346
The gist was: Satan promised we could steal by
disobedience what God freely offers by obedience.
Satan offered an experience of being like deity to Adam
and Eve, by disobeying God and eating unto knowing
good and evil.347
God offers a sharing in His deity by hearing, receiving

345. Matthew 25:46; Luke 16:19-31; Romans 2:5-10; 2 Peter 2:9; Jude 7;
Revelation 14:10, 20:10
346. What Satan Wanted,
347. Genesis 3:1-5
Why Does Satan Fear?

and obeying Him, rather than any sitting as a judge of

good and evil.348
Satan told humanity that God was holding out on them
(as though we could overcome God anyway?), while the
entire time it was God's desire that we share in His

B eloved, now we are children of God, and it is

not yet revealed what we will be. But we
know that, when he is revealed, we will be like
him; for we will see him just as he is. (1 John 3:2)
Satan tried to get the same thing on his own (being like
God), and failed as well. He was the greatest of God's
creation, but would not walk in his calling. And he
continually has no change of heart. He remains set in his
wicked ways. There is no redemption for him.
God offered humanity a way out, because of their
having been deceived by Satan. Therefore, although we
may have fallen for the lie (disobedience to God brings
life) we are saved by grace by believing the truth (God
Himself is life and we need Him).
Beyond this, according to my pastor, there was one
Bible teacher349 who had found evidence that the number
of God's elect humans will “fill up” the void left by the
angels that followed Satan in his fall from heaven. Some
hold that number to have been one third of all God's

348. 1 Peter 1:1-3; 2 Peter 1:1-4

349. Glenn Tyler, the late President of International Seminary,
Plymouth, FL, USA.
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

angels,350 what would likely be a vast number, but one

uncountable by us.
Could it be that when that number is finally matched
in how many God has chosen for His Son, that this age
will draw to a close? Could it be that we, redeemed
humanity, will fill the emptiness left by all those wicked,
fallen angels? If so, can you imagine the anger Satan and
his fallen angels feel toward us because of it?
But beyond anger, think of the fear they must have by
knowing we will not only replace them but judge them!

D on’t you know that the saints will judge the

world? And if the world is judged by you,
are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters?
Don’t you know that we will judge angels? How
much more, things that pertain to this life? (1
Corinthians 6:2-3)
This is one of those nuggets of scriptural truth never
expounded further; we can only guess as to the full extent
of what Paul knew! I would think it's connected to Jesus'
promise of us reigning with Him over the nations.351
But wow, consider this idea! Satan knows he and his
shall be judged by us, the ones he boasts about
controlling. He rightly fears our obedience to God!
Oh what a divine wisdom! Yahweh turns Satan on his
head at every turn, and every apparent frustration of
God's plan by the Devil ends up being used by the Lord

350. Interpreting the “stars” in Revelation 12:4 to be God's angels.

351. Revelation 2:26-27
Why Does Satan Fear?

to further His own purpose.

He Knows We Will Continue

Destroying His Kingdom?
I think this possibility has a lot of merit, because
scripture gives us the concept of Satan knowing he
doesn't have forever.
Scripture refers to him as the ruler and prince of this
age (and this age is not eternal).352

T herefore rejoice, heavens, and you who dwell

in them. Woe to the earth and to the sea,
because the devil has gone down to you, having
great wrath, knowing that he has but a short time.
(Revelation 12:12)
Whether you believe the context of the verse above to
be about a past event, a specific future time, or now
during the age of the Church (or anything else), the
meaning remains: Satan has wrath because he knows he
can't frustrate God's purposes forever.
And what event and truth does that verse immediately

I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now

the salvation, the power, and the Kingdom of
our God, and the authority of his Christ has come;
for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown

352. John 12:31, 14:30; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2, 6:12; 1 John
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

down, who accuses them before our God day and

night. They overcame him because of the Lamb’s
blood, and because of the word of their testimony.
They didn’t love their life, even to death.
(Revelation 12:10-11)
Here we see again an ultimate end of consecration unto
God in Christ: martyrdom unto death. And that death for
God's purpose and sake is termed an “overcoming” of the
Can you see why submission unto God makes him
fear? It literally overcomes everything he does and is

He Sees God's People Multiply

the More He Persecutes Them?
Remember in the introduction, where I quoted from
Isaiah about Jesus coming to free prisoners and be a light
to them in the darkness? That we could join Him in that
mission once we ourselves were saved?

P aul and Barnabas spoke out boldly, and said,

“It was necessary that God’s word should be
spoken to you first. Since indeed you thrust it
from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of
eternal life, behold, we turn to the Gentiles. For
so has the Lord commanded us, saying, ‘I have
set you as a light for the Gentiles, that you should
bring salvation to the uttermost parts of the
earth.’” (Acts 13:46-47)
Why Does Satan Fear?

