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The Star Game

“Naos” – A Practical Guide to Modern Magick
And Temple Manuscripts from the Order of Nine Angles

(Other articles as the Self-initiation to Satanism included)

Editor: Hagur, Grand Hierophant

© February 2013 Skull Press, Ghent, Belgium - Non-Commercial


The Star Game has three main functions:

(1) It develops certain higher levels of consciousness

(2) It is a new form of magickal working appropriate to the
twenty-first century and beyond; and
(3) It is an aid to developing certain magickal skills – adding
mindfulness, concentration and visualization. In addition, it
contains the whole esoteric Septenary tradition, as well as
being simply a ‘game’ that can be played to a conclusion
against an opponent.

The first of the aims detailed above involves, in part, a new way of
thinking – for the Star Game develops the capacity to think and
understand in symbols. This ‘thinking’ however is not the rational,
causal, logical type associated with ‘science’. It is rather the intuitive
or ‘wholistic’ type – the poetic/mystical/magickal which sees
connections between things, which brings insight and understanding
through breadth. Yet, in tandem with this, it develops the qualities
which also lay at the foundation of our conscious development as
rational beings: the critical, analytical faculty which is so often
lacking in some who study the Occult in general and magick in

In short, the Star Game is a tool – to be used according to the desire of

the user. To learn the Game, even as a ‘game’ takes time and a certain
mental effort. Like all genuine magick, it is not intended for the idle or
the dilettantes.

Those who are seriously interested in learning the use of this esoteric
tool should first construct the Septenary game, and practice playing it,
either alone or with an opponent, for some time. Then, they should
study its magickal symbolism – the seven boards as the seven spheres
of the Tree of Wyrd, the black and white pieces as ‘light’ and ‘dark’
(or causal and acausal) personal and cosmic energies, the changes of
these pieces over the boards as the changes in individual
psyche/Earth-bound/cosmic energies and so on – and then should they
wish, undertake magick using it. Those who wish to go further, should
study the aeonic attributions and then, should they wish, construct and
learn to use the advanced form of the game. Those who do this will
have the satisfaction of belonging to an elite: of being at the very
summit of our conscious evolution. It will then be up to them whether
they take the boundary ever higher. All genuine Black Magick is an
act of defiance against the restrictions imposed by the mediocre and
the cowards, and in this sense (as well as others) the Star game is an
act of supreme Black Magick. It is a comment on the mediocrity of the
present that only a few will understand this statement.

The Boards:

There are seven boards, placed one above the other in a spiral and
which form a representation of the Septenary tree of Wyrd. Each
board consists of nine white and nine black squares (see fig.1). Each
board is named after a star.

difference is more complex, but can be simply expressed by stating that a thorough study of
Jung’s ‘types’ shows how close are his ‘Sensation’ and ‘Feeling’ types (a thorough analysis is
given in the Order MS ‘Emanations of Urania’) – perhaps his desire to express the psyche in
terms of the quaternity which so interested him gave rise to this unnecessary extra type. As it
is, the psyche can be described by the nine combinations above.

Thus, these nine combinations, three-fold (this triplicity expressing the three ‘types’ of
consciousness – ego, self and beyond-self) spread over the seven boards, gives a complete
representation of each individual psyche.

Hence it is possible, using the pieces and the boards, to magickally represent any individual
uniquely – and thus a movement of certain pieces can be made, this movement being the
change the person who so represents an individual desires to bring about in that individual.
The Star Game thus gives the person unlimited, magickal, control of other individuals -–
should that person wish to use it for magickal purposes. In simple terms, a Star Game
representation of a particular person by the placing of the appropriate pieces on the
appropriate boards, is a ‘magickal model’ of that person – as, for example, a wax effigy is in
more primative magic. To achieve this representation takes a certain practice and skill in the
game, of course.

