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JAMA Cardiology | Original Investigation

Diagnosis of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction

Among Patients With Unexplained Dyspnea
Yogesh N. V. Reddy, MD, MSc; David M. Kaye, MBBS, PhD; M. Louis Handoko, MD, PhD;
Arno A. van de Bovenkamp, MD; Ryan J. Tedford, MD; Carson Keck, MD; Mads J. Andersen, MD, PhD;
Kavita Sharma, MD; Rishi K. Trivedi, MD, PhD; Rickey E. Carter, PhD; Masaru Obokata, MD, PhD;
Frederik H. Verbrugge, MD, PhD; Margaret M. Redfield, MD; Barry A. Borlaug, MD

Supplemental content
IMPORTANCE Diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) among
dyspneic patients without overt congestion is challenging. Multiple diagnostic approaches
have been proposed but are not well validated against the independent gold standard for
HFpEF diagnosis of an elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) during exercise.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF scores and a PCWP/cardiac output (CO) slope
of more than 2 mm Hg/L/min to diagnose HFpEF.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This retrospective case-control study included patients
with unexplained dyspnea from 6 centers in the US, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Australia
from March 2016 to October 2020. Diagnosis of HFpEF (cases) was definitively ascertained
by the presence of elevated PCWP during exertion; control individuals were those with
normal rest and exercise hemodynamics.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Logistic regression was used to evaluate the accuracy of
HFA-PEFF and H2FPEF scores to discriminate patients with HFpEF from controls.

RESULTS Among 736 patients, 563 (76%) were diagnosed with HFpEF (mean [SD] age, 69 [11]
years; 334 [59%] female) and 173 (24%) represented controls (mean [SD] age, 60 [15] years;
109 [63%] female). H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF scores discriminated patients with HFpEF from
controls, but the H2FPEF score had greater area under the curve (0.845; 95% CI,
0.810-0.875) compared with the HFA-PEFF score (0.710; 95% CI, 0.659-0.756) (difference,
−0.134; 95% CI, –0.177 to −0.094; P < .001). Specificity was robust for both scores, but
sensitivity was poorer for HFA-PEFF, with a false-negative rate of 55% for low-probability
scores compared with 25% using the H2FPEF score. Use of the PCWP/CO slope to redefine
HFpEF rather than exercise PCWP reclassified 20% (117 of 583) of patients, but patients
reclassified from HFpEF to control by this metric had clinical, echocardiographic, and
hemodynamic features typical of HFpEF, including elevated resting PCWP in 66% (46 of 70)
of reclassified patients.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this case-control study, despite requiring fewer data, the
H2FPEF score had superior diagnostic performance compared with the HFA-PEFF score and
PCWP/CO slope in the evaluation of unexplained dyspnea and HFpEF in the outpatient

Author Affiliations: Author

affiliations are listed at the end of this
Corresponding Author: Barry A.
Borlaug, MD, Department of
Cardiovascular Medicine, Mayo Clinic,
JAMA Cardiol. 2022;7(9):891-899. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2022.1916 200 First St SW, Rochester, MN 55905
Published online July 13, 2022. (

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Research Original Investigation Diagnosis of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction Among Patients With Unexplained Dyspnea