The above prophecy in another chapter of Isaiah was

also about Messiah, as the Savior of Israel: but Paul
applies it to himself and Christ's ministers. How? We
know from our previous study: we are members of
Christ's Body, doing His work upon the earth by the same
Holy Spirit that empowered Him!
This is intimately entwined with what we previously
studied, that the rebellion of Satan is mirrored by those
who follow him; sadly, this included the very people God
had been preparing for His Son (the nation of Israel).
And so, while they initially (as a people group) reject
Jesus, the call also now goes out to the nations (Gentiles),
who were also eternally destined to be part of this
“people of God.”353

F or you who believe therefore is the honor, but

for those who are disobedient, “The stone
which the builders rejected, has become the chief
cornerstone,” and, “a stone of stumbling, and a
rock of offense.” For they stumble at the word,
being disobedient, to which also they were
appointed. But you are a chosen race, a royal
priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own
possession, that you may proclaim the excellence
of him who called you out of darkness into his
marvelous light: who in time past were no
people, but now are God’s people, who had not

353. John 10:16; Ephesians 2:1-10; Colossians 1:26-29; etc.

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. (1

Peter 2:7-10)
What's the result of our living out our call to rescue the
lost who've been taken captive by Satan, seen by Paul?

A s the Gentiles heard this, they were glad,

and glorified the word of God. As many as
were appointed to eternal life believed. The
Lord’s word was spread abroad throughout all
the region. (Acts 13:48-49)
This expansion of the Gospel happened (as do many
others354) because of persecution of God's people,
ultimately inspired by the Devil who is the original
persecutor. We also saw that in the previous chapter
about martyrdom.
Satan's very being and purpose is to frustrate the plan
of Yahweh, to try to sully God's people and all of
humanity through deception and sin.
Resisting that by yielding to and doing the work of
Jesus in preaching the Gospel is like a spiritual spitting in
the Devil's face, rejecting his entire work and nature.
God's people are then multiplied into the Kingdom of
Yahweh the more that Satan goes after them.
The Shepherd was struck and the sheep were scattered,
but now those sheep go out in search of other lost sheep,
and bring them back into Jesus' fold!355
The proud one cannot deal with it and runs in terror!
354. Acts 4 and beyond, throughout all generations
355. Matthew 26:31; Mark 14:17; Luke 22:31-32; John 21:16-17
Why Does Satan Fear?


We Frustrate His Acts of

This is really the capsule form of the answer as to why
(and what) Satan fears.
Satan's ultimate goal is to frustrate God's plan: to steal,
kill, destroy. He wants to make God look like “the bad
guy” and himself look like the “savior of humankind.”
One doesn't have to look far to find this model being
portrayed in all forms of media:
• Satan is the “cool” one who really knows what's going
on; i.e., God is an idiot or charlatan
• God is the stingy Parent Who just wants His kids to
behave and leave Him alone (i.e., Satan is the nice
stranger who saves the kid from an abusive
Basically: evil is good, and good is evil. Woe to him
and those who believe, live, and preach such madness,
especially when they claim to belong to God!356 But, our
three-fold response that makes him flee in terror is the
ultimate frustration!

Submission to God
When a person surrenders to God, and doesn't believe
the lies of Satan, they directly contradict his falsehood.
He is used to rolling over people with subtle words of

356. Isaiah 5:20

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Submitting to God when faced with the Devil's
onslaught gives him no way to get into their lives. God is
Almighty (a given we may not consider in the moment),
and is able to tell Satan “take a hike!”
Our surrendering to God (both in initial salvation and
repeatedly throughout our consecration) literally removes
us from Satan's grasp. Read the Psalms and Proverbs and
see this concept repeated over and over; when faced with
evil, one who loves God may run to Him (literally into
His name, as one would with a high tower) and find

Freedom in Christ
That salvation we receive through submitting to God
through Christ (by means of His death on the Cross and
resurrection, which paid our sin debt and gave us new
life) has freed us: from Satan, from sin, and from others.
We no longer need submit to any of them in terms of our
life's allegiance. We are free!
This makes Satan fear because he literally has no more
control or authority over us. As repeated throughout the
book, Satan is the ruler of this current fallen world
system.358 This age is under his control in terms of its
inherent leading. If a person is living for “the world”
then they are living for its ruler (Satan).
Being free in Christ from that authority nullifies any

357. Proverbs 18:10

358. 1 John 5:19
Why Does Satan Fear?

ownership or legal power that Satan once had. He no

longer has the right to tell us what to do, to sift us as
wheat,359 afflict us or do anything without God's
More so, our baptism in the Holy Spirit (after salvation)
empowers us to spiritually resist like we never could
without the Spirit. Mentioned elsewhere, The Holy Spirit
Himself is called “the sword of the Spirit” 360 and is how
we both attack and counterattack Satan and his demons.
Through the prayer language of the Spirit, we have a
literal way to cause him spiritual pain and make him run
the other way. Of course he fears that!

Lastly, when those two prerequisites are combined
with controlling our body, he sees that he truly cannot
His attempts to frustrate God's purpose by giving us “a
different word” (other than what the Spirit speaks) will
fall like flaming arrows bouncing off the shield of faith.361
He expects us to wonder, to think we can get what we
want or need another way than the way God has given,
and to give in to his lies.362
He expects us to sin, as he did when tempting Jesus

359. Luke 22:31-32

360. Ephesians 6:17-18
361. Ephesians 6:16
362. Genesis 3:1-5
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

(which He did not sin, glory to God!).363

He expects us to do his will, blaspheming the Name of
God among the nations because of our missing the mark
as a self-confessed disciple of Christ.364
But self-control is an act that silently defies him. It says
loudly in our actions: “I know you are a liar and have
nothing good to offer. The One Who made both me and
you willingly gives me all good things. I reject your offer
and will still do what God says.”
Now we might think this would just make Satan angry,
but again James gives us insight as we've been studying.
This act of submission to God, by means of the freedom
and power we have in the Spirit through Christ, makes
Satan run in terror!365 Halleluyah!

