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2400 Pts - Dark Elves

Name # Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld AS WSv Cost

Supreme Sorceress (2 , 340 pts)
Supreme Sorceress 1 MC 5 4 4 3 3 3 5 1 9 6+ 4+ 340
Composition: Lord
General; Level 4 Wizard; Hand Weapon; Always Strikes First; Hatred (High Elves); Hekarti's Blessing;
Murderous Prowess
Dispel Scroll 1 One use only. Read instead of attempting to dispel. Automatically dispels an enemy spell. [25]
Talisman of Preservation 1 Grants a 4+ ward save. [45]
The Lore of Dark Magic 1 Must choose spells from the Lore of Dark Magic. [0]
Dark Pegasus 1 - 8 3 - 4+* 4 3 4 2 6 [50]
Fly; Impale Attack; Stomp; Swiftstride
Death Hag (3 , 300 pts)
Death Hag
1 In/Ch 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3/4 9 6+ 5+ 300
Composition: Hero
Two Hand Weapons; Battle Standard Bearer ; Always Strikes First; Extra Attack; Frenzy; Hatred (High
Elves); Immune to Psychology; Murderous Prowess; Poisoned Attacks
Cauldron of Blood 1 Ch 5 - - 5 6 5 - - - 6+ 4+ [190]
Scythed wheels; Bloodshield of Khaine; Fury of Khaine; Impact Hits (D6+1); Large Target; Magic
Resistance (1); Strength of Khaine; Swiftstride; Terror; Will of the Gods
Witch Elf Crew 2 - - 4 4 3 - - 6 1/2 - [0]
Two Hand Weapons; Always Strikes First; Extra Attack; Frenzy; Hatred (High Elves); Immune to
Psychology; Murderous Prowess; Poisoned Attacks
Master (1 , 140 pts)
1 Ca 5 6 6 4+* 3 2 7 3 9 2+ 4+ 140
Composition: Hero
Hand Weapon; Lance; Shield; Always Strikes First; Hatred (High Elves); Murderous Prowess
Armour of Destiny 1 Heavy armour. Grants a 4+ ward save. [50]
Cold One 1 - 7 3 - 4 4 1 2 2 3 [12]
Fear; Immune to Psychology; Stupidity; Swiftstride; Thick-skinned
Witch Elves (25 , 340 pts)
Witch Elves 25 In 5 4 4 3 3 1 6 1/3 8 340
Composition: Core
Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Two Hand Weapons; Always Strikes First; Extra Attack; Frenzy; Hatred
(High Elves); Immune to Psychology; Madness of Khaine; Murderous Prowess; Poisoned Attacks; Extra
Razor Standard 1 The unit gains Armour Piercing. [45]
Armour Piercing
Darkshards (10 , 120 pts)
Darkshards 10 In 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 6+ 120
Composition: Core
Hand Weapon; Repeater Crossbow; Light Armour; Always Strikes First; Hatred (High Elves); Murderous
Prowess; Armour Piercing; Multiple Shots (2)
Dark Riders (5 , 110 pts)
Dark Riders 5 Ca 5 4 4 3+* 3 1 5 1 8 4+ 110
Composition: Core
Musician ; Hand Weapon; Spear; Repeater Crossbow; Light Armour; Shield; Always Strikes First; Fast
Cavalry; Hatred (High Elves); Murderous Prowess; Swiftstride; Vanguard; Armour Piercing; Multiple
Shots (2)
Dark Steed 5 - 9 3 - 3 3 1 4 1 5 [0]
Fast Cavalry; Swiftstride; Vanguard
Dark Riders (5 , 110 pts)
Dark Riders 5 Ca 5 4 4 3+* 3 1 5 1 8 4+ 110
Composition: Core
Musician ; Hand Weapon; Spear; Repeater Crossbow; Light Armour; Shield; Always Strikes First; Fast
Cavalry; Hatred (High Elves); Murderous Prowess; Swiftstride; Vanguard; Armour Piercing; Multiple
Shots (2)
Dark Steed 5 - 9 3 - 3 3 1 4 1 5 [0]
Fast Cavalry; Swiftstride; Vanguard
Black Guard of Naggarond (30 , 475 pts)
Black Guard of Naggarond 30 In 5 5 4 3/4 3 1 6 2 9 5+ 475
Composition: Special
Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Halberd; Heavy Armour; Always Strikes First; Eternal Hatred; Hatred;
Immune to Psychology; Murderous Prowess; Stubborn
Gleaming Pennant 1 One use only. May re-roll first failed Leadership test. [5]
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Name # Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld AS WSv Cost
Cold One Chariot (1 , 115 pts)
Cold One Chariot 1 Ch 5 5 4 3+ 115
Composition: Special
Scythed wheels; Impact Hits (D6+1); Swiftstride
Knight Charioteer 2 - - 5 4 4+* - - 6 1 9 [0]
Hand Weapon; Spear; Repeater Crossbow; Always Strikes First; Hatred (High Elves); Murderous
Prowess; Armour Piercing; Multiple Shots (2)
Cold One 2 - 7 3 - 4 - - 2 2 - [0]
Fear; Immune to Psychology; Stupidity; Thick-skinned
Cold One Knights (5 , 170 pts)
Cold One Knights 5 Ca 5 5 4 4+* 3 1 6 1 9 2+ 170
Composition: Special
Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Hand Weapon; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Always Strikes First;
Hatred (High Elves); Murderous Prowess; Swiftstride
Cold One 5 - 7 3 - 4 4 1 2 2 3 [0]
Fear; Immune to Psychology; Stupidity; Swiftstride; Thick-skinned
Shades (6 , 108 pts)
Shades 6 In 5 5 5 3/5 3 1 5 1 8 108
Composition: Special
Hand Weapon; Great Weapon; Repeater Crossbow; Always Strikes First; Hatred (High Elves); Murderous
Prowess; Scouts; Skirmishers; Always Strikes Last; Armour Piercing; Multiple Shots (2)
Reaper Bolt Thrower (3 , 70 pts)
Reaper Bolt Thrower 1 WM 7 2 70
Composition: Special
Repeater Bolt Thrower; Armour Piercing; Multiple Wounds (D3)
Dark Elf Crew 2 - 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 6+ [0]
Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Always Strikes First; Hatred (High Elves); Murderous Prowess
Total Cost: 2398

