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Stories by Stella Maidment
Illustrated by Belinda Evans

~oRO .~NIVERS!]·y¡;
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S4TtLAiV\i,:L <f'

D • 001
Oxford University Press
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ISBN O 19 431420 O
© Oxford University Press 1996

First published 1996

Second impression 1997

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Stories by Stella Maidment
lliustrated by Belinda Evans
Maps by Hardlines, Cbarlbury, Oxon
Entertairunents guide by Tim Slade
Designed by Richard Morris, Stonesfield Design
Printed in Hong Kong

How to use this book

This book may be used in class ar at home to teach basic English
vocabulary to children. Tbe Oxford Picture Power Dictionary
Cassette (ISBN O 19 431436 7) contains a reading ofthe stories
and words in the dlctionary. OxfordPicture Power Activity Book
(ISBN O 19 431446 4) provides a wide range of activities to
practise the vocabulary of the dictionary.

1-2 our family 37-38 sport

3-4 the body 39-40 at the seaside
5-6 the house 41-42 the travel game
7-8 in the kitchen 43-44 at the station
9-10 Jill's room 45-46 at the airport
11-12 Jill's week 47-48 a magic castle
13-14 a busy Sunday 49-50 festivals
15-16 in the playground 51-52 Muddy's year
17-18 the numbers game 53-54 opposites
19-20 at school 55-56 space
21-22 in town 57-58 the world
23-24 in the market 59-60 the British Isles
25-26 at a restaurant 61-62 London
27-28 Mike's birthday 63-64 on a treasure hunt
29-30 recycling 65-66 on afarm
31-32 machines in the home 67-68 at a safari park
33-34 entertainment 69-70 animals
35-36 hobbies 71-77 wordlist
1 our family

Jill is looking at photographs of Their baby, Lucy, is my cousin.

herfomily. Mum's mother and fother are my
grandmother and grandfother. I
Jill I hove one brother, two coll them Gronny and Grandad.
pm·ents, four grandparents,
Dad has one sister, my Auntie
three aunts, two uncles, and
Helen. Auntie Helen and Uncle Tim
four cousins. My brother's colled
hove three children, Ben, Tom, and
Mike. We coll our parents Mum
Becky. They are my cousins. I cal!
Dad's parents Grandma and
Mum has a sister called Jenny anda brother Grandpa. There are lots of names far
called Paul. Uncle Paul is married to Sarah. children to col! their grandparents.

grandmother grandfother grandmother grandfother

parents Grandmo. Grandpa

Ji ~ 1
aunt unele aunt mother fother aunt un ele

Auntie Uncle Auntie Jenny Auntie Helen

Scirah Po.l.11
COUSIIl brother cousin cousin cousin

Luc.y Mike Jill Ben Tom Becky

ourfamily 2

Mike Write a, b, Grandad is wearing his grey suit and Granny is

c, ar d by the right wearing her purple dress.
e That's Tom in his green sweater an.d shorts and
me in my white T-sh:irt andjeans. There's Becky
a That's Ben in his
blackjacket and Uncle Tim
':::::""""~::::~~~~ in her red sweatshirt and leggings. One of her
boots is folling off.
with his red beard and blue coat. I'm
d I don't know who took this photo. I can see my
cleaning Becky's glasses with my scarf.
trainers and jeans, my sister's orange dress,
b Here's Granny and Grandad with baby Lucy. Mum's pink sldrt and red sandols, and Dad's
Granny made Lucy's yellow hat and cardigan but brown trousers and shoes. I think it's a photo of
they're too big. Lucy likes Grandad's moustache. me, Jill, Mum, and Dad.

1 moustache 5 hat 9 T-shirt 13 glove 17 scarf 21 sldrt

2 shirt 6 dress 10 sweatshirt 14 jacket 18 coat 22 trainer

3 suit 7 shorts 11 leggings 15 glasses 19 jeans 23 shoe

4 cardigan 8 sweater 12 boot 16 beard 20 trousers 24 sandal

3 the body

Jill likes dancing. Her teacher is

colled Miss Gwen.

Stomach in! Good!

1 forehead 4 eyelash

2 eyebrow 5 nose

Miss Gwen's face 3 eyelid 6 cheek

7 lip

8 tooth
eye 9 tangue

10 chin








the body 4

Jill hurt her ankle at the dancing class. N ow she's

waiting to see the doctor. There are other patients
waiting too. There is a man with a bad cold and a
woman with a headache. One ofthe woman's sons
has a block eye and a bruise on his !mee. The other
son has toothache anda big plaster on his leg. The
doctor is giving a baby an injection. headache
Now Jill and her mother see the doctor.
Doctor Hello, Ji!!. What's the matter?
Jill I've hurt my anltle.
Doctor Yes ... you've got so me cuts and bruises,
Jill, but your anltle isn't broken. I'll put a bandage
on it far you.
Jill Thank you, doctor. toothache

bruise block eye cold

cut blood brokenleg

pill injection patient nurse

5 the house

This is Jill and Mike's house. They live here with

Mum and Dad, Muddy the dog, and two cats, Tabby
and Leo. It's a big house. There's a wall rouad the
garden and a white gate.
Jill is in the living room. There's a mirror over the
fireplace and flowers in a vase. Jill is sitting in an
wall gate stairs
armchair. The lamp is on and she is reading. Muddy
is on the rug by the fire. He likes sitting on the sofa
but he makes the cushions dirty.
Mike is in the dining room. He's sitting on a chair at
the table. The door is open. Tabby is in the hall and
Leo is on the stairs.
What's that noise? Is it Mum in the garage? No, it's
Dad singing in the bath! The window is open but
Dad isn't cold because the water is hot. The bath, door window
the washbasin, and the toilet are blue. The curtains,
the carpet, the towels, the
toothpaste, and the toothbrushes
are blue too. Everything in the
bathroom is blue except Dad!

