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YAMAHA CS DIGITAL RHYTHM PROGRAMMER PROGRAMMEUR DE RYTHME NUMERIQUE DIGITAL RHYTHM PROGRAMMER OWNER’S MANUAL MODE D’EMPLOI BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG E THIS MANUAL Congratulations on your purchase of the Yamaha RX5 Digital Rhythm Programmer! Your RX5 has been developed through over a century of Yamaha research and design, using state-of-the-art electronic music technology, combined with in-depth knowledge of the art of making music. The RXS features advanced microcomputer contro! plus a top-quality digital PCM sound storage and reproduction system. With the RX5 you will be able to program virtually any type of rhythm pattern as well as melodic sequences, and since the instrument sounds are digitally recorded they are virtually indistinguishable from live instruments. To ensure that the RXS will give you maximum performance and versatility, we urge you to read this manual carefully while operating the RX6. The manual begins with the all:mportant PRECAUTIONS section. The INSTRUMENTS, chapter gives you an introduction to the sounds available on the RXS, The next three chapters describe how to create Patterns, Songs and Song Chains. The following MODE chapters contain full descriptions of the operating modes of the XS. Each chapter contains a brief OVERVIEW, a ‘ist of the JOBS (functions) in that mode, and full details of each JOB. Ityou encounter any unusual messages on the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) of your RXS, refer to the ERROR MESSAGES chapter near the end of the manual. Finally, the PATTERN CHART and SONG/CHAIN CHART enable you to keep an accurate written record of the rhythm programs you have created on your RXS, and you can use the ‘ORUM SET” CHART to record voice editing and key assign parameters for a complete 24-instrument drum set which you have created on your RXS. And now—it's all up to you. Enjoy your Yarnaha AXS Digital Rhythm Programmer! CONTEN INTRODUCTION — HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL PRECAUTIONS CONTROL PANEL REAR PANELICONNECTIONS ‘THE INSTRUMENTS PLAYING THE AXS'S INSTRUMENTS INSTRUMENT VOLUME ACCENTS THE REVERSE FUNCTION THE DAMP FUNCTION THE WAVEFORM DATA CARTRIDGE ASSIGNING OTHEH VOICES TO INSTRUMENT KEYS. PATTERN OPERATIONS overview ENTERING THE PATTERN MODE PATTERN SELECTION PATTERN PLAY EAL TIME WRITE MODE STEP WAITE MODE PATTERNNSTAUMENT CLEAR QUANTIZE FUNCTION TEMPO FUNCTION CLICK FUNCTION ‘SWING FUNCTION PATTERN COPYIAPPEND PATTERN EDITING PATTERN MEMORY CHECK ‘SONG OPERATIONS ‘OVERVIEW ENTERING THE SONG MODE SONG SELECTION SONG PLAY REPEAT SONG PLAY EDIT SONG MODE INSERT FUNCTION DELETE FUNCTION PART COPY FUNCTION, REPEATS TEMPO CHANGE FUNCTION VOLUME CHANGE FUNCTION ‘SONG COPY SONG CLEAR SONG MEMORY CHECK THE JoBs OB #01: SEARCH MARK ‘JOB #02: SET MARI JOB #03: SONG NAME {JOB #04: INITIAL TEMPO ‘SONG CHAIN MODE OVERVIEW THE JOBS ENTERING THE SONG CHAIN Mat JOB #01- CHAIN PLAY {JOB #02: EDIT CHAIN JOB #03: CHAIN NAME ‘JOB #04: CHAIN CLEAR EDIT VOICE MODE OVERVIEW THE JOaS. ENTERING THE EDIT VOICE MODE JOB #01 SELECT VOICE FOR EDIT JOB #02 PITCH EDIT ‘JOB #03: ENVELOPE EDIT OB #04: BEND RATERANGE JOB #05: VOICE LEVEL JOB #06: LOOP ON/OFF JOB #07: STORE VOICE “108 #08: INITIALIZE VOICE JOB #09. RECALL EDIT EDIT COMPARE KEY ASSIGN MODE OvERVEW THE JOBS ENTERING THE KEY ASSIGN MODE JOB #01: VOICE ASSIGN (JOB #02: PARAMETER ASSIGN JOB #03: MULT! VOICE JOB #04: MULT STEP JOB #05: ACCENT LEVELS JOB #06: OUTPUT CHANNEL ASSIGN JOB #07: SAVE KEY DATA JOB #08: LOAD KEY DATA JOB #09: COPY VOICE ar 28 28 28 Ey 30 30 a 3t 3t 31 31 31 32 2 34 34 34 24 34 35 3 36 a7 a7 38 a8 a9 39 40 40 4a 49 0 a a2 3 43 a4 a4 45 6 CARTRIDGE MODE OVERVIEW THE JOBS ENTERING THE CARTRIDGE MODE SAVING DATA (JOBS #01 — #04) LOADING DATA (JOBS #11— #14) VERIFYING OATA (JOBS #2124) FORMATTING (J08 #30) ‘CASSETTE MODE OVERVIEW THE JOBS ENTERING THE CASSETTE MODE ‘SAVING DATA (JOBS #01 — #05) LOADING DATA (JOBS #11— #15) VERIFYING OATA (JOBS #2125} SYNC MODE OvERVIEW SELECTING SYNC MODES TAPE SYNC APPLICATIONS UTILITY MODE, overview THE JOBS ENTERING THE UTILITY MODE JOB #01: REMAINING PATTERN MEMORY JOB #02 REMAINING SONG MEMORY JOB #03 MEMORY PROTECT JOB #04: CHANGE VOICE ‘JOB #05. CLEAR ALL PATTERNS JOB #08 CLEAR ALL SONGS OVERVIEW THE JOBS ENTERING THE MIDI MODE JOB #01: CHANNEL MESSAGE {JOB #02: RECEIVE CHANNEL ‘JOB #05: TRANSMIT CHANNEL OB #04: NOTE NUMBER ASSIGN JOB #05; INITIALIZE NOTE JOB #08: E.G. VELOCITY JOB #07. GATE TIME 46 48 48 48 ry 51 2 52 52 2 53 55 JOB #08: DEVICE NUMBER JOB #09. RECEIVE BULK {JOB #10: TRANSMIT BULK ERROR MESSAGES GENERAL ERROR MESSAGES CARTRIDGE MODE ERROR MESSAGES (CASSETTE MODE ERROR MESSAGES ‘SPECIFICATIONS, EDIT VOICE BLOCK DIAGRAM (MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART PATTERN CHART ‘SONG/CHAIN CHART “DRUM SET" CHART nm m PRECAUTIONS ‘Avoid placing the FXS in locations exposed to direct sunlight or high temperatures, ‘xcessively high or low humidity, high dust concentration, oF vibration Be sure to connect the FIX to an AC power suppiy that meets the power supply specications Isled on the accompanying PA-1210 12.volt power supply corwertar. I mera is any anger of lightning Occurring nearby, ‘um the RXS ol, remove tho power plug ftom the wall socket in acvance, Be sure to make all connections propery, a5 shown in the REAR PANEL/ CONNECTIONS section. To avoid damaging your speakers and other playback equipment, tun ofthe power fal related equioment oetore making connections. Do not use excessive force in handling control switches and knobs. To avoid brokan cords and shor circuits, be sue fo unplug all connectors by grasping the respective plugs—NOT the cords. Remove the power plug am the AC mains socket tthe unit. ‘extended period of ie. Femove all plugs and connestionsif the units tobe transported, to prevent damage to the cords and acks. (Do nat use solvents or pain thinners to clean the unt. Do not use insecticides or thar pressurized spray products in proximily 16 tha unl. Wipe off Ine exterior using 2 mikd detergent on a clot, then ary with Soft clot not tebe used for an EFFECTS ON OTHER ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT Since this uni incorporates digital circuitry, simultaneoususe ct other equipment suchas TVs, radios, ete. n close proximty may cause noise and erroneous operation. If this occurs, separate the affected unis sutficionti to eliminate te problem. tis also a good idea to use separate ine titers on each piece of equipment CONTROL PANEL MASTER VOLUME fadet conttol This controls the overall level of ONLY the HEADPHONE and STEREO AUDIO OUTPUTS, CLICK VOLUME fader contro} TEMPO sldar contol, When this shdor is moved the tempo wil jump fo the value corresponding to the position of the sider DATA ENTRY sider control —for setting ol al parameter values. When this slider ismoved the selected parameter wil ump to the value corresponding tothe postion ofthe eidoe. PIN LED—lighis when a Pattem is played or recorded, ‘SONG LED—ligh's when a Song is piayad or edited, EDIT VOICE LED—lighis when a vorco is edited GAS LED — lights wnen the Cassette Mode is used CART LED — fights when the Carnage Mode is used MIDI LED — lights when the MIDI Mode is used. REV LED—_lights when the Reverse function is used [DAMP LED—lights when the Darnp function 's used LOD (Liquid Crystal Display) —shows iformation regarding curtent status of the XS, Bachit. 16 charactors X 2 lines MULT! LED —lgnts wnen tne Multi Mode is usec. INSTRUMENT VOLUME fader contro's—to adjust indivicual levels of outputs 1 tor 12. ‘SYNC LED'S —lignt when FIXS sync is seo Inexnal Clock (INT SYNC), Exteinal ‘MIDI Clocx (MIDI SYNG), External Tape Syne (TAPE SYNC) or Exiemal Non-MIDI Syne (EXT SYKC), RUN LED—ligtas when a Pattern, Song oF Chain is played. oF when a Pattern is recorded. NUMERIC KEY PAD —for sating all parameter values, and selection of Job, attain, Song and Chain numbers. 19, a 2 23, 24, 8BB 28 CONTROL PANEL =1INO and +1/VES keys—for seting of parameter valves, Pattern numbers, voices, andiall NO and YES entries. In most data enry operations, press and release fone of tase Keys fo change dala by one step, or hold down a key for cepic continuous data change. 'STOPICONTINUE key —:0 stop recording or play, oF continue playback Also functions as EDIT COMPARE key (when edling voices) and SHIFT key (when wating ‘Song nares, Chain names or Search marks.) START key. Stans play and record. Also ‘unctions as ENTER key (when entering data such as new parameter vaives.) INSTRUMENT KEYS—A tnru X, ranged in 12 pairs, covresporcing fo he 12 pulput channels Also user for entering ltrs (& ths X) for Song names and Chain names and Search marks, ACCENT 2key — adds @ programmed level change to any vous. Also functions as CURSOR MOVE key, and te erter the letter °Z" in Sorg names, Chan names anc Search marks. ACCENT 1 key —adds a prograrimed level change to ary voice Alsoused to enter the latter °Y" in Song names, Chain names and Search marks. MODEWOB koys—for selectean of Modes and Jobs, TEMPO key —for tempo setting, DAMP key —for dampig ot sustained sounds. Also used as PERIOD key when ‘entering name of Song, Chain or Search mark REVERSE key—revarses all instrument sounds, Also used as SPACE key when ‘entering name of Song, Chain or Search mark SONGIPATTERN operation keys, eter tothe PATTERN OPERATIONS and SONG ‘OPERATIONS chapters for details. JOB TABLE, Liss all available Jobs, under Mode headings 3 0.6. 0 0,0. 