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Good morning, my teacher and friends

Let me give a speech about the environment so that we can reap many lessons.

As we know, the environmental conditions that we live today are very different from the
environment several decades ago.

In the past, we could easily find trees, now the land containing plants has been replaced with

Environmental problems are not only limited to plants. If we are sensitive, many fauna or animals
lose their habitat.

Humans seize their place of residence, so that animals have difficulty getting a place to live again.

Not infrequently, animals that cannot get a house will attack humans in order to get food.

Therefore, we should start from ourselves to foster a sense of love for the environment.

Use methods that are easy and simple, for example by throwing garbage in its place, not using
plastic when shopping, and saving on water use.

So my speech about the environment from me, Let’s take care of the environment together.
Good morning my teacher and friends.

I thank God for His blessing, and the teacher for choosing me to deliver this message to you all.
Today I want to tell you about things that are so close in our life but often forgotten.

We all know that plastic waste takes a long time to decompose. It can take up to 1000 years to
decompose plastic in the landfills. Long isn’t it? Most of the plastic waste also ended up in the ocean
that caused an interference to the ocean’s ecosystem. It is sad to know how small the number of
people nowadays who have started to consider recycling plastic waste into something useful instead
of throwing them into the bin. And yet, that is still not everyone who has done this so far. We need
to be more aware of the environment and be eco-friendly, or the future generation will suffer.

The society has dealt with flood and water waste pollution. Without realizing it or not, most of the
reason is because we do not throw trash into the bin and just throw it carelessly. Therefore, it’s time
for us to take action and be more considerate. Throwing away trash into its rightful place, which is
the bin, may seem petty, but big things start with little steps.

Thank you

Good morning, my teacher and friends..

I am honored today to talk to you all regarding an important issue that we are
facing right now. That issue has a lot to do with our environment.

As you all know, we are now facing the greatest environmental crisis that the
Earth has ever seen since the era of Ice Age. We are on the verge of mass
extinction if were to take no further action. At this point, it could even be said
that we would not be able to save ourselves anymore, but we could still
postpone our doom.

But I am telling you right now, my friends that we could start the change now
within ourself. We could start by reducing our own small share to the pollution
and start giving back to the Earth by planting trees on our backyard. We could
start small, for a big resolution.
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning, my teacher and friends

First of all, let me express my feeling, how glad I am to have an opportunity to be here and deliver a
speech about “save our forests”.

Indonesia has a number of forests. They spread a long all the islands as Sumatera, java, Kalimantan,
Sulawesi, and the others. We find he rich resources in the forests as timbers and rattans. The forests
not only produce the exporting commodities, but also have the other important functions, as
reservation, prevention, purification of the air pollution and recreation.

The forests give us the continuation of the water supply along the years. The farmers are not anxious
to cultivate the rice fields, because the river flows on and on. The forests can reserve a lot of water
in the rainy season. They prevent the rivers from the flood, because not all of the water comes into
the rivers. The forest can purify the air pollution because the tress inhales the carbon dioxide from
the air, and exhale the oxygen into the air. Therefore, the forests have a function as purification of
the air pol They are pleasant for us, and seeing the realities, I would like to emphasize that, keep the
forests safe and take a prevention from the damages!! Thank you for your nice attention.lution.
Moreover, we can find many beautiful places, fauna, and flora in the forests.
Assalamualakum Wr Wb

Best wishes for all of us

All of my friends that I love,

In this a great moment, let me give a speech in the context of World Environment Day, to be
reflections for all my brothers. But let’s say your previous our gratitude to Almighty God for all that
we are blessed with an abundance of blessings for health and the opportunity to gather in this
place.My brothers and sisters,

Almost every day we hear news of logging-illegal logging blindly committed by rogue elements who
have no concern for environmental sustainability. It’s heart was deeply concerned over the bad
habits done by people on behalf of the business and then put aside for forests is a surrogate children
and grandchildren later.How many thousands of cubic meters of wood has been their history. While
after that they left the land that has been so critical that endanger our brothers the other with the
possibility of a flood disaster which threatens at any time.My brothers and sisters,

Realize, that our environment is an interlinked system between one and another. If one part is
broken then the other parts also will feel the consequences.

Therefore, let’s stop destroying the forest, illegal logging and deforestation are the only important
aspect of the business without going to care about the environment.