fire fireplace lamp

mirror vas e carpet rug cushion curtain

the house 6
~¡¡¡¡;¡~~~::-=~ nerial

bnth wnshbnsin toilet towel toothpnste toothbrush

7 in the kitchen

Mike and Jill are helping in the kitchen. Jill is

putting the pintes and the glasses in the
dishwasher. She's putting the knives, forks, and
spoons in the dishwasher too. The saucepans and
the frying pan are by the sink.
Dad is filling the kettle with water from the tap.
He's making sorne tea. Mum likes her tea in a cup Mike is putting the salt and pepper in the cupboard.
and saucer but Dad likes his tea in a mug. Mum's Oh, there's a bowl far the dishwasher! Jill and Mike
getting a jug from the fridge. The fridge and the mude a calce today and it's in the oven now. Mike
freezer are by the washing machine. Jooks at the clock. It's nearly teatime!
in the kitchen 8

teapot plate cup saucer jug mug

bowl knife fork spoon

saucepan salt pepper kettle

tap sink washing dishwasher clock


oven cake fridge freezer cupboard

9 Jill's room
We're going now. Where
are your shoes and socks?

This is Jill's room. Jill is putting a poster on the wall

ahove her hed and Leo is sitting on the hed next to
Jill's teddy bear. Jill's slippers are by the bed, her
pyjamas are under the bed, and her dressing gown
is behind the door.
Jill isn't wearing socks. Where are her socks?
There's a purple sock between the clock and the
lamp and there's a yellow sock round the plant.
There's another purple sock in the drawer.
Jill's school photo is at the top of her noticeboard.
There's a postcard from Jill's friend in London
below the photo. Jill's key is in the middle of the
There's a computer on Jill's desk. Tabby is sitting in
front of the computer.

at the top

on under round in

above below next to between by behind

Jill's room 10
My shoes are nt the bottom of the
wardrobe but I cnn't find my socks!

1 poster 4 plnnt 16 teddy bem·

2 clothes 5 shoe 17 bed

3 dressing 6 wardrobe 18 postcard


7 sock 19 key

8 brush 20 noticeboard

9 comb 21 pyjnmas

10 chest of 22 slipper

23 ruler
11 drnwer

24 rubber
12 tights

25 computer
13 vest

26 pencil
14 pnnts

27 cnlculntor
15 toys

28 desk

29 pen

30 wntch
11 Jill's week

12.00 It's twelve o'clock. It's midday. 24.00 It's twelve o'clock. It's midnight.

rnomíng af~ernoon

school sc\iool
get tip! starts brea.k /1.1nch ~inis\les 9º loo bed!
07-30 15·30 20·30

' ' '



Fl"io\a.!! \7·:,o-19·oo&,_
ska.ting ~ 22·00

; IO·D0-11·00'=
Sa.t1,1rda.!:1 ballet ·- ·videos.

~ harnework

singing 2.0·00
see page 35
On weekdays Jill gets up at half post seven. She afternoons she does gymnastics. Jill lilrns Fridays
has a shower, gets dressed, and brushes her huir. best. School finishes at half post three. Jill and Miles
Jill has breakfost at eight o'clock and le aves home catch the bus home.
at half post eight. She goes to school by car.
On Friday evenings Jill goes skating. Jill's family
School starts at nine o'clock. Brealc is from twenty hove dinner at about seven o'clock. On weekdays Jill
post ten until twenty to eleven. Jill goes outside at goes to bed at half post eight. On Saturdays she has
brealc On Thursday mornings Jill goes swimming. a ballet lesson in the morning and watches videos
She has lunch at school·at midday. On Tuesdays with her friends in the evening. Jill goes to bed late
Jill goes to chess club in her lunch break. on Saturday nights but on Sunday nights she does
her homework and goes to bed early.
On Monday afternoons Jill has a singing lesson
and on Wednesdays she plays netball. On Friday
Jill's week 12

ten to ten past

a quarter to

twenty to

hall past

07.30 It's half past seven. She gets up. She has a shower.

She gets dressed. She brushes her hair. She has breakfost. She leaves home.

at 12.00

She goes to school by car. She goes outside at break. She goes swimm:ing. She has lunch.

at 15.30 at 17 .30 on Fridays

She does gymnastics. She catches a bus home. She goes skating. She has a ballet lesson.

She watches videos. She has dinner. She does her homework. She goes to bed.
13 a busy Sunday

He is tidying bis room.