3. OO | = ee nse BYAMANA cc. eens,¢ @ @ B® om INDIVIDUAL AUDIO OUTPUTS. For output channe's 1 thu 12. The instrument ‘names on each output relat fo the AXS's intenal voices, (GLICK OUTPUT. For monitoring ofthe Cick (metronome) signal [STEREO AUDIO OUTPUTS. For stere0 montoring ofthe RXS, Stereo positons are ted for each of the 12 cutput channels. Ha cable is connected to the LMONO ‘output ONLY, the XS can be monitared in moro. PHONES OUTPUT. Fox menitaring the XS wih stereo headphones. DATA CARTRIDGE SLOT. For the Yarraha RAMA Data Cartage. WAVEFORM DATA CARTRIDGE SLOT. For the Yamana Wavelorm Data Cartidge, FOOT SWITCH CONNECTION. For a Yarvana foutswiich, which can be used io ‘conttal he RXS's STOP and STAAT functions EXTERNAL CLOCK IN anc OUT CONNECTORS. For transmission and reception ‘of Clack signals, when using the XS with non-MlDI external devices such as sequencers oF other dram machines. CASSETTE INTERFACE. For connection toa cassette recorder. when saving and loading data. Also used when recording of receiving Tape Syne signa. MIDIIN connecicr For reception of MIDI signals, such as when the XS is contiiled yan exiernal MDI sequencer or keyboarc {MIDI OUT connector. For transmission of MIDI signals, euch ap when the RXS is ‘controling an externa MIDI sequencer or keyboard, or sending Bulk cata to another AX. MIDI THRU connector. MIDI signals received at the MIDI IN connec will be ‘passed unchanged via this connector, te ancther MIDI device, when the AXS is pant 1 a chain of MIDI devices, DC 12—VOLT INPUT. For power supply rom the Yamaha PA-1210 Power Supply Unit POWER ONOFF SWITCH, ‘HE INSTRUMENTS NOTE: A brio output pulse appears a he RXS outputs when the power is inaly wned ‘on. To prevent ths rom possibly damaging your speaker system, turn the XS n fist, then your sound system PLAYING THE RX5 INSTRUMENTS “The KS instruments canbe played in reatime (thou programming patterns ot songs) faders unt you can near the Fx instumonis ata cortorabie isting level by f2oping on the black instument keys. Using ether a pai of headphones plugged You can now “pay” al he instrument xeys to become farviae wih te sound. The into the PHONES jack, or a sound sysiar connacted to the FXS STEREO AUDIO (OUTPUTS or INDIVIOUAL AUDIO OUTPUTS, urn the XS ON and tap any othe black instrument keys, while adjusting the MASTER VOLUME andior INSTRUMENT VOLUME sounds youillhearintialy wil be RXS's intemal voices. They are pre-assignedto the instrument keys a shown in te following chart INSTRUMENT KEYS AND INTERNAL VOICES OASSORIM2 SNAKE RRGHOTZ ELECTR ELEGIG ECTNIC | ELECTRIC © INA CECHISE TAMBOURINE SHAKER Sn ec eASsoRI) Gane uaiory vow) =STow®—=CYoMa~—=«SCTO=CGAT ECAR COWELL co icity (a) lH you are using the RXS's stereo outputs, you wilfind thatthe instruments are panne + ‘Soreo postions are indicated by numbers. 1S means LEFT, 1 means RIGHT, and he. tocitferont position in the stereo fel, Each pair of instrument keys (i. each output other cumbers are equally spaced in between (@ means CENTER), These are Channel) has a set stereo pan postion. If you are using the incividual eufputs you can, equivalent fo the stereo numbers 1/15 thru 15/1 oa the Yamaha AX1! and RXIS fof course, use the pan controls on your mixer fo pan the intrurnents to any desied Digtal Rhythm Programmers. postion. The following chart indicates the seeo pesiions coresponding o each pair of instrument keys, ‘OUTPUT CHANNELS’ STEREO POSITIONS otras, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 1 t ‘ x x , 7 at 4 STE 8 9 9 12 10 6 4 13 3 W 8 6 STS Upto 12 saunde may be played simuttaneausly on the XS. However, #you press two instrument keys in the sane pair or example, Aand M, or Land X) you wil only hear ‘one sound, because only one sound can be output om each ol the FXS's 12 output chanre’s INSTRUMENT VOLUME Using the INSTRUMENT VOLUME fader contrals, you can ads the output volume of ‘each parol insttumen! keys [Aand M, Band N, ete ) and balance the averall sound of to RS, ‘The level of each voice can be independently programmed independant ofthe INSTRUMENT VOLUME facer setting, Reter to EDIT VOICE JOB #05, ‘¢ The lavel of each instrument key can alse be independently programmed. Refer to KEY ASSIGN JOB #02 ACCENTS Pressing any instrument key while holding ether ofthe greon ACCENT keys causes that Instrument to sound at is ACCENT 1 o ACCENT 2 love. This apples whether the RS isbbeing played in realtime, or programmed in ether the Real Time Wie or Stop Write Modes, Accents allow you fo add natural dynamics o your érur patterns. Two accent levels can be se for each instrument key. eter to KEY ASSIGN JOB #05, THE REVERSE FUNCTION Pressing the Reverse key allows you to play any of the RXS's voices in reverse. This, applies whether the RXS is being played in eal, cr programmed in either the Real Time Wete or Step Wate Modes, Wren the Rovorse key is ON, ifs LED wll light NOTE: Using the Reverse function plays a voice with ts ORIGINAL EG. (Envelope Generator) parameter valves (though of course reversed) even i these values have been ecited using VOICE EDIT JOB #03. Als, the Reverse ‘unction does NOT reverse Ptch Bend parameters (refer to VOICE EDIT JOB #04) so if your voice bends UP in pich, it will do the same when reversed THE DAMP FUNCTION ‘The amp function alows you to damp sustained sounds, a particularly realistic offoct \when used win cymbals. This function can only be used when the RXS is in ihe Rea Time White Mode {refer fo REAL TIME WRITE MODE in the PATTERN OPERATIONS chapter). Tis is the procedure ‘or damping sounds. 4. Record 4 Paltern, using the Real Time or Step Write method 2. Press PATTERIN SONG to entor the Pattern Mad, then press REAL TIME WRITE and START. You can now listen to the Patter you ave waten, 3 Press the Damp key The DAMP LED wil ight 4, You can now damp any note inthe Pattern, by pressing the appropriate inctumont key. For example, i! you press the CRASH key js lor a cymbal crash sound is hheatd, the saund will be camped at exactly the point at which you pressed the CRASH key. When the Pattern playback recycles, you will hear the effect of the Damp. NOTE: The Damp functions dependent'on the Quantize Rate. (Refer tothe QUANTIZE section ofthe PAFTERN OPERATIONS chapter), The Damp point wil be maved to the rearest Quartize division, Also, it you damp @ note during the fst half ofthe FIRST ‘quartize division fowing the sia af the rote, the note wil be cleared (erased). So, for ree time” damping, it's best to turn the Quantize OFF ». Press DAMP again to ext the Damp function. The DAMP LED wil go out. The AXS wil continue nthe Ral Time Write Made. You can row ex this mode in the normal manner, or enter more nates, which cen algo be damped (relUIn to Step 3 above) ‘¢ The Damp function can also be controled from an external MIDI Keyboard. The MIDI MODE chapter describes now to contol the XS from a MIDI keyboard. The Damp lunction can be contclled as follows: +. Connect the MIDI OUT o' the MIDI Keyboard tothe MIDIIIN ofthe RXS. Set the RXS 0 that t can be “played” from the MID! kaybeaid, Retar to MIDI JOB #04 2. Start wrting a Patter inthe Real Time Mode. 3, Press DAMP. The DAMP LED wil ight Non, whon you "play" the RXS trom the MID! keyboard, it wil rocoive NOTE OFF signals fs wel as NOTE ON signals, When i racelves a NOTE OFF signal (as you release a key) the instrument sound will be damped, This can be especially converient if. for example, you are using the FIXS in its Tunable Note Mode (fer to MIDI JOB #04) to play an Electric Bass vorce — you can play clearly arbculated notes, whch areheld as Jong as you hod a key. just as with areal bass (but chack the following NOTE when doing this!) NOTE: The Damp function is dependent on the Quartize Rate (Refer to the QUANTIZE section of the PATTERN OPERATIONS clipe). The Damp point wil be moved to the nearest Quantize division. Also, i you damp (release) a note during the fist hal of he FIRST quantize division folowing the start of the novo, the NOTE OFF sigral will bo Ignore, anatthe note will NOT ee damped. So, for “ree ume" damping, itis beso turn the Quantize OFF 4, Press DAMP again fo exit the Damp function. The DAMP LED will go oul. The RXS \wll continue in the Reel Time Wrile Mod. You can naw ext fis mod i the rowel ‘manner, o” enler more notes inthe normal marine. At ary time whe inthe eal Teme Mode, you can press DAMP again to activate the Damp Mode. NOTE: Wnie sing the Damp function, you can NOT enter any new notes, eventhough 1e FXG isn the RealTime Wrta Mode. You can, however. clear natas during the Damp function THE WAVEFORM DATA CARTRIDGE ‘The AXS comes with a Yamaha Waveform Dala Cartridge as standard. Ths cartridge ‘contains a further 28 voices, stec below, which can be assigned o any instrument keys fon te BXS. WAVEFORM DATA CARTRIDGE VOICE LIST 1 8D3_—SnareDrum 2.803 Bass Drum 3. CgaMT Conga (High Mutes) 4 GgsHOP Conga (Hish Oper) & CgalO Conga Low) 6: Bok Bongo igh) 7: BgeLO Bongo (Low) 8: Tima Timba'e (High) 8 TimbiL Timbale (Low) 10: Agel Agogo ign) 11: AgekO Agogo (Lom) 12 Cuca Guica 18: Cain Castanet 14: Wht Wristla 415: Tima Timpani 16: GisCsh Giass Crashotfoct 17: Gun Gunshot elect 18. Fepret _Syrt-percussion (nigh) 19 FMpre2__ Synrpercussion (medium) 20, FMpred Synih-porcussion (ow) 2t EbassH Electric Bass Gtr (high) 22: Ebassl. Electc Bass Gt (oa) 23: DXorch Syrih-orchestra 28: DXmemb.Syitrmarmba 25. DXciav— Syniclawnet 26 Hey Vocal Sound 21. Wao Vocal Sound 28 Oo0 Vocal Sound ‘The cartridge should be inserted into the WAVEFORM DATA CARTRIDGE sit on the AXS's rear panel wile the power is OFF. Then tun the FXS power ON, |W the Is the first time you have inserted # Wavelocm Osta Cartridge, or it you have inserted a different Wavetotn Data Carlriage to the one that was previously inserted, the LCD wi show Different Crt !! Init Crt Voice? SSNS ‘You can now chooge to either accept the new cartidge voices, oF retain the voices that {are now inthe A6's Voice Exit Memory (which came trom the previous cartridge tha was used) IF you DO NOT wish to accept the new cartidge voices, press ~1/NO. The AXS wil raluen ta the Select Pattern Moe, VF you DO wish to accept the new caridge voices, press +1/YES. The LCD will show Different Crt !! Are you sure ? You now have anther chance to cancel ne new cartridge voices, by pressing — NO. To accept the new cartridge voices, press +1/YES again, The RXS will turn 19 tho Select Pattern Mode, Reler to the next section for detai's on how you can assign the cartridge voices to he instrument koys NOTE: If you turn on the FXS without having inserted a Wavetorm Data Cartridge. keys to which a cartidge voice was assigned wll not sound. Also, if you solect a functon in ‘which the LCD displays voices (for example, KEY ASSIGN JOB #01, described in the ‘next section) the LCD will show the folowing types of displays Voice Assign keyA :Crt- Carnage voice was assigned to this key Voice Assign keyA :Cpl------- ‘Copied Voice oeaon assigned 10 this kay contained & Camidge voice ‘Tur the AXS power OFF again, and inser a Wavelorm Data Carvidge ESTOS ASSIGNING OTHER VOICES TO INSTRUMENT KEYS Using KEY ASSIGN JOB #01, you can assign any voices from the throe voice memones UInternal, RAM, Cartridge} to tre 24 nstrument keys. The following Key Assign chart ists athe instumants (and RAM postions) avaiable at each pai of instrument kay in thelr factory preset cations KEY ASSIGN CHART f i (3 ig ° = F ¢ # T 7 K v l Il we | ™ N | 0 Pp a Rr s T U Vv Iw x i | ees tos emt eee Be Sn a ee amt, SE Gee eee cogye RSMO RP CGC CRSP vy, vy Poin oe oe oe com ons coe ‘or oe oo ovo oon oe a a or + ho RXG's PAM allo you fo copy upto 12 ntal or Catidge voles ane eo trom fo make raw voces. OF coule, you cent voces 7 er rial actors, -—— - ‘bul the RAM conveniently enables you to have a further 12 voices instantly available Voice assign weg angn tom To ay Koy Ch tho LOD, PAN soi mame at proceed by eel “Cp” which stands for"Copied” Reler io KEY ASSIGN JOB #0910 see how to-copy keyA :Crt-BD 3 voids inta the RAM, RAM stands for Random Access Memery OPERATION — 1. ress KEY ASSIGN, then select Job #01 by pressing JOB then 0" ther *1 2 Press ine insitumert key 10 which a voice is to be assigned. Exampe: key “A Voice assign keyA :Int-BD 1 3. Use the ~1/NO and +1/VES keys to step thrcugh the voloes which are availabe at selected Hey, When the LCD shows the desired voice, tis automatcatty assigned te the selected key. Interns voices are preceded by “Inl', Copied voices are ‘preceded by “Cp and Cantrige vaices are preceded by "Crt" Example: Cartridge voice BASS ORUM 3, 4 Pross any Mode key, or the PATTERNISONG key. lo ext the KEY ASSIGN Mode, '¢ You can also assign voices to keys other than these shown in the above chart, ‘enabling you te get any voice in any stereo postion, when using the AXS's stereo ‘outputs. Reter'o KEY ASSIGN JOB #03 fo see how to re-assign Internal voices fo any key. Reter to KEY ASSIGN JOB #06 to see how to re-assign Copied and Canndge voices to any key, PATTERN OPERATIONS OVERVIEW ‘The Pattern operations available on the RXS let you: ‘© Write (record) up t0 100 mythm Pattems, using either Real Time Write or Step Write Soloct a Pattorn and play it at any tempo. Clear (Erase) a Patter, or a single instrument in a Pattern. Alter Pattern Write functions, including Quantize, Swing and Click Copy of append (connect) Patterns. Edit Patterns (alter 5 parameters relating to individual notes) ‘Check the remaining Pattern memory of the XS, eeceee ‘The RRS contains a variety of lactory- programmed Patterns in Patt locations 00 tha 54. These include basic rock rhythms, compiox fils. syn-drum type sequences, and interesting melocic Patoins. Thove Pattorns are permanently stored in tho FS sintomal ‘memory. 0 you clear thom, or ei alts) hemo ake your own Patterns, the original prese! Patteins are sill avaiable and can bere-loaded nfathe Patter locations simply by holding the ACCENT 1 koy whip you tum the RXS's power on, NOTE: Some ofthe SongiPattern Operation keys on the FXS have two functions. The UPPER function wetter on each key applies to he Paltern Mode. ENTERING THE PATTERN MODE ‘© Al Pattern oporations re preceded by enterng the Pattern Made, ‘When you tum on the RXS, the Patter Select Mode Is automaticaly selected (unless ‘youhave inserted a dllerert Waveform daa Cartridge than the one that was previously used). lithe RXS s akeady in use, in a ciflerent mode. press PATTERN/SONG, Repeated pressing ct iis key switchs the RXS belween the Pattern Mode arid the Song Made. ‘When tha Pattern Mode is selected, the PTN (Pallern Mocs) LEC willight. The LCD wal show the last Pattern rumber thal was selected, plus its time signature and aumber of bars (measures), Youllalsosee a flashing cursor. Whenever this appears, it means vou ‘can enter data relating othe parameter adjacent to the cursor—in this case, the Pattern umber. ‘Youwil also see. ‘w’ in the right upper comer ofthe LCD itthe Pattern aiready contaris dala (1w" stands for “writen'}. Tis is @ more convenient way of selecting a Pattern in a distant number range Patiern number Rating cursor SELECT PTN 9@ilw @4 / 4 :bar@2 Tine donate fr count PATTERN SELECTION FUNCTION 10 select a Pattern for play, editing, etc. To select an empty Pattern for writing. ‘The FXS can storo up to 100 Patterns, numbered 00 thet 99. Gree you havo selocted a Pattern, you can then play the Pattern, eat if, copy it, clear (erase) it and write on it (to ade more notes) You can also setect an ely Pattern (one that contains no data) pror to wring anew Patter OPERATION inthe Pattern Select Mode, there are two methods of selecting Patterns. 1, —1/NO AND +1/YES KEYS This is @ convenient way of solecting an adjacent or neatby Patera Prossing the ~ INO Koy celecte the Pattern nienber mmadiately BELOW tha current Pattern number Pressing the + 1/YES key selects the Paltern number immediately ABOVE the curtent Pattetn number 2. NUMERIC KEY PAD This is @ convenient way of selecting a Pattrn in a distant number range. Use tie Numeric Key Pad to entor a two-digit Pattern rumber. Patlern numbers below 10 rmust be preceded by a zero, For example, for Patter 8, enter "0" then 5. PATTERN PLAY FUNCTION Continuous play of a selected Pattern. ‘Once Patter is writen, the Pattern Play {unction will rpeatecty pay the Pattern uni you stop play. OPERATION 1. ter selecting a Patter, press START. Current Pati ruber Prompt to ct ay PLAY PTN@G: nxt $4 / 4 tbar6l Curent bar neat Pater number Curent tne gnature AOA ‘During play, tye RUN LED wal ght, Also, asPattetn 00s etwo-bar Patiom, the LCD will aernate between bar 1 and bar 2, as these bars are played. 2, New Paitema cane selocted during pay, using either of ino two methods described { PATTERN SELECTION. The newly selected Pattern will commence playing linmediately ater the ‘ast beat of the frst Pattern 2, To stop play, atess STOPICONTINUE, The RUN LED wall go out, and the LCD wal show tne bar in which play was stoppac. 4, To restart play, press START to play fram the beginning of the Pattem, or STOP! CONTINUE, 1o play from the point at which play was stopped. During Patter Play, you can ater the Ternpo, turn the Cick tunction and change the Click tate, These functions are described later inthis chapter REAL TIME WRITE MODE NOTE: The Quartize Function, described latorin this chapter, reeds lo be understood before you can wie @ Pater. We suggest that you read the Quantize secton, after reading this section, belore wating a Pattern FUNCTION | write a Pattern using the Real Time Write function, ‘This the frst of wa ways of witing Paterns on te FX Illes you "play" a Pate on the instrument keys, while stoning to a cick guide. You can add instruments and ‘hythrns unt the Pattern is complete. The advantage ofthis molhad is that you can actualy near the Pattern being bull up 2s you wile, as opposed to Step Wale, where 2 Pattern is built up without hearing it OPERATION ‘SETTING PATTERN PARAMETERS | erocte witing & new Pattern is parameters—the time signature and length fn bars) — must be set 1. Inthe Pater Mode, press REAL TIME WRITE. The LOD wil show the “cletaul setting of 44, one bar lenatn REAL WRITE PTNOS G4 / 4 :barl Time signature Patera erat NOTE: the solected Pattern already contains data, the cursor wil act appear, as time sigralure and Pattern length are already fixed. You can row write on this Pattern, to add extra notes, desire. ‘Ifthe Memory Protects ON, the LCD will show “MEMORY PROTECTED” whon Real Time Wrie s selected, indicating that wring cannot be carried cut. Use UTILITY JOB +408 to turn off the Memory Protect function 2. Toset the fst part of he time signature othe Pattern, use the Numeric Key Pad to ‘enter 8 wo-dit number. Range: 01 —99 3. Press ACCENT 2tomove tha cursor tothe next positon, and use the Numeric Key Pad fo sot tne second part of the me signature NOTE: This timo, refer fo the fraction numbers written on each key. Numbers avalabie are 1/2, 118, 16, 18, 112, 1118, 1/24 and 132, (W/48 can NOT be usad for time signature) 4, Press ACCENT 2 to move the cutsor to the Patter Length position, ard use the Numeric Key Pad to enter a tWo- |so I | Seance v4 oy or 88 OPERATION 1 Before or during Pattern wrting, press QUANTIZE/DELETE. uarnze tte vate QUANTIZE= 1/ 8 Swing OFF 2. Use ine Numeric Key Pad to set he Quantize Fale. The fraction numbers on the ‘Numeric Key Pad incicate the Quantize Rate. The LCO wil incicate the new Quantize Rate Range: V2, 1/4, 16, 178, 172, 198, 1124, 132, 148, OFF, ‘© In me Step Write Mode, the Quantze is set fo OFF, you can wre a Patten with beat lengths of 196th notes. ‘© During Stop Wit, ifyeu change the Quantze Rate ate tho frst beat ofa bar, wring will continue at tne 01d Quartize Rae unt the Patiein recycles (orm a Pattern containing more than one bar, untl you reach the next bar). | sore: cunt cnt satay, At rning i QUANT you ma Rae eee erat fercae tecwee stg ‘continue writing TEMPO FUNCTION FUNCTION | To set the tempo (speed) of Pattern play, Song Play, Chain play or Pattorn write ‘Tempo can be set at any ime. The range is 40—250 quarer-notes per minute, NOTE: Atter pressing TEMPO you mus then press the key corresponding tothe function the RXS was using prio to setting the Tempo, should you wish fo retum to that function For example, i! you were writing in Rel Time, press REAL TIME WRITE after setting tne Tempo so that you can continue wing OPERATION there are three ways to set the Tempo. 