363. Matthew 4:1-11

364. Romans 2:23-24
365. James 4:7
Satan's End & Our Beginning

Satan's End & Our


Knowing all of this, we might rightly ask:

“Why would Satan do all that he does when
he knows he can't and won't win in the end?”
In a way, this question is its own answer, as it describes
the nature of Satan and why he and those who imitate
and follow him are so deserving of punishment.
We know from scripture that Satan knows scripture: he
quoted it to Jesus when tempting Him.
Thus, he surely also knows the prophecy of his own
end in the Book of the Revelation.
But yet he continues his diabolical work! Why?

His Purposes are His Own End

The purpose of Satan and his followers' existence is but
to (try to) frustrate the purpose of the One that made
them. As we've seen, some may outwardly deny that One
(claiming to be self-made, etc.), whereas others (probably
the majority) outwardly admit that God made them and
simply do not care.
Satan wants to destroy, corrupt, frustrate, dissemble,
confuse, obscure, derail, distract—indeed by the very
essence of his motives, there never is a “win” point for

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

him. Because his motives are always reactionary—God

begins, Satan interferes, God finishes—he never truly has
an end-goal per say.
Yahweh does, and is working toward a purpose with
creation—to sum up all things (including His people) in
His Son—and is using everything and everyone to
accomplish that (including Satan)!366
Satan enjoys the very acts of destruction, confusion,
and mockery, without caring about what it leads to. Isn't
that Satanism itself? “Do whatever you want because
that's all there is. Don't think or care about ultimate
purpose, but enjoy yourself in the moment for the
moment's own sake.” How many of our temptations in
life are about the same thing?
Think about this and let it settle into your mind: God
has a purpose, and it involves us—we are here because of
His desire and He has something for each of us to do. If
anyone does not live according to that knowledge, their
life will go in every other direction except to the goal of
Christ. That is the fruit and end-zone of every substitute
Satan has provided for each truth studied in this book.
Satan may even think that his ambitions and actions
are having the effect he wants (to corrupt, frustrate, delay,
etc.), but the truth is that God is using even Satan to
accomplish His own purposes.

366. Ephesians 1:10; see my other upcoming book about Christ and
His Body, the Church.
Satan's End & Our Beginning

Y ahweh has made everything for its own end

—yes, even the wicked for the day of evil.
(Proverbs 16:4)
If you read this verse in various translations, you'll see
a major difference: is it “for its own (everything's) end” or
is it “for His (Yahweh's) end”?
The word translated “end” or “purpose” is the
common Hebrew noun for “answer, response,” coming
from the Hebrew root verb for “to testify, to answer, to
Because both words (“everything” and “Yahweh”) are
singular and masculine in the Hebrew language of this
text, that word can rightly be translated in both ways: “its
own answer” or “His own answer.”
I include this verse here because it, like many other
verses having to do with “evil,” is singular and thus could
refer to an evil thing or person in particular, as well as to
evil or wickedness in general.
The point that King Solomon was making in that
proverb is that even the evil has a role to play in God's
plan. On the outside, they appear to have no purpose but
to cause distraction from the Lord's purposes. But, they
were created for the day of evil!
Paul makes reference to this concept when encouraging
the Ephesians about how to live:

T herefore watch carefully how you walk, not

as unwise, but as wise; redeeming the time,
because the days are evil. Therefore don’t be foolish,

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

but understand what the will of the Lord is.

(Ephesians 5:15-17)
Paul doesn't explain exactly what he means by that
phrase, but it truly seems to refer to the concept
throughout the rest of scripture: there are times and
seasons when evil seems “in charge” on earth.
Remember what Christians were facing during Paul's
day: a wicked king called Nero, who constantly
persecuted Christians and tortured and killed them for
sport. Simply existing as a believer in Jesus was a a
liability, and therefore every single day for them (as part
of the Roman empire) was evil.

Dividing Satan's House

Are you ready for this? We, as believers, can play a
part right now in Satan's end, before his final end!
Isn't it great when spiritual truths hit you in your
physical body, and you get a double witness both in your
spirit and your flesh of how amazing and wise God is?
I often get chills when I read these portions of

H e summoned them, and said to them in

parables, “How can Satan cast out Satan?
If a kingdom is divided against itself, that
kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided
against itself, that house cannot stand. If Satan
has risen up against himself, and is divided, he can’t
stand, but has an end. But no one can enter into the

Satan's End & Our Beginning

house of the strong man to plunder, unless he

first binds the strong man; and then he will
plunder his house.” (Mark 3:23-27)

B ut he, knowing their thoughts, said to them,

“Every kingdom divided against itself is
brought to desolation. A house divided against itself
falls. If Satan also is divided against himself, how will
his kingdom stand? For you say that I cast out
demons by Beelzebul. But if I cast out demons by
Beelzebul, by whom do your children cast them
out? Therefore will they be your judges. But if I
by the finger of God cast out demons, then the
Kingdom of God has come to you. When the
strong man, fully armed, guards his own
dwelling, his goods are safe. But when someone
stronger attacks him and overcomes him, he takes
from him his whole armor in which he trusted,
and divides his plunder.” (Luke 11:17-22)
Now, most of us read these verses and likely
immediately (and rightly) think of the Lord Jesus' work
on the Cross, and what He accomplished for us.
Christ went into Satan's house, bound Satan, took his
armor, and plundered what he had: us.367 Jesus' point was
that if He had been working for Satan, it would make no
sense; Jesus Himself was the One Who was going to bring
(and was already bringing) Satan down.
Jesus openly triumphed over Satan and his angels
367. Isaiah 53
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

when He went into Hell to rescue all those believers

under the Old Covenant.368 He delivered all those
(including us who believe today) who were subject to
death and him who had its power (the Devil).369
But now, look at what happened when Saul (later Paul)
encountered Jesus on the road:

