Case Study HRM ACT 1

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Case Study

The Unsatisfied Department ChairDr. Ronald Pancho is chairperson of Business Management

Department in the College of Business Administration at large University in Dasmarinas City. He has
been a member of the department for 15 years and full professor for 10 years. Last summer, he was
asked to assume the position of the chair after a screening committee conducted interviews and
reviewed resumes of all the prospective candidates for the position.

Dr. Pancho was very excited about the new challenge and has begun several innovative projects to
enhance faculty research. The teaching function in thedepartment has always been first rate while
research has been weak. Dr. Pancho has continued to be very productive, publishing three articles for a
national journal and two books.

The university’s policy is that salary increases are based on length of service and merit. Dr. Pancho had
developed a very sophisticated performance appraisal system for his faculty to help him quantify salary
recommendations. His point system considers and weights different items in the areas of teaching,
research, and service. Teaching and research were given weights of 40% each, with service at 20%. Dr.
Poncho felt he had good documentation for all his recommendations.

Dr. Pancho then submitted his own annual report detailing his accomplishments as chair as well as his
more personal accomplishments. From his perspective, he felt he deserved at least a 15% increase since
his department had made major strides in a number of areas while the other chairs were professionally
active on the national level and none had published in the past year. His teaching evaluations were also
outstanding for the past five years.

Dean Lacap sent out letters to all department chairs in May and Dr. Pancho was shocked to learn that his
salary increase was just 7%. He received information through the “grapevine” that all the chairs had
received the 7% increase. He also percentage increases each year. Country to the official university
policy, there were no distinctions based on merit. Dr. Pancho was visibly upset about what he
considered to be a major inequity. He then called the dean’s secretary to schedule an appointment to
discuss the situation with Dean Lacap.
State the main problem of Dr. Pancho.

Dr. Pancho's main problem is that his salary increased only by 7%, which is contrary to what he expected
because he does his job well, and one thing is that they have the same percentage of salary as the other
chairs despite the fact that they are not professionally active on a national level, unlike him. That is what
he considered a significant equity.

State the different areas of consideration following the guide below.

Strengths of Dr. Pancho

 He has been a department member for 15 years and a full professor for 10 years.
 He also a Hardworking and productive
 He created a very sophisticated performance appraisal system
 All of his proposals were well-documented.

Weaknesses of Dr. Pancho

 He is dissatisfied with his pay increase and has high expectations.

Opportunities of Dr. Pancho

 With his expertise, he can be recruited by other schools who will compensate him for his efforts.
 His willingness to talk about these things can draw attention to the benefits of each employee's
hard work.

Threats of Dr. Pancho

 Dr. Pancho will lose motivation if the problem is not solved.

 The organization's dear not adhering to university rules

Give your proposed solutions/alternative courses of action or ACA (minimum of three) to help Dean
Lacap solve the problem raised by Dr. Pancho. State also the advantages and disadvantages of each


Provide specific guidelines Facilitates competence and a The merits are impossible
regarding the qualifications for clear understanding of the goals
salary increases.

Dean Lucap shall examine the Those in charge who are The dean always gives equal
chairs in accordance with the working hard to achieve the percentage increases, other
stated policy of the goal chairs will be jealous.
organization. will be more interested and
motivated to create their works
more efficient.
Merit evaluation and allocation To inspire or motivates the There are cases where that
salary rise relevant employees in the company worth exists not profit from

State your recommendations based on your ACA. Elaborate your answer.

My opinion here is that Dean should evaluated the chairs fair without contrary to the official university’s
policy and Dr. Pancho should also coordinate early to Dean Lucap so that no more appointment may
happen. I think Dr. Pancho is right because as stated that he met the standards of qualification, his
performance also is success and he is personally active compared to the performance of other chairs
and this may considered as a discrimination but Dr. Pancho should know also that he just new to his
position as a chair because university’s policy is also based on the length of services.

In this case, in my opinion, the Dean should evaluate the chairs fairly without violating the official
university policy, and Dr. Pancho should also collaborate early with Dean Lucap to ensure that no
further appointments occur. I believe Dr. Pancho is correct because, as stated, he met the
qualification standards, his performance is successful, and he is personally active when compared to
the performance of other chairs, which may be considered discrimination, but Dr. Pancho should also
be aware that he is new to his position as a chair because the university's policy is also based on
length of service.

In the other ways of this case is always happening maybe Dr. Pancho and other member of that
department who actually attaining the good performance may discourage instead of they maybe more
enhancing their abilities to perform more effectively. I have also stated that Dean Lucap should have a
clear explanation for that case so that if ever Dr. Pancho may understand it. in that way Dr. Pancho will
continuously doing his job well.

In other words, if Dr. Pancho and other members of that department get good results, they may feel
discouraged rather than enhancing their ability to perform more effectively. I've also emphasized that
Dean Lucap should have a detailed explanation for that situation so that Dr. Pancho may grasp it. Dr.
Pancho will continue to do a good job in this manner.

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