Christian Living W2 1.1

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r i s t i a n L i v i

h n g
C Week 2 1.1

To help students understand that active service for

God and others is the true mark of a growing
believer in Jesus Christ.
MAIN IDEA: Jesus was the ultimate servant during
his life on earth because he willingly gave up his life
for us. We honor his example of servanthood by
humbly serving others in our daily lives.
The 7
The 7
I t i s di vi ded i nto 3 categories:
1. The sacraments of i ni ti ati on
2. The sacraments of heal i ng
3. The sacraments at the
servi ce of communi on
Jesus Showed Us
the Meaning of
Jesus Shows Us
How To Serve Others
What it means to be a
Rest assured, to be the Lord’s servant
is not to be one of lowly status. It is to
be appointed by Jesus Christ to serve
his will and his ways, in order to live a
better life, a life full of God’s
goodness and even surprises.
What it means to be a
When Jesus came to Earth, the most
knowledgeable Scripture about his own
servanthood is found in both Matthew
20:28 and Mark 10:43-45.
Matthew 20:28
In response to their disagreements,
Jesus stated, “Whoever wants to be
great among you must be your servant,
and whoever wants to be first must be
slave (servant) of all. For even the Son
of Man (Jesus) did not come to be
served, but to serve, and to give his
life as a ransom for many.”
Jesus had a servant’s heart. He
had compassion for people —
the sick, the dying, the
disabled and so many more. He
helped people in all
circumstances, whether they
be Gentile or Jew.
Do you that your
dream job or future
occupation calls for
What is your
dream job?
Write it down in a
piece of paper
What is your
dream job?
Write it down in a
piece of paper
How is a
a servant?
For as the body without
the spirit is dead, so
faith without works is
dead also.

JAMES 2:26
Let's watch Jesus
Washes His Disciples
Feet and tell me how
did Jesus serve his
How did Jesus
serve his
Service is the mark of a baptized
Christian. Just like Jesus, we are
invited to share what we have with
others, give selflessly our time and
effort, and exercise generosity at all
times. The church provides us with
guidelines how we can exercise service
and love for the community.
1.Corporal works
of mercy
are the teachings of Jesus and
give us a model on how should we
treat others.
Corporal works of mercy
Feed the hungry.
Give drink to the thirsty.
Clothe the naked.
Shelter the homeless.
Visit those in prison.
Visit the sick.
Bury the dead.
2.Spiritual works
of mercy
are also the teachings of Jesus
that teach us how to help the
people of community in their
spiritual needs.
Spiritual works of mercy
Instruct the ignorant.
Admonish the sinner.
Counsel the doubtful.
Comfort the sorrowful.
Bear wrongs patiently.
Forgive all injuries.
Pray for living and dead.
“As often as you did
it for one of my least
brothers, you did it
for me.”

Matthew 25:40
From the moment of creation, God declares the
truth that man is a social being. A man is meant
to belong, to interact and to share with others.

Fulfilling our moral responsibility to serve and to

share generously is a form of worship. It is our
way of manifesting our faith and love for Jesus.
Doing acts of love is in itself a prayer. Jesus
encourages us to put in action our prayers. Thus,
we express our Christian loving worship to the
one living God through works of service to others
and to the community.
God wants us to serve the people around us: in our
families, church, schools, and community. For each
category, write down a way you could serve under
given circumstance. (20 pts)

FAMILY: A parent is sick:

CHURCH: An elderly needs a place to sit:
SCHOOL: A classmate is alone at break or
COMMUNITY: There is a new kid on your
My Roles
Paste your picture
in the middle of the
diagram and give
the specific roles
that you play in
each part of
community. (15

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