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Course Title: Operation Research

Course Instructor: Dr. Pallawi Sangode

Continuous Evaluation No.

Continuous Evaluation Title: Assignment

(Eg. Assignment/Case Analysis/Project/Poster Presentation/Case Study, etc.)

Date of Allotment: 11th January, 2023 Date of Submission: 30th January, 2023

Type of Assignment: Assignment


Student Name & PRN Number: 22021242014

(Describe student role in the assignment)

Student Name & PRN Number:

(Describe student role in the assignment)

Student Name & PRN Number:

(Describe student role in the assignment)

Student Name & PRN Number:

(Describe student role in the assignment)

Student Name & PRN Number:

(Describe student role in the assignment)

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Optimization of Zurich Airport project using CPM Method
Ques 1. Where is the need of optimization in Zurich Airport?
Answer:  Infrastructure development in any country is a national priority. This is important to improve public access
and competitiveness. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Finance (2022), the government proposed an
infrastructure budget allocation for 2022 of 384.8 trillion IDR. This development is to ensure the availability of
infrastructure so that Indonesia will move towards a developed nation.
 Zurich Airport project was carried out to accommodate increased transportation and passenger movements. This is
an increase in public mobility due to the population growth on Zurich Island, North Halmahera. The main project
activity in Zurich airport project is the construction of a Runway (the area used by aircraft to take off and landing),
Taxiway (the area that connects the apron and runway), and Apron (the area used by aircraft for parking, refueling,
maintenance, and passenger loading).
 Projects generally have a deadline, which means the project schedule should be solved on time. Project
management is the application of management functions like planning, implementation, and systematic controlling of
the project. In project implementation, resources must be managed effectively and efficiently in order to achieve the
project optimally.  The business makes an effort to foresee project completion delays. The project's location, which is
around 258 kilometers from Ternate's center, also necessitates the management of mobility in order for project
development to go as planned. Additionally, Zurich Island has few supporting facilities, so a lot of goods must be
ordered from outside the city, which takes additional time and adds to the expense. To obtain competitive prices, the
company will supply construction-related materials from the cities of Ternate, Makassar, and Surabaya.
 There are numerous tasks that need to be completed that range in complexity, making construction projects
complicated. So that it is possible to determine how long a project will take to complete and look, it is required to
optimize the analysis of project duration.

Ques 2. Justify which OR tool (CPM) can be used to optimize the objective function for Zurich Airport.
Answer: Planning the various project activities requires the use of the Critical Path Method (CPM), which involves time
estimate analysis of the network. The longest series of tasks that must be performed on time in order to complete the
full project is known as a critical path in project management. The rest of the project's activities will be delayed if
important tasks are delayed. CPM is a type of network analysis that aims to minimize the overall project cost by
shortening or speeding the project's overall completion time. It can be used to identify the tasks that must be
completed for a project and how they relate to one another. The project manager can use this to create a clear plan
and timetable for the project.
 The project manager can utilize it to identify potential hazards and bottlenecks so they can be
reduced and the project kept on track.
 It may monitor the progress of a project and spot any deviations from the original design. This might
assist the project manager in identifying potential issues and offering solutions. iv. It can be utilised to
inform team members and other significant individuals on the project plan and timetable. This
communicates to everyone the tasks that must be completed and the order in which they should be

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