Standards Conduct of A Soldier

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Relova, Jehu C.

November 19, 2022



At all times, I will abide by the law and the directives of my legitimate superiors. I serve in the

Filipino Army. In the true Filipino tradition of bravery, honor, duty, and loyalty, I will fight

and sacrifice my life.Taking the necessary actions and providing a good example.

It depends on having high personal standards that will win you your teammates’ respect

and trust. It gives you the confidence to make the challenging decisions you will have to make in

your career. You can manage your fear with discipline.Taking the necessary actions and

providing a good example

It depends on having high personal standards that will win you your teammates’ respect

and trust. It gives you the confidence to make the challenging decisions you will have to make in

your career. You can manage your fear with discipline. The AFP Code of Conduct serves as the

AFP soldiers’ guide to upholding the Constitution’s fundamental principles of duty, solidarity,

and honor. Additionally, it serves as a reminder for each soldier to follow and uphold the

recognized standards of proper conduct. The AFP Core Values – The noble calling of the armed

forces requires of its members not only specialized knowledge and skill but also a particular way

of life governed by a shared worldview containing the non-negotiable, eternal core values of

honor, loyalty, bravery, duty, and solidarity. A well-written code of conduct makes an
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organization’s mission, values, and guiding principles clear by connecting them to norms of

ethical behavior. The code defines desired behavior by outlining the values the organization

hopes to instill in its leaders and workers.

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