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… HEAD (Part 1) …

Work in continuous round with silver grey color

Round 1.- Magic Ring (6)
Round 2.- *1inc* x6 (12)
Round 3.- *1sc, 1inc* x6 (18)
Round 4.- *2sc, 1inc* x6 (24)
Round 5.- *3sc, 1inc* x6 (30)
Round 6.- *4sc, 1inc* x6 (36)
Round 7.- *5sc, 1inc* x6 (42)
Rounds 8 – 18.- 1sc in each st (42)
Place 9mm safety eyes between the Rnds.11 / 12 counting from the top and with 5sc of distance
between them.
To make them safer, very carefully you can burn with a lighter the stick of the eye so that it melts
and is well held, this must be done once the washer is put on and with caution. If you don’t want
to use safety eyes, can replace it by embroidering the eyes.
Round 19.- *5sc, 1dec* x6 (36)
Round 20.- *4sc, 1dec* x6 (30)
Round 21.- *3sc, 1dec* x6 (24)
Round 22.- *2sc, 1dec* x6 (18)
Round 23.- *1sc, 1dec* x6 (12)
Stuff the head as you crochet. FO, leaving a long tail.

… HEAD (Part 2) …

Work in continuous round with silver grey color

Start with: 7ch + 1ch to climb (8) < we work around both sides of the chain >
Round 1.- 6sc, 3sc in the same ch base < Would be the 7ch of the chain without counting the ch to climb
>  – Continue crochet in a continuous round around all the chain – 5sc, 2sc in the same ch base < Would
be the 1ch of the chain but the other side – do not count the ch to climb > and to finish the round make
1sl st. (16)
Round 2.- < Make 1ch only to climb and from here crochet in a continuous round as usual >  1inc, 5sc,
1inc, 1sc, 1inc, 5sc, 1inc, 1sc (20)
Round 3.- 1inc, 7sc, 1inc, 1sc, 1inc, 7sc, 1inc, 1sc (24)
Round 4.- 1sc, 1inc, 1inc, 6sc, 1inc, 1inc, 2sc, 1inc, 1inc, 6sc, 1inc, 1inc, 1sc (32)
Round 5.- 2sc, 1inc, 1inc, 9sc, 1inc, 1inc, 3sc, 1inc, 1inc, 9sc, 1inc, 1inc, 1sc (40)
Round 6.- 3sc, 1inc, 1inc, 12sc, 1inc, 1inc, 4sc, 1inc, 1inc, 12sc, 1inc, 1inc, 1sc (48)
Round 7.- 1sc in each st (48)
Round 8.- 3sc, 1dec, 1dec, 12sc, 1dec, 1dec, 4sc, 1dec, 1dec, 12sc, 1dec, 1dec, 1sc (40)
Rounds 9 – 10.- 1sc in each st (40)
Stuff the head (snout) as you crochet. FO, leaving a long tail

… NOSTRILS (2 pieces) … 

Work in continuous round with silver grey color

Round 1.- Magic Ring < Make like normal ring but do not close it > (6)
FO, leaving a long tail.

… OUTER EARS (2 pieces) …

Work in continuous round with silver grey color

Round 1.- Magic Ring (7)
Round 2.- *1inc* x7 (14)
FO, leaving a long tail.

… INNER EARS (2 pieces) …

Work in continuous round with light blue color

Round 1.- Magic Ring (7)
FO, leaving a long tail.

… ARMS …

Work in continuous round with white and silver grey color

Start with white color
Round 1.- Magic Ring (6)
Round 2.- *1inc* x6 (12)
Round 3.- *1sc, 1inc* x6 (18)
Change to silver grey color
Rounds 4 – 6.- 1sc in each st (18)
Round 7.- *4sc, 1dec* x3 (15)
Rounds 8 – 42.- 1sc in each st (15)
Stuff to Rnd.16, leave unstuffed between Rnds.16 / 32 and stuff from Rnd.33, the end of the arm
that remains to be finished.
Round 43.- *4sc, 1inc* x3 (18)
Rounds 44 – 45.- 1sc in each st (18)
Change to white color
Round 46.- 1sc in each st (18)
Round 47.- *1sc, 1dec* x6 (12)
Round 48.- *1dec* x6 (6)


1.- Embroider the eyelids with a yarn of the same color as the head. Give 2 turns over the safety
eye. Then embroider with white yarn a line under the safety eye.

2.- Sew on the head (part 1) the head (part 2). To do this, count from the top the head (part 1)
until the Rnd.13 (it will be Rnd. under the eyes). Once there, count 12 / 13sc wide and centered
with eyes. Use that base to match the top of the head (part 2). Place it between Rnd.14 and 23
and sew.

3.- Sew the nostrils between Rnds. 3 and 4 (counting from the seam under the eyes of part 2 of
the head).

4.- Sew the inner ears inside the outer ears.

5.- Sew the ears to the head between Rnds.6 and 7 (counting from the top). Fold the ears a little
at the time of sewing them to give them a longer shape.

6.- Sew the already armed head over the center of the arms.

7.- Sew the head / arm assembly in the center of the blanket.

NOTE: To make the assembly, always follow the instructions and the images. It will be much
easier to understand the steps.

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