Review of Literature

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In the research done by Parthasarthi. V (2018) “Sensation above sense” has been the most followed
ideology of the Indian Media which altered audience preference from consuming the real news to a
politically motivated and ideologically inspired news that has a touch of sensationalism, drama and
chaos. The media ethics and professionalism has taken a backseat while chasing for stories that has
higher chance of gaining TRP, thus the Indian media have lost its credibility and chose to flash light upon
issues that doesn’t actually concern the nation, rather they get hold of those stories that cater the
entertainment needs of the audience. The honourable Supreme Court has even pointed out the fact that
the Indian media needs to be considerate of the constitutional values and exercise the freedom of
media by redefining their boundaries, ethics and professionalism by acting as an actual watchdog of

After several waves of deregulation in the 1990s, a massive change in the TV landscape changed the
environment of broadcasting from one energy shortage to one of abundance. The audience’s
unquenchable appetite for pictures and sound, the business savvy of local entrepreneurs, the entry of
international media actors, and shifts in consumption patterns generally all contribute to this
development. Together, these ideas offer some plausible explanations for the historical transition in the
TV economy, but the neglect to take into account how government involvement helped to actualize
ands moderate this movement . We can now more clearly see the traces of a setting that made it
possible to develop the particular media abundance present in the tv landscape today when we look
back on the last 25 years. In assessing the supporting system

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