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Question Question Answer Trigger Transition Draft Answer

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1. Where is your -Wh -in HN -homeland -Honestly Honestly, I was born in Hai Duong Province,
hometown -suburb -place -To be but I consider Ha Noi as my homeland since I
-Hong river honest have lived here for more than 10 years. To be
specific, it’s a neighbourhood next to Hong
River in the suburb of the capital.
2.Do you like -Yes/No -Definitely -my thing Definitely. It feels like this is where I belong
your hometown? - -Calm, -where I to. Living in the centre of the city may be
Why? Favourite pleasant belong to crowded, living in the countryside may be
quite, but here is the combination of both.
Staying in a cozy home and listen to the lively
life of people in the other side of the river is my
3.How long have -Wh ->10yrs -since/for As I said before, I was born in Hai Duong.
you been living -3yrs old Then my family moved to Ha Noi when I was 3.
in your Since then, I have grown up in my hometown
hometown? for more than 10 years
4.Do you believe -Yes/No -yes -my luck Well, to tell you the truth, there was a belief
it is a proper - that people in my neighbourhood are nasty and
place to grown development naughty. It is, 10 years ago. Now, many
up?Why? -memorable students in this areas are as good as people in
experiences other neighbourings. So it’s my luck to be
brought up here.
5.How could -Wh - -I wish… -Plus Although I have said that this place is my
your hometown environment -It would be thing, there are a few drawbacks. The first
be improved? -no selling at better if… thing to say is some people sell stuffs in the
the playground although there are rules at the
playground playground that selling is forbiddened. It’s
really irk me when I was playing footballs with
friends because I may kick the ball to their
costumers. More than that, those people ignore
the environment, throw the trash everywhere
they want. Is this “normal” or it’s just my pet
6.Has your -Past -new - During 10 years, I have seen many
hometown playgrond Development developments. The major changed is the local
changed much -cleaner authority care more about the children health,
since you were a living space A playground was built to keep the kids’ both
child? physical and mental health good. This lead to
a higher conciousness about keeping
communal space clean, which is a positive
7.Is there good -Yes/No -quality: -not I have less experience in local public
public transport average recommend transport. But as far as I know, the quality is at
in your -unpopular average and this means of transports is
hometown? unpopular because it’s not as convinience as
private vehicles. Therefore, I won’t
recommend any public transport if you visiting
my hometown
8.Will you be -Yes/No -no plan for -I’m not a I’m not a fortune teller but I am sure (about
moving away -Future moving out fortune 90%) that I am going to stay with my family as
from your -pleasant teller… I have no plan for moving out or studying
hometown? -stay near oversea. In fact, I am pleased with where I am
with family living now.

Question Question Answer note Trigger Transition Draft Answer

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1.Have you -Yes/No -yes -House build -in general Many times. There is a house built decades
ever seen some -Past -next to/ my decades ago ago right next to my house. The special
old buildings grandparents thing is this is my grandparents’ house, so I
in the city? house have chances to visit the building. In
-texture general, it’s looks like other old houses:
-use natural moss, grainy texture and natual light.
2.Do you think -Yes/No -yes -keep -I have a Why not? Some people may think that cities
we should -life in the past unchanged cotrary view should have skyscrappers and modern
preserve old -customs - Witness of buildings only. But I have a cotrary view,
builings in the past historic buildings should be kept unchanged
cities? even if the cities develop. Those are witness
of life, culture and tradition in the past. By
no means should this be forgotten.
3.Do you -Choice -modern -…is opted -Comparing Comparing between ancient and modern
prefer living in -Like -convinient -drives me between… house, I’ll otp the second one without
an old building -clean crazy when -There’s no thinking as it drives me crazy when living in
or a modern -comfortable living in an doubt that… an old house. There is no doubt that
house? old house industrial houses are more convinient, more
comfortable and especially cleaner than
historic buildings.
4.Are there -Yes/No - yes -have a -as I said As I said before, historic buildings show
any old -Futre -spooky chance before the life of human in the past. And I’m the
buildings you - one who interested in old stuff, especially
want to see in spirit. So I want to have a chance for a
the future? sneak peak in the “ghost house” by the side
of Hong river. It looks spooky from far
distance, and feels spine-chilling when
coming closer. That’s the reason why I
haven’t come in that house yet.

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