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Topic – Episode 1 Treasure Island

Watch Episode 1: Jim Hawkins and The Admiral Benbow by clicking this
link. This will give you the start of the story. › class-clips-video › english-ks2-treasure-island-home

Then read the script and answer the questions below (Don’t look at
the answers until you have finished):

1) Why is such a young boy apparently running an inn?

2) What does Billy Bones mean when he asks whether there is ‘much
company’ at the inn?

3) Why is Billy Bones pleased that there is not ‘much company’ at the

4) Why does Billy Bones tell Jim that he wants ‘mainly rum’?

5) After the visit of Black Dog, why does Billy have ‘the look of a man
who has much to fear’?

6) What do you think Billy Bones means by ‘the Black Spot’?

7) What are ‘pieces of eight’?

8) Why did Billy have fine clothes and gold in his room?

1) Because his father has died, and his mother is exhausted.

2) Whether there are lots of visitors / customers.

3) Because he does not want anyone to know he is there / he is in hiding.

4) Because sailors in those days drink a lot of rum.

5) Because if Black Dog found him, other people from whom he is hiding might also
know where he is.

6) Answer is not clear at this point in the story but can be discussed / guessed at -
later it becomes clear that it is a symbolic gesture given by pirates to another pirate
indicating they are about to die.

7) Gold coins.

8) His share of some old pirate treasure.

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