“W hen we had all fallen to the earth, I

heard a voice saying to me in the
Hebrew language, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you
persecuting me? It is hard for you to kick against
the goads.’ I said, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ He said, ‘I
am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. But arise,
and stand on your feet, for I have appeared to you
for this purpose: to appoint you a servant and a
witness both of the things which you have seen,
and of the things which I will reveal to you;
delivering you from the people, and from the Gentiles,
to whom I send you, to open their eyes, that they may
turn from darkness to light and from the power of
Satan to God, that they may receive remission of
sins and an inheritance among those who are
sanctified by faith in me.’” (Acts 26:14-18)
Paul's calling, and by association any minister of God,
was to do the work of Jesus.
As believers, we are members of the Body of Christ.
Paul had been persecuting Christians. Jesus was already

368. Colossians 2:13-15; 1 Peter 4:6

369. Hebrews 2:14-15
Satan's End & Our Beginning

glorified in heaven, at the right hand of God. But Jesus

Himself says that Paul had been persecuting Him.
We are intimately related to and identified with the
Lord Jesus, so much so that to persecute a believer is to
persecute Him; to help a Christian in need, or not, is the
same as doing so toward Christ.370 This probably cannot
be emphasized enough.
We do on earth what Christ did on earth, and by means
of the same Holy Spirit that was upon Him.371
Thus, we can fulfill that same plundering of Satan's
house that Jesus did, because we are His Body and one
with Him in spirit!

Lion Among Sheep & Sheep

Among Wolves

B e sober and self-controlled. Be watchful. Your

adversary, the devil, walks around like a
roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1
Peter 5:8)

B ehold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of

wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents, and
harmless as doves. (Matthew 10:16)
While recently worshiping in my church, the Holy
Spirit gave me a sudden realization:
1. Satan appears like a lion among sheep, in order to
370. Matthew 25:31-46
371. Matthew 20:22-23
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

intimidate, yet runs in fear when we resist Him in faith

and obedience to God!372
2. We appear like sheep among wolves, meek and
unassuming, yet are sent to plow through the gates of
Satan's kingdom to rescue his captives!373
Let that sink in! Once more, God uses the wisdom of
this world (of which Satan is the ruler) to confound both
him and his people! They show bravado and violence, yet
have no power to resist God's authority; we are humble
and non-combative, yet have the power not only to resist
but also to defeat him and his ways, and then free their
Also, consider the context of each of those verses.
In an earlier chapter of Matthew, the Lord had just
warned about false teachers who would come in sheep's
clothing but inwardly were “ravening wolves.” 374 That
word for ravening has the meaning of being rapacious, a
robber, extortioner, greedy. Doesn't that sound like all the
cults? All the false religions? All the fake teachers who
are in it only for the money and power? Once again,
Satan's tactics are seen in trying to sully God's purpose by
making evil look good, and good look evil; he sends those
fake sheep (truly wolves) into our midst to disrupt
Yahweh's purpose.
But then later in Matthew, Jesus compares His disciples
to (true) sheep sent into the midst of (true) wolves. Jesus

372. James 4:8

373. Matthew 10:18-19; Mark 16:15-18
374. Matthew 7:15-29
Satan's End & Our Beginning

warns His people that they will have to endure

persecution but they will testify of Him through it all. It
is part of the servant imitating the master; we do as Jesus
did. And all that we do for Him is being seen and
counted, set apart for us as rewards in the heavenly vault.
Many times, it will involve us being among those false
teachers, and sometimes even confronting them by the
power of the Holy Spirit (to show the true from the false).
It will be worth it!375
In 1 Peter, we're reminded of how we may resist the
Devil, and that we're not alone in this battle. We must
suffer in this way, but after every battle victory will come,
until we see Jesus face to face. Again, it will be worth it!
The Devil's boasts will come to nothing in the end!376
Yahweh will send us into Satan's kingdom in order to
bring out those he has held captive. However, like Jesus
tells us, we are harmless as doves. We do not try to
forcibly convert unbelievers; we don't attack those who
reject God. We do not shout condemnation to those who
spit on the Cross. We are wise as serpents (one of Satan's
chosen forms) but harmless as doves. Do you see how
God frustrates Satan with his own imagery and purposes?
I love it!
Satan runs from us when we submit to God and resist
him, and his armor has already been removed by Jesus
through His own death on the Cross. We no longer fear
death, but live for the One Who is our Life: Christ the