This magickal use of the game (the details will be given in Part II of this series for those who
cannot wait to work them out for themselves) is however only one use of the Star Game when
an individual is being represented. Beyond this practical magickal aspect, perhaps its most
important use is that is enables an insight into not only oneself but also others – via the
symbolism. That is, it shows connections and enables an analysis of the individual psyche in a
manner as far beyond the ‘psychologies’ of today as modern technology is beyond the stone


In Aeonic terms, the seven boards represent the seven fundamental Aeons which we as
sentient beings may partake of. As for an individual psyche, these represent an evolution of
consciousness – from the first or ‘Primal’ aeon (when consciousness is just beginning to
arise) through the Sumerian to the present Western one. An aeon is basically a representation
in archetypal/symbolic terms, of those cosmic/Earth-bound forces which shape our evolution
in a mostly unconscious way. As aeons progress, we as individuals may or may not,
depending on our own personal/magickal development, be aware of these forces/influences
external to us – in traditional magickal terms, the crossing of the Abyss (in the Septenary,
from Sun to Mars) is when these influences are consciously understood, and the ‘self’ finally
achieves a freedom through this (often only intuitive) understanding.

In the symbolic sense, a new Aeon may be said to emerge when one of the seven ‘Gates’ is
opened. This allows acausal energy to presence on Earth, and this presencing affects the
psyche of all those individuals who have not ‘crossed the Abyss’, the intensity of nature of
this depending on various factors. The most important external sign of an Aeon, is the
associated higher civilization or culture – that is, the energy of a particular Aeon are
expressed via the mechanism of a civilization. Despite the claims of the mystifiers who
abound in the Occult’ there have so far been only five aeons …..

Figure 1 -
The Boards







Tarot Atu:
‘Archetypal Image’

Moon Calcination 18 15 13 Hazel

Mercury Separation 0 8 16 Yew
Venus Coagulation 6 14 17 Black Poplar
Sun Putrefaction 7 12 5 Oak
Mars Sublimation 1 4 9 Alder
Jupiter Fermentation 11 3 2 Beech
Saturn Exaltation 10 19 20 Ash

ONA’s own manuscript photocopied:

The Star Game Figures

Quick Summary
The Star Game serves three basic esoteric functions. First, it is a new type of
sinister magick, appropriate to our times and the emergence of the next Aeon.
Second, it enables an understanding of Aeonics; and, third, it is one means of
developing that new type of thinking – beyond causal, abstract, forms – which is
an important part of the forthcoming New Aeon.

In addition, it can be played simply for pleasure, as a “game”, although it is

somewhat more complicated than ordinary chess.

In The Dark Tradition, it is one of the tasks of an aspirant Internal Adept to

learn, and master, the rudiments of The Star Game, since this learning reveals
many secrets about The Dark Tradition itself.

The Star Game exists in two forms: the “simple” (or basic) form, and the
“advanced” (or esoteric) form. In the basic form there are seven boards, and
only 27 pieces. In the advanced form, there are at least 81 pieces per “side” (or
player) and many more boards, and it is this advanced form which is most
interesting from an esoteric point of view and which enables effective Dark
Sorcery, beyond “words” and “chants”.

An outline of the basic version of The Star Game is given below, together with
some notes regarding the advanced form, and more details regarding both forms
can be found in the ONA MS NAOS, as published by the ONA in facsimile.

The Boards:
There are seven boards, each one named after a particular star, which boards are
placed one above the other in a spiral and forming a septenary Tree of Life (or
Tree of Wyrd, to be precise).

Each board has nine black and nine squares, with each board representing a
sphere of the Tree of Wyrd (ToW). See Figure O below.


The Pieces:
Each player has three sets of nine pieces, that is 27 pieces in all. The nine pieces

a(a) a(b) a(c) b(a) b(b) b(c) c(a) c(b) c(c)

The pieces can also be named Alchemically, abstractly or in terms of the Dark

In Alchemical terms, a is the Alchemical symbol for Salt. b is the Alchemical

symbol for Mercury, and c is the Alchemical symbol for Sulphur. Abstractly, a
is the Greek letter alpha, b the letter beta, and c gamma. In terms of the Dark
Tradition, a is causal space-time; b is where the acausal is present or manifest in
the causal, and c acausal space-time.

These symbols and letters should be written on the pieces which are either small,
square pieces of wood (of a size to fit on the board squares), or small

One set of three pieces is coloured black, the other set, white. [ Or red and blue
may be used.]

Esoterically, the pieces represent the combinations of the alchemical substances,

or the various combinations and manifestations of causal/acausal.