xertional dyspnea is one of the most common symp-
toms reported in clinical practice, particularly among Key Points
older adults and adults with obesity.1 Heart failure (HF)
Question What is the performance of the H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF
with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is a common etiol- algorithms to diagnose heart failure with preserved ejection
ogy that is important to identify to guide proper treatment.2-4 fraction (HFpEF) compared with the invasive gold standard of an
Diagnosis of HFpEF is straightforward among patients with elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) during
overt congestion but is often challenging in ambulatory pa- exercise?
tients with exertional dyspnea, in whom symptoms and he- Findings In this case-control study of 736 patients, H2FPEF and
modynamic abnormalities often manifest only during exer- HFA-PEFF scores provided discriminatory information to identify
tional activities.5-11 Hemodynamic exercise testing has thus HFpEF, but there was superior discrimination for the H2FPEF
emerged as the gold standard to definitively establish or re- score. The use of an alternative criterion, the PCWP/cardiac output
fute the diagnosis among these patients,7,9,12 but estimates from slope, led to potential misclassification in 20% of patients.
community-based studies still show that many patients with Meaning The findings suggest that the H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF
dyspnea due to HFpEF remain undiagnosed.13 algorithms can discriminate patients with HFpEF from control
Clinical scoring models are widely available in cardiovas- individuals among ambulatory patients with dyspnea and that the
cular medicine to enhance diagnosis, risk stratification, and H2FPEF score provides superior diagnostic performance despite
fewer input variables.
medical decision-making, but few are routinely used in clini-
cal practice because of complexity, time requirements for ap-
plication, and lack of external validation reducing confidence Case Definitions and Ascertainment
in their veracity.14-16 Two scoring models were developed Across all centers, patients were studied in the supine posi-
to enhance diagnostic evaluation in HFpEF: the H2FPEF and tion at rest and during supine cycle ergometry exercise to
HFA-PEFF algorithms.7,10 These models have been validated exhaustion.9,10 For the primary analysis, positive diagnosis of
using the reference standards of diagnosis established by HFpEF (cases) was defined as elevated PCWP at rest (≥15 mm
clinical impression,17-20 trial eligibility,21-23 and previous HF Hg) or during exercise (≥25 mm Hg) at cardiac catheterization
hospitalization,24,25 but to our knowledge, no multicenter study based on current guidelines.7 Control individuals were de-
has yet validated these approaches using the invasive gold fined as those with normal rest and exercise hemodynamics
standard.7 In this study, we sought to validate HFA-PEFF and across all centers, with symptoms deemed primarily related
H2FPEF scores in patients with unexplained dyspnea from a large, to deconditioning. More details of exclusion criteria and evalu-
multicenter, international cohort, with case-control status ascer- ation are given in the eMethods in the Supplement.
tained definitively using the gold standard—an elevated pulmo-
nary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) during exercise. H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF Scores
The European Society of Cardiology HFA-PEFF score is calcu-
lated from echocardiography and natriuretic peptide data (eFig-
ure 1 in the Supplement).7 Scores of 0 to 1 are considered to
Methods represent low probability of HFpEF (rule out), and scores of 5
This international, multicenter, case-control study included to 6 represent high probability (rule in).7 The H2FPEF score in-
patients with unexplained dyspnea and normal EF (≥50%) who cludes echocardiographic and clinical variables and ranges from
underwent evaluation for possible HFpEF in 3 centers in the 0 to 9 (Figure).10 H2FPEF scores of 0 to 1 are associated with a
US (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; Johns Hopkins Hos- low probability of HFpEF (<25%; rule out), and scores of 6 to
pital, Baltimore, Maryland; and Medical University of South 9 are associated with a high probability of HFpEF (>90%; rule
Carolina, Charleston) and 3 international centers (Amster- in).10 Patients with scores in the intermediate category for both
dam University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, the Nether- scores require additional exercise testing for diagnosis.
lands; Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark; and Al- An additional sensitivity analysis was performed in which
fred Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) from March 2016 HFpEF case status was defined using a recently proposed al-
to October 2020. Because HFA-PEFF and H2FPEF scores re- ternative hemodynamic criterion: the slope of increase in PCWP
quire echocardiographic variables, only patients with echo- compared with the increase in cardiac output (CO) with exer-
cardiographic data available were included. The H2FPEF score cise of more than 2 mm Hg/L/min rather than the absolute
was originally derived and then validated from a cohort of pa- PCWP at rest and exercise.26
tients who underwent invasive exercise testing for the evalu-
ation of unexplained dyspnea at 1 center between 2006 and Statistical Analysis
2016.10 Because of the potential for overinflation of diagnos- Logistic regression with receiver operating characteristic curves
tic performance, patients from this original derivation and vali- was used to assess the strength of association and discrimina-
dation cohort were not included. This study followed the tory performance of the variables included in the HFA-PEFF and
Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epi- H2FPEF scores. Because these scores are used as both rule-
demiology (STROBE) reporting guideline. The study was out and rule-in tests, sensitivity of the suggested low-
approved by the Mayo Clinic institutional review board, which probability HFpEF cut points (≤1 for both scores) and speci-
waived informed consent because of the use of deidentified ficity of the suggested high-probability cut points (≥6 for the
patient data. H2FPEF score and ≥5 for the HFA-PEFF score) were tested by

892 JAMA Cardiology September 2022 Volume 7, Number 9 (Reprinted)

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Diagnosis of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction Among Patients With Unexplained Dyspnea Original Investigation Research

Figure. Comparison of H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF Scores for Diagnosis of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF)

A Prevalence of HFpEF for H2FPEF score B Prevalence of HFpEF for HFA-PEFF score

100 100

80 80

60 60
HFpEF, %

HFpEF, %
40 40

20 20

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
H2FPEF score HFA-PEFF score

C ROC curve for H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF score D Prevalence of HFpEF for each score category

1.0 100

H2FPEF score H2FPEF score

HFA-PEFF score
0.8 80

0.6 60

HFpEF, %

0.4 40

0.2 20

P <.0001

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Low Intermediate High
1 – Specificity Score probability category

H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF scores of 0 to 1 indicated a low probability of HFpEF; exercise testing for diagnosis. C, The P value is for the difference in area under
H2FPEF scores of 6 to 9 and HFA-PEFF scores of 5 to 6 indicated a high the curve between scores. ROC indicates receiver operating characteristic.
probability of HFpEF. Intermediate probability of HFpEF required additional

