AI Super Imp Tie 23

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Introduction to AI SIMP Questions

Prepared by the CSE/ISE review team


1. Define AI. Explain its applications with its advantages and disadvantages
2. Discuss the classification of AI test with an illustration
3. What is an AI technique ? And write a short note on problems in AI
4. What is a production system? Explain the categories of production system with examples
5. Explain the following
i. Task domain in AI
ii. Criteria for success
iii. Types of problems and problem characteristics
iv. Problem state space


1. What is a predicate logic explain with examples

2. Explain the approaches and issues in knowledge representation
3. What is reasoning, differentiate between forward and backward reasoning
4. Explain the following
i. Procedural knowledge
ii. Declarative knowledge
iii. Resolution
iv. Matching
5. Knowledge representation and mapping
6. Conversion of statements to predicate logic and back chaining (Numericals)


1. Explain monotonic reasoning and non - monotonic reasoning with examples

2. Explain Bayes theorem and Bayesian networks
3. Explain the following

i. Default reasoning

ii. Implementation issues: depth- first search and breadth -first search

4. Explain the following with examples


ii. Logic based TMS

iii. Assumption based TMS

5. Explain the following

i. Fuzzy logic

ii. Dempster - Shafer theory


1. Explain the steps involved in natural language processing

2. Explain the minimax search with an example
3. Write an iterative deepening algorithm for A* and also explain alpha beta pruning
4. Explain the following
i. Syntactic Processing
ii. Semantic Processing
iii. Spell checking
5. Parse tree problem


1. Explain Winston's learning

2. Explain expert system, knowledge acquisition, expert system shell
3. What is learning and explain the different types of learning
4. Explain analog & discovery and its types
5. Explain representation and using domain knowledge in expert systems

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