Option Footnotes
Battle Standard Bearer Hold your Ground! : If not fleeing, friendly models within 12" may re-roll failed Leadership tests.
General Inspiring Presence : If not fleeing, friendly units within 12" may use this model's Leadership.
Great Weapon +2 Strength, Always Strikes Last, Requires Two Hands.
Halberd +1 Strength, Requires Two Hands.
Hand Weapon 6+ Parry Save in Close Combat if footed while fighting with a shield vs. models to the front.
Heavy Armour 5+ armour save.
Lance +2 Strength on the charge.
Level 4 Wizard Can channel Power and Dispel dice. Adds +4 to all attempts to cast and dispel. Knows 4 spells.
Light Armour 6+ armour save.
Musician +1 to combat resolution in a tie. +1 Leadership when attempting to Rally (may not exceed 10). Allows Swift Reform.
Repeater Crossbow Range 24", Strength 3, Multiple Shots (2), Armour Piercing.
Scythed wheels Improves Impact Hits.
Shield +1 armour save bonus.
Spear (Foot) Fight in Extra Ranks.
(Mounted) +1 Strength on the charge.
Standard Bearer +1 to Combat Resolution, Standard can be captured if unit Flees.
Two Hand Weapons (Foot) Extra Attack, Requires Two Hands.
Special Rules
Always Strikes First A model with this special rule always strikes first in close combat regardless of Initiative.
In addition, if the model's Initiative is equal to or higher than his enemy's, he can re-roll misses when striking in
close combat.
If the model's enemy has this rule too, the Attacks are made simultaneously, and neither model benefits from the re-
rolls normally granted by this rule.
Armour Piercing Wounds caused in close combat by a model with this rule (or by a weapon with this rule) inflict a further -1 armour
save modifier.
Bloodshield of Khaine Grants a 4+ ward save. Witch Elves, Hags and Death Hags (including Hellebron) in the same unit or mounted on it
have a 5+ ward save, and all other models in the same unit have a 6+ ward save.
Eternal Hatred Grants Hatred. In addition, the Hatred applies in every round of close combat, not just the first.
Extra Attack Grants +1 Attack.
Fast Cavalry Grants Vanguard. Moreover, a Fast cavalry unit is allowed to reform as many times at it wishes during its move, can
move and shoot during the turn it rallies after having fled as a charge reaction, and can shoot during a turn in which
it marched or reformed. If a Fast Cavalry unit is joined by a character without this rule, the unit loses the rule until
the character leaves.

