The Impact of Building Design On Evacuation of Persons With Disabilities

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Overview 1

The Impact of Building Design on

Evacuation of Persons with Disabilities
by Keith Christensen and Patricia Salmi

Individuals with disabilities represent a tible information, tolerance for error, low need to be provided. These areas
significant, although often overlooked, physical effort, and size and space for ap- should be located in close proximity
portion of the population in emergency proach and use (Story et. al., 1998). The to the inaccessible exits to permit bet-
evacuations from buildings. Americans list of suggestions in this article incorpo- ter visibility of individuals who might
with Disabilities Act guidelines require rates Universal Design principles and can need assistance.
that provisions for accessible evacuation be used by individuals, their families, • Spatial overview opportunities.
or exit must be made; however, failures and service providers to evaluate build- Does the building have spatial over-
in meeting the evacuation needs of indi- ings for clarity and ease of movement to view opportunities, which are places
viduals with disabilities continue to safety during times of emergencies. where one can “look over” the area.
occur (Christensen et. al., 2007). These Spatial overview opportunities allow
failures may be attributed to evacuation people to gain building information
policy and planning that emphasizes Spatial Organization
quickly about various parts of a
Spatial organization or building layout building, including exits and corri-
is critical during building evacuation, dors that lead to exits, as well as paths
either facilitating or inhibiting move- that lead to destination zones and/or
Universal Design is a useful tool ment to safety, and relates to the Univer- places of shelter within a building
sal Design principles of equitable use, and reduce the possibility of errors
for evaluating and designing simple and intuitive, flexibility in use, during exiting.
and tolerance for error. Key points to • Spatial layout. How is the building
buildings to better support the look for in spatial organization include: laid out? Is the layout confusing? Is it
• Destination zones. Determine if a easy to get lost? Symmetrically laid
emergency evacuation needs of larger building or building complex out buildings (i.e., one side mirrors
has destination zones, which are the the other) need clearly differentiated
individuals with disabilities. easily-identified areas in a building. sides (i.e., the sides need to be clearly
Examples of this might include a food marked in different manners). Con-
court in a shopping mall or a cafeteria fusing layouts in which it’s easy to get
or central atrium in an office com- lost benefit from the judicious use of
plex. Destination zones can be useful color, lighting, landmarks, and
helping an individual with disabilities in designating areas for sheltering signage to clearly mark exiting areas
adjust to the environment, rather than people within the building and for and destination zones designated as
adjusting the environment to accommo- providing orientation points in giving places of shelter. Also helpful in dif-
date the individual (Hahn, 1985). During directions; they should be clearly ferentiating spatial layout are archi-
evacuations, it is the design of the envi- marked and discussed during emer- tectural features such archways, col-
ronment that creates the majority of gency evacuation practices. umns, and windows (and possibly
evacuation barriers. For individuals with
• Equitable means of accessible exit. doors) that make a particular space
disabilities, their families, and service
The same options for getting out of a memorable.
providers, it is important to evaluate en-
vironments for clear and easy movement building should be available for all of
to safety during emergencies. the population, including those with
disabilities. While it is allowable by Use of Signs
Universal Design is a useful tool for
evaluating and designing buildings to building codes, providing alternate Signs are useful in communicating neces-
better support the emergency evacuation accessible emergency exits can be sary information and are an important
needs of individuals with disabilities. very confusing. To avoid confusion, element for emergency building evacua-
Universal Design is an approach to make every emergency exit should be acces- tion related to the Universal Design prin-
buildings usable by the broadest group sible. If it is impossible to make the ciple of perceptible information. The fol-
of users possible, and is based on seven exit accessible, on the second floor of lowing describes building sign place-
design principles: equitable use, flexibil- the building for example, safe areas ment and desirable characteristics:
ity in use, simple and intuitive, percep- for sheltering people within that area

