Project Management Activity.

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Name: Kristine Jay Alberto Course/Year and Section: 3- B

Activity 1

1. Your Program Description

-Bachelor of Science in Office Administration program prepares students to handle

effective management of common office environments. The course enhances the

student’s leadership abilities in the workplace by learning the organization, management,

and business communication skills needed by dynamic supervisors and managers.

2. Your program objectives/outcomes

- To prepare the graduates for administrative support, supervisory and managerial


- To equip graduates with knowledge, skills and competencies, values and attitudes

for demands of a global market;

- Promote the culture of research among students and faculty;

- To involve students in community extension services.

- To lead in the empowerment of the community for effective and efficient records


- To inculcate positive self-concept, customer-oriented, integrity, and ethical values.

3. Your program Head or Area Head

- Mrs. Ann Q. Lotilla, MPA

4. Dean of College of Business and Accountancy

- Mrs. Catherine C. Viesca, CPA, MBA

5. Your course-program: Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Memo # 19

Series of 2017

Activity 2

Enumerate and give the description of The UA Red Ants Code of Conduct.

- BE PERSISTENTLY PURPOSE DRIVEN- like ants who are focused on their goal to

gather as much food in dry season, UA RED ANTS set clear-cut goals and priorities,

to which they channel their time and energy while at the university. Be persistent.

- BE A DREAMER, DREAM BIG- like ants, little maybe who carry loads heavier than

them and build colonies bigger-than we imagine. The UA RED ANTS strive to excel,

pursue big dreams and work to achieve them like a champion.

- BE A TRUE ANTIQUEÑO-UA RED ANTS are integrated individuals, taking pride in

their Antiqueño heritage, acknowledging and fulfilling their roles as stewards of the

province. As such, they act at all times in the interest of the province and the country.

- BE ALWAYS PREPARED- Like ants that do not stop gathering food for the wet

season, UA RED ANTS commit constantly train and be prepared for the battles and

task ahead.

- BE A SERVANT TO EACH OTHER- like ants who lead and heal each other, UA

RED ANTS help each other and serve the UA Community in particular and the

Antique province in general.

- BE A TEAM-PLAYER- like ants whose work is for their colony, UA RED ANTS show

commitment to work together beyond individual differences, upholding the common

good of the university.



1.What are some attributes of a project?


•Interrelated activities or task


•Specific time frame or finite life span

•unique or one time

•Sponsor or customer

• Degree of uncertainly

2. Identify three projects in which you have been involved during your lifetime.

• Planning of birthday celebration

•Holding a high school reunion

• Organizing future leaders of the Philippines annual plan

3. What are eight factors that constrain the achievement of a project objective?



•Customer Satisfaction





4. Match the phases of the project life cycle, listed first, with the descriptions that


INITIATING---------First phase

PLANNING---------Second phase

PERFORMING----Third phase

CLOSING-----------Fourth phase

5. A project is authorized using a document called a


6. The result of planning phase is a


7. In the performing phase, the project plan is executed and activities are carried out

to produce all the project deliverables and to accomplish the project objective.

8. Project management involves first ESTABLISHING a PLAN and then EXECUTING

that plan to accomplish the project objective.

9. The project PLAN must be agreed upon by the STAKEHOLDERS and the

organization that will SUPPORT OR SPONSOR the project.

10. What are the keys to successful stakeholder engagement?






11. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION and sensitivity are not only important but also

CRUCIAL for successful IMPLEMENTATION project management.

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