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The Parisian Life is made by Juan Luna in the year 1892.

Luna was a Filipino painter, sculptor and an activist, a political
activist of the Philippine Revolution. Juan Luna was one of the
most recognized artists in the Philippines and he painted many
arts including “The Parisian Life”. Observing the pictures, I
thought of two interpretations in the pictures while imagining the
exact scenarios from the painting. Analysing and staring at the
picture the first interpretation that come up to my mind was the
literal meaning of the painting. As we can all see that the painting
has a woman sitting in a coffee shop, since it was made in 1892
and learning the lifestyle of the people there, I easily assumed
that it was one of the quiet and simple lives of the rich people that
are taking some air after having a bad day. It was easy for me to
think of it as I did not go deep interpreting the painting but as I
was staring to it for too long, my second interpretation is about
how horrible and tragic the situation of every woman in the year
1892 which is also the Spanish Revolution. Starring at the eye of
the woman, I can feel the sadness and sorrow that the painting
conveys, I can sense the uncomfortable position and feeling of
the woman sitting in the café or bar as she was taking some air to
breathe after the mistreatment of the Spanish. As she was staring
in the air, I also assumed that she was reminiscing how Spanish
take advantage of the country and to every people, most
especially to the women that experience how painful living in such
a cruel world.

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