The Moves:
The central rule of the game is that each piece, when it moves, is transformed
into the piece next in sequence:


Thus the a(a) piece when it is moved becomes an a(b) piece; a(c) becomes b(a)
and so on. A c(c) piece becomes a(a).

The c (or gamma) pieces – c(a) c(b) c(c) – can move to any (vacant) square on
any board.

The b (or beta) pieces can move across the board they are already on to any
vacant square, and up, or down, one level – for example, from Acturus up to
Antares, or down to Sirius. Note that a piece on Sirius can move only up to

The a (or alpha) pieces can move only across the board they are on.
After a piece has been moved, and therefore changed into the piece next in
sequence, it moves according to its new identity. Thus, a b(c) piece would
become a c(a) piece and on its next move, moves as a c (or gamma) piece.

The Placing of Pieces:

The initial or starting position of the pieces depends on how the game is used.
Esoterically, the pieces are placed to represent a particular form at a particular
moment in causal time: for example, to represent a civilization, an Aeon, or a
person. Exoterically – when the game is played simply as an intellectual game –
the placing of the pieces is fixed.

In the exoteric game the starting positions are as follows:

Six pieces are placed on Sirius – two sets of alpha pieces – for white, and six for
black. See Figure 1

Arcturus has three pieces for white and three for black. See Figure 2

Antares has six pieces for white and six for black – two sets of beta pieces,
placed exactly as the pieces on the Sirius board.

Mira has no pieces on it at the start.

Rigel has the three remaining pieces (for each player) of the beta sets, placed as
the alpha pieces on Arcturus.

Deneb has six pieces of white and six of black from the gamma set, placed as
the alpha set on Sirius.

Naos has the three remaining pieces of the gamma set, placed the same as the
alpha sets of Arcturus.

Exoteric Game Rules:

The pieces move according to the rules above (see The Moves above), and are
transformed as above. However, in the exoteric game, pieces can only stay on
Mira for three moves. After three moves have been played (three by white; three
by black) the player must move one of their pieces on Mira, if they have pieces
on Mira, and this move must – if the piece is able (of the correct sequence) – be
up or down from the Mira board. If there are alpha pieces on Mira, these are
moved according to alpha piece rules: across the board only. That is, until they
become beta pieces when they must move up or down from Mira.

A c(c) piece is the only piece that can can capture any opposing piece. A c(c)
piece can capture an opposing piece on any square from any board except Naos.
The pieces on Naos cannot be captured. The piece so captured is removed from
the game and plays no further part.

After a c(c) piece has captured another piece, it becomes a a(a) piece.

Exoteric Game Object:

The simplest form of the game is for one player to occupy certain squares on
Mira, of a pattern decided by both players beforehand. A suggested pattern for
winning is given in Figure 3.

Thus, the player has to place three of their alpha pieces in the pattern given.

The first player to achieve this pattern (within the three move Mira limit) wins.
Note that c(c) pieces can capture pierces on Mira.

Exoteric Rule Variations:

To initially make the game easier to learn, and play, two variations are
suggested. The first is to amend the three move Mira limit – to five, or seven,
moves. This makes the game much easier.

The second is not to allow the c(c) piece to capture pieces on Mira. This makes
the game very easy indeed.

Star Game: Elementary Guide to Esoteric Meanings

1) The seven boards can represent the origin, and change, of one particular
Aeon. That is, each board – each sphere – is an aspect of that particular Aeon.
Sirius represents the origin, and Naos, the end of the Aeon. The pieces
symbolize causal-acausal, and the presencing of the acausal. Or in more
mundane terms, archetypes.

Thus, the present Western Aeon can be symbolized, and the future ascertained –
or changed, if the game is used in a Magickal way by an Adept.

2) The seven boards can also represent the seven Aeons, with Sirius being the
Sumeric – the first Aeon – and Rigel the present Western Aeon. Thus, the Next
Aeon, the galactic, can be studied, understood and perchance brought into

(See Aeonic Magick – A Basic Introduction for details about the seven Aeons of
septenary tradition.)

The initial placing of the pieces is the key to representing both of the above, and
such placings are taught to Initiates of the Sinister way.

