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MC 1 - Learning Activity 11


LEARNING ACTIVITY 15.1. List down the functions of the Muscular System and give a brief explanation
and example of each.
1. Movement of the body. The contractions of skeletal muscles are responsible for movement
of the body. It includes walking, running and hand movements.

2. Maintenance of posture. The skeletal muscles maintains our tune such as sitting or standing

3. Respiration. The muscles of the thorax carry out breathing movements which allows the air
fro the atmosphere to flow into and outside our bodies.

4. Production of body heat. Heat, which is a by-product, is produced when skeletal muscles
contract. This released heat is critical to the maintenance of body temperature.

5. Communication. The skeletal muscles are involved in all aspects of communication such as
body gestures, speaking, writing, and facial expressions.

6. Constrictions of organs and vessels. Smooth muscles contract and that causes organs and
vessels to constrict. This constriction can help propel and mix food and water, and regulate
blood flow through vessels.

7. Contraction of the heart. The cardiac muscles causes the heart to beat, propelling blood in
all the parts of our body.

LEARNING ACTIVITY 15.2. For this activity, open your laboratory manual on page 104 and 105, and
answer Figure 15.1 and Figure 15.2. After answering your laboratory manual, complete the table given
Structure Special Characteristics and Functions
Figure 15.1
Capillary It surrounds each muscle fiber, it is involved in exchange of oxygen
substrates and metabolites between blood and organs. They are also
the place where nutrients are delivered to the cells of the body.

Mitochondrion Referred as the cell’s powerplant, it converts the nutrients into

necessary energy that the muscles and body needs.

Myofibrils These are bundles of protein filaments. The main function of

myofibrils is to perform muscle contraction.

Nucleus Nucleus is the control center of the cell, it stores genetic information
for manufacturing proteins. Muscle cells are multi-
nucleated(containing more than one nucleus)

Sarcolemma This is the cell membrane of the muscles fiber. It acts as a barrier
between extracellular and intracellular compartments.

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Sarcoplasmic reticulum, intracellular system of cloud sac-like

membranes involved in the storage of calcium in muscle cells.
T Tubules These are the tubular inward folds. It plays an important role in
regulating cellular calcium.

Figure 15.2
Tendon Is a cord of strong, flexible tissue. Tendons connect our muscles to our
bones. They are also involved In movement and prevention of injury.

Epimysium A connective tissue sheath that surrounds skeletal muscles. It protects

muscles from friction against other muscles and bones.

Endomysium A loose connective tissue that surrounds each muscle fiber. It

separates single muscle fivers from one another.

Perimysium Perimysium is a loose connective tissue that separates muscle

fascicles from each other.

Thin Filament Composed of actin and actin is a highly abundant intracellular protein
and is involved in muscle contraction as well in cell movements.

Thick Fillament The thick filaments are composed of myosin and is present in cardiacn
and skeletam muscles. They are key molecular regulators of the

Sarcomere It is the basic structural and functional unit of a skeletal muscle.

Sarcomeres are the basic contractive unit of muscle fiver. They are
able to initiate sweeping movements by contracting in unison
A Band It is the central dark staining band. It is the area where contraction and
relaxation of muscles occurs.

I Band These are the light-staining bands, and consists of only actin
myofilaments. It shortends during contraction.

Z Disk Is a network of protein fivers that forms a stationary anchor for actin
myofilaments to attach.

LEARNING ACTIVITY 15.3. For this activity, you need to recall your learnings from skeletal muscle,
write down below the difference between the skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle.

Skeletal muscles are striated in appearance, has a long and cylindrical cell shape, muscle control is
voluntary and its function is to move the whole body. Smooth muscles are situated in the walls of hollow
organs, blood vessels and glands, they are spindle-shaped and has an involuntary control, its function is
to move food through the digestive tract, regulate blood vessels and contract various gland ducts, and
lastly, Cardiac muscles are located in the heart, they are branched and cylindrical, has an involuntary
control and its main function is to contract the heart in order for it to pump blood throughout the body

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