4. TEMPO SLIDER When the Tempo sideris moved, the tempo wil jump tothe position coresponding io ‘tho position of he sider, rather than changing gradual This is a uselul way to rapidly set an approxrnate tempo, If you wish to see the Tempo setting, pross TEMPO. Example: Patten Select Mode. SELECT PTN 98 w TEMPO J=128 2.-1/NO AND +1/YES KEYS This ie @ convenient way of slight altering, or gradually altering, tho Tempo. 1. Press TEMPO. The LCD will show the current Tempo, 2. ross a—1/NO key or + 1/YES key to docrease or ncroase the Tempo by one boat per minute. Holding one of these keys causes a continuous smaoth change. NUMERIC KEY PAD This is a convenient way of entering an exact Tempo setting, I cartied out during play Dor write, the tempo will swilch Io the new selling as soon as the les! figure of the new tempo is enteres. 1, Press TEMPO. Tho LCD will show the current Tempo 2. Use the Numeric Key Pad fo enter a two-digit tempo {in the caso ofa tempo of 40— 99) ar a traecigt Tempo (inthe case of tempo of 100 to 250), CLICK FUNCTION FUNCTION © 10 provide a metronome-type click during Pattern play or write, The Click function gives you an exact rhythm guide, lor writing a Pattern in Real Time, orfor play. tis heard via neadehanes or va separate Cilck Output jack which can be. ‘connectes to your mixer o¢ arf. ‘The Giick can be set to sound once every 12, 14, 6, 18, 112, 1116, 124 or 1/32 note. The pitch ofthe Click is higher on the fst 6¢at of each bar. ‘The Click rale can be set belore o: during any Patter operations NOTE: Alter setting the Click function you must than press the key corresponding to the ‘unction the RXS was using prior to pressing CLICK, ehould you wih to return to that function, For example, fyou were writng in RealTime, pross REAL TIME WRITE after setting the Glick function, so that you ean contiwe writing OPERATION 1. Press CLICK The LCD will show the curtent Click Pate, Example: Patter select Mode OFF:CLICK= 1/ 8| SELECT PTN 68 w | 2, Use the Nueric Key Pad lo se the Click Rate 3. The Click always functions during Real Time writing. To tum the Click off or on for Pattern Play, press —11NO (OFF) or + 1¥ES (ON). Example: Click ON; 114 note SELECT PTN 98 w ON :CLICK= 1/ 4 4, The levol of the Click is adjusted using the CLICK VOLUME slider SWING FUNCTION FUNCTION | Toautomatically add a swing feel toa Pattern written in Real Time. ‘The Swing function otters 2 simple and rapid way to write a Patten thal contains a Jazz-ype swing feat. It can GNLY be used with 2 Quantize rate of 18 0° 16, ‘The Swing function works by delaying the off-beat in a bar, The amount of swing is ‘calculated by taking a quarter-note as 100% With no swing, the of-beats wil occur at 450% You can sot the amount af delay (swing) a ive points between 54% (avery subtle cotlect) and 71% (a very pronounced swing). [AVENUE | «1S on, Fe ON BEAT BEAT BEAT swncsore oh 4 4 A solting of 67% creates a triplet-type shuttle otfect. — 3 ——_ o 7 Too OPERATION 1. Before or during Patern wring, press SWING/REPEAT. Example: during Real Time write. REAL WRITE PTNOG SWING VALUE=OFFQ 2. Press the +1/YES key fo slep forward through the Swing Value settings. unl you reach the desired setting. The ~1/NO key moves you backwards though he Swing | ‘Value settings, untt you teach the “OFF” setting. | | ange: 54%, 58%, 63%, 67%, 71%, NOTE: Atte: sotting the Swing function you must press the key corresponding to the function the RXS was using prior Io pressing SWING, should you wis fo return to that tunction. For example, if you were wring in Real Time, press REAL TIME WRITE ater ‘setting the Swing function, so that you can continue witing 16 PATTERN COPY/APPEND FUNCTION | Tocopy «Pattern to another destination, or append a Pattern 10 another Pattern. The Pater Copy function lets you copy any selected Patter to ancther destination in the RXS's Patter memory, This is uselul i you want to copy a Pallor in order to alter ittecreata a new Pattern, whi retaining the crginal Patter Itis also useful you want te ave the Patterns in @ par cular order in the RXS's memory (G0 tha, for Kae, YOU can easy play one Patlorn followed by the adjacent Pattemn, by pressing the + YES. key during play), The Pattern Append function lets youjoin any Patten orto the endiof any ther Pattern, to form a new, longer Pattern. The Patterns MUST have the sae time signatures. You could append several Patterns to create along Paltern which could lunction as part, of 4 song, Ths would save on the number of paris needed to ereate a song —each section of he song (verse, chotus, etc) coulé correspondite acitferent Pattern, would then be very easy 19 re-arrange & song, You can even append a Patomn to soll, to oraate the same Partern played twice OPERATION operation of the Pattern Copy and Pattern Append functions is slightly diferent. '# {fhe Memory Protect is ON, tho LCD will show "MEMORY PROTECTED" when ihe Copy key is practed, incloating hat Pater Copypnend carol be carried out. Use UTILITY JOB #08 19 tur off the Memory Proteet function. PATTERN COPY 1) Press PATTERN'SONG nce or twice and selec the Pater yeu wish to copy, then press COPY. COPY PTN 66 copy,2:Append? 2. To select the Patten Copy function, press “1 COPY PTN 28 to PTN ¥*, romp o ener ceatindion number . Use he Numetic Kay Pad to enter the numberof the Patarn destmation fo which the selectod Patters wil bo copied COPY PTN 8@ to PTN 61 4, Press START. Ifthe Pattern destination 's empty, the Pattern wil immediately be copied COPY PIN 94 completed! Fotowed by SELECT PTN 668 @4 / 4 tbar61 Ii the Pattern destnation already contains a Pattern (which willbe erased if you carry fut the copy operation) the LCD will show. COPY PTN 68 rewrite ptn 61? ‘You can now press —1/NO, i you do nat wish to copy to this Patten cestination, Tis willium yout Ihe select Patten Mod, from which you can ance ayain cathe Pattern Copy function, and select anciner destination I you wish te copy to the selected destination (ro-waing the Patton contained there) [press STAT again. The LCD will show “completed and relum to the Select patter Mode. PATTERN APPEND +. Press PATTERNISONG once or twice and select the Pattern you wish to append, then pross COPY. COPY PTN 6& ff: copy,2:Append? 2. To select the Pattern Append function, press “2” } APPEND PTN 6@ with PTN **) Prompt io anier Pattorn number 3, Use the Numeric Key Pad to enter the number of the Pattern to which the salacted Pattern wll be appended. APPEND PTN 6 with PTN 1 4, To append the Pattom, press START. APPEND PTN 96 completed! Followed by SELECT PTN @@| 64 / 4 tbar@l PATTERN EDITING FUNCTION © To edit the pitch, level, attack, decay and reverse on/ott parameters of individual notes in a selected Pattern. ‘Tho Patter Ex function ison extremly useful and creative feature of te FXG. It allows youto step through a Patter, note by note, and ater the parameters of each nawvioual ote. You can step though all instrument inthe Paitern, or select a single instrument And step through only the notes that it plays. Live drums nave many nuances of level, attack, decay and even pitch, dapencent on howharatthey are piayed. With the Patter Ecit Mode, i's easy 1 prograt these smal voviatians. You can also use this Moce to "delete" nice by seling its level to 2610; add Sound etlects by reversing sounds, alter the pitch of tuned instruments such as the FRXS's bass and synthes:zer vcicos. io create melody lines; create a face-n or fade-out by programing a gradual increase or decrease of evels, ‘* Paramotors sot in this moda refr tothe NOTE only, and not the VOICE thats playing ofthe KEY to which sassigned. They ere therelore independent the pararreiers Set using EDIT VOICE JOBS #02, #03 #04 or the KEY ASSIGN JOB #02. PATTERN OPERATIONS, '# You can also change any voice in @ Patter to another voice (teter to UTILITY JOB #04). OPERATION 1. Pegs PATTERNISONG once or tice and select the Pattom you wish to cit, then press EDIT PATTERN'VOLUME CHANGE, EDIT 4/4 PIN 69 rbar@l {ithe Momory Protects ON, the CO wil show "MEMORY PROTECTED” when EDIT VOICE is pressed, indicating hat Pattern exing canno be carried out. Use UTILITY JOB #03 10 tin of the Memory Protect function 2. Toenta the Pattern Edt Mode, press START. The LCD will show the last Paton Edit Parameter that was selactod, and the instrument that plays he fst note in he Pattern Bor purer Clock qumber “Al instuments" indicator Parameter pitch Int-BD 1 =+ @ —= vce Parivar ‘The “al symbol indicates thatthe “all instruments" note search mode is active ‘Clocks shown on the LCD are actualy 96th notes. Those aro the smalest note Increments tnat can be recorded by the RKB, and enable you to exacily locate a nate For examole, notes in the Real Time Write Pattarn example given in the QUANTIZE section ofthis chapter would occur atthe falloning ciacks. HinAT =sp 30. gieri3 = BAR TOTAL: 98 CLOCKS —— ‘You can now “search” inrough the Patten to find notes 0 be ealted. 