The boards can also represent one individual. The pieces then represent aspects
of the consciousness – the life – of the individual. The alpha pieces are
concerned with the “ego”; the beta pieces with “self”; and the gamma pieces
with Adeptship and beyond.

The alpha set represents “feeling”; the beta set “intuition”; and the gamma set
“thinking”, broadly as those terms are defined by Jung. Each board represents
that aspect of the individual associated with that sphere: thus, Sirius represents
the “Moon” aspect (Night; Calcination; Aries; Nox and so on), and Mira the
“Sun” aspect (Putrefaction; Lux; Vision). See the Septenary Correspondences.

In one very important way, the pieces and the boards represent the esoteric path
to Wisdom: to self-understanding, and the creation of a new being.

The initial placing of the pieces is usually done to represent the individual in the
present, as they are now, and this placing is an esoteric skill, learned through
study and practice.

Note: The above is the general, or simple, form of The Star Game. A more
advanced Game exists, with each board having six (minor) boards (three at each
end), and there being additional pieces (more sets of nine for each player: often
81 pieces per player; sometimes more), with additional rules regarding
movement. In this advanced form, each board is divided into three other levels
so that there are four levels to each board:

——————— Level 3 ———————- Level 3

——– Level 2b ——– Level 2b

——– Level 2a ——– Level 2a

———————– Level 1 (White) ———————- Level 1 (Black)

Level three consists of six squares, three white and three black; level 2b is a
single square; level 2a is the same as level three: three black and three white

The Meaning of Sinister Initiation: An Initiate’s

The Sinister Path
For many non-initiates and, unfortunately Initiates (an indication perhaps of the
current state of the ‘Occult world’ itself), it is often misunderstood that the
performance of a Rite of Initiation will bring forth immediate psychic change is
noticeable in the individual; this itself will most likely be due to the intensity of
the Rite of Initiation. But whether such change has a lasting effect is another
question, it being more likely that such immediate change will slowly evaporate
as time passes. Another exception is that although there will have been no real
or genuine inner change the Initiate will fall prey to one of the many delusions
of the Abyss and believe that a change has occurred against all indications that
tell otherwise (q.v. The Deceitful Occult Ego). So, although immediate change
within the Initiate is possible, a more balanced and natural approach is to
perceive Initiation as a process. It may be – and often actually is – physically
desirable for the beginning of this process to be symbolized by the outer form of
an Initiation Ritual (be it hermetic or ceremonial).

Along the Seven-Fold Sinister Way these Initiation rites (for in one sense all the
rituals involved during the various stages of the Sinister Way are initiation rites
in themselves) are primarily concerned with presenting the Darkness or acausal
component of the psyche in the conscious world, or mind, of the Initiate. This
enables the consciousness of the Initiate (that is, where the individual is largely
controlled by unconscious desires or impulses) to that of Initiate (where the
Satanist begins to comprehend and interact consciously with these previously
unconscious components) and then on to Adepthood where these energies are
consciously understood enabling a certain balance to be attained between causal
and acausal.

The Path of the Initiate

As each new Initiate progresses along the Sinister Path, it is expected that
individual insights will add to the Tradition as a whole (the Heir to the Tradition
adding significantly). Whether this does or does not happen is really dependent
upon the Initiate and the quality of his or her contact with the Sinister Tradition.
If the Path is genuinely followed, that is, if the Sinister is being actively pursued

during the daily life of the Initiate (such pursuit or questing being a continuous
act, and thereby a development of individual Will) genuine occult
transformation will begin to occur. With this transformation it is possible that
variations on some Sinister Rituals may arise whereby the Initiate finds a more
powerful method of manifesting the acausal during the rite.

The rituals that are of primary concern for the Initiate are the Dark Pathways and
the Sinister Pathworkings. Besides these rituals – which will already, if followed
continuously, begin to dominate the Initiate’s consciousness – there are the
individual sphere chants to be learnt, the undertaking of physical training, the
study and practice of the Star Game, the study of Order texts and
correspondences, the collation of incenses and the purchasing of specific
implements for the future Temple. In regard to this latter aspect, by undertaking
such actions these actions themselves will or may (dependent upon Individual
Destiny) aid to the manifestation or creation of a Sinister Temple. That is to say,
that by purchasing or making items that are specifically for a Sinister Temple,
the reality of that (future) Temple is becoming presenced in the causal life of
that Initiate.

