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Quantum Black Magic

By Valentino J Valentini II

3 axioms bulleted below begin to explain quantum black magic .

Absolute Relativity  []

▪ Emotion and resulting perceptional construct which human beings

demonstrate; must not be allowed to be: or become: relative- to
anything quantitative in space-time:
▪ Planet Earth including all and any subjects that can be described as
or are defined as "self organizing" and/or "self replicating" - are not
privileged observers- nor are they in a "privileged part" of the
universe: relative: to any other parts of the universe.
▪ The (Observable;unobservable phenomenon of matter; energy or
points in space) that we occupy- are not "supernatural receivers"
of grace, favor, or position in space- relative- to "any" "other"
observed;unobserved; position in space; spaces; existence; or time-
be it measurable or  not.

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