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Fear Enemy units in base contact must take a Leadership test before blows are struck in Close Combat. If failed, their
Weapon Skill is reduced to 1 for that round of Combat.
Models that cause fear are themselves immune to Fear, and treat Terror-causing models as causing Fear instead.
Fly Grants Swiftstride. In addition, flying units consisting of more than one model have Skirmishers too.
Flyers can make a glide of up to 10" or march as normal, doubling the length of the glide of up to 20". Moreover,
flyers can make a flying charge instead of a normal one, adding 10 instead of the Movement value to the roll, but
they always flee and pursue on the ground.
Frenzy Grants Berserk Rage, Extra Attack and Immune to Psychology. Frenzied models cannot parry and cannot choose to
restrain pursuit (or overrun) if they beat a foe in close combat.
Berserk Rage : If, during the Charge sub-phase, a unit that includes one or more Frenzied models could declare a
charge, then it must do so unless a Leadership test is passed. If the test is failed, the unit must declare a charge
against the nearest viable enemy.
Losing Frenzy : Models retain their Frenzy until beaten in close combat, at which point any granted special rules are
Fury of Khaine Innate Bound Spell (power level 3) .
Augment Range 12". The target gains Frenzy until the start of the your next Magic phase. If the target already has
Frenzy, that Frenzy grants +2 Attacks to every model in the unit instead of just +1 until the start of your next Magic
phase. Fury of Khaine is not cumulative with Witchbrew.
Hatred A model with this rule re-rolls To Hit misses every first round of close combat against models of the specified army.
If none is specified applies against every enemy.
Hatred (High Elves) A model with this rule re-rolls To Hit misses every first round of close combat against models of the specified army.
If none is specified applies against every enemy.
Hekarti's Blessing Models with this rule add +1 to all attempts to cast spells from the Lore of Dark Magic.
Immune to Psychology Automatically passes Fear, Terror or Panic tests. Cannot Flee! if charged.
Impact Hits (D6+1) Impact Hits are resolved at the very beginning of combat, only if this model charged and is in base contact with the
enemy. Those hits hit automatically, and roll to wound using the Strength of the model.
Impale Attack Grants +1 Strength on the charge.
Large Target Cannot claim cover modifiers for obstacles. Also, this model's Inspiring Presence or Hold your Ground! ability range
is increased to 18".
Madness of Khaine At the end of each of your turns, roll a D6 for each of your characters in a unit of Witch Elves (do not roll for
Khainite Assassins, Shadowblade, Death Hags or Hellebron). On a score of 3 or less, that character suffers D6
Strength 3 hits.
Magic Resistance (1) Improves the unit's ward save by 1 against spells.
Murderous Prowess Models with this rule (but not their mounts) re-roll all To Wound rolls of a 1 when making close combat attacks.
Poisoned Attacks Poisoned hits wound automatically on a To Hit roll of 6.
Repeater Bolt Thrower Can fire either as an ordinary bolt thrower or fire six range 48", Strength 4, Armour Piercing bolts.
Scouts Deployed after other units. Can be placed anywhere on the battlefield more than 12" away from the enemy.
Skirmishers Skirmish Formation : Skirmishers deployed in rank and files as normal but the models are positioned 1/2" apart.
Skirmishers and Charging : The Skirmishers tighten up their formation as soon as they declare a charge or have to
make a charge reaction and aren't loosened up as long as an enemy is in base contact .
Free Reform : Unless charging, a skirmishing unit is allowed to reform for free during its move, provided that no
model ends up moving a number of inches higher than double it Move value.
Fire on the March : Skirmishers can fire after having marched.
Light Troops : Shots aimed at a unit of Skirmishers suffer a -1 To Hit penalty. Skirmishers can never claim rank
bonuses, be steadfast or disorder an enemy.