They are mending the fence.

She is washing her dog. She is pulling Muddy. He is barking. He is digging.

a busy Sunday 14

Jill and Mike are at their cousins' house. Grandma

and Grandpa are there too and everybody is
Mum, Grandma, and Ben are downstairs in the
kitchen. Mum is washing up, Grandma is cooking,
and Ben is ironing. Tom is upstairs. He is tidying
his room.
In the garden Uncle Tim is sweeping the path.
Auntie Helen is cutting the hedge and Mike is
pushing a wheelbarrow. Grandpa and Dad are
mending the fence. Dad is hammering loudly!
Becky is washing her dog, Snowy. Jill is pulling
Muddy into the water. Muddy is barking. He doesn't
like baths.
In the next garden Mr Walker is digging and Mrs
Walker is cleaning her car. Kate Walker is feeding
the birds. The birds are looking at Kate - and Kate's
cat is looking at the birds.
Someone is knocking at the door. It's Tom's friend,
Joe. 'Come in!' says Mum. 'There's lots of work to do!'

He is knocking at the door.

She is cleaning her car. She is feeding the birds. The cat is looking at the birds.
15 in the playground

She is crying. He is shouting. He is skipping. He is walking. He is running.

in the playground 16

She is hitting a bol!.

He is kicking a bol!.

He is folling over.

They are fighting.

She is sitting. She is hicling. He is jumping. He is clupping. He is climbing. She is falling.

17 the numbers game ~';;;,...
·•. · · · · · ·•···'
.·.·/ '1
counter dice square
1 Jill and Mike are
33 32 31 -+ 30
What is
thirty-three thirty-two
times two?

What is
2 They put their counters divided by two?

l~~J~-. 35
~¡~_, /
What is
-~ ~~~~~~
- '
plus sixteen?
3 Jill throws the dice.

4 She moves to square

37 100

5 Mike throws the dice .

• 38
~:.? What is
'.!'.il ,•• thirty-eight
minus sixteen?
6 He moves to square
five. 39

7 Can he answer the

question? ~---
times three is
the numbers game 18

times divided by minus plus

8 He moves to square

9 Now it's Jill's turn. Sbe

tbrows the dice.

10 She moves to square


11 Can she answer the

divided by tbree
is four.

12 Jill moves back to


13 ... Mike finishes the

game in ten minutes.
He moves to square one
hundred. Mike wins.

19 at school

paint paintbrush glue scissors map lunch box

pen pencil pencil rubber ruler compasses


C'-"'"-""'" M'·''""'"'º'<•

' ··~···

.~.,,,,~... '


• '
protractor calculator triangle rectangle square

This is Mike's classrooin. He is ten years old and he

is in Year 6. Jill is nine years old and she is in
Year 5. There's a plan ofthe school on the wall. It's a
big school. It has lots of classrooms, a hall, a library,
a computer room, a music room a gym_, a science

lab, anda sports field.

Mike is having a maths lesson. His teacher is
writing on the blackboard and Mike is writing in his
exercise book. Mike doesn't like maths.
Mike is hungry. His lunch box is on the shelf in the
classroom. He looks at the ceiling, then he looks at
the floor. He is thinking about his lunch.
'What's the answer, Mike?' says his teacher. Oh
dear, Mike doesn't like maths!
at school 20

1 boy 6 exercise 10 hin 15 blackboard


2 girl 11 desk 16 chalk

7 textbook

3 picture 12 bookcase 17 ceiling classroom hall

8 paper

4 shelf 13 globe 18 wall

9 floor

5 pencil case 14 teacher

library computer room

staffroom music room

science lab

sports field

21 in town

market butcher hairdresser chemist flat newsagent

Jili and Mike are looking far their

mother. They kaow she's in town,
but where is she?
They look in the market. She's not
They cross the road and look in road pavement corner police officer
the shops. They look in the
butcher's, the hoirdresser's, and
the chemist's. They don't see
Mum. A woman is standing at the bus stop. It isn't
Mrs J enkins lives in a flat above the chemist's. She
sees Mike and Jili.
'Helio! What are you doing?' bus stop
'We're looking far Mum.'
'Oh yes, I saw her talking to a man with a
They go round the corner. They see J ohn talking to
a police officer and Emma coming out of the
newsagent's with her mother. They go past the
balrnr's to the post office. There's a woman with a
pram by the postbox. She's talking to a man with a
pushchoir. It's Uncle Paul.
'Helio!' says Uncle Paul. 'Are you looking far your
mother? She went to the bank.'
They go to the crossing by the supermarket. The
traffic lights change to red, the cars stop, and they
go across the road to the bank. Is that Mum in the
telephone box on the corner? No, it's a man!
Then Jill says 'Look! There's Muddy sitting on the
pavement by the lamp-post. And there's Mum
sitting in the café!'
in town 22