logistic regression compared with the gold standard diagno- all centers, 563 (76%) were diagnosed with HFpEF (mean [SD]
sis from invasive exercise testing. Positive predictive value age, 69 [11] years; 334 [59%] female) and 173 (24%) repre-
(PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were plotted as a sented controls (mean [SD] age, 60 [15] years; 109 [63%] fe-
function of disease prevalence based on sensitivity and speci- male). The distribution of scores, patients from participating
ficity, according to formulas derived from Bayes theorem. Full centers, and the clinical characteristics of patients are pre-
details are included in the eMethods in the Supplement. Two- sented in eTables 1 to 3 and eFigure 2 in the Supplement. Over-
sided P < .05 was considered significant. We analyzed data all, compared with controls, patients with HFpEF were older,
using JMP, version 14.1.0 (JMP Statistical Discovery LLC) and were more likely to have obesity, and had a higher prevalence
BlueSky Statistics, version 7.40 (BlueSky Statistics LLC). of hypertension, atrial fibrillation (AF), and kidney dysfunc-
tion with higher natriuretic peptide levels (Table 1).
On echocardiography, patients with HFpEF were more
likely to have diastolic dysfunction, with higher noninvasive
Results estimates of filling pressure (higher early diastolic mitral in-
Among 736 patients with unexplained dyspnea who had data flow velocity to septal mitral annulus tissue relaxation veloc-
necessary to calculate the HFA-PEFF or H2FPEF score across ity [E/e′] ratio), lower e′, and greater estimated right ventricu- (Reprinted) JAMA Cardiology September 2022 Volume 7, Number 9 893

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Research Original Investigation Diagnosis of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction Among Patients With Unexplained Dyspnea

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Study Patientsa

Control individuals Patients with HFpEF
Characteristic (n = 173) (n = 563) P value
Age, y 60 (15) 69 (11) <.001
Sex, No. (%)
Female 109 (63) 334 (59)
Male 64 (37) 229 (41)
Body mass indexb 27.9 (5.8) 32.4 (7.2) <.001
Comorbidities, No. (%)
Hypertension 111 (64) 463 (82) <.001
Diabetes 25 (14) 108 (19) .15
Atrial fibrillation
Any 14 (8) 212 (38) <.001
Paroxysmal 10 (6) 126 (22) <.001
Permanent 4 (2) 86 (15) <.001
Hemoglobin level, g/dL 13.1 (1.6) 13.0 (1.6) .20
NTproBNP level, mean (95% CI), pg/mL 83 (50-198) 273 (99-868) <.001
Abbreviations: CO, cardiac output;
Creatinine level, mg/dL 0.98 (0.32) 1.12 (0.62) .007
e′, septal mitral annulus tissue
Echocardiography relaxation velocity in early diastole;
LV end diastolic dimension, mm 47 (5) 48 (7) .09 E/e′, ratio of early diastolic mitral
LV mass index, g/m2 78 (25) 86 (27) <.001 inflow velocity to e′; HFpEF, heart
Relative wall thickness 0.39 (0.10) 0.41 (0.10) .001 failure with preserved ejection
fraction; LA, left atrium; LV, left
Septal wall thickness, mm 9.4 (2.3) 10.3 (2.3) <.001
ventricle; NA, not applicable;
LV ejection fraction, % 62 (6) 61 (6) .03 NTproBNP, N-terminal pro brain
LA volume index, mL/m2 32 (12) 37 (14) <.001 natriuretic peptide; PAP, pulmonary
Septal E/e′ ratio 9.3 (3.8) 12.9 (6.5) <.001 artery pressure; PASP, pulmonary
artery systolic pressure;
Septal e′, cm/s 8 (3) 7 (2) <.001
PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge
TR velocity, m/s 2.45 (0.45) 2.79 (0.58) <.001 pressure; TR, tricuspid regurgitation.
PASP, mm Hg 30 (11) 39 (15) <.001 SI conversion factors: To convert BNP
Invasive hemodynamics to ng/L, multiply by 1.0; creatinine to
Rest PCWP, mm Hg 10 (3) 16 (6) <.001 μmol/L, multiply by 88.4;
Rest mean PAP, mm Hg 18 (5) 28 (10) <.001 hemoglobin to g/L, multiply by 10.0.
Rest CO, L/minc 5.5 (1.6) 5.3 (1.9) .36 Data are presented as mean (SD)
values unless otherwise indicated.
Peak PCWP, mm Hg 18 (5) 32 (6) <.001
Calculated as weight in kilograms
Peak mean PAP, mm Hg 31 (8) 45 (11) <.001
divided by height in meters
Peak CO, L/min 10.6 (3.3) 9.1 (3.4) <.001 squared.
PCWP/CO slope, mean (95% CI), mm 1.6 (1.0-2.7) 4.2 (2.6-7.5) <.001 c
Hg/L/minc PCWP/CO slope was available for
146 controls and 437 patients with
PCWP/CO slope >2 mm Hg/L/min, No. (%)c 47 (32) 367 (84) <.001

