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Martin Balbuena

January 24, 2023

Chapter 1 Reading Guide Questions:

1. Why does Severo take Nivea del Valle and their eleven children to Mass?
● Despite his atheism, Severino often attends church with his wife Nivea del Valle and their
eleven kids. He thinks that coming to church will help him in his political career.
2. Describe Father Restrepo.
● Father Restrepo was a religious extremist, he was very dramatic. Still, he had a devoted
following because of his fervent Christian faith.
3. Why does the del Valle family have to leave the church in a hurry?
● The family leaves the church in a hurry because Clara yells “Father Restrepo! If that
story about hell is a lie, we’re all fucked, aren’t we” (Allende, 2015, p. 7).
4. Describe the members of the del Valle family.
- Severo del Valle: The dad, desired to enter politics.
- Nivea del Valle: The mother, feminist.
- Rosa: Very beautiful and creative.
- Clara: The youngest magical daughter.
- Uncle Marcos: Inventive, loved clara.
- Barrabás: A big dog left by Uncle Marcos.
- Nana: The nanny that took care of everything.
5. Who is Esteban Trueba? Who does he love?
● Esteban Trueba is a man who works at the mine. He is in love with Rosa.
6. How does Rosa spend most of her time?
● Rosa spends her time making the world's biggest tablecloth and embroidering
7. Who is Uncle Marcos? What has happened to him?
● Uncle Marcos is Nivea's brother. He died in the middle of the sea from an African plague.
He was delivered to his family's house with all of his belongings.
8. At the end of the fall, what has Severo del Valle been invited to become?
● At the end of the fall, Severo del Valle was asked to represent a southern province and
run for Congress as a candidate for the Liberal Party.
9. What does Clara announce? What is the outcome?
● Clara announces that someone in the family will accidentally die. The outcome is that
Rosa is found dead.
10. What does Doctor Cuevas feel is necessary? What is found out?
● Doctor Cuevas believes that an autopsy is necessary. The fact that she was poisoned
was found out.
11. How does Esteban Trueba react?
● Esteban Trueba was incredibly ashamed of himself for prioritizing his job over spending
time with Rosa. He was devastated, so he left the mine immediately.

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