375. Matthew 10:17-42

376. 1 Peter 5:9-11
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

We, like Paul, can be called by God to go on such
search and rescue missions. We may infiltrate areas
where the people assume everyone is like them:
unbelievers. But they do not know we are there to divide
their house into itself until it's nothing.
As we preach publicly and also privately witness the
Gospel, and the elect hear, some of those within Satan's
house will believe; those elect will turn away from those
who remain in sin. The evil edifices that Satan has built
by his people's work can and will begin to crumble as
more and more are saved.
I love this possibility, and history has already seen it
happen: the Roman empire is an easy example. Think
also of Jonah in Nineveh, 377 Daniel in Babylon,378 Samson
in Philistia.379 And of course, Paul and all the early
believers throughout Judea and each of the Gentiles' cities
and nations!380
But also consider the realms of movies, sports, media,
over the years. People who have come to faith in the Lord
(often with very sinful pasts, pointing even more to the
transformative power of Christ) end up bringing others
into the Kingdom with them.
The beauty of the power of Christ Jesus is that He is
able both to enter Satan's house, and then once inside,

377. Book of Jonah

378. Book of Daniel
379. Judges 14-16
380. Acts 17:6; 1 Thessalonians 1:8
Satan's End & Our Beginning

plunder what's there and bring it down.

Lord Jesus shares this honor with us, His people, who
are reached by His Spirit while they yet remain in Satan's
house. They are the plunder. When they are converted
by faith in Jesus, they can work to bring down the evil
edifice from inside as they are now free indeed.
Let this parable of Jesus and its ramifications settle into
your heart. Think of the joy that comes when we can
partner with God in His upending of Satan's wiles and
evil schemes.
Satan thought (and probably still thinks) that he is
secure in his house because of all his weaponry.
Yahweh laughs because none of that weaponry can
stand against the truth and power of Himself.
The very things that Satan uses to keep his slaves
bound and held within his kingdom are easily destroyed
by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus. And They are
Both in His people, who will do the same works that They
Could you be one of God's future agents sent into
Satan's kingdom? Submit unto Yahweh, filled with His
Spirit, and see where He can lead you!
Maybe you will be used in the freeing of entire nations
that are ruled by despots, as you pray and witness of the
Maybe you will be an agent of the unraveling of
demonic theories, behaviors, and movements, which have
taken over various parts of society!
Strike fear into Satan by submitting fully unto the Holy

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

One—all things are possible with God!


Satan's Imprisonment

I saw an angel coming down out of heaven,

having the key of the abyss and a great chain in
his hand. He seized the dragon, the old serpent,
which is the devil and Satan, who deceives the
whole inhabited earth, and bound him for a
thousand years, and cast him into the abyss, and
shut it, and sealed it over him, that he should
deceive the nations no more, until the thousand
years were finished. After this, he must be freed
for a short time. (Revelation 20:1-3)

A nd after the thousand years, Satan will be

released from his prison, and he will come
out to deceive the nations which are in the four
corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather
them together to the war; the number of whom is
as the sand of the sea. They went up over the
breadth of the earth, and surrounded the camp of
the saints, and the beloved city. Fire came down
out of heaven from God, and devoured them.
The devil who deceived them was thrown into
the lake of fire and sulfur, where the beast and the
false prophet are also. They will be tormented

Satan's End & Our Beginning

day and night forever and ever. (Revelation 20:7-

Praise God! Satan has a known end! And it's not a
good one, which is great and satisfying for us!
This evil one will have served his purpose; all of his
plotting and madness and destruction will come to an
end, with all of the things (Death and Hell) and people
(unbelievers) that follow with him.
Notice how once again, Yahweh uses Satan's own
idiocy against him, to do His own will.
Satan is loosed, and he goes around the entire earth
gathering together everyone who has hated Christ Jesus'
one thousand year reign on Earth. Why should God go to
the trouble of individually singling out all of His haters,
when He can let Satan do it for Him?
And so the Devil gets all of the enemies of God to come
against God's Holy City: and thus they are destroyed and
judged then and there, in one fell swoop! Halleluyah,
Satan is used by God one final time for His own purposes!
The joy for us now is that we're able to strike fear into
him over and over until that final judgment comes. And
by His grace, rescue the elect that are scattered among the
earth in these many evil places.

His End is our Beginning

The final two chapters of Revelation are spent showing
God's purpose for His people. I love how Satan doesn't
get “final billing.” He's already out of the picture, set to

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

suffer for eternity in the lake of fire, along with all those
who followed him.
All of his boasting will suddenly be forgotten.
Think of all of the books and movies with similar plots.
The protagonist is taken off course by an enemy, but
overcomes in the end. The enemy is dealt with for good.
And the end shows the protagonist back on course; and
often, better than he was before the confrontation with the
enemy! The former struggles are soon forgotten!
I want to emphasize that the role and work of Satan is
temporary; the whole of the teaching of this book is to
serve us for our time here on earth. That short time,
relative to eternity, is but an eye blink.
All of the things we can learn through our experience
of striking fear into Satan, and not fearing him in the
process, ultimately are being used by God for our future.
Not very much is revealed about what is to come after
this current age is drawn to a close. If we think about
what modern science currently believes to be the age of
this creation/universe (billions of years), can you imagine
what God has planned after this?
If God's people are going through a process of
refinement and learning to live for Him even through the
hardest of times—over only a few thousand years thus far
—what kind of future awaits us in the new heavens and
new earth?

The Day is Always Near

I want to excite you about what is to come! Think back
Satan's End & Our Beginning

to the Lord's teaching upon the earth—we are to be

watching and praying, expecting Him to return at any
That mindset and way of life will both prove to Him
and prepare us for His return and our future life together
(as Christ and His Bride, the Church; the subject of the
first book I began writing, which I hope to publish soon).