baker post office postbox supermarket bank café

pushchair pram traffic lights crossing telephone box lamp-post


23 in the market

Jill, Mike, and Mum ore in the morket. Mum is

buying vegetnbles from Mr Perltins and Mike is
buying fruit from Mrs Perkins. Jill is rending Mum's two pence
shopping list.
one penny/
Mr Perkins Helio. Can I help you?
one pence five pence one pound
Mum Hnve you got the list, Jill?
Jill Yes. We need potntoes.
Mum Oh yes, three pounds of potntoes, piense.
Jill And tomntoes.
Mum And n pound oftomntoes.
Jill And n lettuce.
Mum And n lettuce ... n big one piense.
Jill And n cucumber.
Mum How much ore the cucumbers?
Mr Perkins They're eighty pence each.
Mum I'll hnve two, piense.
Mr Perkins Anything else?
Mum Is there anything else, Jill?
Jill No.
Mum No, thnt's ali, thank you.
Mr Perkins That's four pounds
sixty pence, piense.
Mum There's five pounds. Thnnk you.
Mr Perkins And there's forty pence change.
Thnnk you. Goodbye.

1 .
.\ .
S lb) 3lb E0.15 1

. potatoes (E0.2 I ····1lb U.60 :

tomatoes (El.60/lbl l EO 65 :
lE O 65 eacbl • 1
1 lettuce · 2
E1.60 ·,
1 · · [EO eo eacbl
\ cucumber • total u.60
cbange EQ.40 .

\ THl!NK YOU 0~
1 gorlic 4 nubergine 7 receipt 10 runner bean 13 Brussels 16 tomato

2 onion 5 shopping list 8 cnuliflower 11 radish 17 lettuce

14 corrot

3 cabbage 6 celery 9 mushroom 12 cucumber 18 patato

15 pepper
in the market 24

Mrs Perkins Hello, Mike.

Mike Hello, Mrs Perkins. Have you got uny
five pounds five pounds a pound pineapples today?
Mrs Perkins Yes. Here you are!
Mike Thank you. And four orunges, please.
ten pounds 1 pound = 0.454 kilogram Mrs Perkins Anything else?
Mike No, thunk you. Oh, look at those cherries!
Mrs Perkins Do you like cherries?
Mike Yes. Mum, cun we have sorne cherries?
Mum How much are they?
Mrs Perkins They're five pounds a pound.
Mum Oh!
Mike Please.
Mum Oh, u!! right. One pound of cherries.
Mrs Perkins That's eight pounds sixty pence,
Mike Oh dear, I've only got eight pounds. Mum,
cun I have sixty pence?
Mum Here you are!
Mrs Perkins Thunk you. Goodbye.
Mum Come on! Let's go home und have sorne

1 u.oo :
pineapple(E2.00 eacn)
4 .El.60 \
oranges lE0.40 eacbl
llb ES.00
cnerries lES.00/lb)
total E8.60
J cbange E0,00

19 bununa 22 strawberry 25 melon 28 grapefruit 31 lemon 34 plum

20 pineapple 23 raspberry 26 ldwi fruit 29 pear 32 peach 35 grape

21 orunge 24 nut 27 coconut 30 apple 33 cherry

25 at a restaurant

Mike and Jill are having lunch with Dad, Ben, Torn,
and Becky. Everyone is hungry.
Dad I'll have steak, chips, and peas, pancakes, and
a cup of coffee. What about you, Ben?
Ben I don't like rneat ... I'll have vegetable curry
and rice, then cheese and biscuits.
Dad Do you want a cup of coffee?
Ben No, I'd like a cup oftea with sugar, please.
Mike I'll have a hamburger, beans, and chips.
Dad Would you like anything else?
Mike Yes, a yoghurt and a fruit juice ... apple juice,

Becky I'd like a salad with brown bread and .

rnargarine, anda glass ofmilk.

Dad What about sorne ice cream?
;. !fji.~
Becky No, thanks. I'll have apple pie.
Jill Oh yes, I like apple pie! Can I have apple pie?
Dad Just apple pie?
Jill No, I'd lilrn fish and chips, too, and sorne white
bread and butter.
Dad OK. What would you lilrn to drink?
Jill I'll have mineral water.
Dad What would you lilrn, Torn?
Tom I don't know.
Ben What about spaghetti? You lilrn spaghetti.
Tom No, I had it yesterday.
Dad Oh dear! Aren't you hungry?
Tom Oh yes, I am hungry but ...
Becky Torn likes very funny food.
Dad You can have anything you lilrn.
Tom Well, I'd really like cereal, tornato soup, toast
and honey, and sorne peanuts!
Dad Good! Now everyone's happy. Let's have lunch!
at a restaurant 26
27 Mike's birthday

sausage hamburger barbecue ketchup hot dog pizza

sandwich orange juice lemonade birthday cake can die. birthday card

It's Mike's birthday. He is ten today and he's having

a party in the garden. There are streamers,
balloons, and lights in the trees.
There's lots to eat. Dad is cooking sausages and
hamburgers on the barbecue. Dad likes lots of
ketchup on his hot dogs. Mike's fovourite food is stereo jigsaw puzzle
pizza. That's on the table with the sandwiches,
orange juice, lemonade, and other driaks. Becky is
eating crisps. Tom is drinking lemonade and feeding
sorne crisps to Mike's rabbit. Jill is picking up an
apple in her mouth from a bowl ofwater. It's a good
Mike has got sorne birthday cards and lots of
presents. He's got a stereo from Mum and Dad, a
jigsaw from Jill, a video game, a board game, a model kit cassette
model kit, and a !cite. Oh no, the !cite is in a tree.
Two girls are dancing to Mike's new cassette. Sorne
of the others are playing footba!L Jill's friends are
having a water fight. Here comes Mum with the
birthday calrn. How many candles? Yes, there are
ten. Everybody sings.
'Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, dear Mike.
Happy birthday to you!'
Mike's birthday 28

