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'b. Write questions in the present continuous or present simple, ‘A What are yowenting? (you /eat) BA cheese sandwich, 1 A Where —__ lunch today? (you have) b Complete B's replies with a correct future form. A Sorry, Ann's not in. BOK. Leal back. later. (cll back) LA There's no milk. B At home, My mum’s making pasta. 2A What 2 the / do) Beryl enn fo) B He's an accountant, ee Sain 3A this weekend? (you / go away) tae B No, we're staying here, '3A.Can we have pizza for lunch? 4a to cat out tonight? (you / want) oe chicken I've sready pot B Yes, that would be nice. Where shall we go? in the oven. (have) 5A Whar 2 ishe / cook) 4 Als that the phone? B T don't know, but it smells good. BB Yes, but don't get up.1 ____ it (answer) 5 A fane's put on a lot of weight! 1B She's pregnant. she —__a baby in ‘August. (have) b Complete with the past simple, past continuous, or past perfect. Complete the dialogues with the past simple or present perfect. We dielin. that we ad tn, there befor. Vvealeeady seen that fi ewice. (already / ee) not realize, i 1A How 2 (the accident / happen) co pomp chap Atal h BHe____ back from Manchester when ‘A Do you live with your parents? = = free (ceive Ke) BY ____with them for the first two years but then 21L cooking the meal when they I into a student hostel last September and __ me to say they couldn't come. 1 _______ there since then. (live, move, live) (already / start, call) hi 4 job yet (your brother / find) 3. When f got hame was realy tired, so 1 B Yex,he work in a orel. (just / start) a shower and ___ to bed. (have, go) 3A to Nobu — that new Japanese restaurant? 4 [arrived too late. The concert _ —. and (you / ever / be) my friends home. (finish, go) B Yes, we —__ __ there for my birthday. (go) 5 The driver control of his car because ‘A What was it like? he _ on his mobile. (lose, talk) B The food _____ fantastic but it a fortune! (be, cost) 28 a Make sentences with the present perfect | b Complete with a verb from the list in the present perfect continuous. continuous (and jor! sinceif necessary). ‘back cry do eat play shop not sleep watch she J work there / 2008 [¥) ee ‘She's been working there since 2003, A Your sister's lost a lot of weight! B Yes. She 5 been eating a lot ess recently, 1 how long / they / go out together [7) ones Ea ' 2 T/ study English / two years (4) ae 3 he/ feel very well recently =) a 2A It's very late. Why aren't you in bed? folyet rae ea pork as B Tcan't sleep. That dog for the last rwo hours. 5 you / wait/ along time (2) 3 A You look tired, 6 we/ spend much time together =) fiant well recently. 7 how long / she / live there 7) 4A Wout Youve bought alot of things! 8 1/rent this flat / three years. [) B Ye, we all day. 9 thelift/ work / 10 o'clock I=) 5 A You look hot! Wha as 2 10 she / work here / along time [2 BI _ in the garden with the children, 'b Complete the second sentence with two or three words so it means the same as the first. ‘Smoking is prohibited here, You mustn't smoke here. 1 Trisw’t s good idea to go swimming after a big meal. ‘You __ swimming after a big meal. 2 Was it necessary for them to pay cash? Did —__ pay cash? 43 "The meeting isn’t obligatory. You - 0 to the meeting. 4 I's bad manners to talk loudly on a mobile om a train. People quietly on their mobile onatrain. 5 Lorries are not allowed to go on this road. Lorries on this road. 1b Complete with cam / can't, or could / couldn't where possible. If not, use a form of be able to. “They told me that they couldnt do anything about the noise. 1 talk to you now. I'm too busy. 2. When | lived in Rome t ‘speak Italian quite well. 3 Twould love play tennis wery well 4 Ife don’t hurry up, we catch the last train. 3 My mother —___ see much better now with her few glasies. 6 Todo this job you need speak least two languages. 71 8 They help you tonight if you want, find a flat yet, They're still 1ooking. a Complete with a word or expression from the list. aher assoonas before if unless until when fier. we have dinner, we could go fora drink. b Complete with might (not), mest, or can't. ‘This sauce is really spicy. It _must__ have chilli in it. 1A What music is this? B I'm not sure but it __ 2 She looks very young. She than 16. 