Further to previous Order guidelines, a new method of Initiate development

advises that the Initiate begins with the Dark Pathways themselves (instead of
the Sinister Sphereworkings). The aim is to invoke one Dark God per week,
meditating each night leading up to the ritual for no less than fifteen minutes on
the respective sigil whilst slowly repeating the name of the Dark God or the
World of Power. Combined with this the Initiate should aim to reduce sleep and
food until the night of the ritual whilst also locating the respective planetary
incense (taken from the bark of the respective tree) and burning this, during this,
during the ritual. Once all Dark Pathways have been experienced, the Initiate
may then undertake the Sinister Pathworkings, performing the nightly
meditations. The following of the Sinister Path in this manner, implies that the
Initiate has already recreated or made conscious the Tree of Wyrd within him or
herself, by consciously invoking each of the fundamental archetypes into
consciousness. This conscious presenting of the archetypes thean being further
developed by the Sphere Meditations themselves.

Initiate Tasks: Other Aspects

Besides the primary rituals that are required for the completion of Sinister
Initaition, it is advisable that the initiate purchases – or contracts a jeweler to
make – the relevant piece of jewellery to be worn (ring set with quartz for males,
quartz necklace for females). The wearing of such an item of jewelry further
stimulates the Initiate’s awareness that he or she is a member of a Tradition, one
that is far more important and potent than the frankly rather pathetic past-times

that most people takes as an interest or hobby. This ring or necklace becomes for
the Initiate a ‘Mark of Satan’, a symbol of the Initiate’s quest and a constant
reminder of the Sinister in the Initiate’s life, that is the Initiate is constantly
aware that he or she is wearing and outward symbol – that others can see – of
his or her Sinister Quest.

When all the different factors or tasks of Sinister Initiation are combined the
Initiate’s entrance into the Sinister becomes a very potent force, one that is
active (by virtue of the fact that the Initiate is consciously realizing or making
real the Sinister in his or her life).

The practice of the chants is, as mentioned previously, a further task of the
Sinister Way. Although this does not necessarily have to be undertaken during
the stage of Initiate, it is advisable to begin to learn these so that once the Grade
of Professed Brother or Sister is attained, the Sinister Magickian may be a little
more prepared for the running of a Sinister Temple. By virtue of the fact that
there are a number of chants that will need to be learned for use during Sinister
ceremonial ritual it is usually advisable that the Diabolus is the first chant to be
learned. Besides this the sphere chants are probably the next most important (the
Agios Lucifer chant being ideal to begin with) since they provide a foundation
for a number of rituals, and can be – and have been – used during the Dark
Pathways Invokations.

There are of course a number of other tasks that are suggested, some new and
some more Traditional aspects. One of the older and more secretive tasks is for
the Sinister Initiate to gain some hosts from a Nazarene place of worship and
desecrate these either during or after the Rite of Initiation. If one is seeking to
join an existing Temple it will be necessary to have attained these prior to
Initiation for use during Initiation, such an acquisition further proving the worth
of the candidate.

A more recent addition to Tradition is that whilst the Initiate is undertaking the
Dark Pathways, he or she draws a Tree of Wyrd in his or her Magickal Diary or
‘Sinister Book of Shadows’. This map however should only be added to once a
Dark Pathway has been concluded. Thus, the Initiate begins by drawing the
seven spheres, in appropriate sphere colors. Then, once the Noctulius Pathway is
completed this is drawn in, then the Shugara Pathway is drawn in and so on.
This in itself adds (albeit in a minor way) to the conscious integration of the
energies being brought forth as enabling the Initiate to see – in physical terms –
how the Pathways are connected to the spheres and one another.

Self-honesty and Sinister Occult Development
It is important to remember that, as an Initiate you have made a pledge to Satan
and the Dark Gods to follow the Sinister Way:

‘Now receive as a symbol of your new desire and as a sign of your oath this sigil
of Satan. This sign shall be the Power which I as Master wield shall always be a
part of you – a symbol to those who can see and the Mark of our Prince.’