present kite board game light balloon streamer

29 recycling

Mike and Jill do not throw many things away. There

isn't much rubbish in their dustbins or in the litter
bins at school.
Jill is collecting glass to be recycled. She's taking the
lids offthejars and the caps offthe bottles. Clear
glass goes in the white hin, green goes in the green throwaway
hin, and brown goes in the brown bin.
Mike and William are collecting cans. Mike is
holding a big magnet. There is a recycling hin far tin
and another hin far aluminium. Silver paper is
mude oftin or aluminium too.
Emma is putting things in the plastic recycling hin.
She's saving sorne of the pots and tubs. She washes
them and uses them again far plants.
Old envelopes, paper, and newspapers are recycled.
John is not putting the magazines in the hin. He is
collecting them far his dentist.
Mike's teacher is putting toys and clothes into
cardboard boxes. She gives them to the hospital. She
uses very old clothes as rags far painting.
A little girl is giving Jill an old bottle.
Jill No, you can talrn this bottle back to the shop.
They wash it and use it again. That's the best kind
of recycling.

dustbin litter hin recycling hin plastic pot

paper envelope newspaper magazine dentist hospital

recycling 30

can magnet silver paper lid cap glass

clothes cardboard box rag jar bottle shop

31 machines in the home

Mike's class is learning about machines. For

homework Mike is asking two fnmilies about the
machines they have in their homes.
First he asks Mum's friends, Bue nnd Tony. Fnmily 1 l 5u.e- MdT°'!!J 1

Then he asks bis aunt nnd uncle, Helen nnd Tim.

1 wasbing macbine rn
2 lawnmower [Q]
3 computer @]

4 sewing macbine [Q]

CD 5 personal stereo @]

~.- ... ·•
6 telephone
·.;·¡·· . ll!~I§ /l!/ll!
_,,_·,·-·:. .... i• , •.•••


7 radio ITJ
W. ;RJ oi=o'.:§§

8 cnmcorder QJ
9 camera rn
10 cassette recorder
11 CD player [3:J
12 video recorder
13 television ~
14 vacuum clenner · QJ
15 dishwasher [Q]
machines in the home 32

Have you got a Have you got a

video recorder? Yes, we have. No, we haven't.
video recorder?

16 aerial 18 wire 21 microphone 24 battery 27 floppy disk 30 screen

17 CD/compact 19 p]ug 22 light bulb 25 cassette 28 keyboard 31 printer


20 video 23 switch 26 headphones 29 disk drive

Family 1: Sue and Tony Family 2: Helen and Tim

Sue and Tony have got three telephones and two Tim and Helen have got one telephone and one
televisions. They've got a camcorder and a video television. They haven't got a CD player but they've
recorder. They've got two CD players, one in their got two radios, a cassette recorder, and a personal
house and one in their car. They've got one camera, stereo. There are three cameras in the house. Helen
one cassette recorder, and one radio. They haven't and Tim have got one and their children have got
got a sewing machine, a personal stereo ar a two. They've gota computer and a sewing machine.
computer. They've gota vacuum cleaner and a They haven't got a camcorder ar a video recorder.
washing machine but they haven't gota dishwasher. They've got a lawnmower, two vacuum cleaners, and
They haven't got a garden and they haven't gota a washing machine but they haven't got a
lawnmower. dishwasher.
33 entertainment

It's Saturday afternoon. Jill, Mike, and Mum are
looking at the entertainments guide in the
Jill There's a film at the cinema called 'Vampires
Return'. Can we see that? •CINEMA•
0860 124963
Mum No, it's a horror film.
Mike What about 'Gun City'? It's a western.
Jill No, I don't like films about cowboys.
Mum There's 'Cartoon Time'. That looks good.
Mike That's Saturday morning only.
Jill Oh, yes. Well, there's a play at the Swan
Theatre called 'Murder!'.
Mum Or there's a musical called 'Happy Days'.
Mike What about a concert? There's the Middleton
Orchestra - that's classical music. Or there's
Johnny and the Astronauts.
Jill They're a good band. That's Johnny in the
picture. He plays electric guitar.

cinema vampire cowboy D;DD•,,
'The audlence \oved 1t'
14.00 20.00 ·~TUR~~9.3~·
(._.;: ~~==-i q

gun theatre actor

~(\lj and the
)o'fl _,,._~~-ronauf.s

1 horror film 3 cartoon 5 musical

orchestra band electric guitar 2 western 4 play 6 classical

entertainment 34

Jill Oh, look! There's a circus. Look at the clown!

~NTERTAINMENTS GUIDE Mum We're going to the circus on Wednesday.