3 T'm not sure why she hasn’t phoned. She have my new number, 4 They ______ have a lot of money. They live in an enormous house, 5 He be away. His car is outside his house. 6 T__ bea size 44! I'm usually a 40 oF 42. 7h be true! I saw it om the news. ‘be Mozart. be more 'b Complete with used to in #1, ©, or 2) and a verb from the list. argue be (2) go have (x2) like live play work 1 didn’t use ro go tothe theatre much but now Igo twice a month. 1 & Kirsty in Bristol but she moved to Loadon last year. 2 fj —__—_ you ‘8 moustache? You look different. 3 a1 __ my boss but now we get on quite well. 4 We ____ reallly close but now we hardly ever meet. 5 0) Where __ you _ before you started with, this comppeny? 6 (#)She ___ tennis professionally but she retired last year. 7 Bi When lived in Paris, I always ___ reabast in a café. sm yeu ‘with your parents when you were teenager? 9 GiHe __ $0 slim. In fact, he was quite overweight before. b Complete with the present simple or will PU give him your message whem I __so¢-_. him, (see) Don't forget to turn off the lights before you — eave) 1 Armust write the date in my diary ___ forget it 2. Goto bed when the film —__. (Anish) TLE eines Wee xe — Ree 3. They ___ married until they find a place to live, (not get) 3 Thie job i very onpest oo planes Go es mca 4 If see Emma, 1 her you are looking for her, (tell) : pe ee cone a ‘wedoritboole 5 call you as soon as 1 ___at the hotel, (arrive) ie ar eee 6 You won't be able to park unless you ___ there early (get) = bay setts 7. Assoon it ope raining, we out. (gp) 7 Ht ’ ” Ce ee they heer Your NO ,__& She wot like curry ifshe spicy food. (not ike) 9 Irmust renew my passport —____ 1 goto New York, 9 Don't write anything until 1 _____you. (tell) 10 von work harder You wont paste final exam, '0 When she finds out what he's done, she furious (be) 4B ‘a. Write second conditional sentences. If you / speak to your boss, Tim sure he / understand. Ifyou spoke to your boss, 'm sure he would understand, b First or second conditional? Complete the sentences. Ifyou tell her anything, she-ULtell_ everybody in the offic. (tell) We'd have a dog if we —/iad_a garden. (have) 1 Te be better for me if we / meet tomorrow. 1 Tel be quicker if we a taxi to the aieport. (get) 2 She / not treat him like that if she really Jove him. 2 If you stopped smoking, you better. (fel) 3 IE1/ can live anywhere in the world, 1/ live in 3 What would you do if you your jab? (lose) New Zealand, 4 Ifyou buy the food, 1 tonight. (cook) 4 The kitchen /Jook bigger if we / paint it white. 5 1 / not buy that house if 1/ be you. 6 He/be more attractive if he / wear nicer clothes. 7 If we / not have children, we / travel more. 8 What / you do in this situation if you /be me? 5 I think he'd be happier if he 6 I'llbe very surprised if Marina 7 Where will he live if he 8 If she didn't have to look after her mother, she — alone. (not live) ‘coming here. (not get lost) _— the job in Moscow? (get) — life more: (enjoy) a Circle the correct answer. Tick (#”) if both are possible, a sey ‘ | think this restaurant is(f09) too mich expensive. 1 There are tao much / too many people in my salsa clas. 2 Nobody likes him. He has very little / very few friends. 3 We've had a lot off lots of rain recently. 4 There aren't enough carparks} car parks enoughin the city centre. 5 Thave no I don't have any time. 6 He works a lot/ much. At least ten hours a day. 7 A Do youspeak French? B Yes, a litle / a few, 8 don't have mo time any time for myself. 1b Complete with a/ an, the, or (= no article). ‘Can you give me _a_ lift to the station? want to catch the 6.00 tain. 1 Wewentto cinema lastnight. Wesaw great film 2A Do youlike __ sport? B It depends. Thate football. think —__ footballers ‘earn too muuch money. 3 He always wears ___ expensive clothes and drives _. expensive car, 4 Jake's musician and artist, 5 They've changed __ date of ___ meeting, Ws next Tuesday now. 6 Wewalked io city cenire but we got —— taxi back to __ hotel. 