The Cheat Sheet Technicals

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This cheat sheet is designed to help you along your investment journey by listing some of the most useful resources on the
internet. Click on the links below for a deeper dive into the topics Peter has introduced you to – or don’t! It’s totally up to you.

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS: OVERVIEW Investopedia has a wealth of different articles on candlestick charts
and their most important patterns. We’ve included a few of the best
This video is Peter’s super-quick introduction to technical analysis. ones here, but you can find other informative articles by running a
He makes a very important point about trading volume here – more search for “candlestick” in the search bar on the right side of your
specifically, how it can undermine technical analysis in predicting the screen.
future direction of penny stocks.

For beginners only, this is the most straightforward and well-written

For a more detailed look at technical analysis and some of the most guide to candlestick charts and patterns that we have yet to find
crucial chart patterns investors need to know about, head to these on the Internet (aside from Peter’s output, of course). Stockcharts.
articles by Peter. The first blog entry is more of an overview, while com breaks down some of the most important patterns in ways
Part 2 gets into the nitty-gritty of some essential concepts. that are easy to understand, with diagrams and carefully worded

Once again, Investopedia’s “university” is a fantastic resource for

beginner investors eager to learn about technical analysis. Click on There’s so much information on the Internet about candlestick charts
the first link in the menu to get started, and then you’ll be guided and indicators that you may find yourself wanting to chuck your
through multiple pages covering the most important aspects of laptop out the nearest window. If so, this very short, very
technical analysis. basic introduction to candlestick charts is for you.

Fidelity has a surprisingly helpful online course on technical analysis

that’s perfect for investors who are just starting out. Their course
outline has four main segments, dealing with such key concepts
as the fundamental nature of technical analysis, all the way to
resistance levels and support trends.



In this YouTube video, Peter introduces viewers to Japanese candle-

stick charts. He also walks you through how to look up candlestick
charts on free websites like One of Peter’s most
popular videos ever.

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