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Myriad desires, myriad desires

Desires that are at the tip of the tongue!

When well-spring sprout in abundance…

Streams of sweetness overflow, infusing that enticing flavour

Love! Longing!

The taste of little cherries that melt, craving that aged like fine wine

Tempting nostalgia that sweeps my fantasy

Are all so joyous!

Myriad, myriad desires

Desires that are at the tip of the tongue

Drip by drip it brims like from that spills

The sweetness that the lips tasted long ago

This tiny desire that remained unfulfilled for long

That obscure desire has surged again in the mouth today…

These strawberry branches as it bears fruits..Am I searching?...Is my desire swelling up?

Memories are the cravings that’s never forgotten..Those flavours ooze out into the heart.

That which was not given! That which remained a gripe

Myriad desires, myriad desires

Desires that are at the tip of the tongue!

When well-spring sprout in abundance…

Streams of sweetness overflow, infusing that enticing flavour

Love! Longing!

The taste of little cherries that melt, craving that aged like fine wine

Tempting nostalgia that sweeps my fantasy

Are all so joyous!

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