24 Chants

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1. “Tanin'iver Liftoach Nia!

”This formula aims to awaken the

blind dragon, who slumbers in the darkness of the black flame.
It opens the eye of chaos and is also used to vanquish the
illusory light of the demiurge and - through gnosis - opening the
dragon’s eyes.

2. “Chao Ab Ordo!”This is the formula of the coming dark eon,

and is used to create chaos from order and spread disharmony
energies on the physical (mortal) plane.

3. “Ishet Zenunim Taninsam Ama Lilith, Liftoach Kliffot!”The

formula of Lilith is a highly potent formula of invocation. Its
purpose is to open the gate of Gehinnom and summon the
demonic mother Lilith and her sinister energies. It is also used in
rituals of sexual magic, with the purpose of transferring sexual
energy to Sithra Ahra.

4. “Dies Irae, Dies Illa, Solvet Cosmos In Favilla! Vocamus Te

Aeshma-Diva!”This formula of wrath is very powerful, and
summons the energies that are strongest during the winter phase
of every eon. It calls to Aeshma-Diva, and hastens the beginning
of the dissolving of the current eon.

5. “Ad Majorem Satanae Gloriam!”This formula is used during

sacrifical rituals. Its purpose is to, throught the lifeforce of the
sacrifice, strenghten the satanic force channeled during the
ritual. It can be carved, engraved or painted on the sacrifical
6. “Lylusay Tateros Volt Sids Lucifer!”This formula of Lucifer
brings spiritual enlightenment and strenghtens the inner fire of
chaos. It is also used in the opening of the dark gates to the
spiritual plane and the southern throne.

7. “Vibarlal Dendas Tnasod Beelzebuth!”This brings forth the

winds of the void and silences the senses. It opens the dark gate
to the mental plane and the eastern throne.

8. “Agilleath Tiddehmos Tlyfos Belial!”This formula of Belial

summons forth deadly and devastating energies, and spreads
hate and dissent among the enemies of the practitioner/magician.
It opens the gate to the physical plane and the northern throne.

9. “Dessurpur Kajp Gidupp Leviathan!”The formula of

Leviathan channels the energies of the wrathful chaos into
cosmos, and converts form to shapelessness. It awakens the
dragon of the oceans of chaos and opens the dark gate to the
astral plane and the western throne.

10. “Vedar-Gal Tiekals Somdus Azerate!”Disharmonic energies

of chaos are attracted through the formula of Azerate, which
brings chaos and revolution. It is also used in rituals focused on
the invocation of the eleven anti-cosmic forces.

11. “Athah Gibor Leohlam Satan!”This is - first and foremost - a

formula used in rituals praising Satan. It has the power to
strengthen the satanic energies channeled.

12. “Lucifer Illuminatio Mea!”This is mostly used during

meditative rituals meant to bring wisdom and enlightenment.
13. “Tohu Tehom Theli Than Leviathan Tanin'iver Taninsam!”
This kliffothic formula is used in dark rituals meant to channel
the energies of the dragon of death. It can also be used to open
gates to the kliffothic planes.

14. “Noxulifer!”Used in the chaos-gnostic rites to help the

magician transcend the dualism of the causal plane and cosmic

15. “Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas!”The key to the abyss opens

the gates of Choronzon to the acausal plane and breaks, through
eleven alpha vibrations, the cosmic barriers. It is also used as a
formula of invocation during rituals to summon Choronzon and
activates the eleven dark angels of The Broken Pentagram.

16. “Liftoach Kliffot!”Used during kliffothic rituals to channel

the energies of Sitra Ahra into cosmos.

17. “Alastoros!”A mars-saturnic formula to evoke destructive

and dissolving energies to bring war and bloodshed. Used during
curses and war rituals.

18. “Chaosatanas!”A chaos-gnostic formula to bring mental


19. “Atazoth!”Used during power-rituals, it increases the acausal

flow from the pan-dimensional self into the limited causal “I”. It
awakens the black flame and brings chaos into the microcosmos.

20. Acteus Magelsius Ormenus Lycas Nicon Mimon!“This

formula is used to evoke demonic energies on the physical, or
astral, plane. In medieval tradition, it is comprised of the names
of The Six Rulers of Evil.

21. "Magoa Paymon Egym Amaymon!”Opens the four gates to

the demon kingdom and attracts and focuses sinister energies.
Comprised of the names of the four demon kings that
corresponds to the four black thrones:
Lucifer - Amaymon - Samael.
Beelzebuth - Magoa - Azazel.
Belial - Egym - Mahazael.
Leviathan - Paymon - Azael.

22. “Sitrael Polanthan Thamaar Falaur Sitrami!”Used in

summoning the destructive demons of the northern throne, and
envokes the forces of the five demon princes.

23. “Bagabi Laca Bachabe Lamac Cahi Achababe Karrelyos

Lamac Lamec Bachalyas Cabahagy Sabalyos Baryolos Lagoz
Atha Cabyola Samahac Et Famyolas Harrahya!”A formula of
black magic stemming from the 14th century, this is used in the
darkest rituals to call and summon Satan.

24. “Palas Aron Ozinomas Baske Bano Tudan Donasn

Geheamel Cla Orlay Berec H Pantaras Tay!”
A formula of black magic stemming from the 14th century, this
is used in the darkest rituals to call and summon Satan.

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