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Assessment in Learning 1
Module 6: Construct Test Items
Time Table: 2 Hours

Learning Outcomes:
a. Construct test items aligned with the table of specification
b. Construct test items appropriate to every level of cognitive domain

Steps in Developing Assessment Tools
1. Examine instructional objectives of the topics discussed earlier
2. Construct a table of specification (TOS)
3. Construct the test items
4. Assemble the test items
5. Check the assembled test items
6. Write directions
7. Make the answer key
8. Analyze and improve all test items
Determining the Number of Test Items:
In constructing test items, consider the following average time in constructing the number of test
items. The length of time and the type of item used are also factors to be considered in determining the
number of items to be constructed in an achievement test.

Assessment Format Average Time to Answer

True or False 30 sec
Multiple Choice 60 sec
Multiple Choice of Higher level
90 sec
learning objectives
Short answer 120 sec
Completion 60 sec
Matching 30 sec per response
Short essay 10 – 15 minutes
Extended essay 30 minutes
Visual image 30 seconds

To check your test items, Gabuyo (2012) has presented a checklist for test developers to be

Yes No
The item is appropriate to measure a learning objective
The item format is the most effective means of measuring the desired knowledge
The item is clearly worded and can be easily understood by the target student population
The items of the same format are grouped together
There are various item types included n the assessment
The students have enough time to answer all test items
The test instructions are specific and clear
The number of questions targeting each objective matches the weight of importance of that
The scoring guidelines are discussed clearly and available to students.
A. Multiple choice Items:
Watch How to Make a Killer Multiple Choice Test
Question. Write your notes on the space provided. Be mindful of the questions that follow:
- What are the parts of multiple choice items?
- What are the rules in constructing multiple choice test items?
- What are the disadvantage and advantage of multiple choice test items?


Multiple choice test is used to measure knowledge outcomes and other types of learning
outcomes. It is the most commonly used format in measuring student achievements at different levels of
It consists of three parts:
1. Stem
2. Keyed option or correct answer
3. Incorrect option or distracters

A. Matching Type
Watch HP232 Matching Type Questionnaire
.Write your notes on the space provided. Be mindful of the questions that follow:
- What is a matching type questionnaire?
- How to make a matching type question?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of matching type questions?

B. True or False Type

Watch Creating Good Assessments: True and
False. Write your notes on the space provided. Be mindful of the questions that follow:
- What is a True or False test items?
- How to make a true or false test tiems?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of a true or false test items?


C. Completion Type of Test

Read on Slide Share. Write your notes on
the space provided below. Make sure to put in mind the questions that follows in writing your notes:
- What is a completion type of test?
- What are the steps in making a completion type of test?
- What are the disadvantages and disadvantages of completion type of test?

D. Essay Type of Test

Read Essay Type Test on
Write your notes on the space provided. Be mindful of the questions that follow:
- What is an essay type of test?
- What are ways on how to make an essay type of question?
- What are the type essay questions? What is their difference?
- What are the disadvantage and advantages of essay type of test?

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