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Name of the Topic:  Managing and enhancing administrative capabilities

Date: 16.06.2022

Time: 09.00 AM to 05.00 PM

Name of the Speaker:

Mr. Vishal S Patil
M.B.A, DLL & LW, LLB- II, PhD Qualified (Pune University)

Mrs. Janvi Vishal S Patil


No. of Participant: 85 Non-Teaching Staff members

Includes Level of Event: 

Organized individually by HRD, KIMSDU

Objectives of the Programme:

1. Develop a working knowledge of and hands-on experience with Change Leadership
methodologies and frameworks
2. Understand the role of leaders in supporting organizations through change
3. Learn tools and techniques for developing and maintaining deep organizational
engagement in driving and accelerating a desired change
4. Learn techniques for generating, sharing, and celebrating wins to build momentum
for new ways of working
5. Be prepared to immediately put their new knowledge and skills to work in their


Schedule of the event:

09.00 am - 09.30 am Registration

09.30 am -  10.00 am Inaugural speech by Assistant Registrar Mrs. Asmita Deshpande Madam 
10.00am - 10.45 am Interaction with participants with their understanding of Leadership Skill
and benefits of take ownership as a leader and how to guide people.

10.45 am -  11.00 am TEA BREAK

11.00 am - 11.30 am An activity to develop the leadership skills administrative capabilities and
team building and coordination in an organization

11.30 am -  12.15 pm Discussion on Ownership and accountability, benefits of Ownership

12.15 pm - 01.00pm Analysing the change management in organisation, understanding

benefits of leadership and self-ownership.

01.00 pm - 02.00 pm LUNCH BREAK

02.00 pm - 03.00 pm  Discussion Stress Management Causes and Impacts of Stress and Deal
with Stress Avoid Build-Up of Stress

03.00 pm -  04.00 pm An activity for understanding 5S and Applying in day to day working and
develop administrative capabilities.

04.00 pm - 04.30 pm Q and A session

04.30 pm - 05.00 pm  Valedictory

Brief Description of the Programme:

The welcome and introductory speech was delivered by Mr. Chetan Gore of the Human
Resource Department. Assistant Registrar Ms. Asmita Deshpande Ma’am and Asst.
Registrar Honourable Mr. Mashalkar Sir shared their views and inspired the participants. A
pre-assessment test was conducted for participants to find the awareness they had with
respect to leadership skills, 5S, Ownership and Stress Management, attitude while
performing routine activities and the mindset the participants possess with respect to the
overall job. The Pre-Assessment test had five multiple choice questions. The questions
were designed to let the participant reflect on themselves with respect to their leadership
skills and ownership of work and their attitudes. 
The session started with a question from the speaker asking the participants who is the
leader?. And what are the leadership skills? Surprisingly, most of the participants had no
clear understanding and subtle distinction about what we and people expect from the
leader and, day to day, working what we do to become a leader of our department with the
taking imitative. Even though most of them had heard plenty of times about them, they
could not articulate clearly about leadership. In discussion we found that they want to take
ownership of work but, due to lack of confidence, they are unable to perform proactively.
We discussed leadership skills which they have to develop and use in day to day work and
how it will be beneficial to grow our organization and ourselves. When we show them a few
examples of good leadership and ownership, they are all very positive about changing their
attitude and behavior. 

In the II session we discussed ownership and accountability. In this discussion we found

that all are always ready to take a imitative but lack of confidante and the question of this
not my work with this approach we never lead the team. We shared some examples of
After the lunch break, we conducted a discussion on a stress management session. We take
some reasons from participants. What is stress? In this interactive session we found many
examples of creating stress and what are the indicators of stress. But you don’t believe in
this session when we share exact reasons of generating stress it is very easy to maintain
the stress with act pro-actively we share many live examples, we took few activities for
reduce our stress all are participant pro-actively participated.

When we ask participants what the 5S is, they aren’t aware of this concept, they all all have
big question marks, but we explain with meaning and what the process was of 5S. They
share some examples of 5S which they have already implemented in their areas and follow.
We discussed the proper process of 5S from 1S, 2S, 3S, 4S, and 5S. They are all very
positively agreed. If they implemented this concept it their respective areas, it would be
very beneficial for them to act proactively and reduce their time and increase performance.