lar systolic pressure than controls (Table 1). Ejection fraction with all necessary data available to calculate both scores, the
was slightly lower in the group with HFpEF. Left atrial vol- H2FPEF score had a higher area under the curve (AUC) (0.845;
ume, left ventricular mass, relative wall thickness, and septal 95% CI, 0.810-0.875; P < .001) compared with the HFA-PEFF
hypertrophy were greater in the group with HFpEF. score (0.710; 95% CI, 0.659-0.756; P < .001) (difference, −0.134;
95% CI, –0.177 to −0.094; P < .001) (Table 4 and Figure). The
Individual Components of the Scores false-negative rate was higher with the HFA-PEFF score than
All components of the H2FPEF score and nearly all compo- with the H2FPEF score; a total of 47% (20 of 43) of patients with
nents of the HFA-PEFF score demonstrated greater preva- a HFA-PEFF score of 0 and 61% (33 of 54) of patients with a
lence or severity in patients with HFpEF compared with con- HFA-PEFF score of 1 were found to have HFpEF based on inva-
trols (Table 2). All components of the H 2 FPEF score sive testing (Figure). Overall, there was a 55% false-negative rate
discriminated patients with HFpEF from controls individu- with HFA-PEFF estimation of low probability compared with 25%
ally, and most of the HFA-PEFF score components were also using the H2FPEF score. In contrast, for the H2FPEF score, 7%
predictive (Table 3 and eFigure 3 in the Supplement). (2 of 27) of patients with a score of 0 and 36% (15 of 42) of pa-
tients with a score of 1 were found to have HFpEF. False-
Validation of Diagnostic Utility positive rates were low for both algorithms in the rule-in range.
The H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF scores discriminated cases from A total of 279 of 298 patients (94%) with either an HFA-PEFF or
controls overall among the 627 patients for whom the H2FPEF H2FPEF score in the rule-in range had HFpEF, whereas 98% (117
score could be calculated and the 594 patients for whom the of 120) of patients with both scores in the rule-in range had
HFA-PEFF score could be calculated. Among the 485 patients HFpEF (eFigure 4 and eTable 4 in the Supplement).

894 JAMA Cardiology September 2022 Volume 7, Number 9 (Reprinted)

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Diagnosis of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction Among Patients With Unexplained Dyspnea Original Investigation Research

Table 2. Prevalence of Components of H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF Scores

No. (%)
Control individuals Patients with HFpEF
Score component (n = 173) (n = 563) P value
H2FPEF score
Age >60 y 97 (56) 461 (82) <.001
Obesitya 50 (29) 335 (59) <.001
Treated with ≥2 antihypertensives 64 (37) 375 (67) <.001
Any AF 14 (8) 212 (38) <.001
E/e′>9 66 (39) 381 (71) <.001 Abbreviations: AF, atrial fibrillation;
PASP>35 mm Hg 25 (17) 249 (49) <.001 e′, septal mitral annulus tissue
relaxation velocity in early diastole;
HFA-PEFF score
E/e′, ratio of early diastolic mitral
Functional domain inflow velocity to e′; HFpEF, heart
Septal e′<7 (age <75 y) or <5 (age >75 y) 45 (27) 187 (35) .05 failure with preserved ejection
Septal e′<7 58 (34) 258 (48) .002 fraction; LAVI, left atrial volume
index; LV, left ventricle;
E/e′≥15 16 (10) 152 (28) <.001
LVMI, LV mass index;
TR velocity >2.8 15 (13) 171 (40) <.001 NTproBNP, N-terminal pro brain
E/e′ of 9-14 50 (30) 221 (41) .006 natriuretic peptide; PASP, pulmonary
Functional domain scoreb artery systolic pressure; RWT, relative
2 63 (36) 373 (66) wall thickness; TR, tricuspid
1 19 (11) 80 (14) <.001 a
Defined as a body mass index
0 91 (53) 110 (20)
greater than 30 (calculated as
Morphological domain weight in kilograms divided by
LAVI>34 (sinus) or >40 (AF) 58 (36) 237 (48) .008 height in meters squared).
LAVI of 29-34 (sinus) or 34-40 (AF) 34 (21) 90 (18) .42 b
Scores range from 0 to 2, with
RWT>0.42 and LVMI≥149 (male) or ≥122 2 (1) 17 (3) .27 higher scores indicating higher
(female) functional domain score component
RWT>0.42 45 (26) 233 (43) <.001 of HFA-PEFF score.
LV wall thickness ≥12 18 (11) 151 (28) <.001 c
Scores range from 0 to 2, with
LVMI≥115 (male) or ≥95 (female) 21 (13) 113 (21) .01 higher scores indicating higher
Morphological domain scorec morphological domain score
component of HFA-PEFF score.
2 60 (35) 243 (43) d
Includes 37 patients with BNP
1 49 (28) 198 (35) .003 measurements from 1 center who
0 64 (37) 118 (21) had BNP greater than 80 (sinus) or
Natriuretic peptide domain greater than 240 (AF).
NTproBNP level >220 (sinus) or >660 (AF)d 31 (24) 243 (52) <.001 e
Includes 37 patients with BNP
NTproBNP level of 125-220 (sinus) or 24 (18) 75 (16) .54 measurements from 1 center who
375-660 (AF)e had BNP of 35 to 80 (sinus) or 105
Natriuretic peptide scoref to 240 (AF).
2 31 (24) 243 (52) Scores range from 0 to 2, with
1 24 (18) 75 (16) <.001 higher scores indicating higher
natriuretic peptide domain score
0 76 (58) 148 (32)
component of HFA-PEFF score.