17 18 PATTERN OPERATIONS. Tolocato rots for ating, youeansoarch hugh a oles ina Pater. rony notes | played by a selected insiurvent $1:913Nal pitch | Int-HHopen=+ @ Flopeated prossings of + 1/ES will move you through the Pattern. i! youhald down this | key, you can “Tast forward” through the Paltern, The ~1/NO key works in the opposte direction, but you wil NOT hear any notes when using | 2. Toselect an instrumantfornote search, pressits instrument key The al symbol wil | change to "01", incicating thatthe fst note of the selected Mstrurment has been located, | Nove pumber 1:025901 pitch Int-HHelos=£ @ Now, when you press +1/VES to search through the Pater, the RXS wil automatically locale the next rote played by the selected instrument, anc display tsnote number. in| 04 Pattern example, the HiHat (closed) pays eight notes. Once you locate the ast nota {wth cisplayes note number of “06 the nex! pressing o the +1°YES key wil turn | you to nate OF | 3. Al any hme, you can select another instrument, by pressing ts instrument key. The LCD ait show the frst role played by that instrument. 4, Tore tothe “allinsiuments” nate search mode, press EDIT PATTERNVOLUME CHANGE. The LCD wil show the fist nate in he Patter, and display the al” symbol Having located a note, you can now soloct a parameter for editing ‘5. Press ACCENT 2 to move the Curso to the parameter name position inthe lop night ‘comer of the LCD. PARAMETER 1: PITCH 4+. To select Pitch, press "Y 91:61 al pitch Int-BD 1 =b 6 ich vane. 2. Uso the —1/NO and +1/YES koys or the DATA ENTRY sider to change the pitch by semitone units. Holding the "0" key while using tne ~ TINO or + 1/VES key to ‘change pitch alows pitch enange in 1D-cent(1/10n sentone) units. Pitch values are shown i 0-cent(1/10th semitone) unis ange: #60 semtones dieplayed as + 600 urits. Actual pitch range is +24/~36, ssemiones (actual pitch cannot be set outsice these limits) 3. Assoon asyou change this parameter value itil star flashing on he LCD. Press START to ere the new value. The paramoter value wil ten stop {ashing 4 You can now select anather parameter for editing, or exit the Pattora ecit Made by pressing STOPICONTINUE, The LCD wil ratun tthe Select pattem aisplay. PARAMETER 2: LEVEL 1. To select Level, press “2 @1:061Nal level Int-BD 1 98 I Lovervale 2. Use the —1NO and +1/VES keys or the DATA ENTRY sir to change the level Range: ¢ 91. Actual level range is 00/431 (actual level cannct be sat autside these. lent 3. As soon as you change this parameter value, it wil start flashing onthe LOD. Press START to enter the new value, The parameter value wil then stop flashing 4, You can now goloct another parameter for eaiting, of exit the Pattom adit Mode by o1@ssing STOP/CONTINUE. The LGD wil retum ro the Select patarn a splay, PARAMETER 3: ATTACK 1. To select Attack, press "3" G1:661Nal attack Int-BD 1 = 68 2. Use the —/NO and +1/YES kays or the DATA ENTRY sicer to change the Attack Pale. Range: + 69. Actual Atlack Rate ‘ange is 01/+99 (actual Attack Rate cannot be set ‘uiside these tints). NOTE: Long attacks create "oaping’, Refer to EDIT VOICE JOB #03 for comments about this. 3, As soon as you change this parameter value itwil start flashing on the LCD. Press START to enier ino new vaive. The parameter value wil then slop fasting. 4, You can now select another parameter for edting, or ext the Patern ect Made by | pressing STOPICONTINUE, The LCD wil raturn tothe Select pattern display) PARAMETER 4: DECAY | 1. To select Decay, press "a | | | 91:0018al decay | Int-BD 1 = 98 Decay valve 2. Use the —1/NO andi +1/YES keys or the DATA ENTRY slider to change the Decay Rate. Range: #03. Actual Decay Rate range is 01/+88 (actual Decay Rates cannot be set outside these limts) NOTE: Long decays craate “fooping’, Reler to EDIT VOICE JOB #03 for comments about this 3. As so0n3s you change ths parameter value itil start Hashing on he LCD. Press ‘START to enter the new valve, The parameter value will hen stop fashing. 4. You can row select another parametar for editing, or exit the Pattern edit Mode by pressing STOP/CONTINUE, The LCD wiE elutn to the Select pattem display PARAMETER 5: REVERSE ON/OFF 1. To select Reverse, press “5! 91:981hal revers Int-BD 1 = OFF ‘nor car 2, Use the ~1/NO and -H/YES keys oF the DATA ENTRY sider to set the leverse function ON or OFF. 3. As soon as you select ON or OFF, it will start flashing on the LCD. Press START to ‘omer the new setung. ON or OFF will ten stop tasting cn tne LCD, 4. You can row select archer parameter fer editing, of exit the Patan edt Mode by pressing STOP/CONTINUE, The LCD wil retum to the Seleot pattern display. PATTERN MEMORY CHECK ‘This function allows you to check the remaining Pattern memory of the RXS, as @ percentage of is total Pattern memory capacity Re'er to UTILITY JOB #01, 19 ONG OPERATION OVERVIEW ‘Tho Song operations available on the AXS let you: ‘* Eait (assemble) up to 20 Songs, each consisting of up to 999 Parts. Each Song can be given a name, and an intial tempo. ‘© Insert repeats, tempo changes (accelerando, rtardando), volume changes ina ‘* Select a Song and play it at any tempo, or from any selected Pat (location). ‘© Set a named “Search” mark in a song, and locate it instantly, for playback or ro-oditing ‘* Clear (Erase) a Song. ‘© Copy a Song, ot part of a Song ‘© Check the remaining Song memory of the RXS. 1¢ The RAS contains factary.pragrammed Sangs in Song 'ocations 00thru 02, showing how you can pul together interesting sequences of Patterns. These Songs are permanently sored in he PXS's internal memary. So you clear them, or eat alter) thom to make your awn Sengs, the orginal preset Songs are stil available and can bbe reloaded into the Song locations sivpiy by holding the ACCENT 1 key while youu tum the RXS's power on '* Song 02 shows how you can use the XS as a complete musical instrument, pro: {gramming melodic paris and sound effects aswel as myths. alsa contans Search Mares, named “A*, BY, C°,"D" and “E"to demonstrate the Search Mat function, Which” lets you instant locate any selected Part ofa Song. Touse his convenient function, eter to JOB #01. SEARCH MARK lator inthis chapter. '¢ The functiono! the Song Mode isto allow you to connect Patterns in order to forma ‘drum sequence for an entre So7g, Each Song can contain up to 999 "Parts". A Pat ccan contain a Patter, or other dala such as a Repeat Command, a Tempo Change, Volume Change of a Searen Mar. NOTE: Some of the Song/Pattern Operation keys on the AXS have wo functions, The LOWER function writen on each kay appies fo the Song Mode. ENTERING THE SONG MODE ‘* All Song operations are preceded by entaring the Song Made. Pross PATTERNISONG Aepeated pressing of ihis Key awiiches the AXS between the Pattern Mode and the Song Mode. When the Song Mode ' selected, the SONG LED wil ight, The LCO will show the rumber of the last Song that was selected, plus iis name, intial lempo arc number of bars (measures). Seg number SONG 9@\meas6G64 >Big Bang<:J=144 Meaayre count T ‘Song Aaine lel tempo SONG SELECTION FUNCTION | to select a Song for play, editing, etc. To select an empty ‘Song for writing. ‘The RXS can store up to 20 Songs, numbered 00 thru 19. Once you have selected & Song, you can than go 0% to play the Song, edit it, copy I, clear (erase) i ‘You can also select anemply Song (ane thal Contains no data) prio toeditng a new Song OPERATION Press PATTERN/SONG unt he LCD indicates Song Mods, then use the Numeric Key Pad to ener @ two-digit Song number Song numbers below 10 must be preceded by ‘a 2070 For example, for Song 5, enter 0" then “5” SONG PLAY FUNCTION to play a selected Song. OPERATION 1. Press PATTERNISONG unl the LCD indicates Song Mode, and use the 10—kays to select a Song. 2, Press START 0 play he Song ‘During play the RUNLED wil ight The LCD wilinaicate the current measure, Pat number and Pattern ruber Cunort measure ES SONG 4G meas9661 Part@@1: PTN 86 Comort Pa ramber Curent Paton number 8, To stop play, press STOPICONTINUE The RUN LED will go out, anc the LOD wil show the pont in the Song af which play was stoppes. 4, To rastat play, press START to play from the bagianing of the Song, oF STOP/ CONTINUE, to play fram the point at which play was stopped 5, When the Song has finished playing, the LCD will again display the first measure and Part ol the Song, '* During Song Play, you can altor tho Tempo by moving the TEMPO slider control, oF by oressing TEMPO and using he 10-k8ys of the +1/YES and =1/NO keys. The ick function can also be used during Song play, butt must be turned on in the Patter Made. ele to the PATTERN OPERATIONS chapter for a ful desertion of these tunetons. REPEAT SONG PLAY FUNCTION | Continuous play of a selected Song ‘This uncton atows you to playa Song repeatedly, untl you press the STOP key. Tis can be useful when you are rohearsing a song. It can also aid compostion, providing a continuous tyne track while you work on ideas far a song, OPERATION ress PATTERNISONG ust) te LCD indi REPEAT tes Song Mode, then press SWING/ SONG @% meas@964 repeat OFF 2. Use the +1/YES or ~1NO keys fo lum the Repeat function On or OFF 3, Proce PATTERN/SONG fo rotum to the Song Made, then select and play a Song, The Song wil play trough and once its finshed, immediatly recommence pay. The LCD wil at this point return tothe beginning of Ihe Song and restart courting o! measures and Parts «© It'you wanted a pause between repeat plays ol a Song, you Could inert an empty Pattern (of any length} a the end of the Song, 4. The STOP/CONTINUE key is used in exactly the same way a€ normal Song play 2 EDIT SONG MODE FUNCTION | to connect Patterns in order to create a Song. In the Eatt Song Mode, you can connect up to 999 Patterns to form a rhythm wack for ‘an onto Song. Each Pattern, when used in a Song, is called a “Patt” Parts can aiso contain other data such as repeats, tempo changes and volume changes, These are Loseribed lator i this chapter OPERATION |. Press PATTERN/SONG unt tne LCD indicates Song Mode, tnen use tre Numeric Kay Pad to select a Song. When edling a new Song, an empty Song