Preserve our environment as an expression of our gratitude to the Creator. Give the rights of our
children and grandchildren in the form of a sustainable nature for the survival of all natural

Thank you for your attention-my friends. So.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb.
Good Morning, my teacher and friends

First of all, let us give praise and gratitude to Allah SWT’s presence for his blessings and gifts so that
we can gather at this morning’s program.

My friends that I love, as we already know that the environment around us has become a reflection
of our school culture. It would be unwise for the environment around us to look bad and
uncomfortable. If this school has become a second home for us, we visit every day to study.

The school environment should always be maintained and have a cool atmosphere so that we can
concentrate more in the process of teaching and learning activities. Therefore, I as a part of the
family in this school really want that we can continue to maintain the cleanliness of the school
environment that we love. Each class should have its own discipline about the importance of
cleanliness. As the policy has been set before, each student has their own picket schedule, and it is
fitting for friends to come early to clean the class first so that when the first lesson starts, the
classroom environment is clean and comfortable to be occupied as part of the learning process.

And don’t forget, we all as students should always be aware that the existence of trash cans is not
without a purpose. We should be able to learn obediently to dispose of garbage in its place, so that
the cleanliness of our schools is also maintained and free from scattered rubbish.

Mr / Mrs teachers and friends that I love. I hope that with the small actions that I have mentioned
before, it is hoped that we can awaken all of us to always maintain the cleanliness of the school
environment. Cleanliness is very influential on health. therefore cleanliness must be maintained by
us and for us too.

Finally, thank you for the opportunity that has been given and the time to deliver a few broken
speeches in this short speech, if there are mistakes words hopefully can be forgiven, thank you.
Good morning, my teacher and friends

Thank you for attending the environmental education event in Cihuni village. May we always have
good health and happiness in life.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have good news. Yesterday, the Regent awarded our village as the most
beautiful environment village.

Of course, I cannot separate this award from all of you who always volunteer in every community
service and other environmental protection programs. The community service activities we do
regularly each month keep our neighborhood clean.

Besides the community service activities, planting one tree per house has been helpful. Because
each home has a tree, I can tell how nice and cool it is.

Also, planting trees near public places, which have been around for five years, is significant. Planting
trees not only creates a beautiful environment but also provides cooler air.

That is because trees need carbon dioxide as food. By absorbing the carbon dioxide, the air becomes
fresher. Fresh air also attracts birds, which can create peaceful sounds.

Also, planting trees helps reduce the effects of flooding. In the last five years, flooding has

So let us keep the existing programs in place. Also, maintain the beauty and cleanliness of the
Good morning, my teacher and friends

Let me give a speech about the environment so that we can reap many lessons.

As we know, the environmental conditions that we live in today are very different from the
environment several decades ago. In the past, we could easily find trees, but now the land
containing plants has been replaced with housing.

Environmental problems are not only limited to plants. If we are sensitive, many fauna or animals
lose their habitat. Humans seize their place of residence, so that animals have difficulty getting a
place to live again.

Not infrequently, animals that cannot get a house will attack humans in order to get food. Therefore,
we should start from ourselves to foster a sense of love for the environment.

Use methods that are easy and simple, for example by throwing garbage in its place, not using
plastic when shopping, and saving on water use. So my speech about the environment from me, let's
take care of the environment together.
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Before I begin to deliver this speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty, who
has given us mercy and blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place. And also let’s deliver
Sholawat and Salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the darkness to the

Ladies and gentleman, to celebrate an annual event of Earth Day, I would like to deliver a speech
about “Environment”.

Environment where we live is very important for us. Why? Because, our environment is the place
where we do all of our activities. That’s why we need to keep our environment clean and
comfortable. Keeping the environment can be started from small things like, throwing rubbish in its
place, cleaning our homes and much more.

Nowadays, the awareness of maintaining cleanliness of the environment is very concerning. There
are so many people that don’t realize the important of environment. They keep throwing rubbish
not in proper place. They also cutting trees without doing the reforestation. Those action make our
environment getting worse.

Ladies and gentleman, in this good occasion I would like to ask all of you to keep our environment to
be in good condition. Therefore, let’s us start from the very little thing: throwing rubbish in its place.

That is all my speech. I hope my brief speech about the environment will be useful for us. I am sorry
for some mistakes. Thank you very much for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

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