4 Dvocab

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4D – Frankenstein Fish

Words Type Meaning

Windswept Adj (Of a place) exposed to strong winds
Dreadful Adj Frightening, causing fear or shock
Distressing Adj Causing extreme worry, pain, sadness
Recount Verb Tell a story
Inanimate Adj Having none of the characteristics of
animals or plants
Feminist Noun A person who believes in feminism
Dreary Adj Boring, making you feel unhappy
To amount to something Idiom Equal to something
Agony Noun Extreme physical and mental pain
Inject Verb To introduce something new
Agitate Verb To shake something
Dismal Adj Sad and without hope
Catastrophe Noun A sudden event that causes very great
Shrivelled Adj Dry, smaller than normal, covered with
Deprive someone of Idiom Take something, especially something
something necessary away from someone
Pearly Adj White and shiny like pearl
Wretch Noun Someone who’s unpleasant or annoying
Limb Noun An arm or leg of a person or an animal
Horrid Adj Unpleasant or unkind
Complexion Noun The natural appearance of the skin on a
person’s face, especially its color or
Behold Verb To see or look at someone or something
Mutter Verb To speak quietly in a low voice that’s not
easy to hear
Refuge Noun A place that gives protection or shelter
Dim Adj Not having much light
Dull Adj Not interesting or exciting anyway

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