4 Complete the sentences using reported speech. “The hotel is full” The receptionist told me the hotel _ was full “Tica he manager! The waiter said —__ “Te passed all my exams! Jack said “You should get to the airport early! They said that ‘Lmay be late, Tack said —__, I didn’t tell anybody!” Mary said “Can you help me?" She asked us "Do you want to dance? He asked me —_ “Have you heen hete before? I asked her “What music do you like? She asked me ‘Where's the nearest bank? F asked her Beene Sweeraue ‘Complete with the gerund or infinitive. __Smoking_ is banned in all public places. (smoke) 1 Wsvery expensive aa flat in the centre. (rent) 2. Areyou afraid of __? (fly) 3 (called the restaurant __a table for tonight. (book) 4 Becareful ___ a noise when you come home tonight. (not make) She's worried about the exam. (fail) Everybody went on ‘until after midnight. (dance) an only child is bit boring. (be) Kscasy the way if you look at the map. (find) He's terrible at_ languages. (learn) A Wir meres rnin ei __talk to my in-laws. They're Argentinian, tidy dt peak Elche se) Sweasau b Complete the reported imperatives and requests, “Don't stop here: The traffic warden told us not te stop there. “Be quiet!’ The teacher told us a ‘Please don't smoke!" | asked the taxi driver __ ‘Open your mouth’ The dentist told me —__ “Don't tell anyone!” Melinds told us _ “Could you show me your driving licence?” The policeman asked me oe ‘off your mabiles! The flight attendant EEA ‘Don't eat with your mouth open! told my daughter ‘Can you bring me the bill, please?” He asked the waiter —_ “Get off at the next stop” The bus driver told me “Don't wait! Our friends told us 6B ‘8 Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases ‘Lada cars made in Rassia.. are made in Russio. Anew motorway istbeing build at the moment. ‘The film ‘based on a famous novel. This programme were watched by millions of people, My bag wasstole when I was in Florida, ‘The Harry Potter books were written for JK Rowling, 1 couldn't send you an email because my computer ‘was repairing ‘You Will taken! to your hotel by taxi. Oh no! Our flight has being cancelled . English is spoke in this restaurant. Seat bels must wear at all times. anvewne Sean b Rewrite the sentences with the passive. ‘They sell cold drinks here. Cold drinks are sold here _. They subtitle alot of foreign films. Alot of foreign films Someone threw the letters away by mistake, ‘The letters _ Some people ae painting my house. My house — They have sold all the tickets for the concert. All te tickets for the concert They will play the match tomorrow, The match - Somebody must pay ths bill tomorrow. This bill 5 a Complete with who, which, where, or whose, 19 ‘The man _whose_ cat | crashed into is taking me to court. ‘We drove past the house we used to live, ‘The git! ___ was talking to you is the boss's daughter. Look! That's the man son plays for Chelsea, ‘The car was an invention ___ changed the world. That's the restaurant —___ I told you about, Isthis the hop you bought your camera? ‘What was the name of your friend —_ wife is am actress? ‘The woman __alled this morning didn't leave a mewage. Ws the film _ won all the Oscars Last year Thisis the book — everybody is reading at the moment, b Tick (V) the sentences in a where you could leave out the relative pronoun, a Complete with a question tag (are yout, isn't it?, etx.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Your name's Mark, isn't it? You don't take sugar in yourcoffee, __——? They're on holiday this week, He can't be serious, _? She eats meat, it ‘You won't be late, _ She was married to Tom Cruise, - ‘We've seen this film before, __ You didn't tell anybody, ‘You would like to come, It’s hot today, —_ 2 2 st —t ¢ Complete the third conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs. if you hadn't helped me, 1 wouldn't have finished on time. (not help, not finish) 1 We if our best player ——— injured. (win, not be) 2 Wehe he was so mean, she _. him. (know, not marry) ah. _.. you some money if you = __. me. (lend, ask) 4 Uwe — more time, we __ another day in London. (have, spend) 51 to help you if you — _ me about it earlier, (be able, tell) 6 Ifyou _ me yesterday, {_ ____ my plans. (ask, change) 7 You . —. the weekend if you — with ws. (enjoy, come) ?

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