Aldi B. Inggris

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Aldiyan maulidin
NIM : 1904010042

Exercise 1. Listen to the short lecture about celebrity and the brain. As you listen,
write down the lecture language that signals a transition and the idea that follows
the transition.

1. Transition lecture language:

New idea: I want to talk about science, and the science of how people relate to

2. Transition lecture language:

New idea: Let me start with a discussion of beauty.

3. Transition lecture language:

New idea: let’s talk about how this relates to the past and today.

Exercise 2. Listen to the short lecture about recent communication. As you listen,
write down the lecture language that signals a definition and write down the

1. Word: technology.
Lecture language: Now what do I mean by technology?
Definition: Well, I mean the use and knowledge of any tool that humans have
invented. And recently we see that there are quite a few technologies that make
it easier to get and share information.

2. Word: television
Lecture language: Television is one technology.
Definition: let’s see, television is a system for sending out and receiving moving
pictures and sound over a distance.

3. Word: radio
Lecture language: we all know what radio is in the general sense, but if we
describe its technology, then, by radio,
Definition: I mean a system for sending out signals without wires.
Exercise 3. Listen to the short lecture about driving while drowsy. As you listen,
write down the lecture language that signals an example and write down the

1. Idea: Loud noise

Example lecture language: The question was, if you become sleepy while driving,
what do you do to stay awake?
Example: The question was, if you become sleepy while driving, what do you do to
stay awake?

2. Idea: Caffeine
Example lecture language: Of course, drinking caffeine was another technique
that many of you use.
Example: I know that caffeine drinks are a common way to try to stay awake
while driving, but the truth is that caffeine only helps for a short time, and
drivers still feel drowsy.

3. Idea: Sleep
Example lecture language: So it may keep you from falling asleep
Example: Let’s move on now and look at one last technique from your surveys, the
best really. This technique involves getting some sleep.

Exercise 4. Listen to the short lecture about the effect of waterways on culture.
As you listen, write down the lecture language that signals explanations and write
down the explanation.

1. Idea: There are many ways that we learn about the world.
Example lecture language: let me start with a question.
Explanation: How do we learn about the world that exists beyond our own

2. Idea: Waterways increased contact with other people.

Example lecture language: Let me show you what I mean.
Explanation: In the past before travel and communication were so easy, people
learned about the world through contact, actual contact, with other people and
other ideas.

3. Idea: Cultures that live in isolation from waterways are similar.

Example lecture language: Let’s look at how this worked.
Example: In the past, the closer to waterways that people lived, the more
opportunity they had to exchange ideas about the world.

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