Science 10

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Name: _______________________________________


Direction: Underline the appropriate word that makes the statement correct.

1-3. The crust and a part of the upper mantle make up the (continent, lithosphere). It is subdivided into
portions called plates. (Continents, Plates) are large pieces of the upper few hundred kilometers of Earth
that move as a single unit as it (floats, moves) above the mantle.
4-5. There are two kinds of crust: (Continental, Crustal) plates which are thicker but less dense, and
Oceanic plates which are thinner but (compact, denser).
6-8. Plate Tectonics is a (law, theory) which suggests that Earth’s crust is made up of plates that
constantly (move, rotate) and interact in various ways, thus, producing earthquakes, mountains, volcanoes,
and other (geologic, land) features.
9. The plate that pushes the Philippine Plate towards the (Eurasian, Indo-Australian) plate is the Pacific
10-12. The world’s earthquakes, (eruptions, volcanoes), and mountain ranges are not randomly
distributed over the Earth’s surface. They are both situated at the same (location, place) near the (center,
edges) of the continents.
13-15. Geologic activities such as (ethnicity, seismicity) or the occurrence of earthquake, (extravasation,
volcanism), and mountain formations are the (basis, reasons) of scientists in dividing Earth’s lithosphere.


Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

16. Convection current causes the lithospheric plate to ________________.

A. move slowly but constantly B. move in any direction
C. move faster D. create another plate
17. The youngest part of the ocean floor is found at the ___________.
A. convergent boundary B. divergent boundary
C. transform-fault D. hot spot
18. What type of plate boundary occurs between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate?
A. convergent oceanic-continental plate boundary B. convergent oceanic-oceanic plate boundary
C. convergent continental-continental plate boundary D. transform boundary
19. The crust and upper mantle make up the Earth’s ____________.
A. lithosphere B. asthenosphere C. core D. continents
20. The result of plate movement can be seen at _________.
A. abyssal plains B. plate boundaries C. Plate centers D. ocean margin
21. The theory that suggests that plates are slowly moving is called ___________.
A. Magnetic Reversal B. Plate Tectonic C. Continental Slope D. Continental Drift
22. Plates move apart at __________ boundaries.
A. convergent B. stable C. divergent D. transform plate
23. Plates slipping past each other at ________________.
A. subduction zone B. convection current C. divergent boundary D. transform boundary
24. The boundary between two plates moving together is called a __________.
A. divergent boundary B. transform boundary C. lithosphere D. convergent boundary
25. Based on the current position of the continents, South America is moving away from Africa in what
A. West B. East C. North D. South
26. At the convergent plate boundary, _______________.
A. new crust is created B. the older crust is melted by subduction
C. the crust separates D. plates side past one another
27. The East African Rift is an example of a _____________.
A. mid-ocean ridge
B. convergent boundary
C. divergent boundary
D. transform boundary
28. The Himalayan mountain range of India was formed at the __________.
A. divergent boundary
B. convergent boundary
C. hot spot
D. transform boundary
29. Philippine plate moves toward ___________.
A. Australian plate B. Mountain ranges C. Trenches D. Eurasian plate
30. The __________ is an example of a transform fault boundary.
A. East Pacific Rise
B. San Andreas Fault
C. Mid-Atlantic Ridge
D. Himalayas
31. Subduction is illustrated in which of the following?
A. convergent plate boundary C. divergent plate boundary
B. transform fault boundary D. subducting plates
32. Which of the following correctly illustrates seafloor spreading?

33. Earthquake, as an effect of plate movement, results in boundaries where plates are
a. converging b. sliding past c. diverging d. subducting
A. a only B. b only C. a and b D. a, b, and c
34. Most of the Philippine Islands were once part of island arcs. This means that along with this boundary,
there once existed two ___________.
A. converging continental plates C. converging oceanic plates
B. diverging plates D. plates sliding past each other
35. Why are volcanoes mostly found at places where continents meet the seas?
A. It is where water meets land.
B. It is where the oceanic plates subduct under the continental plate.
C. Underneath it is a subduction zone.
D. More magma is produced under the ground because of the muddy seafloor.

Direction: Based on the map, answer the following:

36. Plate Y is an oceanic plate. When it converges with the continental Plate X, which of the following will
most likely happen?
A. Part of the Plate Y will turn into magma.
B. Part of the Plate X will turn into magma.
C. Plate Y will vanish and become magma.
D. Plate X will become crust above the Nazca Plate.
37. Between Plates Y and X, which one will undergo subduction?
A. Plate Y B. both of them
C. none of the two D. Plate X
38. What will be formed on the surface of Plate X along its convergence zone with Plate Y?
A. volcanic arc B. fault C. mountain range D. trench
When two continental crusts converge, both crusts exert a pressure pushing each other. As the ground
rises, a tall landform is created.
39. Is it possible to erupt? ___________________________
40. What process does not take place in this type of convergence? ___________________________
Secondary Science Grade 10
SY 2022-2023

Easy Average Difficult






1 Lithosphere
2 Plates
3 Floats
4 Continental
5 Denser
6 Theory
Describe and relate the distribution of
active volcanoes, earthquake 7 Move
epicenters, and major mountain belts to 8 Geologic
Plate Tectonic Theory (S10ES – Ia-j- 9 Eurasian
36.1); 2
10 Volcanoes
11 Location
12 Edges
13 Seismicity
14 Volcanism
15 Basis
16 A
17 B
18 A
19 A
20 B
21 B
22 C
Describe the different types of plate
23 D
boundaries (S10 -Ia -j-36.2);
24 D
25 A
26 B
27 C
28 B
29 D
30 C
31 A

32 A

33 D

34 C
Explain the different processes that 35 B
occur along the plate boundaries; and
(S10ES-Ia-j-36.3 36 A

37 A

38 A

39 No

40 Subduction

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:

Principal I

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