‘I….(state name chosen) am here to begin my Sinister Quest. Prince of

Darkness, hear my oath! Baphomet, Mistress of Earth, hear me! Hear me, you
Dark Gods waiting beyond the Abyss!’

(The Black Book of Satan)

It is easy in times of anger or tiredness to say to oneself that it doesn’t matter too
much if a meditation is missed, or you don’y have a ring, or you don’t bother
with the physical aspect, or that the Initiation Rite doesn’t need to be
undertaken, or the Grade Ritual of External Adept isn’t really too important.
That, because you know you could do it, it isn’t necessary to prove it to yourself.
And so on and so forth. And yes, it is easy to say such things because it means
that you don’t have to make an effort. But, the Sinister Path is hard and demands
commitment. It is only with this commitment, with this continuous effort, with
this continual personal act of Will, of individual defiance, that such changes will
occur. So in the context of Sinister Pathworking:

‘…faithful repetition is important, because by following the procedure exactly

the required changes in consciousness are produced.’


How easy it is to miss these simple statements that describe the very means to
achieve Sinister Adepthood. Perhaps if more Initiates actually did what was said
by virtue of an act of Will then there might be more Sinister Adepts in the
world. But things are as they are and human weakness is usually the cause of a
waste of life, of potential. So, it is necessary, if the Sinister Initiate truly seeks
an understanding that cannot be taken away from him or her, to follow the way
as stated in numerous Order MSS. It is necessary to face the challenges that are
set before the Initiate. At this stage there is no need to look too far ahead. Rather
it is better to keep ones mind and thoughts on the current stage, because it is by
following this stage now, and then the stage of External Adept, that the heights
of the stage of Sinister Adept may finally be approached.

Thus, with all this in mind although the Initiate may have a tendency to say that
it is not necessary to meditate upon the sigil of the Dark God each night prior to
the Dark Pathways Invokations, such meditations really do enhance the energies
brought forth and, after an unspecified amount of time has passed (dependent of
course upon each Initiate) the Initiate will start to feel the acausal body
surrounding the causal body.

The Deceitful Occult Ego

It is indicative of the sorry state of most occult paths – and the people who
follow them – that there is an abundance of dis-information, deceit,
mystification and cultivation of egos.

Consider a typical case: a young man develops an interest in occult arts, and
eagerly seeks information and contacts. Books and articles are read, contacts
made, perhaps a group or three joined. Soon the young man is part of the ‘occult
scene’ and one of three things usually happens: (1) he accepts some system or
person, for awhile and tries to follow what is expected – then, after some
‘practical’ work, decides it is not right for him and moves on to another system
or person; (2) after a little while he comes to believe he has attained his goal
(and thus is an ‘adept’ or ‘Master’ or whatever) – usually after engaging in a few
rituals and a lot of conversations and meetings with others; (3) after e short or
intermediate period cultivating and fawning upon others (and thus assisting them
in their endless campaigns to ’safeguard’ their own reputations by attempting to
discredit others via rumours and so on) he establishes an identity for himself –
exaggerating his own achievements, knowledge and contacts. In short, there is
the perpetuation of old Aeon traits and values – contra what the occult in general
is supposed to be achieving.

Two things are involved in this process: the desire (mostly unconscious and
natural) for self-importance and self-delusion. Part of this self-delusion occurs
because of the ‘intellectualisation of the occult’ – there is too much talk, too
much acceptance of what others say (particularly about others) without first-
hand knowledge, too much theory and too much ego-domination where
‘cleverness’ (particularly in words) is rated above practical experience. Too
much concern for someone’s ‘past’.