L et us consider how to provoke one another to

love and good works, not forsaking our own
assembling together, as the custom of some is, but
exhorting one another; and so much the more, as
you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24-25)
Over the last several years, I've had several dreams in
which the Lord was coming back, or had already come
back. What a shock it was. In fact, I had yet another just a
couple of weeks ago (late August, 2022).
In each dream, I pondered about how I had lived my
life: what had I left undone? What should I have said to
people? With whom should I have shared the Gospel?
But now (in the dreams) it was too late. I knew that the
next part of God's plan was unfolding.
And even in one of the dreams I “awoke” into another
dream, realizing I still had time left after all. How happy
I was!
But this is our life as believers. So much of Jesus' and
His apostles' exhortation was to live as though the Master
could return at any moment. 381 Would the servants have

381. 2 Peter 3; 1 Corinthians 3:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

been always living as they should before His return? Or

even right at that moment? Had they made good use of
the “talents” given to them by their Lord to make a profit?
Or had they hid them out of being afraid?382

Quiet & Humble Lives

Many live for fame, power, or riches. When we live for
God, we are putting something else first in every
situation, each and every day: Him.
Listen: many times, this means that our outer lives may
not look vastly different from other people. It is the
source of our choices that will be different. Sometimes,
those choices may put us on display.
But we may never get the accolades of the world as we
continually obey the Holy Spirit. We may, as Paul
exhorts, “make it our ambition to lead a quiet life” 383 and
not become embroiled in the drama of the world.
We may sometimes get asked about where we get our
hope, then sharing the Good News with them.384
Jesus said that the gentle would inherit the earth. We
serve quietly now, but will reign loudly then.385
But oh, it is true, that many times God will raise up
certain of His people “to turn the world upside-down” as
it were;386 yet, those people too are obeying Him in each

382. Matthew 24:45-51, 25:14-30; Luke 12:35-48

383. 1 Thessalonians 4:10-12
384. 1 Peter 1:13-16
385. Matthew 5:5; Revelation 2:25-28
386. Acts 17:6
Satan's End & Our Beginning

and every instant.387 They are not there by their own

choice or by their own ability. They serve the One Who
put them there for such a time.
With patience, we live for the One Who gave Himself
for us, producing a glory like nothing else.
In other books that I am writing now and hope to
publish in the near future, we can look in-depth at the
various ways we can spend our lives on earth for God.
What will be the ways we can grow in union with
Jesus, and embrace the purpose of creation and enjoy all
of its fruit in the right ways?
How can we spend our time wisely? It's an astounding
adventure to realize just how much of lives can be
impacted with Yahweh as our center!
Living for Him, day by day, will bring such joy!

A Message from the Future

As in my dreams, let me be the time-traveler who
comes back from the future to warn you: don't waste your
life! Live as though no tomorrow is promised; have at
least the wisdom the Stoics had (“remember Death”), but
use that knowledge for a divine purpose, not just for this
fleeting life!
Live for Yahweh—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
Surrender to Him, go free from your old nature in the
power of His Spirit, and order your steps according to the
Love of your life! Use your freedom for good!
All this life of allegorical teaching through experience

387. Acts 23:1, 24:16

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

will eventually come to an end. Satan's facades will melt.

We will see the Lord face to face, knowing Him as we
have been known—the Reality will be before us, with no
need for hope or faith any more. Our lives with Him will
finally be freed from the constraints of these earthly,
terrestrial bodies.388
How much better will it all be in spiritual reality, when
we have the underlying truth which is hidden in so many
ways by our human understanding!

I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the

first heaven and the first earth have passed
away, and the sea is no more. I saw the holy city,
New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from
God, prepared like a bride adorned for her
husband. I heard a loud voice out of heaven
saying, “Behold, God’s dwelling is with people,
and he will dwell with them, and they will be his
people, and God himself will be with them as
their God. He will wipe away from them every
tear from their eyes. Death will be no more;
neither will there be mourning, nor crying, nor
pain, any more. The first things have passed
away.” He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I
am making all things new.” He said, “Write, for
these words of God are faithful and true.” He
said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the
Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give

388. 1 Corinthians 13:12, 15:35-53; 1 John 3:1-3

Satan's End & Our Beginning

freely to him who is thirsty from the spring of the

water of life. He who overcomes, I will give him
these things. I will be his God, and he will be my
son. But for the cowardly, unbelieving, sinners,
abominable, murderers, sexually immoral,
sorcerers,idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the
lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the
second death.” (Revelation 21:1-8)

H e showed me a river of water of life, clear

as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of
God and of the Lamb, in the middle of its street.
On this side of the river and on that was the tree
of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruits, yielding its
fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for
the healing of the nations. There will be no curse
any more. The throne of God and of the Lamb
will be in it, and his servants serve him. They will
see his face, and his name will be on their
foreheads. There will be no night, and they need
no lamp light; for the Lord God will illuminate
them. They will reign forever and ever.
(Revelation 22:1-5)

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

My Hope for You

My Hope for You

If you could only deeply understand the finality of

God's will and purpose, and simply believe and obey,
how lovely would your life be! Indeed, all of ours!
I pray that you've already found and understood it—
and what joy I would have if somehow I've helped you in
that journey. Please let me know, if so!

