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Home Work


English Write any Ten Modals along with three examples each (using them in
sentences in different context). Mention the context beside the
(Use standard size paper)

Hindi 1- vyadkj ,oa mlds Hksn dh ifjHkk"kk dks mnkgj.k ds lkFk LVSaMMZ lkbt
isij ij fy[ksaA
¼laLd`r½ ^lIrHkfxU;%* ikB dk fgUnh vuqokn LVSMMZ lkbt isij ij fy[ksaA

Mathematics 1. To find the product of 2-digit numbers and hence find the square
of 2-digit number.
2. Learn about the laws of exponents for rational bases.
3. To verify algebraic identity :- (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
4. To verify the algebraic identity :- a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a – b)
5. To understand the concept of concave and convex Polygon.
Note:- Do all these activities in Maths Lab Manual Notebook in neat
and clean writing, maintaining following steps:-
(i) Objective ( You have to write the name of activity here)
(ii) Materials Required
(iii) Procedure
(iv) Observation
(v) Result
Maintain the Index Page as well.
To Complete this Assignment take the help of Maths Lab Manual
Science Prepare a working Model of Periscope.

Computer Write JavaScript programmes :-

Science 1. To check whether a number is positive, negative or neutral.
2. To display a text “I Love JavaScript” 5 times.
3. To display numbers from 1 to 10.
4. To display sum of n natural numbers.
5. To print grades as per given criteria:
Marks Range Grade
91-100 A
81-90 B
71-80 C
33-70 D
Below 33 Fail

General Instructions :
• Use A4- size paper
• At first page, give your complete information i.e. Admission
No., Name, Roll No., Class, Section, Subject’s name e.t.c.
• Also write the output of programs in rectangular box.

Submit on Re-opening day

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