Mike What's on television?
Jill There's a new gome show called 'Fomilies First'.
ICIRCUS• It's great!
Mum Oh no, I hate gome shows!
Mike There's a wildlife progromme about Australia.
I'd like to see that.
Jill And there's a good comedy show.
Mum There's a detective story after the news.
Mike OK, let's watch television. Ji]] can watch the
gome show and the comedy, I'll watch 'Wildlife
Special', and we'll ali watch 'Detective X'.
Dad Can I hove the newspaper now? I want to do
the crossword.
Mum Yes, I'm going toread my book.
Jill What's it called?
Mum It's called 'The Gome Show Murders'!

BBC 1 19.15
What."s so funn!:!?*
The corned_y show thatS
f&Jll of laughs.
acrobat clown
Detective X * *
In thís week's el(citin¡r
.5to11J Det:.ed:ive X goes
to New York.

::Wl'5 ACR0.55 -+ Cl.LIES POWN ,i.
Wcof ! 1 Jt can fly.
1Not' he: 2 Don't throw il. awa!J. b-1'~.-
7 .1--'-1----l
; What time'? 5ave 1tto be _ _ •
7 rt:. a food. 3 Yoo can put. th;ngs juggler audience detective
~ Jt'.5 a colour. on it.
1 You wear this round 4 Not '.she '.
!::lºur neclc. 5 You can put a lel±er
1 Not ·yes'. in lt..
l Not 'down·. 8 Free.time b.tween
3The lastpart.(ofa lessons or work.
f;lmrorexample). 10 lcan·fo_without JI A/Tuit wlth a
+ Jt·s a t:D.!:J. my ¡¡lasse.s . hard shell.

7 rock concert 9 wildlife 10 comedy show

8 gome show 11 detective news crossword book
35 hobbies

I like playing chess. I I like acting. I go to

go to a chess club on drama club on
Tuesdays and Fridays and I act in
sometimes I play chess lots of plays. I like
with Jill. singing and dancing
too. Our last play was
I like sewing and
a musical. It was fun!
knitting too. I'm
making a dress far Jill I like fishing in the
and a sweater far Mike. river on Sunday
mornings and I like
I like painting and I
rowing too.
like listening to music.
I often listen to I like hildng. I put on
classical music when my hiking boots and
I'm sewing ar painting. my rucksack and sing
as I walk along.
I lave gardening and I'm very pleased
with my roses this year.



playing chess sewing

rowing boat

listening to knitting singing rowing



~ hildng boot

painting gardening rose dancing hiking

hobbies 36

I like reading. I read I lilrn making models.

about two books a I'm malting a model
week. I like playing the airport out of old
guitar. I play every day cardboard boxes! I like
and I have a lesson on drawing too. This is a
Mondays. picture ofMuddy.
I like skateboarding I like playing on the
with my friends in the computer and writing
park and I like letters to my friends.
collecting stamps. fve I've got one friend in
got about two hundred London, one friend in
stamps in my album. Spain, and one friend
Sometimes I like in Australia.
playing cards with Dad
I like skating in the
and Jill.
park and, now I've got a
Last summer I went on a sailing holiday. It was new bilrn, I lilrn cycling too.
great! I really like sailing.



reading skateboarding malting models model plane drawing



p]aying the collecting picture playing on the writing letters

guitar stamps cdmputer



playing cards sailing roller skates roller slmting cycling

37 sport

table tennis


Jill and Mike are at the sports centre. They are Jill and Mike watch boxing and wrestling on
looking at people doing different sports. television. Sorne times they watch base hall too.
Jill and Mike play football, cricket, netball, Jill's teacher, Mr Benn, goes hang-gliding at
rounders, volleyball, tennis, and hockey at school. weekends. Mike's teacher goes canoeing.
Mike is in the school football ternn. They do athletics
What a lot of different sports! Jill and Mike would
and gymnastics at school too. Jill likes gymnastics.
like to try them ali.
They go swimming every week and Mike is good at
<living. Jill can swim but she can't dive.
Mike goes to a judo club after school and Jill
sometimes plays table tennis at their cousins' house.
Their cousin, Becky, goes riding. She laves horses.
Their cousin, Ben, does karate. He plays rugby too.
Sorne of Jill and Mike's friends go skiing.
Mum plays badminton and Dad sometimes plays
squash. Dad likes watching basketball on television. rounders hockey netball
Sometimes ali the frnnily go to watch motor racing.
It's very noisy.
sport 38

1 base

2 hockey stick

volleyball cricket atbletics 3 net

4 racket

5 tennis court

6 shuttlecock
tennis squash badminton

7 swimming

8 racing car

9 ski
swimming c!iving rugby

10 horse

11 hang-glider

12 canoe
motor racing skiing riding hang-gliding
13 paddle

14 bat

15 goal

canoeing baseball football team football

39 at the seaside




seaweed shell sand sandcastle bucket spade

at the seaside 40

Jill, Milrn, ond their cousins ore at the seoside.