The result is almost inevitable (and a waste of the potential of occultism) – the
young man achieves no real progress, no real insight no real occult abilities. He
has become infected with the ‘occult disease’. Instead of going within, into the
wilderness, to lose all illusions and delusions and begin the hard and solitary
path to Adeptship by practical work, there is the camaraderie of being ‘in the
know’, of ‘being accepted’ or working (mostly in intellectual or pseudo-

intellectual ways) in a certain ‘niche’ and thus becoming self-satisfied in a
comfortable way. The occult thus becomes a ‘habit’ or an interest- a source of
self-congratulation (perhaps even of material income) and a place where a ‘role’
is obtained and lived out. Some ‘practical’ work may be done – but the end
result is the disposal occultists so familiar from the recent past and the present:
the attender of meetings (or the more modern ’symposia’ or ‘conferences’), the
seeker after and spreader of gossip and rumour, the pseudo-intellectual dilettante
writing articles and books (and perhaps even editing a magazine) not from
direct, personal experience but rather from hearsay, from self-opinion and from
intellectual aridity and cleverness. Or, perhaps, the plagiarist enjoying a cliquey
success and amateur adulation – or t he self-appointed ‘master/adept’ who may
need the mystique of an organisation to mask his lack of character or charisma
or who may be so self-deluded that he actually believes he has attained his goal.
Then again, our young man may turn out to be one of those many failures who
hang around the ‘occult scene’ – flitting from one group to another, one ‘master’
to another, and talking, worshipping (both ‘gods’ and ‘masters’) and talking
again and accumulating a mass of useless information, ‘lore’ and

Despite the interest in recent years in the techniques or ways of the occult –
despite all the many words written and spoken – there has been little or no real
achievement on the personal level: no increase in the very few adepts. Instead,
almost the opposite has occurred – an increase in self-delusion, in glorifying the
ego at the expense of gaining insight; a turning away from effective experience
to the glorification of the vapid, the intellectual and the ‘non-directive’
sensation-seeking, temporary, ‘mind-expanding’ experience. In short, there has
been less real self-discipline and more ego-biased stupidity and stimulation.
Adeptship, and the wisdom that lies beyond that, is obtained by a slow, hard
process which requires self-discipline and the self-overcoming of hardships.
There is no path to it which is not without difficulties and which is not solitary –
which does not require the discarding of all those props which most require to
survive: a dogma, friends, ideas, companionship, lovers, material security,
‘masters’… There is no potion to obtain which when taken will suddenly give
insight or wisdom, no sudden revelations – from god or mortal – which instil
wisdom, no technique to be used a few times a week, no ritual or rituals which
will give personality or character or self-development.

This process requires years & involves certain ways of living – & often a certain
guidance. It requires also the desire to reach the goal, to not give in when things
become difficult or confused – a tenacity to follow the chosen path to its ending.

The occult knowledge and insight of an individual is shown most of all by their
bearing – by the way they relate to others. But this bearing is not the assumption

of some ‘role’ (such as ‘master’ or ‘guru’ or whatever) – rather, it is genuine and
spontaneous, full of individual character: neither affectation nor pretension. This
is so because the knowledge and insight is within, acquired from experience.
Where there is lack of real knowledge end lack of insight, there is pretension,
artifice, the “I must preserve my own ego by doing down all others” syndrome,
and the inebriated laughter of the ill-disciplined, ill-at-ease discussion machine.

Our young man would do well to try and find some guidance from an insightful
individual – and be prepared for a hard and long journey. Perhaps then, in time
one new adept will arise, and the ‘New Aeon’ will be brought a little nearer.

Anton Long

Order of Nine Angles

Self-Initiation to Satanism
Self-Initiation from the Codex Saerus

Two rituals will be given - one for an indoor location, and one for an outdoor
one. Choose the one you feel is most suitable for you.

I - Indoor

Set aside an area for the performance of the ritual and in this erect an altar and
cover it with a black cloth. (The altar may be a table,). Obtain some black
candles, some candleholders, some hazel incense, a quartz crystal or crystals.
You will also need two small squares of parchment (or expensive woven paper),
a quill type pen, a sharp knife, some sea salt, a handful of graveyard earth
(obtained on a night of the new moon) and a chalice which you should fil1 with
wine. All of these items should be placed on the altar.

Should you wish, you may also obtain a black robe of suitable design. If not,
you should dress all in black for the ritual.

An hour before sunset, enter your Temple area, face east and chant the Sanctus

Satanas twice. Then say, loudly,

To you, Satan, Prince of Darkness and Lord of the Earth,

I dedicate this Temple: let it become, like my body,
A vessel for your power and an expression of your glory!
Then vibrate 'Agios o Satanas' nine times. After this, take up the salt and
sprinkle it over the altar and around the room, saying:
With this salt I seal the power of Satan in!
Take the earth and cast it likewise, saying:

With this earth I dedicate my Temple. Satanas - venire!

