Dulay. Cas Assign.

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Dulay, Joenner Harold S.


Define, discuss and give examples about the six (6) types of verbal tactics that Lead to feelings of
separation and defensiveness.

Six (6) Types of Verbal Tactics

 Global Label – is the process of basing a characterization of someone on a one-dimensional

representation of their character.
Example: “A boss might become an ignorant jerk.”
 Sarcasm – is an ironic or satirical remark tempered by humor. Mainly, people use it to say the
opposite of what’s true to make someone look or feel foolish.
Example: let’s say you see someone struggling to open a door and you ask them, “Do you want
help?” If they reply by saying, “No thanks. I’m really enjoying the challenge,”
 Dragging up the past – to start talking about something when it is not necessary, usually
something unpleasant that happened in the past and that other people want to forget.
Example: When a person keep dragging up your mistake or embarrassment.
 Negative Comparison - Comparing negatively, critically examining the beliefs driving you to
compare and allow you to form more accurate views of how you compare to particular other
people and to people in general.
Example: Paris isn’t as big as Tokyo(Tokyo is bigger than Paris.)
 Judgemental “you” message –
Forming opinions of people and situations very quickly, when it would be better for them to wait
until they know more about the person or situation.
Example: “You’re so lazy, you will never going to graduate”
 Threat – a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on
someone in retribution for something done or not done.
Example: If you tell someone “I am going to kill you,”.

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