The Goose With The Golden Egg

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Submitted by:

Mark Raven M. Dela Cruz

11- SMAW

Submitted to:
Ma'am Rhea Ferlyn Dela Peña

The Goose with the Golden Eggs was inspired by The Goose That Laid The Golden
Egg but has a different story.

By Mairi Makinnon and it was retold by Zette Fabian and Lem Guzman

A man and wife had the good fortune to possess a goose which laid a golden egg every
day. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast
enough, and, imagining the bird must be made of gold inside, they decided to kill it.
Then, they thought, they could obtain the whole store of precious metal at once;
however, upon cutting the goose open, they found its innards to be like that of any other

Mairi Mackinnon was born in England, went to school in Scotland, studied in France and
Italy and worked in Spain before finally settling down in London, where she lives with
her husband, three children and several thousand books. In her spare time she enjoys
reading, cooking for friends, and playing the fiddle in a dance band at parties from
Portree to St Petersburg.


The Goose with the Golden Eggs

Writers Name

Zette Fabian/Lem Guzman


Let's go over the characters first.


The farmers and he was a kind hearted person.


the Goose that egg was made of gold.

Ben's best friend

Who stole the goose and took it home


Being a good person is important in life, when you give good out into the world you will
receive it back.


A good person always seeks good in others. Be a good person, it is easier than
pretending to be a good person. Being a good person is very attractive, no one can
ignore you. A good person has no religion, he is simply a good person who treats
everyone well.

1. Who is Ben?

- The farmers who has a good heart.

2. What did farmer Ben see on his way home one day?

- He saw a rain-soaked orphan goose.

3. Where did farmer Ben take the goose?

- From his farm.

4. Why was farmer Ben surprised when he saw the egg of the goose?

- Because the goose egg was made of gold.

5. Why is farmer Ben so happy?

- Because the goose laid another golden egg in the following day.

6. Why is Ben's friend interested with the goose?

- Because Ben confessed to his friend about possessing a goose that lays golden eggs.

7. Is it true that the goose does not lay golden eggs anymore?

- No, because the goose only lays golden eggs for kindhearted people and that the
eggs should be used for helping needy people.

It rained so hard that day as Ben was rushing home from his farm. He saw a rain
soaked orphaned goose on his way home.

After a few weeks the goose laid an egg. To Ben's surprise, the egg was made of gold.
These goose laid another golden egg the following day. Ben was so happy. His little act
of kindness earned him a huge fortune.

Ben confessed about processing a goose that lays golden eggs. His best friend became
overly interested with the goose. One night, Ben's best friend stole the goose and took it
home. "Come on, lay an egg!" he ordered the goose. But days passed and the goose
had not laid even a single egg.

Ben's best friend thought the goose was useless so he brought it back to Ben's house.
He also asked forgiveness for what he did. Ben forgave his best friend. Ben's realized
that the goose only lays golden eggs for kindhearted people and that the eggs should
be used for helping needy people.


The Goose with the Golden Eggs is a story that getting a moral lesson, Ben little act of
kindness earned him a huge fortune.

If you're kindhearted, you're a considerate and empathetic person. When someone

loses their home in a fire, their kindhearted neighbors will pitch in to help them.
Kindhearted is almost a synonym of kind, but it implies an even deeper layer of
sympathy and compassion.

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