Everybody is on the beoch or in the sea.
Mike is sitting on a rock looldng through his
binoculors. He con see a ship, a lighthouse, ond
sorne seagulls. There's a boat onda water-slder. It's
Auntie Sorah! She's very good. Uncle Paul is
windsurfing with Ben. They oren't very good.
Jill ond Mum ore swimming. Muddy wonts to swim
too but he doesn't like the waves.
Tom is making a big sondcastle far baby Lucy. Lucy
is playing with a bucket ond spade. She laves the
sond. Tom is putting shells ond seaweed on the
sondcastle. It looks good.
Auntie Helen is sunbathing. She's weoring a blue
seagull swimsuit ond sunglasses. Uncle Tim is sitting under
a beach umbrella. He doesn't like the sun.
Becky is running ond shouting. 'There's something
in the cave', she shouts. 'It's something scory!'
Everybody looks at the cave at the bottom theof
cliff. Someone is coming out. He's weoring
swimming trualcs, flippers, a snorkel, ond goggles.
It's Dad! He's going snorkelling.

cave beach sea binoculors

lighthouse ship boat water-skier wave rock

41 the travel game

Mike and Jill are going to France. They see a van, a motorbike,
They are playing 'The Travel and lots of cars - but no coaches
Game'. Mike takes a card and Jill and no lorries. The first player
takes a card. Mike's card says
'coach'. He looks far a coach. Jill's
M,· ~ to score fifty points wins the
game. Can you see who wins?
card says 'bicycle'. I
o J·¡
l I

They play on the ferry. Jill looks
'There's a bicycle', says Jill. Jill .ssº far a hydrofail and Mike looks far
seores five points and takes ff /~ ·a hovercraft. Then Jill looks far a
another card. Jill's next card s ,s yacht and Mike looks far a liner.
says 'lorry'. They stop ata
s o
Can you see who wins on the
filling station to get sorne

1 filling station 4 engine 7 tyre 10 headlight 13 chain 16 saddle

2 petral pump 5 boot 8 windscreen 11 number plate 14 pedal 17 handlebar

3 bonnet 6 wheel 9 steering 12 spokes 15 pump

the travel game 42

the travel game the travel game the travel game the travel game the travel game
5 points 5 points 10 points 10 points 10 points

oil tanker container ship liner hovercraft lifeboat

the travel game the travel game the travel game the travel game the travel game
5 points 5 points 5 points 10 points 10 points

yacht motor.boat fishing boat hydrofoil ferry

the travel gaIDe the travel 9ame the travel game

5 points____, the travel game
5 points 10 points 10 points

bicycle van pick-up truck jeep

the travel game the travel game the travel game the travel game the travel Qame
5 points 5 points 10 points 10 points 10 points

lorry coach caravan ambulance fire engine

43 at the station

Mike, Jill, Mum, and Granny are at the station.

Granny is going to London to see her sister.
Mum is standing in a queue at the ticket office.
She's waiting to huy Granny's ticket. Mike is
carrying Granny's suitcase and Jill is carrying her
There's a train in the station now. There are lots of
passengers on the train. All the coaches are full. A
ticket collector is taking tickets. Here comes Mike's
friend, William, with his rucksack.
Granny is looking at the timetable. 'I think my train
leaves at ten o'clock', she says.
The guard blows his whistle and the engine starts.

No. Go over
Excuse me, the bridge to platform
is that the two. It's coming through
the tunnel now. Hurry!
~"-,---,,,.-,---'~ ~~~~~·

train coach engine ticket ticket office queue

at the station 44


platform seat

suitcase bag rucksack ticket collector passenger

45 at the airport

luggage check-in passport security duty-free shop departure

control lounge

ticket boarding card passport security officer X-ray machine perfume

Auntie Sarah, Uncle Paul, and baby Lucy are going Mum, Mike, and Jill say 'Goodbye!' to Sarah, Paul,
to Jamaica to see Sarah's grandmother. and Lucy at passport control. Jill kisses Lucy and
waves to her. They show their passports and then go
Mum, Mike, and Jill take them to the airport. Mum
through security. A security officer checks their bags
parles the car in the car park and eveybody goes to
with an X-ray machine. They go into the departure
the check-in. The man at the check-in looks at
lounge to wait for their flight. Sarah buys sorne
Sarah's, Paul's, and Lucy's tickets, tokes their
perfume for her grandmother at the duty-free shop.
luggage, and gives them their boarding cards. Sarah
and Paul look at their boarding cards to see their
seat numbers on the plane.
at the airport 46

Mike and Jill are watching the planes. They can see
the runway and the control tower. A helicopter is
landing anda plane is taking off. It's Uncle Paul
and Auntie Sarah's plane.

1 cockpit

2 pilot

3 cabin

4 steward

5 helicopter

6 plane This is Lucy, your
' great-granddaughter. s~'r2:::::::-r-,
7 tui!

control tower take-off

8 wing

9 jet engine

10 nose
In ten hours the pilot lands the plane in J amaico.
They go through passport control, collect their
11 runway landing customs luggage, then go through customs. Sarah's
grandmother is waiting far them.
47 a magic castle

Jill, Mike, and Mum are going to a magic castle.