The Foundational Experiences

Mature believers in the Lord may recognize the core
message of this book as an encapsulation of three,
fundamental experiences of the Christian:
1. Salvation: submission unto God by repentance toward
Him, by grace through faith in Christ
2. Baptism in the Holy Spirit: seal of our freedom in
Christ and the power to live it
3. Entire consecration or sanctification: dedication of our
new Christ-life in self-control for God
It's not enough to logically understand these truths of
scripture, but as I've encouraged in this book: you must
experience and live it. And doing so is Satan's fear!
So, I beg you to consider for yourself:
1. Have you ever given up your entire life and self to
Yahweh through His Son Jesus? Having turned from
your rejection of Him, did you believe in the Blood of

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

His death on the Cross as the payment for your sin?

Because of His Resurrection, have you received the
free gift of eternal life by inviting Him to live and
reign in you as your Lord? Have you let the Seed of
God (Jesus) take root in your heart and bear fruit
through that new birth He promised and required to
see God's Kingdom?
2. Since that new birth, have you ever sought God the
Father for what He promised to all those He would
call? Have you received the Gift that only God's Son
could offer, the Holy Spirit in fullness? Did you speak
as that Spirit gave you the ability to speak, in another
language that you do not know yourself? Are you
continuing to use that gift to build yourself up on your
holy faith, empowering you to live your freedom in
3. After dying to your old life to God by identifying with
Christ on the Cross, and being born again, have you
given that new life to your new Lord? Now free in
Christ and clothed with the power of the Spirit, have
you set yourself apart for His purpose and purposes?
Do you live with Him as your reason for being, no
longer doing “your own thing” but listening to His
Spirit as you walk the narrow road of righteousness?
Do you live not by law but by what is expedient, what
builds up, not being brought under the power of
anything in creation? Are you seeking to build up the
rest of the Body of which you are now a part?
I pray that you enter into each of these distinct and real

My Hope for You

experiences, if you have not yet. Each awaits you if you

come to Jesus: for He said, He will not toss out anyone
who comes to Him. And all that His Father has drawn
will come to Him.389
So if you feel that pull, come!390 He is waiting with
open arms! Begin your journey!
If you'd like help in obtaining a firm foundation in
scripture and the things of God, consider signing up for
the free courses offered through our ministry.391

Beginning & Ending with James

As I've made James 4:7 this book's focus verse, I think
it's helpful to look at how James opens and closes his
letter; it's a wonderful summary of our journey in this
study of Satan's fear.

J ames, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus

Christ, to the twelve tribes which are in the
Dispersion: Greetings. Count it all joy, my
brothers, when you fall into various temptations,
knowing that the testing of your faith produces
endurance. Let endurance have its perfect work,
that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in
nothing. (James 1:1-4)
Although his audience were seemingly fleshly Jews
scattered abroad, how well we—as modern-day

389. John 6:37

390. Revelation 22:17
391. The Prophetic Voice Institute,
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Christians—can relate to their experience too. We are all

scattered throughout the world, in the midst of nations
ruled by humans (mostly wicked) and not God. We, as
believers in the Lord, live like foreigners in a land not
seeming to be our own.392
His first exhortation is to count all of it joy when we fall
into different temptations. Remember our study of this?
We must constantly be reminded not to despair, but
rather to understand that God is having His way as we
live for Him. We're headed to a goal!
Although our trials and persecutions may be stressful
on our flesh, our eternal end is assured, and this earthly
process is letting patience do its thing, making us “perfect
and complete.”
We suffer sweetly; and Satan runs from us!
And how does James end his letter?

B rothers, if any among you wanders from the

truth and someone turns him back, let him
know that he who turns a sinner from the error of
his way will save a soul from death and will cover
a multitude of sins. (James 5:19-20)
Indeed, the goal of this book is to wake up all of us—
let's not waste our time. If we have strayed from the Lord,
or perhaps never known Him, we now have no excuse not
to return to Him in faith. Call to others!
The Way has been revealed—God's own Son. We may
receive Him and live. If we are still breathing, it's not too

392. Hebrews 11:13-16

My Hope for You

late! The former sins will be forgotten.

Now you can return to Yahweh, and, fully equipped,
begin striking fear into the one who previously ruled your
life through fear! Halleluyah!

A Time of Stewardship
Putting together all of the truths of this book, you may
still be asking yourself: so how is the life of a believer any
different than any other person? What will be the signs of
the one who understands the core teachings of this book
as revealed in scripture? Bottom-line: what is the point?
How and what we do with what God's given us will
determine what we receive in the next age. This is one
way of looking at what the point of this book really is.
Everything we have and do is not our own, as we've seen.
But, how we behave with what we've been temporarily
given will lead to us possessing what is truly ours in the
next age.393 Halleluyah!