should be solocto<. This will be incicated by a zore measure count on the LCD, SONG 94 ‘© Songs that have already bean edited can be selected lor re-editing, in exactly the 2. Prose REAL TIME WRITE/EDIT SONG EDIT SONG 09 Part@61= PTN xx{j = ater nunber prompt © Ihe selected Song ateady contains data, the LCD will show the data ol the first Part. ‘ithe Memory Pratectis ON, the LCD wilshow "MEMORY PROTECTED" when Real “Time Write is setectea, indicating hat wrting cannot be cariedout. Use UTILITY JOB +408 to lum off the Memory Protect function 3. The LCD is prompiing you to enter the Patten number for the fist Part Use the 1Okoys to enter a Pattern number EDIT Part@@1 SONG 60 PTN 60 ‘# Ife dsplayed Part already contains a Pattern (in he case of aSang thathas already | been edited) you can change the Paitorn by entering a new pattem rumbar in the same way, SONA RATIONS 4. Press +11YES to move tothe next Pad, and entar anther Pattern number inthe same way, | EDIT SONG 96 Part@@2= PTN 330 5. Continue moving through the Seng, enteting Pattern numbers as desited, Ws 8 good idea to keep a wittan record of a Song, as you adit it Refer to ine SONGICHAIN CHART at the end of tis manual You can move backwards through a Song using the ~ 1MNO key. This ets you go back to check a Part. Any time a Part is cisplayed, you can change the Pattern Contained in that Part by entering a new Pattern number, Holding down a —1/NO or +1/YES key lets you move rapidly through a Song 6. Once you have entered all the Parts of your Song, press PATTERN/SONG ta ext the Edit Song Made. You ean now play your Seng, INSERT FUNCTION FUNCTION To insert new Parts into a Song. ‘The Insert Functon lets you select any pointin @ Song that has already been assembled, _andinsert new Pars between the already-programmed Pars, For exam, you want toinsert a Patter between Parts 2 and 3 of « Song, fis means that you have to nse. anew Part 3, BEFORE INSERTING Panoo1 Pato? Pant00s Parton PINOT | PTNO2 | PTNOS | PTNOd lager oie ‘ory patton Py Pate 99 AFTER INSERTING Pan0or Parone Par'00d Partaas Par 008 Prnot | PrNoe | Ptvg9 | PTNo3 | PTNOS | Pattern 99 inserted ieto Part 3 All subsequert pars moved forward fone Stop, ‘* You can also insert Repeats, Tempo Changes, Volume Changes and Search Marks by pressing he keys corresponding tothase functions attr pressing the INSERT key. OPERATION 1. Pros PATTERNISONG unt the LD incicates Song Mode, and uso the Numeric Key Pad to select a song. Then press REAL TIME WRITE/EDIT SONG to enter the ait Song Mode, 2. Use the +1/YES key to locate the insert point in the selected Song, EDIT SONG 99 Part@@3= PTN 93) 3. Pross STEP WRITE/INSERT. EDIT SONG 6% Part@@3= PTN *xJ Pater number rome 4, The LODis prompting you to insort a new Pattern number. Use the Nutneric Key Pad todo this. Example: Pattern 98, EDIT SONG 96 Part@@3= PTN 99) New Patt number ‘The new Patter has now been inserted. You can. number before exting the Edit Song Mode you use the +1/YES key to move forward through the Song, you wil see that all Following Parts have been moved forward oy ona steps thistime, change the new Pattern 5. Press PATTERNISONG to ext the Eit Song Mode. SONG OPERATIONS BA DELETE FUNCTION 8. Press QUANTIZE/DELETE FUNCTION | to delete Parts trom a Song. EDIT SONG 66 The Delete Function works ntho opppste way tthe Insert Function. es you remove 9 any Par fom a Song tat has aveady been ascemted.Ferexampe you wart to Delete PIN 99? remove th Palle thal weinseted in Ou Song nthe prevous section, you woudecate Par 3 and cary out the Dee Functon You can now pfess ~ INO it you wish to cancel the Delete operation. The LCD will return to the previous display BEFORE DELETING To delete Patter 99, press + 1/YES. The LCD will now show that the selected Part parcot Panoce Pace Patoos Pa oos {Par003} nas anew Paton funder Trswastre parm mat wasareqred othe pane folowing Pat Par 0) prot te Ose opereton PINo1 | PrNo2 | PIIVG® | PrNa3 | PTNOs ] patlo be EDIT SONG 98 Gabe Part@@3= PTN 93 ore ArTER DELETING ‘New Pate bt Pano! Patooe Partoos Part 004 oP tern rorya It you use the +1/VES key lo move forward through the Song, you wal see that al PTNOI | PTNO2 | PTNOS | PINO4 faloning Parts have been moved backward by one step. 5, Press PATTERNSONG 10 exit the Edit Song Node, Pattern 99 deleted. Al subsequent pats moved backward PART COPY FUNCTION FUNCTION | Tocopy a selected number of Parts o a subsequent point in. '* You can also delete Parts containing Repeats, Tempo Changes, Volume Changes Song. ‘and Search Marks, in exaciy the sare way. ‘is tuncon ae youchoose a Part or group of Pats, anscopy hema alate paintin 4 Song. of 0 the endo the Song. Any Pars folowing the cacy destination OPERA fot ibe cleared (etasee, Ths unetoncan realy save bre | you Nave programmed ERATION ‘the Parts for a verse, for example, and want to repeat the sare verse later in a Song. ‘You can copy the entire verse in ave operation, instead ot having to copy each individual 1. Press PATTERNSONG until the LCD indicates Song Modo, and use the Numoric -opy the ent ‘operation, instead of having lo copy each individual Koy Pal select Song, Then press REAL TIME WRITEIEDIT SONG Ieee | Focal, cuppoe nth chr Song, yu warts copy Pats a Soko hen ait Song Mode Pee Use the +1/YES key to locate the Deete point a the selected Sang BEFORE COPYING EDIT SONG 98 Pan0t Par002 Parto0s Partoo+ —Fart005 Pari 006 Part@@3= PTN 998 [Pt 12 | Prvae | Prva | rns [Prat | 1 Not Pat to be copie. Copy destination 24 AFTER COPYING atoo1 Patoo2 Pari0n3Partoos PartooS Part005 Rantoor | tN 12 | PrNaa | prvaa | P1N9g | PTNat | PTNg9 | PTN4S New Pats You can also copy to a destination BEFORE the end of the Song, provided it comes. ASTER the Parte which which are to be copied, Be careful if you do ths, ALL Parts folowing me selected destination wi be cleared (erased), This exarnple shows what happens if we copy Parts 2 and 3 to Pan 4 BEFORE COPYING Panoo1 Fari002 Part03_Part0o¢ Pari 005 PTN 12 | PTNGD PTN 44 | PINGS we com © Bestnation PTNSI AFTER COPYING Pantoor Panne Pan o05 PIN 12 | PTNg9 | PrN a4 | PTNg9 | PINAs Parto03 Pertoo4 Now Parts (Oxiginal Parts folowing copy dostinaton are cleared, 5, The cursor wil OPERATION 1, Press PATTERN/SONG ut the LCD indicates Song Mode, and use the Numeric Key Pad to select a song. Thon press REAL TIME WRITE/EDIT SONG to enter the Exit Song Mode. 2, Use the +1/YES key to locate the Copy destination point it tne Song EDIT SONG 66 Par t@@4= PTN 64 3. Press COPY. Proms fo ener Pat rumbars from Wx« - Par t@@4= RK PTN 94 4. Use the Numeric Key Pad to enter the number ofthe fist Part of the section to be copied—e three-digit rurnber. from 962 - Bee Part@@4= PIN @4 ‘move to the next prompt. Enter the numberof the last Part of the ‘section to be copied [if copying anly one Part, this number would be the same az the previous aumoer entered) from 962 - 963 |B. Press START t 7. Press PATTERNISONG to ex the Fait Song Mode fo cary out the Copy operation. The LCD will now display the empty Pat following the last Part ofthe naw edited Song. in this examy Part@@4= PTN 64 ple, would be Pan 6 EDIT SONG 99 Part9@6= PTN *#@ REPEATS FUNCTION | 10 entor ropaat commands in a Song. Repeats can save a il of editing time, by making itpessibie to repeat any Partor group of Parts up to 99 times. Tiss needed, for xamplo, when the samme htm plays through an entre verse, Repeats are entered in two operations. The Begin repeat cortmand is entered at the art othe section which isto be repeated Then the End Repeats entered at he end of the section oe repeated, iogether with a numer inaicating the rumber of times that the section isto be repeated, Remember that he number ol repeats should be ONE LESS than the total number of plays of the selected section. Each repeat command counts as a Part Inthis example, Parts Sand 4 ate repealed twice, making atoll of thee plays those Parts, Paroot Panooe Panoos Patoc Part00s Part 00s PINOT PINO2 | PINGS) aXx2 | PINGS 7 “Begn Repeat" nd Repeat ‘canna “Repeat twice’ ‘cornands, ACTUAL PLAYING SEQUENCE PTNOt | PING2 | PTNO3 | PTNO2 | PINGS. | PTNo2 | PTNO3 | PTNO4 You can enter ary numberof repeats na Song. You can also “nest” repeat commands 80 that a shor ropeat section oan occur wthn a larger repeat section. Ths would De ‘done, tor example, ita whole verse were tobe repeated (repeat commands at stan and tend of the verse) AND a shat section win the verse were to be repeated (repeat ‘commands a start and end af short section inthe verea). You ean actually enter up to ten "nests" of repeats, one inside anothe, OPERATION 1) Pegs PATTERN/SONG u/ Key Pad to select a Song, 2. Pioss REAL TIME WAITE/EDIT SONG and start editing the Song. When you reach the point at which the Begin Repeat command is needed (for example, Part2) press SWINGIREPEAT. the LCD indicates Song Mode, then use the Numeric SONG OPERATIONS EDIT SONG 96 1: bor 2: 4? 