VB Tenses Revision 1st Days

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Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the verb in brackets.


1. Every Monday, Susan wakes up (wake up) at 7.00 and then she gets (get) ready for school. (0,2)
2. Mike won (win) the Cycling Championship in 1991. (0,2)
3. Did you ever eaten (ever / eat) snails? (0,1)
4. When I was swimming (swim) in the river, I saw (see) two crocodiles on the shore. (0,2)
5. After school, Susan usually watches (watch) TV. (0,1)
6. My friend and I are doing (do) and exam at the moment. (0,1)
7. A: What are you going to do (do) next Saturday? (0,1)
B: I don’t know. And you?
A: We are having (have) a party in the evening. Do you want to come? (0,1)
B: OK. I will be (be) there! Thank you. (0,1)
8. We aren’t having (not / have) lunch right now. (0,1)
9. Vegetables have (have) a lot of vitamins, but they don’t have (not / have) many calories. (0,2)
10. Mary and Tom . Just begun (just / begin) a new project. (0,1)
11. Sue met (meet) Rose two years ago. (0,2)
12. Mike known (know) Peter for a long time. (0,1)
13. Annette and Andy are going (go) on holidays next June. (0,1)
14. I’m going (go) to Scotland last month. (0,2)
15. A: Is Sylvia married?
B: Yes, she is (be) married for five years. (0,1)
16. David has been (be) to London three times. (0,1)
17. I went (go) to bed very late last night. (0,2)
18. Last night Jenny fell (fall) asleep while she was watching (watch) TV. (0,2)
19. She always forgets (forget) her keys. (0,1)
20. I like (like) comics now, but I didn’t like (not / like) them when I was a child. (0,2)
21. Do you usually phone (usually / phone) your grandmother in the morning? (0,1)
22. While I was watching (watch) TV yesterday, Susan left (leave). (0,2)
23. A: How long have you lived (you / live) here? (0,1)
B: We have lived here since 1990. (0,1)
24. A: Is this a good book?
B: I don’know (not / know). I haven’t read (not / read) it. (0,2)
25. Andy isn’t (not / be) usually at home. He goes (go) out a lot. (0,2)
26. Listen! Somebody is playing (play) the piano. (0,1)
27. They built (build) this house in the nineteenth century. (0,2)
28. We think (think) this is the good option. (0,1)
29. Are you watching (watch) the film now? (0,1)
30. Paul was asleep in the armchair, but he has just woken up (just / wake up) (0,1)
31. I’m tired this morning because I didn’t sleep (not / sleep) well last night. (0,2)
32. Did you sleep (sleep) well last night? (0,2)
33. David is very lazy. He doesn’t like (not / like) hard work. (0,1)
34. You can turn off the television. I’m not watching (not / watch) it. (0,1)
35. I saw (see) Diane yesterday. She was driving (drive) her new car. (0,2)
36. A: How long have you had (have) this car? (0,1)
B: I have had (have) it for two years. I bought (buy) it in 2005. (0,2)
37. My brother left (leave) school two years ago. (0,1)
38. I have had (never / ride) a horse in my life. (0,1)
39. Excuse me! Do you speak (speak) English? (0,1)
40. How often do you go (go) on holiday? (0,1)
41. John isn’t at home at the moment because he is visiting (visit) some friends. (0,1)
42. George is a good tennis player but he doesn’t play (not / play) very often. (0,1)
43. I was cycling (cycle) back from school last week when a car hit (hit) me. (0,2)
44. A: I don’t understand (not / understand) the French homework. (0,1)
B: Don’t worry! I will help (help) you. (0,1)
45. I sent (send) an e-mail to my sister yesterday morning. (0,1)
46. I am wearing (wear) jeans and a T-shirt now. (0,1)
47. She found (find) a four-leaf clover yesterday. Have you ever found (ever / find) one? (0,2)
48. She bougth (buy) a new book last week. She paid (pay) ₤20 for it. (0,2)
49. How much water do you usually drink (usually / drink)? (0,1)
50. The robbers were opening (open) the door when the policeman got (get) to the bank. (0,2)
51. Sarah gave (give) Mark ₤10 yesterday to buy a present for Sue. (0,1)
52. When he was climbing (climb) a tree, a snake bit (bite) him in his arm. (0,2)
53. Sorry! I have just broken (just / break) your favourite cup. (0,1)
54. I am going to decorate (decorate) the gym for the party. Would you like to help? (0,1)
55. Have you ever flown (ever / fly) a helicopter? (0,1)
56. We were playing (play) football in the park when it started (start) to rain. (0,2)
57. Horoscopes aren’t (not / be) usually true. (0,1)
58. Laura Loft is a secret agent and she has done (do) a lot of dangerous missions in her life. (0,1)
59. My mother lets (let) me go out every Friday evening. (0,1)
60. The sun rises (rise) in the East every day. (0,1)
61. They brought (bring) a new dog yesterday, but they didn’t bring (not / bring) any cats. (0,2)
62. The teacher doesn’t usually teach (not / teach) very well. (0,1)
63. They have just arrived (just / arrive). (0,1)
64. I haven’t seen (not / see) my aunt Emily since I was 12 years old. (0,1)
65. Miguel de Cervantes wrote (write) El Quijote a long time ago. (0,1)
66. Mary sometimes cooks (cook) the lunch. (0,1)
67. What were you doing (do) when I called (call) you yesterday?
68. She always does (do) her homework in her bedroom. (0,1)
69. She came (come) to my house yesterday evening. (0,1)
70. In Britain the banks usually open (open) at 9.30 in the morning. (0,1)

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