They sit in a little car. The car goes into the castle.
There's a king and a queen, and two knights. The
king and the queen are wearing crowns. The knights
are wearing armour. One lmight has a sword and a
shield. The other lmight has a big axe. He looks
Now there's a wizard anda witch. The witch has a
black cut, a broomstick, and a cauldron. The wizard
has a silver cloak and a magic wand.
The car goes into a giant's room. Everything is big
here. There's a big table, a big chair, anda big foot.
It's the giant's foot.
The car goes through a door. Now they're in king
foiryland. There's nothing frightening here. There
are flowers and fairies everywhere.
The car goes into a cave. There's
a dinosaur, a dragan, and lots of
clifferent monsters.
The car goes onto a pirate ship.
The pirates have got a treasure
chest. A door opens and the car
goes into the moat. Splash! crown sword
There's water everywhere.

lmight armour axe witch

broomstick cauldron wizard magicwand cloak giant

49 fes tivals

Easter egg

- hot cross bun



Easter Day: a Sunday in March or April

We call the Friday befare Easter 'Good Friday'. On
Good Friday we eat hot cross buns. Sometimes they
Saint Valentine's Day: 14 February
are cold but we still call them 'hot cross buns'! On
On Saint Valentine's Day we send a card to the Easter Day we all hove chocolate Easter eggs.
person we lave. We don't write our name in the card. They're loveiy!
Sometimes the cards hove hearts on them. People
give presents too. Dad gave Mum a red rose. It
means 'I lave you'.




skeleton -

GuyFawkes blowup Houses of


Hallowe'en: 31 October Bonfire Night: 5 November

Sorne people think that ghosts come out at night on On 5 November 1605 a man called Guy Fawkes
Hallowe'en. At Hallowe'en porties people wear tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in
frightening clothes and masks. In this picture I'm a London. Now on 'Bonfire Night' we hove bonfires
ghost and Mike is a skeleton. We make a foce from a and lots offireworks. We malrn a 'guy' from old
pumpkin and put a candle in it. Then we put it in clothes and put it on the bonfue.
the window to frighten people.
festivals 50

Christmas Day: 25 December

At Christmos we send Christmos cards to everyone
we lmow. We put decorotions everywhere and we
hove o Christmos tree with an angel on the top. We
cal! 24 December 'Christmos Eve'. On Christmas
Eve Fother Christmos puts presents in our
Christmos stockings. On Christmos Doy there are
presents far everyone. We eot turkey, Christmas
pudding, and Christmos calrn. Muddy !oves
Fother Christmos Christmos tree Christmos!

Christmos card decorotions angel turkey Christmos Christmos calrn


0 Christmos coral

IJ O j J IJ j
j 1
j nn1
Christ-mas, we wlsh you a mer-ry
wish you a mer-ry

~ a ~ JIr un :i J nu J ai J a
51 Muddy's year

Muddy the dog goes far a walk every day of the year,
in spring, in summer, in autumn, and in winter. He in spring, in summer,
likes sorne months better than others.



snowman roinbow


It's winter and it's snowing. I like snow but I It's roining and the sun is shining. There's a
don't like snowballs! roinbow!
February Muy


It's raining. Mike's got an umbrella but I It's warm today and there's blossom on the
haven't! I don't like the rain. Let's go home! trees. Oh look, there's my friend, Sam!
March June

...-llJIS /,-:-- wind

grass strawberry


It's spring. There are daffodils in the grass. It's sununer. The sky is blue. It's a sunny day.
It's very windy. Jill and Mike are picking strawberries. I don't
like strawberries. I like ice cream.
Muddy's year 52

in autumn, and in winter

July October


It's hot today. I don't want to run. I like sitting It's. cloudy today. What's this? It's a toadstool.
under this tree and eating ice cream.
August November

thunder fog


There are black clouds in the sky. Oh no, It's foggy. Can you see me in this fog? I can't
there's sorne thunder and lightning. I hate see anything. .
September December




The leaves are red, yellow, and brown and It's winter now. There's ice on the puddles. My
there are berries in the bushes. It's autumn. feet are cold. What's your favourite season? I
like summer best.
53 opposites

open/ closed heavy/light dry/wet cold/hot

fat/thin tall/short strong/wealr

young/old tidy/untidy high/low

quiet/noisy narrow/wide thick/thin big/small empty/full alive/dead

opposites 54



light/darle old/new blunt/sharp cleon/dirty cheap/expensive difficult/easy
55 space Mercury Earth

Venus ••..

astronaut spacesuit blast off

Jill is playillg on her computer. The game is

called 'Space Adventure'. She's very
good at it!

rocket space shuttle launch pad

The little
astronaut puts
on his spacesuit
and runs to the
launch pad.
There is a space
shuttle. Jill's
astronaut gets orbit
into the space shuttle. Jill gets 500 points.

ZOOM! The space shuttle blasts There are lots of satellites N ow the astronaut can visit one of
off into space. Both rockets are orbiting the earth. CRASH! Oh, the nine planets. Which one? Jill
working. Jill gets 500 more no! The space shuttle hits one of chooses Pluto. Jill's astronaut
points. the satellites. Jill loses 100 goes to Pluto and Jill gets 1000
points. more points.

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