 The session ended with some productive Questions and Answers.

 OUTCOMES of the Training Session:
The Post Assessment test was conducted for all the participants at the end of the session. The test
had seven descriptive questions and 25 questions to analyze their learnings with classification code
as strongly agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Disagree.  Along with the post-assessment
test, a feedback form was also circulated to understand and gauge the opinion of the participants
with respect to the workshop. The descriptive questions were articulated in a way so as to let them
summarize all the learnings in the session and get their plan to inculcate productive habits. The
methods they have learned imbibed and help them improve work habits were jotted down by the
participants. The session did create an awareness amongst the participants about the importance of
developing good habits at the workplace. The Road-map needs to be analyzed for post-training
implementation.  The feedback received from the participants was good and the participants liked
the delivery style of the speaker in this one-day workshop. The participants were amazed by the
nature of interactive questions and answers which helped them to gain an insight into their own

Benefits of stress management Training -

 There are many benefits to providing this training to your workforce.

 By supporting your employee’s wellbeing, you’re also able to enhance morale, productivity,
loyalty and commitment to the organisation and most important of all, profitability.
 Retention and acquisition: Employees are less likely to leave their current employment if
they’re valued and aren’t overly stressed. The same goes for potential recruits, they’re more
likely to accept a new position at an organisation that supports and invests in the wellbeing
of their staff.
 Absenteeism: Stress is one of the leading causes of staff absences in the workplace. Aces
puts the cost of employee absences. By supporting employees experiencing increased
pressure at work, you’re able to reduce stress and anxiety-related absences.
 Culture: Your staff are happier when they’re healthier. Training employees to identify and
manage stress in the workplace contributes to promoting a culture of open dialogue.
Because your staff take their cues from senior members of a team, it’s important for them to
practice what they preach so other members of the team feel comfortable joining in the
 Increase in staff absences.
 Reduced productivity levels.

Benefits of 5S management Training -

 Increased Productivity
every organization works towards achieving increased productivity, after all, productivity
increases the overall return on investment. According to global research done by various
consultancy firms in the US, it has been found that effective implementation of 5S lean
manufacturing resources provides this improvement.
The compete removal of unnecessary items along with efficient workplace maximization is
sufficient to help develop improved productivity with minimal wastage of time. Less time
spent searching through unnecessary items means more time spent working.
 Improved Safety
improved safety is yet another benefit of 5S implementation. A clean workplace
environment, especially in a manufacturing unit can result in significant reduction in the
number of injuries sustained by workers. Most often, unattended chemical spills increases
the chances of slips and falls.

Contrary to this, following methodical procedures of cleaning, limits the possibility of all
such unfortunate mishaps. Also, the reduction in unnecessary travel through the workspace
environment further minimizes the risk of sustaining injuries by limiting exposure to
hazardous substances elsewhere in the facility. This in return functions to increase the
moral of employees, as reduced incidents of injuries convey employer’s concern for worker
 Reduction in Waste
implementing 5S will also yield a fair reduction in lost and damaged items in the workplace.

A clear and organized workplace with proper labeling provides workers the flexibility to
replace damaged items in the designated places, thereby minimizing the total number of
misplaced and lost tools and equipment. Further, the appropriate management of
equipment also minimizes damages that are generally caused to various parts of the
products during the production process.

Benefits of Leadership Development Training -

 Employee will be able to formulate and implement effective leadership strategies.

 Employee will develop the capabilities needed to increase your team's work productivity.
 It will help you decrease employee turnover and increase engagement, creating a strong
and united team.
 It will help you to identify and improve your leadership style.
 Employee will develop your communication skills, mastering the art of negotiation,
influence and conflict management.
 Employee will become more confident as a leader and find new ways of influencing the
teams you lead.
 Employee will learn how to effectively connect to people, developing the ability to give
constructive feedback, and critically seek the feedback of your team.

Knowledge Gain:  85%

Human Resource Development,

KIMS Karad

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