Satanas venire! Agios 0 Baphomet! I am god imbued with
your glory!
Then light the candles on the altar, burn plentifu1 incense and leave the Temple.
Take a bath, and then return to the Temple.
Once in the Temple, do the 'Sinister Blessing' (see Appendix), then facing the
altar, lightly prick your left forefinger with the knife. With the blood and using
the pen inscribe on one parchment the Occult name you have chosen (see
Appendix III for some suggestions regarding names). On the other inscribe an
inverted pentagram. Hold both parchments up to the East saying:

With my blood I dedicate the Temple of my life!

Then turn counter sunwise three times, saying:

I ...... (state the Occult name you have chosen) am here to

begin my sinister quest! Prince of Darkness, hear my oath!
Baphomet, Mistress of Earth, hear me! Hear me, you Dark
Gods waiting beyond the Abyss!
Burn the parchments in the candles. (Note: it is often more practical to fill a
vessel with spirit and place the parchments in this and then set the spirit alight.
However if you have chosen woven paper, this method will not be necessary.)
As they burn, say:

Satan, may your power mingle with mine as my blood now

mingles with fire!
Take up the chalice, raise it to the East, saying:

With this drink I seal my oath. I am yours and shall do
works to the glory of your name!
Drain the chalice, extinguish the candles and then depart from the Temple. The
Initiation is then complete.

II - Outdoor
Find a suitable outdoor area. It should be near a stream, lake or river. The ritual
should be conducted on the night of the full moon at a time half way between
sunset and sunrise.

You will need: ambergris oil, black candles (in lanterns if possible), two squares
of parchment or woven paper, sharp knife or silver pen, quill-type pen, black
robe or clothes. Chalice full of wine.

Begin the ritual by bathing naked in the stream, lake or river. After, rub the
ambergris oil into the body, saying as you do 'Agios o Satanas'. Then change
into the robe/clothes and proceed to where the candles etc have been lain out on
the ground. Light the candles. Then facing East, conduct a Satanic Blessing (see
Appendix). After, chant the Sanctus Satanas.

Then prick your left forefinger with the knife/pin and inscribe one parchment
with your chosen Occult name. Inscribe an inverted pentagram on the other.
Hold both parchments up to the East, saying: 'With my blood I dedicate the
Temple of my life.'

Then turn counter sunwise and three times saying:

'I ....... (state your Occult name) am here to begin my sinister

quest. Prince of Darkness, hear me! Hear me, you Dark
Gods waiting beyond the Abyss.'
Burn the parchments in the candles. (If parchment, use the method given in I
above.) As they burn, say:

'Satan, may your power mingle with mine as my blood now

mingles with fire!'
Take up the chalice and say:

'With this drink I seal my oath. I am yours and shall do

works to the glory of your name.'

Drain the chalice, extinguish the candles, collect all the items you have used and
depart from the area. The Initiation is then complete.

Editor of this manuscript Hagur after having pronounced the words of

dedication to Satanas (Satanic Philosophy), the pledge was immediately
responded by one thunder break in winter at a most unexpected time. The next
day I met a friend living the neighbourhood said, “Did you hear that thunder
break last night?” (It was after midnight.)

The Star Game - Introduction 2
The Pieces 4
The Aim 5
Variations 6
Esoteric Meaning of the Star Game 7
Figure 1 – The Boards 11
Tarot Atu: Archetypal Image 12
The Septenary Star Game – Esoteric Theory 16
ONA’s own manuscript photocopied (temple edition) 20
Advanced Star Game 24
The Star Game Figures (instructions to make the game) 27
Twenty-seven pieces of each colour (black and white) 30
Quick Summary (repetition) 32
The meaning of sinister initiation: An Initiate’s Perspective 37
Self-honesty and Sinister Occult Development 40
The Deceitful Occult Ego 41
Self-Initiation to Satanism (Indoor/Outdoor) 43
Contents 48

© February 2013 Skull Press, Ghent, Belgium - Non-Commercial


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