Positive predictive values and NPVs varied with disease crepancies in HFpEF probability using H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF
prevalence. eFigure 5 in the Supplement shows the PPV and scores ranging between 28% and 41% have been reported by
NPV for the rule-in and rule-out thresholds for the H2FPEF and other researchers,13,18 similar to the 38% discordant result
HFA-PEFF scores plotted as a function of disease prevalence. observed in the present study. For patients with a low H2FPEF
In cohorts in which disease prevalence was high, differences score but an intermediate or a high HFA-PEFF score, the
in PPV between scores were not clinically significant, but the prevalence of true HFpEF was 30% (6 of 20). Among patients
2 scores differed more by NPV, which was greater for the rule- with a low HFA-PEFF score but an intermediate or a high
out H2FPEF score. Conversely, in populations with low dis- H2FPEF probability, the prevalence of true HFpEF was 78%
ease prevalence, modeling predicted greater discrimination (31 of 40).
with the H2FPEF compared with the HFA-PEFF, with higher Among the discrepantly categorized groups, body mass in-
PPV for rule-in values (eFigure 5 in the Supplement). dex, hypertension history, invasively verified HFpEF, and ex-
ertional pulmonary vascular pressures were higher in the
Concordance and Discordant Group Differences H2FPEF high-probability and HFA-PEFF low- and intermediate-
Most patients had concordant estimations of probability using probability groups, whereas left atrial volume and N-terminal
H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF scores (62.5% [303 of 485]), with the pro brain natriuretic peptide (NTproBNP) levels were higher
remaining patients (37.5% [182 of 485]) having discordant in the HFA-PEFF high-probability and H2FPEF low- and inter-
estimations of probability (eFigure 4 in the Supplement). Dis- mediate-probability groups (eTable 5 in the Supplement). (Reprinted) JAMA Cardiology September 2022 Volume 7, Number 9 895

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Research Original Investigation Diagnosis of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction Among Patients With Unexplained Dyspnea

Table 3. Operating Characteristics of Individual Score Components in Isolation

Sensi- Speci-
Score component OR (95% CI) AUC (95% CI) tivity ficity P value
H2FPEF score
Age >60 y 3.55 (2.45-5.13) 0.629 (0.589-0.669) 82 44 <.001
Obesitya 3.60 (2.49-5.21) 0.652 (0.614-0.693) 59 71 <.001
≥2 Antihypertensives 3.38 (2.37-4.82) 0.648 (0.606-0.688) 67 63 <.001
Any AF 6.84 (3.86-12.12) 0.648 (0.619-0.676) 38 92 <.001
E/e′>9 3.91 (2.72-5.62) 0.662 (0.621-0.704) 72 61 <.001
PASP>35 mm Hg 4.69 (2.95-7.46) 0.660 (0.622-0.697) 49 83 <.001
HFA-PEFF score
Functional domain
Septal e′<7 (age <75 y) or <5 1.47 (1.00-2.16) 0.541 (0.502-0.580) 35 73 .048
(age >75 y) Abbreviations: AF, atrial fibrillation;
Septal e′<7 1.77 (1.23-2.53) 0.568 (0.527-0.610) 48 66 .002 AUC, area under the curve; e′, septal
E/e′>15 3.82 (2.21-6.60) 0.595 (0.566-0.625) 29 90 <.001 mitral annulus tissue relaxation
velocity in early diastole; E/e′, ratio of
TR velocity >2.8 m/s 4.53 (2.54-8.05) 0.637 (0.598-0.676) 40 87 <.001
early diastolic mitral inflow velocity to
E/e′>9 3.91 (2.72-5.62) 0.662 (0.621-0.704) 72 61 <.001 e′; LAVI, left atrial volume index;
Functional domain score 4.88 (3.30-7.21) 0.676 (0.634-0.720) NA NA <.001 LV, left ventricle; LVMI, LV mass
Morphological domain index; NA, not applicable;
NTproBNP, N-terminal pro brain
LAVI>34 mL/m2 (SR) or >40 1.65 (1.14-2.38) 0.561 (0.517-0.604) 48 64 .008
mL/m2 (AF) natriuretic peptide; OR, odds ratio;
PASP, pulmonary artery systolic
LAVI>29 mL/m2 (SR) or >34 0.83 (0.54-1.30) 0.514 (0.478-0.551) NA NA .42
mL/m2 (AF) pressure; RWT, relative wall
thickness; SR, sinus rhythm;
RWT>0.42 g/m2 and LVMI≥149 2.75 (0.63-12.0) 0.510 (0.499-0.521) NA NA .18
(male) or ≥122 g/m2 (female) TR, tricuspid regurgitation.
RWT>0.42 2.11 (1.44-3.09) 0.583 (0.544-0.623) 43 74 <.001 Defined as a body mass index
LV wall thickness ≥12 mm 3.23 (1.91-5.45) 0.585 (0.556-0.615) 28 89 <.001 greater than 30 (calculated as
weight in kilograms divided by
LVMI≥115 (male) or ≥95 g/m2 1.86 (1.12-3.07) 0.542 (0.512-0.573) 21 87 .02 height in meters squared).
Morphological domain score 1.47 (1.19-1.82) 0.580 (0.532-0.627) 79 37 <.001 Includes 37 patients with BNP
measurements from 1 center who
Natriuretic peptide domain
had BNP greater than 80 (sinus) or
NTproBNP level >220 (SR) or 3.52 (2.26-5.47) 0.642 (0.600-0.685) 52 76 <.001 greater than 240 (AF).
>660 (AF)b c
Includes 37 patients with BNP
NTproBNP level >125 (SR) or 0.86 (0.52-1.42) 0.511 (0.474-0.548) NA NA .55
>375 (AF)c measurements from 1 center who
had BNP of 35 to 80 (sinus) or 105
Natriuretic peptide score 1.98 (1.58-2.49) 0.660 (0.612-0.708) NA NA <.001
to 240 (AF).