Characters: Characters that join a Skirmishers unit gain Skirmishers special rule themselves. Mounted characters
cannot join a unit of Skirmishers.
Stomp Deals 1 automatic hit at creature's Strength with the Always Strikes Last special rule. Applies only against Infantry,
War Beasts or Swarms in base contact.
Strength of Khaine Friendly models with Murderous Prowess in units within 6" re-roll all failed To Wound rolls.
Stubborn The unit always takes break tests on its unmodified Leadership.
Stupidity If not engaged, at the start of every turn, a unit that contains model with this rule must take a Leadership test. If
failed, the unit immediately stumbles D6" forwards and can't make any other action that turn, as well as channeling
power or dispel dice until a stupidity test is passed.
Swiftstride When charging / fleeing / pursuing, units made entirely of models with this rule roll 3D6 and discard the lowest
instead of 2D6 for distance.
Terror Enemy units in base contact must take a Leadership test before blows are struck in Close Combat. If failed, their
Weapon Skill is reduced to 1 for that round of Combat.
Units charged by a model with Terror, that are allowed to take a charge reaction, must immediately take a panic test.
If failed, the unit must make a Flee! charge reaction.
Models that cause Terror are themselves immune to both Fear and Terror.
Thick-skinned A model riding a Cold One receives an armour save bonus of +2 rather than of the usual +1 for cavalry mounts.
Vanguard After deployment, the unit can make a free movement of up to 12".
Will of the Gods A model with this rule has no steeds to draw it, but uses its own Movement value. Unlike other chariots, it can also
march. It can also join units and leave as if it were a character, save for the fact that it must always be placed in the
centre of the front rank. Only one model with this rule can join each unit.
Equipment Special Rules
Always Strikes Last A model with this special rule always strikes last in close combat, regardless of Initiative.
If the model's enemy has this rule too, the Attacks are made simultaneously. If a model has both this rule and Always
Strikes First, the two cancel out and neither applies.
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Armour Piercing Wounds caused in close combat by a model with this rule (or by a weapon with this rule) inflict a further -1 armour
save modifier.
Extra Attack Grants +1 Attack.
Multiple Shots (2) Can either shoot once as normal or all the times indicated with a -1 To Hit penalty.
Multiple Wounds (D3) Each unsaved Wound inflicted is multiplied by the number indicated.
Roster Notes
Miscast Table 2-4) Dimensional Cascade : Put large template on the Wizard. Every model (including Wizard) takes a Strength 10
hit. Roll a D6: (1-3) Remove Wizard, (4-6) Remove D6 dice from Power Pool.
5-6) Calamitous Detonation : Put the small template on the Wizard. Every model (including the Wizard) takes a
Strength 10 hit. Remove D6 dice from Power Pool.
7) Detonation: Models in contact with the Wizard (but not the Wizard) take a Strength 10 hit. Remove D6 dice from
Power Pool.
8-9) Magical Feedback : The Wizard and every other friendly Wizard takes a Strength 6 hit. Remove D6 dice from
Power Pool.
10-12) Power Drain : Wizard Level -D3, minimum 0. For every level lost, randomly forget spell. First spell lost is
spell that caused miscast. Wizard cannot cast any more spells this turn.

Validation Report
Army Subtype: Dark Elves Army; Edition: 8th Edition; Game Type: Normal Game; Special Rules: Forbid Chaos Dwarfs in WoC, Forbid Regiments
of Renown; File Version: 2.95
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

Roster Statistics
Fortitude: 6
General's Ld: 9
# Models: 96
Total Characters: 780
Total Core: 680
Total Magic Items: 170
Total Rare: 0
Total Special: 938
% Characters: 32.5
% Core: 28.4
% Magic Items: 7.1
% Rare: 0
% Special: 39.1

Group Min Max Used

Points of Lords 0 1200 340
Points of Rare 0 600 0
Points of Heroes 0 1200 440
Points of Core 600 Unlimited 680
Points of Special 0 1200 938

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