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Question Ques Answer note Trigger Transition Draft answer

types phrases
1.Do you often -Y/N -no A part of my A part of my A part of my daily basis. Mostly with
send emails? - -use mes or zalo daily basis daily basis my close friend, who I can chat tons of
frequency gossip things all day.
2.Is sending -Y/N -yes Nationwide In fact Texting message on electronic
emails widespread -job use email devices is nationwide in VN. In fact, 1
inn your country? -at least 1 acc/1 person have at least one emails
person account.
3.Do you think -Y/N -yes I foresee I foresee that there will be a national
emails will be -Future -convinient spread in emails users because of it’s
more or less -Choice pros. Electronic mails are convinient
prevalent in the because it’s fast, free, well organised
future? with useful functions
4.How often do - -Everday It’s my With It’s my natural to compose emails
you write an email Frequency -Communicate natural daily as it’s an convinient way of
or card? communication. With emails, I can
easily reveive latest info from senders
and reply them quickly.
5.Do you like -Choice -Chatting Given a Beside Given a choice, sending text
texting or emails? -Like -faster and choice messages will be opted as texting is
directly shorter than an email. Beside, I feel
comfy when chatting-somethine
6.Do you prefer to -Choice -handmade card Balancing To be honest Balancing between to thing,, a
have an email or a -Like -put effort in between to handmade card will be picked. To be
card for your celebrating thing honest, I would appreciate a card as a
birthday? -emails is still a gift as the sender had put effort in
good option making such a meaningful present for
7.Do you think in -Future -yes be changed I’m not a I’m not a fortune teller but I bet that
the future, the -Y/N -faster, more fortune teller letter will be changed with email
email will replace -Choice covenient, more because it more convinient than the
the letter? direct, free traditional one: faster, more well-
organised, cheaper (free)

Question Ques Answer note Trigger Transition Draft answer

types phrases
1.What subjects -Wh -major: eng My My current My current major is English. I chose this
are you studying? current major language because it’s my strength, the
major field I am the most confident with
2.Why did you -WH -Not good at the My current My current my major is English. I chose
decide to study -Choice Physic reason major this language because it’s my strength,
those subjects? why But the truth the field I am the most confident with. But
is the truth is I am sucked at scienctific
matter, that the reason why I pick
3.Do you like your -Like -no: lit, physic, felt in The first The first time I learned English, I felt in
subject? -Y/N biology love time love with it. But the more I learned, the
-don’t get it more exhausted I was. And now my love
for this subject is not as much as that day.
4.Do you prefer to - -Morning: study a I have a daytime mind so I definitely
study in the Preference -Afternoon: play daytime gaining knowledge in the morning. My
mornnings or the mind body works the most efficiently in this
afternoons? time of the day as I am full of energy.
5.Do you miss -Y/N -no I’m currently a student, so why on Earth
being a student? -currently a do I need to recall the time at school?
6.Is it exciting? -Y/N
7.Are you looking -Y/N -yes give it a People say People say that being an employee is not
forward to -financial try that easy. Eventhough I still want to give it a
working? independence Beside try. Beside, having a work can provide
-illustrator money for my expenses.
8.Why did you -Wh -cool that’s the Being an illustrator is so cool. The job
choose to do that -tell story, reason why requires me to use my skill to not only
type of work emotion through painting but also tel the story, the
my painting emotion of the artist through the product.
Expressign feeling without saying it out
loud is my thing, that’s the reason why I
chose this occupation.
9.Do you like your -Y/N -Student
job? -Enjoy
10.Is it exciting? -Y/N -yes
-fun, memorable

Question Ques Answer note Trigger Transition Draft answer

types phrases
1.Do you like -y/n -yes is my However Photagraphy is my thing when I have
taking photo? -not my self thing spare time. However, I can take a shoot of
everything except my self.
2.Do you like -y/n -no have a I have a spot for photography, but not
taking selfies? -cringe, not spot for photograph of myself as I feel quite
confident cringe, actualy I am not confident when in
front of the camera.
3.What is our fav -wh -full members have a If my If my memory serve me right, I have a
family photo? -cozy when thing memory thing for the picture took in Tet holiday 3
gathering serve me yrs ago. It’s the time when my family had
right full member, it’s made me feel cozy as
everyone were gathering together.
4.Do you want to -y/n -yes Boosting Definitely yes Definitely yes. Boosting my taking photos
improve your -support other skill is need not for presesrving
photography skills? major extraordinary thing but it also support my
other major, too
5.Do you think -Y/N -yes, vital great Why not? Why not? Taking a shot is a great way to
photographs are - -save the preserve the memories. Beside a photo
essential in our Important image can tell a lot, it’s helps viewers to see the
lives? -see in world in a different perspective.
different view
6.Do you prefer to -Choice -Phone Given a Given a Given a choice, phone will be picked as I
take pictures with -haven’t choice choice can’t afford a camera. But the fact is I
your phone or a experienced want to photograph with a professional
camera? with camera devices because of better quallity images.

Question Ques types Answer note Trigger Transition Draft answer

1.Do you often -frequency -only when takes my I can’t deny but yes, the frenquency of
feel bored? I’m a couch positive being a couch potato is rising up. Being
potato engery out lazy gradually takes my positive engery
out which makes me bored.
2.What kinds of -wh -doing brings In the state I will run out of exciment when I have
things would nothing boredom of nothing to do. In the state of not knowing
make you feel what to do decrease my curiosity which
bored? brings boredom to me.
3.What would you - -do gain my When I’m in bored state, I will find
do if you felt hypothetical something excitement something simple to finish, the trivia
bored? back success like that can help me gain my
excitement back.
4.What waas the -wh Stick with Back in the Back in the Back in the day, catching TV is the only
most boring thing -past the TV all day day thing I did when being locked at home. I
you did when you day cound’t deny that it’s so boring, I can’t
were young? stand while I can put up with an activites
that I did again and again thousand of

Question Ques Answer note Trigger Transition Draft answer

types phrases
1.Where are you -Wh -outskirts of Staying Currently Currently I’m staying in the ourskirt of the
living now? the capity accommodate To be more capital, which takes 30 mins drive form the
-near by specific centre. To be more specific, it’s an
Hong river neighborhood near by Hong river.
2.What do you like -Wh -river I’m into The thing I’m into the most is the Hong
most about where -tranquil have a spot river near my house, which distance is a
you live? sound (lofi) for walking stone from my home. I have a spot
for the tranquil mood the river brings for
3.What is the -wh -normal Resemble wit Overall Resemble with others area. But the signal
neighborhood like -tranquil feature of my neighborhood is Hong river.
where you live? It’s the place for entertaining and
drowning. Overall, it’s still a worth living
4.Do you have any -y/n -yes get along I only made one friend in my
friends there? -bestie with neighbourhood who is my bestie till now.
We get along with each other because we
share the same fun at the Hong river.
5.What can be -wh -environment can be better Although Although I said this is a worthliving place
improved in the area but there is still a thing to complain, that’s
where you live? the environment. Some stupid, unmorral
components destroy the beauty, clean
scenne of the neighbourhood. I believe that
the place where I live can be better if those
people change their behaviours.
6.Do you know any -Y/N -yes, tiktoker- get along Eventhough Not only knowing but I get along with a
famous people in the bestie with well-know tiktoker with millions view- who
area where you live? is also my bestie. Eventhough she has
fame, my bestie personality is unchanged:
friendly and kindly-which I love about her.

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