“H e who is faithful in a very little is

faithful also in much. He who is
dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in
much. If therefore you have not been faithful in
the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to
your trust the true riches? If you have not been
faithful in that which is another’s, who will give
you that which is your own? No servant can
serve two masters, for either he will hate the one,

393. Matthew 25; 2 Corinthians 5:10

Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and

despise the other. You aren’t able to serve God
and Mammon.” (Luke 16:10-13)
The point is: we are here for God's purpose, and our
life is all about knowing, loving, and living for Him, and
trusting and doing what He says. The results all work out
for His plan in the end, which will be glorious for us as
This really summarizes it as short as I can imagine.
Any other possibility in some way strays from the
fundamental truths discussed in this book. We looked at
a few of the ways Satan perverts such truths, and how
that can end up looking from the outside.
If we see people living certain ways, we get some idea
of what (and who) is motivating them.394
But in many ways, living out the truths of this book can
look wildly different among different time periods,
cultures, and callings. There's no unique, ideal walk of
life for us all, as we've seen that God is building a Body
for His Son out of all peoples, from across all times.

T hey sang a new song, saying,

“You are worthy to take the book, and to
open its seals: for you were killed, and bought us
for God with your blood, out of every tribe,
language, people, and nation, and made us kings
and priests to our God, and we will reign on
earth.” (Revelation 5:9-10)

394. Matthew 7:15-23

My Hope for You

Indeed and thus, the Gospel itself is sent to everyone:

I saw an angel flying in mid heaven, having an

eternal Good News to proclaim to those who
dwell on the earth, and to every nation, tribe,
language, and people. He said with a loud voice,
“Fear the Lord, and give him glory; for the hour
of his judgment has come. Worship him who
made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and the
springs of waters!” (Revelation 14:6-7)
Rich and poor. Young and old. Male and female.
Ruler and servant.395 From and to every race, language,
nationality, and generation.
The bounds of God's Kingdom cannot be overstated!
The important part is to hear and obey! And if He's
tasked you to share with others, then also obey!

Hold Firm unto the End

If you've read the Bible for any length of time, you also
know that wandering journey of Israel in the flesh: how
great their victories and how great their failures. We
know that many rejected their promise, but a small elect
did not. Yet God did and will choose to show them mercy
and fulfill His promise.396
Just as it will be with those in this New and everlasting
Covenant that Yahweh has made through His Son. I ask
you to read the entire third chapter of 2 Peter right now,

395. Galatians 3:28

396. Romans 11
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

as it has such a relevant message.

Also let the story of Yahweh's message through Moses
to Israel speak to all of us believers in Christ, as we now
have God's divine nature to bring us all the way
With them, let us say, “all that Yahweh has spoken we
will do!” But let us also put the “doing” with the “saying”
and be that profitable servant in the end!398
My hope for you, like the writers of scripture, is:

T hat the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the

Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of
wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him;
having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that
you may know what is the hope of his calling,
and what are the riches of the glory of his
inheritance in the saints, and what is the
exceeding greatness of his power toward us who
believe, according to that working of the strength
of his might, which he worked in Christ, when he
raised him from the dead, and made him to sit at
his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all
rule, and authority, and power, and dominion,
and every name that is named, not only in this
age, but also in that which is to come. He put all
things in subjection under his feet, and gave him
to be head over all things for the assembly, which

397. Exodus 19:3-8

398. Matthew 21:28-32
My Hope for You

is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.

(Ephesians 1:17-23)
Amen! How eloquently Paul puts it, given by the Spirit
of hope that indwells all of God's elect.
My vision is to see all of God's people walking in
steadfast faith, not fearing Satan or his works, but rather
instilling fear into him!
Humble yourself, knowing the age-spanning plan that
Yahweh is accomplishing—having invited you to be part
of it—and suffer and endure the hardships of the flesh for
the hope of the coming of the Lord Jesus.
The Son of God shall return for His Bride, His Body, 399
and will find us patiently awaiting! Will you be one of
those few?
Awaken! Watch and pray!400
Count yourself part of that small crowd who so awaits,
and rejoice that your name has been written in heaven! 401
Enjoy life in God's presence, He loves you.
What awaits us afterward is far beyond anything we
can even imagine. It will very much be worth it.
The sufferings of this life are but a fleeting moment, 402
and our adversary but an ephemeral opponent in the

399. Revelation 21
400. Romans 13:10-14; Ephesians 5:6-17; Mark 13:33, 14:38; Luke 21:36;
Ephesians 6:17-18; Colossians 4:2
401. Matthew 7:13-14; Luke 10:20, 13:24; Revelation 3:5; 20:12-15
402. Romans 8:18
403. Revelation 20:7-15, 21:4
Satan's Fear – J. Solomon Kostelnik

Thus, be encouraged one final time:

Don't fear Satan,

for Satan's fear can be you!

About the Author

About the Author

J. Solomon Kostelnik has been a born-again believer in
Jesus since before the age of three, and was filled with the
Holy Spirit before age four (thanks to his wonderful
parents and God's grace).
He has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology from
International Seminary in Plymouth, Florida, and has
been in public ministry for over 20 years.
Solomon has studied under numerous godly ministers
of the Word over the years including his own mother,
Barbara, and father and pastor, Joseph Kostelnik, Ph.D., of
Gospel Truth Ministries ( and White Oak
Chapel (, and is ordained by
the same.
You may study the basics of the Bible and Christian life
for free online at their ministry outreach: The Prophetic
Voice Institute ( Solomon also shares
spiritual articles, prophecies & dreams at his own site:
He wishes to thank and recommend the websites (which also publishes the free World
English Bible, his preferred translation) and for its free Bible study tools:
translations, Greek & Hebrew helps, and commentaries.
Solomon lives in a suburb near Cincinnati, Ohio, USA,
with his two cats (whom have taught him enough that
he's writing a book about them!).


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