Table 4. Diagnostic Performance of the H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF Algorithms

OR per unit change
Overall score (95% CI) AUC (95% CI) P value AUC comparisona P value
H2FPEF (n = 627) 2.18 (1.89 to 2.52) 0.845 (0.810 to 0.875) <.001 1 [Reference] NA Abbreviations: AUC, area under the
curve; NA, not applicable; OR, odds
HFA-PEFF (n = 594) 1.53 (1.37 to 1.72) 0.710 (0.659 to 0.756) <.001 –0.134 (–0.177 to –0.094) <.001

Subgroup and Sensitivity Analyses of patients, with 70 HFpEF cases reclassified from case to con-
Discrimination for the H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF scores across trol and 47 controls reclassified as cases (eTable 7 in the Supple-
multiple subgroups of interest is given in eTable 6 in the Supple- ment). The H2FPEF and HFA-PEFF scores poorly discrimi-
ment. Among patients with a low NTproBNP level and HFpEF, nated patients with HFpEF from controls using this alternative
an incorrect low-probability score among patients with true hemodynamic definition to define HFpEF case status (AUC,
HFpEF was more common with the HFA-PEFF score (31.3% [46 0.673-0.690) (eTable 8 in the Supplement), but reclassified pa-
of 147]) compared with the H2FPEF score (4.2% [5 of 120]) tients had clinical, echocardiographic, and hemodynamic find-
(P < .001) (eFigure 6 in the Supplement). Patients with HFpEF ings that challenged the accuracy of reclassification.
and elevated NTproBNP levels were more likely to be classi- Patients reclassified from controls to cases by PCWP/CO
fied as having high probability of HFpEF using the HFA-PEFF slope had findings less typical of HFpEF, including lower body
score (75.1% [181 of 241]) compared with the H2FPEF score mass index, left ventricular mass, E/e′ ratio, and prevalence
(57.4% [120 of 209]), but the H2FPEF score remained robust of AF. In contrast, patients reclassified from cases to controls
even in the subset of patients with high NTproBNP levels and by PCWP/CO slope retained features typical of HFpEF in the
among patients with AF (eTable 6 in the Supplement). community, with a high prevalence of obesity and AF and el-
Use of a PCWP/CO slope more than 2 mm Hg/L/min rather evated pulmonary vascular pressures that predispose to lung
than peak exercise PCWP of 25 mm Hg or higher to define congestion at rest and during exercise. Two-thirds (66% [46
HFpEF case status led to reclassification of 20% (117 of 583) of 70]) of patients reclassified from cases to controls by the

896 JAMA Cardiology September 2022 Volume 7, Number 9 (Reprinted)

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Diagnosis of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction Among Patients With Unexplained Dyspnea Original Investigation Research

