ASOV Flag Meaning PDF

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(page 1) ASOV Flag: The Esoteric Meaning.

Although it looks simple enough, a great deal of information can be invested in and as such
withdrawn from our flag.

Colours: The Black Standard is rectangular and martial in stature as per a Samurai banner
representing the Saturnian Earthiness of a Black Cube elongated to encompass more than us
rather than Soveriegnty/control over an area. It represents discpline and empathy - the
understanding of our temporal occupation of a location is only temporal and by no means
grants us any special ownership and the empathy with the land that demands we look after it
and remove as much of our presence as possible, save for a thrasz, behind.

The cube is one of the five Pythagorean solids. the most basic form of the cube; the square
represented solidarity: a perfection that is static, earthly, and material. It suggests
dependability, honesty, shelter, safety. As the most frequent shape in Hindu symbology, the
mandalas with gates stands for order in the universe and the balance of opposites. It is
considered the building block of nature because the ancient Greeks believed that the element
of Earth was comprised of cube shaped particles; given their stability of the shape. The Modern
World has inherited much of the Greeks worldview and many of these suppositions, present in
general knowledge, remain preserved.

The Green & Yellow Represent our Australian Heritage and Belonging, a patriotic nod. The
Green Thrasz further represents the wild and lush Australian Landscape, whilst the Yellow Sun
represents the harsh, inhospitable arid deserts, sand and burning sun.

The white stars and moon are contrasted with the black flag to indicate a grasp and willingness
to employ both extremes of any given form and to symbolize our astrological/astronomical

The Black 'A' in the shadow of the Sun depicts the Monogram for the ASOV (A) and is stylized
to show a figure both exalting the sky and kneeling on the earth. It represents a greater union
with the forces above and below and a vow to go inside and outside to find, meet and learn
from these forces by which we are shadowed by virtue of their intensity. It also warns of
incineration by these forces should we forget their power.

The Moon represents our Blitzkrieg Approach to Magic and that our organization and our
alchemical development is often hidden from view.

The Thrasz itself is a stylized Saturn, easly seen if we imagine Saturns planet as the Yellow
interior (Ammonia) and the spiralling Green Thrasz as its rings.

The midst of which is a baleful eye - the eye of Becoming or Evolved Intelligence.

A Crux or Southern Cross of stars counterpoints the Moon adopting this symbol famous across
the Southern Hemisphere for our flag and a sign that presides over our rituals and meets as a
natural compass.

The Moon, Saturn and the Sun are depicted on the ASOV's flag - a throwback to the Temple of
THEM's roots in Traditional Satanism and the spiral path of the planets in the Tree of Wyrd. The
moon in the far distance, saturn in the midground and the sun in the foreground.

The Moon is shown in danger of being occulted by Saturn - that is to say, Saturn obscures the
sphere of the Moon. In Psychological terms this equates to the 23 Syndrome and fixing of the
Ego with the individual believing they have discovered all there is that lays hidden in their
psyche, lived and extracted all the terror and occult knowledge there is inside or outside. We
must never forget that our Ego functions to fix our perspective with a narrow minded view to
more easily make sense of things - and this narrowing is an illusion caused by the Egos lens
(Asov Flag: page 2) that may cause us to constrict our perspectives without conscious
control. The EYE of the Thrasz is a stern reminder that we must remain awake and vigilant of
our Ego's particular habits if we are to retain conscious control of who we are.

The cyclic path of Becoming and Evolving that starts in the Sphere of the Moon, travels in a
spiral (the Thrasz) upward through the other planetary energies and ends in Saturn. However,
the endless pursuit of this cycle is represented by the Awakened Dragon or Eye of the Thrasz
wherein this process of Becoming is eternally repeated but never the same outwardly, only
inwardly. This process represents a cosmos of receptive knowledge which we are not closed off
to and the repetitive cyclic attainment of Becoming in effect represents the Philosophers Stone.

