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Role-play: Traveling

A1: You are a receptionist of a 5* hotel. You are very polite and you can deal with
annoyed guests. Try to calm down the guest and solve any issues they have. Try to
avoid calling the manager.

B1: You are a wealthy businessman staying at a 5* hotel. You are used to quality
service and luxury, but this hotel doesn’t offer it. The room is too small, staff is rude,
AC is noisy. You want to talk to the manager.

A2: You rent out a flat on Airbnb, and you have been a very popular host so far. Now
you have guests who are unhappy about many things. They want to leave and a
refund. Persuade them to stay.

B2: You have used Airbnb before and you never experienced any problems. This time
you are very unhappy. The flat is far from the sea, far from the centre, it doesn’t have
a balcony and hot water isn’t working.You want to leave and a full refund.

A3: You work in a travel agency. Help your clients to chose an ideal holiday. Ask
about their budget, preferences, and expectations. Offer advice, suggest different
options. Try to persuade them to try an active, adventurous holiday.

B3: You are planning a holiday. Visit a travel agency and ask for help. Describe your
ideal holiday, express your wishes, and ask about all the details. You want to relax,
sunbathe and read books.

A4: You are a waiter in a local restaurant in an exotic destination. You serve traditional
food which your customers don’t know. Explain what the food contains, talk about
the ingredients, preparation, texture, etc.

B4: You are on a holiday in an exotic destination. You want to try some traditional
food in a local restaurant, but the menu is not in English. Ask the waiter for advice.
Find as much about the food as you can.

A5: You sell traditional handmade products on a local market. Praise your products,
explain how they are made, if they have any functions or serve only as a decoration.
Set your price high and try to sell at best price.
B5: You are visiting a local market, looking for gifts for you and your family. You like
handmade, eco-friendly products. Ask a lot of questions and haggle the price down.

Role-play #1
A. You are a cancer patient. You don’t want chemotherapy because you heard it is not
good for
you. It kills cells. It doesn’t help, the pharmaceutical companies just want to earn
money by
promoting chemo as useful. The doctors are paid by the pharma companies and they
will let you
die because they care about money and not about you. Talk to your doctor and
explain why you
refuse the treatment. Explain that you will use juices and herbal medicine instead. You
read on the
internet that it saved thousands of people.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B. You are a doctor. An oncologist. A person of science. A rational being. You believe
in data, facts
, and verifiable experiments. You have a patient who refuses chemotherapy because
they read on
the internet that it kills people. She wants to drink juices instead. You know that
chemo could save
her. You caught cancer early on, here is a very high chance of recovery. You know
that if she
refuses there is a very high chance she dies. Try to save her life.

Role-play #2
A. You watch the sky every day. You see it every day – the trails in the sky. The
chemical trails.
Chemtrails. What else can that be? They are trying to poison us. Manipulate us.
You’ve seen
videos. Some pilots confirmed it. Persuade your friend that chemtrails are a real
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B. You are a person of science. A rational being. You believe in data, facts, and
experiments. You know that the so-called chemtrails are just condensation trails from
planes and
are perfectly normal. Try to explain the science behind the condensation trails to your

Role-play #3
A. You decided not to vaccinate your children. You read articles about vaccination
and you learned
how dangerous it is. It causes autism and contains lead and other toxic elements. You
know what is
best for your child and herbal teas and some meditation will work just fine. You are
angry that your
friend doesn’t support you.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B. You are a person of science. A rational being. You believe in data, facts, and
experiments. Your friend decided not to vaccinate their children. They believe that
causes autism and that it is dangerous. Try to explain the benefits of vaccination and
to disprove
those absurd theories.

Reservations (airline)
Do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon?

Reservations clerk: — Northwind Airways, good morning. May I help you?

You: — ...
Reservations clerk: — One moment, please... Yes. There´s a flight at 16:45 and
one at 18:00.
You: — ...
Reservations clerk: — Economy, business class or first class ticket?
You: — ...
Reservations clerk: — That would be €346.
You: — ...
Reservations clerk: — Certainly. Which flight would you like?
You: — ...
Reservations clerk: — Could I have your name, please?
You: — ...
Reservations clerk: — How would you like to pay, Ms. Jones?
You: — ...
Reservations clerk: — Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at
least two hours before departure time.
You: — ...
Reservations clerk: — Now you have been booked, Ms. Jones. The flight
leaves at 16:45, and your arrival in Sydney will be at
9:25 a.m., local time. The flight number is NWA 476.

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