PCWP/CO slope had an elevated resting PCWP, even without mary differences among score components, including obe-
exercise testing. sity, AF, and natriuretic peptides (eFigure 1 in the Supplement).
Echocardiographic and natriuretic peptide abnormalities are
informative when present but have been shown to have poor
sensitivity for HFpEF.9,28 HFpEF is known to be associated with
Discussion comorbidities, including obesity, hypertension, and AF,5,6,8 and
In this multicenter, international, case-control study, we evalu- the inclusion of clinical factors provides orthogonal informa-
ated a large series of patients with unexplained exertional dys- tion to echocardiography to estimate pretest probability, po-
pnea for suspected HFpEF. Case status was ascertained defini- tentially explaining the superior diagnostic performance of the
tively using directly measured PCWP during invasive exercise H2FPEF score.
testing. This study’s data validated both scoring systems against A history of AF is associated with HFpEF.29-32 The HFA-
the reference standard defined by the Heart Failure Associa- PEFF score requires higher NTproBNP levels and left atrial sizes
tion of the European Society of Cardiology for diagnosis of to support the diagnosis of HFpEF in AF, essentially raising the
HFpEF as an elevation in PCWP during exercise,7 and greater diagnostic threshold for HFpEF in the presence of AF rather
sensitivity and overall diagnostic accuracy was found for than using the presence of AF as a biomarker of potential
the H2FPEF score. The use of an elevated PCWP/CO slope HFpEF. Obesity is one of the most common factors associ-
as an alternative diagnostic criteria for HFpEF, as recently ated with HFpEF, and natriuretic peptide levels are known to
proposed,26,27 reclassified 20% of patients and was associ- be lower (or even normal) in individuals with HFpEF and obe-
ated with poorer accuracy for the HFA-PEFF and H2FPEF sity despite equal or high filling pressures,28,33,34 which may
scores, with clinical, echocardiographic, and hemodynamic conceal the presence of HFpEF in patients with obesity.
features of reclassified patients being less typical of HFpEF seen In a sensitivity analysis comparing the discrepantly cat-
in the community. egorized patients (eTable 5 in the Supplement), those with a
Dyspnea is a commonly encountered patient concern in low-probability HFA-PEFF score and higher H2FPEF score were
clinical practice. Diagnosis of HFpEF is often challenging in this more likely to have hemodynamic evidence of HFpEF and other
setting9 but is important to provide insight into symptom characteristics typical of HFpEF. Both scores include exercise
causality, guide treatment decisions, and preclude unneces- testing among patients with intermediate probability, and in
sary testing for pulmonary, neuromuscular, and other disor- these cases, the true diagnosis would be ascertained defini-
ders. Despite increasing awareness in general practice, recent tively through exercise evaluation regardless of which score
data suggest that HFpEF remains underrecognized. Selvaraj and was applied.7,8,10 Therefore, for clinical purposes, the impor-
colleagues13 found that patients with self-reported dyspnea, no tant differences reside in the rule-in and rule-out perfor-
documented HFpEF, and an elevated H2FPEF or HFA-PEFF score mances. Of note, 54 of 97 patients (56%) with low HFA-PEFF
had HF event rates that were similar to those among patients scores of 0 or 1 (deemed exclusionary for HFpEF)7 were found
with clinically diagnosed HFpEF. This finding suggests that to have HFpEF, and the diagnosis would have been missed in
many of the patients had undiagnosed HFpEF, and this cohort these patients. The validation of both scores with the use of
constituted one-third of the total population with HFpEF in that the invasive standard across multiple centers in our study sug-
community-based study, underlining the potential magnitude gests that the scoring systems may be useful to enrich clinical
of the problem. Although it is not feasible or warranted to per- trials for genuine HFpEF, particularly because both scores have
form invasive exercise testing for all patients at risk of HFpEF, been shown to also predict high event rates.22,25
underdiagnosis may deprive afflicted patients of effective Previous studies17-24 validated these scores using less ro-
treatments.2-4 bust reference standards and were variably limited by a lack
Clinical risk scores offer a solution that may boost aware- of appropriate dyspneic controls, use of variable case defini-
ness and help inform medical decision-making regarding tions, and of note, the absence of definitive case or control as-
further evaluation, particularly when instruments are exter- certainment. These previous validation studies used HFpEF
nally validated and not overly complex.14-16 The H2FPEF score case status defined by previous HF hospitalization, clinical
is an evidence-based algorithm that combines echocardio- impressions, or trial criteria and controls who were asymp-
graphic and clinical variables and was previously derived and tomatic or had no cardiovascular history.
validated in populations other than those in the present study.10 Previous HF hospitalization is pathognomonic for HFpEF,
Discrimination of patients with HFpEF from controls in this and the diagnosis of HFpEF is not considered to be challeng-
study was similar to that in the previous derivation study; the ing in this cohort.5 Other studies have used asymptomatic
AUC to distinguish patients with HFpEF from controls with the controls, but a control group that also seeks care for dyspnea
H2FPEF score was 0.845 in this study and was 0.841 in the pre- and in whom disease is definitively excluded should be in-
vious study,10 indicating robust reproducibility and external cluded to accurately evaluate diagnostic accuracy.
validation. To our knowledge, only 1 other study has used an inva-
The HFA-PEFF score is a somewhat more complex algo- sive approach to evaluate discrimination using HFA-PEFF and
rithm using data from echocardiography and natriuretic pep- H2FPEF scores. Churchill et al26 reported similar accuracy for
tide testing.7 The reasons for the greater diagnostic accuracy the 2 scores (AUC of 0.73 for HFA-PEFF and 0.74 for H2FPEF).
observed in the present study with the H2FPEF score com- Accuracy for the HFA-PEFF score in the present study was simi-
pared with the HFA-PEFF score may be associated with the pri- lar to the accuracy in that study, but discrimination using the (Reprinted) JAMA Cardiology September 2022 Volume 7, Number 9 897

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Research Original Investigation Diagnosis of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction Among Patients With Unexplained Dyspnea

H2FPEF score was greater in the present study. There are sev- Limitations
eral potential reasons for this difference. One explanation may The study has limitations. All patients were referred to cath-
be patient selection. The study by Churchill et al26 included eterization for diagnosis, but invasive assessment has be-
data from a younger (mean age, 59 years) and selective co- come routine practice at many centers and is necessary to de-
hort of 156 patients identified over 12 years at a single center finitively ascertain case or control status. Referral patterns for
(approximately 13 patients per year),26 limiting external va- invasive cardiopulmonary exercise testing likely differed across
lidity, compared with the present, multicenter study, which the institutions studied, introducing bias. Although our mod-
included 736 patients. eling estimates suggested similar test characteristics at lower
An important difference may be the definition of HFpEF used disease prevalence, the overall high prevalence of HFpEF in
as the gold standard. Churchill et al.26 used a lower cutoff value the study sample may impact generalizability, and further
for exercise PCWP to define case status (≥15 mm Hg) if there was study in a broader population is needed. Pressure waveforms
an increased PCWP/CO slope, whereas the present study used were interpreted individually at each center rather than
a more restrictive reference standard of a higher exercise PCWP through a central core laboratory. Although individual inter-
(≥25 mm Hg) without adjustment for CO.7 These definitions pretations may introduce greater variability, this is reflective
agreed for most patients (80%), but there were differences in the of real-world clinical practice, enhancing generalizability.
remaining 20%.26 Patients reclassified from controls to cases Whereas this multicenter study included patients evaluated
based on the PCWP/CO slope in the present study had features across 3 continents, there was no representation from Africa,
that are not typical of HFpEF, including young age, low comor- South America, or Asia,20 where prevalence of obesity and
bidity burden, and normal PCWP and pulmonary artery pres- other comorbidities differ; thus, this study’s results may not
sures, raising questions of whether these patients should be di- apply to these regions.
agnosed with HFpEF. Conversely, patients reclassified from cases
to controls based on the PCWP/CO slope had features typical of
HFpEF, including high comorbidity burden, obesity, diastolic dys-
function, and elevated pulmonary vascular pressures that cause
dyspnea (eTable 6 in the Supplement). Therefore, the lower di- In this case-control study, both the H2FPEF and the HFA-PEFF
agnostic performance of the 2 scores in the study by Churchill algorithms discriminated patients with HFpEF from controls
et al26 may be associated with limitations of the PCWP/CO slope with high specificity among patients presenting with unex-
in defining HFpEF case status, and these limitations may ex- plained dyspnea, but the H2FPEF score provided superior sen-
plain the poorer discrimination observed using the PCWP/CO sitivity and overall diagnostic accuracy despite the require-
slope with both scores in the present study. ment of fewer input variables.