The ability to turn lead of any kind into gold of any kind requires an understanding of
transformation and how one thing can become another through the application of processes. If
we come to know thousands of processes instead of a few hundred it signficantly improves our
ability to perform alchemy by coupling a form with, or depriving a form of, another form or
forms to produce a specific result.
If you look again at the 'A' on the flag you will see it is comprised of two letters, A and U, the
Alchemical Symbol for Gold while the Lead aspect is symbolized by the black colour of the A
and the human figure. The planets of the flag both dwarf and surround the human figure
pointing at the enormity of alchemical tasks and implementation of change and the necessity
for suprahuman efforts to achieve them.

The Saturnian aspect of the Thrasz is covered in detail within the complex meanings of the
Aeurekaneqeuo yet it is worth noting that the Isa Rune of the Thrasz Eye, of stillness and Ice,
is counterbalanced by the Double Sowelu Runes, or Sunwheel, spelling ISS which equates to In
Supra Solidarity.

The Sun is at the foreground because of its prominence in Australian climate and landscape. It
further represents the shining beacons of illumination and wisdom which are not to be
confused with knowledge. Wisdom is a result of less being more. A compaction of the
categorical knowledge of the Dexter into a wordless sympathy of knowing with forces
previously unknown.
It is intensity and persistence that makes changes, both internally and externally just as sun
and storm year after year, aeon after aeon scorched the Australian landscape dry from its once
verdant lushness into the arid continent we know today, the timeframe and heat required for
such changes are allegories for magical works, including forbidden alchemy. To burn as a star
does requires great dedication. The Black Flame is caused by Black Lightening.

Thus just as there are forces of opposition, conjunction and even contradiction shown in our
flag by the various forces depicted - so too are we ourselves representative of the balance of
what is shown and beyond. This flag serves as a reminder of our duties to the land to each
other and to ourselves.

Suitably entranced and joined with the meaning of this flag now it falls to us to employ a
radical practice common to the philosophy of the Temple of THEM.

Despite its symbolic beauty and harmony this flag must never become sacred. It must not be
as other flags a sign of sovereignty over land or the intention to create a utopian rule, nor
must it be representative more than arbitrarily of the ASOv.

We may use it liberally but must remember that if we imbue it with power or special
significance we are playing a game. We should perhaps at the proposed event of the yearly
Grand Fire, burn such a flag to release any attachment to it. Creating a new one each year at
the first Meet. It is easy to build such relics and artifacts and become attached to them, easier
still to speak words that attach someone to them as I have done here: this is how knowledge
is accepted, venerated and made sacred.

But this is the root of religion, of worship, of material abstractions of forms, not an
appreciation of forces. We may perhaps use it irreverently to wipe our dishes and utensils but
(Asov Flag: page 3) not go so far as to deliberately scorn or demean the flag - merely keep
it in context and its place. It is just cloth to which we have attached meaning, after all. When it
becomes more than that, the Sorcerer has lost control of his or her forms. You may recall the
myths of Frankenstein, or the story of the Golem, or even Mickeys Brooms of which he created
and lost control. Symbols have a nasty habit of becoming more than they are - so these
practices will help you as a sorcerer to understand both the trap they create and the means to
overcome it. And that is invaluable.

There is another aspect to this flag that may not be immediately visible. One of the traditional
crafts of Satanic practice as taught by us is that of mimesis. Just as we mimicked a Mass with
the Nameless Rite, our ASOv flag stands in opposition to Abrahamism. It not only features the
black cube (sacred symbol of Abrahamism and the greatest of Angels 'El' who was represented
by a black cube - under which banner we are attempting to dismantle their control over us and
our habits) but the three planets rumoured to have been the roots from which the name of
Israel is derived: being the Egyptian worship of the Moon (Isis), the Sun, (Ra), and Saturn
(Elohim), hence IsRaEl.

Therefore, our treatment and use of the symbolism of a flag and the flag itself is not the
ordinary use, but a seditious undermining of traditional forms on mutiple levels.

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