• Placement of signs. Building infor- are colorful, well-lit, provide an inter- Resources for Information
mation signs, including signs provid- active feature, and contain distinct
ing direction to destination zones, architectural features such as decora- The following may be useful for further
should be clearly visible from the tive columns, archways, or photo- information about disaster preparedness
path of travel, above eye level, and lit graphs. in relation to people with disabilities:
appropriately. Evacuation signs • Landmarks and signs. Landmarks • Emergency Evacuation: Safe Egress
should appear at regular intervals, should be paired with appropriate
particularly at decision points, to let of Persons with Disabilities from Tran-
signage to convey important infor-
people know they’re going the right mation and guide evacuation deci- sit Systems (
direction. sions. This fact sheet provides information for
• Readability of the information. transit agencies and for people with dis-
All information signs should be abilities about planning for safe evacua-
readily legible in adverse conditions. Conclusion
tion from public transportation during an
The text of the sign should be large, Exiting a building during an emergency emergency. Prepared by Easter Seals
easily readable, and have a high con- can be a difficult experience for anyone.
trast with the background. The signs Project ACTION and the National Organi-
By following the recommendations pro-
should be carefully lit to prevent any vided and the principles of universal zation on Disability Emergency Prepared-
glare that causes them to be unread- design, buildings can more readily ac- ness Initiative.
able. The text should be paired with a commodate the broadest group of users, • Project Safe EV-AC (http://evac.icdi.
graphic image that is clearly under- to the greatest extent possible. Building The Web site of this project at
stood, a feature that is useful to non- universally designed exit features into
readers. Additionally, raised images, West Virginia University has resources for
environments not only makes good
text, and Braille should be incorpo- sense, but also offers the promise of emergency responders as well as people
rated in the sign in a consistent man- increasing the safety and welfare of all, with disabilities and those who support
ner. Color should be used only as a including persons with disabilities. them. The focus is improving evacuation
reinforcing cue and related to the en- from buildings, vehicles, and other settings
vironment. For example, if there is References
Christensen, K.M., Blair, M.E. & Holt, J.M. (2007). The built environ- during emergencies by providing training
more than one destination zone and/ ment, evacuations, and individuals with disabilities: A guiding frame-
or exiting area, use signage that is work for disaster policy and preparation. Journal of Disability Policy materials on the evacuation and accom-
Studies, 17(4). 249-254.
paired with a graphic and reinforced Hahn, H. (1985). Disability policy and the problem of discrimination. modation of people with disabilities.
with a color such as orange. The or- American Behavioral Scientist, 28(3), 293-318.
Story, M.F., Mueller, J.L., & Mace, R.L. (1998). The universal design file:
• U.S. Access Board, Resources on
ange color should be obviously re- Designing for people of all ages and abilities. Raleigh, NC: North
Carolina State University, Center for Universal Design. Emergency Preparedness and Evacu-
peated in the destination zone as well
as the accompanying exit. ation (http://www.
Keith Christensen is a Senior Research evac.htm). This Web site on emergency
Associate and Landscape Architect with the preparedness includes extensive resources
Landmarks Center for Persons with Disabilities, Utah on accessibility issues in evacuation plan-
Use of landmarks is important during State University, Logan. He may be reached ning and response. It’s operated by the
evacuation and provides useful and ac- at 435/797-3997 or
Access Board, a federal agency committed
cessible building information to people Patricia Salmi is a Research Associate with
the Research and Training Center on to accessible design, that develops and
with disabilities. Desirable characteris-
Community Living, Institute on maintains accessibility requirements for
tics of landmarks that help mark a path
and make the space memorable include Community Integration, University of the built environment, transit vehicles,
the following: Minnesota, Minneapolis. She may be telecommunications equipment, and for
reached at 612/625-0171 or salm0054@ electronic and information technology
• Distinctive landmarks. Landmarks
that are distinct in shape, color, and under several different laws, including the
appropriately lit are memorable and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
can serve to orient people in the
space, as well as provide an effective
way to direct them to exits.
• Types of landmarks. Distinct desti-
nation zones and large artwork can
serve as landmarks, especially if they

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