ARTICLE INFORMATION for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the CareDx Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Alleviant Eidos
Accepted for Publication: May 13, 2022. data analysis. Therapeutics, and United Therapeutics; serving on
Concept and design: Reddy, Carter, Redfield, a research advisory board for Abiomed; and
Published Online: July 13, 2022. Borlaug. performing hemodynamic core laboratory work for
doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2022.1916 Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Merck and Actelion. Dr Sharma reported receiving
Author Affiliations: Department of Cardiovascular Reddy, Kaye, Handoko, van de Bovenkamp, personal fees from Novartis, Bayer, Novo Nordisk,
Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota Tedford, Keck, Andersen, Sharma, Trivedi, Obokata, Boehringer Ingelheim, Janssen, and AstraZeneca
(Reddy, Verbrugge, Redfield, Borlaug); Department Verbrugge, Borlaug. and grants from Amgen outside the submitted
of Cardiology, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Drafting of the manuscript: Reddy, Sharma, Carter, work. Dr Carter reported receiving grants from the
Australia (Kaye); Department of Cardiology, Borlaug. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Vrije Critical revision of the manuscript for important and the National Center for Advancing Translational
Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam intellectual content: Reddy, Kaye, Handoko, van de Sciences (NCATS), National Institutes of Health
Cardiovascular Sciences, Amsterdam, the Bovenkamp, Tedford, Keck, Andersen, Trivedi, (NIH), and serving on the scientific advisory board
Netherlands (Handoko, van de Bovenkamp); Carter, Obokata, Verbrugge, Redfield, Borlaug. for Anumana, Inc outside the submitted work.
Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Statistical analysis: Reddy, Keck, Borlaug. Dr Obokata reported receiving research grants from
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston Obtained funding: Tedford, Borlaug. the Fukuda Foundation for Medical Technology,
(Tedford, Keck); Department of Cardiology, Aarhus Administrative, technical, or material support: Mochida Memorial Foundation for Medical and
University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (Andersen); Handoko, van de Bovenkamp, Tedford, Keck, Pharmaceutical Research, Nippon Shinyaku,
Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Trivedi, Borlaug. Japanese Circulation Society, and Takeda Science
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland Supervision: Tedford, Obokata, Borlaug. Foundation. Dr Verbrugge reported receiving a
(Sharma, Trivedi); Department of Health Sciences Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Reddy fellowship from the Belgian American Educational
Research, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida reported receiving grants from Bayer and Sleep Foundation and Special Research Fund (Bijzonder
(Carter); Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Number and an internal competitive grant program Onderzoeksfonds) of Hasselt University. Dr Borlaug
Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, from Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Division. reported receiving grants from the NHLBI, NIH, and
Maebashi, Gunma, Japan (Obokata); Biomedical Dr Handoko reported receiving grants from The the US Department of Defense; research funding
Research Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Life Dutch Heart Foundation and educational, speaker, from Axon, AstraZeneca, Corvia, Medtronic,
Sciences, Hasselt University, Hasselt, Belgium and consultancy fees from Novartis, Boehringer GlaxoSmithKline, Mesoblast, Novartis, and Tenax
(Verbrugge); Centre for Cardiovascular Diseases, Ingelheim, AstraZeneca, Vifor Pharma, Bayer, Merck Therapeutics; and serving on steering committee
University Hospital Brussels, Jette, Belgium Sharp & Dohme, Abbott, Daiichi Sankyo, and Quin and consulting for Actelion, Amgen, Aria,
(Verbrugge). outside the submitted work. Dr Tedford reported Boehringer Ingelheim, Edwards Lifesciences,
Author Contributions: Dr Reddy had full access to consulting and serving on the steering committee Eli Lilly, Imbria, Janssen, Merck, Novo Nordisk,
all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for Abbott, Medtronic, Acceleron Pharma, and Aria NGMBio, ShouTi, and VADovations. No other
CV; consulting for Edwards Gradient, Itamar, disclosures were reported.

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Diagnosis of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction Among Patients With Unexplained Dyspnea Original Investigation Research

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