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What form of production do you intend on producing? (short film, music video, stop motion
animation, documentary)
Archie, Luke and I are intending on producing a short film

Based on the performances in your previous units, what areas do you need to improve on this time
Based on previous units, I feel as though I need to improve on incorporating more skillful and
interesting camera shots. I also need to improve on lighting

Why have you chosen this production? What visual based skills do you feel it will help you to
We have chosen this production because we feel as though we can be very creative with lighting and
colour as it is a psychological thriller. To create tension, we are planning on having dim lighting but
creative ways for the source of the lighting. For example, using things like a torch or matches for the a
good effect. Personally, I believe we can be very creative with the script and I think if we can pull this
of successfully, this genre will an interesting watch and can get us a high grade as not many people
have chosen thriller and have done it successfully.

Will you be working individually or as part of a 2 person team? Why have you chosen this?
I have chosen to work in a group of two others as I believe this will help me develop skills I am less
confident in better. I am a visual learning and thrive in watching other people and learning through
that. I also feel as though this can create the best production possible as we all have areas we are more
confident in meaning every area will be produced.

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