6.3 Exam Style Questions

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175 -
73 = 102 (
parts per billion)

VOC ( volatile
organic compounds)


near ground level ozone molecules Ozone molecules absoring ultraviolet

- -

are both air pollutants , threatening radiation from the Sun and shielding

the health of living things greenhouse Earth from

, dangerous rays ,

gases . it is a benefit to humans .

Burning fossil fuel

thigh temperature
Formation of photochemical smog may have harmful effects

on the environment of cities such as Santiago because some

plants are highly responsive to ozone , so

photochemical smog can

crops , trees and other vegetation Ground level

destroy these sensitive .

crone can also interfere with the growth and productivity of trees .

Human mini zing the Humans releasing

use of cars

Reduce the
possibility of Irritates the respiratory
skin cancers , eyes cataracts system
and immune systems .
Stratospheric ozone is a key component of the atmospheric

system because it protects living systems from the negative

effects of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun .

Regulating and reducing the pollutant at the
point of emission by

setting and imposing standards .

Tropospheric ozone forms when sunlight splits Hoz and

atomic oxygen reacts with oxygen molecules in the air .

One management strategy for urban air pollution is switching to use

renewable energy for example solar ,

etc The
advantage of using

this strategy is that it is eco-friendly .

It doesn't cause serious environmental

pollution and it has low zero carbon and greenhouse emission .


renewable The Weathers up and down there

energy has intermittency .
are , are

days may be windier than others and there be weather

, can

events that
disrupt these technologies that we set
up for using

energy .
Light pollution

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