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ME214: Fluid Mechanics I

Tutorial 1
Problem 1. The Stokes-Oseen formula for drag force F on a sphere of diameter 𝐷 in a fluid
stream of velocity 𝑉, density 𝜌, and viscosity µ is
𝐹 = 3𝜋𝜇𝐷 𝑉 + ( ) 𝜌𝑉 2 𝐷2
Is this formula dimensionally homogenous? Explain.
Problem 2. Eight kilometers below the surface of the ocean the pressure is 81.7 MPa.
Determine the density of sea-water at this depth if the density at the surface is 1025 kg/m3 and
the average bulk modulus of elasticity is 2.34 GPa. [Bulk modulus of elasticity is given by
𝐾 = −𝛿𝑝/(𝛿𝑉/𝑉).
Problem 3. A hydraulic ram 200 mm in diameter and 1.2 m long moves wholly within a
concentric cylinder 200.2 mm in diameter, and the annular clearance is filled with oil of relative
density 0.85 and kinematic viscosity 400 mm2/s. What is the viscous force resisting the motion
when the ram moves at 120 mm/s?
Problem 4. The space between two large and flat parallel walls 25 mm apart is filled with a
liquid of absolute viscosity 0.7 Pa s. Within this space a thin flat plate 250 mm ×250 mm is
towed at a velocity of 150 mm/s at a distance of 6 mm from one wall, the plate and its movement
being parallel to the walls, assuming linear variation of velocity between the plate and the walls,
determine the force exerted by the liquid on the plate.
Problem 5. A uniform film of oil 0.13 mm thick separates two disc, each of 200 mm diameter,
mounted co-axially. Ignoring edge effects, calculate the torque necessary to rotate one disc
relative to the other at a speed of 7 rev/s if the oil has a viscosity of 0.14 Pa s.
Problem 6. A liquid of kinematics viscosity 370 mm2/s flows through an 80 mm diameter pipe
at 0.01 m3/s. What type of flow is to be expected? [Hint: Under normal engineering conditions,
flow through pipes at a Reynolds number, Re = 𝜌𝑢𝑑/µ (u is the average velocity of fluid flow)
below 2000 may be regarded as laminar, and flows for Re > 4000 may be taken as turbulent.]
Problem 7. What is the approximate capillary rise of water in contact with air (surface tension
0.073 N/m) in a glass tube 5 mm in diameter?
Problem 8. A spherical balloon, of diameter 1.5 m and total mass 1.2 kg, is released in the
atmosphere. Assuming that the balloon does not expand and that the temperature lapse rate in
the atmosphere is 0.0065 K/m, determine the height above sea-level to which the balloon will
rise. Atmospheric temperature and pressure at sea-level are 15°C and 101 kPa respectively; for
air, 𝑅 = 287 J/kgK.
Problem 9. Explorers in early days measured the height of a mountain by measuring the
temperature at which boiling occurs atop the mountain. If water boils at 85°C, how high is the
mountain? Make suitable assumptions.
Problem 10. The device shown in figure below is a cone-plate viscometer. The gap is filled
with a test fluid of constant dynamic viscosity, µ and the angle 𝜃 is sufficiently small. If the
torque required to rotate the device at a constant angular velocity Ω is 𝑀, determine the
viscosity in terms of 𝑀, 𝜃, 𝑅 and Ω. Assume that the velocity profile in the gap is linear.

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