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Short description

Nuraghe Arrubiu was built around

1500 b.C. and collapsed around
500 years later. It was inhabited The structure
until 100 b.C. when the Romans Nuraghe Arrubiu is extended for
came to Sardinia and transformed 5000 m^2. In the centre there’s
the Nuraghe in a wine-producing the main tower, called “mastio”,
workshop. with an height of 15 meters. But in
Nuraghe Arrubiu is also the the past it was tall 30 meters!
largest nuragic complex in Inside the mastio you can find the
Sardinia. central camera where rituals were
It’s nick-named as “Red Giant”, done. The mastio is surrounded
because of its red shades on the by 5 towers, which are also
walls, caused by lichens. surrounded by 7 other towers and
The original purpose was a difensive wall. In the interior,
probably to guard the near area between towers, we can find
or to store different things.
various gardens. At south-est 5
towers are built separately from

ARRUBIU the others. The grand-total of

towers is 21.
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How to visit the place
Nuraghe Arrubiu is located
near Orroli, in South Sardinia. You
can easily drive there in about an
hour from Cagliari. The place is
open for visitors from 9.30 a.m. till
the sunset. At the Nuraghe our
A map of Nuraghe Arrubiu from above expert guides will help you in your

• Adults: 5€
• Kids (6-18): 3€
• Groups (25 p. min.): 4€ each

Località Su Pranu, 09061 Orroli (SU)

You can also try our lunch service! +39 3297867983
• Sandwich: 6€ each
• Sardinian lunch: 12,5€ each

Special offer
Guided visit + nuragic lunch: 50€

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