3. Prese "I" to select a Begin Repeat command EDIT SONG 66 Part@o2= kt 4. Continue eciting (entering Pattern numbers) and when you reach the point at which the Eno repeat command is needed (lor exemple, Part 5) press SWING/REPEAT then press °2" to select an End repeat command EDIT SONG 69 PartO@5= I x@1 Number cepa The LCD wil dlaplay “01” —the defaut number of repeats. If only one repeat is needed, you can now ples + YES to continue editing the Song. 5. Toerter a citterent number of repeats, use the Numeric Key Pad entering a two-igt umber (lor example, 02). Range: 01 —99 EDIT SONG 9@ Part@G5= it x62 You can now continue exiting ‘¢ Repeats are often entered AFTER all the Pattern numbers have been entered for a Song. Refer to the INSERT FUNCTION (scribed earlier in this chapter) and enter tho repeals in the normal way, alter pressing the INSERT key. Remember thal & Repeat Command will create & now Part, and move all subsequent Parts foward TEMPO CHANGE FUNCTION FUNCTION to enter gradual ermpo changes Into a solected Song This function allows yout enter a gtadual change of tempo in a Song. The tempe can increase (accelerando) or decrease (rtercando). You can.set the overall range of the ‘Tempo Change, and the duration of the change, ‘A Tempo Change counis as @ Patt of a Song, ‘¢ Ifyou enter a Tempo Change during a repeat section, the Tampa Change wil also be repeated, allowing you fo make a gradual Tempo Change over along perioa (longer than the maxmum of 98 quarter-nofes which can be sal fora single Tempo Change), NOTE: When you play a Song that contains a Tempo Change, the final terrpo of the Song will be diffrent trom te inital tempo. If you nave not sot an Initial Tempo for a Song, and you immediately play the Song again, wil commence play althe new tempo Therefor, its recommended that you always set the Inia! tempo ‘or a Song. Reter to 08 #04: INITIAL TEMPO, OPERATION 4 Press PATTERN/SONG until the CD ingicates Sang Mode, then use the 10-keysto select a Song, 2, P1e6s REAL TIME WRITE/EDIT SONG to enter the Eott Song Mode, and star eating ‘3 Song. When you reach the point at which the Tempo Change is needed press CLICKITEMPO CHANGE EDIT SONG 99 l:Accel or 2:Rit 2, Prose" to select Aecoleranda (tempo increase) cr “2"to selec itardando (eempo {decrease} As the operation i identical or both types of Tempo Change, we'l eserine Accelerando only. Tho only diference is that the Tempo Change value is shownas a positve number for Accelerando, and a negative number for itardanco, EDIT SONG 99 Part@@1= +80/00 Torpo Change vale Tempe Ohange duration 4. Use the Numeric Key Pad to eet the value of the Tempo Changa. Range: 0-99 ‘quaner notes/minute NOTE: The overall Tempo range of he FUXS is 40—250 quarter notesiinute, The Tempe Change function can NOT alter tha tempo bayan! these limits 5. Press ACCENT 2 to move the cursor to the Tempo Change duration position, and use the Numeric Key Pad to enor the Tempo Change duration. Range: 0—99 quarter notes. You can use the ACCENT 2 key to move the cursor back and fotth to reset the wo ‘Torpo Change parameters, as needed 8, The Tempo Change is row set, and you can press +1/YES to move on to the next Patt and continue ediing, or ptess PATTERN/SONG to exit the Edt Song Mode. '* Tempo Changes can be entered AFTER al! the Pattem numbers have been entered for a Song. Refer to the INSERT FUNCTION (described eatlor inthis chapter) anc ‘enter tho Tempe Change in the normal way. alter pressing the INSERT iy, Remember that a Tempo Change wii create a new Par, and move all subsequent Parts forward, VOLUME CHANGE FUNCTION FUNCTION This function allows you to enter a volume change at any locaton in a Song. The volume ‘can increase or decrease. This can be used lo add subtle dynamics to a Song, oF for more pronounced cr sudden volume changes. You could also enter a voume Chnage atthe siat of a Song, o alter the overt evel of the whole Song, To.enter a volume change at any point in a Song. ‘A Volume Chango courte 8s a Part of a Song, © Ifyou enter @ Volume Change during a repeat section, the Volume Change wil also 'b6 repeated, alowing you to make a gradual Volume Change aver along peried. You ‘could, for exemple, sata single Pattern to repeat at the end ofa Song, together with sight volume decrease. This would create a “lade-oul”. The oppasite approach (repeating Patterns at start of a Song, wih sight volume increase) would create a “agen OPERATION ross PATTERN/SONG unt the LCD indicates Song Made, then use the Numaric Key Pad to select a Song Press REAL TIME WRITE/EDIT SONG to enter the Edt Song Mode, and start editing ‘a Song. when you reach the pont at which the Volume Change is needed press EDIT PATTERN/VOLUME CHANGE EDIT 1:Up or 2:Down ? SONG 90 3, Press "1" to select Up (volime increase) or 2 to select Down (volume decrease) ‘As the operations ientica or both types of Volume Change. we'l describe volume Increase only. The only diferonca fs that the Volume Change valuo is shown as a postive number for volume increase, and a negative number for volume decrease. ————__ EDIT SONG 96 Part@Ol= vol+9 | ‘vokare Grange valve 4 Use the Numatic Key Pad to sot the value of the Volume Change. Range: 0—31 ‘© 11 more than ore Volire Change command is entored inlo @ Song, he resuting ‘volume depends on the combination of Volume Changes. For example. you enter ‘Volume Change of +6, then laterin the @ Song enter aVolume Change ol ~5, the combined Volume Change Is 2er, So the tina level ofthe Song wil be equal 10s original level NOTE: The Volume range of ine HXS i$ 0-31. The Volume Change function cat NOT alter the volume beyond these mts, '5, Tha Volume Change is now set, and you Can pross +1/YES to move on to the next Part and continua eciting, or press PATTERNISONG to ext the Edit Song Mode. ‘© Volume Changes can be entered AFTER al the Patom numbers nave Deen entered fora Sarg Relat tothe INSERT FUNCTION (described earler inthis chapter) and trier the Volume Change in the normal way, ater pressing the INSERT key. Remember thal a Voie Change will create a new Part, and move all subsequent Parts forward SONG COPY FUNCTION | To copy 2 Song to another destination. The Song Copy function lets you copy any selected Song fo ancther destination nthe [RXS's Song memory This usafulif you went 0 copy a Song inorder to alter tto create a new Song, while ataining the orignal Song, EOSIN «27 '# If te Memory Protect is ON, the LCD will show "MEMORY PROTECTED" when the Copy key is pressed. indicating that Song Copy cannot be cartied out. Use UTILITY 408 #03 to turn off the Mernory Protect function 2. Use the Numeric Key Pad to enter the number of the Song destination 19 which the selected Song wil be copied COPY SONG #6 to SONG #18 8 Press START. Ifthe Song destinations empty, the Song wilimmediataly be copied, COPY SONG 98 completed! Fotowed by SONG 60§meas6664 >Big Bang<:J=144 It fhe Song destination already contains a Song (which will be erased i you tarry out the copy operation) the LCO will show COPY SONG 9 rewrite song 91? ‘You can now press —1/NO, it you do not wish to copy to this Song destination. The will return you tothe Select Song Mode, rom which you Gan once again callhe Song Copy function, and select another destination you wish to copy to the selectod destination (r-wrling the Song contained there) press +1/YES. Tho LCO will show “completed” and reiuin to te Select Song Mode) OPERATION 4 Press SONG/PATTERN until the LCD indicates Song Mode, then use the Numeric Koy Pad to seloct tho Song to be copied, and pross COPY. SONG 99 SONG ¥*) COPY to SONG CLEAR FUNCTION To clesr a seiected Song. You can instant clear (erase) an entire Song. This would be done for examole, i the RXS's Song morrory wore full ng you wanted to write anotor Song, ‘* You can also clear all 20 Songs simultaneously, Refer to UTILITY MODE JOB #96. OPERATION 1, Press PATTERN/SONG until the LCD indicates Song Mode, and uso the Numeric Key Pad to select the Song you wish lo clear, then press GLEAR. CLEAR SONG 88? You can now cancel the Song Clear operation, i you wish, by pressing ~ L.CO will return to the Song select dispay. NO. Tne ' [Line Memory Protect is ON, the LCD will show "MEMORY PROTECTED" when the Cea function is selected, indicating that Song Clear cannot be carried oul, Use UTILITY JOB #08 to turn off the Memory Protect function 2, To clear the Song, press +1/¥ES. CLEAR SONG 00 Are you sure? It you wish, you can now cancel the Clear operation by pressing —1/NO. To cary out the Clear operation, press + VES, to see: CLEAR SONG #6? completed! Foiowos by SONG $9imeasGOGo > Kidscce The LCD will now show thatthe selected Song is emply (the measure count is 20), You can now edit a naw Song, SONG MEMORY CHECK This function allows you to check the remaining Song memory of the RXS, as a Percentage oft total Song memory capacity. Refer to UTILITY JOB #2. THE JOBS ‘Some functions in the Song Mode are called "Jabs" and appearon the JOB TABLE on the front panel of the RXS. Jobs are select by first entering the Song Mode or Edit ‘Song Mode, then pressing JOB and entering the Job numiber using the 1O-key panel ‘SONG MODE JOB Job #01: SEARCH MARK. Automatically locate a Mark (a named location) or a Partin Song, lor playback. EDIT SONG MODE JOBS Job #01: SEARCH MARK. Automaticaly locate a Mark (a named location) or a Part in ‘a Song, for editing Job #02: SET MARK. Name a selected location in @ Sona, so that itcan be aulomaticaly located using the Search Mark function. Job #03: SONG NAME. Name a selected Song, ‘Job #94: IN'TIAL TEMPO, Set the intial playback ternpo of a Sona. JOB #01: SEARCH MARK FUNCTION 10 automatically iocate a selected location in a Song, for playback or editing. This tuncion lets you instantly locate any Partin a Song, ora Mark thathas been set in «a Song (reler tothe SET MARK section of this chapter), Ths is extremely useful and lie-saving, I allows youto play a Song from any selected point o locate any point in the Song for editing (his can be compared ta tape transport memory devices in recording studios, which alow you te "punch in" ata preselectod point in a recording) OPERATION 1, Press PATTERN/SONG unt the LCD indicates Song Mode. the use the Numeric Key Pad to seiect a Song. Ifyou are using the Search Mark function to find a point fromm vwhich fo playback ONLY, omit the Next step and go to step 3 2. Ifyu are using the Search Mark function to fine a poiat trom which to edit a Song, preas FEAL TIME WRITE/EDIT SONG to anter tho Ect Song Modo. 3, Press JOB. In he Song Mode, the LCD wil now show the Search function sin the Fait Song Mode, use the Numeric Key Pad to select lob #0". Example: Edt Song Mode EDIT SONG 9@ Search "{) " You can now search a location either by entering a Part number o by entering a Mark name, SEARCH PART 1, From the "SEARCH" display, use the Numeric Key Pad to enter a three-sigt Pan ‘number. As soan as you enter ine frst digit, the LCD wil show. EDIT SONG 96 Search Part 6* = Prompt ener resto Patt rumter 2, When you have entered the complete Part sumber, the LCD wil immediately show the selected Par, andtne Pattarn or other data contaed there, Example; Pat 006; Pate 23 EDIT SONG 96 Part6@6= PTN 23% It you are in the Edt Song Mode, you can now continue ediing from this point. you are in the Song Made, you can now play the Song from this point, by rossing 'STOPICONTINUE 1. From the “SEARCH” display, enter tne Mark name by pressing the instrument keys {lor entering laters A tu X) or ACCENT 1 oF 2 (lor entering laters ¥ and 2. respectively). The cursor wil move fo the right when alletteris ertered, enabing you to enter the next letter Letters are entered as upper case (capitals) Lower case jelters may be entered oy holding down STOPICONTINUE while entering Jeter, Numerals may b@ entered by using the Numeric Key Pad ‘Spaces may be eniered by using the REVERSE Key, Periods may be entered by using the DAMP Key. you make @ mistake, use the —1/NO and +1/YES kays ta move tha cursor to the erroneous character, and enter a new character. The LCD will ow show the Mark name. Example: ‘Brge’ EDIT SONG 69 Search “Bridge” 2, Prass START 0 carry outthe Search Mark function. The LCD wil mmedialely show ‘he Pat number of the selected Mark. Example: Part 3 EDIT SONG 68 Part@#3="Bridge" SONG OPERATIONS BEY It you are inthe Eat Song Mode, you can now continue eating from this point ityou are in te Song Mode, you can now play the Song rorn ths point, by pressing 'STOPICONTINUE. NOTE: During Song edting, when using aiher ha Search Mark or Search Part operation, it tne search point coincides with the end ot the Song, the LCD wil display an “end of song I!" message JOB #02: SET MARK FUNCTION | to name a selected location in a Song. ‘The Set Mark function allows you to give a name (up 10 six characters—lelters and rumerais) fo ary selected location (Pat) of aSeng. This Mark canbe instantly cated ‘at any time, using the Search Mark function. ‘You can set any numer of Marks in a Song, ‘A Matk counts as a Partin a Song OPERATION 1. Pross PATTERN/SONG until ad to select a Song 2. Press REAL TIME WRITE/EDIT SONG foenter the Ed Song Mode, ana star oxting ‘Song. When you raach the point a! which the Mark is needed select Job #02 CD indicates Song Mode, tho use the Numoric Key EDIT SONG 89 Set mark"( " 2 Enver laters by pressing the inetrument keys (or eters A thru X) or ACCENT 1 of 2 (forlotters ¥ and 2 respectively), The cursor will move to the right when a letter is entered, enabing you to enter the next letter. Letters are entered as upper case (capiuals), Lower case tellers may be entered by holoing down STOPICONTINUE white entering eters Numerais may be eniered by using the Numenc Key Pad NOTE: The fist character ofa Mark name can NOT be a numeral, because when using the Search function, entering a numeral frst wil activate the Search Part function instead of the Search Mark function Spares may be entered by using the REVERSE key Periods may be entered by using the DAMP key it you make a mistake, use the ~1/NO and +1/YES kays to move the cursor to the fertonsous character, and enter a new character 4, Press START to erter the Mark name. Example: Part 3, Mark name “Bridge” EDIT SONG 06 Part®@3="Bridge" 30 SONG OPERATIONS 5, The Mark is now set, and you can press +4/YES to move on tothe next Patt and ‘continue editing, or pross PATTERN'SONG to ext the Edit Song Mode, ‘© Marks can be entered AFTER all he Pattern numbers have been entered for a Song. Roar to the INSERT FUNCTION (described eariorinthis chapter) and enter the Mark inthe normal way, ater pressing the INSERT key. Remember that aMark will create ‘a new Part, and rove ab subsequent Parts forward JOB #03: SONG NAME FUNCTION tocnter e name for a selected Song. This function lets you enor @ naire of up lo eight characters (ltters and numerals) for 2 Song OPERATION Press PATTERN/SONG unt the LCD indicates Song Mode, then use the Numeric Koy Pad to select the Song thal to be named 2. Pros REAL TIME WRITEJEDIT SONG to enter the Edit Song Mode, and select Job #93. EDIT SONG 9 Name-> < I he selected Song alreacy has a nar, itwillbe displayed, and can be changed in exactly the same way as entering a new name, 3. Enter letters by pressing tne instrument keys (orletters A thru X) or ACCENT 1 or 2 (for laters ¥ and Z respectively), The cursor wil move to the right when a ltr is ‘entered, enabling you to enter the next eter Letters are entered as unper case (capitals) Lower case letters may be entered by holding down STOPICONTINUE whi ertoring letters. Numerals may be entered by using the Numeric Key Pach Spaces may be entered by using the REVERSE xey Periods nay be entered by using the DAMP key It you make a mistake, use the ~1/NO and +1/YES keys to move the curso: to the ‘ereneous character, and enter a naw character 4. Pross START to onier the now name. The LCO wil ‘etum fo the EDIT SONG display. 3, Press PATTERN/SONG {o ext the Edit Song Mode JOB #04 INITIAL TEMPO FUNCTION | To set the initial tempo of a selected Song. ‘This function lets you se the exact tempo fora Sang, thus avoicing the need for manually ‘changing tempos between playback of Songs. Or i you connect Songs to make a Chalo, this ensures that eacn Song will play ais correct tempo. Of course, any Tempo Change commands you have included in the Song wil function (within the limits ofthe KS's tempa range) and you can also vaty the Tempo manualy at any tne, OPERATION 1. Prost PATTERN/SONG until the LCD indicates Song Mode, then use the Numeric key Pad to select ne Song wich isto have ils Inia) Tempo se. 2. Press REAL TIME WRITE/EDIT SONG tocrter the Edt Song Mode, and selact Job #08 EDIT Init Tempo SONG 69 OFF — ‘Onion naeator ‘© Ifthe intial Tempo has already been set, the LCD wil show “int Tempo ON”. You ‘can naw ater te intial Tempo setting, in exactly the same way as entering the gating for the frst time. Or you can press ="VNO to turn the Initial Tempo function OFF 3. Press +1/YES to turn the Intial Tempo function ON, 4. Pross START. The LCD will show the current setting of the RXS's Tempo. © ‘the intial Tempo was already set, the LCD wil show is value. Example: 120 quarter- notes per minuto EDIT SONG 99 Init Tempo J=129 ial ip vk 5. Use the Numeric Key Pad to set the Ina Tempo. Range: 40 ~250 quatter-notes per minute 6. Presa START again to entar the nal Tempo. The LCD wil eturn tothe EDIT SONG dispay, showing the fist Part of the Song, ONien es! OVERVIEW ‘The Song Chain mode lets you: '* Edit (assemble) and name up to 3 Chains, each containing up to 90 Steps (each Step is a Song). ‘© Giear (Erase) a Chain. © Select a Chain and play it at any tempo. ‘© The function ofthe Song Chain Mode isto alow you fo connect Songs in order to form drum sequence for an entire group of Songs, for a lve performance or @ recording. Each Chein can contain up to 80 Songs, which when used in Chain are called "Steps" THE JOBS Job #01: CHAIN SELECTPLAY, Select one of 3 Chains and play at any tempo. ‘Job #02: EDIT CHAIN, Eatt (assemble) a Chain, ‘Job #03: CHAIN NAME. Name a Chain. Job #04 CHAIN CLEAR, Ciear (erase) @ Chain ENTERING THE SONG CHAIN MODE To enter tha Song Chain Mode, press the CHAIN koy. The LCD wil show the last Chain mat was selected inthis Voge. Now, or ater eating ary Chain function, press any Mode key, or the PATTERNISONG ey, 10 ox this Mode. {Jobs are selected by pressing the JOB key (alter pressing he CHAIN key) then entering tne job number using the Numeric Key Pad panel. Once in this Mode, theres no need ‘0 press the CHAIN key prior to selecting athe jabs. JOB #01: CHAIN PLAY FUNCTION | To select a Chain tor pl editing. ‘The RXS can store up 103 Chains, rumbered O thru 2. Once you have selected a Chain Yeu Gan then go on to play the Chain, edit {its empty) or clear (erase) i ‘To select an empty Chain for OPERATION 1. Press CHAIN to enter the Chain Made, Job #01 is automaticaly selected. If, however, younave aireacy selected another Jobin this Mode, press JOB then use the 10-keys to enter 0%" the LCD will show the last Chain thal was solected in this Mode. Exampe: Chain 0, containing 256 measutes and named "Concerto chain number ‘Crain eran os — CHAIN @ijmeas6256 >Concerto< Chainname 2, Use the Numerc Key Pad fo anter the Chain number (0,1 oF 2). 3. Prass START to play the Chain. During play, the RUN LED wil ight. The LCD wit indicate the current measure, Step and Song number ‘Oarert measure — CHAIN @ meas9961 StepG1: SONG 9G St Curent Sep rumber Curent Sng eurber 4, To stop play. prass STOPICONTINUE. The RUN LED will go out, and the LOD wil ‘show the point in the Chain at which play was stopped, 5. To restart play, press START to play tom ine beginning of he Chain, or STOP/ CONTINUE, Io play from the point st which play was stopped. 6. Alfor the Chain has played, the LCD will return to the Chain select cisplay '* During Chain Piay, you can ater he Tempo by moving the TEMPO sie control, or by pressing TEMPO and using the Numeric Key Pad or the +1/YES and — V/NO keys, The Click function can also De used during Chan play, but it must be turned on in the Pattom Mode. Fete to the PATTERN OPERATIONS chapter for full descriptions ofthese functions. JOB #02: EDIT CHAIN FUNCTION To connect Songs in order to create a Chain. | OPERATION 1. Press CHAIN fo enter te Chain Mode, then use the 10-keys o select @ Chain. When fediting a new Chain, an empty Chain should be selected. This wil be indicated by ‘a Zero measure count on the LCD, cI

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